iOS App - Tester gesucht!
VPN - ja, ich nutze Wireguard und dort in der App eingestellt " on demand " damit verbindet sich das VPN, wenn das Wifi verlassen wird, automatisch. Das funktioniert seit Monaten schon sehr gut und zieht auch nicht sehr viel Battery...
Ich habe mit einen Port in der FritzBox geöffnet und nutze ausschließlich die DynDNS der MyFRITZ!.
Dann benötigt man kein VPN, das währe ohne WireGuard auch eine Möglichkeit.
Ich habe hier noch immer den fehlet, dass die backend tasks nach einer Zeit nicht mehr funktionieren.
Das wird in der selben Datei gesteuert wie das URL Catching der NFC Tags.
Beides funktioniert nicht, ich vermute der Fehler liegt irgendwo zentral.
Ich werde am Wochenende mal eine Test App schreiben die nur das macht, zum prüfen,… da ich hier eigentlich alles richtig gemacht habe,… es aber nicht funktioniert.
hmm vielleicht irgendeine Energiespar-Funktion, die das dann stoppt..??
Gestern hatte ich mit NFC rumgespielt und auf einmal ging auch NFC garnicht mehr.. musste das Iphone komplett ausschalten, danach ging es wieder..
Heute hat die App die Rechte von Bluetooth verlangt.. ich hatte eigentlich alles erlaubt..
Heute hat die App die Rechte von Bluetooth verlangt.. ich hatte eigentlich alles erlaubt...
Bei mir auch, scheint eine neue Anforderung zu sein.
VPN über wiregard hatte ich auch schon mal. Werde es wieder aktivieren.
Ich bin heute bisschen unterwegs gewesen.
Die übermittelten Schrittzahlen stimmen nicht überein. Sowohl mein iPhone als auch meine Watch zeigen mehr Schritte an als der Datenpunkt im Adapter hergibt. Das war glaube ich schon mal angesprochen worden.Wie wird eigentlich die Distanz zum Router berechnet? Das ist nicht die "im Haus Distanz" zum Router oder?
Dann nochmal ne dumme Frage vllt, aber muss ich "Messages" als Push-Benachrichtigungen verstehen? Wenn ich in den ioBroker Datenpunkten Texte einfüge und auf "send" klicke, kommt auf dem iPhone nichts an.
Die App darf aber Benachrichtigungen auf dem Handy erstellen/anzeigen.
Wenn die App offen ist wird sie gleich angezeigt. -
Ich habe der App die Berechtigung gegeben, Benachrichtigungen zu senden.
Auch wenn die App offen ist, bekomme ich nichts.Mein Vorgehen: Ich trage im ioBroker unter dem Pfad meines iPhones in "messages" in "body" die Nachricht ein und klicke dann auf den "send"-Button. Es tut sich dann nur nichts.
Auch in der History ist nichts zu finden. -
Setz mal bei Headline einen Text rein.
Auf einmal gehts. Wieso auch immer. Hatte die App eben nochmal neu installiert, ging dann auch nicht. Und plötzlich nun dann doch -
Mit oder ohne Headline??
Geht nur mit "title".
Ohne kann man die Nachricht nicht absenden. -
habe heute diese Fehlermeldung bekommen.
2024-08-02 23:41:34.987 warn State "iosapp.0.person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.connected_bluetooth_device" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions 2024-08-02 23:41:32.787 warn State "iosapp.0.person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.now_playing_title" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions 2024-08-02 23:41:32.747 warn State "iosapp.0.person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.now_playing_artist" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
die Datenpunkte wurden auch nicht vom Adapter angelegt.
das Passwort sollte nicht mit übermittelt werden oder als Sternchen
2024-08-03 10:14:01.599 info Received message: {"username":"tom","action":"set","password":"test","data":{"value":"Unknown","path":"person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.activity"}} iosapp.0 2024-08-03 10:14:01.600 info State iosapp.0.person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.activity changed: Unknown (ack = true) iosapp.0 2024-08-03 10:14:01.606 info Received message: {"username":"tom","action":"set","data":{"value":1x.541736999999999,"path":"person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.longitude"},"password":"test"} iosapp.0 2024-08-03 10:14:01.606 info Received message: {"username":"tom","action":"set","password":"test","data":{"value":5x.659872,"path":"person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.latitude"}} iosapp.0 2024-08-03 10:14:01.649 info State iosapp.0.person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.longitude changed: 1x.541737 (ack = true) iosapp.0 2024-08-03 10:14:01.649 info State iosapp.0.person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.latitude changed: 5x.659872 (ack = true) iosapp.0 2024-08-03 10:14:09.762 info Received message: {"password":"test","action":"set","data":{"path":"person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.activity","value":"Stationary"},"username":"tom"} iosapp.0 2024-08-03 10:14:09.764 info State iosapp.0.person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.activity changed: Stationary (ack = true) iosapp.0 2024-08-03 10:14:10.770 info Received message: {"action":"set","password":"test","data":{"value":"Unknown","path":"person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.activity"},"username":"tom"} iosapp.0 2024-08-03 10:14:10.772 info State iosapp.0.person.Tom.iPhone.sensors.activity changed: Unknown (ack = true)
Also ich habe schon die letzten Tage immer wieder das Problem gehabt, dass die App die Verbindung zum Server verliert. Erst hatte ich den Energiesparmodus an, nach Abschalten ist es jedoch genauso.
