Iobroker backitup error.. Wo liegt das problem
Was haste denn nun gemacht?
iobroker status iobroker list adapters iobroker list instances
iobroker start adminIobroker fix sagte soll alle adapter disable setzen.. Irrtümlich admin erwischt
als erstes. LETZTES!
Man soll nicht Sowas mit einem Tablett machen.
@fred-freund Der fixer sagt, man soll den kompletten iobroker stoppen, nicht nur die Instanzen. Jedenfalls ist das damit gemeint...
iobroker stop
ist dein Freund.
io.javascript.0 io.mqtt.0 io.rpi2.0 io.web.0 io.zigbee.0 io.zwave2.0 Please stop them first and try again!
Z. Bsp.
Soll jetzt backitup neu installieren nochmal fix...
Kann in opt/iobroker/backup keine Ordner anlegenOK bis auf
Started iobroker ... [DEBUG] [mount] - mount successfully completed [DEBUG] [mount] - done [DEBUG] [iobroker] - host.broker1 1195 states saved [DEBUG] [iobroker] - host.broker1 1570 objects saved [ERROR] [iobroker] - host.broker1 Cannot pack directory /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/tmp/backup: Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/opt/iobroker/backups/iobroker_2021_03_23-22_18_13_backupiobroker.tar.gz' [ERROR] [iobroker] - host.broker1 Cannot pack directory /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/tmp/backup: Error [ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED]: Cannot call write after a stream was destroyed
@fred-freund sagte in Iobroker backitup error.. Wo liegt das problem:
ls -la /opt/iobroker/backups/
drwxrwxr-x+ 2 iobroker iobroker 4096 Mar 23 20:32 . drwxrwxr-x+ 6 iobroker iobroker 4096 Mar 23 21:57 .. -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 3339610 Mar 9 21:18 2021_03_09-21_18_54_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 0 Mar 23 19:58 historyDB_2021_03_23-19_58_43_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 0 Mar 23 20:04 historyDB_2021_03_23-20_04_53_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 0 Mar 23 20:06 historyDB_2021_03_23-20_06_28_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 0 Mar 23 20:31 historyDB_2021_03_23-20_31_53_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 0 Mar 23 20:32 historyDB_2021_03_23-20_32_47_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 991 Mar 23 19:58 influxDB_2021_03_23-19_58_42_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 991 Mar 23 20:04 influxDB_2021_03_23-20_04_52_Iobroker1_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 990 Mar 23 20:06 influxDB_2021_03_23-20_06_27_Iobroker1_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 989 Mar 23 20:31 influxDB_2021_03_23-20_31_52_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 990 Mar 23 20:32 influxDB_2021_03_23-20_32_46_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 3516990 Mar 23 19:58 iobroker_2021_03_23-19_58_36_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 3517122 Mar 23 20:04 iobroker_2021_03_23-20_04_46_Iobroker1_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 3517072 Mar 23 20:06 iobroker_2021_03_23-20_06_20_Iobroker1_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 3517129 Mar 23 20:31 iobroker_2021_03_23-20_31_45_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 3517069 Mar 23 20:32 iobroker_2021_03_23-20_32_40_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 83731 Mar 23 19:58 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-19_58_43_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 83731 Mar 23 20:04 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-20_04_53_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 83731 Mar 23 20:06 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-20_06_28_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 83736 Mar 23 20:31 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-20_31_53_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 83736 Mar 23 20:32 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-20_32_47_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 1669 Mar 23 19:58 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-19_58_43_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 1669 Mar 23 20:04 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-20_04_53_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 1669 Mar 23 20:06 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-20_06_28_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 1669 Mar 23 20:31 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-20_31_53_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 1669 Mar 23 20:32 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-20_32_47_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 0 Mar 23 19:58 zigbee.2_2021_03_23-19_58_43_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 0 Mar 23 20:04 zigbee.2_2021_03_23-20_04_53_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 0 Mar 23 20:06 zigbee.2_2021_03_23-20_06_28_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 0 Mar 23 20:31 zigbee.2_2021_03_23-20_31_53_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 iobroker iobroker 0 Mar 23 20:32 zigbee.2_2021_03_23-20_32_47_backupiobroker.tar.gz
Ist da jetzt auch Node red backed up, Dh. Die Flows???
