Deconz ist gelb
@thomas-braun sagte in Deconz ist gelb:
Der Adapter kann nicht parallel zur Phoscon-GUI laufen.
Nein das ist nicht richtig, der Adapter kann sehr wohl parallel zu deConz GUI laufen.
Was nicht parallel laufen kann ist der Headless Dienst und die GUI. Ich nehme an das meintest du auch. -
Da ich den Eindruck habe, dass du eben erst dein System neu aufsetzt möchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass der Entwickler von DECONZ entschieden hat in Zukunft den Adapter kostenpflichtig zu machen:
Ich möchte dir explizit NICHT von diesem Adapter abraten, insbesondere da die Lizenzkosten derzeit nicht bekannt sind und durchaus gering und angemessen sein können. Ich weise nur auf die geplante Kostenpflicht hin weil es das Ziel des ioBroker Core Teams ist die möglichst beste Usererfahrung zu bieten und daher insbesondere neue User vollständig informiert sein sollten.
@radix75 würde dir empfehlen den Zigbee adapter zu nehmen. Hatte auch sehr lange Deconz. Hab dann nach Neuinstallation den Zigbee adpater probiert. Viel angenehmer damit zu arbeiten und auch keine Kollission mit PiHole mit der Portnummer. Du sparst dir die Weboberfläche und kannst direkt im Broker alles anmelden und einstellen.
@johnnybahama said in Deconz ist gelb:
@radix75 würde dir empfehlen den Zigbee adapter zu nehmen. Hatte auch sehr lange Deconz. Hab dann nach Neuinstallation den Zigbee adpater probiert. Viel angenehmer damit zu arbeiten und auch keine Kollission mit PiHole mit der Portnummer. Du sparst dir die Weboberfläche und kannst direkt im Broker alles anmelden und einstellen.
Ich hatte hier im Forum schon einiges zur Kostenplicht und diversen Problemen mit veralteter Software bei Deconz gelesen.
Ist dazu dann ein neuer USB sick erforderlich wenn ja welcher?
Kann ich damit dann auch philips hue und xiaomi aqara geräte Steuern bzw. auslesen? -
@radix75 sagte in Deconz ist gelb:
Ist dazu dann ein neuer USB sick erforderlich wenn ja welcher?
Nein es geht mit dem Conbee. Dazu finden sich auch diverse Hilfen im Forum wenn es mal klemmt.
@radix75 sagte in Deconz ist gelb:
Kann ich damit dann auch philips hue und xiaomi aqara geräte Steuern bzw. auslesen?
@jey-cee said in Deconz ist gelb:
@radix75 sagte in Deconz ist gelb:
Ist dazu dann ein neuer USB sick erforderlich wenn ja welcher?
Nein es geht mit dem Conbee. Dazu finden sich auch diverse Hilfen im Forum wenn es mal klemmt.
@radix75 sagte in Deconz ist gelb:
Kann ich damit dann auch philips hue und xiaomi aqara geräte Steuern bzw. auslesen?
ok dann werde ich es mal damit versuchen
@radix75 said in Deconz ist gelb:
@jey-cee said in Deconz ist gelb:
@radix75 sagte in Deconz ist gelb:
Ist dazu dann ein neuer USB sick erforderlich wenn ja welcher?
Nein es geht mit dem Conbee. Dazu finden sich auch diverse Hilfen im Forum wenn es mal klemmt.
@radix75 sagte in Deconz ist gelb:
Kann ich damit dann auch philips hue und xiaomi aqara geräte Steuern bzw. auslesen?
