Test Adapter lovelace v0.2.x
Am besten mal ein debug log posten mit dem Teil, wo der erkannt wird, da sollte auch ein JSON kommen, das brauche ich.
Und mal gucken, ob bei den Attributen (in der Instanz) hinten sowas steht:brightness: alias.0.lamps.Josephine_Wolke.brightness
@marcuskl said in Test Adapter lovelace v0.2.x:
Sobald ich die Helligkeit verändern will, verschwindet der Slider zum ein und ausschalten und die Farbauswahl geht auch nicht mehr
Das sieht merkwürdig aus... ist das ein Gerät mit Farbe/Farbtemperatur oder nur Helligkeit? Was ist bei der Helligkeit das min/max?
@Garfonso said in Test Adapter lovelace v0.2.x:
Super. Vielen Dank! Das hat nun funktioniert.
Eine Kleinigtkeit hätte ich noch. Aber glaube nicht das du es beeinflussen kannst. Wenn ich ein Licht angenommen auf 50% dimme. Dann ausschalte und wieder anschalte, springt er direkt auf 100%. Merkt sich nicht die letzten Einstellungen
Hier der Log:2019-12-27 21:34:52.286 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2019-12-27 21:34:52.346 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2019-12-27 21:34:52.355 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Objects create PubSub Client 2019-12-27 21:34:52.360 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2019-12-27 21:34:52.371 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Objects connected to redis: 2019-12-27 21:34:52.381 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) objectDB connected 2019-12-27 21:34:52.384 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2019-12-27 21:34:52.396 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) States create PubSub Client 2019-12-27 21:34:52.397 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) statesDB connected 2019-12-27 21:34:52.454 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) States connected to redis: 2019-12-27 21:34:54.274 - info: lovelace.0 (2374) starting. Version 1.0.6 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lovelace, node: v10.17.0 2019-12-27 21:34:54.393 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Schedule restart: 0 2 * * * 2019-12-27 21:34:54.429 - info: lovelace.0 (2374) http server listening on port 8091 2019-12-27 21:34:54.983 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) rgb - Controls: { "states": [ { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "RED", "required": true, "defaultRole": "", "id": "" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "GREEN", "required": true, "defaultRole": "", "id": "" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "BLUE", "required": true, "defaultRole": "", "id": "" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "DIMMER", "required": false, "defaultRole": "level.dimmer" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "BRIGHTNESS", "required": false, "id": "shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.gain" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "SATURATION", "required": false }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "TEMPERATURE", "required": false, "defaultRole": "level.color.temperature" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": true, "name": "ON_LIGHT", "required": false, "defaultRole": "switch.light" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": true, "name": "ON", "required": false, "id": "shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.Switch" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": false, "name": "ON_ACTUAL", "required": false, "defaultRole": "state.light" }, { "indicator": true, "name": "WORKING", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.working" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "UNREACH", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance.unreach" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "LOWBAT", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance.lowbat" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "MAINTAIN", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance" }, { "indicator": true, "name": "ERROR", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.error" } ], "type": "rgb" } 2019-12-27 21:34:54.989 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer - rgb - shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color 2019-12-27 21:34:54.990 - warn: lovelace.0 (2374) Could not add shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color of type rgbSingle -> no on/off control found. 2019-12-27 21:34:54.992 - warn: lovelace.0 (2374) Duplicates found for light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer 2019-12-27 21:34:54.992 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.effect - info - shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:54.998 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Switch - light - shelly.0.SHSW-1#12C27E#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.003 - warn: lovelace.0 (2374) Duplicates found for light.Switch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.008 - warn: lovelace.0 (2374) Duplicates found for light.Switch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.012 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.K_chenlicht_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Küchenlicht.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.019 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Nachtlicht_Benchy_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Benchy.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.034 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Nachtlicht_Flur - light - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur 2019-12-27 21:34:55.035 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur.Time - info - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.039 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Nachtlicht_Liah_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Liah.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.043 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Nachtlicht_Marcus_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Marcus.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.047 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Schreibtischlampe_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Schreibtischlampe.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.063 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Weihnachtsbaum - light - sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum 2019-12-27 21:34:55.063 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum.Time - info - sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.068 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device lgtv.0.states.volume - info - lgtv.0.states.volume is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.074 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: switch.Switch_TV_power - socket - lgtv.0.states.power 2019-12-27 21:34:55.078 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device lgtv.0.states.launch - info - lgtv.0.states.launch is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.082 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: switch.TV_Steckdose_POWER - socket - sonoff.0.TV Steckdose.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.085 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: switch.switch_on - socket - tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.1 2019-12-27 21:34:55.090 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device chromecast.0.Küche.status.volume - volume - chromecast.0.Küche.status.volume is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.094 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device chromecast.0.Schlafzimmer.status.volume - volume - chromecast.0.Schlafzimmer.status.volume is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.098 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device chromecast.0.WohnzimmerJBL.status.volume - volume - chromecast.0.WohnzimmerJBL.status.volume is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.101 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.000b57fffe897c9a.battery - info - zigbee.0.000b57fffe897c9a.battery is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.104 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.00158d000320258a.battery - info - zigbee.0.00158d000320258a.battery is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.107 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.ccccccfffe31ffb8.battery - info - zigbee.0.ccccccfffe31ffb8.battery is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.110 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.00158d0003d53cb8.battery - info - zigbee.0.00158d0003d53cb8.battery is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.185 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: weather.Gaggenau__Baden_W_rttemberg_Deutschland_ - weatherForecast - daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1 2019-12-27 21:34:55.185 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_1.Wetter_Symbol_id - info - daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1 is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.186 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device scene.0.Bettfertig - info - scene.0.Bettfertig is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.188 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device scene.0.Fernsehabend - info - scene.0.Fernsehabend is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.199 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) rgbSingle - Controls: { "states": [ { "indicator": false, "type": "string", "write": true, "name": "RGB", "required": true, "defaultRole": "level.color.rgb", "id": "zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.color" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "DIMMER", "required": false, "defaultRole": "level.dimmer", "id": "zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.brightness" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "BRIGHTNESS", "required": false }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "SATURATION", "required": false }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "TEMPERATURE", "required": false, "defaultRole": "level.color.temperature", "id": "zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.colortemp" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": true, "name": "ON_LIGHT", "required": false, "defaultRole": "switch.light" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": true, "name": "ON", "required": false, "id": "zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.state" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": false, "name": "ON_ACTUAL", "required": false, "defaultRole": "state.light", "id": "zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.available" }, { "indicator": true, "name": "WORKING", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.working" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "UNREACH", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance.unreach" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "LOWBAT", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance.lowbat" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "MAINTAIN", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance" }, { "indicator": true, "name": "ERROR", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.error" } ], "type": "rgbSingle" } 2019-12-27 21:34:55.200 - warn: lovelace.0 (2374) no max value for light object 'zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.colortemp' defined -> using fallback max = '153' 2019-12-27 21:34:55.201 - warn: lovelace.0 (2374) no min value for light object 'zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.colortemp' defined -> using fallback max = '450' 2019-12-27 21:34:55.201 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) light.Stehlampe ct needs kelvin conversion: false 2019-12-27 21:34:55.202 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Color already present, skip R,G,B color. 