Danke! -
Die Datei gibt es ja auch gar nicht. Kann es sein, dass du den Backup-Vorgang im laufenden Betrieb abgeschossen hast?
@thomas-braun eigentlich habe ich Nas gewählt.
Hier das Nas verzeichnis..
Ein altes ist manuell gemacht.. Auch die flows.. Etc.-rwxr--r-- 1 1000 1000 3339610 Mär 9 21:25 2021_03_09-21_18_54_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rwxr--r-- 1 1000 1000 697099 Nov 28 15:27 CC2531ZNP-Prod.hex -rwxr--r-- 1 1000 1000 18318 Mär 9 21:30 flows.json drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Mär 23 22:22 grafana_tmp -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 20:36 historyDB_2021_03_23-20_36_04_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 20:46 historyDB_2021_03_23-20_46_25_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 21:59 historyDB_2021_03_23-21_59_26_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 22:02 historyDB_2021_03_23-22_02_05_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rwxr--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 22:05 historyDB_2021_03_23-22_05_32_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rwxr--r-- 1 1000 1000 977 Mär 23 22:05 influxDB_2021_03_23-22_05_31_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 20:36 iobroker_2021_03_23-20_35_58_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 20:46 iobroker_2021_03_23-20_46_19_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 21:59 iobroker_2021_03_23-21_59_20_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 22:02 iobroker_2021_03_23-22_01_59_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rwxr--r-- 1 1000 1000 3520194 Mär 23 22:05 iobroker_2021_03_23-22_05_24_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 22:16 iobroker_2021_03_23-22_16_39_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 22:18 iobroker_2021_03_23-22_18_13_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 22:22 iobroker_2021_03_23-22_22_44_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rwxr--r-- 1 1000 1000 585004 Mär 13 21:29 iobroker.current.log -rwxrwxr--+ 1 1000 1000 92404 Mär 14 13:43 iobroker.rtf -rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 22:37 txt.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 20:36 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-20_36_04_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 20:46 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-20_46_25_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 21:59 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-21_59_27_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 22:02 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-22_02_05_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 20:36 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-20_36_04_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 20:46 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-20_46_25_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 21:59 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-21_59_27_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 22:02 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-22_02_05_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 20:36 zigbee.2_2021_03_23-20_36_04_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 20:46 zigbee.2_2021_03_23-20_46_25_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 21:59 zigbee.2_2021_03_23-21_59_27_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 23 22:02 zigbee.2_2021_03_23-22_02_05_backupiobroker.tar.gz
@fred-freund Der user iobroker hat i.d.R. nicht die UID 1000
cat /etc/passwd | grep iobroker
pi@broker1:~ $ cat /etc/passwd | grep iobroker iobroker:x:1001:1001::/home/iobroker:/usr/sbin/nologin
Raspi! Aber am Nas gibt's den smb User für den share!
@fred-freund Aber der hat da eine andere UID.
Auszug ist oben!Nein abgeschossen hab ich den Vorgang nicht..
Werd mal Nas wegnehmen und schauen was er lokal macht... Oder macht er das trotzdem?
Braucht man das Javascript bkup?
Auch Ohne Javascript..
