[Adapter] Sonoff- Tasmota
Es gibt neuen Adapter für Sonoff- Tasmota, so dass die Geräte direkt zu Alexa und im Vis angebunden werden können.
Installieren über:
cd /opt/iobroker npm i --production iobroker a sonoff
Der Adapter kommuniziert über MQTT, d.h. in den Tasmota Geräten muss man ioBroker IP Adresse als MQTT Broker eingeben. Nichts mehr sollte geändert werden. Sollte so gehen.
Ich habe nur DH28xx angebunden. Für weitere Sensoren brauche ich debug outputs. Am besten per PR
Installiert und bekomme aktuell folgenden Fehler (Port geändert da den standart ja der MQTT Adapter benutzt):
host.ioBroker 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error instance system.adapter.sonoff.0 terminated with code 0 (OK) Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: port: 1884 } Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: address: '', Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: syscall: 'listen', Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: errno: 'EADDRINUSE', Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: code: 'EADDRINUSE', Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9) Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:83:11) Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: at net.js:1404:9 Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: at listen (net.js:1294:10) Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.255 error by controller[0]: at Server._listen2 (net.js:1258:14) Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.255 error by controller[0]: at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1043:20) Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.255 error by controller[0]: at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1020:11) Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.255 error by controller[0]: { Error: listen EADDRINUSE
Der Port scheine auch Belegt zu sein:
Habe nun 1337 genommen und habe eine Verbindung:
19:19:21 MQT: Connected 19:19:21 MQT: tele/SonoffPOW/LWT = Online (retained) 19:19:21 MQT: cmnd/SonoffPOW/POWER = 19:19:21 MQT: tele/SonoffPOW/INFO1 = {"Module":"Sonoff Pow", "Version":"5.8.0", "FallbackTopic":"SonoffPOW", "GroupTopic":"sonoffs"} 19:19:21 MQT: tele/SonoffPOW/INFO2 = {"WebServerMode":"Admin", "Hostname":"Sonoffpow", "IPAddress":""} 19:19:21 MQT: tele/SonoffPOW/INFO3 = {"RestartReason":"Software/System restart"} 19:19:21 UPP: Multicast (re)joined 19:19:22 MQT: stat/SonoffPOW/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON"} 19:19:22 MQT: stat/SonoffPOW/POWER = ON 19:19:29 MQT: tele/SonoffPOW/STATE = {"Time":"2017-10-02T19:19:29", "Uptime":0, "Vcc":3.243, "POWER":"ON", "Wifi":{"AP":1, "SSId":"IOT", "RSSI":86, "APMac":"CC:CE:1E:2B:8D:4B"}} 19:19:29 MQT: tele/SonoffPOW/ENERGY = {"Time":"2017-10-02T19:19:29", "Total":1.753, "Yesterday":0.308, "Today":0.205, "Period":0, "Power":3, "Factor":0.16, "Voltage":221, "Current":0.073}
Bekomme nun:
sonoff.0 2017-10-02 20:20:44.719 info Client [SonoffPOW] closed sonoff.0 2017-10-02 20:20:44.719 warn Client error [SonoffPOW]: Error: Invalid messageId sonoff.0 2017-10-02 20:20:44.718 info Client [SonoffPOW] closed
Nen Debug schicke ich dir per PN
Unter den Objekten habe ich einen Sonoff Power 3 stehen ka wie der dahin kommt siehe Screenshot in der PN.
Läuft soweit gut und unauffällig. Wenn er zuverlässig läuft, kann ich wieder von den hue Emulationen weg
Teste ich morgen
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk Pro
Der Adapter kommuniziert über MQTT, d.h. in den Tasmota Geräten muss man ioBroker IP Adresse als MQTT Broker eingeben. `
Heisst das, dass in dem Adapter ein MQTT Broker enthalten und aktiviert ist?Was passiert wenn man bereits einen aktiven mqtt Adapter als Broker laufen hat, oder andersrum, kann man den Adapter auch als MQTT Broker missbrauchen?
ESP mit BM280 Sensor gibt folgendes aus aber kein Objekt wird angelegt:
sonoff.0 2017-10-02 21:37:44.403 debug [ESPClient5] Received: /ESP_BOX/BM280/Pressure = 1010.09 sonoff.0 2017-10-02 21:37:44.399 debug [ESPClient5] Received: /ESP_BOX/BM280/Humidity = 42.39 sonoff.0 2017-10-02 21:37:44.395 debug [ESPClient5] Received: /ESP_BOX/BM280/Temperature = 25.86 sonoff.0 2017-10-02 21:37:43.228 debug stateChange sonoff.0.ESPClient5.alive: {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1506973063223,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1506973063223} sonoff.0 2017-10-02 21:37:43.225 debug inMem message sonoff.0.* sonoff.0.ESPClient5.alive sonoff.0 2017-10-02 21:37:43.216 debug stateChange {"val":"SonoffPOW,Sonoff4ch,ESPClient5","ack":true,"ts":1506973063212,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1506973063212} sonoff.0 2017-10-02 21:37:43.216 debug inMem message sonoff.0.* sonoff.0 2017-10-02 21:37:43.212 info Client [ESPClient5] connected
Möglich sollte es sein
> Heisst das, dass in dem Adapter ein MQTT Broker enthalten und aktiviert ist?