2019-12-27 21:34:55.202 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Stehlampe - rgbSingle - zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af 2019-12-27 21:34:55.202 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.groups - info - zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af is not yet supported 2019-12-27 21:34:55.203 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color => light 2019-12-27 21:34:55.204 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: shelly.0.SHSW-1#12C27E#1.Relay0.Switch => light 2019-12-27 21:34:55.204 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Küchenlicht.POWER => light 2019-12-27 21:34:55.204 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Benchy.POWER => light 2019-12-27 21:34:55.204 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur => light 2019-12-27 21:34:55.205 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Liah.POWER => light 2019-12-27 21:34:55.205 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Marcus.POWER => light 2019-12-27 21:34:55.205 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Schreibtischlampe.POWER => light 2019-12-27 21:34:55.205 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum => light 2019-12-27 21:34:55.205 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: lgtv.0.states.power => switch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.206 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.TV Steckdose.POWER => switch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.206 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.1 => switch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.206 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1 => weather 2019-12-27 21:34:55.206 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) AUTO Device detected: zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af => light 2019-12-27 21:34:55.293 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.CPU_Temperatur - info.0.sysinfo.cpu.temperature.main 2019-12-27 21:34:55.298 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: input_select.tv_launch - lgtv.0.states.launch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.303 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: input_number.FernseherVolume - lgtv.0.states.volume 2019-12-27 21:34:55.306 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_rewind - lgtv.0.states.mediaRewind 2019-12-27 21:34:55.309 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_forward - lgtv.0.states.mediaFastForward 2019-12-27 21:34:55.313 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_pause - lgtv.0.states.mediaPause 2019-12-27 21:34:55.316 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_play - lgtv.0.states.mediaPlay 2019-12-27 21:34:55.318 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_channel_down - lgtv.0.states.channelDown 2019-12-27 21:34:55.321 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_channel_up - lgtv.0.states.channelUp 2019-12-27 21:34:55.325 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_volume_down - lgtv.0.states.volumeDown 2019-12-27 21:34:55.329 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_volume_up - lgtv.0.states.volumeUp 2019-12-27 21:34:55.332 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.tv_remote_mute - lgtv.0.states.mute 2019-12-27 21:34:55.334 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: light.Schlafzimmerlicht - shelly.0.SHSW-1#12C27E#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.337 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: light.Wohnzimmerlicht - shelly.0.SHSW-1#94147C#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.340 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.Fernseher - javascript.0.scriptEnabled.Vis.Fernseher_Power 2019-12-27 21:34:55.344 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: light.Flurlicht - shelly.0.SHSW-1#943F39#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.351 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.pve_cpu_utilization - proxmox.0.node_pve.cpu 2019-12-27 21:34:55.354 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.server_ram_auslastung - proxmox.0.node_pve.memory.used_lev 2019-12-27 21:34:55.357 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.akku_bm_flur - zigbee.0.00158d000320258a.battery 2019-12-27 21:34:55.360 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: input_boolean.Schreibtisch - tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.1 2019-12-27 21:34:55.364 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.Schreibtisch_Strom - tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.4 2019-12-27 21:34:55.368 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: input_number.GHomeWohnzimmer - chromecast.0.WohnzimmerJBL.status.volume 2019-12-27 21:34:55.372 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: input_number.GHomeSchlafzimmer - chromecast.0.Schlafzimmer.status.volume 2019-12-27 21:34:55.376 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: input_number.GHomeKueche - chromecast.0.Küche.status.volume 2019-12-27 21:34:55.379 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: input_boolean.zuruck - broadlink2.0.RM:RMMINI-40-7c-2f.L.CODE_26001a000f07064d0c6a0c0001d009000265090002440f0006470a000d050000000000000000000000000000 2019-12-27 21:34:55.383 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: light.Schreibtischlampe - sonoff.0.Schreibtischlampe.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.385 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.MaxDownstream - upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6490_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.DownstreamMaxKbit 2019-12-27 21:34:55.389 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.MaxUpstream - upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6490_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.UpstreamMaxKbit 2019-12-27 21:34:55.393 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.akku_dimmer - zigbee.0.000b57fffe897c9a.battery 2019-12-27 21:34:55.396 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_home - lgtv.0.remote.home 2019-12-27 21:34:55.399 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_menu - 2019-12-27 21:34:55.402 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_back - lgtv.0.remote.back 2019-12-27 21:34:55.410 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_up - lgtv.0.remote.up 2019-12-27 21:34:55.414 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_down - lgtv.0.remote.down 2019-12-27 21:34:55.417 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_left - lgtv.0.remote.left 2019-12-27 21:34:55.420 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_right - lgtv.0.remote.right 2019-12-27 21:34:55.423 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_enter - lgtv.0.remote.enter 2019-12-27 21:34:55.426 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.akku_switch_marcus - zigbee.0.00158d00026ebcbf.battery 2019-12-27 21:34:55.430 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.energie_gesamt - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Total 2019-12-27 21:34:55.433 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.energie_heute - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Today 2019-12-27 21:34:55.436 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.l1_leistung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_0 2019-12-27 21:34:55.440 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.l2_leistung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_1 2019-12-27 21:34:55.443 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.l3_leistung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_2 2019-12-27 21:34:55.446 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.l1_spannung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Voltage_0 2019-12-27 21:34:55.449 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.l2_spannung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Voltage_1 2019-12-27 21:34:55.452 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.l3_spannung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Voltage_2 2019-12-27 21:34:55.456 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.l1_strom - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_0 2019-12-27 21:34:55.459 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.l2_strom - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_1 2019-12-27 21:34:55.462 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.l3_strom - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_2 2019-12-27 21:34:55.466 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.akku_stehlampe_schalter - zigbee.0.ccccccfffe31ffb8.battery 2019-12-27 21:34:55.469 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: light.nachtlicht_flur - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.472 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: sensor.akku_tür_sensor - zigbee.0.00158d0003d53cb8.battery 2019-12-27 21:34:55.475 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_grün 2019-12-27 21:34:55.478 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_blau 2019-12-27 21:34:55.481 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_red 2019-12-27 21:34:55.484 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.turkis - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_turkis 2019-12-27 21:34:55.487 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.violett - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_violtett 2019-12-27 21:34:55.490 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.warmweiß - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_warmweiß 2019-12-27 21:34:55.494 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.kaltweiß - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_kaltweiß 2019-12-27 21:34:55.497 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.v_up_ghome_wohnzimmer - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_wohnzimmer 2019-12-27 21:34:55.499 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.v_down_ghome_wohnzimmer - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_wohnzimmer 2019-12-27 21:34:55.502 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.tv_remote_netflix - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.launch_netflix 2019-12-27 21:34:55.506 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.tv_remote_amazon - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.launch_amazon 2019-12-27 21:34:55.509 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.v_down_ghome_kueche - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_kueche 2019-12-27 21:34:55.512 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.v_up_ghome_kueche - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_kueche 2019-12-27 21:34:55.516 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.v_down_ghome_schlafzimmer - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_schlafzimmer 2019-12-27 21:34:55.518 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.v_up_ghome_schlafzimmer - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_schlafzimmer 2019-12-27 21:34:55.521 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.fernsehabend - scene.0.Fernsehabend 2019-12-27 21:34:55.525 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.rgb_syncron - 0_userdata.0.Automation.rgb_syncron 2019-12-27 21:34:55.528 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.schreibtischsteckdose_automatik - 0_userdata.0.Automation.schreibtischsteckdose_automatik_aus 2019-12-27 21:34:55.531 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.flurlicht_automatik - 0_userdata.0.Automation.flurlicht_automatik 2019-12-27 21:34:55.535 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.zentral_aus - 0_userdata.0.Zentral_Funktionen.zentral_aus 2019-12-27 21:34:55.538 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.led_strips_automatik - 0_userdata.0.Automation.led_strips_automatik 2019-12-27 21:34:55.541 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: switch.bettfertig - scene.0.Bettfertig 2019-12-27 21:34:55.545 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Create manual device: alarm_control_panel.defaultAlarm - lovelace.0.control.alarm 2019-12-27 21:34:55.593 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer got [0,100,100] from Red 255 and {"r":186,"g":0,"b":0} and old hsv [0,100,73] 2019-12-27 21:34:55.594 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer got [0,100,72.94117647058823] from Green 0 and {"r":186,"g":0,"b":0} and old hsv [0,100,73] 2019-12-27 21:34:55.595 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer got [0,100,72.94117647058823] from Blue 0 and {"r":186,"g":0,"b":0} and old hsv [0,100,73] 2019-12-27 21:34:55.837 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_1.iconURL 2019-12-27 21:34:55.840 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_1.Maximale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-27 21:34:55.841 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_2.iconURL 2019-12-27 21:34:55.842 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_2.Maximale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-27 21:34:55.843 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_2.Minimale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-27 21:34:55.844 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_3.iconURL 2019-12-27 21:34:55.845 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_3.Maximale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-27 21:34:55.847 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_3.Minimale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-27 21:34:55.848 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_4.iconURL 2019-12-27 21:34:55.849 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_4.Maximale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-27 21:34:55.850 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_4.Minimale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-27 21:34:55.851 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_5.iconURL 2019-12-27 21:34:55.852 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_5.Maximale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-27 21:34:55.853 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_5.Minimale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-27 21:34:55.855 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_6.iconURL 2019-12-27 21:34:55.856 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_6.Maximale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-27 21:34:55.857 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_6.Minimale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-27 21:34:55.858 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Zentral_Funktionen.zentral_aus 2019-12-27 21:34:55.859 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on scene.0.Bettfertig 2019-12-27 21:34:55.860 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on scene.0.Fernsehabend 2019-12-27 21:34:55.861 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on shelly.0.SHSW-1#943F39#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.863 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on shelly.0.SHSW-1#12C27E#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.864 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Benchy.