Hier nur ein kleiner Auszug aus dem Log:
[04.08.24, 21:27:15 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Connection": "Upgrade", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "xxxx", "Upgrade": "websocket"] for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:27:15 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:27:15 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:27:15 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:27:16 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:27:16 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:27:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:28:54 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:28:54 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:28:54 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:28:54 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:28:54 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:28:54 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:28:54 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:03 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:04 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:04 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:04 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:04 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Connection": "Upgrade", "Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "xxxx"] for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:04 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:04 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:04 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:05 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:05 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:13 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:23 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:23 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:23 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:23 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "xxxx=", "Connection": "Upgrade"] for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:23 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:23 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:23 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:24 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:24 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC [04.08.24, 21:29:33 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: 9E0603D6-67AA-46F6-92FB-D5AB8D0E40CC
Haben die anderen ähnliche Probleme?
Distance hatte ich mittlerweile deaktiviert, da die Berechnung nicht sauber funktionierte und zu viel Energie zog.
Message muss immer title, Body, subtitle gesetzt werden, das sind iOS Anforderungen, sonst geht es nicht.
Websocket Abbrüche / standby:
Theoretisch sollen im Hintergrund backend cronjobs laufen, die alle 15 min die WS Verbindung prüfen und ggf. Wiederherstellen.
Das klappt nicht, auch die URLs für die NFCs nicht.
Beides wird über die AppDeligate.swift Datei gesteuert (wie auch einiges anderes).
Die beiden Funktionen bekomme ich weder in dieser App noch in meiner debug/testing App zum laufen obwohl ich die aktuellste Apple developer Description dafür nutze und alles 100% korrekt aktiviert wurde.
Das debugging hier ist sehr aufwendig weil es wirklich nur trail and error ist.
Was erstaunlich funktioniert, Netzwerk Wechsel, Funkturm Wechsel etc.
da bekomme ich meine Push Nachrichten auch nach 3 Tagen App nicht öffnen auf mal alle zugestellt.NFC bitte dran denken, ich habe das nur „mal eben“ geschrieben und nicht getestet o.ä.
Aktuell geht so oder so nur schreiben.Fehlende Objekte:
Objekte werden angelegt, wenn ein device erstellt oder neu verlinkt wird (oder wenn der Server deaktiviert und wieder aktiviert wird, beim aktivieren gibt es aber einen Bug).
Da ich mehre datenpunkte hinzugefügt habe (habt ihr am Bluetooth gemerkt) am besten einmal Server löschen und neu anlegen.Bevor ist tiefere Dinge weiter entwickel, will ich die websockets im Hintergrund 100% zum laufen bekommen.
Vielen Dank fuer deine Muehe! Wenn wir dir irgendwie helfen kann, sag Bescheid!
Gut zu wissen, was gehen soll, und was nicht, und dass du es nachvollziehen kannst.
Auch sehr gut, dass du auf den Energieverbrauch achtest.
Danke für die ausführliche Antwort. Ich finde die Idee der App richtig gut. Würde auch nur allzu gerne telegram durch die App ersetzen.
Ich kann dir wahrscheinlich nur bedingt helfen, wenn man aber was tun kann, sag unbedingt Bescheid. Danke für deine Mühe:) Gut Ding braucht Weile -
erstmal großen Respekt für dich, das was du bis jetzt geschaffen hast. Werde hier auch weiter mit testen und ggf. auf GitHub unterstützen so gut ich kann. Habe mir mal ein fork gezogen vom Adapter.
Neue App Version (10)
- Verbessertes Logging
- WebSockets Update (Nummer 100 oder so
Nach wie vor bekomme ich es nicht hin, dass der Background mode sauber getriggert wird.
