Test Adapter pid (pid-Regler) V1.0.x
@mcm57 sagte in Test neuer Adapter pid (pid-Regler) V0.0.1-alpha.x:
@ben1983 said in Test neuer Adapter pid (pid-Regler) V0.0.1-alpha.x:
@mcm57 was mir noch auffällt ist:
selbt wenn man den Regler auf run stellt, fängt er nicht an, bevor man nicht einen soll und istwert neu schreibt.
Die sind aber vielleicht noch gleich gelieben.
Zumindest der Sollwert.Kann ich so ganz glauben. Aber run/hold Verhalten ist ein noch offener Punkt: schau ich mir eh nochmals an
Kann ich so bestätigen - man muss in den State rein und den Wert mit Enter (bestehenden Wert nochmal setzen) bestätigen, selbst wenn act und set über Skript aktualisiert werden/ wurden. Vorher bleibt diff = 0.
Erkenntnis: Der act Wert muss gesteuert, nicht aktualisiert werden (wenn man Blockly verwendet) - so stellt sich dass jedenfalls bei mir dar. Nur wenn act gesteuert wird, wird diff korrekt ermittelt, bei Aktualisierung bleibt das alte diff stehen. Wird act gesteuert, legt der Regler auch nach Instanz-Start los (auch ohne, dass set zusätzlich neu geschrieben wird).
@fu_zhou @mcm57
Das er gesteuert werden muss / soll dachte ich mir ja schon,
Ich muss ja den set und den act nochmal beschreiben, bevor es los geht.
Gerade der set kann ja durchauf fast immer gleich bleiben. -
@ben1983 bei mir langt es, den act zu steuern, set bleibt unbeschrieben (und damit orange), dann wird diff sofort nach Instanz-Start neu ermittelt (vorausgesetzt act != set) und der Regler verändert y. Ich mache das aktuell über ein Blockly-Script (steuere jede Sekunde den act mit dem gleiche Wert -0.1), set ist (und bleibt) 0:
@fu_zhou @Ben1983
Wenn ihr Blockly vewendet muss (nach meinen bescheidenen Blockly Kenntnissen) STEUERE verwendet werden. Aktualisiren hat keine Wirkung.
Um eine Wirkung zu haben muss der State mit ack=false beschrieben werden. Nur in diesem Fall beachtet der Adapter die Wertänderung. Dies ist auch der Default wenn man via Admin was reinschreibt.
Wird ein Wert mit ack=true geschrieben so wird er ignoriert. Dies ist das "normgerechte" Verhalten. Siehe auch :ätigt-acknowledged-flag-bedeutung-ein-mysterium?
Ev. werde ich zumindest bei erweitertem Logging "falsche" writes noch loggen um da mehr Klarheit zu schaffen.
@fu_zhou bei mir geht das so nicht.
Ich hatte automatischer Start deaktiviert.
Starte den Adapter neu und setze ein auf true.
Act wird aus einem JavaScript alle 2s mit dem Netzleistungswert beschrieben.
Set habe ich auf 0 und es passiert nicht, bis ich in der wieder 9 rein schreibe -
@ben1983 said in Test neuer Adapter pid (pid-Regler) V0.0.1-alpha.x:
@fu_zhou bei mir geht das so nicht.
Ich hatte automatischer Start deaktiviert.OK
Starte den Adapter neu und setze ein auf true.
Mit ein meinst du wahrscheinlich run.
Act wird aus einem JavaScript alle 2s mit dem Netzleistungswert beschrieben.
Set habe ich auf 0 und es passiert nicht, bis ich in der wieder 9 rein schreibeBitte "log calculation" aktivieren
Werden alle x Zeiteinheiten werte geloggt- oder nicht?
Wie schreibst du act? Mit ack=false? -
@mcm57 das Verhalten ist mir klar.
Ich frage bei meinen Adaptern ja auch ab, ob ack = false ist.
Nur ich MUSS bei mir den. Set einmal steuern, sonst macht er nichts.Ps. Möchte bei einem Kumpel einen Heizstab damit regeln. Je nach PV Überschuss. Bin schon gespannt wie gut das klappt.
@ben1983 offtopic: wie wird denn der Heizstab angesteuert? Hat der einen 0-10 V Eingang oder wie kannst du dem eine Leistung von 0 - 100% oder z.B. 0 - 5 kW vorgeben? (Bei mir läuft das in der S7 mit dem OSCAT PID-Controller und einem vorgeschalteten Thyristor-Steller, dem ich 0-10 V = 0-6 kW vorgebe)
@ben1983 habe das noch mal probiert: bei mir geht es nach wie vor, ohne set zu verändern:
- automatischer Start = deaktiviert
- Script, um act zu steuern läuft nicht
- PID-Instanz Neustart
- die States vom Regler bleiben orange, nichts passiert
- dann schalte ich run = true => diff wird 0, Regler fängt mit der zyklischen Bearbeitung an, y bleibt 0 (act wurde noch nicht gesteuert)
- Script zur Steuerung von act wird aktiviert => Wert von act wird weiß (war vorher orange) und der Regler verändert y
@fu_zhou komisch. Bei mir definitiv nicht.
