2023-12-06 14:42:11.810 - info: host.rpi4 stopInstance system.adapter.ham.0 (force=false, process=true)
2023-12-06 14:42:11.862 - silly: ham.0 (9663) States system redis pmessage system.adapter.ham.0.sigKill/system.adapter.ham.0.sigKill:{"val":-1,"ack":false,"ts":1701870131819,"q":0,"from":"system.host.rpi4","lc":1701870131819}
2023-12-06 14:42:11.864 - info: ham.0 (9663) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF
2023-12-06 14:42:11.866 - info: ham.0 (9663) cleaned everything up...
2023-12-06 14:42:11.882 - info: ham.0 (9663) terminating
2023-12-06 14:42:11.884 - info: ham.0 (9663) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
2023-12-06 14:42:11.886 - debug: ham.0 (9663) [06/12/2023, 14:42:11] [EOSSTB] Goodbye
2023-12-06 14:42:11.892 - info: host.rpi4 stopInstance system.adapter.ham.0 send kill signal
2023-12-06 14:42:11.923 - debug: ham.0 (9663) [06/12/2023, 14:42:11] [EOSSTB] mqttClient: Connection closed
2023-12-06 14:42:12.126 - silly: ham.0 (9663) Objects system redis pmessage system.config/cfg.o.system.config:{"_id":"system.config","type":"config","common":{"name":{"en":"System configuration","de":"Systemkonfiguration","ru":"Конфигурация системы","pt":"Configuração do sistema","nl":"Systeem configuratie","fr":"Configuration du système","it":"Configurazione di sistema","es":"Configuración del sistema","pl":"Konfiguracja systemu","zh-cn":"系统配置"},"city":"Lommel","country":"Belgium","longitude":5.290627547892746,"latitude":51.235469104072195,"language":"en","tempUnit":"°C","currency":"","dontDelete":true,"dateFormat":"DD.MM.YYYY","isFloatComma":true,"licenseConfirmed":true,"defaultHistory":"","expertMode":true,"defaultLogLevel":"info","activeRepo":["stable"],"diag":"none","tabs":["tab-intro","tab-info","tab-adapters","tab-instances","tab-objects","tab-log","tab-scenes","tab-javascript","tab-text2command-0","tab-node-red-0"],"tabsVisible":[{"name":"tab-intro","visible":true},{"name":"tab-adapters","visible":true},{"name":"tab-instances","visible":true},{"name":"tab-objects","visible":true},{"name":"tab-enums","visible":true},{"name":"tab-logs","visible":true},{"name":"tab-users","visible":true},{"name":"tab-hosts","visible":true},{"name":"tab-files","visible":true},{"name":"tab-backitup-0","visible":true},{"name":"tab-javascript","visible":true},{"name":"tab-ham","visible":true}],"defaultNewAcl":{"object":1636,"state":1636,"file":1632,"owner":"system.user.admin","ownerGroup":"system.group.administrator"},"firstDayOfWeek":"monday"},"native":{"secret":"701d289d6f482a06da860871421792ebfa0d9e57adab21b8"},"acl":{"owner":"system.user.admin","ownerGroup":"system.group.administrator","object":1604},"from":"system.adapter.admin.0","user":"system.user.admin","ts":1701870132098}
2023-12-06 14:42:12.461 - info: host.rpi4 instance system.adapter.ham.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION)
2023-12-06 14:42:14.955 - info: host.rpi4 instance system.adapter.ham.0 started with pid 9972
2023-12-06 14:42:16.552 - debug: ham.0 (9972) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection:
2023-12-06 14:42:16.593 - debug: ham.0 (9972) Objects client ready ... initialize now
2023-12-06 14:42:16.596 - debug: ham.0 (9972) Objects create System PubSub Client
2023-12-06 14:42:16.598 - debug: ham.0 (9972) Objects create User PubSub Client
2023-12-06 14:42:16.631 - debug: ham.0 (9972) Objects client initialize lua scripts
2023-12-06 14:42:16.640 - debug: ham.0 (9972) Objects connected to redis:
2023-12-06 14:42:16.644 - silly: ham.0 (9972) redis psubscribe cfg.o.system.user.*
2023-12-06 14:42:16.662 - silly: ham.0 (9972) redis psubscribe cfg.o.enum.*
2023-12-06 14:42:16.669 - silly: ham.0 (9972) objectDB connected
2023-12-06 14:42:16.673 - debug: ham.0 (9972) Redis States: Use Redis connection:
2023-12-06 14:42:16.684 - debug: ham.0 (9972) States create System PubSub Client
2023-12-06 14:42:16.686 - debug: ham.0 (9972) States create User PubSub Client
2023-12-06 14:42:16.741 - debug: ham.0 (9972) States connected to redis:
2023-12-06 14:42:16.743 - silly: ham.0 (9972) statesDB connected
2023-12-06 14:42:17.010 - info: ham.0 (9972) starting. Version 5.3.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ham, node: v16.20.2, js-controller: 4.0.24
2023-12-06 14:42:17.044 - info: ham.0 (9972) Install/Update the following Libraries: homebridge-eosstb@2.1.2
2023-12-06 14:42:17.046 - info: ham.0 (9972) Install/Update homebridge-eosstb@2.1.2
2023-12-06 14:42:17.047 - info: ham.0 (9972) All Libraries installed/updated
2023-12-06 14:42:17.048 - info: ham.0 (9972) Adapter uses Wrapper mode
2023-12-06 14:42:17.649 - silly: ham.0 (9972) States system redis pmessage system.adapter.ham.0.logLevel/system.adapter.ham.0.logLevel:{"val":"silly","ack":true,"ts":1701870137627,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.ham.0","lc":1701774401197}
2023-12-06 14:42:17.720 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:17] Loaded config.json with 0 accessories and 1 platforms.
2023-12-06 14:42:17.735 - debug: ham.0 (9972) Homebridge Wrapper Bridge constructor displayName=Homebridge-Wrapper-Bridge, UUID=f6f986a8-ae40-4f38-aa34-4b232ed91fca
2023-12-06 14:42:17.745 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:17] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.
2023-12-06 14:42:17.746 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:17] ---
2023-12-06 14:42:19.417 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:19] Loaded plugin: homebridge-eosstb@2.1.2
2023-12-06 14:42:19.419 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:19] Registering platform 'homebridge-eosstb.eosstb'
2023-12-06 14:42:19.420 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:19] ---
2023-12-06 14:42:19.421 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:19] Loading 1 platforms...
2023-12-06 14:42:19.423 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:19] [EOSSTB] Initializing eosstb platform...
2023-12-06 14:42:19.425 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:19] [EOSSTB] homebridge-eosstb v2.1.2
2023-12-06 14:42:19.432 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:19] Publishing bridge accessory (name: Homebridge-Wrapper-Bridge, publishInfo: {
username: 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF',
port: 0,
pincode: '***-**-***',
category: 2,
bind: undefined,
mdns: undefined,
addIdentifyingMaterial: true,
advertiser: undefined
2023-12-06 14:42:19.434 - debug: ham.0 (9972) Homebridge Wrapper Bridge publish {"username":"FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF","port":0,"pincode":"0","category":2,"addIdentifyingMaterial":true}
2023-12-06 14:42:19.453 - debug: ham.0 (9972) Fake EventedHTTPServer initialized
2023-12-06 14:42:19.928 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:19] [EOSSTB] Session DISCONNECTED. Starting session connection process
2023-12-06 14:42:19.929 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:19] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++ step 1: calling createSession
2023-12-06 14:42:19.931 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:19] [EOSSTB] Creating eosstb BE session...
2023-12-06 14:42:19.932 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:19] [EOSSTB] Step 1 of 6: get authentication details
2023-12-06 14:42:20.248 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:20] [EOSSTB] Step 1 of 6: response: 200 OK
2023-12-06 14:42:20.249 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:20] [EOSSTB] Step 2 of 6: get AUTH cookie
2023-12-06 14:42:20.250 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:20] [EOSSTB] Step 2 of 6: get AUTH cookie from https://login.prd.telenet.be/openid/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&state=a92114df-e243-4f36-8b72-ab2e19107ba9&nonce=63a6172e-8267-4828-99ad-a75be78d341a&client_id=hzngo&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telenet.tv%2Fsso%2Flogin_success.html&scope=tvott+openid&claims=%7B%22id_token%22%3A%7B%22http%3A%2F%2Ftelenet.be%2Fclaims%2Fcustomer_number%22%3Anull%2C%22http%3A%2F%2Ftelenet.be%2Fclaims%2Fdtvidentifier%22%3Anull%7D%7D
2023-12-06 14:42:20.735 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:20] [EOSSTB] Step 2 of 6: response: 200
2023-12-06 14:42:20.736 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:20] [EOSSTB] Step 3 of 6: logging in with username m_smeets@icloud.com
2023-12-06 14:42:20.736 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:20] [EOSSTB] Step 3 of 6: post login to auth url: https://login.prd.telenet.be/openid/login.do
2023-12-06 14:42:20.743 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:20] [EOSSTB] Step 3 of 6: Cookies for the auth url: Promise {
Cookie="dtCookie=v_4_srv_15_sn_565FE0B095EEF4CC8BBF19DADB6ED064_perc_100000_ol_0_mul_1_app-3Abd04f5bd154f7157_1; Domain=telenet.be; Path=/; Secure; hostOnly=false; aAge=2ms; cAge=286ms",
Cookie="OAUTHSESSIONID=OTg0ZTc5ZWEtNGE5Yi00NDk1LWIwOGQtY2JlYjNkNjU3Yzlh; Expires=Wed, 06 Dec 2023 14:12:20 GMT; Max-Age=1800; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; hostOnly=true; aAge=2ms; cAge=268ms",
Cookie="TS01543623=0135c4c88c65f234803fee0d9ec2bac6dab710c96f607f0d8b23a10ec852d9321c45c6f96675e0a7788959ff815824747d2d2c6338c57e3bc0f2be491d6a54be1aa0e051e5f585d9b9f2269902c6556ebfc4604e81; Domain=login.prd.telenet.be; Path=/; hostOnly=false; aAge=3ms; cAge=269ms"
2023-12-06 14:42:20.749 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:20] [EOSSTB] Step 3 of 6: using payload j_username=m_smeets%40icloud.com&j_password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&rememberme=true
2023-12-06 14:42:21.121 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:21] [EOSSTB] Step 3 of 6: response: 302
2023-12-06 14:42:21.122 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:21] [EOSSTB] Step 3 response.headers.location: https://login.prd.telenet.be/openid/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&state=a92114df-e243-4f36-8b72-ab2e19107ba9&nonce=63a6172e-8267-4828-99ad-a75be78d341a&client_id=hzngo&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telenet.tv%2Fsso%2Flogin_success.html&scope=tvott+openid&claims=%7B%22id_token%22%3A%7B%22http%3A%2F%2Ftelenet.be%2Fclaims%2Fcustomer_number%22%3Anull%2C%22http%3A%2F%2Ftelenet.be%2Fclaims%2Fdtvidentifier%22%3Anull%7D%7D
2023-12-06 14:42:21.124 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:21] [EOSSTB] Step 3 response.headers: Object [AxiosHeaders] {
'x-oneagent-js-injection': 'true',
'server-timing': 'dtRpid;desc="-568923883", dtSInfo;desc="0"',
'set-cookie': [
'OIDC_SSO_ID=1d1a7f12-6bee-4870-9ec3-ed8a146f1bd8; Max-Age=2147483647; Expires=Mon, 24-Dec-2091 16:56:27 GMT; Domain=prd.telenet.be; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly',
'CURRENT_OIDC_SSO=OIDC_SSO_ID; Max-Age=2147483647; Expires=Mon, 24-Dec-2091 16:56:27 GMT; Domain=prd.telenet.be; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly',
'OIDC_FRONTCHANNEL_LOGOUT_CLIENTS=; Max-Age=2147483647; Expires=Mon, 24-Dec-2091 16:56:27 GMT; Domain=prd.telenet.be; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly',
'CURRENT_OIDC_FRONTCHANNEL_LOGOUT_CLIENTS=OIDC_FRONTCHANNEL_LOGOUT_CLIENTS; Max-Age=2147483647; Expires=Mon, 24-Dec-2091 16:56:27 GMT; Domain=prd.telenet.be; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly',
'OAUTHSESSIONID=Y2ViZGE3ZjQtYWZiNC00ZDNjLWJkNTItYTQ3NDcyZjQ2MTUy; Max-Age=1800; Expires=Wed, 6 Dec 2023 14:12:21 GMT; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None',
'TS01543623=0135c4c88cc1bec2eb5ec94a9a829fa35a58ebc7fe607f0d8b23a10ec852d9321c45c6f96675e0a7788959ff815824747d2d2c6338c57e3bc0f2be491d6a54be1aa0e051e56e5838c6fe15528fe88715e26c38825e; Path=/; Domain=.login.prd.telenet.be',
'TS016d1cd4=0135c4c88c44ebddb89d6637b9e41cebfe8416a7c6607f0d8b23a10ec852d9321c45c6f96675e0a7788959ff815824747d2d2c6338c57e3bc0f2be491d6a54be1aa0e051e5e9f83a4f2248b0705425f4dff74c3065c3a96759c159f9f6db2e7f5f144f2872e733536538100f34fc35c88baa47080c83df01dd24bcbfb20891e4970e041f0f90144fc1fa6ba8443e74b7650315d01e; path=/; domain=prd.telenet.be'
'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block',
'cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate',
pragma: 'no-cache',
expires: '0',
'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains, max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains',
'x-frame-options': 'DENY',
location: 'https://login.prd.telenet.be/openid/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&state=a92114df-e243-4f36-8b72-ab2e19107ba9&nonce=63a6172e-8267-4828-99ad-a75be78d341a&client_id=hzngo&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telenet.tv%2Fsso%2Flogin_success.html&scope=tvott+openid&claims=%7B%22id_token%22%3A%7B%22http%3A%2F%2Ftelenet.be%2Fclaims%2Fcustomer_number%22%3Anull%2C%22http%3A%2F%2Ftelenet.be%2Fclaims%2Fdtvidentifier%22%3Anull%7D%7D',
'content-length': '0',
date: 'Wed, 06 Dec 2023 13:42:20 GMT',
connection: 'close'
2023-12-06 14:42:21.125 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:21] [EOSSTB] Step 4 of 6: follow redirect url
2023-12-06 14:42:22.448 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] Step 4 of 6: response: 302
2023-12-06 14:42:22.449 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] Step 5 of 6: extract authorizationCode
2023-12-06 14:42:22.449 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] Step 5 of 6: authorizationCode OK
2023-12-06 14:42:22.450 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] Step 5 of 6: authorizationCode: hUmujvt0djqTnwuCgTvHytWYRSPk44H6
2023-12-06 14:42:22.451 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] Step 6 of 6: post auth data
2023-12-06 14:42:22.451 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] Step 6 of 6: post auth data to https://prod.spark.telenet.tv/auth-service/v1/sso/authorization
2023-12-06 14:42:22.726 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] Step 6 of 6: response: 200 OK
2023-12-06 14:42:22.727 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] Session created
2023-12-06 14:42:22.728 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++++ step 2: session was created, connected to sessionHouseholdId DTV4503416_be
2023-12-06 14:42:22.728 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++++ step 2: calling getPersonalizationData with sessionHouseholdId DTV4503416_be
2023-12-06 14:42:22.729 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] Discovering platform...
2023-12-06 14:42:22.730 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] Refreshing personalization data for householdId DTV4503416_be
2023-12-06 14:42:22.969 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++++ step 3: personalization data was retrieved, customerId DTV4503416_be customerStatus ACTIVE
2023-12-06 14:42:22.970 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++++ step 3: calling getEntitlements with customerId DTV4503416_be
2023-12-06 14:42:22.971 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:22] [EOSSTB] Refreshing entitlements for householdId DTV4503416_be
2023-12-06 14:42:23.089 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++++ step 4: entitlements data was retrieved, objEntitlements.token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInppcCI6IkdaSVAifQ.H4sIAAAAAAAA_3XQTWuDQBCA4f-y5x5WowkGcrBqmpFs7KpZEy-hRoXRNRW2wY_S_15J6an2MAy8DM9hPklO1qQYfJndwjZ_6WWWiHu-YxjIjxU0sobqHQ-u3bHHeBRuVE33berAEir-28cg8q39TuFbwjFAoD_dHljMsYz6v1ZVm_MW69i8NW1v1jrE9jBvnf-zdOYCloIqaFJ5PoXatREjVG0G8jk5IiiQYRJTjnvHfw3rlEVHcytqywPskGspP41MZ46fl3yzIU_kelfTI91YGCZdGNrykhVTLfqWrLUV1amhW8bi6xvO0vsJbwEAAA.ShVrSoXFR9oB0d3RhXzarGzZ7aaQkC01kA-29iI9av8