sonoff.0 2017-10-02 21:40:53.911 info Starting MQTT authenticated server on port -
Installiert und bekomme aktuell folgenden Fehler (Port geändert da den standart ja der MQTT Adapter benutzt):
! ````
host.ioBroker 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error instance system.adapter.sonoff.0 terminated with code 0 (OK)
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: port: 1884 }
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: address: '',
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: syscall: 'listen',
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: errno: 'EADDRINUSE',
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: code: 'EADDRINUSE',
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:83:11)
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: at net.js:1404:9
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.256 error by controller[0]: at listen (net.js:1294:10)
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.255 error by controller[0]: at Server._listen2 (net.js:1258:14)
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.255 error by controller[0]: at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1043:20)
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.255 error by controller[0]: at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1020:11)
Caught 2017-10-02 20:16:53.255 error by controller[0]: { Error: listen EADDRINUSE Port scheine auch Belegt zu sein: Habe nun 1337 genommen und habe eine Verbindung: >! ```` 19:19:21 MQT: Connected 19:19:21 MQT: tele/SonoffPOW/LWT = Online (retained) 19:19:21 MQT: cmnd/SonoffPOW/POWER = 19:19:21 MQT: tele/SonoffPOW/INFO1 = {"Module":"Sonoff Pow", "Version":"5.8.0", "FallbackTopic":"SonoffPOW", "GroupTopic":"sonoffs"} 19:19:21 MQT: tele/SonoffPOW/INFO2 = {"WebServerMode":"Admin", "Hostname":"Sonoffpow", "IPAddress":""} 19:19:21 MQT: tele/SonoffPOW/INFO3 = {"RestartReason":"Software/System restart"} 19:19:21 UPP: Multicast (re)joined 19:19:22 MQT: stat/SonoffPOW/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON"} 19:19:22 MQT: stat/SonoffPOW/POWER = ON 19:19:29 MQT: tele/SonoffPOW/STATE = {"Time":"2017-10-02T19:19:29", "Uptime":0, "Vcc":3.243, "POWER":"ON", "Wifi":{"AP":1, "SSId":"IOT", "RSSI":86, "APMac":"CC:CE:1E:2B:8D:4B"}} 19:19:29 MQT: tele/SonoffPOW/ENERGY = {"Time":"2017-10-02T19:19:29", "Total":1.753, "Yesterday":0.308, "Today":0.205, "Period":0, "Power":3, "Factor":0.16, "Voltage":221, "Current":0.073}
Bekomme nun:
! ````
sonoff.0 2017-10-02 20:20:44.719 info Client [SonoffPOW] closed
sonoff.0 2017-10-02 20:20:44.719 warn Client error [SonoffPOW]: Error: Invalid messageId
sonoff.0 2017-10-02 20:20:44.718 info Client [SonoffPOW] closedNen Debug schicke ich dir per PN Unter den Objekten habe ich einen Sonoff Power 3 stehen ka wie der dahin kommt siehe Screenshot in der PN. ` Hallo kmxak, ich hatte auch der gleiche Fehlermeldung. Nach ausschalten von mqtt Adapter hat alles funktioniert.
Gesendet von meinem SM-G950F mit Tapatalk
Hi, will ich mal testen. Habe den ganzen Arschvoll von den Dingern mit Tasmota hier im Haus.
Beim installieren bekomme ich ein paar Fehler:
root@orangepiplus2e:~# cd /opt/iobroker root@orangepiplus2e:/opt/iobroker# npm i --production iobroker@1.0.0 /opt/iobroker └─┬ iobroker.sonoff@1.3.2 └─┬ mqtt@2.13.0 ├─┬ readable-stream@2.3.3 │ ├── safe-buffer@5.1.1 │ └── string_decoder@1.0.3 └─┬ websocket-stream@5.0.1 └─┬ ws@3.2.0 └── async-limiter@1.0.0 npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/greenlock/package.json' npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/jszip/package.json' npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/mdns/package.json' npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/stk500/package.json' root@orangepiplus2e:/opt/iobroker# iobroker a sonoff host.orangepiplus2e install adapter sonoff got /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sonoff/admin upload [1] sonoff.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sonoff/admin/sonoff.png sonoff.png image/png upload [0] sonoff.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.sonoff/admin/index.html index.html text/html host.orangepiplus2e object system.adapter.sonoff created host.orangepiplus2e create instance sonoff host.orangepiplus2e object created host.orangepiplus2e object system.adapter.sonoff.0.outputCount created host.orangepiplus2e object system.adapter.sonoff.0.inputCount created host.orangepiplus2e object system.adapter.sonoff.0.uptime created host.orangepiplus2e object system.adapter.sonoff.0.memRss created host.orangepiplus2e object system.adapter.sonoff.0.memHeapTotal created host.orangepiplus2e object system.adapter.sonoff.0.memHeapUsed created host.orangepiplus2e object system.adapter.sonoff.0.connected created host.orangepiplus2e object system.adapter.sonoff.0.alive created host.orangepiplus2e object system.adapter.sonoff.0 created root@orangepiplus2e:/opt/iobroker#
der adapter scheint aber dennoch installiert worden zu sein oder?
