Homebridge-Adapter: Funktionierende Plugins und Beispiele
@teilchenb also steht denn was im log wenn du das log auf silly stellst? Dann sollte auch das homebridge debug log da sein.
Und log. Orte hier als attachement posten.
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort.
Das hier steht im log, wenn ich auf silly stelle und den Adapter starte:2022-08-20 22:51:53.034 - debug: ham.0 (20671) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2022-08-20 22:51:53.087 - debug: ham.0 (20671) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2022-08-20 22:51:53.089 - debug: ham.0 (20671) Objects create System PubSub Client 2022-08-20 22:51:53.090 - debug: ham.0 (20671) Objects create User PubSub Client 2022-08-20 22:51:53.133 - debug: ham.0 (20671) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2022-08-20 22:51:53.138 - debug: ham.0 (20671) Objects connected to redis: 2022-08-20 22:51:53.140 - silly: ham.0 (20671) redis psubscribe cfg.o.system.user.* 2022-08-20 22:51:53.163 - silly: ham.0 (20671) redis psubscribe cfg.o.enum.* 2022-08-20 22:51:53.167 - silly: ham.0 (20671) objectDB connected 2022-08-20 22:51:53.169 - debug: ham.0 (20671) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2022-08-20 22:51:53.174 - debug: ham.0 (20671) States create System PubSub Client 2022-08-20 22:51:53.175 - debug: ham.0 (20671) States create User PubSub Client 2022-08-20 22:51:53.182 - debug: ham.0 (20671) States connected to redis: 2022-08-20 22:51:53.183 - silly: ham.0 (20671) statesDB connected 2022-08-20 22:51:53.344 - info: ham.0 (20671) starting. Version 4.0.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ham, node: v16.17.0, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-08-20 22:51:53.368 - info: ham.0 (20671) Install/Update the following Libraries: homebridge-simple-wled 2022-08-20 22:51:53.369 - info: ham.0 (20671) Install/Update homebridge-simple-wled 2022-08-20 22:51:53.370 - info: ham.0 (20671) All Libraries installed/updated 2022-08-20 22:51:53.754 - silly: ham.0 (20671) States system redis pmessage io.system.adapter.ham.0.logLevel/io.system.adapter.ham.0.logLevel:{"val":"silly","ack":true,"ts":1661028713746,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.ham.0","lc":1661028713746} 2022-08-20 22:51:53.794 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:53] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 1 platforms. 2022-08-20 22:51:53.805 - silly: ham.0 (20671) Homebridge Wrapper Bridge constructor displayName=Homebridge-Wrapper-Bridge, UUID=f6f986a8-ae40-4f38-aa34-4b232ed91fca 2022-08-20 22:51:53.811 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:53] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories. 2022-08-20 22:51:53.812 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:53] --- 2022-08-20 22:51:54.483 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:54] Loaded plugin: homebridge-airrohr@1.1.10 2022-08-20 22:51:56.144 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:56] Registering accessory 'homebridge-airrohr.airrohr' 2022-08-20 22:51:56.145 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:56] --- 2022-08-20 22:51:56.181 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:56] Loaded plugin: homebridge-simple-wled@1.3.3 2022-08-20 22:51:56.181 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:56] Registering platform 'homebridge-simple-wled.WLED' 2022-08-20 22:51:56.182 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:56] --- 2022-08-20 22:51:56.182 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:56] Loading 1 platforms... 2022-08-20 22:51:56.183 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:56] [WLED] Initializing WLED platform... 2022-08-20 22:51:56.184 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:56] Loading 1 accessories... 2022-08-20 22:51:56.197 - debug: ham.0 (20671) Homebridge Wrapper Bridge publish {"username":"FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF","port":0,"pincode":"0","category":2,"addIdentifyingMaterial":true} 2022-08-20 22:51:56.209 - silly: ham.0 (20671) Fake EventedHTTPServer initialized 2022-08-20 22:51:56.229 - debug: ham.0 (20671) Loaded all effects for 2022-08-20 22:51:56.232 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:56] [WLED] Setting up Accessory LED Wohnwand with Host-IP: Single WLED-Host configured 2022-08-20 22:51:56.457 - debug: ham.0 (20671) [20.8.2022, 22:51:56] [WLED] WLED Strip finished initializing! 2022-08-20 22:51:56.469 - silly: ham.0 (20671) Fake EventedHTTPServer initialized
aus Laiensicht...