Kann ich noch irgendwie was hochladen?
Ich habe eine mp4 schon in ein GIF gewandelt, aber es ist immer noch mehr als 5MB groß -
Ev. kannst du das mp4 irgenwo im Netz hochladen. Weiß nicht welche Accounts du hast, ev. Dropbox oder so? Kanns mir dann runterladen.
In jedem Fall sag mal
-) ob das log zykliche Berechnungen anzeigt und was da drinnens steht
-) wie du act setzt (ack-flag?) -
@ben1983 bei mir sieht die Regler-Konfig so aus:
Willst du die Einstellungen mal probieren - oder ich probiere deine (min, max, sup, Kp, Tn etc....)
@mcm57 ich schaue gleich mal.
Ich schreibe zu Adaptern immer mit ack = false. -
@mcm57 : jetzt fällt mir grade was seltsames auf:
nach dem oben beschriebenen Szenario hält sich der Regler nicht mehr an die Zykluszeit sondern springt wild zwischen 20ms und 800ms hin und her und y wird in diesem wilden, unregelmäßigem Zyklus aktualisiert. Im Konfig-Screenshot oben habe ich sogar 80ms erwischt, im Ausschnitt hier "nur" 411ms. -
Mit erweitertem Logging (option am Tab Options) sollte je Zyklus folgendes Log geschrieben werden:
2023-04-08 09:26:33.744 info [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680938793744,"act":0,"set":0,"diff":0,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":false,"dt":10001,"differr":null,"sumerr":0}``` Damit sollte man sehen: -) ob die Berechnungsloop läuft -) welche Werte für act und co "angekommen" sind Ev wird mit den INfos klar was nun passiert
@fu_zhou said in Test neuer Adapter pid (pid-Regler) V0.0.1-alpha.x:
@mcm57 : jetzt fällt mir grade was seltsames auf:
nach dem oben beschriebenen Szenario hält sich der Regler nicht mehr an die Zykluszeit sondern springt wild zwischen 20ms und 800ms hin und her und y wird in diesem wilden, unregelmäßigem Zyklus aktualisiert.Ist definitiv nicht OK. Schaus mir an.
Siehe auch existierendes Issue 41 ( -
@mcm57 könnte vielleicht dazu passen, dass ich bei mir auch die Zykluszeiten ändern konnte und dies keine Auswirkung hatte.
@mcm57 Da habe ich ein issue erstellt mit dem Video: -
@mcm57 das ist mein Log:
ich habe gesehen, dass leichte Änderungen in y passierten nach dem run = true.
es sieht so aus, also hätte er nicht den richtigen sollwert, denn erst nach dem Schreiben von set reagiert der regler2023-04-08 09:44:01.865 - debug: Incoming Host message getLogs 2023-04-08 09:44:02.624 - debug: pid.0 (13672) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2023-04-08 09:44:02.641 - debug: pid.0 (13672) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2023-04-08 09:44:02.643 - debug: pid.0 (13672) Objects create System PubSub Client 2023-04-08 09:44:02.644 - debug: pid.0 (13672) Objects create User PubSub Client 2023-04-08 09:44:02.652 - debug: pid.0 (13672) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2023-04-08 09:44:02.663 - debug: pid.0 (13672) Objects connected to redis: 2023-04-08 09:44:02.670 - debug: pid.0 (13672) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2023-04-08 09:44:02.673 - debug: pid.0 (13672) States create System PubSub Client 2023-04-08 09:44:02.674 - debug: pid.0 (13672) States create User PubSub Client 2023-04-08 09:44:02.680 - debug: pid.0 (13672) States connected to redis: 2023-04-08 09:44:02.726 - info: pid.0 (13672) starting. Version 0.0.2-alpha.2 (non-npm: mcm1957/ in C:/ioBrokerAdapter/ioBroker.janitza-gridvis/.dev-server/default/node_modules/, node: v18.15.0, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-04-08 09:44:02.740 - debug: pid.0 (13672) onReady triggered 2023-04-08 09:44:02.747 - debug: pid.0 (13672) resetStateobjects 2023-04-08 09:44:02.752 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobjects 2023-04-08 09:44:02.753 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.760 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.cycle) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.760 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.cycle] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.763 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.useXp) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.763 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.useXp] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.766 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.dao) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.766 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.dao] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.769 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.xp) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.769 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.xp] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.771 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject ( 2023-04-08 09:44:02.772 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.774 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject ( 2023-04-08 09:44:02.774 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.777 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject ( 2023-04-08 09:44:02.778 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.780 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.min) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.780 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.min] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.783 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.max) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.783 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.max] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.785 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject ( 2023-04-08 09:44:02.786 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.788 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.sup) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.788 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.sup] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.792 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.act) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.792 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.act] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.795 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.set) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.795 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.set] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.797 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.man_inp) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.798 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.man_inp] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.800 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject ( 2023-04-08 09:44:02.800 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.803 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.rst) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.803 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.rst] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.806 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject ( 2023-04-08 09:44:02.806 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.810 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.y) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.810 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.y] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.814 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.diff) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.814 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.diff] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.817 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.lim) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.817 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.lim] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.821 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.i_differr) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.821 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.i_differr] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.825 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.i_sumerr) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.825 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.i_sumerr] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.829 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.last_delta) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.829 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.last_delta] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.831 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.last_upd) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.832 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.last_upd] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.834 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initStateobject (C-1.last_upd_str) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.834 - debug: pid.0 (13672) initobject [C-1.last_upd_str] 2023-04-08 09:44:02.838 - info: pid.0 (13672) [start] start instance with id 1 2023-04-08 09:44:02.844 - info: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] controller initialized ({"xp":15000,"kp":0.1,"tn":1,"tv":0,"min":0,"max":1500,"off":0,"sup":0,"set":0,"dao":true,"useXp":false}) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.845 - debug: pid.0 (13672) updParamStates triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:02.870 - info: pid.0 (13672) processing started for 1 controller(s) 2023-04-08 09:44:03.326 - debug: Incoming Host message readBaseSettings 2023-04-08 09:44:04.030 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1390.5620380113332 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:04.030 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1390.5620380113332) 2023-04-08 09:44:04.036 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1390.5620380113332 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:06.036 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1403.515483655122 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:06.036 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1403.515483655122) 2023-04-08 09:44:06.038 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1403.515483655122 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:08.038 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1401.3026392568381 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:08.039 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1401.3026392568381) 2023-04-08 09:44:08.043 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1401.3026392568381 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:10.035 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1405.6112167087529 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:10.035 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1405.6112167087529) 2023-04-08 09:44:10.039 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1405.6112167087529 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:12.022 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1437.6637307313426 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:12.022 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1437.6637307313426) 2023-04-08 09:44:12.024 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1437.6637307313426 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:14.036 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1514.0716306559348 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:14.036 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1514.0716306559348) 2023-04-08 09:44:14.041 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1514.0716306559348 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:15.917 