Das steuert IOS selbstständig, das kann man so leider auch nicht simulieren richtig.Ich habe noch mal ein paar Dinge geändert, so stabil habe ich das bisher noch nicht hinbekommen,...
Was immer sein sollte:
- alle 30 sec. Ping, wenn die App im Vordergrund ist
- Alle 15 Minuten "Check all Websockets" wenn die App im Hintergrund ist
Ich bekomme theoretisch immer um XX:00:00 eine notification (die ist solange ich zuhause war (22:40 - 09:58 auch immer pünktlich gekommen).
Danach saß ich auf dem Fahrrad bis 10:02 > Einkaufen (kein Internet) > 10:04 Fahrrad bis 10:25 > 10:27 WLANWenn ich mir meine Logs jetzt anschaue sieht das schon mal deutlich besser aus als vorher.
Was aber nicht immer nicht so läuft wie es soll:
- Ping läuft bis 09:19 durch, 09:19 bin ich aufgestanden und hatte das iPhone aus der Ladestation genommen.
- Nach 09:19 kein Ping mehr
- Es fehlen alle Logs die was mit Background Mode zu tun haben (beim booten der App Registering background tasks > Background tasks registered funktioniert), nicht aber die 15 minütigen Scheduling app refresh und Scheduling processing task.
[06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Application did finish launching [06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Permission granted: true [06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Notification settings: <UNNotificationSettings: 0x3010306c0; authorizationStatus: Authorized, notificationCenterSetting: Enabled, soundSetting: Enabled, badgeSetting: Enabled, lockScreenSetting: Enabled, carPlaySetting: NotSupported, announcementSetting: Disabled, criticalAlertSetting: NotSupported, timeSensitiveSetting: NotSupported, alertSetting: Enabled, scheduledDeliverySetting: Disabled, directMessagesSetting: NotSupported, showsPreviewsSetting: WhenAuthenticated, alertStyle: Banner, groupingSetting: Default providesAppNotificationSettings: No> [06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Registering background tasks [06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Background tasks registered [06.08.24, 22:40:49 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [06.08.24, 22:40:50 CEST] Attempted to reconnect while already connected or connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:40:51 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:40:51 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Connection": "Upgrade", "Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "0vIv/QLxUiyS45uPCaZbUb9KKlI="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:40:51 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:40:52 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:40:52 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:40:52 CEST] Device Token: ba1992fba2e9436ccaded9458d678ce88270603e67191f1bc3738f752cf231f8 [06.08.24, 22:40:53 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:40:53 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:40:53 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:40:53 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:40:53 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:41:04 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:41:05 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:41:07 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:41:11 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:41:11 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:41:11 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:41:12 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:41:12 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:41:13 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:41:13 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:41:16 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:41:16 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:41:16 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:41:16 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:41:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:41:20 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:41:20 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:41:20 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:41:21 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence] [06.08.24, 22:41:21 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:41:21 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:41:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:42:01 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:42:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:42:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:43:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:43:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:44:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:44:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:44:53 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:44:54 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:44:54 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:44:54 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:44:54 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:44:55 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:45:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:45:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:45:56 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:45:57 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence] [06.08.24, 22:45:57 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:45:57 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:45:57 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:45:58 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence] [06.08.24, 22:45:58 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:46:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:46:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:47:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:47:29 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:31 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence] [06.08.24, 22:47:31 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:31 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:32 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:33 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:33 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:33 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:35 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:35 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:41 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:43 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:43 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:43 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:44 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:45 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:45 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:46 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:46 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:47:51 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:53 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:53 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:54 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:54 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:54 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:55 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:57 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:57 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:57 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:58 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:58 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:59 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:47:59 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:47:59 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:48:00 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:48:00 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:48:00 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:48:00 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:48:01 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:48:01 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:48:02 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:48:02 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:48:03 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:48:03 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:48:04 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:48:04 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:48:05 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:48:05 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:48:05 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:48:06 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:48:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:48:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:49:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:49:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:50:05 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:50:07 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:50:07 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:50:07 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:50:07 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:50:08 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:50:08 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:50:09 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:50:09 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:50:09 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:50:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:50:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:51:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:51:29 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:51:30 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:51:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:52:13 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:52:15 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:52:15 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:52:15 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:52:15 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:52:15 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:52:16 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 22:52:16 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 22:52:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:52:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:53:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:53:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:54:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:54:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:55:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:55:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:56:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:56:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:57:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:57:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:58:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:58:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:59:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 22:59:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:00:00 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 06.08.2024 - 23:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 23"; }; }; }] [06.08.24, 23:00:00 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 06.08.2024 - 23:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 23"; }; }; }] [06.08.24, 23:00:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:00:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:01:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:01:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:02:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:02:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:03:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:03:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:04:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:04:43 