ok dann werde ich es mal damit versuchen
Der Zigbee adapter bleibt auch gelb
ls -l /dev/serial/by-id
insgesamt 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 28. Jan 11:12 usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_DE1962617-if00 -> ../../ttyACM0 -
@thomas-braun said in Deconz ist gelb:
systemctl status deconz*
Radix1975@raspberrypi5:~ $ systemctl status deconz* ◠deconz-update.service - deCONZ: ZigBee gateway -- Update Service Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/deconz-update.service; disabled; preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Sun 2024-01-28 11:12:21 CET; 2h 26min ago Main PID: 710 (deCONZ-update2.) Tasks: 2 (limit: 9250) CPU: 52.895s CGroup: /system.slice/deconz-update.service ├─ 710 /bin/bash /usr/bin/ └─49244 sleep 10 Jan 28 11:12:21 raspberrypi5 systemd[1]: Started deconz-update.service - deCONZ: ZigBee gateway -- Update Service. Jan 28 11:12:32 raspberrypi5[710]: found deCONZ port 80 Jan 28 11:12:32 raspberrypi5[710]: use database file /home/Radix1975/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zll.db Jan 28 11:12:32 raspberrypi5[710]: process update state noupdates ◠deconz.service - deCONZ: ZigBee gateway -- REST API Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/deconz.service; enabled; preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Sun 2024-01-28 11:12:21 CET; 2h 26min ago Main PID: 711 (deCONZ) Tasks: 6 (limit: 9250) CPU: 53.138s CGroup: /system.slice/deconz.service lines 1-22
sudo systemctl stop deconz* sudo systemctl disable deconz*
Und die Baudrate muss wohl bei Conbee auf 38400 eingestellt werden. Schau in die Readme des Adapters, da sollte es auch drin stehen.
Und nach den Änderungen zeig mal einen Kaltstart des zigbee-Adapters.
@thomas-braun said in Deconz ist gelb:
sudo systemctl disable deconz*
Radix1975@raspberrypi5:~ $ sudo systemctl stop deconz* Radix1975@raspberrypi5:~ $ sudo systemctl disable deconz* Glob pattern passed to enable, but globs are not supported for this. Invalid unit name "deconz*" escaped as "deconz\x2a". Failed to disable unit: Unit file deconz\x2a.service does not exist. Radix1975@raspberrypi5:~ $
MOD-EDIT: Code in code-tags gesetzt!
was meinst Du mit Kaltstart?
Adapter stoppen und nach einer Minute starten. Den Startvorgang im Log unter
iob logs --watch | uniq
@thomas-braun said in Deconz ist gelb:
Adapter stoppen und nach einer Minute starten. Den Startvorgang im Log unter
iob logs --watch | uniq
Der Adapter ist jetzt Grün sollte der Deconz Adapter aus bleiben oder deinstalliert werden?
2024-01-28 13:52:40.076 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53042) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:52:41.079 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53042) terminating 2024-01-28 13:52:41.080 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53042) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 13:52:41.629 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 13:52:41.630 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 13:53:11.668 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance started with pid 53103 2024-01-28 13:53:12.935 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53103) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 13:53:13.047 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53103) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 13:53:13.048 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53103) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:8ebe69b9cd9082f2a96080ff9e3260b0"] 2024-01-28 13:53:18.055 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53103) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:53:48.057 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53103) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:53:48.058 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53103) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 13:53:49.062 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53103) terminating 2024-01-28 13:53:49.063 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53103) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 13:53:49.608 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 13:53:49.608 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 13:54:19.648 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance started with pid 53161 2024-01-28 13:54:20.882 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53161) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 13:54:21.001 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53161) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 13:54:21.001 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53161) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:a077bd9fe144453d985d6e13e6c3707e"] 2024-01-28 13:54:26.009 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53161) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:54:56.010 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53161) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:54:56.012 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53161) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 13:54:57.017 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53161) terminating 2024-01-28 13:54:57.018 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53161) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 13:54:57.566 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 13:54:57.566 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 13:54:57.981 - info: solax.0 (4965) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-01-28 13:55:27.611 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance started with pid 53225 2024-01-28 13:55:28.956 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53225) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 13:55:29.075 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53225) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 13:55:29.076 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53225) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:fcb6a893ba5d8fe483fbc587324e4e09"] 2024-01-28 13:55:34.083 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53225) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:56:04.085 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53225) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 13:56:04.087 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53225) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:56:05.097 