2023-12-06 14:42:23.089 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++++ step 4: calling refreshMasterChannelList
2023-12-06 14:42:23.091 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Refreshing master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.190 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Channels to process: 260
2023-12-06 14:42:23.193 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++++ step 5: masterchannelList data was retrieved, channels found: 260
2023-12-06 14:42:23.194 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++++ step 5: calling discoverDevices
2023-12-06 14:42:23.196 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Discovering devices...
2023-12-06 14:42:23.197 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Found 1 device
2023-12-06 14:42:23.197 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Showing config tip...
2023-12-06 14:42:23.198 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Finding devices in cache...
2023-12-06 14:42:23.198 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Device 1: TELENETTVBOX 000378-EOS2STB-008391117705
2023-12-06 14:42:23.199 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Device 1: Not found in cache, creating new accessory for 000378-EOS2STB-008391117705
2023-12-06 14:42:23.199 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Setting up device 1 of 1: TELENETTVBOX
2023-12-06 14:42:23.202 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Refreshing device channel list...
2023-12-06 14:42:23.203 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Refreshing most watched channels for profile 'Shared Profile'
2023-12-06 14:42:23.204 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Profile 'Shared Profile' contains 0 channels, profile last modified on 25/11/2023, 07:54:18
2023-12-06 14:42:23.205 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for vtmhd vtm HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.207 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.207 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId vtmhd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.208 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: vtmhd vtm HD is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.208 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for eenhd VRT 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.209 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.210 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId eenhd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.210 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: eenhd VRT 1 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.210 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for vierhd Play4
2023-12-06 14:42:23.211 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.212 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId vierhd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.212 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: vierhd Play4 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.213 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for ketnetcanvashd VRT CANVAS
2023-12-06 14:42:23.213 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.213 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId ketnetcanvashd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.214 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: ketnetcanvashd VRT CANVAS is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 4
2023-12-06 14:42:23.214 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for 2behd VTM 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.215 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.215 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId 2behd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.215 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: 2behd VTM 2 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 5
2023-12-06 14:42:23.216 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for vijfhd Play5
2023-12-06 14:42:23.216 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.217 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId vijfhd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.217 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: vijfhd Play5 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 6
2023-12-06 14:42:23.218 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for vitaya VTM 3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.218 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.219 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId vitaya, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.219 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: vitaya VTM 3 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 7
2023-12-06 14:42:23.219 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for tvlimburg TV Limburg
2023-12-06 14:42:23.220 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.220 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId tvlimburg, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.221 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: tvlimburg TV Limburg is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 8
2023-12-06 14:42:23.221 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for acht VTM 4
2023-12-06 14:42:23.222 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.222 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId acht, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.222 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: acht VTM 4 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 9
2023-12-06 14:42:23.223 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for kanaalz KanaalZ
2023-12-06 14:42:23.223 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.224 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId kanaalz, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.224 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: kanaalz KanaalZ is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 10
2023-12-06 14:42:23.225 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for rexrioinfo Play Sports Open
2023-12-06 14:42:23.225 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.225 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId rexrioinfo, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.226 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: rexrioinfo Play Sports Open is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 11
2023-12-06 14:42:23.226 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for ketnet Ketnet
2023-12-06 14:42:23.227 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.227 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId ketnet, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.227 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: ketnet Ketnet is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 12
2023-12-06 14:42:23.228 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for foxbelgium STAR Channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.228 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.228 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId foxbelgium, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.229 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: foxbelgium STAR Channel is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 13
2023-12-06 14:42:23.229 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for zes Play6
2023-12-06 14:42:23.230 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.230 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId zes, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.231 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: zes Play6 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 14
2023-12-06 14:42:23.231 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for dicoveryhd Discovery Vl HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.231 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.232 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId dicoveryhd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.232 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: dicoveryhd Discovery Vl HD is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 15
2023-12-06 14:42:23.233 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for natgeohd Nat Geo HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.233 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.233 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId natgeohd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.234 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: natgeohd Nat Geo HD is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 16
2023-12-06 14:42:23.234 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for tlcvlaanderen TLC
2023-12-06 14:42:23.235 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.235 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId tlcvlaanderen, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.236 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: tlcvlaanderen TLC is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 17
2023-12-06 14:42:23.236 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for tmf Comedy Central
2023-12-06 14:42:23.237 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.237 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId tmf, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.237 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: tmf Comedy Central is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 18
2023-12-06 14:42:23.238 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mtv MTV VL
2023-12-06 14:42:23.238 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.239 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mtv, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.239 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mtv MTV VL is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 19
2023-12-06 14:42:23.239 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for njam njam!
2023-12-06 14:42:23.240 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.240 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId njam, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.240 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: njam njam! is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 20
2023-12-06 14:42:23.241 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for zeven Play7
2023-12-06 14:42:23.241 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.242 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId zeven, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.242 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: zeven Play7 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 21
2023-12-06 14:42:23.242 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for plattelandstv PlattelandsTv
2023-12-06 14:42:23.243 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.243 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId plattelandstv, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.243 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: plattelandstv PlattelandsTv is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 22
2023-12-06 14:42:23.244 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for caz2 VTM GOLD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.244 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.245 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId caz2, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.245 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: caz2 VTM GOLD is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 23
2023-12-06 14:42:23.245 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for history History.TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.246 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.246 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId history, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.246 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: history History.TV is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 24
2023-12-06 14:42:23.247 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for bbcfirst BBC First
2023-12-06 14:42:23.247 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.247 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId bbcfirst, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.248 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: bbcfirst BBC First is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 25
2023-12-06 14:42:23.248 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for bbcprime BBC Entertainment
2023-12-06 14:42:23.249 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.249 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId bbcprime, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.249 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: bbcprime BBC Entertainment is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 26
2023-12-06 14:42:23.250 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for vtmkzoom VTM NON-STOP DOKTERS
2023-12-06 14:42:23.250 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.251 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId vtmkzoom, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.251 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: vtmkzoom VTM NON-STOP DOKTERS is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 27
2023-12-06 14:42:23.251 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for disneyvl Disney VL
2023-12-06 14:42:23.252 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.252 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId disneyvl, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.252 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: disneyvl Disney VL is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 28
2023-12-06 14:42:23.253 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for studio100tv Studio 100 TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.253 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.253 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId studio100tv, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.254 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: studio100tv Studio 100 TV is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 29
2023-12-06 14:42:23.254 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for nickelodeon Nickelodeon
2023-12-06 14:42:23.255 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.255 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId nickelodeon, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.255 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: nickelodeon Nickelodeon is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 30
2023-12-06 14:42:23.260 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for nickjr Nick Jr.
