Lösung: Dekodieren T/H-Sensor - Wetterstation/Hygrometer von BRESSER (Angebot bei LIDL 14,99/UVP 40€) 433MHz
Bitte spendet ""Kleinigkeit" an den Betrieber Bluefox, wenn es euch was gebracht hat (auch wenn nicht
da wir EXTRA FÜR EUCH eine Wetterstation gekauft haben zum Dekodieren und diese eigentlich nicht brauchen!!! Aber die Community!!!
sketch für arduino zum auslesn:
! /*
! Sketch zur Vorab-Analyse unbekannter 433-MHZ-Wettersensoren
! und Fernbedienungen von 433MHz-Funksteckdosen
! Inspiriert durch Beiträge im Arduino-Forum:
! Hardware:
! 1. Arduino-Board mit 433 MHz Regenerativempfänger für ASK/OOK,
! angeschlossen an einem interruptfähigen Pin.
! 2. Funksensor entweder eines 433 MHz Funkthermometers
! oder Funk-Wetterstation oder Steckdosen-Funkfernbedienung
! Analysiert werden können Sensoren mit folgendem Funkprotokoll:
! - extra langes Startbit (extra langer LOW Pulse am Receiver)
! - langes 1-Datenbit (langer LOW Pulse am Receiver)
! - kurzes 0-Datenbit (kurzer LOW Pulse am Receiver)
! - sehr kurze Trenn-Impulse zwischen den Datenbits (sehr kurze HIGH-Impulse am Receiver)
! - 20 bis 50 Datenbits pro Datenpaket
! Diese Art Funkprotokoll trifft auf die meisten billigen 433 MHZ
! Funkthermometer, Funk-Wetterstationen und Funk-Steckdosen zu.
! Ausgabe ueber den seriellen Monitor
! Je erkanntem Datenpaket am Receiver wird ausgegeben:
! - Länge des Startbits (Mikrosekunden LOW) und des nachfolgenden HIGH-Impulses
! - Anzahl der erkannten Datenbits im Datenpaket
! - Länge aller erkannten Datenbits (Mikrosekunden LOW)
! - Länge der zwischen den Datenbits erkannten Pausen (Mikrosekunden HIGH)
! - die als 0/1-Bitstrom decodierten Datenbits des Datenpakets
! Nur Vorab-Analyse des Timings im Funkprotokoll!
! In einem weiteren Schritt muss dann die Bedeutung der Bits
! und die Umsetzung in Messwerte erst noch detalliert decodiert werden,
! dieser Sketch erkennt nur das Timing und die Groesse der Datenpakete!
! */
! // connect data pin of rx433 module to a pin that can handle hardware interrupts
! // with an Arduino UNO this is digital I/O pin 2 or 3 only
! #define RX433DATAPIN 2
! // hardware interrupt connected to the pin
! // with Arduino UNO interrupt-0 belongs to pin-2, interrupt-1 to pin-3
! #define RX433INTERRUPT 0
! // Set speed of serial in Arduino IDE to the following value
! #define SERIALSPEED 115200
! // Now make some suggestions about pulse lengths that may be detected
! // minimum duration (microseconds) of the start pulse
! #define MINSTARTPULSE 740
! // minimum duration (microseconds) of a short bit pulse
! #define MINBITPULSE 250
! // minimum duration (microseconds) of a HIGH pulse between valid bits
! #define MINHITIME 50
! // variance between pulses that should have the same duration
! #define PULSEVARIANCE 250
! // minimum count of data bit pulses following the start pulse
! #define MINPULSECOUNT 40
! // maximum count of data bit pulses following the start pulse
! #define MAXPULSECOUNT 70
! // buffer sizes for buffering pulses in the interrupt handler
! #define PBSIZE 216
! void setup()
! {
! Serial.begin(115200);
! Serial.println();
! Serial.println("Start!");
! pinMode(RX433DATAPIN, INPUT);
! attachInterrupt(RX433INTERRUPT, rx433Handler, CHANGE);
! }
! volatile unsigned int pulsbuf[PBSIZE]; // ring buffer storing LOW pulse lengths
! volatile unsigned int hibuf[PBSIZE]; // ring buffer storing HIGH pulse lengths
! unsigned int validpulsbuf[MAXPULSECOUNT]; // linear buffer storing valid LOW pulses
! unsigned int validhibuf[MAXPULSECOUNT]; // linear buffer storing valid HIGH pulses
! volatile byte pbread,pbwrite; // read and write index into ring buffer
! void rx433Handler()
! {
! static long rx433LineUp, rx433LineDown;
! long LowVal, HighVal;
! int rx433State = digitalRead(RX433DATAPIN); // current pin state
! if (rx433State) // pin is now HIGH
! {
! rx433LineUp=micros(); // line went HIGH after being LOW at this time
! LowVal=rx433LineUp - rx433LineDown; // calculate the LOW pulse time
! { // store pulse in ring buffer only if duration is longer than MINBITPULSE
! // To be able to store startpulses of more than Maxint duration, we dont't store the actual time,
! // but we store MINSTARTPULSE+LowVal/10, be sure to calculate back showing the startpulse length!
