@cinimod hab es hinbekommen:
Rollos rekalibriert und eine Gruppe in Alexa angelegt mit beiden Rollos. Anschließend eine Routine in Alexa angelegt mit der ich die Gruppe steuere (Prozentwert).
@cinimod hab es hinbekommen:
Rollos rekalibriert und eine Gruppe in Alexa angelegt mit beiden Rollos. Anschließend eine Routine in Alexa angelegt mit der ich die Gruppe steuere (Prozentwert).
@basti81 Mein Fehler, hatte kein SSL eingeschaltet. Danach geht es.
Hi Leute,
ich nutze einen Senic Friends for Hue Schalter. Mit diesem möchte ich eine Shelly schalten.
Leider sind die Aktualisierungen im Hue adapter immer an die Aktualisierungs-Einstellung gebunden (bspw. alle 10 Sekunden).
Ich habe auch von dem push api script gelesen, ist das immer noch notwendig?
Ich würde gerne, dass der Statuswert direkt beim iobroker ankommt (Taste gedrückt), sodass ich keine Verzögerung beim Schalten der Shelly habe.
Wie mache ich das am Besten?
@glasfaser danke dir. Habe die Container sauber neu aufgesetzt wie hier erläutert:
Alles läuft nun wie es soll und der Restore hat geklappt da die redis Verbindung von Anfang an funktionierte. Bridged Network war hier der Schlüssel. Mit Host network hat es nicht geklappt.
Danke dir!!!
@glasfaser hab jetzt den 6379 versucht und ich bekomme den gleichen Fehler:
----- Step 3 of 5: Checking ioBroker installation -----
(Re)setting permissions (This might take a while! Please be patient!)... Done.
Fixing "sudo-bug" by replacing sudo with gosu... Done.
[DEBUG] Checking multihost settings...
[DEBUG] No multihost settings detected.
[DEBUG] Done.
Configuring custom objects db...
IOB_OBJECTSDB_TYPE is available and value meets detected ioBroker installation.
IOB_OBJECTSDB_HOST is available and value meets detected ioBroker installation.
IOB_OBJECTSDB_PORT is available but value is different from detected ioBroker installation.
Setting port of objects db to "6379"... Done.
Configuring custom states db...
IOB_STATESDB_TYPE is available and value meets detected ioBroker installation.
IOB_STATESDB_HOST is available and value meets detected ioBroker installation.
IOB_STATESDB_PORT is available but value is different from detected ioBroker installation.
Setting port of states db to "6379"... Done.
Checking Database connection... Failed.
[DEBUG] Error message:
[DEBUG] No connection to objects[redis]
Please check your configuration and try again.
For more information see ioBroker Docker Image Docs (https://docs.buanet.de/iobroker-docker-image/docs).
[DEBUG] Debug mode prevents the container from exiting on errors.
[DEBUG] This enables you to investigate or fix your issue on the command line.
[DEBUG] If you want to stop or restart your container you have to do it manually.
[DEBUG] IoBroker is not running!
Soll ich mal:
apt-get install redis-sentinel
im Container ausführen? Mich wundert das hier im Container:
root@iobrokerpi:/opt/iobroker# redis-server -v
bash: redis-server: command not found
@glasfaser wir kommen der Sache näher
----- Step 3 of 5: Checking ioBroker installation -----
(Re)setting permissions (This might take a while! Please be patient!)... Done.
Fixing "sudo-bug" by replacing sudo with gosu... Done.
[DEBUG] Checking multihost settings...
[DEBUG] No multihost settings detected.
[DEBUG] Done.
Configuring custom objects db...
IOB_OBJECTSDB_TYPE is available and value meets detected ioBroker installation.
IOB_OBJECTSDB_HOST is available and value meets detected ioBroker installation.
IOB_OBJECTSDB_PORT is available and value meets detected ioBroker installation.
Configuring custom states db...
IOB_STATESDB_TYPE is available and value meets detected ioBroker installation.
IOB_STATESDB_HOST is available and value meets detected ioBroker installation.
IOB_STATESDB_PORT is available but value is different from detected ioBroker installation.
Setting port of states db to "9000"... Done.
Checking Database connection... Failed.
[DEBUG] Error message:
[DEBUG] No connection to objects[redis]
Please check your configuration and try again.
For more information see ioBroker Docker Image Docs (https://docs.buanet.de/iobroker-docker-image/docs).
[DEBUG] Debug mode prevents the container from exiting on errors.
[DEBUG] This enables you to investigate or fix your issue on the command line.
[DEBUG] If you want to stop or restart your container you have to do it manually.
[DEBUG] IoBroker is not running!
@glasfaser den Container habe ich über die GUI aktiviert und das gibt es nur diese ENV:
@glasfaser auf dem Pi:
pi@iobrokerpi:~ $ sudo redis-server -v
Redis server v=5.0.14 sha=00000000:0 malloc=libc bits=32 build=ddd3b1f304a7d4d5
In dem Container:
root@iobrokerpi:/opt/iobroker# redis-server -v
bash: redis-server: command not found
@glasfaser ah ok, anbei das Log:
----- Step 1 of 5: Preparing container -----
This is not the first run of this container. Skipping first run preparation.
----- Step 2 of 5: Detecting ioBroker installation -----
Existing installation of ioBroker detected in "/opt/iobroker".
----- Step 3 of 5: Checking ioBroker installation -----
(Re)setting permissions (This might take a while! Please be patient!)... Done.
Fixing "sudo-bug" by replacing sudo with gosu... Done.
[DEBUG] Checking multihost settings...
[DEBUG] No multihost settings detected.
[DEBUG] Done.
[DEBUG] Checking custom objects db settings...
[DEBUG] No custom objects db settings detected.
[DEBUG] Done.
[DEBUG] Checking custom states db settings...
[DEBUG] No custom states db settings detected.
[DEBUG] Done.
Checking Database connection... Failed.
[DEBUG] Error message:
[DEBUG] No connection to states[redis]
Please check your configuration and try again.
For more information see ioBroker Docker Image Docs (https://docs.buanet.de/iobroker-docker-image/docs).
[DEBUG] Debug mode prevents the container from exiting on errors.
[DEBUG] This enables you to investigate or fix your issue on the command line.
[DEBUG] If you want to stop or restart your container you have to do it manually.
[DEBUG] IoBroker is not running!
@homoran nach dem restore mit Backitup startet der Container durch. Dann sehe ich im Protokoll folgendes:
----- Step 1 of 5: Preparing container -----
This is not the first run of this container. Skipping first run preparation.
----- Step 2 of 5: Detecting ioBroker installation -----
Existing installation of ioBroker detected in "/opt/iobroker".
----- Step 3 of 5: Checking ioBroker installation -----
(Re)setting permissions (This might take a while! Please be patient!)... Done.
Fixing "sudo-bug" by replacing sudo with gosu... Done.
Checking Database connection... Failed.
Please check your configuration and try again.
For more information see ioBroker Docker Image Docs (https://docs.buanet.de/iobroker-docker-image/docs).
This Script will exit now.
@glasfaser hatte ich auch versucht mit dem gleichen Ergebnis nur dann startet das System autom. durch und ich komme gar nicht mehr an den Container ran per ssh da er andauernd von selbst neu startet (wahrscheinlich wegen des Startup bash scripts von buanet.