2023-12-06 14:42:23.261 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.261 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId nickjr, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.262 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: nickjr Nick Jr. is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 31
2023-12-06 14:42:23.262 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for babytv Baby TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.263 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.264 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId babytv, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.264 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: babytv Baby TV is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 32
2023-12-06 14:42:23.265 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for nickukraine Nickelodeon Ukraine
2023-12-06 14:42:23.265 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.266 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId nickukraine, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.266 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: nickukraine Nickelodeon Ukraine is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 33
2023-12-06 14:42:23.267 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for menttv MENT TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.267 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.268 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId menttv, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.269 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: menttv MENT TV is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 34
2023-12-06 14:42:23.269 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for playhousedisney Disney JR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.270 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.270 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId playhousedisney, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.271 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: playhousedisney Disney JR is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 35
2023-12-06 14:42:23.271 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for qmusic Q-music
2023-12-06 14:42:23.272 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.273 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId qmusic, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.274 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: qmusic Q-music is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 36
2023-12-06 14:42:23.275 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for actuatv Vlaams Parlement TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.276 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.276 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId actuatv, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.277 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: actuatv Vlaams Parlement TV is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 37
2023-12-06 14:42:23.278 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for cartoonnetwork Cartoon.Network
2023-12-06 14:42:23.279 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.280 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId cartoonnetwork, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.281 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: cartoonnetwork Cartoon.Network is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 38
2023-12-06 14:42:23.281 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for xite Xite
2023-12-06 14:42:23.282 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.282 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId xite, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.283 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: xite Xite is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 39
2023-12-06 14:42:23.283 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for dobbittv DOBBIT TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.283 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.284 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId dobbittv, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.284 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: dobbittv DOBBIT TV is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 40
2023-12-06 14:42:23.285 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for brava Stingray Classica
2023-12-06 14:42:23.285 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.285 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId brava, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.286 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: brava Stingray Classica is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 41
2023-12-06 14:42:23.286 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for evenaar Eclips TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.286 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.287 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId evenaar, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.287 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: evenaar Eclips TV is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 42
2023-12-06 14:42:23.288 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for outtv OUT TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.288 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.289 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId outtv, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.289 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: outtv OUT TV is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 43
2023-12-06 14:42:23.289 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for stories TV.Plus
2023-12-06 14:42:23.290 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.290 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId stories, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.290 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: stories TV.Plus is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 44
2023-12-06 14:42:23.290 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for ned1 NPO 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.291 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.291 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId ned1, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.292 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: ned1 NPO 1 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 45
2023-12-06 14:42:23.292 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for ned2 NPO 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.292 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.293 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId ned2, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.293 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: ned2 NPO 2 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 46
2023-12-06 14:42:23.293 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for ned3 NPO 3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.294 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.295 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId ned3, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.295 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: ned3 NPO 3 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 47
2023-12-06 14:42:23.295 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for bbc1 BBC 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.296 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.296 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId bbc1, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.297 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: bbc1 BBC 1 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 48
2023-12-06 14:42:23.297 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for bbc2 BBC 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.297 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.298 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId bbc2, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.298 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: bbc2 BBC 2 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 49
2023-12-06 14:42:23.298 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for launehd La Une HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.299 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.299 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId launehd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.299 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: launehd La Une HD is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 50
2023-12-06 14:42:23.300 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for ladeuxhd Tipik
2023-12-06 14:42:23.300 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.301 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId ladeuxhd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.301 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: ladeuxhd Tipik is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 51
2023-12-06 14:42:23.301 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for rtltvihd RTL tvi
2023-12-06 14:42:23.302 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.302 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId rtltvihd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.302 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: rtltvihd RTL tvi is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 52
2023-12-06 14:42:23.302 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for clubrtlhd RTL club
2023-12-06 14:42:23.303 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.303 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId clubrtlhd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.303 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: clubrtlhd RTL club is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 53
2023-12-06 14:42:23.304 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for plugrtl RTL plug
2023-12-06 14:42:23.304 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.305 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId plugrtl, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.305 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: plugrtl RTL plug is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 54
2023-12-06 14:42:23.305 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for ab3 AB3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.306 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.306 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId ab3, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.306 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: ab3 AB3 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 55
2023-12-06 14:42:23.307 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for rcontactvision R. Contact Vision
2023-12-06 14:42:23.307 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.307 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId rcontactvision, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.308 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: rcontactvision R. Contact Vision is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 56
2023-12-06 14:42:23.308 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for latrois La Trois
2023-12-06 14:42:23.308 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.309 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId latrois, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.309 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: latrois La Trois is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 57
2023-12-06 14:42:23.309 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for ln24 LN24
2023-12-06 14:42:23.310 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.310 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId ln24, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.310 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: ln24 LN24 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 58
2023-12-06 14:42:23.311 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for c8 C8
2023-12-06 14:42:23.311 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.311 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId c8, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.312 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: c8 C8 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 59
2023-12-06 14:42:23.312 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for tmc TMC
2023-12-06 14:42:23.313 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.313 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId tmc, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.313 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: tmc TMC is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 60
2023-12-06 14:42:23.313 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for tfx TFX
2023-12-06 14:42:23.314 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.314 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId tfx, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.315 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: tfx TFX is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 61
2023-12-06 14:42:23.315 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for tf1hd TF1 HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.315 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.316 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId tf1hd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.316 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: tf1hd TF1 HD is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 62
2023-12-06 14:42:23.316 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for france2 France 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.317 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.317 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId france2, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.317 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: france2 France 2 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 63
2023-12-06 14:42:23.318 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for france3 France 3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.318 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.318 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId france3, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.319 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: france3 France 3 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 64
2023-12-06 14:42:23.319 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for france4 France 4
2023-12-06 14:42:23.319 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.320 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId france4, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.320 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: france4 France 4 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 65
2023-12-06 14:42:23.321 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for france5 France 5
2023-12-06 14:42:23.321 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.321 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId france5, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.322 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: france5 France 5 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 66
2023-12-06 14:42:23.322 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for artebelgique Arte Belgique
2023-12-06 14:42:23.322 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.323 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId artebelgique, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.323 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: artebelgique Arte Belgique is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 67
2023-12-06 14:42:23.323 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for tvbreizh TV Breizh
2023-12-06 14:42:23.324 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000013', '400000017', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.324 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for tv5monde TV5Monde
2023-12-06 14:42:23.324 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.325 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId tv5monde, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.325 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: tv5monde TV5Monde is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 68
2023-12-06 14:42:23.325 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for ard ARD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.326 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.326 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId ard, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.326 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: ard ARD is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 69
2023-12-06 14:42:23.327 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for zdf ZDF
2023-12-06 14:42:23.327 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.327 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId zdf, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.328 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: zdf ZDF is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 70
2023-12-06 14:42:23.328 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for rtltele RTL Tele
2023-12-06 14:42:23.328 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.329 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId rtltele, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.329 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: rtltele RTL Tele is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 71
2023-12-06 14:42:23.329 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for vox VOX
2023-12-06 14:42:23.330 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.330 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId vox, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.330 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: vox VOX is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 72
2023-12-06 14:42:23.331 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for ntv n-tv
2023-12-06 14:42:23.331 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.331 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId ntv, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.332 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: ntv n-tv is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 73
2023-12-06 14:42:23.332 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for raiuno Rai Uno
2023-12-06 14:42:23.332 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.333 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId raiuno, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.333 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: raiuno Rai Uno is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 74
2023-12-06 14:42:23.333 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for tve TVE
2023-12-06 14:42:23.334 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.334 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId tve, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.334 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: tve TVE is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 75
2023-12-06 14:42:23.335 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for trt TRT
2023-12-06 14:42:23.335 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.335 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId trt, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.336 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: trt TRT is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 76
2023-12-06 14:42:23.336 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for tvppolonia TVP Polonia
2023-12-06 14:42:23.336 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.337 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId tvppolonia, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.337 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: tvppolonia TVP Polonia is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 77
2023-12-06 14:42:23.337 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mediasetint Mediaset Italia
2023-12-06 14:42:23.338 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.338 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mediasetint, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.338 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mediasetint Mediaset Italia is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 78
2023-12-06 14:42:23.339 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for theisraelinetwork The Israëli Network
2023-12-06 14:42:23.339 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.339 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId theisraelinetwork, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.340 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: theisraelinetwork The Israëli Network is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 79
2023-12-06 14:42:23.340 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for 2mmonde 2M Monde
2023-12-06 14:42:23.340 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.341 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId 2mmonde, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.341 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: 2mmonde 2M Monde is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 80
2023-12-06 14:42:23.341 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for almaghrebtv Al Maghreb TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.342 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.342 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId almaghrebtv, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.343 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: almaghrebtv Al Maghreb TV is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 81
2023-12-06 14:42:23.343 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for primesporthd Play Sports HD1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.343 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000024' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.343 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for sportinghd2 Play Sports HD2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.344 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000024' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.344 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for sporting3 Play Sports HD3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.345 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000024' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.345 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for sporting4 Play Sports HD4
2023-12-06 14:42:23.345 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000024' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.346 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for sporting5 Play Sports Premier League
2023-12-06 14:42:23.346 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000024' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.346 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for primegolf Play Sports Golf
2023-12-06 14:42:23.347 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000024' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.347 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for horse Horse & Country
2023-12-06 14:42:23.347 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.348 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId horse, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.348 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: horse Horse & Country is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 82
2023-12-06 14:42:23.348 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for eurosporthd Eurosport HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.349 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.349 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId eurosporthd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.349 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: eurosporthd Eurosport HD is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 83
2023-12-06 14:42:23.350 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for eurosport2 Eurosport 2 HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.350 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.350 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId eurosport2, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.351 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: eurosport2 Eurosport 2 HD is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 84
2023-12-06 14:42:23.351 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for jplnl01 DAZN Eleven Pro League 1 NL
2023-12-06 14:42:23.351 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000024' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.352 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for jplnl02 DAZN Eleven Pro League 2 NL
2023-12-06 14:42:23.352 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000024' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.352 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for jplnl03 DAZN Eleven Pro League 3 NL
2023-12-06 14:42:23.353 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000024' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.353 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for 11football DAZN Eleven Sports 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.354 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000024' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.354 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for 11sports DAZN Eleven Sports 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.354 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000024' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.355 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for 11sports3 DAZN Eleven Sports 3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.355 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000024' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.355 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for sport10 Sport 10
2023-12-06 14:42:23.358 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.359 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId sport10, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.360 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: sport10 Sport 10 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 85
2023-12-06 14:42:23.360 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for wsport W Sport
2023-12-06 14:42:23.361 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.361 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId wsport, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.361 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: wsport W Sport is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 86
2023-12-06 14:42:23.362 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for eurosportfr Eurosport.FR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.362 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000013', '400000017', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.363 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for primestarhd Play More Cinema
2023-12-06 14:42:23.363 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.364 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for primeaction Play More Kicks
2023-12-06 14:42:23.365 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.365 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for channel6 Play More Black
2023-12-06 14:42:23.366 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.366 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for shortshd ShortsTV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.367 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.367 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId shortshd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.368 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: shortshd ShortsTV is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 87
2023-12-06 14:42:23.368 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for crimeinvestigation Crime + Investigation
2023-12-06 14:42:23.368 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.369 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for discoveryid Disc ID
2023-12-06 14:42:23.369 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.369 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for discoverysci Disc science
2023-12-06 14:42:23.370 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.370 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for animalplanethd Animal Planet
2023-12-06 14:42:23.370 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.371 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId animalplanethd, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.371 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: animalplanethd Animal Planet is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 88
2023-12-06 14:42:23.371 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for natgeowild Nat Geo Wild
2023-12-06 14:42:23.372 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.372 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for e E! Ent
2023-12-06 14:42:23.372 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.373 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for boomerang Cartoonito
2023-12-06 14:42:23.373 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.373 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for nicktoons NickToons
2023-12-06 14:42:23.374 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.374 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for nickhits Nick Music Global
2023-12-06 14:42:23.374 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.375 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for vh1 MTV 00s
2023-12-06 14:42:23.375 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.375 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mtvnhd MTV Live
2023-12-06 14:42:23.376 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.376 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mezzo Mezzo Live HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.377 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023', '400000032' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.377 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for cnn CNN
2023-12-06 14:42:23.377 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.378 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId cnn, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.378 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: cnn CNN is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 89
2023-12-06 14:42:23.378 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for cnbceurope CNBC Europe
2023-12-06 14:42:23.379 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.379 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId cnbceurope, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.380 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: cnbceurope CNBC Europe is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 90
2023-12-06 14:42:23.380 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for bbcworld BBC News
2023-12-06 14:42:23.381 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.382 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId bbcworld, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.382 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: bbcworld BBC News is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 91
2023-12-06 14:42:23.383 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for aljazeeraeng Al Jazeera Eng.
