Adapter WM-Bus / Kampstrup Multical 21
@wolfgangfb sind da auch der Key drin und die Zähler ID?
Das muss in der MyTapWater stehenname=MyTapWater
id=##der Name/ID des Zaehlers ##
key=##hier den Key eintragen - kommt aus der zugeschickten XML-Datei des Wasserversorgers## -
Ja, habe ich doch in meinem Beitrag alles gequoted (incl. Key weil ich nicht denke, dass damit irgend jemand etwas anfangen kann). Fünfter Codeblock.
@wolfgangfb ok, habe es gesehen.
Ich denke das Entscheidende ist die Zeile
[2021-07-17_16:31:43] [ALARM SpecifiedDeviceNotFound] the device /dev/ttyUSB0:im871a:t1 is not working
more /var/log/wmbusmeters/wmbusmeters.log
Codeblock 7
@wolfgangfb ja, das hätte ich auch als nächstes angemerkt.
Muss man da irgendeinen Treiber installieren? -
@wolfgangfb nein, das macht der wmbusmeters. D.h. der ist der Treiber für das Device.
@matze-dev gibt's in dem Verzeichnis auch noch Dateien /var/log/wmbusmeters/meter_readings?
Das Verzeichnis existiert ist aber leer (was ja auch logisch ist, wenn nichts gelesen werden kann).
@wolfgangfb hier gibt's einen Threat
Ich würde mal in Richtung udev schauen, in meiner alten Version musste ich da noch was machen, die neue Software braucht das wohl nicht mehr. -
@matze-dev Was sagt denn der Befehl:
wmbusmeters --debug auto:t1 MyTapWater auto 57813696 E4E7EAF6FD17EAFB9587BC2996783C63 -
@matze-dev Änderung, die vorher hier abgelegte Installationsanleitung ist heraus genommen, die komplette Doku findet sich weiter unten.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ wmbusmeters --debug auto:t1 MyTapWater auto 57813696 E4E7EAF6FD17EAFB9587BC2996783C63 (wmbusmeters) version: _ (config) number of meters: 1 (main) device /dev/ttyAMA0 not currently used, detect contents... (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) before config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B38400) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serial) after config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B9600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serialtty) opened /dev/ttyAMA0 fd 3 (detect amb8465) (serial) received binary "" (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "FF0A02008077" (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "FF0A02008077" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "" (serial) received binary "" (serialtty) closed /dev/ttyAMA0 (detect amb8465) (amb8465) are you there? no. (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) before config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B9600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serial) after config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B57600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serialtty) opened /dev/ttyAMA0 fd 3 (detect im871a) (serial) received binary "" (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "A5010F00" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "" (im871a/im170a) are you there? no. (serialtty) closed /dev/ttyAMA0 (detect im871a) (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) before config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B57600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serial) after config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B19200) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serialtty) opened /dev/ttyAMA0 fd 3 (detect rc1180) (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "00" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "" (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "30" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "" (serialtty) closed /dev/ttyAMA0 (detect rc1180) (rc1180) are you there? no. (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) before config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B19200) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serial) after config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B38400) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serialtty) opened /dev/ttyAMA0 fd 3 (detect cul) (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "560A0D" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "" (cul) probe response "" (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "560A0D" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "" (cul) probe response "" (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "560A0D" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "" (cul) probe response "" (serialtty) closed /dev/ttyAMA0 (detect cul) (cul) are you there? no (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (main) ignoring /dev/ttyAMA0, it does not respond as any of the supported wmbus devices. (main) device /dev/ttyUSB0 not currently used, detect contents... (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (main) ignoring /dev/ttyUSB0, it does not respond as any of the supported wmbus devices. No wmbus device detected, waiting for a device to be plugged in. (shell) exec (capture output) "/bin/pidof" (shell) arg "wmbusmetersd" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (shell) return code 1 (shell) 1824 exited (shell) exec (capture output) "/bin/pidof" (shell) arg "wmbusmeters" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (shell) return code 0 (shell) 1825 exited Notice! Other wmbusmeters (pid 673) is running and it might hog any wmbus devices. (serial) registered regular callback HOT_PLUG_DETECTOR(0) every 2 seconds (serial) waiting for stop
@wolfgangfb schau Dir mal meine hochgeladene Install-Doku an. Vielleicht kommst Du damit weiter.
Notice! Other wmbusmeters (pid 673) is running and it might hog any wmbus devices.
In wmbusmeters.log steht nichts.