Ich muss dir leider gestehen, das ich deinen letzten Satz nicht ganz verstanden habe, sry.
So, nachdem ich nun hoffentlich alles verstanden habe, hier nochmal das LOG-File.
Danke für den Support. -
@teilchenb lass mich mal das vorherige Thema anschauen. Ich sehe da Ähnlichkeiten was dengelndem angeht. Die Plugins nutzen wohl neue Methoden zum registrieren der geräte die bisher noch nichts abgefangen wird.
Bitte trotzdem mit dem log eigenes github issue anlegen
Falls jemand noch Probleme hatte mit Plugins die einzelne Daten nicht aktualisiert haben oder wo Werte nicht gesetzt werden konnten --->
Hab "Local-Homebridge-Mode" wie hier beschrieben installliert: Bridge wird in der Homeapp auch angezeigt, aber wie ist der Homekit Setup Code?
Sehe den nirgends
Wenn ich „00000000“ eingebe:
Und bei „12345678“
Habs rausgefunden:
"bridge": { "name": "Homebridge", "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:99", "port": 51826, "pin": "090-99-090"
zu Beginn in der Config eintragen.
Steht leider in keiner Doku! -
Kann mir jemand helfen wie ich hier den unify-protect Adapter integrieren kann?
Warum experimentierst du nicht damit herum?
Hi all,
Sorry but I'm not able to write in German, reading it without problems though.I use ioBroker for years and just found this adapter but I'm having issues with the homebridge-eosstb plugin.
My logs show no errors in silly mode and the settopbox communication works but no are being objects created and the plugin is not available in my home app on the iPhone.
Any ideas?Thanks!
@martiman I think for this you need to tell a bit more in detail what you setup and how. Which mode you use the adapter in and such
@martiman Ok, so Wrapper Mode ... so you have added the homebridge started by the adapter to our Apple Home and then the states are not provided? The a more complete log (as text from disk logfile) would be helpful
From what I understand from the manual, the plugin will create the link to the Home app."homebridge-eosstb is a Homebridge plugin allowing you to control your set-top box (typically an ARRIS DCX960 / VIP5002W or HUMAX EOS1008R / 2008C) running on the Magenta AT / Telenet BE / Sunrise CH / Virgin Media GB & IE / Ziggo NL Horizon TV platform with Apple HomeKit using the Home app and the Apple TV Remote in the Control Center."
This is the full log after a restart of the plugin.
@apollon77 I assume the objects of the Homebridge plugin should be added as a ham subfolder?
@martiman Butall this do nt happen automatically ... you need to go into the Apple home and click the "+" and then scan ender the pin you defined in the config to add the bridge to youe apple home. Did you do that?
@apollon77 Late reply, new system running on bookworm now which took me some time...
Well I'm using yahka for all my lights and gates combined with the S7 adapter so I'm familiar with that.
From my understanding Homebridge supplies the Homekit bridge that makes that Homebridge plugins will be recognised by the Home app.
According to the ham the wrapper mode does not support this (I had a RTFM moment lol):
"IMPORTANT: This mode allows to use the device integrations of the provided homebridge plugins. No "bridge" is provided that can be used by the Home App!"
So then I should get at least some variables in objects that I can connect to yahka using enum no?
Or how should I interpret the "device integrations" mentioned above?I really don't want to also have Homebridge running for just this plugin.
After installing "homebridge-seasons", as it was tested and confirmed working, I suddenly started getting log errors which I didn't get with homebridge-eosstb plugin alone!?
Now the ham folder in objects gets a 0 folder with all necessary variables of the seasons plugin.