2023-12-06 14:42:23.383 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.384 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId aljazeeraeng, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.384 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: aljazeeraeng Al Jazeera Eng. is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 92
2023-12-06 14:42:23.385 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for euronews Euronews
2023-12-06 14:42:23.385 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.385 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId euronews, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.389 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: euronews Euronews is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 93
2023-12-06 14:42:23.389 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for lci LCI
2023-12-06 14:42:23.390 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000013', '400000017', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.390 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for bloomberg Bloomberg
2023-12-06 14:42:23.391 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.391 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId bloomberg, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.392 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: bloomberg Bloomberg is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 94
2023-12-06 14:42:23.392 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for cctv CGTN
2023-12-06 14:42:23.392 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.393 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId cctv, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.393 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: cctv CGTN is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 95
2023-12-06 14:42:23.393 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for discoveryfr Discovery FR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.394 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000013', '400000017', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.394 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for natgeofr Nat Geo FR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.395 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000017' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.395 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for netflix Netflix
2023-12-06 14:42:23.396 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.396 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId netflix, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.397 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: netflix Netflix is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 96
2023-12-06 14:42:23.397 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for nickelodeonfr Nickelodeon FR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.398 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000013', '400000017', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.398 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for nickjrfr Nick Jr. FR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.399 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000013', '400000017', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.399 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for be1hd Be 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.400 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000003', '400000028' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.400 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for becinehd Be Ciné
2023-12-06 14:42:23.401 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000003', '400000028' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.401 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for beserieshd Be Séries
2023-12-06 14:42:23.402 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000003', '400000028' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.402 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for be1p1h Be 1+1h
2023-12-06 14:42:23.403 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000003', '400000028' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.403 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for cinecinemapre Ciné+ Premier
2023-12-06 14:42:23.404 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000003', '400000028' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.404 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for cinecinemacl Ciné+ Classic
2023-12-06 14:42:23.404 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000003', '400000028' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.405 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for cinecinemafr Ciné+ Frisson
2023-12-06 14:42:23.405 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000003', '400000028' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.405 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for besport1hd VOO Sport World 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.406 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000004', '400000005' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.406 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for besport2 VOO Sport World 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.406 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000004', '400000005' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.407 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for besport3 VOO Sport World 3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.407 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000004', '400000005' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.407 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for vsw4 VOO Sport World 4
2023-12-06 14:42:23.408 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000004', '400000005' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.408 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for jplfr01 DAZN Eleven Pro League 1 FR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.408 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000025', '400000027' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.408 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for jplfr02 DAZN Eleven Pro League 2 FR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.409 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000025', '400000027' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.409 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for jplfr03 DAZN Eleven Pro League 3 FR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.409 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000025', '400000027' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.410 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for 11footbetv DAZN Eleven Sports 1 FR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.410 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000004', '400000005' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.410 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for 11sportsbetv DAZN Eleven Sports 2 FR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.411 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000004', '400000005' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.411 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for 11sports3betv DAZN Eleven Sports 3 FR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.411 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000004', '400000005' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.412 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for playboytv Playboy TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.412 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.412 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for penthousehd Penthouse Passion
2023-12-06 14:42:23.412 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.413 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for hustlerhd Hustler HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.413 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000021' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.413 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for penthousehd1 Penthouse Gold
2023-12-06 14:42:23.414 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000021' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.414 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for penthousehd2 Dorcel TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.414 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000021' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.415 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for xmo X-MO
2023-12-06 14:42:23.415 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000021' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.415 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for telenet1 Telenet 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.415 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.416 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId telenet1, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.416 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: telenet1 Telenet 1 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 97
2023-12-06 14:42:23.416 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for telenet2 Telenet 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.417 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.417 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId telenet2, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.417 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: telenet2 Telenet 2 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 98
2023-12-06 14:42:23.417 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for telenet4 Telenet 4
2023-12-06 14:42:23.418 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.418 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId telenet4, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.418 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: telenet4 Telenet 4 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 99
2023-12-06 14:42:23.419 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for telenet5 Telenet 5
2023-12-06 14:42:23.419 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.419 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId telenet5, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.419 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: telenet5 Telenet 5 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 100
2023-12-06 14:42:23.420 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for telenet3 Telenet 3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.420 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.420 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId telenet3, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.421 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: telenet3 Telenet 3 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 101
2023-12-06 14:42:23.421 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for radio1 Radio 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.421 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.422 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId radio1, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.422 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: radio1 Radio 1 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 102
2023-12-06 14:42:23.422 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mnm MNM
2023-12-06 14:42:23.422 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.423 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mnm, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.423 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mnm MNM is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 103
2023-12-06 14:42:23.423 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for stubru StuBru
2023-12-06 14:42:23.424 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.424 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId stubru, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.424 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: stubru StuBru is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 104
2023-12-06 14:42:23.424 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for qmusicradio Q-music radio
2023-12-06 14:42:23.425 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.425 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId qmusicradio, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.425 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: qmusicradio Q-music radio is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 105
2023-12-06 14:42:23.426 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for joefm JOE fm
2023-12-06 14:42:23.426 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.426 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId joefm, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.427 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: joefm JOE fm is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 106
2023-12-06 14:42:23.427 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for nrj NRJ
2023-12-06 14:42:23.427 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.427 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId nrj, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.428 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: nrj NRJ is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 107
2023-12-06 14:42:23.428 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for nostalgie Nostalgie
2023-12-06 14:42:23.428 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.429 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId nostalgie, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.429 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: nostalgie Nostalgie is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 108
2023-12-06 14:42:23.429 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for radio2vlbr Radio 2 Vl. Br.
2023-12-06 14:42:23.430 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.430 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId radio2vlbr, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.430 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: radio2vlbr Radio 2 Vl. Br. is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 109
2023-12-06 14:42:23.430 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for radio2wvl Radio 2 W. Vl.
2023-12-06 14:42:23.431 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.431 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId radio2wvl, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.431 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: radio2wvl Radio 2 W. Vl. is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 110
2023-12-06 14:42:23.431 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for radio2antw Radio 2 Antw.
2023-12-06 14:42:23.432 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.432 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId radio2antw, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.432 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: radio2antw Radio 2 Antw. is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 111
2023-12-06 14:42:23.433 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for radio2ovl Radio 2 O. Vl.
2023-12-06 14:42:23.433 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.433 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId radio2ovl, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.434 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: radio2ovl Radio 2 O. Vl. is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 112
2023-12-06 14:42:23.434 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for radio2limb Radio 2 Limb.
2023-12-06 14:42:23.434 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.434 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId radio2limb, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.435 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: radio2limb Radio 2 Limb. is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 113
2023-12-06 14:42:23.435 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for klara Klara
2023-12-06 14:42:23.435 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.436 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId klara, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.436 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: klara Klara is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 114
2023-12-06 14:42:23.436 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for klaracontinuo Klara Continuo
2023-12-06 14:42:23.437 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.437 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId klaracontinuo, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.437 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: klaracontinuo Klara Continuo is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 115
2023-12-06 14:42:23.437 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mnmhits MNM Hits
2023-12-06 14:42:23.438 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.438 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mnmhits, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.438 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mnmhits MNM Hits is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 116
2023-12-06 14:42:23.439 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for nieuwsplus nieuws+
2023-12-06 14:42:23.439 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.439 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId nieuwsplus, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.439 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: nieuwsplus nieuws+ is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 117
2023-12-06 14:42:23.443 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for sporza De Tijdloze
2023-12-06 14:42:23.444 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.444 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId sporza, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.445 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: sporza De Tijdloze is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 118
2023-12-06 14:42:23.445 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for willy Willy
2023-12-06 14:42:23.445 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.446 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId willy, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.446 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: willy Willy is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 119
2023-12-06 14:42:23.447 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for qmaximum Q Maximum Hits
2023-12-06 14:42:23.447 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.447 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId qmaximum, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.448 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: qmaximum Q Maximum Hits is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 120
2023-12-06 14:42:23.448 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for qfouteradio Q-Foute Radio
2023-12-06 14:42:23.449 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.449 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId qfouteradio, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.450 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: qfouteradio Q-Foute Radio is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 121
2023-12-06 14:42:23.450 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for joe6070 Joe 60s-70s
2023-12-06 14:42:23.450 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.451 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId joe6070, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.451 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: joe6070 Joe 60s-70s is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 122
2023-12-06 14:42:23.452 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for joe80 Joe 80s & 90s
2023-12-06 14:42:23.452 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.453 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId joe80, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.453 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: joe80 Joe 80s & 90s is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 123
2023-12-06 14:42:23.454 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for joe90 Willy Class X
2023-12-06 14:42:23.454 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.455 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId joe90, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.455 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: joe90 Willy Class X is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 124
2023-12-06 14:42:23.456 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for joeeasy Joe Easy
2023-12-06 14:42:23.456 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.457 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId joeeasy, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.457 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: joeeasy Joe Easy is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 125
2023-12-06 14:42:23.457 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for nostalgieplus Nostalgie+
2023-12-06 14:42:23.458 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.458 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId nostalgieplus, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.459 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: nostalgieplus Nostalgie+ is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 126
2023-12-06 14:42:23.459 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for radiomaria Radio Maria
2023-12-06 14:42:23.460 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.460 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId radiomaria, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.461 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: radiomaria Radio Maria is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 127
2023-12-06 14:42:23.461 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for topradio TOPradio
2023-12-06 14:42:23.462 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.462 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId topradio, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.462 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: topradio TOPradio is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 128
2023-12-06 14:42:23.463 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for clubfm ROXX
2023-12-06 14:42:23.463 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.463 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId clubfm, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.464 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: clubfm ROXX is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 129
2023-12-06 14:42:23.464 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for lapremiere La Première
2023-12-06 14:42:23.464 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.464 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId lapremiere, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.465 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: lapremiere La Première is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 130
2023-12-06 14:42:23.465 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for vivacite VivaCité
2023-12-06 14:42:23.465 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.466 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId vivacite, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.466 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: vivacite VivaCité is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 131
2023-12-06 14:42:23.466 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for musiq3 Musiq3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.466 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.467 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId musiq3, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.467 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: musiq3 Musiq3 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 132
2023-12-06 14:42:23.467 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for purefm Tipik radio
2023-12-06 14:42:23.468 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.468 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId purefm, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.468 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: purefm Tipik radio is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 133
2023-12-06 14:42:23.468 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for classic21 Classic21
2023-12-06 14:42:23.469 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.469 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId classic21, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.469 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: classic21 Classic21 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 134
2023-12-06 14:42:23.470 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for rtbfmix RTBF Mix
2023-12-06 14:42:23.470 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.470 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId rtbfmix, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.470 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: rtbfmix RTBF Mix is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 135
2023-12-06 14:42:23.471 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for belrtl Bel RTL
2023-12-06 14:42:23.471 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.471 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId belrtl, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.471 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: belrtl Bel RTL is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 136
2023-12-06 14:42:23.472 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for contact Contact
2023-12-06 14:42:23.472 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.472 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId contact, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.473 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: contact Contact is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 137
2023-12-06 14:42:23.473 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mint Mint
2023-12-06 14:42:23.473 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.473 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mint, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.474 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mint Mint is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 138