! if (LowVal>MINSTARTPULSE) LowVal=MINSTARTPULSE+LowVal/10; // we will store this as unsigned int, so do range checking
! pulsbuf[pbwrite]=LowVal; // store the LOW pulse length
! pbwrite++; // advance write pointer in ringbuffer
! if (pbwrite>=PBSIZE) pbwrite=0; // ring buffer is at its end
! }
! }
! else
! {
! rx433LineDown=micros(); // line went LOW after being HIGH
! HighVal=rx433LineDown - rx433LineUp; // calculate the HIGH pulse time
! if (HighVal>31999) HighVal=31999; // we will store this as unsigned int
! hibuf[pbwrite]=HighVal; // store the HIGH pulse length
! }
! }
! boolean counting;
! byte i,counter;
! int startBitDurationL,startBitDurationH,shortBitDuration,longBitDuration;
! void showBuffer()
! // this function will show the results on the serial monitor
! // output will be shown if more bits than MINPULSECOUNT have been collected
! {
! long sum;
! int avg;
! sum=0;
! if (counter>=MINPULSECOUNT)
! { // only show buffer contents if it has enough bits in it
! Serial.println();
! Serial.print("Start Bit L: "); Serial.print((startBitDurationL-MINSTARTPULSE)10L);
! Serial.print(" H: ");Serial.println(startBitDurationH);
! Serial.print("Data Bits: ");Serial.println(counter);
! Serial.print("L: ");
! for (i=0;i <counter;i++)<br>{
! Serial.print(validpulsbuf__);Serial.print(" ");
! sum+=validpulsbuf__;
! }
! Serial.println();
! Serial.print("H: ");
! for (i=0;i <counter;i++)<br>{
! Serial.print(validhibuf__);Serial.print(" ");
! }
! Serial.println();
! avg=sum/counter; // calculate the average pulse length
! // then assume that 0-bits are shorter than avg, 1-bits are longer than avg
! for (i=0;i <counter;i++)<br>{
! if (validpulsbuf __<avg) serial.print('0');/else/serial.print('1');<br="">}
! Serial.println();
! }
! counting=false;
! counter=0;
! }
! void loop()
! {
! long lowtime, hitime;
! if (pbread!=pbwrite) // check for data in ring buffer
! {
! lowtime=pulsbuf[pbread]; // read data from ring buffer
! hitime=hibuf[pbread];
! cli(); // Interrupts off while changing the read pointer for the ringbuffer
! pbread++;
! if (pbread>=PBSIZE) pbread=0;
! sei(); // Interrupts on again
! if (lowtime>MINSTARTPULSE) // we found a valid startbit!
! {
! if (counting) showBuffer(); // new buffer starts while old is still counting, show it first
! startBitDurationL=lowtime;
! startBitDurationH=hitime;
! counting=true; // then start collecting bits
! counter=0; // no data bits yet
! }
! else if (counting && (counter==0)) // we now see the first data bit
! { // this may be a 0-bit or a 1-bit, so make some assumption about max/min lengths of data bits that will follow
! shortBitDuration=lowtime/2;
! if (shortBitDuration <minbitpulse+pulsevariance)<br>shortBitDuration=MINBITPULSE;
! else
! shortBitDuration-=PULSEVARIANCE;
! longBitDuration=lowtime2+PULSEVARIANCE;
! validpulsbuf[counter]=lowtime;
! validhibuf[counter]=hitime;
! counter++;
! }
! else if (counting&&(lowtime>shortBitDuration)&&(lowtime <longbitduration))<br>{
! validpulsbuf[counter]=lowtime;
! validhibuf[counter]=hitime;
! counter++;
! if ((counter==MAXPULSECOUNT) || (hitime <minhitime))<br>{
! showBuffer();
! }
! }
! else // Low Pulse is too short
! {
! if (counting) showBuffer();
! counting=false;
! counter=0;
! }
! }
! }</minhitime))<br></longbitduration))<br></minbitpulse+pulsevariance)<br></avg)></counter;i++)<br></counter;i++)<br>____</counter;i++)<br> ___Log:Start Bit L: 750 H: 700 Data Bits: 40 L: 512 272 268 516 276 268 276 520 516 516 276 272 516 268 284 520 272 520 516 280 516 512 272 532 524 512 268 512 512 280 268 512 512 276 516 268 276 264 516 512 H: 220 452 464 208 456 456 456 208 212 208 456 452 216 456 452 200 452 212 208 452 208 216 456 208 192 216 456 220 212 456 452 220 216 452 208 456 456 460 216 212 1001000111001001011011011101100110100011 Start Bit L: 760 H: 692 Data Bits: 40 L: 516 276 268 520 276 272 276 520 516 516 280 268 516 268 284 516 280 516 520 268 520 520 288 524 524 520 276 512 512 276 276 516 508 272 508 276 268 276 516 508 H: 208 456 456 208 452 452 456 208 212 208 452 456 216 456 452 204 452 208 212 456 212 204 448 196 204 208 448 216 216 452 460 204 216 460 216 456 456 460 204 224 1001000111001001011011011101100110100011 Start Bit L: 760 H: 692 Data Bits: 40 L: 516 276 268 512 268 280 268 512 516 516 268 280 516 268 284 524 280 512 516 268 516 520 280 508 512 516 280 516 520 264 276 516 512 280 520 280 272 280 520 520 H: 212 456 452 220 460 456 448 220 212 212 456 452 212 452 452 200 448 212 216 456 216 204 452 216 216 212 452 208 212 456 460 208 212 452 204 452 448 456 204 212 1001000111001001011011011101100110100011 Start Bit L: 750 H: 704 Data Bits: 40 L: 516 268 276 524 272 280 268 512 512 516 276 272 516 272 276 516 260 516 516 280 520 524 268 512 516 516 284 520 512 272 284 516 516 268 512 272 280 268 516 508 H: 212 460 456 200 448 460 448 220 212 220 448 456 208 460 456 208 464 216 208 452 208 212 448 220 208 208 448 208 212 456 452 204 216 456 216 456 452 452 220 216 1001000111001001011011011101100110100011 Start Bit L: 760 H: 696 Data Bits: 40 L: 512 276 268 516 268 284 276 588 516 516 272 280 516 280 272 520 268 508 516 268 516 516 276 520 512 512 280 512 516 264 284 520 516 268 516 268 284 272 516 520 H: 212 456 456 216 456 456 444 144 204 216 456 448 208 452 456 208 456 216 216 456 212 212 456 208 212 216 452 208 216 460 456 200 216 452 216 456 452 448 216 208 1001000111001001011011011101100110100011