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.865 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on shelly.0.SHSW-1#94147C#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.866 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.state 2019-12-27 21:34:55.867 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.colortemp 2019-12-27 21:34:55.870 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.brightness 2019-12-27 21:34:55.872 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.color 2019-12-27 21:34:55.873 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.white 2019-12-27 21:34:55.873 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Liah.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.874 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Küchenlicht.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.875 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Schreibtischlampe.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.877 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.878 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.878 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.TV Steckdose.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.879 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.1 2019-12-27 21:34:55.880 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Automation.schreibtischsteckdose_automatik_aus 2019-12-27 21:34:55.881 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Automation.rgb_syncron 2019-12-27 21:34:55.881 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Automation.led_strips_automatik 2019-12-27 21:34:55.882 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_red 2019-12-27 21:34:55.883 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_blau 2019-12-27 21:34:55.884 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_grün 2019-12-27 21:34:55.885 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_violtett 2019-12-27 21:34:55.886 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_turkis 2019-12-27 21:34:55.886 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_warmweiß 2019-12-27 21:34:55.887 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_kaltweiß 2019-12-27 21:34:55.888 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Marcus.POWER 2019-12-27 21:34:55.889 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Automation.flurlicht_automatik 2019-12-27 21:34:55.890 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.power 2019-12-27 21:34:55.891 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.back 2019-12-27 21:34:55.892 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 2019-12-27 21:34:55.893 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.home 2019-12-27 21:34:55.893 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.launch_netflix 2019-12-27 21:34:55.894 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.up 2019-12-27 21:34:55.895 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.launch_amazon 2019-12-27 21:34:55.896 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.left 2019-12-27 21:34:55.897 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.enter 2019-12-27 21:34:55.898 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.right 2019-12-27 21:34:55.898 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.down 2019-12-27 21:34:55.899 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.channelUp 2019-12-27 21:34:55.900 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.channelDown 2019-12-27 21:34:55.901 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.mediaRewind 2019-12-27 21:34:55.902 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.mediaPlay 2019-12-27 21:34:55.903 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.mediaFastForward 2019-12-27 21:34:55.904 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.volumeDown 2019-12-27 21:34:55.905 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.mute 2019-12-27 21:34:55.905 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.volumeUp 2019-12-27 21:34:55.906 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.launch 2019-12-27 21:34:55.908 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on chromecast.0.WohnzimmerJBL.status.volume 2019-12-27 21:34:55.908 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_wohnzimmer 2019-12-27 21:34:55.909 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_wohnzimmer 2019-12-27 21:34:55.910 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on chromecast.0.Küche.status.volume 2019-12-27 21:34:55.911 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_kueche 2019-12-27 21:34:55.912 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_kueche 2019-12-27 21:34:55.913 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on chromecast.0.Schlafzimmer.status.volume 2019-12-27 21:34:55.914 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_schlafzimmer 2019-12-27 21:34:55.914 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_schlafzimmer 2019-12-27 21:34:55.915 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6490_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.DownstreamMaxKbit 2019-12-27 21:34:55.916 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6490_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.UpstreamMaxKbit 2019-12-27 21:34:55.917 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_0 2019-12-27 21:34:55.918 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_1 2019-12-27 21:34:55.919 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_2 2019-12-27 21:34:55.920 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_0 2019-12-27 21:34:55.921 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_1 2019-12-27 21:34:55.922 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_2 2019-12-27 21:34:55.923 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Today 2019-12-27 21:34:55.923 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.00158d00026ebcbf.battery 2019-12-27 21:34:55.924 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.000b57fffe897c9a.battery 2019-12-27 21:34:55.925 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.00158d000320258a.battery 2019-12-27 21:34:55.926 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe31ffb8.battery 2019-12-27 21:34:55.927 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.00158d0003d53cb8.battery 2019-12-27 21:34:58.092 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) HASS Auth: no_token 2019-12-27 21:34:58.405 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) HASS Subscribe: state_changed 2019-12-27 21:34:58.408 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) HASS Subscribe: component_loaded 2019-12-27 21:34:58.409 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) HASS Subscribe: core_config_updated 2019-12-27 21:34:58.409 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) HASS Subscribe: service_registered 2019-12-27 21:34:58.410 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) HASS Subscribe: service_removed 2019-12-27 21:34:58.411 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) HASS Subscribe: panels_updated 2019-12-27 21:34:58.412 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) HASS Subscribe: themes_updated 2019-12-27 21:34:58.412 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) HASS Subscribe: lovelace_updated 2019-12-27 21:34:58.413 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) HASS Subscribe: persistent_notifications_updated 2019-12-27 21:34:58.440 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) get config: false 2019-12-27 21:34:58.441 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Get translations: de 2019-12-27 21:34:58.893 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) HASS UnSubscribe: {"type":"unsubscribe_events","subscription":10,"id":20} 2019-12-27 21:34:58.895 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) HASS Subscribe: persistent_notifications_updated 2019-12-27 21:34:59.290 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Add custom cards: background.jpg as jpg 2019-12-27 21:34:59.291 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Add custom cards: battery-entity.js as js 2019-12-27 21:34:59.291 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Add custom cards: button-card.js as js 2019-12-27 21:34:59.292 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Add custom cards: button-entity-row.js as js 2019-12-27 21:34:59.292 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Add custom cards: compact-custom-header.js as js 2019-12-27 21:34:59.292 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Add custom cards: dual-gauge-card.js as js 2019-12-27 21:34:59.292 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Add custom cards: light-entity-card.js as js 2019-12-27 21:34:59.292 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Add custom cards: mini-graph-card-bundle.js as js 2019-12-27 21:34:59.293 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Add custom cards: remote-card.js as js 2019-12-27 21:34:59.293 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Add custom cards: rgb-light-card.js as js 2019-12-27 21:34:59.293 - debug: lovelace.0 (2374) Add custom cards: vertical-stack-in-card.js as js
Helligkeit ist 0-100 bei der Zigbee leuchte.
Attribute:brightness: shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.gain brightness_pct: 73 friendly_name: Wohnzimmer Licht hs_blue: hs_color: hs_green: supported_features: 17
@Garfonso sagte in Test Adapter lovelace v0.2.x:
Das sieht merkwürdig aus... ist das ein Gerät mit Farbe/Farbtemperatur oder nur Helligkeit? Was ist bei der Helligkeit das min/max?
Das gerät hat
- einmal ein level.color.white Wert 0-100 um die Warmweißen LED's zu dimmen
- ein level.brightness Wert 0-100 um die RGB Led's zu Dimmen
- für Color nutze ich level.color.rgb womit ich die Farbe über ein Hex einstelle
@WW1983 said in Test Adapter lovelace v0.2.x:
Eine Kleinigtkeit hätte ich noch. Aber glaube nicht das du es beeinflussen kannst. Wenn ich ein Licht angenommen auf 50% dimme. Dann ausschalte und wieder anschalte, springt er direkt auf 100%. Merkt sich nicht die letzten Einstellungen
Hm.. also wenn es ein Licht ist, was von "mir" angelegt wurde, dann sollte beim einschalten tatsächlich nur der Switch gestellt werden (also der on/off state auf true) und damit die letzte Helligkeit behalten werden. Anders sieht das bei Lampen aus, die nur an/aus und Brightness haben, da ist noch "der alte" Code am Werk, der irgendwie immer 100% setzt. Ich habe mal eine Testversion hochgeladen (wieder der Tratschtante Link) bei der das auch auf "meinen" Code umgebogen wird. Geht bei mir und gefällt mir so auch besser.
Ok, und was geht jetzt genau nicht? grübel
Also er erkennt "shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.gain" als Dimmer -> damit wird er versuchen die Helligkeit zu regeln. "level.color.white" wird nicht vom Typedetector erkannt als etwas, womit er was anfangen kann (Problem dabei: Das ist ein anderes repository und wird ggf. noch woanders genutzt, da werden Änderungen nicht "so einfach" werden, vermute ich. Keine Ahnung). Zwei "Dimmer" sind bisher in meinem Code auch noch nicht vorgesehen, da müsste ich drüber nachdenken.Wenn der Slider "stecken" bleibt, dann werden da Werte außerhalb von dem Bereich gesetzt, den der als Min/Max hat oder gar keine Zahlen... wie ist dann der Wert in ioBroker? Was sind min/max Werte vom ioBroker state?
Warum steht in deinem Screenshot "iob max" bei den Attributen? Das sollte es bei einer Lampe mit Farbe (bzw. in der neusten Testversion gar nicht) nicht (mehr) geben (ggf. mal Seite neuladen).(Farbeinstellungen verschwinden in Lovelace, wenn die Lampe aus = Helligkeit 0 ist, das ist normal)
Danke! Habs eben getestet... hat allerdings nicht funktioniert. Springt wieder zurück auf auf 100% -
Äh.. vielleicht hab ich vergessen die Datei hochzuladen. Hab es nochmal alles neu gemacht. -
Leider funktioniert es immer noch nicht. Du meinst doch diesen Link? -
ja, korrekt. Die richtige Datei ist jetzt auch drinnen. Hm. Kannst du einen Screenshot der attribute (Lovelace instanz Einstellungen -> Entitäten, zeige Attribute) machen? -
Klar. Hoffe der Ausschnitt reicht. Bekomme nicht mehr vom Tablet drauf:
Und das mit den 100% beim anschalten hast du bei allen Lampen? Hm... dann muss da was anderes reinspielen. Wenn du die States einzeln schaltest geht es? -
@holgerwolf sagte in Test Adapter lovelace v0.2.x:
@sigi234 Nicht viel:
type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat_Hobby_1
Hätte gerne auch noch andere Parameter auf der Karte, aber die Anleitung gibt auch nix her.
Edit: Gerade noch die Infos hier gefunden: würde aber interessieren, wie deine einzelnen Datenpunkte zu dem Thermostat definiert sind. also welche rolle haben sie bekommen und hast du den DP nochmal einzeln einen Raum und Funktion zugewiesen oder nur dem Hauptordner?
@Alex975 sagte in Test Adapter lovelace v0.2.x:
@holgerwolf sagte in Test Adapter lovelace v0.2.x:
@sigi234 Nicht viel:
type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat_Hobby_1
Hätte gerne auch noch andere Parameter auf der Karte, aber die Anleitung gibt auch nix her.