2023-12-06 14:42:23.474 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for rfi RFI
2023-12-06 14:42:23.474 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.475 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId rfi, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.475 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: rfi RFI is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 139
2023-12-06 14:42:23.475 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for familyradio Family Radio
2023-12-06 14:42:23.475 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.476 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId familyradio, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.476 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: familyradio Family Radio is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 140
2023-12-06 14:42:23.476 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for brf1 BRF 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.476 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.477 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId brf1, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.477 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: brf1 BRF 1 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 141
2023-12-06 14:42:23.477 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for hitfm Be One
2023-12-06 14:42:23.478 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.478 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId hitfm, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.478 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: hitfm Be One is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 142
2023-12-06 14:42:23.478 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for zenfm ZEN
2023-12-06 14:42:23.479 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.479 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId zenfm, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.479 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: zenfm ZEN is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 143
2023-12-06 14:42:23.480 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for radiojudaica Radio Judaïca
2023-12-06 14:42:23.480 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.480 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId radiojudaica, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.481 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: radiojudaica Radio Judaïca is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 144
2023-12-06 14:42:23.481 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for stadsradio Stadsradio Vlaanderen
2023-12-06 14:42:23.481 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.482 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId stadsradio, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.482 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: stadsradio Stadsradio Vlaanderen is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 145
2023-12-06 14:42:23.482 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for oneworldradio One World Radio
2023-12-06 14:42:23.482 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.483 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId oneworldradio, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.483 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: oneworldradio One World Radio is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 146
2023-12-06 14:42:23.483 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcclassgreats Classical Greats
2023-12-06 14:42:23.484 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.484 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcclasscalm Classical Calm
2023-12-06 14:42:23.485 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.485 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcclassarch Classical Orchestral
2023-12-06 14:42:23.486 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.486 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcbelpop Belpop
2023-12-06 14:42:23.487 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.487 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcfrancofonie Chansons
2023-12-06 14:42:23.488 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.489 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcthelovecoll Silk
2023-12-06 14:42:23.489 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.490 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcultimateurban Ultimate Urban
2023-12-06 14:42:23.490 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.490 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcbassbreaks Bass Breaks & Beats
2023-12-06 14:42:23.491 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.491 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcundergroove Groove (Disco&Funk)
2023-12-06 14:42:23.491 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.492 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcdinnerparty Drive
2023-12-06 14:42:23.492 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.492 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcalldayparty All Day Party
2023-12-06 14:42:23.493 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.493 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcworldcarniv World Carnival
2023-12-06 14:42:23.493 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.493 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcindieclassics Indie Classics
2023-12-06 14:42:23.494 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.494 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcrockandroll Rock n Roll
2023-12-06 14:42:23.494 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.495 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcclassrock Classic Rock
2023-12-06 14:42:23.495 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.495 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcstrictly60s Strictly 60s
2023-12-06 14:42:23.495 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.496 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mckiller80s 80s
2023-12-06 14:42:23.496 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.496 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mc90s 90s
2023-12-06 14:42:23.497 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.497 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcsoulclassics Classic RnB & Soul
2023-12-06 14:42:23.497 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.497 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mchiphop Hip Hop
2023-12-06 14:42:23.498 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.498 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mccooljazz Cool Jazz
2023-12-06 14:42:23.498 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.499 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcstillgotthe Blues
2023-12-06 14:42:23.499 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.499 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mccountrystars Hot Country
2023-12-06 14:42:23.499 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.500 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mccocktaillou Cocktail Lounge
2023-12-06 14:42:23.500 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.500 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcrevival Revival
2023-12-06 14:42:23.502 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.502 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcschlager Schlager
2023-12-06 14:42:23.503 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.503 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcturkmuzigi Türk Müzigi
2023-12-06 14:42:23.504 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.504 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mchitsfrance Total Hits - France
2023-12-06 14:42:23.504 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.505 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mchitsitaly Total Hits - Italy
2023-12-06 14:42:23.505 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.505 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mchitsnordic Total Hits - Nordic
2023-12-06 14:42:23.506 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.506 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mchitsspain Total Hits - Spain
2023-12-06 14:42:23.506 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.506 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mchitsgermany Total Hits - German
2023-12-06 14:42:23.507 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000023' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.507 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mctotalhits Total Hits - UK
2023-12-06 14:42:23.507 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000023', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.508 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mctotalhits, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.508 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mctotalhits Total Hits - UK is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 147
2023-12-06 14:42:23.508 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcthealternative Stingray Specials
2023-12-06 14:42:23.509 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000023', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.509 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mcthealternative, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.509 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mcthealternative Stingray Specials is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 148
2023-12-06 14:42:23.509 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcdancefloor Dancefloor Fillers
2023-12-06 14:42:23.510 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000023', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.510 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mcdancefloor, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.510 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mcdancefloor Dancefloor Fillers is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 149
2023-12-06 14:42:23.510 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcmagnific70s 70s
2023-12-06 14:42:23.511 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000023', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.511 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mcmagnific70s, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.511 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mcmagnific70s 70s is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 150
2023-12-06 14:42:23.511 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcjustchillout Chillout
2023-12-06 14:42:23.512 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000023', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.512 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mcjustchillout, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.512 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mcjustchillout Chillout is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 151
2023-12-06 14:42:23.513 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcreggaevibra Reggae Vibra
2023-12-06 14:42:23.513 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000023', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.513 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mcreggaevibra, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.513 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mcreggaevibra Reggae Vibra is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 152
2023-12-06 14:42:23.514 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcharderthan Headbangers
2023-12-06 14:42:23.514 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000023', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.514 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mcharderthan, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.514 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mcharderthan Headbangers is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 153
2023-12-06 14:42:23.515 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcrockanthems Rock Anthems
2023-12-06 14:42:23.515 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000023', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.515 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mcrockanthems, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.516 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mcrockanthems Rock Anthems is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 154
2023-12-06 14:42:23.516 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcfreedom Freedom
2023-12-06 14:42:23.516 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000023', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.516 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mcfreedom, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.517 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mcfreedom Freedom is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 155
2023-12-06 14:42:23.517 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for mcjazzclassics Jazz Classics
2023-12-06 14:42:23.517 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000023', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.518 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId mcjazzclassics, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.518 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: mcjazzclassics Jazz Classics is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 156
2023-12-06 14:42:23.518 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for 3fm NPO 3FM
2023-12-06 14:42:23.518 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.519 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId 3fm, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.519 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: 3fm NPO 3FM is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 157
2023-12-06 14:42:23.519 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for radio1ned NPO Radio 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.519 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.520 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId radio1ned, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.520 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: radio1ned NPO Radio 1 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 158
2023-12-06 14:42:23.520 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for radio2ned NPO Radio 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.521 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.521 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId radio2ned, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.521 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: radio2ned NPO Radio 2 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 159
2023-12-06 14:42:23.521 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for radio4ned NPO Radio 4
2023-12-06 14:42:23.522 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.522 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId radio4ned, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.522 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: radio4ned NPO Radio 4 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 160
2023-12-06 14:42:23.522 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for franceculture France Culture
2023-12-06 14:42:23.523 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.523 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId franceculture, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.523 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: franceculture France Culture is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 161
2023-12-06 14:42:23.524 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for franceinternational France Inter
2023-12-06 14:42:23.524 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.524 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId franceinternational, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.524 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: franceinternational France Inter is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 162
2023-12-06 14:42:23.526 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for francemuzique France Musique
2023-12-06 14:42:23.526 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.527 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId francemuzique, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.527 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: francemuzique France Musique is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 163
2023-12-06 14:42:23.528 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for bbcradio1 BBC Radio 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.528 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.530 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId bbcradio1, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.530 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: bbcradio1 BBC Radio 1 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 164
2023-12-06 14:42:23.531 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for bbcradio2 BBC Radio 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.531 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.532 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId bbcradio2, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.532 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: bbcradio2 BBC Radio 2 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 165
2023-12-06 14:42:23.532 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for bbcradio3 BBC Radio 3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.533 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.533 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId bbcradio3, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.533 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: bbcradio3 BBC Radio 3 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 166
2023-12-06 14:42:23.534 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for bbcworldservice BBC World Service
2023-12-06 14:42:23.534 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.534 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId bbcworldservice, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.534 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: bbcworldservice BBC World Service is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 167
2023-12-06 14:42:23.535 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for wdr2 WDR 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.535 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.535 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId wdr2, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.536 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: wdr2 WDR 2 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 168
2023-12-06 14:42:23.536 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for wdr3 WDR 3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.536 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.536 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId wdr3, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.537 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: wdr3 WDR 3 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 169
2023-12-06 14:42:23.537 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for wdr4 WDR 4
2023-12-06 14:42:23.537 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.537 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId wdr4, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.538 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: wdr4 WDR 4 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 170
2023-12-06 14:42:23.538 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for wdr5 WDR 5
2023-12-06 14:42:23.538 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.538 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId wdr5, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.539 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: wdr5 WDR 5 is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 171
2023-12-06 14:42:23.539 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: checking entitlements for 1live 1LIVE
2023-12-06 14:42:23.539 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel.linearProducts [ '400000012', '400000013', '400000014', '400000033' ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.540 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: channel channelId 1live, linearProducts includes subscribedlEntitlement.id 400000014, channel is entitled
2023-12-06 14:42:23.540 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: 1live 1LIVE is entitled, pushed to subscribedChIds, subscribedChIds.length now 172
2023-12-06 14:42:23.540 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: subscribedChIds.length 172
2023-12-06 14:42:23.540 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Checking for KeyMacros
2023-12-06 14:42:23.541 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Loading 0 key macros, starting at channel 96
2023-12-06 14:42:23.541 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Refreshing channels 1 to 95
2023-12-06 14:42:23.541 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 0: Finding vtmhd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.542 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 0: Found vtmhd vtm HD in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.542 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 0: Loading channel 1 vtm HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.542 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 0: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.543 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 0: Refreshing channel 01: vtmhd [vtm HD]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.543 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 1: Finding eenhd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.543 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 1: Found eenhd VRT 1 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.543 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 1: Loading channel 2 VRT 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.544 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 1: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.544 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 1: Refreshing channel 02: eenhd [VRT 1]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.544 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 2: Finding vierhd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.544 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 2: Found vierhd Play4 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.545 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 2: Loading channel 3 Play4
2023-12-06 14:42:23.545 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 2: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.545 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 2: Refreshing channel 03: vierhd [Play4]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.545 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 3: Finding ketnetcanvashd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.546 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 3: Found ketnetcanvashd VRT CANVAS in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.546 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 3: Loading channel 4 VRT CANVAS
2023-12-06 14:42:23.548 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 3: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.548 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 3: Refreshing channel 04: ketnetcanvashd [VRT CANVAS]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.549 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 4: Finding 2behd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.549 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 4: Found 2behd VTM 2 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.550 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 4: Loading channel 5 VTM 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.550 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 4: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.550 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 4: Refreshing channel 05: 2behd [VTM 2]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.551 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 5: Finding vijfhd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.551 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 5: Found vijfhd Play5 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.551 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 5: Loading channel 6 Play5
2023-12-06 14:42:23.552 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 5: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.552 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 5: Refreshing channel 06: vijfhd [Play5]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.552 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 6: Finding vitaya in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.553 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 6: Found vitaya VTM 3 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.553 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 6: Loading channel 7 VTM 3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.553 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 6: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.554 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 6: Refreshing channel 07: vitaya [VTM 3]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.554 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 7: Finding tvlimburg in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.555 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 7: Found tvlimburg TV Limburg in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.555 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 7: Loading channel 8 TV Limburg
2023-12-06 14:42:23.555 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 7: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.556 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 7: Refreshing channel 08: tvlimburg [TV Limburg]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.557 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 8: Finding acht in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.557 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 8: Found acht VTM 4 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.557 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 8: Loading channel 9 VTM 4