! Start Bit L: 740 H: 712
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 504 272 260 508 260 276 264 508 512 512 260 268 504 268 268 508 260 508 512 264 508 268 508 512 516 512 276 508 264 512 524 268 504 264 264 508 508 508 504 272
! H: 228 456 464 224 464 464 452 220 220 212 464 464 220 468 460 212 472 216 220 464 216 464 216 220 212 212 456 216 460 220 212 452 220 464 464 220 224 216 220 464
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110
! Start Bit L: 750 H: 704
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 508 276 264 508 260 268 268 508 508 504 272 268 508 268 260 504 280 520 516 268 508 280 516 508 508 508 268 508 268 512 512 272 512 272 264 508 512 516 516 280
! H: 220 452 460 224 464 464 456 224 216 220 464 456 216 464 464 224 452 208 212 456 220 452 208 224 216 216 464 216 464 216 212 460 216 456 460 216 224 208 216 452
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110
! Start Bit L: 740 H: 704
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 508 264 272 508 264 276 260 512 512 512 268 264 520 272 280 516 272 520 516 264 508 268 512 512 512 512 264 512 264 516 512 264 512 272 268 520 516 524 516 276
! H: 224 460 460 216 460 464 456 224 212 212 464 460 216 452 452 208 452 212 208 460 224 460 220 212 212 220 460 220 460 212 224 456 220 452 460 212 208 216 200 452
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110
! Start Bit L: 750 H: 700
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 512 272 264 500 272 272 276 520 508 516 268 276 512 272 280 512 272 512 512 272 512 272 508 508 516 512 272 504 272 512 520 280 512 280 276 512 512 512 508 280
! H: 216 460 460 224 460 456 452 208 216 216 456 456 212 460 452 208 456 216 220 452 212 460 216 224 212 212 460 220 460 212 208 452 212 452 448 212 220 212 224 452
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110
! Start Bit L: 750 H: 696
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 512 264 272 516 264 280 264 512 512 512 272 264 512 264 272 512 260 520 520 272 512 268 512 512 512 516 276 520 276 520 524 272 516 268 272 512 504 512 508 276
! H: 220 460 460 212 460 456 456 220 212 220 452 460 224 456 464 212 464 216 200 460 212 460 220 212 220 212 448 212 448 212 204 448 216 456 460 212 220 220 216 460
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110
! Start Bit L: 750 H: 704
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 520 272 268 520 272 284 272 508 512 512 272 264 516 276 264 512 272 516 512 268 512 268 520 520 516 520 272 520 272 516 520 268 512 264 264 512 512 512 512 272
! H: 212 452 456 212 452 456 444 220 216 212 460 460 220 448 460 220 456 212 212 460 220 456 212 208 204 216 452 212 452 208 220 448 220 460 460 220 212 220 216 452
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110
! Start Bit L: 750 H: 700
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 504 280 268 516 268 272 268 508 512 512 272 268 516 272 268 512 264 508 520 272 520 272 520 508 516 512 264 512 272 508 516 268 516 268 264 512 512 512 516 284
! H: 220 456 456 216 456 460 452 224 216 212 460 460 208 460 456 220 460 216 216 452 212 452 212 216 208 220 460 220 452 216 224 452 216 456 460 220 212 220 212 448
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110
! Start Bit L: 750 H: 704
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 508 272 264 512 264 264 272 508 512 512 272 272 516 284 284 520 272 512 520 272 520 264 504 508 512 512 268 512 272 516 512 268 512 268 264 520 516 512 516 264
! H: 216 460 460 220 460 460 464 220 216 212 460 452 212 448 448 204 452 212 216 452 212 456 220 228 212 220 456 220 452 208 220 460 216 460 460 212 208 220 208 460
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110
! Start Bit L: 750 H: 700
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 508 276 268 520 268 284 276 524 516 516 280 272 520 280 276 520 272 508 516 268 512 268 516 508 516 520 264 516 268 516 528 272 516 280 276 524 520 520 520 276
! H: 216 456 456 216 452 456 444 204 212 208 452 452 208 452 448 208 456 212 220 456 220 456 216 220 204 216 456 220 456 208 212 444 220 444 448 208 204 212 204 456
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110
! Start Bit L: 750 H: 704