Edit: Gerade noch die Infos hier gefunden: würde aber interessieren, wie deine einzelnen Datenpunkte zu dem Thermostat definiert sind. also welche rolle haben sie bekommen und hast du den DP nochmal einzeln einen Raum und Funktion zugewiesen oder nur dem Hauptordner?
PS. Ich habe zumindest was hinbekommen, wenn ich die aktuelle Temp. auf value.temperature und die sollvorgabe auf level.temperature stelle.
problem ist , sobald was an der sollvorgabe oder akutellen temp was geändert wird, setzt er die rollen beide wieder auf value zurück...
und dann wird nur noch die sollvorgabe in der custom card angezeigt
Ich habe das jetzt direkt über ioBroker getestet. Liegt wohl leider an dem Hue Adapter selber. Wenn ich das Objekt aus und an schalte wird springt der Wert wieder auf 100% -
Hat zufällig auch jemand mit der aktuellen Version Darstellungsfehler auf dem iPad / iPhone? Auf dem PC (Firefox) sieht alles normal aus.
Auf dem iPad ist es übrigens auch egal welchen Browser ich nutze.
Die Light Buttons erhalten einen komischen Kreis wenn ich die ausmache:
@Garfonso also habe es jetzt mal ausführlich getestet.
Der Shelly lässt sich nicht einschalten oder sonstiges, da geht garnichts.
Bei meiner Zigbee Tadfri Bulb funktioniert die Änderung der Farbtemperatur nicht und der Dimmwert ist falsch, bei der ist min=0 max=100.
Hier die Attribute:brightness: zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.brightness brightness_pct: 39.21568627450981 color_temp: zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.colortemp entity_picture: ./adapter/zigbee/img/TRADFRI.bulb.E27.png friendly_name: Wohnzimmer Hintergrundbeleuchtung hs_color: zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.color max_mireds: 450 min_mireds: 153 supported_features: 19
Folgendes steht auch noch im Log:
lovelace.0 2019-12-29 19:33:07.357 warn (29254) no min value for light object 'zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.colortemp' defined -> using fallback max = '450' lovelace.0 2019-12-29 19:33:07.357 warn (29254) no max value for light object 'zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.colortemp' defined -> using fallback max = '153' lovelace.0 2019-12-29 19:33:07.349 warn (29254) Duplicates found for light.Switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 19:33:07.349 warn (29254) Duplicates found for light.Switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 19:33:07.348 warn (29254) Duplicates found for light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer lovelace.0 2019-12-29 19:33:07.346 warn (29254) Could not add shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color of type rgbSingle -> no on/off control found.
Hier noch ein Bild von den Shelly objekten, vllt hilft es:
@marcuskl said in Test Adapter lovelace v0.2.x:
Bei meiner Zigbee Tadfri Bulb funktioniert die Änderung der Farbtemperatur nicht und der Dimmwert ist falsch, bei der ist min=0 max=100.
Hm. Was heißt "falsch"? Ist die % Zahl eine andere? Wenn ja, wie anders? (also z.B. 50% soll = X % ist)
Wird die Farbtemperatur im Bereich ~150-600 eingestellt? Oder eher in den 1000ern?Könntest du nochmal ein debug log von der Erkennung posten.
@Garfonso 50% ist 50, man kann 0 bis 100 einstellen.
Das Problem ist, wenn ich den Dimmer (auf Bild rot markiert) nutze, dimmt es zwar hoch, aber sobald ich eine andere Farbe auswähle, springt der Dimmer auf die hälfte zurück.
Die Farbtemperatur ist im 1000er Bereich.
lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.462 debug (13541) Add custom cards: vertical-stack-in-card.js as js lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.462 debug (13541) Add custom cards: rgb-light-card.js as js lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.461 debug (13541) Add custom cards: remote-card.js as js lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.461 debug (13541) Add custom cards: mini-graph-card-bundle.js as js lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.461 debug (13541) Add custom cards: light-entity-card.js as js lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.461 debug (13541) Add custom cards: dual-gauge-card.js as js lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.460 debug (13541) Add custom cards: compact-custom-header.js as js lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.460 debug (13541) Add custom cards: button-entity-row.js as js lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.460 debug (13541) Add custom cards: button-card.js as js lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.460 debug (13541) Add custom cards: battery-entity.js as js lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.459 debug (13541) Add custom cards: background.jpg as jpg lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.345 debug (13541) HASS Subscribe: persistent_notifications_updated lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:11.344 debug (13541) HASS UnSubscribe: {"type":"unsubscribe_events","subscription":10,"id":20} lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:10.781 debug (13541) Get translations: de lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:10.779 debug (13541) get config: false lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:10.752 debug (13541) HASS Subscribe: persistent_notifications_updated lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:10.751 debug (13541) HASS Subscribe: lovelace_updated lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:10.750 debug (13541) HASS Subscribe: themes_updated lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:10.749 debug (13541) HASS Subscribe: panels_updated lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:10.749 debug (13541) HASS Subscribe: service_removed lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:10.748 debug (13541) HASS Subscribe: service_registered lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:10.747 debug (13541) HASS Subscribe: core_config_updated lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:10.746 debug (13541) HASS Subscribe: component_loaded lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:10.745 debug (13541) HASS Subscribe: state_changed lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:10.484 debug (13541) HASS Auth: no_token lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.052 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.00158d0003d53cb8.battery lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.051 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe31ffb8.battery lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.051 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.00158d000320258a.battery lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.050 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.000b57fffe897c9a.battery lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.049 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.00158d00026ebcbf.battery lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.048 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Today lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.047 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_2 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.046 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_1 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.045 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_0 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.044 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_2 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.043 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_1 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.042 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_0 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.041 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6490_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.UpstreamMaxKbit lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.041 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6490_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.DownstreamMaxKbit lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.040 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_schlafzimmer lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.039 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_schlafzimmer lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.038 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on chromecast.0.Schlafzimmer.status.volume lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.037 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_kueche lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.036 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_kueche lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.035 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on chromecast.0.Küche.status.volume lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.034 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_wohnzimmer lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.033 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_wohnzimmer lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.033 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on chromecast.0.WohnzimmerJBL.status.volume lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.032 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.launch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.031 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.volumeUp lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.030 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.mute lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.029 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.volumeDown lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.028 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.mediaFastForward lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.027 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.mediaPlay lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.026 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.mediaRewind lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.025 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.channelDown lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.025 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.channelUp lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.024 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.down lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.023 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.right lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.022 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.enter lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.021 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.left lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.020 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.launch_amazon lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.019 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.up lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.018 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.launch_netflix lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.017 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.home lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.017 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.016 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.back lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.015 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.power lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.014 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Automation.flurlicht_automatik lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.013 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Marcus.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.012 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_kaltweiß lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.011 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_warmweiß lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.010 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_turkis lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.009 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_violtett lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.009 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_grün lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.008 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_blau lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.007 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_red lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.006 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Automation.led_strips_automatik lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.005 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Automation.rgb_syncron lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.004 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Automation.schreibtischsteckdose_automatik_aus lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.002 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.1 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.002 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.TV Steckdose.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.001 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:08.000 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.999 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Schreibtischlampe.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.998 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Küchenlicht.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.997 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Liah.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.996 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.white lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.996 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.color lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.994 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.brightness lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.991 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.colortemp lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.990 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.state lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.989 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on shelly.0.SHSW-1#94147C#1.Relay0.Switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.988 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Benchy.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.988 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on shelly.0.SHSW-1#12C27E#1.Relay0.Switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.987 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on shelly.0.SHSW-1#943F39#1.Relay0.Switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.986 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on scene.0.Fernsehabend lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.985 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on scene.0.Bettfertig lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.984 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Zentral_Funktionen.zentral_aus lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.983 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_6.Minimale_Temperatur_value lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.982 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_6.Maximale_Temperatur_value lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.981 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_6.iconURL lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.980 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_5.Minimale_Temperatur_value lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.979 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_5.Maximale_Temperatur_value lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.978 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_5.iconURL lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.977 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_4.Minimale_Temperatur_value lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.976 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_4.Maximale_Temperatur_value lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.975 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_4.iconURL lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.974 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_3.Minimale_Temperatur_value lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.973 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_3.Maximale_Temperatur_value lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.972 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_3.iconURL lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.971 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_2.Minimale_Temperatur_value lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.970 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_2.Maximale_Temperatur_value lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.969 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_2.iconURL lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.968 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_1.Maximale_Temperatur_value lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.967 debug (13541) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_1.iconURL lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.711 debug (13541) light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer got [0,100,100] from Blue 0 and {"r":255,"g":0,"b":0} and old hsv [0,100,100] lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.710 debug (13541) light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer got [0,100,100] from Green 0 and {"r":255,"g":0,"b":0} and old hsv [0,100,100] lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.709 debug (13541) light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer got [0,100,100] from Red 255 and {"r":255,"g":0,"b":0} and old hsv [0,100,100] lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.661 debug (13541) Create manual device: alarm_control_panel.defaultAlarm - lovelace.0.control.alarm lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.658 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.bettfertig - scene.0.Bettfertig lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.655 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.led_strips_automatik - 0_userdata.0.Automation.led_strips_automatik lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.652 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.zentral_aus - 0_userdata.0.Zentral_Funktionen.zentral_aus lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.649 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.flurlicht_automatik - 0_userdata.0.Automation.flurlicht_automatik lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.646 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.schreibtischsteckdose_automatik - 0_userdata.0.Automation.schreibtischsteckdose_automatik_aus lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.643 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.rgb_syncron - 0_userdata.0.Automation.rgb_syncron lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.640 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.fernsehabend - scene.0.Fernsehabend lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.636 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.v_up_ghome_schlafzimmer - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_schlafzimmer lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.633 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.v_down_ghome_schlafzimmer - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_schlafzimmer lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.630 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.v_up_ghome_kueche - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_kueche lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.627 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.v_down_ghome_kueche - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_kueche lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.623 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.tv_remote_amazon - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.launch_amazon lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.620 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.tv_remote_netflix - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.launch_netflix lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.617 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.v_down_ghome_wohnzimmer - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_wohnzimmer lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.614 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.v_up_ghome_wohnzimmer - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_wohnzimmer lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.611 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.kaltweiß - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_kaltweiß lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.608 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.warmweiß - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_warmweiß lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.605 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.violett - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_violtett lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.602 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.turkis - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_turkis lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.599 debug (13541) Create manual device: - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_red lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.596 debug (13541) Create manual device: - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_blau lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.593 debug (13541) Create manual device: - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_grün lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.590 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.akku_tür_sensor - zigbee.0.00158d0003d53cb8.battery lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.587 debug (13541) Create manual device: light.nachtlicht_flur - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.584 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.akku_stehlampe_schalter - zigbee.0.ccccccfffe31ffb8.battery lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.581 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.l3_strom - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_2 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.578 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.l2_strom - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_1 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.575 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.l1_strom - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_0 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.572 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.l3_spannung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Voltage_2 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.569 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.l2_spannung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Voltage_1 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.565 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.l1_spannung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Voltage_0 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.562 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.l3_leistung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_2 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.559 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.l2_leistung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_1 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.556 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.l1_leistung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_0 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.552 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.energie_heute - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Today lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.549 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.energie_gesamt - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Total lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.546 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.akku_switch_marcus - zigbee.0.00158d00026ebcbf.battery lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.543 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_enter - lgtv.0.remote.enter lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.540 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_right - lgtv.0.remote.right lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.537 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_left - lgtv.0.remote.left lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.534 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_down - lgtv.0.remote.down lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.531 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_up - lgtv.0.remote.up lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.528 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_back - lgtv.0.remote.back lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.525 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_menu - lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.522 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_home - lgtv.0.remote.home lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.519 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.akku_dimmer - zigbee.0.000b57fffe897c9a.battery lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.516 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.MaxUpstream - upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6490_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.UpstreamMaxKbit lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.512 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.MaxDownstream - upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6490_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.DownstreamMaxKbit lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.510 debug (13541) Create manual device: light.Schreibtischlampe - sonoff.0.Schreibtischlampe.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.507 debug (13541) Create manual device: input_boolean.zuruck - broadlink2.0.RM:RMMINI-40-7c-2f.L.CODE_26001a000f07064d0c6a0c0001d009000265090002440f0006470a000d050000000000000000000000000000 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.503 debug (13541) Create manual device: input_number.GHomeKueche - chromecast.0.Küche.status.volume lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.500 debug (13541) Create manual device: input_number.GHomeSchlafzimmer - chromecast.0.Schlafzimmer.status.volume lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.497 debug (13541) Create manual device: input_number.GHomeWohnzimmer - chromecast.0.WohnzimmerJBL.status.volume lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.493 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.Schreibtisch_Strom - tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.4 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.489 debug (13541) Create manual device: input_boolean.Schreibtisch - tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.1 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.486 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.akku_bm_flur - zigbee.0.00158d000320258a.battery lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.483 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.server_ram_auslastung - proxmox.0.node_pve.memory.used_lev lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.475 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.pve_cpu_utilization - proxmox.0.node_pve.cpu lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.471 debug (13541) Create manual device: light.Flurlicht - shelly.0.SHSW-1#943F39#1.Relay0.Switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.467 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.Fernseher - javascript.0.scriptEnabled.Vis.Fernseher_Power lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.464 debug (13541) Create manual device: light.Wohnzimmerlicht - shelly.0.SHSW-1#94147C#1.Relay0.Switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.460 debug (13541) Create manual device: light.Schlafzimmerlicht - shelly.0.SHSW-1#12C27E#1.Relay0.Switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.457 debug (13541) Create manual device: switch.tv_remote_mute - lgtv.0.states.mute lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.454 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_volume_up - lgtv.0.states.volumeUp lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.451 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_volume_down - lgtv.0.states.volumeDown lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.448 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_channel_up - lgtv.0.states.channelUp lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.444 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_channel_down - lgtv.0.states.channelDown lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.439 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_play - lgtv.0.states.mediaPlay lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.436 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_pause - lgtv.0.states.mediaPause lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.433 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_forward - lgtv.0.states.mediaFastForward lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.430 debug (13541) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_rewind - lgtv.0.states.mediaRewind lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.426 debug (13541) Create manual device: input_number.FernseherVolume - lgtv.0.states.volume lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.421 debug (13541) Create manual device: input_select.tv_launch - lgtv.0.states.launch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.398 debug (13541) Create manual device: sensor.CPU_Temperatur - info.0.sysinfo.cpu.temperature.main lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.318 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af => light lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.318 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1 => weather lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.318 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.1 => switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.317 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.TV Steckdose.POWER => switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.317 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: lgtv.0.states.power => switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.317 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum => light lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.317 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Schreibtischlampe.POWER => light lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.316 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Marcus.POWER => light lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.316 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Liah.POWER => light lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.316 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur => light lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.316 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Benchy.POWER => light lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.315 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Küchenlicht.POWER => light lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.315 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: shelly.0.SHSW-1#12C27E#1.Relay0.Switch => light lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.314 debug (13541) AUTO Device detected: shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color => light lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.314 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.groups - info - zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.313 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Stehlampe - rgbSingle - zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.313 debug (13541) Color already present, skip R,G,B color. lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.312 debug (13541) light.Stehlampe ct needs kelvin conversion: false lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.312 warn (13541) no min value for light object 'zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.colortemp' defined -> using fallback max = '450' lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.312 warn (13541) no max value for light object 'zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.colortemp' defined -> using fallback max = '153' lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.310 debug (13541) rgbSingle - Controls: { "states": [ { "indicator": false, "type": "string", "write": true, "name": "RGB", "required": true, "defaultRole": "level.colo lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.299 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device scene.0.Fernsehabend - info - scene.0.Fernsehabend is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.298 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device scene.0.Bettfertig - info - scene.0.Bettfertig is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.297 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_1.Wetter_Symbol_id - info - daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1 is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.296 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: weather.Gaggenau__Baden_W_rttemberg_Deutschland_ - weatherForecast - daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.220 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.00158d0003d53cb8.battery - info - zigbee.0.00158d0003d53cb8.battery is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.216 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.ccccccfffe31ffb8.battery - info - zigbee.0.ccccccfffe31ffb8.battery is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.213 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.00158d000320258a.battery - info - zigbee.0.00158d000320258a.battery is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.210 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.000b57fffe897c9a.battery - info - zigbee.0.000b57fffe897c9a.battery is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.207 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device chromecast.0.WohnzimmerJBL.status.volume - volume - chromecast.0.WohnzimmerJBL.status.volume is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.203 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device chromecast.0.Schlafzimmer.status.volume - volume - chromecast.0.Schlafzimmer.status.volume is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.200 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device chromecast.0.Küche.status.volume - volume - chromecast.0.Küche.status.volume is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.195 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: switch.switch_on - socket - tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.1 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.191 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: switch.TV_Steckdose_POWER - socket - sonoff.0.TV Steckdose.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.187 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device lgtv.0.states.launch - info - lgtv.0.states.launch is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.184 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: switch.Switch_TV_power - socket - lgtv.0.states.power lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.178 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device lgtv.0.states.volume - info - lgtv.0.states.volume is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.172 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum.Time - info - sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.172 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Weihnachtsbaum - light - sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.156 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Schreibtischlampe_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Schreibtischlampe.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.152 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Nachtlicht_Marcus_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Marcus.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.147 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Nachtlicht_Liah_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Liah.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.143 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur.Time - info - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.143 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Nachtlicht_Flur - light - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.127 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Nachtlicht_Benchy_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Benchy.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.123 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.K_chenlicht_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Küchenlicht.POWER lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.118 warn (13541) Duplicates found for light.Switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.113 warn (13541) Duplicates found for light.Switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.109 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Switch - light - shelly.0.SHSW-1#12C27E#1.Relay0.Switch lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.104 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] device shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.effect - info - shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color is not yet supported lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.103 warn (13541) Duplicates found for light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.101 warn (13541) Could not add shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color of type rgbSingle -> no on/off control found. lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.100 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer - rgb - shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.093 debug (13541) rgb - Controls: { "states": [ { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "RED", "required": true, "defaultRole": "" lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:06.541 info (13541) http server listening on port 8091 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:06.505 debug (13541) Schedule restart: 0 2 * * * lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:06.385 info (13541) starting. Version 1.0.6 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lovelace, node: v10.17.0 lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:04.609 debug (13541) States connected to redis: lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:04.556 debug (13541) statesDB connected lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:04.554 debug (13541) States create PubSub Client lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:04.546 debug (13541) Objects connected to redis: lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:04.543 debug (13541) Redis States: Use Redis connection: lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:04.540 debug (13541) objectDB connected lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:04.528 debug (13541) Objects client initialize lua scripts lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:04.526 debug (13541) Objects create PubSub Client lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:04.522 debug (13541) Objects client ready ... initialize now lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:04.485 debug (13541) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection:
@marcuskl said in Test Adapter lovelace v0.2.x:
Das Problem ist, wenn ich den Dimmer (auf Bild rot markiert) nutze, dimmt es zwar hoch, aber sobald ich eine andere Farbe auswähle, springt der Dimmer auf die hälfte zurück.