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] changed: true (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:15.917 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgRun called (1, true) 2023-04-08 09:44:15.922 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:16.023 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1540.7647460510311 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:16.023 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1540.7647460510311) 2023-04-08 09:44:16.024 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:16.024 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939856024,"act":1540.7647460510311,"set":0,"diff":-1540.7647460510311,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1000,"differr":null,"sumerr":1540.7647460510311} 2023-04-08 09:44:16.049 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1000 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:16.051 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939856024 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:16.054 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:16 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:16.056 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:16.059 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -1540.7647460510311 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:16.061 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:16.064 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:16.067 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 1540.7647460510311 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:16.069 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1540.7647460510311 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:17.925 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:17.925 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939857925,"act":1540.7647460510311,"set":0,"diff":-1540.7647460510311,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1901,"differr":null,"sumerr":1540.7647460510311} 2023-04-08 09:44:17.929 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1901 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:17.931 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939857925 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:17.934 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:17 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:17.936 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:17.939 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -1540.7647460510311 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:17.940 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:17.942 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:17.945 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 1540.7647460510311 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:18.023 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 928.0172028123266 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:18.023 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 928.0172028123266) 2023-04-08 09:44:18.023 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:18.024 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939858023,"act":928.0172028123266,"set":0,"diff":-928.0172028123266,"off":0,"y":52.18018573630965,"lim":false,"dt":98,"differr":null,"sumerr":1449.8190601754231} 2023-04-08 09:44:18.026 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 98 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:18.029 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939858023 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:18.032 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:18 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:18.034 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 52.18018573630965 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:18.037 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -928.0172028123266 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:18.040 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:18.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:18.044 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 1449.8190601754231 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:18.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 928.0172028123266 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:19.936 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:19.937 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939859937,"act":928.0172028123266,"set":0,"diff":-928.0172028123266,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1914,"differr":null,"sumerr":928.0172028123266} 2023-04-08 09:44:19.942 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1914 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:19.946 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939859937 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:19.951 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:19 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:19.955 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:19.959 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -928.0172028123266 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:19.962 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:19.966 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:19.969 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 928.0172028123266 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:20.041 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 929.4506143361151 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:20.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 929.4506143361151) 2023-04-08 09:44:20.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:20.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939860042,"act":929.4506143361151,"set":0,"diff":-929.4506143361151,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":105,"differr":null,"sumerr":929.4506143361151} 2023-04-08 09:44:20.048 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 105 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:20.052 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939860042 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:20.057 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:20 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:20.060 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:20.064 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -929.4506143361151 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:20.068 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:20.072 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:20.076 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 929.4506143361151 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:20.079 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 929.4506143361151 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:21.950 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:21.951 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939861951,"act":929.4506143361151,"set":0,"diff":-929.4506143361151,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1909,"differr":null,"sumerr":929.4506143361151} 2023-04-08 09:44:21.956 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1909 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:21.961 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939861951 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:21.965 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:21 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:21.969 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:21.973 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -929.4506143361151 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:21.977 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:21.982 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:21.985 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 929.4506143361151 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:22.048 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 869.7041107894285 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:22.049 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 869.7041107894285) 2023-04-08 09:44:22.049 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:22.049 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939862049,"act":869.7041107894285,"set":0,"diff":-869.7041107894285,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":98,"differr":null,"sumerr":869.7041107894285} 2023-04-08 09:44:22.053 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 98 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:22.058 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939862049 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:22.061 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:22 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:22.066 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:22.070 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -869.7041107894285 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:22.074 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:22.078 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:22.083 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 869.7041107894285 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:22.087 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 869.7041107894285 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:23.961 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:23.962 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939863962,"act":869.7041107894285,"set":0,"diff":-869.7041107894285,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1913,"differr":null,"sumerr":869.7041107894285} 2023-04-08 09:44:23.966 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1913 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:23.969 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939863962 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:23.973 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:23 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:23.977 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:23.981 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -869.7041107894285 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:23.985 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:23.990 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:23.994 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 869.7041107894285 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:24.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 891.3845316895307 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:24.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 891.3845316895307) 2023-04-08 09:44:24.