Ich frage mich allerdings, wie ich den "Other wmbusmeters" in den Griff bekommen kann. Da start ständig eine neue Instanz.pi@raspberrypi:/var/log/wmbusmeters/meter_readings $ sudo systemctl stop wmbusmeters pi@raspberrypi:/var/log/wmbusmeters/meter_readings $ ps -aux | grep wmbus root 16817 0.2 0.0 1468 392 ? Ss 21:28 0:00 /snap/wmbusmeters/596/bin/sh /snap/wmbusmeters/596/ root 16841 0.2 0.0 23032 1448 ? Sl 21:28 0:00 /snap/wmbusmeters/596/usr/bin/wmbusmeters --useconfig=/var/snap/wmbusmeters/common pi 17054 0.0 0.0 7360 492 pts/0 S+ 21:29 0:00 grep --color=auto wmbus pi@raspberrypi:/var/log/wmbusmeters/meter_readings $ sudo kill -9 16817 pi@raspberrypi:/var/log/wmbusmeters/meter_readings $ ps -aux | grep wmbus root 17125 2.6 0.0 1468 388 ? Ss 21:29 0:00 /snap/wmbusmeters/596/bin/sh /snap/wmbusmeters/596/ root 17154 0.5 0.0 22008 1464 ? Sl 21:29 0:00 /snap/wmbusmeters/596/usr/bin/wmbusmeters --useconfig=/var/snap/wmbusmeters/common pi 17170 0.0 0.0 7360 496 pts/0 S+ 21:29 0:00 grep --color=auto wmbus pi@raspberrypi:/var/log/wmbusmeters/meter_readings $ wmbusmeters --debug auto:t1 MyTapWater auto 57813696 E4E7EAF6FD17EAFB9587BC2996783C63 (wmbusmeters) version: _ (config) number of meters: 1 (main) device /dev/ttyAMA0 not currently used, detect contents... (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) before config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B38400) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serial) after config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B9600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serialtty) opened /dev/ttyAMA0 fd 3 (detect amb8465) (serial) received binary "" (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "FF0A02008077" (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "FF0A02008077" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "" (serial) received binary "" (serialtty) closed /dev/ttyAMA0 (detect amb8465) (amb8465) are you there? no. (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) before config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B9600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serial) after config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B57600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serialtty) opened /dev/ttyAMA0 fd 3 (detect im871a) (serial) received binary "" (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "A5010F00" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "0984488448844884" (im871a) checkIM871AFrame "0984488448844884" (im871a) frame does not start with a5 "0984488448844884" (im871a) no a5 found at all, drop frame packet. (im871a/im170a) are you there? no. (serialtty) closed /dev/ttyAMA0 (detect im871a) (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) before config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B57600) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serial) after config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B19200) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serialtty) opened /dev/ttyAMA0 fd 3 (detect rc1180) (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "00" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "" (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "30" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "" (serialtty) closed /dev/ttyAMA0 (detect rc1180) (rc1180) are you there? no. (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) before config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B19200) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serial) after config: /dev/ttyAMA0 speed(B38400) input() output() control(CLOCAL|CREAD|CSIZE) local() special_chars() modem(DTR|RTS|CTS) (serialtty) opened /dev/ttyAMA0 fd 3 (detect cul) (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "560A0D" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "540442205404E2" (cul) probe response "T<04>B T<04><E2>" (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "560A0D" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "540442205404E2" (cul) probe response "T<04>B T<04><E2>" (serial /dev/ttyAMA0) sent "560A0D" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) received binary "540442205404E2" (cul) probe response "T<04>B T<04><E2>" (serialtty) closed /dev/ttyAMA0 (detect cul) (cul) are you there? no (main) ignoring /dev/ttyAMA0, it does not respond as any of the supported wmbus devices. (main) device /dev/ttyUSB0 not currently used, detect contents... (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (main) ignoring /dev/ttyUSB0, it does not respond as any of the supported wmbus devices. No wmbus device detected, waiting for a device to be plugged in. (shell) exec (capture output) "/bin/pidof" (shell) arg "wmbusmetersd" (shell) output: >>><<< (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (shell) return code 1 (shell) 17248 exited (shell) exec (capture output) "/bin/pidof" (shell) arg "wmbusmeters" (serial) EVENT thread interrupted (shell) return code 0 (shell) 17249 exited Notice! Other wmbusmeters (pid 17154) is running and it might hog any wmbus devices. (serial) registered regular callback HOT_PLUG_DETECTOR(0) every 2 seconds (serial) waiting for stop
@wolfgangfb morgen müsste ich die komplette Doku fertig haben - dann kann man das komplette System von Scratch aufsetzen und hat dann alles beisammen. Ich stelle die Anleitung + Skripte dann hier ein.
Super, ich hoffe, Du hast das dann auch mal mit einer echt blanken Raspberry Installation getestet.
@wolfgangfb in der Tat, das wird parallel mit einer neuen Karte aufgesetzt und gleich mitdokumentiert