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:45 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:45 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:45 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:04:46 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:46 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:04:47 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:47 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:04:48 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:48 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:04:48 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:49 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:04:49 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:04:49 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:04:50 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:04:50 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:51 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:52 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:04:53 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:55 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:57 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:57 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:04:57 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:58 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:58 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:04:59 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence] [06.08.24, 23:04:59 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:05:00 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:05:00 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:05:00 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:05:01 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:05:01 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:05:01 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:05:02 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:05:02 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:05:02 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:05:07 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:05:08 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [06.08.24, 23:05:09 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:05:09 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:05:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:05:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:06:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:06:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:07:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:07:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:08:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:08:20 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:08:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:09:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:09:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:10:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:10:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:11:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:11:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:12:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:12:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:13:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [06.08.24, 23:13:42 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:13:42 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:13:42 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:13:42 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:13:42 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:13:42 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [06.08.24, 23:13:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [06.08.24, 23:59:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 00:00:00 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 00:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 0"; }; }; }] [07.08.24, 00:00:00 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 00:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 0"; }; }; }] [07.08.24, 00:00:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 00:00:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [07.08.24, 00:59:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 01:00:00 CEST] check Event ["payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 01:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 1"; }; }; }, "action": notification] [07.08.24, 01:00:00 CEST] notification ["payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 01:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 1"; }; }; }, "action": notification] [07.08.24, 01:00:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [07.08.24, 01:59:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:00:00 CEST] check Event ["payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 02:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 2"; }; }; }, "action": notification] [07.08.24, 02:00:00 CEST] notification ["payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 02:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 2"; }; }; }, "action": notification] [07.08.24, 02:00:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:00:26 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 02:00:26 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 02:00:27 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 02:00:27 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 02:00:28 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 02:00:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [07.08.24, 02:35:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:36:00 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:36:09 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:36:09 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:36:09 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:36:10 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Connection": "Upgrade", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "GgJ9zG7wNBnc4akNnfedHjx0RkA="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:36:10 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:36:10 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:36:10 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:36:11 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:36:11 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:36:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:36:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:37:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:37:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:38:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:38:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:39:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:39:22 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 02:39:22 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:39:22 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 02:39:22 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:39:23 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 02:39:23 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 02:39:23 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:39:23 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 02:39:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [07.08.24, 02:59:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 03:00:00 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 03:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 3"; }; }; }] [07.08.24, 03:00:00 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 03:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 3"; }; }; }] [07.08.24, 03:00:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [07.08.24, 03:59:49 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 04:00:00 CEST] check Event ["payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 04:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 4"; }; }; }, "action": notification] [07.08.24, 04:00:00 CEST] notification ["payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 04:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 4"; }; }; }, "action": notification] [07.08.24, 04:00:19 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [07.08.24, 04:59:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 05:00:00 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 05:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 5"; }; }; }] [07.08.24, 05:00:00 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 05:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 5"; }; }; }] [07.08.24, 05:00:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 05:00:21 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [07.08.24, 05:12:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 05:12:25 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 05:12:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [07.08.24, 05:59:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 06:00:00 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 06:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 6"; }; }; }] [07.08.24, 06:00:00 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 06:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 6"; }; }; }] [07.08.24, 06:00:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [07.08.24, 06:59:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 07:00:00 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 07:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 7"; }; }; }] [07.08.24, 07:00:00 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 07:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 7"; }; }; }] [07.08.24, 07:00:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [07.08.24, 07:59:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 08:00:00 CEST] check Event ["payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 08:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 8"; }; }; }, "action": notification] [07.08.24, 08:00:00 CEST] notification ["payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 08:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 8"; }; }; }, "action": notification] [07.08.24, 08:00:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [07.08.24, 08:59:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:00:00 CEST] check Event ["payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 09:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 9"; }; }; }, "action": notification] [07.08.24, 09:00:00 CEST] notification ["payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 09:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 9"; }; }; }, "action": notification] [07.08.24, 09:00:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [PINGS GELÖSCHT] Wegen Beitrag Zeichenlänge [07.08.24, 09:16:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:16:28 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:16:28 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:16:28 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 09:16:29 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:16:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:17:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:17:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:18:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:18:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:19:20 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:19:35 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:19:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence] [07.08.24, 