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:24.048 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939864048,"act":891.3845316895307,"set":0,"diff":-891.3845316895307,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":86,"differr":null,"sumerr":891.3845316895307} 2023-04-08 09:44:24.051 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 86 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:24.054 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939864048 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:24.057 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:24 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:24.059 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:24.062 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -891.3845316895307 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:24.064 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:24.066 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:24.069 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 891.3845316895307 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:24.072 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 891.3845316895307 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:25.963 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:25.964 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939865964,"act":891.3845316895307,"set":0,"diff":-891.3845316895307,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1916,"differr":null,"sumerr":891.3845316895307} 2023-04-08 09:44:25.968 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1916 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:25.971 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939865964 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:25.976 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:25 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:25.980 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:25.984 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -891.3845316895307 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:25.988 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:25.993 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:25.997 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 891.3845316895307 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:26.067 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 872.4045979248973 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:26.067 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 872.4045979248973) 2023-04-08 09:44:26.068 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:26.068 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939866068,"act":872.4045979248973,"set":0,"diff":-872.4045979248973,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":104,"differr":null,"sumerr":872.4045979248973} 2023-04-08 09:44:26.072 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 104 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:26.075 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939866068 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:26.078 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:26 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:26.080 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:26.083 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -872.4045979248973 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:26.086 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:26.089 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:26.092 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 872.4045979248973 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:26.095 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 872.4045979248973 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:27.973 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:27.973 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939867973,"act":872.4045979248973,"set":0,"diff":-872.4045979248973,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1905,"differr":null,"sumerr":872.4045979248973} 2023-04-08 09:44:27.975 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1905 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:27.978 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939867973 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:27.980 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:27 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:27.983 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:27.985 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -872.4045979248973 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:27.988 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:27.990 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:27.992 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 872.4045979248973 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:28.031 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 847.8475296663865 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:28.031 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 847.8475296663865) 2023-04-08 09:44:28.031 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:28.031 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939868031,"act":847.8475296663865,"set":0,"diff":-847.8475296663865,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":58,"differr":null,"sumerr":847.8475296663865} 2023-04-08 09:44:28.033 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 58 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:28.035 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939868031 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:28.038 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:28 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:28.041 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:28.043 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -847.8475296663865 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:28.045 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:28.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:28.050 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 847.8475296663865 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:28.052 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 847.8475296663865 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:29.982 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:29.982 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939869982,"act":847.8475296663865,"set":0,"diff":-847.8475296663865,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1951,"differr":null,"sumerr":847.8475296663865} 2023-04-08 09:44:29.986 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1951 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:29.990 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939869982 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:29.994 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:29 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:29.998 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.002 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -847.8475296663865 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.005 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.009 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.013 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 847.8475296663865 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.055 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 875.5803828993212 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.056 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 875.5803828993212) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.056 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.056 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939870056,"act":875.5803828993212,"set":0,"diff":-875.5803828993212,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":74,"differr":null,"sumerr":875.5803828993212} 2023-04-08 09:44:30.060 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 74 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.063 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939870056 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.067 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:30 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.070 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.074 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -875.5803828993212 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.078 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.081 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.085 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 875.5803828993212 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:30.088 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 875.5803828993212 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:31.993 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:31.993 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939871993,"act":875.5803828993212,"set":0,"diff":-875.5803828993212,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1937,"differr":null,"sumerr":875.5803828993212} 2023-04-08 09:44:31.997 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1937 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.001 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939871993 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.006 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:31 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.010 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.015 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -875.5803828993212 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.018 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.021 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.025 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 875.5803828993212 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.058 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 885.3756254239948 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.058 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 885.3756254239948) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.059 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.059 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939872059,"act":885.3756254239948,"set":0,"diff":-885.3756254239948,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":66,"differr":null,"sumerr":885.3756254239948} 2023-04-08 09:44:32.063 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 66 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.068 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939872059 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.072 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:32 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.075 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.079 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -885.3756254239948 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.082 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.087 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.091 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 885.3756254239948 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:32.094 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 885.3756254239948 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.001 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.001 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939874001,"act":885.3756254239948,"set":0,"diff":-885.3756254239948,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1942,"differr":null,"sumerr":885.3756254239948} 2023-04-08 09:44:34.006 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1942 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.010 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939874001 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.013 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:34 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.017 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.020 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -885.3756254239948 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.023 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.026 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.029 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 