Roborock Adapter tester gesucht
@spacerx said in Roborock Adapter tester gesucht:
Falls es noch nicht bekannt ist, ich habe bei meinem S7 maxv ultra in der Kartenerstellung bemerkt das die Ausrichtung des Roboters auf der Station beim Laden oder Mop reinigen nicht passt. Auch der Zuschnitt der Karte hat sich in den letzten 2 Versionen geändert. Ja ist eine Kleinigkeit aber ist halt so.
Ich kann mich gern darum kümmern. Magst du mir Bilder zukommen lassen auf denen ersichtlich ist was genau nicht passt? Dann gucke ich mir das Mal genauer an.
@copystring ist bei mir auch so in der ladestation zeigt er nach oben müsste aber nach rechts zeigen (shift 90 grad nach rechts)
Auf den Weg dorthin (Ladestation wird korrekt angezegit)
Geparkt dann
Roborock S7
sporadisch tauchtim log Failed to create canvas: auf
Failed to create canvas: mit immer mal anderen Sachen
[{"main_brush_work_time":76911,"side_brush_work_time":76911,"filter_work_time":76911,"filter_element_work_time":0,"sensor_dirty_time":76802,"dust_collection_work_times":54}] -
@daniel1337 said in Roborock Adapter tester gesucht:
@copystring ist bei mir auch so in der ladestation zeigt er nach oben müsste aber nach rechts zeigen (shift 90 grad nach rechts)
Auf den Weg dorthin (Ladestation wird korrekt angezegit)
Geparkt dann
Roborock S7
sporadisch tauchtim log Failed to create canvas: auf
Failed to create canvas: mit immer mal anderen Sachen
[{"main_brush_work_time":76911,"side_brush_work_time":76911,"filter_work_time":76911,"filter_element_work_time":0,"sensor_dirty_time":76802,"dust_collection_work_times":54}]Ist in 0.1.6 behoben. Ich hatte mir das irgendwann schon mal angeschaut und meinte, dass die Rotation nie passt, wenn der Roboter parkt. Dem ist anscheinend nicht so.
@m-a-hueb said in Roborock Adapter tester gesucht:
@copystring Installiert und werde evtl Fehler berichten.
Was mir noch eingefallen ist:
Wenn ich auf einem TouchDisplay die http://IP-Adresse:6824/map.html nutzen will kann ich das Zonenkästchen nicht verändern. Könnte man da was anpassen?Ist in 0.1.6 eingebaut.
Jemand hier mit einem S6 MaxV oder anderen Roboter mit Kamera bzw. Hinderniserkennung? Auf der Karte sollten entsprechend rote Punkte platziert werden, wo sich erkannte Hindernisse befinden. Passen die Postionen?
Bei mir sieht das so aus.
@copystring Passt bei mir perfekt. Danke!
@oxident said in Roborock Adapter tester gesucht:
@copystring Passt bei mir perfekt. Danke!
Sorry. Was bedeutet das? Du hast einen S6 MaxV und die Punkte passen?
Die Hindernisse werden auf dem S6 MaxV korrekt an der richtigen Position angezeigt.
@copystring Hindernisserkennung passt bei mir.
Zonenerstellung auf Touch geräten tut auch -
vielen Dank erstmal für diesen Adapter. Soweit habe ich ihn zum Laufen bekommen.Leider will das mit der Zimmerreinigung nicht ganz funtkionieren.
Wenn ich mit Blockly bestimmt Räume auf true setze und danach die Reinigung mit "app_segment_clean" starte, wird immer nur ein einziger Raum gereinigt und danach geht der Robi wieder zur Ladestation.Ist ein S7 ohne Absaugstation.
Mache ich da irgendwas falsch?
Eigentlich sollte es so funktionieren.
Zumindest ist es bei mir so. -
Eigentlich sollte es so funktionieren.
Zumindest ist es bei mir so. -
@menfis haben alle Räume Namen?
Habe mir gerade den iobroker log angesehen.
Es gab heute Nacht eine Menge Fehlereinträge, danach wieder alles i.O.
Eine Idee?
Roborock S7 Pro Ultra.Habe die 0.1.6 installiert. Mit den Version davor hatte ich die Auffälligkeit nicht.
2023-03-15 03:52:31.523 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 589 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.523 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 590 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.523 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 591 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.523 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 592 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.524 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 593 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.524 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 594 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.524 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 595 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.524 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 596 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.525 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 597 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.525 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 598 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.525 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 599 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.525 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 600 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.526 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 601 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.526 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 602 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.526 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 603 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.527 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 604 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.527 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 605 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.527 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 606 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.527 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 607 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.528 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 608 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.528 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 609 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.528 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 610 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.528 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 611 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.529 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 612 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.529 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 613 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.530 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 614 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.530 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 615 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.530 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 616 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.530 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 617 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.531 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 618 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.531 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 619 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.531 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 620 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.531 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 621 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.531 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 622 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.531 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 623 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.532 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 624 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.532 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 625 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.532 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 626 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.532 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 627 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.532 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 628 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.532 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 629 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.533 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 630 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.533 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 631 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.533 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 632 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.533 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 633 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.533 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 634 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.533 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 635 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.534 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 636 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.534 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 637 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.534 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 638 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.534 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 639 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.534 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 640 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.535 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 641 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.535 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 642 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.535 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 643 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.535 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 644 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.535 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 645 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.536 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 646 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.536 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 647 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.536 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 648 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.536 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 649 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.536 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 650 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.536 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 651 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.537 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 652 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.537 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 653 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.537 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 654 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.537 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 655 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.537 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 656 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.537 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 657 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.538 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 658 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.538 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 659 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 04:34:31.481 - info: roborock.0 (5655) State value to set for "roborock.0.Devices.5Im6TX0cm6mgxaWxHaEos7.deviceStatus.water_box_custom_mode" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2023-03-15 04:44:31.484 - info: roborock.0 (5655) State value to set for "roborock.0.Devices.5Im6TX0cm6mgxaWxHaEos7.deviceStatus.water_box_custom_mode" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2023-03-15 04:56:30.926 - warn: roborock.0 (5655) MQTT connection close. 2023-03-15 04:56:30.927 - warn: roborock.0 (5655) MQTT connection reconnect.