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 516 276 268 516 272 276 268 508 524 520 284 276 520 280 280 520 268 516 516 268 516 272 516 520 508 516 268 520 272 516 520 268 512 272 284 520 516 512 512 280
! H: 216 452 456 216 452 456 456 220 208 204 448 448 212 444 452 204 456 216 208 456 220 452 212 208 216 216 456 212 456 212 212 448 220 456 448 204 208 220 212 456
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110
! Start Bit L: 750 H: 704
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 512 268 276 520 276 284 276 524 520 520 284 268 516 268 276 516 276 516 516 280 516 272 516 520 516 512 272 520 280 524 524 284 524 276 284 520 520 516 516 272
! H: 220 456 456 208 448 448 448 208 204 204 448 456 216 456 456 208 456 208 212 452 208 452 216 204 216 212 456 212 444 208 200 448 204 444 452 204 208 212 208 456
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110
! Start Bit L: 750 H: 692
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 516 268 280 524 284 288 272 516 520 520 268 268 512 264 276 516 272 512 516 276 516 288 520 524 520 520 284 516 272 516 512 276 512 276 268 512 516 516 516 268
! H: 216 456 456 200 448 440 448 216 204 212 456 456 220 460 460 208 456 212 212 456 208 452 196 204 212 204 448 208 452 212 216 456 212 456 456 212 220 208 216 456
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110
! Start Bit L: 750 H: 708
! Data Bits: 40
! L: 512 268 264 512 264 272 264 512 516 516 276 268 516 268 268 512 272 520 524 276 520 272 520 524 516 512 264 508 268 516 516 268 508 268 276 512 516 512 520 280
! H: 220 456 460 220 460 460 460 224 208 208 456 456 216 456 456 220 456 212 204 444 212 452 212 208 208 212 460 224 460 216 208 456 224 456 456 212 220 212 204 456
! 1001000111001001011010111101011010011110Lösung:
Test data for the wireless Temperature/Humidity outdoor sensor Bresser Thermo-/Hygro-Sensor 3CH Art. Nr.: 7009994 EAN: 4007922031194 Bresser also has two other Thermo-/Hygro-Sensors types most likely using different protocols: - Bresser Thermo-/Hygro-Sensor 5CH (7009993) - Bresser Thermo-/Hygro-Sensor 3CH (7009994) - Bresser Thermo-/Hygro-Sensor 3CH for Temeo (7009995) The sensor sends 15 identical packages of 40 bits each ~60s. The bits are PWM modulated with On Off Keying. Transmissions also include channel code, sync id, batt-low, and test/sync. +----+ +----+ +--+ +--+ high | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -+ +--+ +--+ +----+ +---- low ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ clock cycle | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | translates as Each transmission is 40 bits long (i.e. 29 ms, 36 incl. preamble) Data is transmitted in pure binary values, NOT BCD-coded. Temperature is given in Centi-Fahrenheit and offset by 900. Burst length is ~36ms (41 pulses + 8 syncs) * 750us. CH1 has a period of 57 s CH2 has a period of 67 s CH3 has a period of 79 s A short pulse of 250 us followed by a 500 us gap is a 0 bit, a long pulse of 500 us followed by a 250 us gap is a 1 bit, there is a sync preamble of pulse, gap, 750 us each, repeated 4 times. Actual received and demodulated timings might be 2% shorter. The data is grouped in 5 bytes / 10 nibbles 1111 1100 | 0001 0110 | 0001 0000 | 0011 0111 | 0101 1001 0 65.1 F 55 % iiii iiii | bscc tttt | tttt tttt | hhhh hhhh | xxxx xxxx - i: 8 bit random id (changes on power-loss) - b: battery indicator (0=>OK, 1=>LOW) - s: Test/Sync (0=>Normal, 1=>Test-Button pressed / Sync) - c: Channel (MSB-first, valid channels are 1-3) - t: Temperature (MSB-first, Big-endian) 12 bit unsigned fahrenheit offset by 90 and scaled by 10 - h: Humidity (MSB-first) 8 bit relative humidity percentage - x: checksum (byte1 + byte2 + byte3 + byte4) % 256 Check with e.g. (byte1 + byte2 + byte3 + byte4 - byte5) % 256) = 0 ````found here >! [ … resser_3ch](
womit empfängst du die 433MHz
Lidl hat noch bis 21:00 geöffnet
Mit dem billigsten rf Receiver
1,20 aus china
"Aurel", "Super Heterodyne", "RXB6", "SYN480R"
Mit dem billigsten rf Receiver
1,20 aus china
"Aurel", "Super Heterodyne", "RXB6", "SYN480R" `
Auf dem arduino und dann usb zu pine64 oder raspi -
Wie kann man das mit IOBroker einbinden?
Gibt es dafür einen Adapter?
Noch nicht,
entweder selber schreiben ODER
frag mal hier in Forum ob jemand einen RFlink adapter schreibt…
frag mal hier in Forum ob jemand einen RFlink adapter schreibt… `
oder den geplanten CUL-Adapter???Duckundwech
habe mir angeschaut welcher Adapter WIEVIELE Systeme unterstützt…
"leider" ist RFlink weit vorne...
OK, Danke! Da werde ich noch etwas warten wie es sich entwickelt.
Schau mal hier
Rflink ist eine Software, die u.a ,so interpretiere ich mal, auf diese Hardware aufsetzt. Bis dafür allerdings jemand einen Adapter programmieren wird, kann sicher auch noch etwas Zeit vergehen.