885.3756254239948 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 823.6018689269991 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 823.6018689269991) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939874042,"act":823.6018689269991,"set":0,"diff":-823.6018689269991,"off":0,"y":2.8006079870988856,"lim":false,"dt":41,"differr":null,"sumerr":851.6079487979879} 2023-04-08 09:44:34.045 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 41 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.048 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939874042 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.050 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:34 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.053 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 2.8006079870988856 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.057 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -823.6018689269991 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.059 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.062 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.064 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 851.6079487979879 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:34.067 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 823.6018689269991 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.011 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.012 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939876012,"act":823.6018689269991,"set":0,"diff":-823.6018689269991,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1970,"differr":null,"sumerr":823.6018689269991} 2023-04-08 09:44:36.015 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1970 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.017 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939876012 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.021 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:36 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.023 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.025 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -823.6018689269991 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.027 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.029 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.032 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 823.6018689269991 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.033 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 889.2381421041815 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.033 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 889.2381421041815) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.033 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.033 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939876033,"act":889.2381421041815,"set":0,"diff":-889.2381421041815,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":21,"differr":null,"sumerr":889.2381421041815} 2023-04-08 09:44:36.035 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 21 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.037 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939876033 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.039 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:36 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.040 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -889.2381421041815 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.044 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.045 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.048 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 889.2381421041815 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:36.050 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 889.2381421041815 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.015 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.016 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939878016,"act":889.2381421041815,"set":0,"diff":-889.2381421041815,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1983,"differr":null,"sumerr":889.2381421041815} 2023-04-08 09:44:38.020 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1983 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.024 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939878016 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.027 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:38 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.032 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.035 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -889.2381421041815 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.038 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.045 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 871.2866255100008 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.046 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 871.2866255100008) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.046 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.046 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939878046,"act":871.2866255100008,"set":0,"diff":-871.2866255100008,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":30,"differr":null,"sumerr":871.2866255100008} 2023-04-08 09:44:38.048 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 889.2381421041815 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.050 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 30 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.053 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939878046 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.055 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:38 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.058 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.061 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -871.2866255100008 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.063 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.066 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.069 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 871.2866255100008 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:38.071 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 871.2866255100008 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.026 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.026 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939880026,"act":871.2866255100008,"set":0,"diff":-871.2866255100008,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1980,"differr":null,"sumerr":871.2866255100008} 2023-04-08 09:44:40.030 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1980 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.032 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939880026 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.035 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:40 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.039 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.041 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -871.2866255100008 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.043 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.045 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.048 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 871.2866255100008 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.081 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 895.7919570071869 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.081 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 895.7919570071869) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.081 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.081 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939880081,"act":895.7919570071869,"set":0,"diff":-895.7919570071869,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":55,"differr":null,"sumerr":895.7919570071869} 2023-04-08 09:44:40.084 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 55 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.085 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939880081 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.088 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:40 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.089 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.091 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -895.7919570071869 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.093 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.094 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.096 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 895.7919570071869 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:40.098 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 895.7919570071869 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.036 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.036 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939882036,"act":895.7919570071869,"set":0,"diff":-895.7919570071869,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1955,"differr":null,"sumerr":895.7919570071869} 2023-04-08 09:44:42.040 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1955 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.044 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 725.218432648456 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.044 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 725.218432648456) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.044 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.044 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939882044,"act":725.218432648456,"set":0,"diff":-725.218432648456,"off":0,"y":16.477177689754328,"lim":false,"dt":8,"differr":null,"sumerr":889.9902095459992} 2023-04-08 09:44:42.046 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939882036 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.049 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 8 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.050 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:42 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.054 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939882044 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.055 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.057 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:42 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.059 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -895.7919570071869 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.061 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 16.477177689754328 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.062 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.064 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -725.218432648456 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.065 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.067 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.069 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 895.7919570071869 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.070 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.073 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 889.9902095459992 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:42.075 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 725.218432648456 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.024 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 711.997973664081 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.025 