Ich hatte im device-reminder zwei Geräte hinterlegt, die nun aber nicht mehr zu sehen sind. Nach Deinstallation und Neuinstallation des Adapters ist die Instanz aber nicht mehr bedienbar, dass heißt, es lassen sich keine neuen Geräte anlegen. Bei der Fehlersuche in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.device-reminder mit npm list werden fehlende Module angezeigt:
npm ERR! missing: @alcalzone/release-script@^1.8.1, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: @iobroker/adapter-core@^2.4.0, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: @iobroker/testing@^2.3.0, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: @types/chai-as-promised@^7.1.3, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: @types/chai@^4.2.14, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: @types/gulp@^4.0.7, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: @types/mocha@^8.0.4, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: @types/node@^14.14.10, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: @types/proxyquire@^1.3.28, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: @types/sinon-chai@^3.2.5, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: @types/sinon@^9.0.9, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: axios@^0.21.0, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: chai-as-promised@^7.1.1, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: chai@^4.2.0, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: eslint@^7.14.0, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: gulp@^4.0.2, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: mocha@^8.2.1, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: proxyquire@^2.1.3, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: sinon-chai@^3.5.0, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
npm ERR! missing: sinon@^9.2.1, required by iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9
iobroker.device-reminder@1.2.9 /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.device-reminder
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY @alcalzone/release-script@^1.8.1
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY @iobroker/adapter-core@^2.4.0
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY @iobroker/testing@^2.3.0
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY @types/chai-as-promised@^7.1.3
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY @types/chai@^4.2.14
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY @types/gulp@^4.0.7
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY @types/mocha@^8.0.4
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY @types/node@^14.14.10
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY @types/proxyquire@^1.3.28
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY @types/sinon-chai@^3.2.5
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY @types/sinon@^9.0.9
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY axios@^0.21.0
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY chai-as-promised@^7.1.1
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY chai@^4.2.0
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY eslint@^7.14.0
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY gulp@^4.0.2
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY mocha@^8.2.1
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY proxyquire@^2.1.3
├── UNMET DEPENDENCY sinon-chai@^3.5.0
└── UNMET DEPENDENCY sinon@^9.2.1
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2023-07-21T09_19_44_430Z-debug-0.log