Grafana Restore nicht möglich mit Backitup traceID
ich habe heute meinen Raspberry Pi komplett neu aufgesetzt. OS auf SD Karte installier, dann iobroker installiert, dann mein iobroker backup mit backitup installiert, hat geklappt, dann grafana installiert, dann mein influxdb Backup über backitup eingelesen, hat geklappt, und nun klappt das einlesen meines grafana backups leider nicht.
Ich habe das bisher auch nicht gemacht. Ich bekomme keine wirkliche Fehlermeldung, was mache ich falsch? Was versteht man untermessage":"Unauthorized","traceID":
Im Voraus vielen Dank!
Started restore ... [DEBUG] [grafana] - Start Grafana Restore ... [DEBUG] [grafana] - filename for restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_2024_03_12-02_45_09_backupiobroker.tar.gz [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana tmp directory created: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp [DEBUG] [grafana] - start decompress [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana request started [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana is available ... Status: 200 [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/datasource/InfluxDB.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/datasource/InfluxDB_iobroker.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore datasource "InfluxDB": "data source with the same name already exists" [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore datasource "InfluxDB_iobroker": "data source with the same name already exists" [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/brauchwasserwarmepumpe.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/brunnen_wasseruhr_alt.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/brunnen-wasseruhr.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/dach.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/dachboden.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/druck-ww.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/klimaanlagen.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/kuhlschrank.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/kuhlschrank_alt.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/lueftung-bad.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/lueftung-wp.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/new-dashboard.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/outdoor-temp.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/pi-temp-wasseruhr.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/test.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/tuya-test.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/warmwasser-wasseruhr.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/warmwasser.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/wemos-test.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/zirkulationspumpe.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/zirkulationspumpe_alt.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "brauchwasserwarmepumpe": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "brunnen_wasseruhr_alt": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "pi-temp-wasseruhr": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "druck-ww": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "test": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "zirkulationspumpe_alt": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "tuya-test": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "zirkulationspumpe": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "dachboden": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "lueftung-wp": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "brunnen-wasseruhr": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "lueftung-bad": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "new-dashboard": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "kuhlschrank": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "kuhlschrank_alt": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "warmwasser-wasseruhr": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "warmwasser": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "klimaanlagen": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "dach": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "wemos-test": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "outdoor-temp": {"message":"Unauthorized","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana request ended [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try deleting the Grafana tmp directory [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana tmp directory was successfully deleted [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana Restore completed successfully [EXIT] Grafana restore done
@obstbauer Beschreibung des backitup Adapters gelesen?
Token generiert? -
@crunchip danke für den Hinweis, das habe ich vergessen und die Neuerung mit den Tokens war mir nicht bekannt... jetzt sind die Dashboards da
ich habe noch eine Verständnisfrage. Muss ich im InfluxDB Adapter das Passwort erneut eingeben? Ich habe influxdb neu installiert und einen admin user angelegt, "eigentlich" mit gleichem Passwort wie beim alten System. Ich konnte die DB dann auch mit backitup wieder herstellen auch bei grafana integrieren und habe meine alten Daten wieder.
Jetzt habe ich nach und nach alle Adapter gestartet im Iobroker und habe bekomme noch die Fehlermeldung "Error: authorization failed" für influx dbÜbernimmt das backup vom iobroker auch die Passwörter (auch von anderen Adaptern) oder muss ich diese erneut eintragen?
ok hat sich erledigt, mit der Eingabe des Passwortes kam die Verbindung, das Passwort scheint also nicht mitgespeichert zu werden