2023-12-06 14:42:23.558 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 8: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.558 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 8: Refreshing channel 09: acht [VTM 4]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.558 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 9: Finding kanaalz in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.558 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 9: Found kanaalz KanaalZ in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.559 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 9: Loading channel 10 KanaalZ
2023-12-06 14:42:23.559 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 9: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.559 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 9: Refreshing channel 10: kanaalz [KanaalZ]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.559 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 10: Finding rexrioinfo in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.560 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 10: Found rexrioinfo Play Sports Open in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.560 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 10: Loading channel 11 Play Sports Open
2023-12-06 14:42:23.560 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 10: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.560 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 10: Refreshing channel 11: rexrioinfo [Play Sports Open]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.561 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 11: Finding ketnet in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.561 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 11: Found ketnet Ketnet in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.561 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 11: Loading channel 12 Ketnet
2023-12-06 14:42:23.561 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 11: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.562 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 11: Refreshing channel 12: ketnet [Ketnet]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.562 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 12: Finding foxbelgium in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.562 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 12: Found foxbelgium STAR Channel in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.562 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 12: Loading channel 13 STAR Channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.563 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 12: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.563 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 12: Refreshing channel 13: foxbelgium [STAR Channel]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.563 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 13: Finding zes in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.563 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 13: Found zes Play6 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.564 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 13: Loading channel 14 Play6
2023-12-06 14:42:23.564 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 13: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.564 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 13: Refreshing channel 14: zes [Play6]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.564 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 14: Finding dicoveryhd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.565 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 14: Found dicoveryhd Discovery Vl HD in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.565 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 14: Loading channel 15 Discovery Vl HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.565 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 14: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.565 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 14: Refreshing channel 15: dicoveryhd [Discovery Vl HD]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.566 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 15: Finding natgeohd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.566 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 15: Found natgeohd Nat Geo HD in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.566 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 15: Loading channel 16 Nat Geo HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.566 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 15: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.567 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 15: Refreshing channel 16: natgeohd [Nat Geo HD]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.567 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 16: Finding tlcvlaanderen in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.567 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 16: Found tlcvlaanderen TLC in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.567 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 16: Loading channel 17 TLC
2023-12-06 14:42:23.568 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 16: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.568 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 16: Refreshing channel 17: tlcvlaanderen [TLC]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.568 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 17: Finding tmf in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.568 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 17: Found tmf Comedy Central in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.569 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 17: Loading channel 18 Comedy Central
2023-12-06 14:42:23.569 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 17: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.569 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 17: Refreshing channel 18: tmf [Comedy Central]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.569 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 18: Finding mtv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.569 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 18: Found mtv MTV VL in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.570 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 18: Loading channel 19 MTV VL
2023-12-06 14:42:23.570 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 18: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.571 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 18: Refreshing channel 19: mtv [MTV VL]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.571 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 19: Finding njam in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.572 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 19: Found njam njam! in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.572 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 19: Loading channel 20 njam!
2023-12-06 14:42:23.573 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 19: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.573 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 19: Refreshing channel 20: njam [njam!]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.573 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 20: Finding zeven in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.573 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 20: Found zeven Play7 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.574 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 20: Loading channel 21 Play7
2023-12-06 14:42:23.574 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 20: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.574 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 20: Refreshing channel 21: zeven [Play7]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.574 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 21: Finding plattelandstv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.574 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 21: Found plattelandstv PlattelandsTv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.575 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 21: Loading channel 22 PlattelandsTv
2023-12-06 14:42:23.575 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 21: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.575 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 21: Refreshing channel 22: plattelandstv [PlattelandsTv]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.575 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 22: Finding caz2 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.576 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 22: Found caz2 VTM GOLD in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.576 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 22: Loading channel 23 VTM GOLD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.576 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 22: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.577 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 22: Refreshing channel 23: caz2 [VTM GOLD]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.577 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 23: Finding history in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.577 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 23: Found history History.TV in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.577 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 23: Loading channel 24 History.TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.577 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 23: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.578 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 23: Refreshing channel 24: history [History.TV]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.578 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 24: Finding bbcfirst in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.578 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 24: Found bbcfirst BBC First in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.578 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 24: Loading channel 25 BBC First
2023-12-06 14:42:23.579 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 24: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.579 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 24: Refreshing channel 25: bbcfirst [BBC First]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.579 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 25: Finding bbcprime in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.579 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 25: Found bbcprime BBC Entertainment in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.580 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 25: Loading channel 26 BBC Entertainment
2023-12-06 14:42:23.580 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 25: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.580 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 25: Refreshing channel 26: bbcprime [BBC Entertainment]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.580 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 26: Finding vtmkzoom in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.581 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 26: Found vtmkzoom VTM NON-STOP DOKTERS in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.581 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 26: Loading channel 27 VTM NON-STOP DOKTERS
2023-12-06 14:42:23.581 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 26: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.581 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 26: Refreshing channel 27: vtmkzoom [VTM NON-STOP DOKTERS]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.582 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 27: Finding disneyvl in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.582 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 27: Found disneyvl Disney VL in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.582 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 27: Loading channel 28 Disney VL
2023-12-06 14:42:23.582 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 27: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.583 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 27: Refreshing channel 28: disneyvl [Disney VL]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.583 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 28: Finding studio100tv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.583 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 28: Found studio100tv Studio 100 TV in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.584 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 28: Loading channel 29 Studio 100 TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.584 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 28: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.585 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 28: Refreshing channel 29: studio100tv [Studio 100 TV]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.585 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 29: Finding nickelodeon in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.585 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 29: Found nickelodeon Nickelodeon in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.586 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 29: Loading channel 30 Nickelodeon
2023-12-06 14:42:23.586 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 29: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.586 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 29: Refreshing channel 30: nickelodeon [Nickelodeon]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.586 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 30: Finding nickjr in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.587 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 30: Found nickjr Nick Jr. in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.587 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 30: Loading channel 31 Nick Jr.
2023-12-06 14:42:23.587 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 30: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.588 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 30: Refreshing channel 31: nickjr [Nick Jr.]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.588 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 31: Finding babytv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.588 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 31: Found babytv Baby TV in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.589 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 31: Loading channel 32 Baby TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.589 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 31: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.589 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 31: Refreshing channel 32: babytv [Baby TV]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.589 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 32: Finding nickukraine in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.590 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 32: Found nickukraine Nickelodeon Ukraine in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.590 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 32: Loading channel 33 Nickelodeon Ukraine
2023-12-06 14:42:23.591 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 32: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.591 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 32: Refreshing channel 33: nickukraine [Nickelodeon Ukraine]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.592 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 33: Finding menttv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.593 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 33: Found menttv MENT TV in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.593 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 33: Loading channel 34 MENT TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.594 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 33: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.594 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 33: Refreshing channel 34: menttv [MENT TV]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.595 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 34: Finding playhousedisney in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.595 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 34: Found playhousedisney Disney JR in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.596 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 34: Loading channel 35 Disney JR
2023-12-06 14:42:23.596 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 34: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.596 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 34: Refreshing channel 35: playhousedisney [Disney JR]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.597 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 35: Finding qmusic in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.597 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 35: Found qmusic Q-music in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.597 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 35: Loading channel 36 Q-music
2023-12-06 14:42:23.597 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 35: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.598 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 35: Refreshing channel 36: qmusic [Q-music]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.598 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 36: Finding actuatv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.598 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 36: Found actuatv Vlaams Parlement TV in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.599 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 36: Loading channel 37 Vlaams Parlement TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.599 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 36: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.599 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 36: Refreshing channel 37: actuatv [Vlaams Parlement TV]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.599 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 37: Finding cartoonnetwork in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.600 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 37: Found cartoonnetwork Cartoon.Network in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.600 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 37: Loading channel 38 Cartoon.Network
2023-12-06 14:42:23.600 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 37: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.600 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 37: Refreshing channel 38: cartoonnetwork [Cartoon.Network]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.601 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 38: Finding xite in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.601 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 38: Found xite Xite in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.601 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 38: Loading channel 39 Xite
2023-12-06 14:42:23.602 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 38: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.602 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 38: Refreshing channel 39: xite [Xite]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.602 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 39: Finding dobbittv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.603 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 39: Found dobbittv DOBBIT TV in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.603 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 39: Loading channel 40 DOBBIT TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.603 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 39: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.603 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 39: Refreshing channel 40: dobbittv [DOBBIT TV]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.604 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 40: Finding brava in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.604 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 40: Found brava Stingray Classica in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.604 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 40: Loading channel 41 Stingray Classica
2023-12-06 14:42:23.605 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 40: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.605 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 40: Refreshing channel 41: brava [Stingray Classica]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.605 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 41: Finding evenaar in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.605 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 41: Found evenaar Eclips TV in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.606 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 41: Loading channel 42 Eclips TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.606 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 41: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.606 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 41: Refreshing channel 42: evenaar [Eclips TV]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.607 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 42: Finding outtv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.607 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 42: Found outtv OUT TV in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.607 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 42: Loading channel 43 OUT TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.607 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 42: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.608 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 42: Refreshing channel 43: outtv [OUT TV]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.608 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 43: Finding stories in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.608 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 43: Found stories TV.Plus in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.609 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 43: Loading channel 44 TV.Plus
2023-12-06 14:42:23.609 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 43: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.609 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 43: Refreshing channel 44: stories [TV.Plus]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.609 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 44: Finding ned1 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.610 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 44: Found ned1 NPO 1 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.610 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 44: Loading channel 45 NPO 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.610 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 44: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.610 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 44: Refreshing channel 45: ned1 [NPO 1]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.611 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 45: Finding ned2 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.611 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 45: Found ned2 NPO 2 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.611 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 45: Loading channel 46 NPO 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.611 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 45: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.612 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 45: Refreshing channel 46: ned2 [NPO 2]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.612 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 46: Finding ned3 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.613 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 46: Found ned3 NPO 3 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.614 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 46: Loading channel 47 NPO 3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.614 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 46: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.615 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 46: Refreshing channel 47: ned3 [NPO 3]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.615 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 47: Finding bbc1 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.615 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 47: Found bbc1 BBC 1 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.616 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 47: Loading channel 48 BBC 1
2023-12-06 14:42:23.616 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 47: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.617 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 47: Refreshing channel 48: bbc1 [BBC 1]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.617 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 48: Finding bbc2 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.617 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 48: Found bbc2 BBC 2 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.618 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 48: Loading channel 49 BBC 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.618 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 48: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.618 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 48: Refreshing channel 49: bbc2 [BBC 2]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.619 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 49: Finding launehd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.619 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 49: Found launehd La Une HD in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.619 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 49: Loading channel 50 La Une HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.619 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 49: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.620 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 49: Refreshing channel 50: launehd [La Une HD]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.620 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 50: Finding ladeuxhd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.620 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 50: Found ladeuxhd Tipik in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.621 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 50: Loading channel 51 Tipik