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 711.997973664081) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.025 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.025 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939884025,"act":711.997973664081,"set":0,"diff":-711.997973664081,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1981,"differr":null,"sumerr":711.997973664081} 2023-04-08 09:44:44.029 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1981 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.033 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939884025 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.035 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.035 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939884035,"act":711.997973664081,"set":0,"diff":-711.997973664081,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":10,"differr":null,"sumerr":711.997973664081} 2023-04-08 09:44:44.037 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:44 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.040 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 10 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.041 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.045 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939884035 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.046 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -711.997973664081 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.049 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:44 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.050 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.052 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.054 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.057 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -711.997973664081 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.058 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 711.997973664081 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.061 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.064 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 711.997973664081 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.066 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:44.069 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 711.997973664081 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.039 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.039 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939886039,"act":711.997973664081,"set":0,"diff":-711.997973664081,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":2004,"differr":null,"sumerr":711.997973664081} 2023-04-08 09:44:46.040 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 727.675815207262 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.041 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 727.675815207262) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.041 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.041 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939886041,"act":727.675815207262,"set":0,"diff":-727.675815207262,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":2,"differr":null,"sumerr":727.675815207262} 2023-04-08 09:44:46.046 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 2004 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 2 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.052 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939886039 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.053 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939886041 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.056 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:46 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.058 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:46 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.060 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.061 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.064 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -711.997973664081 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.065 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -727.675815207262 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.067 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.068 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.071 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.072 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.074 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 711.997973664081 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.075 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 727.675815207262 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:46.078 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 727.675815207262 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.054 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.054 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939888054,"act":727.675815207262,"set":0,"diff":-727.675815207262,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":2013,"differr":null,"sumerr":727.675815207262} 2023-04-08 09:44:48.055 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 716.7878899801675 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.056 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 716.7878899801675) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.056 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.056 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939888056,"act":716.7878899801675,"set":0,"diff":-716.7878899801675,"off":0,"y":0.945434944713412,"lim":false,"dt":2,"differr":null,"sumerr":726.2422394273017} 2023-04-08 09:44:48.061 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 2013 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.062 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 2 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.065 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939888054 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.066 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939888056 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.068 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:48 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.070 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:48 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.073 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.074 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0.945434944713412 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.077 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -727.675815207262 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.078 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -716.7878899801675 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.082 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.083 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.085 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.086 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.089 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 727.675815207262 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.089 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 726.2422394273017 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:48.091 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 716.7878899801675 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.066 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.067 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939890066,"act":716.7878899801675,"set":0,"diff":-716.7878899801675,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":2009.9999999999998,"differr":null,"sumerr":716.7878899801675} 2023-04-08 09:44:50.072 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 2009.9999999999998 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.073 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 720.0546142869595 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.074 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 720.0546142869595) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.074 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.074 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939890074,"act":720.0546142869595,"set":0,"diff":-720.0546142869595,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":8,"differr":null,"sumerr":720.0546142869595} 2023-04-08 09:44:50.078 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939890066 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.079 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 8 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.084 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:50 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.084 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939890074 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.088 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.090 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:50 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.093 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -716.7878899801675 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.094 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.097 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.098 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -720.0546142869595 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.101 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.103 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.106 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 716.7878899801675 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.107 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.110 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 720.0546142869595 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:50.114 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 720.0546142869595 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.031 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 981.1471280912726 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.031 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 981.1471280912726) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.032 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.032 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939892032,"act":981.1471280912726,"set":0,"diff":-981.1471280912726,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":1958,"differr":null,"sumerr":981.1471280912726} 2023-04-08 09:44:52.036 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1958 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.040 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939892032 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.044 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:52 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.051 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -981.1471280912726 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.054 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.057 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.059 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 981.1471280912726 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.062 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 981.1471280912726 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.081 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.081 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939892081,"act":981.1471280912726,"set":0,"diff":-981.1471280912726,"off":0,"y":0,"lim":true,"dt":49,"differr":null,"sumerr":981.1471280912726} 