Still no eosstb variables.2023-12-10 10:10:31.217 - debug: ham.0 (9301) setState Season.Season.Season-Name: set value = Winter 2023-12-10 10:10:31.219 - error: ham.0 (9301) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2023-12-10 10:10:31.220 - error: ham.0 (9301) unhandled promise rejection: Cannot add a bridged Accessory with the same UUID as another bridged Accessory: 25ec2c37-426c-4b8e-a20f-976770fa1af5 2023-12-10 10:10:31.347 - error: ham.0 (9301) Error: Cannot add a bridged Accessory with the same UUID as another bridged Accessory: 25ec2c37-426c-4b8e-a20f-976770fa1af5 at WrapperBridge.Accessory.addBridgedAccessory (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ham/node_modules/homebridge-plugin-wrapper/src/lib/Accessory.ts:594:15) at WrapperBridge.addBridgedAccessory (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ham/node_modules/homebridge-plugin-wrapper/index.js:299:55) at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ham/node_modules/homebridge-plugin-wrapper/src/bridgeService.ts:554:11 at Array.forEach () at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ham/node_modules/homebridge-plugin-wrapper/src/bridgeService.ts:542:19 at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ham/node_modules/homebridge-plugin-wrapper/src/lib/util/once.ts:10:18 at SeasonsPlatform.accessories (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ham/node_modules/homebridge-seasons/index.js:64:3) at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ham/node_modules/homebridge-plugin-wrapper/src/bridgeService.ts:537:17 at new Promise () at BridgeService.loadPlatformAccessories (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ham/node_modules/homebridge-plugin-wrapper/homebridge/bridgeService.js:400:16) 2023-12-10 10:10:31.348 - error: ham.0 (9301) Cannot add a bridged Accessory with the same UUID as another bridged Accessory: 25ec2c37-426c-4b8e-a20f-976770fa1af5 2023-12-10 10:10:31.374 - info: ham.0 (9301) cleaned everything up... 2023-12-10 10:10:31.394 - info: ham.0 (9301) terminating 2023-12-10 10:10:31.396 - warn: ham.0 (9301) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason 2023-12-10 10:10:31.397 - debug: ham.0 (9301) [10/12/2023, 10:10:31] [EOSSTB] Goodbye 2023-12-10 10:10:31.898 - info: ham.0 (9301) terminating 2023-12-10 10:10:31.969 - error: host.rpi4 Caught by controller[1]: [10/12/2023, 10:10:30] Plugin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ham/node_modules/homebridge-plugin-wrapper package.json does not contain the keyword 'homebridge-plugin'. 2023-12-10 10:10:31.970 - error: host.rpi4 Caught by controller[2]: [10/12/2023, 10:10:30] Plugin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/homebridge-plugin-wrapper package.json does not contain the keyword 'homebridge-plugin'. 2023-12-10 10:10:31.970 - error: host.rpi4 Caught by controller[3]: [10/12/2023, 10:10:30] The plugin "homebridge-eosstb" requires a Homebridge version of >=1.6.0 which does not satisfy the current Homebridge version of 1.5.0. You may need to update this plugin (or Homebridge) to a newer version. You may face unexpected issues or stability problems running this plugin. 2023-12-10 10:10:31.970 - error: host.rpi4 instance system.adapter.ham.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) 2023-12-10 10:10:31.971 - info: host.rpi4 Restart adapter system.adapter.ham.0 because enabled 2023-12-10 10:11:02.013 - info: host.rpi4 instance system.adapter.ham.0 started with pid 9342
So apparently eosstb needs at least homebridge V1.6.0 and ham apparently still runs V1.5.0.
@martiman sagte in Homebridge-Adapter: Funktionierende Plugins und Beispiele:
"IMPORTANT: This mode allows to use the device integrations of the provided homebridge plugins. No "bridge" is provided that can be used by the Home App!"
hehe ... jooo ... Wrapper mode ist genau das ... und keine Bridge.. Nimm den Local Mode, dann startet er eine Bridge
@apollon77 I installed homebridge for this one and also android plugin for Shield TV. I don’t really need to automate these so Siri access is enough
@alexeimotkoff/homebridge-daichi-comfort-conditioner{ "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge", "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30", "port": 51826, "pin": "031-45-154" }, "platforms": [ { "name": "Daichi Comfort", "username": "************", "password": "************", "platform": "DaichiComfortConditioner" } ] } ![HAM.png](/assets/uploads/files/1712289853797-ham.png) ```
- wrapper mode
{ "description": "Add configuration for your accessories or platforms according to the docs of the plugins.", "accessories": [], "platforms": [ { "host": "", "port": "6653", "platform": "ThermotecRadiatorControl" } ] }
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