2023-12-06 14:42:23.621 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 50: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.621 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 50: Refreshing channel 51: ladeuxhd [Tipik]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.622 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 51: Finding rtltvihd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.622 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 51: Found rtltvihd RTL tvi in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.622 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 51: Loading channel 52 RTL tvi
2023-12-06 14:42:23.622 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 51: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.623 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 51: Refreshing channel 52: rtltvihd [RTL tvi]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.623 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 52: Finding clubrtlhd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.623 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 52: Found clubrtlhd RTL club in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.623 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 52: Loading channel 53 RTL club
2023-12-06 14:42:23.624 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 52: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.624 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 52: Refreshing channel 53: clubrtlhd [RTL club]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.624 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 53: Finding plugrtl in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.625 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 53: Found plugrtl RTL plug in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.625 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 53: Loading channel 54 RTL plug
2023-12-06 14:42:23.625 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 53: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.625 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 53: Refreshing channel 54: plugrtl [RTL plug]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.626 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 54: Finding ab3 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.626 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 54: Found ab3 AB3 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.626 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 54: Loading channel 55 AB3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.626 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 54: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.627 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 54: Refreshing channel 55: ab3 [AB3]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.627 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 55: Finding rcontactvision in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.627 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 55: Found rcontactvision R. Contact Vision in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.628 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 55: Loading channel 56 R. Contact Vision
2023-12-06 14:42:23.628 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 55: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.628 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 55: Refreshing channel 56: rcontactvision [R. Contact Vision]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.629 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 56: Finding latrois in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.629 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 56: Found latrois La Trois in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.629 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 56: Loading channel 57 La Trois
2023-12-06 14:42:23.629 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 56: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.630 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 56: Refreshing channel 57: latrois [La Trois]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.630 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 57: Finding ln24 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.630 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 57: Found ln24 LN24 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.630 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 57: Loading channel 58 LN24
2023-12-06 14:42:23.631 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 57: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.631 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 57: Refreshing channel 58: ln24 [LN24]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.632 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 58: Finding c8 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.633 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 58: Found c8 C8 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.633 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 58: Loading channel 59 C8
2023-12-06 14:42:23.633 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 58: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.634 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 58: Refreshing channel 59: c8 [C8]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.634 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 59: Finding tmc in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.634 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 59: Found tmc TMC in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.635 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 59: Loading channel 60 TMC
2023-12-06 14:42:23.635 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 59: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.635 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 59: Refreshing channel 60: tmc [TMC]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.635 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 60: Finding tfx in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.636 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 60: Found tfx TFX in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.636 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 60: Loading channel 61 TFX
2023-12-06 14:42:23.636 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 60: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.636 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 60: Refreshing channel 61: tfx [TFX]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.637 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 61: Finding tf1hd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.637 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 61: Found tf1hd TF1 HD in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.637 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 61: Loading channel 62 TF1 HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.637 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 61: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.638 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 61: Refreshing channel 62: tf1hd [TF1 HD]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.638 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 62: Finding france2 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.638 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 62: Found france2 France 2 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.639 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 62: Loading channel 63 France 2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.639 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 62: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.639 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 62: Refreshing channel 63: france2 [France 2]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.639 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 63: Finding france3 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.640 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 63: Found france3 France 3 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.640 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 63: Loading channel 64 France 3
2023-12-06 14:42:23.640 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 63: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.640 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 63: Refreshing channel 64: france3 [France 3]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.641 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 64: Finding france4 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.641 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 64: Found france4 France 4 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.641 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 64: Loading channel 65 France 4
2023-12-06 14:42:23.642 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 64: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.642 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 64: Refreshing channel 65: france4 [France 4]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.642 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 65: Finding france5 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.642 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 65: Found france5 France 5 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.643 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 65: Loading channel 66 France 5
2023-12-06 14:42:23.643 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 65: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.643 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 65: Refreshing channel 66: france5 [France 5]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.643 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 66: Finding artebelgique in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.644 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 66: Found artebelgique Arte Belgique in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.644 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 66: Loading channel 67 Arte Belgique
2023-12-06 14:42:23.644 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 66: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.644 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 66: Refreshing channel 67: artebelgique [Arte Belgique]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.645 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 67: Finding tv5monde in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.645 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 67: Found tv5monde TV5Monde in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.645 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 67: Loading channel 68 TV5Monde
2023-12-06 14:42:23.647 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 67: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.647 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 67: Refreshing channel 68: tv5monde [TV5Monde]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.648 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 68: Finding ard in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.648 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 68: Found ard ARD in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.648 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 68: Loading channel 69 ARD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.649 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 68: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.649 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 68: Refreshing channel 69: ard [ARD]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.649 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 69: Finding zdf in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.650 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 69: Found zdf ZDF in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.650 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 69: Loading channel 70 ZDF
2023-12-06 14:42:23.651 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 69: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.651 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 69: Refreshing channel 70: zdf [ZDF]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.651 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 70: Finding rtltele in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.652 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 70: Found rtltele RTL Tele in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.652 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 70: Loading channel 71 RTL Tele
2023-12-06 14:42:23.652 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 70: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.652 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 70: Refreshing channel 71: rtltele [RTL Tele]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.653 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 71: Finding vox in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.653 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 71: Found vox VOX in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.653 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 71: Loading channel 72 VOX
2023-12-06 14:42:23.653 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 71: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.654 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 71: Refreshing channel 72: vox [VOX]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.654 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 72: Finding ntv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.654 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 72: Found ntv n-tv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.654 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 72: Loading channel 73 n-tv
2023-12-06 14:42:23.655 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 72: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.655 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 72: Refreshing channel 73: ntv [n-tv]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.655 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 73: Finding raiuno in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.655 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 73: Found raiuno Rai Uno in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.656 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 73: Loading channel 74 Rai Uno
2023-12-06 14:42:23.656 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 73: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.656 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 73: Refreshing channel 74: raiuno [Rai Uno]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.657 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 74: Finding tve in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.657 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 74: Found tve TVE in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.657 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 74: Loading channel 75 TVE
2023-12-06 14:42:23.657 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 74: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.658 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 74: Refreshing channel 75: tve [TVE]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.658 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 75: Finding trt in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.658 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 75: Found trt TRT in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.658 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 75: Loading channel 76 TRT
2023-12-06 14:42:23.659 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 75: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.659 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 75: Refreshing channel 76: trt [TRT]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.659 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 76: Finding tvppolonia in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.659 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 76: Found tvppolonia TVP Polonia in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.659 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 76: Loading channel 77 TVP Polonia
2023-12-06 14:42:23.660 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 76: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.660 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 76: Refreshing channel 77: tvppolonia [TVP Polonia]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.660 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 77: Finding mediasetint in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.661 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 77: Found mediasetint Mediaset Italia in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.661 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 77: Loading channel 78 Mediaset Italia
2023-12-06 14:42:23.661 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 77: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.661 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 77: Refreshing channel 78: mediasetint [Mediaset Italia]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.662 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 78: Finding theisraelinetwork in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.662 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 78: Found theisraelinetwork The Israëli Network in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.662 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 78: Loading channel 79 The Israëli Network
2023-12-06 14:42:23.663 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 78: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.663 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 78: Refreshing channel 79: theisraelinetwork [The Israëli Network]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.663 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 79: Finding 2mmonde in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.663 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 79: Found 2mmonde 2M Monde in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.664 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 79: Loading channel 80 2M Monde
2023-12-06 14:42:23.664 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 79: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.664 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 79: Refreshing channel 80: 2mmonde [2M Monde]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.664 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 80: Finding almaghrebtv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.665 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 80: Found almaghrebtv Al Maghreb TV in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.665 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 80: Loading channel 81 Al Maghreb TV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.665 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 80: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.665 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 80: Refreshing channel 81: almaghrebtv [Al Maghreb TV]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.666 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 81: Finding horse in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.666 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 81: Found horse Horse & Country in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.666 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 81: Loading channel 82 Horse & Country
2023-12-06 14:42:23.666 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 81: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.667 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 81: Refreshing channel 82: horse [Horse & Country]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.667 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 82: Finding eurosporthd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.667 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 82: Found eurosporthd Eurosport HD in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.667 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 82: Loading channel 83 Eurosport HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.668 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 82: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.668 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 82: Refreshing channel 83: eurosporthd [Eurosport HD]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.668 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 83: Finding eurosport2 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.669 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 83: Found eurosport2 Eurosport 2 HD in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.669 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 83: Loading channel 84 Eurosport 2 HD
2023-12-06 14:42:23.669 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 83: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.669 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 83: Refreshing channel 84: eurosport2 [Eurosport 2 HD]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.670 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 84: Finding sport10 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.670 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 84: Found sport10 Sport 10 in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.670 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 84: Loading channel 85 Sport 10
2023-12-06 14:42:23.670 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 84: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.671 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 84: Refreshing channel 85: sport10 [Sport 10]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.671 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 85: Finding wsport in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.671 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 85: Found wsport W Sport in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.672 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 85: Loading channel 86 W Sport
2023-12-06 14:42:23.672 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 85: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.672 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 85: Refreshing channel 86: wsport [W Sport]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.672 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 86: Finding shortshd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.673 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 86: Found shortshd ShortsTV in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.673 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 86: Loading channel 87 ShortsTV
2023-12-06 14:42:23.673 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 86: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.673 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 86: Refreshing channel 87: shortshd [ShortsTV]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.674 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 87: Finding animalplanethd in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.674 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 87: Found animalplanethd Animal Planet in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.674 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 87: Loading channel 88 Animal Planet
2023-12-06 14:42:23.675 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 87: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.676 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 87: Refreshing channel 88: animalplanethd [Animal Planet]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.676 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 88: Finding cnn in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.677 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 88: Found cnn CNN in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.677 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 88: Loading channel 89 CNN
2023-12-06 14:42:23.678 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 88: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.679 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 88: Refreshing channel 89: cnn [CNN]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.680 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 89: Finding cnbceurope in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.681 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 89: Found cnbceurope CNBC Europe in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.682 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 89: Loading channel 90 CNBC Europe
2023-12-06 14:42:23.682 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 89: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.683 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 89: Refreshing channel 90: cnbceurope [CNBC Europe]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.684 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 90: Finding bbcworld in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.685 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 90: Found bbcworld BBC News in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.685 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 90: Loading channel 91 BBC News
2023-12-06 14:42:23.686 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 90: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.687 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 90: Refreshing channel 91: bbcworld [BBC News]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.687 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 91: Finding aljazeeraeng in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.688 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 91: Found aljazeeraeng Al Jazeera Eng. in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.689 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 91: Loading channel 92 Al Jazeera Eng.