Nun habe ich rein intuitiv mal bei nodered vorbeigeschaut und siehe da, es gibt nodes und auch beispielworkflows für diesen transceiver. … r-rfxcom-e
Auch wenn es natürlich etwas unverhältnismäßig erscheint, eine Lidl Wetterstation für wenige Euro über eine Investition von 109,- Euro anzubinden, so wäre es ja immerhin ein sehr charmanter weg auch andere Geräte über diesen transceiver anzubinden. Ich hab da so ne NEFF Dunstabzugshaube die mit 433mhz läuft und noch ein paar intertechno Geräte. Da könnte das in Summe durchaus Sinn machen. Zumal, wenn man bedenkt, dass ein Adapter, der eine Software (rflink) die eine Hardware (rfxcom) steuert, ja auch nur die Komplexität nach oben schraubt. Dann lieber den Weg über nodered direkt an die Hardware. Ist zumindest meine Ansicht.
Ich würde keine 100eur für rfcom ausgeben.
Spende lieber 50eur an forum und wir priorisieten rflink Adapter und schreiben es die nächsten Wochen. Dann hast du immer noch ca 40eur gespart!
Hallo Maxtox,
Du hast natürlich recht damit, dass 100 Teuros kein Pappenstiel sind. Andererseits muss rflink nun mal auch auf einen Hardware-Transceiver zugreifen. Denn gilt es zu kaufen. So oder so. Schau mal auf die Seite des rflink Anbieters zum Thema Hardware. Da kosten die benötigten Materialien auch rd. 87 €. Und die muss ich dann erst noch zusammenbasteln.
Ganz ehrlich, wenn ich mir die beschriebenen Steps 1-9 anschaue fürchte ich zumindest für mich, dass mir das etwas zu sehr in Bastelei und trial & error ausartet.
Da finde ich die 100 Euro für ein fertiges, speziell was die Antenne angeht abgestimmtes Gerät für wenig mehr nicht übertrieben.
Und die Software um die es ja letztlich geht und für die wir einen Adapter bräuchten ist ja in jedem der beiden Fälle (rflink<->nodered) kostenlos.
Ist aber wirklich nur meine Meinung. Das muss natürlich jeder für sich entscheiden.
Ok… Ich bitte hier für alle!
20€ für die Hardware gebaut und getestet (ohne Garantie und ohne Gewährleistung. Rückgabe ausgeschlossen)
Und 5€ Spende an forum incl. Unversicherten Versand!
Ok… Ich bitte hier für alle!
20€ für die Hardware gebaut und getestet (ohne Garantie und ohne Gewährleistung. Rückgabe ausgeschlossen)
Und 5€ Spende an forum incl. Unversicherten Versand!
ich werde sofort ordern, wenn
ich weiss, was du da gerade anbietest (ist mir jetzt ehrlich nicht ganz klar)
wenn es denn um die RF 433MHz-Hardware geht:
nicht nur die Bresser Funkstation auslesen kann (habe ich nicht mehr bekommen)
sondern auch andere 433MHz-Geräte
und Sahnehäubchen: diese auch steuern könnte.
Dann würde ein CUL erst doch nicht mehr gebraucht.
Warum geht es jetzt?
CUL? Den Homematic CUL? Mit Direktzugriff auf die HM-Geräte? Also als Alternative zum Raspi Funkmodul und Raspimatic?
Hab habe zwar letzte Woche schon 20 € gespendet aber ich würde nochmal was springen lassen wenn es darum geht.
Warum geht es jetzt?
CUL? Den Homematic CUL? Mit Direktzugriff auf die HM-Geräte? `
nein, darum geht es hier eigentlich nicht.Dafür war von Beginn an ein Adapter geplant um eben auch FS20 Geräte direkt einbinden zu können.
Der steht immer noch auf v0.0.4 und läuft nicht.
Das wäre IMHO eine Alternative gewesen um die Wetterstation einzulesen.
(Aber HM-Geräte kann der CUL doch nicht
Ich habe aber noch andere Wetterstationen von Aldi und Lidl, die auf 433MHz (und 868MHz) laufen.
Wenn Maxtox da einen Adapter baut, der mehr kann, als "nur" die Bresser Station auszulesen, kann man vielleicht den Transceiver auch gegen einen 868MHz für die anderen Stationen austauschen - dann eben zweimal den Adapter.
Und wie gesagt, das Sahnehäubchen wäre noch das Steuern meiner 464MHz Funksteckdosen.
@Maxtox: Wie war das mit dem kleinen Finger und der abgerissenen ganzen Hand :mrgreen:
Unterstützte Geräte mit RFlink:
433 and/or 315 Mhz devices:
Note that various devices are available in a 433 or 315 mhz version. RFlink can handle the protocols but obviously the used transceiver (or seperate transmitter and receiver) are important factors to actually make use of a specific frequency. Technically, RFLink is capable of using 315, 433, 868 and 915 mhz frequencies with the protocols and devices listed below. It is up to you to make sure that you are allowed to use that frequency in your country before you use a frequency for any special projects.