DEBUG] [iobroker] - host.broker1 1570 objects saved [ERROR] [iobroker] - host.broker1 Cannot pack directory /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/tmp/backup: Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/opt/iobroker/backups/iobroker_2021_03_23-23_09_27_backupiobroker.tar.gz' [ERROR] [iobroker] - host.broker1 Cannot pack directory /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/tmp/backup: Error [ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED]: Cannot call write after a stream was destroyed [DEBUG] [iobroker] - done [DEBUG] [influxDB] - Start InfluxDB Backup ... [DEBUG] [influxDB] - InfluxDB Backup tmp directory created [DEBUG] [influxDB] - Try deleting the InfluxDB tmp directory [DEBUG] [influxDB] - InfluxDB tmp directory was successfully deleted [ERROR] [influxDB] - [IGNORED] Error: Command failed: influxd backup -portable -database iobroker "/opt/iobroker/backups/influxDB_2021_03_23-23_09_32_backupiobroker" backup: open temp file: open /opt/iobroker/backups/influxDB_2021_03_23-23_09_32_backupiobroker/meta.00.pending: permission denied
@fred-freund Versuche mal bitte die Version 2.1.0
DEBUG] [iobroker] - host.broker1 1195 states saved [DEBUG] [iobroker] - host.broker1 1570 objects saved [ERROR] [iobroker] - host.broker1 Cannot pack directory /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/tmp/backup: Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/opt/iobroker/backups/iobroker_2021_03_24-22_45_57_backupiobroker.tar.gz' [DEBUG] [iobroker] - done [DEBUG] [zigbee] - found zigbee database: zigbee.0,zigbee.1,zigbee.2 [DEBUG] [zigbee] - done [ERROR] [zigbee] - [IGNORED] Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/opt/iobroker/backups/zigbee.0_2021_03_24-22_46_03_backupiobroker.tar.gz' [DEBUG] [cifs] - Copy iobroker_2021_03_24-22_45_57_backupiobroker.tar.gz... [DEBUG] [cifs] - Copy zigbee.0_2021_03_24-22_46_03_backupiobroker.tar.gz... [DEBUG] [cifs] - Copy zigbee.1_2021_03_24-22_46_03_backupiobroker.tar.gz... [DEBUG] [cifs] - Copy zigbee.2_2021_03_24-22_46_03_backupiobroker.tar.gz... [DEBUG] [cifs] - done [DEBUG] [cifs] start with {"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"local","mount":"//","debugging":true,"fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","wakeOnLAN":false,"macAd":"20:DE:20:DE:20:DE","wolTime":"25","smb":"vers=1.0","sudo":true,"cifsDomain":"","deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":false,"dir":"/home/iobroker","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"user1","pass":"****","backupDir":"/opt/iobroker/backups","deleteBackupAfter":0} [ERROR] [clean] - Backup files not deleted from /opt/iobroker/backups because some errors. [DEBUG] [clean] - done [DEBUG] [historyHTML] - new history html values created [DEBUG] [historyHTML] - done [DEBUG] [historyJSON] - new history json values created [DEBUG] [historyJSON] - done [DEBUG] [historyHTML] start with {"type":"creator","time":"02:40","debugging":true,
Das Backup hat wieder Größe 0
Der Ordner am smb share
drwxrwxrwx 3 1000 1000 4096 Mär 24 22:46 iobroker rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 0 Mär 24 22:39 zigbee.1_2021_03_24-22_39_23_backupiobroker.tar.gz
Dann hast du ein Rechteproblem.
Hast du iobroker fix bereits ausgeführt? -
Ja gestern 2x
Mach ich jetzt auch nochmal... Je nachdem welche smb Version ich verwende ändert sich auch die Error Meldung..2021-03-24 23:00:26.538 - error: backitup.0 (27502) [iobroker] Backup folder not created: Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod '/opt/iobroker/backups'Please reinstall backitup and run "iobroker fix"!!
Smb 3.1.1
Fix hat nix gebracht...