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53225) terminating 2024-01-28 13:56:05.098 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53225) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 13:56:05.645 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 13:56:05.646 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 13:56:35.687 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance started with pid 53321 2024-01-28 13:56:36.958 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53321) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 13:56:37.081 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53321) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 13:56:37.082 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53321) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:6e04e231446939090b126f978c9089ab"] 2024-01-28 13:56:42.090 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53321) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:57:12.091 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53321) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:57:12.092 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53321) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 13:57:13.096 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53321) terminating 2024-01-28 13:57:13.097 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53321) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 13:57:13.642 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 13:57:13.642 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 13:57:43.685 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance started with pid 53382 2024-01-28 13:57:44.881 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53382) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 13:57:44.995 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53382) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 13:57:44.996 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53382) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:ac1a65eb2408bccd6aa976e44dc7ea34"] 2024-01-28 13:57:45.841 - info: admin.0 (2467) <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2024-01-28 13:57:50.003 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53382) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:58:20.004 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53382) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 13:58:20.006 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53382) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:58:21.009 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53382) terminating 2024-01-28 13:58:21.010 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53382) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 13:58:21.557 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 13:58:21.558 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 13:58:51.614 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance started with pid 53440 2024-01-28 13:58:52.883 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53440) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 13:58:53.001 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53440) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 13:58:53.002 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53440) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:ad93a03d944de817e83c9cbde2713a57"] 2024-01-28 13:58:58.017 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53440) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:59:28.019 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53440) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 13:59:28.020 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53440) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 13:59:29.026 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53440) terminating 2024-01-28 13:59:29.026 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53440) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 13:59:29.576 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 13:59:29.576 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 13:59:59.019 - info: solax.0 (4965) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-01-28 13:59:59.613 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance started with pid 53658 2024-01-28 14:00:00.908 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53658) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:00:01.030 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53658) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 14:00:01.031 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53658) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:e89d7a84f59a0a3123160bffdfc40a6a"] 2024-01-28 14:00:06.038 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53658) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:00:36.039 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53658) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 14:00:36.041 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53658) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:00:37.044 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53658) terminating 2024-01-28 14:00:37.045 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53658) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 14:00:37.594 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 14:00:37.594 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 14:01:07.636 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance started with pid 53730 2024-01-28 14:01:08.808 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53730) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:01:08.931 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53730) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 14:01:08.932 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53730) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:6206f5d67c1aa19a0c7e9b78c97b809c"] 2024-01-28 14:01:13.939 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53730) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:01:43.940 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53730) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 14:01:43.942 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53730) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:01:44.945 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53730) terminating 2024-01-28 14:01:44.946 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53730) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 14:01:45.491 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 14:01:45.492 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 14:02:04.318 - info: host.raspberrypi5 "system.adapter.zigbee.0" disabled 2024-01-28 14:02:04.325 - info: host.raspberrypi5 stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0 (force=false, process=true) 2024-01-28 14:02:04.335 - info: zigbee.0 (46840) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2024-01-28 14:02:04.335 - info: zigbee.0 (46840) cleaned everything up... 2024-01-28 14:02:04.337 - info: zigbee.0 (46840) Zigbee: disabling joining new devices. 