Ok, ja, da hab ich die Konvertierung der Farben zu genau genommen... das hab ich wieder rausgenommen. Wenn du nochmal von dem tratschtante Link installierst, ist das weg.
@marcuskl said in Test Adapter lovelace v0.2.x:
Die Farbtemperatur ist im 1000er Bereich.
Das passt leider nicht zu:
lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.312 debug (13541) light.Stehlampe ct needs kelvin conversion: false
Das wird vermutlich noch öfter ein Problem... da ist mir etwas unklar, wie ich das erkennen soll. Wenn die Farbwerte im 1000er Bereich sind, dann ist es Kelvin. HASS arbeitet aber mit Mireds. Die sind normalerweise zwischen 150 und 450 und dazu noch andersrum. Das muss entsprechend konvertiert werden. Das Problem ist, wenn keine Einheit gesetzt wurde und kein Min und Max, kann ich das beim erstellen nicht wirklich feststellen. Ich hab jetzt eingebaut, dass er, wenn Werte von ioBroker kommen, die prüft und wenn die >1000 sind die Kelvinkonvertierung anschaltet. Vermutlich müsste das Problem damit halbwegs gelöst sein. Ansonsten mal die Einheit auf "K" für Kelvin stellen oder min/max was einstellen (2200-6500 ist bei Kelvin oft der Fall).
-> also auch dafür nochmal neu installieren und testen.Zum shelly:
lovelace.0 2019-12-29 23:06:07.100 debug (13541) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer - rgb - shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color
Das sieht doch schon gut aus. Was geht denn genau nicht? (Ich kann das ja nicht riechen
Du hast das log aus dem Admin kopiert, oder? Da ist jetzt leider die Ausgabe, die mir in dem Fall weiterhelfen würde abgeschnitten. Da bräuchte ich das aus dem File direkt. -
@Garfonso Ich hoffe ich darf hier mal mit ner Zwischenfrage reingrätschen:
es geht um diese Card:
geschaltet / gedimmt wird über knx -> dali. Die KNX Adresse / Rückmeldeadresse habe ich wie im knx-beitrag im raw modus geändert. Die Verknüfung mittels Funktionen und Räume gesetzte. Wenn ich den Drehregler betätige wird die Lampe entsprechend auf Wert gedimmt. Was nicht geht, ist wenn ich auf das Lampensymbol klicke. Dann passiert nichts. Ich habe als enitity die Dimmwertgruppenadresse angegeben. Benötigt diese Card noch eine 2te enitiy, dass das funktionert?
(ich habe 4 gruppenadressen für diese Lampe. Schalt + RM Schalt, bzw. Dimmwert und RM Dimmwert)
Ich habe den Link nochmal neu installiert und das mit der Helligkeit funktioniert jetzt, aber mit der Farbtemperatur nicht.
Habe nun in dem Farbtemperatur Objekt ein min Wert und ein max Wert hinzugefügt und jetzt geht es.Beim Shelly funktioniert garnichts, also net mal das einschalten.
2019-12-30 08:47:29.518 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.lovelace.0 terminated with code 156 (156) 2019-12-30 08:47:31.501 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.lovelace.0 started with pid 18046 2019-12-30 08:47:33.403 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2019-12-30 08:47:33.440 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2019-12-30 08:47:33.444 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Objects create PubSub Client 2019-12-30 08:47:33.445 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2019-12-30 08:47:33.459 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) objectDB connected 2019-12-30 08:47:33.461 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2019-12-30 08:47:33.465 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Objects connected to redis: 2019-12-30 08:47:33.473 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) States create PubSub Client 2019-12-30 08:47:33.475 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) statesDB connected 2019-12-30 08:47:33.530 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) States connected to redis: 2019-12-30 08:47:35.089 - info: lovelace.0 (18046) starting. Version 1.0.6 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.lovelace, node: v10.17.0 2019-12-30 08:47:35.207 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Schedule restart: 0 2 * * * 2019-12-30 08:47:35.244 - info: lovelace.0 (18046) http server listening on port 8091 2019-12-30 08:47:35.849 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) rgb - Controls: { "states": [ { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "RED", "required": true, "defaultRole": "", "id": "" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "GREEN", "required": true, "defaultRole": "", "id": "" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "BLUE", "required": true, "defaultRole": "", "id": "" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "DIMMER", "required": false, "defaultRole": "level.dimmer" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "BRIGHTNESS", "required": false, "id": "shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.gain" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "SATURATION", "required": false }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "TEMPERATURE", "required": false, "defaultRole": "level.color.temperature" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": true, "name": "ON_LIGHT", "required": false, "defaultRole": "switch.light" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": true, "name": "ON", "required": false, "id": "shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.Switch" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": false, "name": "ON_ACTUAL", "required": false, "defaultRole": "state.light" }, { "indicator": true, "name": "WORKING", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.working" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "UNREACH", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance.unreach" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "LOWBAT", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance.lowbat" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "MAINTAIN", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance" }, { "indicator": true, "name": "ERROR", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.error" } ], "type": "rgb" } 2019-12-30 08:47:35.855 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer - rgb - shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color 2019-12-30 08:47:35.856 - warn: lovelace.0 (18046) Could not add shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color of type rgbSingle -> no on/off control found. 2019-12-30 08:47:35.856 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) dimmer - Controls: { "states": [ { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "SET", "required": true, "defaultRole": "level.dimmer", "id": "shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.white" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": false, "name": "ACTUAL", "required": false, "defaultRole": "value.dimmer" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": true, "name": "ON_SET", "required": false, "defaultRole": "switch.light" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": false, "name": "ON_ACTUAL", "required": false, "defaultRole": "switch.light" }, { "indicator": true, "name": "WORKING", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.working" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "UNREACH", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance.unreach" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "LOWBAT", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance.lowbat" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "MAINTAIN", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance" }, { "indicator": true, "name": "ERROR", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.error" } ], "type": "dimmer" } 2019-12-30 08:47:35.858 - warn: lovelace.0 (18046) Duplicates found for light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer 2019-12-30 08:47:35.858 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.effect - info - shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:35.864 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Switch - light - shelly.0.SHSW-1#12C27E#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-30 08:47:35.868 - warn: lovelace.0 (18046) Duplicates found for light.Switch 2019-12-30 08:47:35.874 - warn: lovelace.0 (18046) Duplicates found for light.Switch 2019-12-30 08:47:35.879 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.K_chenlicht_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Küchenlicht.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:35.885 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Nachtlicht_Benchy_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Benchy.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:35.899 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Nachtlicht_Flur - light - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur 2019-12-30 08:47:35.900 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur.Time - info - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:35.904 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Nachtlicht_Liah_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Liah.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:35.908 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Nachtlicht_Marcus_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Marcus.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:35.913 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Schreibtischlampe_POWER - light - sonoff.0.Schreibtischlampe.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:35.928 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Weihnachtsbaum - light - sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum 2019-12-30 08:47:35.929 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum.Time - info - sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:35.934 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device lgtv.0.states.volume - info - lgtv.0.states.volume is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:35.941 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: switch.Switch_TV_power - socket - lgtv.0.states.power 2019-12-30 08:47:35.944 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device lgtv.0.states.launch - info - lgtv.0.states.launch is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:35.948 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: switch.TV_Steckdose_POWER - socket - sonoff.0.TV Steckdose.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:35.952 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: switch.switch_on - socket - tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.1 2019-12-30 08:47:35.956 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device chromecast.0.Küche.status.volume - volume - chromecast.0.Küche.status.volume is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:35.960 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device chromecast.0.Schlafzimmer.status.volume - volume - chromecast.0.Schlafzimmer.status.volume is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:35.964 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device chromecast.0.WohnzimmerJBL.status.volume - volume - chromecast.0.WohnzimmerJBL.status.volume is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:35.967 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.000b57fffe897c9a.battery - info - zigbee.0.000b57fffe897c9a.battery is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:35.970 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.00158d000320258a.battery - info - zigbee.0.00158d000320258a.battery is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:35.974 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.ccccccfffe31ffb8.battery - info - zigbee.0.ccccccfffe31ffb8.battery is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:35.977 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.00158d0003d53cb8.battery - info - zigbee.0.00158d0003d53cb8.battery is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:36.054 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: weather.Gaggenau__Baden_W_rttemberg_Deutschland_ - weatherForecast - daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1 2019-12-30 08:47:36.054 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_1.Wetter_Symbol_id - info - daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1 is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:36.056 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device scene.0.Bettfertig - info - scene.0.Bettfertig is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:36.057 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device scene.0.Fernsehabend - info - scene.0.Fernsehabend is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:36.068 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) rgbSingle - Controls: { "states": [ { "indicator": false, "type": "string", "write": true, "name": "RGB", "required": true, "defaultRole": "level.color.rgb", "id": "zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.color" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "DIMMER", "required": false, "defaultRole": "level.dimmer", "id": "zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.brightness" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "BRIGHTNESS", "required": false }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "SATURATION", "required": false }, { "indicator": false, "type": "number", "write": true, "name": "TEMPERATURE", "required": false, "defaultRole": "level.color.temperature", "id": "zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.colortemp" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": true, "name": "ON_LIGHT", "required": false, "defaultRole": "switch.light" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": true, "name": "ON", "required": false, "id": "zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.state" }, { "indicator": false, "type": "boolean", "write": false, "name": "ON_ACTUAL", "required": false, "defaultRole": "state.light", "id": "zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.available" }, { "indicator": true, "name": "WORKING", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.working" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "UNREACH", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance.unreach" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "LOWBAT", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance.lowbat" }, { "indicator": true, "type": "boolean", "name": "MAINTAIN", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.maintenance" }, { "indicator": true, "name": "ERROR", "required": false, "defaultRole": "indicator.error" } ], "type": "rgbSingle" } 2019-12-30 08:47:36.070 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) light.Stehlampe ct needs kelvin conversion: true 2019-12-30 08:47:36.070 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Color already present, skip R,G,B color. 