Remote Controls and Electrical Switches / Dimmers etc.:
ARC Protocol: (Send + Receive)
Klik Aan Klik Uit (Code Wheel) (All products)
Princeton PT2262
Domia Lite
CoCo Technologies
D-IO (Chacon)
Nexa (All products, among others: WST-512)
Düwi Terminal
Promax RSL366T
Conrad 640472, 640473, 640475, 640476
ME FLS 100
Profile PR-44N, PR-47N
Sartano 2606
Elro AB400
Everflourish (All products, among others: EMW200, EMW203)
Elro Home Comfort AB600
(Elro) Home Control
Smarthome YC-4000B
Phenix YC-4000S
Pollin Funk-Dimmer HouseLight FD-UP001
Pollin Funk-Steckdosen-Set 2605
Conrad 646443 outlet sockets / RSL366R
Proteam HO1853
Velleman WRS3B
"Emil Lux"/LUX-Tools ( Art.Nr. 2087971)
Znane-01 switch set sold at Biedronka (Impuls clone)
Etekcity ZAP
Automatic Code Learning Protocols: (Send + Receive)
Klik Aan Klik Uit (All products, among others: ACm-1000, AWMR210, AWMT230, AWMD250, AWST8800)
CoCo Technologies
Trust SmartHome (All products, among others: AMST-606)
Nexa Jula Anslut (All products, among others: 408-063, 408-064, LWST-605)
Home Easy EU (All products, among others: HE100, HE200, HE300, AB600/HE600, HE800)
Smartwares (All products, among others: SH5-TDR-K 10.037.17)
Maclean Energy MCE04 & 07 remote control and switches
Proove switch sets (All products, among others: TSP 800)
Hama SD-UN5-RF
Elimex (All products, among others: LYCT505 - 24.132, 24.130, 24.131, 24.134, 24.138, 24.139)
Others: (Send + Receive)
Home Easy (Code Wheel)
Unitec 48110 EIM 826 / 48111 EIM 821 (Beware: 48111 Model 50028 does not work yet! -> work in progress)
Quigg GT-1000 RC / Quigg GT-FSI-08
Intertek Eurodomest 972080 (Protocol revision 1 & 2 - full autodetection)
Intertek Eurodomest 972086 (Protocol revision 1 & 2 - full autodetection)
ProMax 75.0006.14 (Sold at Action)
Conrad RSL2, Conrad RSL88R/B
Maplin RSL3660R
Kambrook RF3399/RF3405/RF3672/RF3689/RF4471R
X10 RF switches
Home Confort Smart Home - Among others: TEL-010, PRF-100, SRF-E27
Quigg GT-7008BS, Quigg GT-FSI-04
Mandolyn RC-710
Powerfix RCB-I 3600
Quigg GT-8000
Chacon (TR-502MSV, NR.RC402, 54655)
Rev Ritter REV 8342L
Ikea Koppla
TRC02 RGB Controller
Aster / GEMINI EMC/99/STI/037
Silvercrest l36-001
Silvercrest IAN7443 type 10164 R RC202
SilverCrest 91210/60494 RCS AAA3680
R546 wireless switch set
Everflourish EMW100 / Cotech EMW100R
Novatys wall switches
Flamingo FA500R/S/DSS/WD
Tec Star 2335191R
Mumbi M-FS300
Toom 1919384
Solight switch set
FunkBus remote control (Insta / Berker / Gira / Jung) (receive only)
Mercury 350.115UK
X'Dom (among others KR22)
Master Electrician RC-012-1-TR-009
Weather Sensors:
Alecto V1:
Alecto WS3500, Alecto WS1500, SilverCrest, Otio SH-10, Otio SH-20,
Auriol H13726, Ventus WS155, Hama EWS 1500, Meteoscan W155/W160,
Alecto WS4500, Ventus W044, Balance RF-WS105
Alecto V2:
Alecto ACH2010 (868 Mhz!), DKW2012 (868 Mhz!),
Maplin Weather Station N96GY, Fine Offset WH1080, Fine Offset WH1081, Watson W-8681,
Digitech XC0348 Weather Station, PCE-FWS 20, Elecsa AstroTouch 6975, Froggit WH1080,
Maxon WS1081, Maplin Weather Station N25FR
Alecto V3:
WS1100, WS1150, WS1200
Alecto V4:
Banggood SKU174397, Sako CH113, Homemart/Onemall FD030 and Blokker (Dake) 1730796 outdoor temperature sensor
Alecto1300: Alecto1300 (Wireless plan monitor) Air and Soil sensor temperature and humidity sensor, Unitec W235 Climate sensor
GT-WT-01, GT-WT-02
Acurite Tower sensor, 609TXC, 592TXR, 5in1 6004RM, 5in1 pro 6014RM, 896, 986
Acurite V3:
Acurite 609TXC (alternative version)
Pollin PFR-130 Temperature & Rain meter
Hideki, TFA Nexus, Mebus, Irox, Irox-Pro X, Honeywell, Cresta TE923, TE923W, TE821W,
WXR810, DV928, Ventus W906, HomeWizard Rain meter
Mebus Outdoor Sensor
Stacja Pogody WS-9941-M
UPM, Esic, Emos, DVM, Clas Ohlson, Dickson
Lacrosse TX3-TH Thermo/Humidity, Lacrosse TX4
WS2300 (Temperature/Humidity/Wind/Rain), WS2310, WS2355, WS3600
WS7000-15: Anemometer, WS7000-16: Rain precipitation, WS7000-19: Brightness Luxmeter, WS2500-19: Brightness Luxmeter,
WS7000-27: Thermometer, WS7000-28: Thermometer, WS7000-25 Thermo/Humidity, WS7000-22 Thermo/Humidity
WS7000-20: Thermo/Humidity/Barometer, TFA 30.3125 (temperature + humidity), TFA 30.3120.30, TFA 30.3120.90 (temperature)
Z31743, Rubicson
Auriol V2:
Z31055A-TX, Z31055B-TX version 09/2012, Xiron, Watshome YT6018-2, Technoline,