Bitte vollständigen Log posten -
2021-03-25 20:58:44.655 - warn: backitup.0 (29557) backup error: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON --> starting at object with constructor 'DerivedLogger' | property '_readableState' -> object with constructor 'ReadableState' | property 'pipes' -> object with constructor 'Array' | index 0 -> object with constructor 'DailyRotateFile' --- property 'parent' closes the circle ... please check your config and try again!! 2021-03-25 20:58:50.903 - warn: zigbee.0 (29458) Device '0x5c0272fffe895fc7' announced itself 2021-03-25 21:00:15.356 - warn: backitup.0 (29557) backup error: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON --> starting at object with constructor 'DerivedLogger' | property '_readableState' -> object with constructor 'ReadableState' | property 'pipes' -> object with constructor 'Array' | index 0 -> object with constructor 'DailyRotateFile' --- property 'parent' closes the circle ... please check your config and try again!! 2021-03-25 21:01:50.628 - info: host.broker1 stopInstance system.adapter.backitup.0 (force=false, process=true) 2021-03-25 21:01:50.640 - info: backitup.0 (29557) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2021-03-25 21:01:50.645 - info: host.broker1 stopInstance system.adapter.backitup.0 send kill signal 2021-03-25 21:01:50.642 - info: backitup.0 (29557) cleaned everything up... 2021-03-25 21:01:50.643 - info: backitup.0 (29557) terminating 2021-03-25 21:01:50.645 - info: backitup.0 (29557) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2021-03-25 21:01:51.256 - info: host.broker1 instance system.adapter.backitup.0 terminated with cpi@broker1:~ $ cat /opt/iobroker/log/iobroker.current.log 2021-03-25 20:58:44.655 - warn: backitup.0 (29557) backup error: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON --> starting at object with constructor 'DerivedLogger' | property '_readableState' -> object with constructor 'ReadableState' | property 'pipes' -> object with constructor 'Array' | index 0 -> object with constructor 'DailyRotateFile' --- property 'parent' closes the circle ... please check your config and try again!! 2021-03-25 20:58:50.903 - warn: zigbee.0 (29458) Device '0x5c0272fffe895fc7' announced itself 2021-03-25 21:00:15.356 - warn: backitup.0 (29557) backup error: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON --> starting at object with constructor 'DerivedLogger' | property '_readableState' -> object with constructor 'ReadableState' | property 'pipes' -> object with constructor 'Array' | index 0 -> object with constructor 'DailyRotateFile' --- property 'parent' closes the circle ... please check your config and try again!! 2021-03-25 21:01:50.628 - info: host.broker1 stopInstance system.adapter.backitup.0 (force=false, process=true) 2021-03-25 21:01:50.640 - info: backitup.0 (29557) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2021-03-25 21:01:50.645 - info: host.broker1 stopInstance system.adapter.backitup.0 send kill signal 2021-03-25 21:01:50.642 - info: backitup.0 (29557) cleaned everything up... 2021-03-25 21:01:50.643 - info: backitup.0 (29557) terminating 2021-03-25 21:01:50.645 - info: backitup.0 (29557) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2021-03-25 21:01:51.256 - info: host.broker1 instance system.adapter.backitup.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2021-03-25 21:01:53.710 - info: host.broker1 instance system.adapter.backitup.0 started with pid 8864 2021-03-25 21:01:57.240 - info: backitup.0 (8864) starting. Version 2.1.0 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup, node: v12.21.0, js-controller: 3.2.16 2021-03-25 21:01:57.340 - info: backitup.0 (8864) [iobroker] backup was activated at 02:40 every 1 day(s) pi@broker1:~ $
Smb 1.0
Dein System scheint mächtig in Schieflage zu sein.
Was passiert denn, wenn du iobroker backup über die Konsole ausführst?
Hast du Backitup mal komplett deinstalliert (Instanz und Adapter)? Wenn nicht, mach das mal bitte und installiere in Anschluss neu.
Hoffe du hast npm nirgends mit sudo ausgeführt.
Dein System wirft sehr komische Dinge im Log -
@simatec said in Iobroker backitup error.. Wo liegt das problem:
Was passiert denn, wenn du iobroker backup über die Konsole ausführst?
pi@broker1:~ $ iobroker stop && iobroker backup && iobroker start host.broker1 1195 states saved host.broker1 1570 objects saved Backup created: /opt/iobroker/backups/2021_03_26-20_53_35_backupiobroker.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r--+ 1 1001 1001 3540091 Mar 26 20:53 2021_03_26-20_53_35_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rw-r--+ 1 1001 1001 87112 Mar 26 02:00 zigbee.0_2021_03_26-02_00_27_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rw-r--+ 1 1001 1001 1655 Mar 26 02:00 zigbee.1_2021_03_26-02_00_27_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rw-r--+ 1 1001 1001 87 Mar 26 02:00 zigbee.2_2021_03_26-02_00_27_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rw-r--+ 1 1001 1001 3540945 Mar 26 02:00 iobroker_2021_03_26-02_00_20_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rw-r--+ 1 1001 1001 3539146 Mar 25 21:23 2021_03_25-21_23_06_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rw-r--+ 1 1001 1001 86633 Mar 25 02:40 zigbee.0_2021_03_25-02_40_27_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rw-r--+ 1 1001 1001 1655 Mar 25 02:40 zigbee.1_2021_03_25-02_40_27_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rw-r--+ 1 1001 1001 87 Mar 25 02:40 zigbee.2_2021_03_25-02_40_27_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rw-r--+ 1 1001 1001 3524666 Mar 25 02:40 iobroker_2021_03_25-02_40_20_backupiobroker.tar.gz
ich suchte mal ob ich mit sudo was installierte, nix gefunden...