Ja, alle Räume haben Namen. Ich habe es inzwischen ein einziges Mal irgendwie hinbekommen, dass er direkt zum nächsten Raum weiter ist. Ich glaube ich hatte ihn mit Zimmerreinigung losgeschickt, dann kurz eine Zonenreigung gestartet, diese abgebrochen und dann die Zimmerreinigung fortgesetzt.
Allerdings ließ sich das nicht mehr reproduzieren.
Auch den Adapter hatte ich mal komplett neuinstalliert. Keine Änderung. -
@menfis bitte ein vollständiges Debug hier anhängen nachdem die Raumreinigung gestartet wurde
Hat zufällig schon jmd eine kleine Zusammenstellung über "dock_error_status".
Bisher weiß ich, dass 39 der Schnutzwassertank und 38 der Frischwassertank ist.
Der Roboter hat ja noch einige andere "*_status".
Da bin ich bisher garnicht sicher was für was ist.Würde mir gerne ein Skript schreiben, was mir soweit möglich sämtliche Fehlermeldungen im klartext zeigt schreiben.
Evtl kommt es ja auch irgendwann im Adapter. Aber erstmal selber testen ^^. -
@dontoben said in Roborock Adapter tester gesucht:
Habe mir gerade den iobroker log angesehen.
Es gab heute Nacht eine Menge Fehlereinträge, danach wieder alles i.O.
Eine Idee?
Roborock S7 Pro Ultra.Habe die 0.1.6 installiert. Mit den Version davor hatte ich die Auffälligkeit nicht.
2023-03-15 03:52:31.523 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 589 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.523 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 590 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.523 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 591 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.523 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 592 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.524 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 593 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.524 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 594 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.524 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 595 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.524 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 596 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.525 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 597 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.525 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 598 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.525 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 599 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.525 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 600 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.526 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 601 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.526 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 602 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.526 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 603 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.527 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 604 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.527 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 605 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.527 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 606 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.527 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 607 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.528 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 608 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.528 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 609 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.528 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 610 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.528 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 611 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.529 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 612 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.529 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 613 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.530 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 614 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.530 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 615 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.530 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 616 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.530 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 617 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.531 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 618 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.531 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 619 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.531 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 620 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.531 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 621 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.531 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 622 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.531 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 623 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.532 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 624 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.532 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 625 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.532 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 626 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.532 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 627 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.532 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 628 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.532 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 629 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.533 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 630 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.533 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 631 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.533 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 632 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.533 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 633 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.533 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 634 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.533 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 635 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.534 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 636 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.534 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 637 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.534 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 638 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.534 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 639 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.534 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 640 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.535 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 641 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.535 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 642 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.535 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 643 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.535 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 644 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.535 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 645 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.536 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 646 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.536 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 647 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.536 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 648 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.536 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 649 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.536 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 650 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.536 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 651 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.537 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 652 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.537 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 653 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.537 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 654 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.537 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 655 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.537 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 656 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.537 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 657 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.538 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 658 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 03:52:31.538 - error: roborock.0 (5655) Unsported attribute: 659 of get_status. Please contact the dev to add the newly found attribute of your robot. 2023-03-15 04:34:31.481 - info: roborock.0 (5655) State value to set for "roborock.0.Devices.5Im6TX0cm6mgxaWxHaEos7.deviceStatus.water_box_custom_mode" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2023-03-15 04:44:31.484 - info: roborock.0 (5655) State value to set for "roborock.0.Devices.5Im6TX0cm6mgxaWxHaEos7.deviceStatus.water_box_custom_mode" has to be type "number" but received type "string" 2023-03-15 04:56:30.926 - warn: roborock.0 (5655) MQTT connection close. 2023-03-15 04:56:30.927 - warn: roborock.0 (5655) MQTT connection reconnect.
Hier gibt es bereits ein Issue dazu. bitte mal beobachten, ob das nochmal auftaucht und dann entsprechend am das Issue anknüpfen.
Ich hatte das übrigens heute morgen auch aber danach nicht mehr. -
@david-g said in Roborock Adapter tester gesucht:
Hat zufällig schon jmd eine kleine Zusammenstellung über "dock_error_status".
Bisher weiß ich, dass 39 der Schnutzwassertank und 38 der Frischwassertank ist.
Der Roboter hat ja noch einige andere "*_status".
Da bin ich bisher garnicht sicher was für was ist.Würde mir gerne ein Skript schreiben, was mir soweit möglich sämtliche Fehlermeldungen im klartext zeigt schreiben.
Evtl kommt es ja auch irgendwann im Adapter. Aber erstmal selber testen ^^.Ein paar davon sind hier: wir sammeln aber noch. Vielleicht kannst du helfen? Ich brauche alle Meldungen in Englisch aus der App. Dafür die App in Englisch umstellen.
Hab die App auf englisch gestellt und ein Script überwacht alle *_status Datenpunkte.
Wenn etwas neues kommt melde ich mich.
Gibt es bei den Datenpunkten vom Roboter selber schon mehr Erfahrungen?
@david-g said in Roborock Adapter tester gesucht:
Gibt es bei den Datenpunkten vom Roboter selber schon mehr Erfahrungen?