AOK-2026, AOK-2011, Tunex MF-0211, Jula / Marquant 943134
Auriol V3:
Z32171A, XT200, Fine Offset, Hadex T093, WH5029, Excelvan
Fine Offset Electronics WH2, Agimex Rosenborg 66796, ClimeMET CM9088, Tesa WH1150,
Loh Electronics 02812 Temperature and Humidity sensor
EAS 301Z / EAS 302 / Tchibo
Clas Ohlson 36-4741, Clas Ohlson 36-5087
Krippl temperature/humidity sensor
SM200, SM302 Temperature&Humidity sensor
Oregon V1/2/3:
THC238, THC268, THN132N, THWR288A, THRN122N, THN122N, AW129, AW131, THGR268, THGR122X, THGR122N,
THGN122N, THGN123N, THGR122NX, THGR228N, THGR238, WTGR800, THGR918, THGRN228NX, THGN500, RTGN318,
THGR810, RTGR328N, THGR328N, Huger BTHR918, BTHR918N, BTHR968, RGR126, RGR682, RGR918, PCR122,
THWR800, THR128, THR138, THC138, RGR928, THGR968, THR228N, RGR968, WGR968,
UVN128, UV138, UVN800, Huger-STR918, WGR918, WGR800, PCR800, WGTR800, BTHG968, BTHGN129
Biltema 84056
Fine Offset:
Fine Offset / Viking / WMS Mk3 / Proove TSS320
Home Confort:
STHI 100 temperature/humidity sensor
F007: Ambient Weather / Frogit F007TH, Ambient Weather / Frogit F007T, Ambient Weather / Frogit F007PF
Pool/Water Thermometer:
Conrad 9771 Pool Thermometer
WT0122 Pool Thermometer
Soil : Temperature & Moisture/Humidity Sensors
Imagintronix XH300 sensor
Opus XT300
Alecto 1300
Electricity Monitoring
OWL Micro
Revolt NC-5461 Energy Meter (See Note)
Otio Energy Meter (See Note)
Profitec Funk Energiekosten Messgeraet (See Note)
These devices send a large RF burst every 10 seconds.
This means that they could fill a lot of the available 433mhz bandwidth and you should use these devices with care because the reception of other sensors could become problematic when using these devices.
Dusk Sensors (Light On/Off detection):
Kaku ABST-604
Home Easy HE863
Intertechno ITDS-5
Relay controllers:
1Key 315/433MHZ Wireless Module Receiver Controller For Relay Remote SwitchBA
AK-RK01S-220-A AC 220 V 1CH 433 MHz
Window blinds/shutters/sun screens:
Kaku ASUN650
Intertechno CMR-500, ITL-500, ITL-1000
Bofu motor controller (Rollertrol?)
Brel motor controller (DC90, DC306, DC115, DC229, DC230 and others)
Faher motor controller (DC305, DC307 and others)
Forest "Touch Sense Motors" Curtain control
A-OK Blind controller (AC114-01B and others)
Dooya RF Roller blinds (AC123-16 and others)
RTS Soliris
Koch (receive only)
Kingpin motor controls
Condrad RSL blind controller 640579
Gaposa Blind/Shutter controller (model QCT3S and others)
Warema EWFS
Motion Detectors:
Low Budget Chinese PIR (only signals motion detection)
based on EV1527 & HX2262 (If timing resistor present, any resistor value will work)
Aritech PIR (only signals motion detection)
Ajax Chub Varel PIR (only signals motion detection)
Chuango: among others PIR-900 and PIR-910 PIR sensor
Oregon Scientific NR868 PIR/night light
Oregon Scientific MSR939 PIR
X10 security sensors (Haibrain MS13 and others)
Meiantech/Atlantic security sensors (MC335, MD326,FT89R and others)
Honeywell / Friedland DC4 PIR
Honeywell / Friedland DC44 PIR
Starlux ST101 PIR
Holtek HT6P20 based PIR (both receive and transmit)
Door/Window sensors:
Low Budget Chinese Door/Window detectors
based on EV1527 & HX2262 (If timing resistor present, any resistor value will work)
Holtek HT6P20 based door & window sensors (both receive and transmit)
Oudi AD-87
Intertechno ITM-100
KAKU AMST-606 door/window sensor (seperate signals for open and close)
Home Easy HE852
CHACON DIO 54781 (seperate signals for open and close)
COCO (separate signals for open and close)
Evology door/window contact sensor
Chuango: among others DWC-100 Door sensor, DWC-102 Door sensor
Avidsen Door contact 102359
X10 security sensors
Meiantech/Atlantic security sensors
Sigmatek door contact
Lobeco NX-450N-I
LightwaveRF Contact Switch
KERUI D026 Door Window Sensor
Visionic MCT-100
X10 security sensors (Send + Receive)
KD101 (Send + Receive)
Flamingo FA20RF (Send + Receive)
Flamingo FA21RF (Send + Receive)
Diamant Smoke alarm (Send + Receive)
Chacon 34126 (Send + Receive)
Altantic's security sensors
Gate openers (Send + Receive)
Alarm systems, secure gate openers, garage doors (Receive of sensors and remotes ONLY!!!)
Visonic Powermax (Keeloq) (Receive only!)
Nice Smilo (Keeloq) (Receive only!)
FAAC (Receive only!)
Logipark (Receive only!)
Ditec (Receive only!)