2023-04-08 09:44:52.085 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 49 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.088 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939892081 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.091 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:52 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.094 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 0 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.097 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: -981.1471280912726 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.100 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: true (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.103 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.107 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 981.1471280912726 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.514 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.set changed: 2000 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.515 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgSet called (1, 2000) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.515 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.515 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939892515,"act":981.1471280912726,"set":2000,"diff":1018.8528719087274,"off":0,"y":244.21821464083877,"lim":false,"dt":434,"differr":null,"sumerr":1423.3292744996602} 2023-04-08 09:44:52.520 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 434 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.522 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939892515 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.526 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:52 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.529 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 244.21821464083877 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.531 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 1018.8528719087274 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.535 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.537 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.540 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 1423.3292744996602 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:52.543 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.set changed: 2000 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.034 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1053.9271282948548 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.035 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1053.9271282948548) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.035 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.035 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939894035,"act":1053.9271282948548,"set":2000,"diff":946.0728717051452,"off":0,"y":380.7432911196627,"lim":false,"dt":1520,"differr":null,"sumerr":2861.360039491481} 2023-04-08 09:44:54.039 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1520 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.041 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939894035 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.044 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:54 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.046 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 380.7432911196627 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.049 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 946.0728717051452 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.051 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.054 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.056 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 2861.360039491481 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.058 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1053.9271282948548 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.086 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.086 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939894086,"act":1053.9271282948548,"set":2000,"diff":946.0728717051452,"off":0,"y":385.5682627653589,"lim":false,"dt":51,"differr":null,"sumerr":2909.6097559484433} 2023-04-08 09:44:54.091 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 51 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.094 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939894086 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.098 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:54 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.101 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 385.5682627653589 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.105 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 946.0728717051452 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.107 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.110 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:54.112 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 2909.6097559484433 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.041 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1242.8053445622718 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1242.8053445622718) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939896042,"act":1242.8053445622718,"set":2000,"diff":757.1946554377282,"off":0,"y":514.7877157422369,"lim":false,"dt":1956,"differr":null,"sumerr":4390.68250198464} 2023-04-08 09:44:56.046 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1956 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.049 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939896042 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.052 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:56 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.057 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 514.7877157422369 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.060 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 757.1946554377282 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.063 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.066 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.069 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 4390.68250198464 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.071 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1242.8053445622718 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.097 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.097 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939896097,"act":1242.8053445622718,"set":2000,"diff":757.1946554377282,"off":0,"y":518.9522863471443,"lim":false,"dt":55,"differr":null,"sumerr":4432.328208033715} 2023-04-08 09:44:56.101 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 55 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.104 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939896097 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.107 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:56 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.111 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 518.9522863471443 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.115 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 757.1946554377282 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.118 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.122 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:56.125 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 4432.328208033715 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1384.7866517747434 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1384.7866517747434) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.043 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.043 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939898043,"act":1384.7866517747434,"set":2000,"diff":615.2133482252566,"off":0,"y":624.474673190532,"lim":false,"dt":1946,"differr":null,"sumerr":5629.533383680064} 2023-04-08 09:44:58.046 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1946 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.048 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939898043 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.050 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:58 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.052 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 624.474673190532 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.054 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 615.2133482252566 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.055 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.057 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.058 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 5629.533383680064 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.060 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1384.7866517747434 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.111 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.111 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939898111,"act":1384.7866517747434,"set":2000,"diff":615.2133482252566,"off":0,"y":628.6581239584638,"lim":false,"dt":68,"differr":null,"sumerr":5671.367891359381} 2023-04-08 09:44:58.114 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 68 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.117 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939898111 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.120 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:44:58 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.124 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 628.6581239584638 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.127 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 615.2133482252566 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.130 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.133 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:44:58.135 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 5671.367891359381 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.066 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1449.8911069391177 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.066 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1449.8911069391177) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.066 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.066 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939900066,"act":1449.8911069391177,"set":2000,"diff":550.1088930608823,"off":0,"y":729.6939670354288,"lim":false,"dt":1955,"differr":null,"sumerr":6746.830777293406} 2023-04-08 09:45:00.071 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1955 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.075 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939900066 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.079 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:45:00 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.083 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 729.6939670354288 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.087 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 550.1088930608823 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.092 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.096 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.100 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 6746.830777293406 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.103 