ASTRO function. Does not work again
@iomountain Thanks! I will try again on new X64 computer with freshly loaded software.
@iomountain This script works fine when started, it creates objects, but I want to use ASTRO to turn ON my lights repeatably, that what I have trouble with.
- topic:timeago_later,7 days
@iomountain After all latest updates ASTRO seems to work fine. Don't exactly know what happened, but it works. Thank you for your help
schön das es jetzt läuft, hab noch viel Spass mit iobroker.
Vielleicht kannst du noch Deine Version posten und den Tread auf gelöst setzen.
Viele Grüße
Ralph - topic:timeago_later,4 months
Have this issue with ASTRO again after adding few different lights to control by ASTRO. Same problem as before, function ASTRO is ignored by the system - nothing in debug log.
Here is my script:
schedule({astro: "goldenHour", shift: 0}, function () {
// Florida Room
setState("zwave.0.NODE7.SWITCH_MULTILEVEL.Level_1"/Level/, 99);
// Living
setState("zwave.0.NODE2.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, true);
// TV Room
setState("zigbee.0.000b57fffebcfc39.state"/TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm Switch state/, true);
// Office
setState("zigbee.0.90fd9ffffe2bad6b.state"/TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm Switch state/, true);
schedule({astro: "dusk", shift: 0}, function () {
// Outside
setState("zwave.0.NODE11.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, true);
// Front Door
setState("zigbee.0.d0cf5efffe7d475c.state"/TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm Switch state/, true);
schedule("30 23 * * *", function () {
// Florida Room
setState("zwave.0.NODE7.SWITCH_MULTILEVEL.Level_1"/Level/, 0);
// Living
setState("zwave.0.NODE2.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, false);
// Outside
setState("zwave.0.NODE11.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, false);
// TV Room
setState("zigbee.0.000b57fffebcfc39.state"/TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm Switch state/, false);
// Office
setState("zigbee.0.90fd9ffffe2bad6b.state"/TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm Switch state/, false);
// Front Door
setState("zigbee.0.d0cf5efffe7d475c.state"/TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm Switch state/, false);
// Basement Light
on({id: "mysensors.0.9.3_DOOR.V_TRIPPED"/9.3_DOOR.V_TRIPPED/, val: true}, function (obj) {
var value = obj.state.val;
var oldValue = obj.oldState.val;
setState("zwave.0.NODE15.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, true);
setState("zwave.0.NODE16.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, true);
on({id: "mysensors.0.9.3_DOOR.V_TRIPPED"/9.3_DOOR.V_TRIPPED/, val: false}, function (obj) {
var value = obj.state.val;
var oldValue = obj.oldState.val;
setState("zwave.0.NODE15.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, false);
setState("zwave.0.NODE16.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, false);
}); - topic:timeago_later,16 days
Hello everybody,
first of all I'm new to ioBroker (I installed it on a Raspberry Pi 4 just recently).
However I'm having a similar problem.I have two scripts:
Switch by ping
Switch by power
In both of them I use:
schedule({astro: "sunset", shift: -20}, function () { console.log('Sonne untergegangen -20 Min'); /* additional code */ });
However the astro function today only triggered for the "Switch by ping" script- see logfile:
2020-04-01 19:35:27.992 - ^[[32minfo^[[39m: javascript.0 (665) script.js.common.Switch_by_ping: Sonne untergegangen -20 Min
Yesterday it was working for both scripts. (Also the days before it was already inconsistent - however I only had the "Switch by power" script at that time.)
I'm restarting my raspberry every night and only added the console.log by today so I cannot tell about the recent days.Any idea what could cause this issue?
- topic:timeago_later,7 months
@cbr Any luck with astro? I was not using it for a while, got back to it - same issue, works intermittent. Some days it works, some does not. Where are you located? I was thinking this is related to iobroker incorrectly interpreting my astro location settings. I am in US, most other users in Europe and they are not complaning about it.
@ap2017 You have multiple triggers in you blockly. That is not possible.
@Thomas-Braun What do you mean? Why?
@ap2017 Do you still have two purple blocks on the left side of your blockly? Please upload a screenshot of the current version.
@Thomas-Braun here we go, in two parts. Script works stable except for astro triggers.
You should have only one trigger element per action.
Separate it into independent blocks. -
@Thomas-Braun sagte in ASTRO function. Does not work again:
You have multiple triggers in you blockly. That is not possible.
That is not true. You can have as many as you like, but you should NEVER nest them.