2024-01-28 14:02:04.359 - info: zigbee.0 (46840) terminating 2024-01-28 14:02:04.363 - info: zigbee.0 (46840) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2024-01-28 14:02:04.422 - info: host.raspberrypi5 stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0 send kill signal 2024-01-28 14:02:04.836 - info: zigbee.0 (46840) terminating 2024-01-28 14:02:04.911 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance system.adapter.zigbee.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2024-01-28 14:02:04.318 - info: host.raspberrypi5 "system.adapter.zigbee.0" disabled 2024-01-28 14:02:04.325 - info: host.raspberrypi5 stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0 (force=false, process=true) 2024-01-28 14:02:04.335 - info: zigbee.0 (46840) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2024-01-28 14:02:04.335 - info: zigbee.0 (46840) cleaned everything up... 2024-01-28 14:02:04.337 - info: zigbee.0 (46840) Zigbee: disabling joining new devices. 2024-01-28 14:02:04.359 - info: zigbee.0 (46840) terminating 2024-01-28 14:02:04.363 - info: zigbee.0 (46840) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2024-01-28 14:02:04.422 - info: host.raspberrypi5 stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0 send kill signal 2024-01-28 14:02:04.836 - info: zigbee.0 (46840) terminating 2024-01-28 14:02:04.911 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance system.adapter.zigbee.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2024-01-28 14:02:08.528 - info: host.raspberrypi5 "system.adapter.zigbee.0" enabled 2024-01-28 14:02:08.625 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance system.adapter.zigbee.0 started with pid 53807 2024-01-28 14:02:08.528 - info: host.raspberrypi5 "system.adapter.zigbee.0" enabled 2024-01-28 14:02:08.625 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance system.adapter.zigbee.0 started with pid 53807 2024-01-28 14:02:11.149 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) starting. Version 1.10.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:02:11.203 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Starting Zigbee npm ... 2024-01-28 14:02:11.558 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Installed Version: iobroker.zigbee@1.10.1 2024-01-28 14:02:11.724 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Coordinator firmware version: {"type":"ConBee2/RaspBee2","meta":{"transportrev":0,"product":0,"majorrel":38,"minorrel":102,"maintrel":0,"revision":"0x26660700"}} 2024-01-28 14:02:11.149 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) starting. Version 1.10.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:02:11.203 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Starting Zigbee npm ... 2024-01-28 14:02:11.558 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Installed Version: iobroker.zigbee@1.10.1 2024-01-28 14:02:11.724 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Coordinator firmware version: {"type":"ConBee2/RaspBee2","meta":{"transportrev":0,"product":0,"majorrel":38,"minorrel":102,"maintrel":0,"revision":"0x26660700"}} 2024-01-28 14:02:15.529 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance started with pid 53825 2024-01-28 14:02:16.825 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53825) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:02:16.940 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53825) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 14:02:16.941 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53825) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:19d9b89a3113a6fb045cddcc5d6fa9d7"] 2024-01-28 14:02:17.289 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Unable to disable LED, unsupported function. 2024-01-28 14:02:17.300 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) --> transmitPower : normal 2024-01-28 14:02:17.352 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Unable to set transmit power, unsupported function. 2024-01-28 14:02:17.353 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Currently no devices. 2024-01-28 14:02:17.354 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Zigbee started 2024-01-28 14:02:17.483 - info: host.raspberrypi5 stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0 (force=false, process=true) 2024-01-28 14:02:17.508 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2024-01-28 14:02:17.509 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) cleaned everything up... 2024-01-28 14:02:17.511 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Zigbee: disabling joining new devices. 2024-01-28 14:02:17.550 - info: host.raspberrypi5 stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0 send kill signal 2024-01-28 14:02:17.569 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) debug devices set to [] 2024-01-28 14:02:18.011 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) terminating 2024-01-28 14:02:18.014 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2024-01-28 14:02:16.825 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53825) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:02:16.940 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53825) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 14:02:16.941 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53825) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:19d9b89a3113a6fb045cddcc5d6fa9d7"] 2024-01-28 14:02:17.289 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Unable to disable LED, unsupported function. 2024-01-28 14:02:17.300 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) --> transmitPower : normal 2024-01-28 14:02:17.352 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Unable to set transmit power, unsupported function. 