2019-12-30 08:47:36.071 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] Created auto device: light.Stehlampe - rgbSingle - zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af 2019-12-30 08:47:36.071 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) [Type-Detector] device zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.groups - info - zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af is not yet supported 2019-12-30 08:47:36.072 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color => light 2019-12-30 08:47:36.072 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: shelly.0.SHSW-1#12C27E#1.Relay0.Switch => light 2019-12-30 08:47:36.072 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Küchenlicht.POWER => light 2019-12-30 08:47:36.073 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Benchy.POWER => light 2019-12-30 08:47:36.073 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur => light 2019-12-30 08:47:36.073 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Liah.POWER => light 2019-12-30 08:47:36.073 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Marcus.POWER => light 2019-12-30 08:47:36.074 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Schreibtischlampe.POWER => light 2019-12-30 08:47:36.074 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum => light 2019-12-30 08:47:36.074 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: lgtv.0.states.power => switch 2019-12-30 08:47:36.074 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: sonoff.0.TV Steckdose.POWER => switch 2019-12-30 08:47:36.075 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.1 => switch 2019-12-30 08:47:36.075 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1 => weather 2019-12-30 08:47:36.075 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) AUTO Device detected: zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af => light 2019-12-30 08:47:36.124 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.CPU_Temperatur - info.0.sysinfo.cpu.temperature.main 2019-12-30 08:47:36.143 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: input_select.tv_launch - lgtv.0.states.launch 2019-12-30 08:47:36.146 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: input_number.FernseherVolume - lgtv.0.states.volume 2019-12-30 08:47:36.149 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_rewind - lgtv.0.states.mediaRewind 2019-12-30 08:47:36.151 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_forward - lgtv.0.states.mediaFastForward 2019-12-30 08:47:36.153 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_pause - lgtv.0.states.mediaPause 2019-12-30 08:47:36.155 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_play - lgtv.0.states.mediaPlay 2019-12-30 08:47:36.158 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_channel_down - lgtv.0.states.channelDown 2019-12-30 08:47:36.162 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_channel_up - lgtv.0.states.channelUp 2019-12-30 08:47:36.164 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_volume_down - lgtv.0.states.volumeDown 2019-12-30 08:47:36.166 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_volume_up - lgtv.0.states.volumeUp 2019-12-30 08:47:36.168 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.tv_remote_mute - lgtv.0.states.mute 2019-12-30 08:47:36.170 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: light.Schlafzimmerlicht - shelly.0.SHSW-1#12C27E#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-30 08:47:36.172 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: light.Wohnzimmerlicht - shelly.0.SHSW-1#94147C#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-30 08:47:36.174 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.Fernseher - javascript.0.scriptEnabled.Vis.Fernseher_Power 2019-12-30 08:47:36.177 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: light.Flurlicht - shelly.0.SHSW-1#943F39#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-30 08:47:36.179 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.pve_cpu_utilization - proxmox.0.node_pve.cpu 2019-12-30 08:47:36.181 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.server_ram_auslastung - proxmox.0.node_pve.memory.used_lev 2019-12-30 08:47:36.183 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.akku_bm_flur - zigbee.0.00158d000320258a.battery 2019-12-30 08:47:36.186 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: input_boolean.Schreibtisch - tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.1 2019-12-30 08:47:36.188 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.Schreibtisch_Strom - tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.4 2019-12-30 08:47:36.190 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: input_number.GHomeWohnzimmer - chromecast.0.WohnzimmerJBL.status.volume 2019-12-30 08:47:36.193 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: input_number.GHomeSchlafzimmer - chromecast.0.Schlafzimmer.status.volume 2019-12-30 08:47:36.195 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: input_number.GHomeKueche - chromecast.0.Küche.status.volume 2019-12-30 08:47:36.198 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: input_boolean.zuruck - broadlink2.0.RM:RMMINI-40-7c-2f.L.CODE_26001a000f07064d0c6a0c0001d009000265090002440f0006470a000d050000000000000000000000000000 2019-12-30 08:47:36.200 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: light.Schreibtischlampe - sonoff.0.Schreibtischlampe.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:36.202 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.MaxDownstream - upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6490_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.DownstreamMaxKbit 2019-12-30 08:47:36.204 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.MaxUpstream - upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6490_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.UpstreamMaxKbit 2019-12-30 08:47:36.206 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.akku_dimmer - zigbee.0.000b57fffe897c9a.battery 2019-12-30 08:47:36.208 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_home - lgtv.0.remote.home 2019-12-30 08:47:36.210 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_menu - 2019-12-30 08:47:36.212 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_back - lgtv.0.remote.back 2019-12-30 08:47:36.215 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_up - lgtv.0.remote.up 2019-12-30 08:47:36.216 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_down - lgtv.0.remote.down 2019-12-30 08:47:36.218 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_left - lgtv.0.remote.left 2019-12-30 08:47:36.221 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_right - lgtv.0.remote.right 2019-12-30 08:47:36.223 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: media_player.tv_remote_enter - lgtv.0.remote.enter 2019-12-30 08:47:36.225 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.akku_switch_marcus - zigbee.0.00158d00026ebcbf.battery 2019-12-30 08:47:36.227 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.energie_gesamt - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Total 2019-12-30 08:47:36.229 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.energie_heute - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Today 2019-12-30 08:47:36.231 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.l1_leistung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_0 2019-12-30 08:47:36.233 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.l2_leistung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_1 2019-12-30 08:47:36.239 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.l3_leistung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_2 2019-12-30 08:47:36.241 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.l1_spannung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Voltage_0 2019-12-30 08:47:36.243 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.l2_spannung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Voltage_1 2019-12-30 08:47:36.245 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.l3_spannung - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Voltage_2 2019-12-30 08:47:36.247 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.l1_strom - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_0 2019-12-30 08:47:36.249 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.l2_strom - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_1 2019-12-30 08:47:36.250 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.l3_strom - sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_2 2019-12-30 08:47:36.252 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.akku_stehlampe_schalter - zigbee.0.ccccccfffe31ffb8.battery 2019-12-30 08:47:36.254 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: light.nachtlicht_flur - sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:36.256 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: sensor.akku_tür_sensor - zigbee.0.00158d0003d53cb8.battery 2019-12-30 08:47:36.258 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_grün 2019-12-30 08:47:36.260 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_blau 2019-12-30 08:47:36.262 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_red 2019-12-30 08:47:36.264 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.turkis - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_turkis 2019-12-30 08:47:36.266 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.violett - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_violtett 2019-12-30 08:47:36.267 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.warmweiß - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_warmweiß 2019-12-30 08:47:36.269 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.kaltweiß - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_kaltweiß 2019-12-30 08:47:36.271 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.v_up_ghome_wohnzimmer - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_wohnzimmer 2019-12-30 08:47:36.273 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.v_down_ghome_wohnzimmer - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_wohnzimmer 2019-12-30 08:47:36.275 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.tv_remote_netflix - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.launch_netflix 2019-12-30 08:47:36.276 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.tv_remote_amazon - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.launch_amazon 2019-12-30 08:47:36.278 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.v_down_ghome_kueche - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_kueche 2019-12-30 08:47:36.280 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.v_up_ghome_kueche - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_kueche 2019-12-30 08:47:36.282 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.v_down_ghome_schlafzimmer - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_schlafzimmer 2019-12-30 08:47:36.284 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.v_up_ghome_schlafzimmer - 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_schlafzimmer 2019-12-30 08:47:36.286 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.fernsehabend - scene.0.Fernsehabend 2019-12-30 08:47:36.288 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.rgb_syncron - 0_userdata.0.Automation.rgb_syncron 2019-12-30 08:47:36.289 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.schreibtischsteckdose_automatik - 0_userdata.0.Automation.schreibtischsteckdose_automatik_aus 2019-12-30 08:47:36.291 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.flurlicht_automatik - 0_userdata.0.Automation.flurlicht_automatik 2019-12-30 08:47:36.293 