pi@broker1:~ $ history | grep npm 234 npm install node-red-contrib-schedex history | grep curl 78 curl -slf | sudo -E bash - 80 curl -slf | sudo -E bash - 82 curl -sLF | bash - 83 curl -sLf | bash - 84 curl -sLf | bash - clean from the history 78 curl -slf | sudo -E bash - 79 sudo apt-get install -y node.js 80 curl -slf | sudo -E bash - 81 sudo apt-get install -y node.js 82 curl -sLF | bash - 83 curl -sLf | bash - 84 curl -sLf | bash - 85 iobroker plugin disable sentry
Die um 02:40 sind die automatischen...ob die gehen? das share
Die manuell aus dem adapter gestarteten haben andere Rechte..ausserdem sieht es fuer mich so aus als wuerde das Backup gleich einige male gestartet!! siehe 23:07???
-rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 3519796 Mar 24 23:07 2021_03_24-20_46_07_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 991 Mar 24 23:07 influxDB_2021_03_24-20_33_43_Iobroker1_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 991 Mar 24 23:07 influxDB_2021_03_24-20_34_57_Iobroker1_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 3519979 Mar 24 23:07 iobroker_2021_03_24-20_33_36_Iobroker1_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 3520465 Mar 24 23:07 iobroker_2021_03_24-20_34_50_Iobroker1_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 85264 Mar 24 23:07 zigbee.0_2021_03_24-20_34_58_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 1667 Mar 24 23:07 zigbee.1_2021_03_24-20_34_58_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 3339610 Mar 24 23:07 2021_03_09-21_18_54_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 991 Mar 24 23:07 influxDB_2021_03_23-19_58_42_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 991 Mar 24 23:07 influxDB_2021_03_23-20_04_52_Iobroker1_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 990 Mar 24 23:07 influxDB_2021_03_23-20_06_27_Iobroker1_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 989 Mar 24 23:07 influxDB_2021_03_23-20_31_52_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 990 Mar 24 23:07 influxDB_2021_03_23-20_32_46_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 3516990 Mar 24 23:07 iobroker_2021_03_23-19_58_36_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 3517122 Mar 24 23:07 iobroker_2021_03_23-20_04_46_Iobroker1_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 3517072 Mar 24 23:07 iobroker_2021_03_23-20_06_20_Iobroker1_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 3517129 Mar 24 23:07 iobroker_2021_03_23-20_31_45_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 3517069 Mar 24 23:07 iobroker_2021_03_23-20_32_40_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 83731 Mar 24 23:07 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-19_58_43_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 83731 Mar 24 23:07 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-20_04_53_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 83731 Mar 24 23:07 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-20_06_28_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 83736 Mar 24 23:07 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-20_31_53_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 83736 Mar 24 23:07 zigbee.0_2021_03_23-20_32_47_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 1669 Mar 24 23:07 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-19_58_43_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 1669 Mar 24 23:07 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-20_04_53_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 1669 Mar 24 23:07 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-20_06_28_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 1669 Mar 24 23:07 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-20_31_53_backupiobroker.tar.gz -rw-rwxr--+ 1 1001 1001 1669 Mar 24 23:07 zigbee.1_2021_03_23-20_32_47_backupiobroker.tar.gz
Hier das share, dies sind alle leer
eigentlich kann ich ja ein script schreiben der das gemachte consolen backup dann auf den share kopiert...bzw dieses mit cron startet.
Sind die node red flows jetzt auch gebackupt?