2024-01-28 14:02:17.353 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Currently no devices. 2024-01-28 14:02:17.354 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Zigbee started 2024-01-28 14:02:17.483 - info: host.raspberrypi5 stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0 (force=false, process=true) 2024-01-28 14:02:17.508 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2024-01-28 14:02:17.509 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) cleaned everything up... 2024-01-28 14:02:17.511 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Zigbee: disabling joining new devices. 2024-01-28 14:02:17.550 - info: host.raspberrypi5 stopInstance system.adapter.zigbee.0 send kill signal 2024-01-28 14:02:17.569 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) debug devices set to [] 2024-01-28 14:02:18.011 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) terminating 2024-01-28 14:02:18.014 - info: zigbee.0 (53807) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2024-01-28 14:02:18.591 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance system.adapter.zigbee.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2024-01-28 14:02:20.592 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance system.adapter.zigbee.0 started with pid 53841 2024-01-28 14:02:21.949 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53825) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:02:23.088 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) starting. Version 1.10.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:02:23.147 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Starting Zigbee npm ... 2024-01-28 14:02:23.304 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Installed Version: iobroker.zigbee@1.10.1 2024-01-28 14:02:23.620 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Coordinator firmware version: {"type":"ConBee2/RaspBee2","meta":{"transportrev":0,"product":0,"majorrel":38,"minorrel":102,"maintrel":0,"revision":"0x26660700"}} 2024-01-28 14:02:23.088 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) starting. Version 1.10.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zigbee, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:02:23.147 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Starting Zigbee npm ... 2024-01-28 14:02:23.304 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Installed Version: iobroker.zigbee@1.10.1 2024-01-28 14:02:23.620 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Coordinator firmware version: {"type":"ConBee2/RaspBee2","meta":{"transportrev":0,"product":0,"majorrel":38,"minorrel":102,"maintrel":0,"revision":"0x26660700"}} 2024-01-28 14:02:28.186 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Unable to disable LED, unsupported function. 2024-01-28 14:02:28.196 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) --> transmitPower : normal 2024-01-28 14:02:28.252 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Unable to set transmit power, unsupported function. 2024-01-28 14:02:28.253 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Currently no devices. 2024-01-28 14:02:28.254 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Zigbee started 2024-01-28 14:02:28.400 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) debug devices set to [] 2024-01-28 14:02:28.186 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Unable to disable LED, unsupported function. 2024-01-28 14:02:28.196 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) --> transmitPower : normal 2024-01-28 14:02:28.252 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Unable to set transmit power, unsupported function. 2024-01-28 14:02:28.253 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Currently no devices. 2024-01-28 14:02:28.254 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) Zigbee started 2024-01-28 14:02:28.400 - info: zigbee.0 (53841) debug devices set to [] 2024-01-28 14:02:51.950 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53825) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:02:51.952 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53825) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 14:02:51.950 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53825) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:02:51.952 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53825) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 14:02:52.957 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53825) terminating 2024-01-28 14:02:52.958 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53825) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 14:02:52.957 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53825) terminating 2024-01-28 14:02:52.958 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53825) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 14:02:53.535 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 14:02:53.536 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 14:02:53.535 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 14:02:53.536 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 14:03:23.573 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance started with pid 53901 2024-01-28 14:03:24.784 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53901) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:03:24.910 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53901) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 14:03:24.911 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53901) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:0d08b33af9830e533fd75f2d9938c764"] 2024-01-28 14:03:24.784 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53901) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:03:24.910 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53901) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 14:03:24.911 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53901) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:0d08b33af9830e533fd75f2d9938c764"] 2024-01-28 14:03:29.919 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53901) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:03:59.920 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53901) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 14:03:59.924 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53901) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:03:59.920 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53901) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 