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.zentral_aus - 0_userdata.0.Zentral_Funktionen.zentral_aus 2019-12-30 08:47:36.295 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.led_strips_automatik - 0_userdata.0.Automation.led_strips_automatik 2019-12-30 08:47:36.297 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: switch.bettfertig - scene.0.Bettfertig 2019-12-30 08:47:36.299 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Create manual device: alarm_control_panel.defaultAlarm - lovelace.0.control.alarm 2019-12-30 08:47:36.305 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer got [0,100,100] from Red 255 and {"r":255,"g":0,"b":0} and old hsv [0,100,100] 2019-12-30 08:47:36.306 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer got [0,100,100] from Green 0 and {"r":255,"g":0,"b":0} and old hsv [0,100,100] 2019-12-30 08:47:36.306 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) light.LED_Strips_Wohnzimmer got [0,100,100] from Blue 0 and {"r":255,"g":0,"b":0} and old hsv [0,100,100] 2019-12-30 08:47:36.526 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_1.iconURL 2019-12-30 08:47:36.528 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_1.Maximale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-30 08:47:36.529 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_2.iconURL 2019-12-30 08:47:36.530 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_2.Maximale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-30 08:47:36.531 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_2.Minimale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-30 08:47:36.532 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_3.iconURL 2019-12-30 08:47:36.533 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_3.Maximale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-30 08:47:36.535 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_3.Minimale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-30 08:47:36.536 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_4.iconURL 2019-12-30 08:47:36.537 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_4.Maximale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-30 08:47:36.538 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_4.Minimale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-30 08:47:36.540 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_5.iconURL 2019-12-30 08:47:36.541 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_5.Maximale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-30 08:47:36.542 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_5.Minimale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-30 08:47:36.543 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_6.iconURL 2019-12-30 08:47:36.545 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_6.Maximale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-30 08:47:36.546 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on daswetter.0.NextDays.Location_1.Day_6.Minimale_Temperatur_value 2019-12-30 08:47:36.548 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Zentral_Funktionen.zentral_aus 2019-12-30 08:47:36.549 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on scene.0.Bettfertig 2019-12-30 08:47:36.550 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on scene.0.Fernsehabend 2019-12-30 08:47:36.552 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on shelly.0.SHSW-1#943F39#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-30 08:47:36.553 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on shelly.0.SHSW-1#12C27E#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-30 08:47:36.554 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Benchy.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:36.556 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on shelly.0.SHSW-1#94147C#1.Relay0.Switch 2019-12-30 08:47:36.556 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.state 2019-12-30 08:47:36.557 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.colortemp 2019-12-30 08:47:36.559 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.brightness 2019-12-30 08:47:36.559 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe5c48af.color 2019-12-30 08:47:36.560 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on shelly.0.SHRGBW2#5A38A7#1.color.white 2019-12-30 08:47:36.561 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Liah.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:36.562 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Küchenlicht.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:36.562 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Schreibtischlampe.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:36.563 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Flur.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:36.564 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Weihnachtsbaum.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:36.565 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.TV Steckdose.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:36.567 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on tuya.0.17014830b4e62d5a02cc.1 2019-12-30 08:47:36.568 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Automation.schreibtischsteckdose_automatik_aus 2019-12-30 08:47:36.569 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Automation.rgb_syncron 2019-12-30 08:47:36.571 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Automation.led_strips_automatik 2019-12-30 08:47:36.572 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_red 2019-12-30 08:47:36.573 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_blau 2019-12-30 08:47:36.574 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_grün 2019-12-30 08:47:36.575 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_violtett 2019-12-30 08:47:36.576 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_turkis 2019-12-30 08:47:36.577 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_warmweiß 2019-12-30 08:47:36.578 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.wohnzimmer_kaltweiß 2019-12-30 08:47:36.579 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Nachtlicht Marcus.POWER 2019-12-30 08:47:36.580 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Automation.flurlicht_automatik 2019-12-30 08:47:36.582 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.power 2019-12-30 08:47:36.586 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.back 2019-12-30 08:47:36.586 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 2019-12-30 08:47:36.587 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.home 2019-12-30 08:47:36.588 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.launch_netflix 2019-12-30 08:47:36.589 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.up 2019-12-30 08:47:36.589 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.launch_amazon 2019-12-30 08:47:36.591 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.left 2019-12-30 08:47:36.592 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.enter 2019-12-30 08:47:36.592 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.right 2019-12-30 08:47:36.593 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.remote.down 2019-12-30 08:47:36.594 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.channelUp 2019-12-30 08:47:36.594 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.channelDown 2019-12-30 08:47:36.596 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.mediaRewind 2019-12-30 08:47:36.597 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.mediaPlay 2019-12-30 08:47:36.598 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.mediaFastForward 2019-12-30 08:47:36.600 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.volumeDown 2019-12-30 08:47:36.601 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.mute 2019-12-30 08:47:36.602 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.volumeUp 2019-12-30 08:47:36.603 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on lgtv.0.states.launch 2019-12-30 08:47:36.605 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on chromecast.0.WohnzimmerJBL.status.volume 2019-12-30 08:47:36.605 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_wohnzimmer 2019-12-30 08:47:36.606 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_wohnzimmer 2019-12-30 08:47:36.607 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on chromecast.0.Küche.status.volume 2019-12-30 08:47:36.608 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_kueche 2019-12-30 08:47:36.609 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_kueche 2019-12-30 08:47:36.609 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on chromecast.0.Schlafzimmer.status.volume 2019-12-30 08:47:36.610 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_down_ghome_schlafzimmer 2019-12-30 08:47:36.611 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on 0_userdata.0.Lovelace.Emulate.v_up_ghome_schlafzimmer 2019-12-30 08:47:36.612 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6490_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.DownstreamMaxKbit 2019-12-30 08:47:36.613 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6490_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.UpstreamMaxKbit 2019-12-30 08:47:36.613 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_0 2019-12-30 08:47:36.614 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_1 2019-12-30 08:47:36.615 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Current_2 2019-12-30 08:47:36.616 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_0 2019-12-30 08:47:36.617 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_1 2019-12-30 08:47:36.618 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Power_2 2019-12-30 08:47:36.618 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on sonoff.0.Zähler Verteiler.ENERGY_Today 2019-12-30 08:47:36.619 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.00158d00026ebcbf.battery 2019-12-30 08:47:36.620 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.000b57fffe897c9a.battery 2019-12-30 08:47:36.621 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.00158d000320258a.battery 2019-12-30 08:47:36.623 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.ccccccfffe31ffb8.battery 2019-12-30 08:47:36.624 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) IoB Subscribe on zigbee.0.00158d0003d53cb8.battery 2019-12-30 08:47:38.865 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) HASS Auth: no_token 2019-12-30 08:47:39.157 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) HASS Subscribe: state_changed 2019-12-30 08:47:39.159 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) HASS Subscribe: component_loaded 2019-12-30 08:47:39.160 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) HASS Subscribe: core_config_updated 2019-12-30 08:47:39.161 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) HASS Subscribe: service_registered 2019-12-30 08:47:39.162 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) HASS Subscribe: service_removed 2019-12-30 08:47:39.163 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) HASS Subscribe: panels_updated 2019-12-30 08:47:39.163 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) HASS Subscribe: themes_updated 2019-12-30 08:47:39.164 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) HASS Subscribe: lovelace_updated 2019-12-30 08:47:39.165 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) HASS Subscribe: persistent_notifications_updated 2019-12-30 08:47:39.193 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) get config: false 2019-12-30 08:47:39.194 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Get translations: de 2019-12-30 08:47:39.522 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) HASS UnSubscribe: {"type":"unsubscribe_events","subscription":10,"id":22} 2019-12-30 08:47:39.524 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) HASS Subscribe: persistent_notifications_updated 2019-12-30 08:47:40.110 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Add custom cards: background.jpg as jpg 2019-12-30 08:47:40.111 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Add custom cards: battery-entity.js as js 2019-12-30 08:47:40.112 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Add custom cards: button-card.js as js 2019-12-30 08:47:40.112 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Add custom cards: button-entity-row.js as js 2019-12-30 08:47:40.112 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Add custom cards: compact-custom-header.js as js 2019-12-30 08:47:40.113 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Add custom cards: dual-gauge-card.js as js 2019-12-30 08:47:40.113 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Add custom cards: light-entity-card.js as js 2019-12-30 08:47:40.113 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Add custom cards: mini-graph-card-bundle.js as js 2019-12-30 08:47:40.113 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Add custom cards: remote-card.js as js 2019-12-30 08:47:40.114 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Add custom cards: rgb-light-card.js as js 2019-12-30 08:47:40.114 - debug: lovelace.0 (18046) Add custom cards: vertical-stack-in-card.js as js