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1449.8911069391177 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.119 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.119 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939900119,"act":1449.8911069391177,"set":2000,"diff":550.1088930608823,"off":0,"y":732.6095441686515,"lim":false,"dt":53,"differr":null,"sumerr":6775.986548625632} 2023-04-08 09:45:00.123 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 53 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.126 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939900119 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.129 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:45:00 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.133 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 732.6095441686515 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.137 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 550.1088930608823 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.139 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.141 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:00.142 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 6775.986548625632 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:01.121 - debug: Incoming Host message getLogFiles 2023-04-08 09:45:01.138 - debug: Incoming Host message getLogs 2023-04-08 09:45:02.033 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1576.9148837625066 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.033 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1576.9148837625066) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.033 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.033 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939902033,"act":1576.9148837625066,"set":2000,"diff":423.08511623749337,"off":0,"y":800.885657734169,"lim":false,"dt":1914,"differr":null,"sumerr":7585.771461104195} 2023-04-08 09:45:02.037 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1914 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.040 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939902033 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.043 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:45:02 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.046 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 800.885657734169 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.050 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 423.08511623749337 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.053 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.056 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.059 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 7585.771461104195 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.063 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1576.9148837625066 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.129 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.129 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939902129,"act":1576.9148837625066,"set":2000,"diff":423.08511623749337,"off":0,"y":804.9472748500489,"lim":false,"dt":96,"differr":null,"sumerr":7626.387632262994} 2023-04-08 09:45:02.133 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 96 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.137 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939902129 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.140 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:45:02 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.143 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 804.9472748500489 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.147 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 423.08511623749337 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.151 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.154 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:02.157 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 7626.387632262994 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1627.0246018184898 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.043 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1627.0246018184898) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.043 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.043 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939904043,"act":1627.0246018184898,"set":2000,"diff":372.9753981815102,"off":0,"y":871.3237942563914,"lim":false,"dt":1914,"differr":null,"sumerr":8340.262544382404} 2023-04-08 09:45:04.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1914 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.049 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939904043 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.052 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:45:04 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.054 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 871.3237942563914 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.057 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 372.9753981815102 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.060 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.064 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.066 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 8340.262544382404 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.069 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1627.0246018184898 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.138 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.139 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939904139,"act":1627.0246018184898,"set":2000,"diff":372.9753981815102,"off":0,"y":874.9043580789339,"lim":false,"dt":96,"differr":null,"sumerr":8376.068182607829} 2023-04-08 09:45:04.143 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 96 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.147 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939904139 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.150 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:45:04 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.153 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 874.9043580789339 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.157 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 372.9753981815102 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.160 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.163 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:04.167 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 8376.068182607829 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:05.021 - debug: janitza-gridvis.0 (9320) read out historic data started 2023-04-08 09:45:05.421 - debug: janitza-gridvis.0 (9320) read out historic data finished 2023-04-08 09:45:06.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1732.914321665591 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1732.914321665591) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939906047,"act":1732.914321665591,"set":2000,"diff":267.08567833440907,"off":0,"y":915.2753335204292,"lim":false,"dt":1908,"differr":null,"sumerr":8885.667656869882} 2023-04-08 09:45:06.049 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1908 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.051 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939906047 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.052 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:45:06 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.053 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 915.2753335204292 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.055 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 267.08567833440907 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.056 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.057 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.058 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 8885.667656869882 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.059 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1732.914321665591 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.152 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.153 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939906153,"act":1732.914321665591,"set":2000,"diff":267.08567833440907,"off":0,"y":918.106441710774,"lim":false,"dt":106,"differr":null,"sumerr":8913.97873877333} 2023-04-08 09:45:06.157 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 106 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.160 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939906153 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.163 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:45:06 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.166 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 918.106441710774 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.170 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 267.08567833440907 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.173 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.176 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:06.180 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 8913.97873877333 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.042 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1780.0909849874722 (ack = false) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.043 - debug: pid.0 (13672) chgAct called (1, 1780.0909849874722) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.043 - debug: pid.0 (13672) doUpdate triggered (1) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.043 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [C-1] update() - {"ts":1680939908043,"act":1780.0909849874722,"set":2000,"diff":219.9090150125278,"off":0,"y":954.9515792159536,"lim":false,"dt":1890,"differr":null,"sumerr":9329.606777147008} 2023-04-08 09:45:08.047 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_delta changed: 1890 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.050 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd changed: 1680939908043 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.053 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.last_upd_str changed: 8.4.2023, 09:45:08 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.055 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.y changed: 954.9515792159536 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.059 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.diff changed: 219.9090150125278 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.062 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.lim changed: false (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.065 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_differr changed: null (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.068 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.i_sumerr changed: 9329.606777147008 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.072 - debug: pid.0 (13672) [statechange] pid.0.C-1.act changed: 1780.0909849874722 (ack = true) 2023-04-08 09:45:08.104 - debug: Incoming Host message getLogFile
Was mir auffällt ist, dass act immer mit ack = true drin steht, obwohl ich das mit false schreibe, bzw. den setstate nutze und dem nichts mit gebe, dann ist es ja false.
logt der das, weil der adapter es true schreibt? -
@fu_zhou wahrscheinlich thyristorsteller.
Steht aber noch nicht ganz fest.Edit: ok er will dich nur ein Aus im 5min Zyklus entscheiden.