14:03:59.924 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53901) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:04:00.926 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53901) terminating 2024-01-28 14:04:00.927 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53901) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 14:04:00.926 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53901) terminating 2024-01-28 14:04:00.927 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53901) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 14:04:01.491 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 14:04:01.491 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 14:04:01.491 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 14:04:01.491 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 14:04:31.535 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance started with pid 53962 2024-01-28 14:04:32.863 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53962) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:04:32.992 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53962) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 14:04:32.995 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53962) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:60d68703096ef9af52e8a12d6d2cb436"] 2024-01-28 14:04:32.863 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53962) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:04:32.992 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53962) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 14:04:32.995 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53962) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:60d68703096ef9af52e8a12d6d2cb436"] 2024-01-28 14:04:38.003 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53962) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:04:59.334 - info: solax.0 (4965) State value to set for "" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2024-01-28 14:05:08.006 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53962) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:05:08.007 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53962) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 14:05:08.006 - error: hm-rpc.1 (53962) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout 2024-01-28 14:05:08.007 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53962) binrpc -> init ["xmlrpc_bin://",""] 2024-01-28 14:05:09.012 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53962) terminating 2024-01-28 14:05:09.014 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53962) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 14:05:09.012 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53962) terminating 2024-01-28 14:05:09.014 - info: hm-rpc.1 (53962) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2024-01-28 14:05:09.577 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 14:05:09.578 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 14:05:09.577 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-01-28 14:05:09.578 - info: host.raspberrypi5 Restart adapter because enabled 2024-01-28 14:05:39.645 - info: host.raspberrypi5 instance started with pid 54029 2024-01-28 14:05:41.704 - info: hm-rpc.1 (54029) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:05:41.904 - info: hm-rpc.1 (54029) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 14:05:41.905 - info: hm-rpc.1 (54029) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:522bd2e1cf1a707e52482785ababab46"] 2024-01-28 14:05:41.704 - info: hm-rpc.1 (54029) starting. Version 1.15.19 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.19.0, js-controller: 5.0.17 2024-01-28 14:05:41.904 - info: hm-rpc.1 (54029) binrpc server is trying to listen on 2024-01-28 14:05:41.905 - info: hm-rpc.1 (54029) binrpc client is trying to connect to with ["xmlrpc_bin://","raspberrypi5:hm-rpc.1:522bd2e1cf1a707e52482785ababab46"] 2024-01-28 14:05:46.919 - error: hm-rpc.1 (54029) Init not possible, going to stop: response timeout
@radix75 sagte in Deconz ist gelb:
Der Adapter ist jetzt Grün sollte der Deconz Adapter aus bleiben oder deinstalliert werden?
Egal. Aber die beiden Adapter können nicht gleichzeitig aktiv sein.
Ich würde aber alles rauswerfen was nicht verwendet wird. Gilt auch für einen Desktop und sonstiges unnötige Zeug.
Hallo in die Runde,
auch ich bekomme aktuell den Adater nicht ans Laufen (=GRÜN).
Vor dem Update des Containers (Synology 720+; deconzcommunity-latest) lief alles einwandfrei.
Nach dem Update auf 2.25.2 bekomme ich den Adapter nicht gestartet.
Das Einlesen der Lichter, Sensoren, Gruppen funktioniert einwandfrei.Im LOG steht folgendes, woraus ich nicht schlau werde:
deconz.0 2024-02-07 21:10:54.681 silly States user redis pmessage deconz.0.*/deconz.0.Gateway_info.alive:{"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1707336654677,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1707336154968,"expire":true} deconz.0 2024-02-07 21:10:35.150 silly States user redis pmessage deconz.0.*/{"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1707336635146,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1707332736598} deconz.0 2024-02-07 21:10:35.131 debug Websocket connection closed deconz.0 2024-02-07 21:10:35.130 warn Could not connect to websocket instance of deConz/Phoscon. Error: Unexpected server response: 400 deconz.0 2024-02-07 21:10:34.693 silly States user redis pmessage deconz.0.*/deconz.0.Gateway_info.alive:{"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1707336634689,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1707336154968,"expire":true} deconz.0 2024-02-07 21:10:27.954 silly States user redis pmessage deconz.0.*/{"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1707336627942,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1707332736598} deconz.0 2024-02-07 21:10:27.931 debug Websocket connection closed deconz.0 2024-02-07 21:10:27.931 warn Could not connect to websocket instance of deConz/Phoscon. Error: Unexpected server response: 400
Hier die Einstellungen im Adapter:
Wie ich parallel in anderen Beiträgen gelesen habe, soll der Adapter ggf. auf kostenpflichtig umgestellt werden? @Jey-Cee ... Da bin ich auf alle Fälle gern bereit!
Im Threadöst-deconz-adapter-nur-2-von-3-grün?_=1707337080977 habe ich mich schlau gemacht, komme aber auch nicht weiter.
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn mir jemand auf die Sprünge hilft. DANKE