2023-12-06 14:42:23.689 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 91: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.690 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 91: Refreshing channel 92: aljazeeraeng [Al Jazeera Eng.]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.690 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 92: Finding euronews in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.691 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 92: Found euronews Euronews in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.692 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 92: Loading channel 93 Euronews
2023-12-06 14:42:23.692 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 92: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.692 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 92: Refreshing channel 93: euronews [Euronews]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.693 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 93: Finding bloomberg in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.693 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 93: Found bloomberg Bloomberg in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.693 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 93: Loading channel 94 Bloomberg
2023-12-06 14:42:23.693 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 93: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.694 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 93: Refreshing channel 94: bloomberg [Bloomberg]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.694 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 94: Finding cctv in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.694 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 94: Found cctv CGTN in master channel list
2023-12-06 14:42:23.695 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 94: Loading channel 95 CGTN
2023-12-06 14:42:23.695 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 94: Refreshing channel
2023-12-06 14:42:23.695 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Index 94: Refreshing channel 95: cctv [CGTN]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.700 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Channel list refreshed with 95 channels (including 0 key macros)
2023-12-06 14:42:23.701 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] discoverDevices: end of code block
2023-12-06 14:42:23.702 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Initializing accessory...
2023-12-06 14:42:23.707 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Set Manufacturer to HUMAX [EOS2]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.707 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Set Model to 2008C-STB-TN [EOS2] [EOS2]
2023-12-06 14:42:23.708 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Set Serial Number to 000378-EOS2STB-008391117705
2023-12-06 14:42:23.708 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] Living: Set Firmware to 2.1.2
2023-12-06 14:42:23.732 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: config found for configDevice.maxChannels: 95
2023-12-06 14:42:23.732 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: maxSources 95
2023-12-06 14:42:23.733 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: loading channels from this.channelList, length: 95
2023-12-06 14:42:23.733 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 1 with chId vtmhd, chName [vtm HD], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.903 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 2 with chId eenhd, chName [VRT 1], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.907 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 3 with chId vierhd, chName [Play4], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.910 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 4 with chId ketnetcanvashd, chName [VRT CANVAS], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.914 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 5 with chId 2behd, chName [VTM 2], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.917 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 6 with chId vijfhd, chName [Play5], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.920 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 7 with chId vitaya, chName [VTM 3], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.922 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 8 with chId tvlimburg, chName [TV Limburg], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.925 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 9 with chId acht, chName [VTM 4], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.928 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 10 with chId kanaalz, chName [KanaalZ], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.931 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 11 with chId rexrioinfo, chName [Play Sports Open], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.933 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 12 with chId ketnet, chName [Ketnet], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.936 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 13 with chId foxbelgium, chName [STAR Channel], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.938 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 14 with chId zes, chName [Play6], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.941 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 15 with chId dicoveryhd, chName [Discovery Vl HD], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.943 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 16 with chId natgeohd, chName [Nat Geo HD], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.945 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 17 with chId tlcvlaanderen, chName [TLC], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.947 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 18 with chId tmf, chName [Comedy Central], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.950 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 19 with chId mtv, chName [MTV VL], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.952 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 20 with chId njam, chName [njam!], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.954 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 21 with chId zeven, chName [Play7], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.957 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 22 with chId plattelandstv, chName [PlattelandsTv], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.959 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 23 with chId caz2, chName [VTM GOLD], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.961 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 24 with chId history, chName [History.TV], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.963 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 25 with chId bbcfirst, chName [BBC First], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.967 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 26 with chId bbcprime, chName [BBC Entertainment], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.969 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 27 with chId vtmkzoom, chName [VTM NON-STOP DOKTERS], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.971 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 28 with chId disneyvl, chName [Disney VL], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.974 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 29 with chId studio100tv, chName [Studio 100 TV], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.976 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 30 with chId nickelodeon, chName [Nickelodeon], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.978 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 31 with chId nickjr, chName [Nick Jr.], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.981 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 32 with chId babytv, chName [Baby TV], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.983 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 33 with chId nickukraine, chName [Nickelodeon Ukraine], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.985 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 34 with chId menttv, chName [MENT TV], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.987 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 35 with chId playhousedisney, chName [Disney JR], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.990 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 36 with chId qmusic, chName [Q-music], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.992 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 37 with chId actuatv, chName [Vlaams Parlement TV], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.996 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 38 with chId cartoonnetwork, chName [Cartoon.Network], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:23.999 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:23] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 39 with chId xite, chName [Xite], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.001 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 40 with chId dobbittv, chName [DOBBIT TV], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.004 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 41 with chId brava, chName [Stingray Classica], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.007 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 42 with chId evenaar, chName [Eclips TV], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.009 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 43 with chId outtv, chName [OUT TV], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.011 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 44 with chId stories, chName [TV.Plus], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.014 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 45 with chId ned1, chName [NPO 1], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.017 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 46 with chId ned2, chName [NPO 2], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.020 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 47 with chId ned3, chName [NPO 3], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.022 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 48 with chId bbc1, chName [BBC 1], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.025 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 49 with chId bbc2, chName [BBC 2], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.027 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 50 with chId launehd, chName [La Une HD], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.029 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 51 with chId ladeuxhd, chName [Tipik], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.032 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 52 with chId rtltvihd, chName [RTL tvi], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.034 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 53 with chId clubrtlhd, chName [RTL club], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.036 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 54 with chId plugrtl, chName [RTL plug], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.039 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 55 with chId ab3, chName [AB3], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.055 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 56 with chId rcontactvision, chName [R. Contact Vision], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.058 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 57 with chId latrois, chName [La Trois], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.060 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 58 with chId ln24, chName [LN24], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.062 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 59 with chId c8, chName [C8], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.065 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 60 with chId tmc, chName [TMC], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.067 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 61 with chId tfx, chName [TFX], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.069 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 62 with chId tf1hd, chName [TF1 HD], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.071 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 63 with chId france2, chName [France 2], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.074 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 64 with chId france3, chName [France 3], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.076 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 65 with chId france4, chName [France 4], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.078 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 66 with chId france5, chName [France 5], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.081 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 67 with chId artebelgique, chName [Arte Belgique], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.083 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 68 with chId tv5monde, chName [TV5Monde], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.087 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 69 with chId ard, chName [ARD], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.091 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 70 with chId zdf, chName [ZDF], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.093 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 71 with chId rtltele, chName [RTL Tele], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.096 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 72 with chId vox, chName [VOX], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.098 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 73 with chId ntv, chName [n-tv], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.101 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 74 with chId raiuno, chName [Rai Uno], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.103 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 75 with chId tve, chName [TVE], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.105 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 76 with chId trt, chName [TRT], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.107 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 77 with chId tvppolonia, chName [TVP Polonia], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.109 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 78 with chId mediasetint, chName [Mediaset Italia], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.112 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 79 with chId theisraelinetwork, chName [The Israëli Network], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.114 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 80 with chId 2mmonde, chName [2M Monde], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.117 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 81 with chId almaghrebtv, chName [Al Maghreb TV], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.119 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 82 with chId horse, chName [Horse & Country], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.123 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 83 with chId eurosporthd, chName [Eurosport HD], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.125 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 84 with chId eurosport2, chName [Eurosport 2 HD], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.127 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 85 with chId sport10, chName [Sport 10], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.129 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 86 with chId wsport, chName [W Sport], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.136 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 87 with chId shortshd, chName [ShortsTV], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.139 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 88 with chId animalplanethd, chName [Animal Planet], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.142 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 89 with chId cnn, chName [CNN], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.144 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 90 with chId cnbceurope, chName [CNBC Europe], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.147 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 91 with chId bbcworld, chName [BBC News], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.149 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 92 with chId aljazeeraeng, chName [Al Jazeera Eng.], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.152 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 93 with chId euronews, chName [Euronews], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.155 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 94 with chId bloomberg, chName [Bloomberg], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.157 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] prepareInputSourceServices: Adding input 95 with chId cctv, chName [CGTN], configState 1, visState 0
2023-12-06 14:42:24.165 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] Living: Initialization completed
2023-12-06 14:42:24.176 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] Publishing external accessory (name: Living, publishInfo: {
username: 'DA:64:08:F8:41:9C',
pincode: '***-**-***',
category: 35,
port: undefined,
bind: undefined,
mdns: undefined,
addIdentifyingMaterial: true,
advertiser: undefined
2023-12-06 14:42:24.204 - debug: ham.0 (9972) Fake EventedHTTPServer initialized
2023-12-06 14:42:24.205 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] Discovery completed
2023-12-06 14:42:24.206 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++++ step 6: devices found: 1
2023-12-06 14:42:24.207 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++++ step 6: calling getJwtToken
2023-12-06 14:42:24.208 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] Getting jwt token for householdId DTV4503416_be
2023-12-06 14:42:24.209 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] getJwtToken: jwtAxiosConfig: {
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://prod.spark.telenet.tv/auth-service/v1/mqtt/token',
headers: {
'X-OESP-Token': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJraWQiOiJvZXNwX3Rva2VuX3Byb2RfMjAyMDA4MTkiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ3ZWItYXBpLXByb2Qtb2JvLmhvcml6b24udHYiLCJzaWQiOiI2NjhmN2Q5ZTM2N2U0NjAxYzg3NmUzZjI3MTlmNTBlYzE2Y2VkMzk5YjY0NzdiYTE2YWVkNThmMDMzMTU2MGQ2IiwiaWF0IjoxNzAxODcwMTQyLCJleHAiOjE3MDE4NzczNDIsInN1YiI6IkRUVjQ1MDM0MTZfYmUifQ._kAn7sA0n7pP6VH0CJoFMus71sR_Ep7P62QD0UbhK-Y',
'X-OESP-Username': 'm_smeets@icloud.com'
2023-12-06 14:42:24.685 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] Living: MostWatched list refreshed with 157 channels
2023-12-06 14:42:24.732 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++++ step 7: getJwtToken token was retrieved, token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJraWQiOiJvZXNwX21xdHQiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3MDE4NzAxNDQsImV4cCI6MTcwMTg4ODE0NCwiY29tcy1ncm91cC1pZCI6IkRUVjQ1MDM0MTZfYmUifQ.Y8-LCLu2vtXu-F9n1jsRaNm1ZAGtueEA1NeQpTJ8R1E
2023-12-06 14:42:24.733 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:24] [EOSSTB] sessionWatchdog: ++++++ step 7: start mqtt client
2023-12-06 14:42:25.096 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] mqttClient: Connected: true
2023-12-06 14:42:25.106 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] Refreshing recording state
2023-12-06 14:42:25.109 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] Refreshing recording bookings
2023-12-06 14:42:25.206 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] Living: Device name changed from 'Living' to 'TELENETTVBOX'
2023-12-06 14:42:25.207 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Status Fault changed from undefined [undefined] to 0 [NO_FAULT]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.208 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Status Active changed from undefined [undefined] to 1 [ACTIVE]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.208 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Power changed from 0 [OFF] to 1 [ON]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.209 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: In Use changed from undefined [undefined] to 1 [IN_USE]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.209 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Picture Mode changed from null [OTHER] to 1 [STANDARD]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.210 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Program Mode changed from undefined [undefined] to 0 [NO_PROGRAM_SCHEDULED]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.210 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Input Device Type changed on input null ID_UNKNOWN from undefined [undefined] to 1 [TV]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.211 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Input Source Type changed on input null ID_UNKNOWN from undefined [undefined] to 2 [TUNER]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.307 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Input Device Type changed on input null ID_UNKNOWN from 1 [TV] to 4 [PLAYBACK]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.307 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Input Source Type changed on input null ID_UNKNOWN from 2 [TUNER] to 0 [OTHER]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.308 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Media state changed from 2 [STOP] to 0 [PLAY]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.328 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Recording bookings: planned recordings found: local 0, network 2, current Program Mode 1 [PROGRAM_SCHEDULED]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.328 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Status Fault changed from 0 [NO_FAULT] to 1 [GENERAL_FAULT]
2023-12-06 14:42:25.345 - debug: ham.0 (9972) [06/12/2023, 14:42:25] [EOSSTB] TELENETTVBOX: Recording state: ongoing recordings found: local 0, network 0, current Recording State 0 [IDLE]