09:31:27 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:31:27 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:31:27 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:31:27 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:31:28 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:31:29 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence] [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:35:35 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence] [07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:36 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:37 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:35:38 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:35:38 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 09:36:31 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Reconnect suggested, connection lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Websocket viability changed, connection lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:30 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:31 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:58:31 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:58:31 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:31 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:31 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:36 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Connection": "Upgrade", "Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "hKRAuWjI3mK4uxCFRuHMia3eDeA="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:36 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:36 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:36 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:38 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:38 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:58:39 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 09:58:40 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:58:40 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:38 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:39 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:59:39 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:59:39 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:39 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:39 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:42 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:59:42 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:59:42 CEST] Attempted to reconnect while already connected or connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] Attempted to reconnect while already connected or connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Connection": "Upgrade", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "87a52907IIfpASZB0eMQFl/5FVk="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:43 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:45 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 09:59:45 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 09:59:45 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:45 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:48 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 09:59:48 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "4c1jtiF45JIo+ZLUAVFGpL9FIO0=", "Connection": "Upgrade"] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:38 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:04:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:04:39 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:04:39 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:04:40 CEST] check Event ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 10:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 10"; }; }; }] [07.08.24, 10:04:40 CEST] notification ["action": notification, "payload": { aps = { alert = { body = "Cron Datum: 07.08.2024 - 10:00"; subtitle = Ooooo; title = "Cron Stunde: 10"; }; }; }] [07.08.24, 10:04:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:41 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:04:41 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:04:41 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:41 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:44 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:04:44 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:04:44 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:44 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:47 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:04:47 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:04:47 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:47 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:48 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:04:48 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:44 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "d6N4ehZOhIewwAF3sZcaPT8rFZw=", "Connection": "Upgrade"] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:45 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:11:46 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:11:48 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:11:48 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:11:54 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:11:54 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:11:54 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:54 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:54 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:11:54 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:45 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:46 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:16:46 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:16:46 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:46 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:46 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:47 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Connection": "Upgrade", "Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "QgYsvm3zExGcrPbw76MGSWn7ygo="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:47 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:47 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:47 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:48 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:51 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:16:54 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:16:55 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:16:55 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Connection state set to ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:21:46 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:21:56 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:21:56 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:21:56 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Attempted to reconnect while already connected or connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:24:50 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:25:00 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:25:00 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:25:00 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Check all Websocket Connectrions called [07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Monitoring Network satisfied: satisfied [07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Attempted to reconnect while already connected or connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Reconnect suggested, connection lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Websocket viability changed, connection lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 57): Socket is not connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:32 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Connection": "Upgrade", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "z/MdcTywf+rSbmS7pq359buSNB8="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:27:42 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] WebSocket error: POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 53): Software caused connection abort for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Websocket State: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:41 CEST] Updated online state: lost for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] Attempting reconnect for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] Connecting to WebSocket for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] Updated online state: connecting for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] WebSocket connected: ["Upgrade": "websocket", "Connection": "Upgrade", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "pGXFlA4YRIrXvtsrrs3xDI5/wt0="] for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] Websocket State: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] Updated online state: connected for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:52 CEST] Updated online state: authenticating for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:53 CEST] Websocket State: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:53 CEST] Updated online state: ready for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:28:53 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:31:02 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:31:02 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:31:31 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:31:31 CEST] check Event ["action": setPresence, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:31:31 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:31:31 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:31:32 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:31:32 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:31:32 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:31:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:32:11 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:32:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:33:11 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:33:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:34:11 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:34:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:35:11 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:35:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:36:11 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:36:35 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:36:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": setPresence] [07.08.24, 10:36:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:36:36 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:36:37 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:36:37 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:36:38 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:36:38 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:36:39 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:36:40 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:36:41 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC [07.08.24, 10:36:41 CEST] check Event ["success": 1, "action": set] [07.08.24, 10:36:41 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:36:41 CEST] check Event ["action": set, "success": 1] [07.08.24, 10:37:11 CEST] Sent ping for system ID: EC6D18F5-3F4E-4BED-B8CD-8C1E520186BC
Also ich habe das Problem, dass die App nur eine Verbindung zum ioBroker aufnimmt, wenn die App geöffnet ist. Sobald ich diese in den Hintergrund schicke, weil ich mit dem Smartphone etwas anderes machen will, ist die "Connection" weg.
Ist das so gewollt? Energiesparmodus ist abgeschaltet.Die Notifications kommen auch erst dann, wenn ich die App wieder im Vordergrund laufen habe. Das war zuvor nicht der Fall.