Heating / Fireplace / Thermostats:
Mertik G6R H4T1 / Dru (Send + Receive)
Smartwares SH5-TDR-A / SHS 5300 Heating Controller / Radiator Valve (Send + Receive)
Lafayette Air Thermostat (Send + Receive)
Smoke Detectors:
Alecto SA30/SA33 (Send + Receive)
Flamingo FA20RF (Send + Receive)
Flamingo FA21RF (Send + Receive)
Diamant Smoke alarm (Send + Receive)
Chacon 34126 KD134A (Send + Receive)
Chacon LM-101LG (Send + Receive)
Jucon LM-101LG (Send + Receive)
KD101 (Send + Receive)
Nexa 101LC (Send + Receive)
FUJI ONKYO 480 500 smoke detector (Receive)
Low Budget Chinese Smoke Detector (Receive)
based on EV1527 & HX2262 (If timing resistor present, any resistor value will work)
SelectPlus (200689103 - Black - Datecode:0614), 1 by One, Delta (O00 QH-0031) (Send + Receive)
SelectPlus (200689101 - White - Datecode:0914) (Send + Receive)
SelectPlus (5251178 - Black - (Send + Receive)
Deltronic Wireless Doorbell (Send + Receive)
RL-02 Wireless Doorbell (Send + Receive)
Byron SX (among others SX21) (Send + Receive)
Siemens DCBP5 Doorbell converter (wireless + wired) (Send + Receive)
KAKU ACDB 6500BC (Send + Receive)
Heidemann HX Silverline 70290 (Send + Receive)
Elro (DB270 and others) (Send + Receive)
NEXA LML-710 (Send + Receive)
Profile led dasegno (Send + Receive)
Forrinx (Receive)
L^Home model 32311T (Receive)
SilverCrest Z31370-TX (Receive)
Medion MD 16179 (Receive)
Envivo PO-1413 (Receive)
Synapse SN-1613 (Receive)
Friedland EVO Decor ED1, EVO Decor ED3 (Receive)
Plieger York (Receive)
Note that when the Plieger button is detected as Conrad RSL2, you need to use the button on the inside of the Plieger doorbell to change the address code of the Plieger.
Nodo Slave Sensors:
Various Nodo sensor types are supported.
Both the regular 433mhz sensors (3.7 and 3.8) as well as NodoNRF sensors (3.7 only). Make sure you use Nodo Slave ID 1,2, 4 till 9 to make the sensor a separate sensor.
If you want to have combined sensors (eg temperature + humidity in one device) make sure
you use Nodo Slave ID 10 till 16
The following variable / sensor types are currently supported
Variable 1,2,3,4,5 : Temperature
Variable 6 : Humidity
Variable 7 : Rain
Variable 8 : Wind speed
Variable 9 : Wind direction
Variable 10 : Wind gust
Variable 11, 12 en 13 : Temperature
Variable 14 : Humidity
Variable 15 : UV
Variable 16 : Barometric pressure
Electricity/Water/Gas pulse meters are supported when using the following Nodo variable numbers:
Make sure the slave devices are using Nodo Slave ID 3 !!!
Variable 1 : Pulse value 1
Variable 2 : Pulse value 2
Variable 3 : Pulse value 3
Including variable 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 Variable 16: Pulse value 16
868 Mhz devices:
Weather Sensors:
Alecto V2: Alecto ACH2010 (868 Mhz!), DKW2012 (868 Mhz!),
2.4 Ghz devices:
MiLight / LimitlessLED / Applamp / EasyBulb / etc. devices.
RFlink supports NodoNRF devices and/or MiLight devices.
You can use two NRF24L01 modules at the same time as the wiring of both systems is different.
See below for some details.
NodoNRF devices are sensors based on the Nodo project.
Data is transferred via 2.4Ghz.
You will need to use a NRF24L01 wired specifically for NodoNRF use.
The Milight devices are also sold under the names:
LimitlessLED, Applamp, EasyBulb, Rocket LED, s`luce, iLight, iBulb, LinkUP, SuperBrightLeds, Kepsun and Kreuzer.
There are probably other names used as well.
MiLight is using the 2.4Ghz frequency to control light bulbs and led strips. These devices are originally controlled with a remote or a wifi bridge.
RFlink has the ability to transmit to these devices directly like the remote control and the wifi bridge are doing.
However, RFLink has an unique feature, it can also receive the Milight signals coming from the remote or the bridge.
Up to 262140 unique lamps can be controlled.
You will need to use a NRF24L01 wired specifically for Milight use.
Philips Living Colors:
Philips Living Colors is using the 2.4Ghz frequency to control a dedicated RGB led bulb. These devices are originally controlled with a remote control.
RFlink has the ability to transmit to the Philips Living Colors Genration 1 lamps like the original remote control is doing.
However, RFLink has an unique feature, it can also receive the Living Color commands send by the original remote control.
You will need to use a CC2500 transceiver.
Ikea Ansluta / Utrusta:
Ikea Ansluta / Utrusta is using the 2.4Ghz frequency to control dedicated UTRUSTA en OMLOPP led lights. These devices are originally controlled with a single button remote control.
RFlink has the ability to transmit to the Ikea Ansluta receiver to control the lamps like the original remote control is doing.
However, RFLink has an unique feature, it can also receive the commands send by the original Ansluta remote control.
Unlike the original remote control that needs to cycle through dim values, RFLink can directly control the dim level. You will need to use a CC2500 transceiver.
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Ist ja gut,
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Rainer `
ich auch!!!
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habe eben per Paypal 20,00€ gespendet, Betreff "RFLink".
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