ja, es ist was neues da!
die Frage ist, wie binde ich den Sonoff jetzt ein?
1526_unbenannt1.png -
Beim installieren bekomme ich ein paar Fehler: `
Ich sehe keine Fehler!dort sind höchstens ein paar WARNungen
also alles im grünen Bereich.
Deine IP und Port sowie User und PW eintragen und auf geht es. Client ID ist der Name vom Sonoff. So wird er im ioBroker angezeigt.
Änder aber bitte den Port da der Port vom MQTT Adapter schon genutzt wird.
Alles speichern fertig.
Hallo Knoppers die warnmeldungen hatte ich beim update vom Host auch
habe mit
sudo npm install greenlock –production
sudo npm install jszip --production
und so weiter
die fehlenden Dateien installiert keine Ahnung was da passiert war
Gruß Stephan
es geht jetzt! Schalten geht auch. Super!
Jetzt möchte ich einen zweiten Tasmota einbinden. Kann ich den gleichen Port sowie Benutzername und Passwort nehmen?
Muß ich eine neue Instanz des Adapters installieren?
1526_unbenann2.png -
Auf jedem Sonoff die gleichen Daten eingeben. Ein Adapter. Aber immer eine andere Client ID vergeben.
Der sonoff Th10 wird noch nicht unterstützt?
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk Pro
Ich denke Bluefox hat die Geräte nicht alle selber daher bat er uns Debugs zu schicken.
Aktivier mal bitte Debug bei dem Adapter und schau mal ob der Sonoff Daten sendet. Schick das ganze mal Bluefox oder füg es hier an dann kann er das im Adapter aufnehmen.
Weiß nicht ob das richtig ist
mqtt.0 2017-10-03 14:49:50.648 info publishOnSubscribe send all known states mqtt.0 2017-10-03 14:49:50.648 info Client [DVES_0736F2] subscribes on "cmnd.DVES_0736F2.#" with regex /^mqtt\.0\.cmnd\.DVES_0736F2\..*/ mqtt.0 2017-10-03 14:49:50.647 info Client [DVES_0736F2] subscribes on "cmnd.DVES_0736F2.#" with regex /^cmnd\.DVES_0736F2\..*/ mqtt.0 2017-10-03 14:49:50.407 info publishOnSubscribe send all known states mqtt.0 2017-10-03 14:49:50.407 info Client [DVES_0736F2] subscribes on "cmnd.sonoffs.#" with regex /^mqtt\.0\.cmnd\.sonoffs\..*/ mqtt.0 2017-10-03 14:49:50.406 info Client [DVES_0736F2] subscribes on "cmnd.sonoffs.#" with regex /^cmnd\.sonoffs\..*/ mqtt.0 2017-10-03 14:49:50.274 info publishOnSubscribe send all known states mqtt.0 2017-10-03 14:49:50.274 info Client [DVES_0736F2] subscribes on "cmnd.sonoff5.#" with regex /^mqtt\.0\.cmnd\.sonoff5\..*/ mqtt.0 2017-10-03 14:49:50.273 info Client [DVES_0736F2] subscribes on "cmnd.sonoff5.#" with regex /^cmnd\.sonoff5\..*/
Gesendet von iPad mit Tapatalk Pro
geändert: Code in Code-Tags; Homoran (Mod)
du hast den mqtt adapter geloggt xD
Hast du unter Instanzen den Adapter auf Debug gesetzt? (Expertenansicht aktivieren)
Nimm lieber den Sonoff und benutze die```
<code>[code]hier den code einfügen[/code]</code> -
! ````
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:03:08.830 debug Client [DVES_0736F2] pingreq
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:03:08.340 debug Client [DVES_42009A] pingreq
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:03:05.018 debug Client [DVES_41ECEC] pingreq
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:53.830 debug Client [DVES_0736F2] pingreq
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:53.340 debug Client [DVES_42009A] pingreq
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:50.017 debug Client [DVES_41ECEC] pingreq
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:38.829 debug Client [DVES_0736F2] pingreq
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:38.340 debug Client [DVES_42009A] pingreq
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:34.968 debug [DVES_41ECEC] Received: cmnd/sonoff2/POWER =
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:34.940 debug stateChange sonoff.0.DVES_41ECEC.alive: {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1507035754933,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035754933}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:34.938 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* io.sonoff.0.DVES_41ECEC.alive {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1507035754933,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035754933}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:34.929 debug stateChange {"val":"DVES_42009A,DVES_0736F2,DVES_41ECEC","ack":true,"ts":1507035754925,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035754925}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:34.928 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* {"val":"DVES_42009A,DVES_0736F2,DVES_41ECEC","ack":true,"ts":1507035754925,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035754925}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:34.924 info Client [DVES_41ECEC] connected
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:25.972 debug [DVES_0736F2] Received: tele/sonoff5/SENSOR = {"Time":"2017-10-03T14:02:25", "AM2301-14":{"Temperature":21.6, "Humidity":54.7}, "TempUnit":"C"}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:25.910 debug stateChange sonoff.0.DVES_0736F2.POWER: {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1507035745898,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035745898}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:25.907 debug stateChange sonoff.0.DVES_0736F2.RSSI: {"val":84,"ack":true,"ts":1507035745897,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035745897}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:25.906 debug stateChange sonoff.0.DVES_0736F2.Vcc: {"val":3.177,"ack":true,"ts":1507035745896,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035745896}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:25.906 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* io.sonoff.0.DVES_0736F2.POWER {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1507035745898,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035745898}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:25.905 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* io.sonoff.0.DVES_0736F2.RSSI {"val":84,"ack":true,"ts":1507035745897,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035745897}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:25.904 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* io.sonoff.0.DVES_0736F2.Vcc {"val":3.177,"ack":true,"ts":1507035745896,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035745896}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:25.886 debug [DVES_0736F2] Received: tele/sonoff5/STATE = {"Time":"2017-10-03T14:02:25", "Uptime":16, "Vcc":3.177, "POWER":"OFF", "Wifi":{"AP":1, "SSId":"Chucky", "RSSI":84, "APMac":"CC:CE:1E:A3:6C:D3"}}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.693 debug [DVES_0736F2] Received: cmnd/sonoff5/POWER =
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.666 debug stateChange sonoff.0.DVES_0736F2.alive: {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1507035743661,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035743661}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.663 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* io.sonoff.0.DVES_0736F2.alive {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1507035743661,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035743661}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.659 debug stateChange {"val":"DVES_42009A,DVES_0736F2","ack":true,"ts":1507035743648,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035743648}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.655 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* {"val":"DVES_42009A,DVES_0736F2","ack":true,"ts":1507035743648,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035743648}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.645 info Client [DVES_0736F2] connected
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.348 debug stateChange sonoff.0.DVES_42009A.alive: {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1507035743342,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035743342}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.347 debug stateChange sonoff.0.DVES_42009A.alive: {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1507035743341,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035743341}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.347 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* io.sonoff.0.DVES_42009A.alive {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1507035743342,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035743342}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.346 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* io.sonoff.0.DVES_42009A.alive {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1507035743341,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035743341}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.328 debug [DVES_42009A] Received: cmnd/sonoff3/POWER =
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.258 debug stateChange {"val":"DVES_42009A","ack":true,"ts":1507035743241,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035743241}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.254 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* {"val":"DVES_42009A","ack":true,"ts":1507035743241,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1507035743241}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.239 debug stateChange sonoff.0.DVES_41ECEC.alive: {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1507035743194,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1506976409102}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.239 debug stateChange sonoff.0.DVES_42009A.alive: {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1507035743193,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1506976409099}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.238 debug stateChange sonoff.0.DVES_0736F2.alive: {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1507035743193,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1506976409098}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.237 debug stateChange {"val":"","ack":true,"ts":1507035743192,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1506975964976}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.222 info Client [DVES_42009A] connected
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.206 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* io.sonoff.0.DVES_41ECEC.alive {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1507035743194,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1506976409102}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.204 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* io.sonoff.0.DVES_42009A.alive {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1507035743193,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1506976409099}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.203 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* io.sonoff.0.DVES_0736F2.alive {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1507035743193,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1506976409098}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.197 debug redis pmessage io.sonoff.0.* {"val":"","ack":true,"ts":1507035743192,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.sonoff.0","lc":1506975964976}
sonoff.0 2017-10-03 15:02:23.121 info Starting MQTT authenticated server on port 1883Gesendet von iPad mit Tapatalk Pro ****geändert: Code in Code-Tags und spoiler; Homoran (Mod)****