ioBroker auf neuer Maschine aufgesetzt und Adapter Probleme
Als root:
usermod -a -G adm,dialout,sudo,plugdev,input,netdev,iobroker idash exit
Danach niemehr als root anmelden. Den 'idash' auch ab- und wieder anmelden.
merci, nun kommt wenn ich unter user "idash" eingebe:idash adm dialout sudo plugdev users input netdev iobroker
Hoffe es stimmt nun
Nun kommt aber immer noch bei :
sudo nano /opt/iobroker/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/
Verzeichnis „/opt/iobroker/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp“ existiert nicht
@thomas-braun said in ioBroker auf neuer Maschine aufgesetzt und Adapter Probleme:
whoami && sudo whoami
idash root
idash@ioBrokerVM:/opt/iobroker/node_modules$ ls abab is-potential-custom-element-name @abandonware is-primitive abbrev is-regex accepts is-shared-array-buffer acme-http-01-standalone is-stream acorn isstream acorn-globals is-string acorn-walk is-symbol after is-typed-array agent-base is-typedarray ajv is-weakref @alcalzone joi alcalzone-shared jose alexa-cookie2 jsbi alexa-remote2 jsbn ansi-colors jsdom ansi-regex jshashes ansi-styles json2iob anymatch jsonata @apollon json-bigint aproba json-buffer archiver jsonc-parser archiver-utils jsonfile are-we-there-yet json-schema array-buffer-byte-length json-schema-traverse arraybuffer.prototype.slice json-stringify-safe arraybuffer.slice jsonwebtoken array-flatten jsprim array.prototype.findindex js-sdsl asn1 jszip assert-plus jwa async jws asynckit keypairs async-limiter keyv autobind-decorator kuler available-typed-arrays layerr aws4 lazystream aws-crt le-acme-core aws-iot-device-sdk le-challenge-fs aws-iot-device-sdk-v2 @leichtgewicht @aws-sdk le-sni-auto aws-sign2 leven axios lie b4a loadavg-windows backo2 localforage backoff locate-path balanced-match lodash base-64 lodash.assign base64-arraybuffer lodash.defaults base64id lodash.difference base64-js lodash.flatten bcrypt-pbkdf lodash.includes bignumber.js lodash.isarguments binary-extensions lodash.isboolean bindings lodash.isinteger bl lodash.isnumber blob lodash.isplainobject bluebird lodash.isstring body-parser lodash.once boolbase lodash.union bottleneck logform brace-expansion loglevel braces long browser-request long-timeout buffer lowercase-keys buffer-crc32 lru-cache buffer-equal-constant-time lru_map buffer-from ltx bufferhelper luxon buffer-shims lzma busboy make-dir @buttercup @mapbox byte-length map-stream bytes md5 cacheable-lookup md5.js cacheable-request mdns-discovery call-bind media-typer callsite merge-descriptors camelcase merge-stream canvas meross-cloud capitalize methods caseless micromatch cert-info @microsoft chalk mime charenc mime-db cheerio mime-types cheerio-select mimic-fn chokidar mimic-response chownr minimatch ci-info minimist cli minipass cliff minizlib cliui mkdirp cluster-key-slot mkdirp-classic coap mock-require coap-packet module-not-found-error coffeescript moment color mqtt color-convert mqtt-connection color-name mqtt-packet @colors ms colors mute-stream colorspace nan color-string napi-build-utils color-support nearest-color combined-stream negotiator commist nested-property component-bind netmask component-emitter node-abi component-inherit node-addon-api compress-commons node-arp compressible node-ble compression node-domexception compress-json node.extend concat-map node-fetch concat-stream node-forge connect-flash node-gyp-build console-control-strings node-hue-api content-disposition node-inspect content-type node-machine-id cookie node-mndp cookie-parser node-persist cookie-signature node-rest-client core-util-is node-schedule crc-32 node-ssdp crc32-stream node-telegram-bot-api cron node-wol cron-parser node-xmpp-client cross-spawn node-xmpp-core crypt node-xmpp-tls-connect crypto nopt crypto-js normalize-path css-select normalize-url cssstyle @nornagon css-what npmlog cycle npm-run-path @dabh nth-check daemonize2 number-allocator daikin-controller-cloud nwsapi dashdash oauth-sign @datalust object-assign data-uri-to-buffer object.assign data-urls object-hash dbus-next object-inspect debug object-keys decache oidc-token-hash decamelize once decimal.js onedrive-api decompress-response one-time deep-clone onetime deep-extend on-finished defer-to-connect on-headers define-data-property openid-client define-properties options delayed-stream pako delegates parse5 denque parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter depd parseqs destroy parseuri detect-libc parseurl dgram passport dijkstrajs passport-local diskusage passport-strategy dns-packet path-exists dns-socket path-is-absolute domelementtype path-key domexception path-parse domhandler path-posix dom-serializer path-to-regexp domutils pause dropbox-v2-api pause-stream duplexer p-cancelable duplexify performance-now ecc-jsbn p-finally ecdsa-sig-formatter picocolors echarts picomatch eckles pidusage ecovacs-deebot ping ee-first pkginfo emoji-regex p-limit enabled p-locate encodeurl p-map encode-utf8 pngjs end-of-stream p-queue prebuild-install process process-nextick-args enquirer promisify-child-process entities prompt es6-promise proxy-addr es-abstract proxy-from-env esbuild proxyquire escalade psl escape-html p-timeout escodegen p-try @esm2cjs pump esprima punycode es-set-tostringtag pushover-notifications es-shim-unscopables q es-to-primitive qbox estraverse qrcode esutils qr-image etag qs eventemitter3 querystring eventsource querystringify event-stream queue-tick execa quick-lru expand-template random-bytes express range-parser express-fileupload rasha express-session raw-body extend rc extsprintf read eyes readable-stream fast-deep-equal readdir-glob fast-fifo readdirp fast-json-stable-stringify readline fastseries readline-sync fast-xml-parser reconnect-core fecha redirect-https fetch-blob redis-commands file-stream-rotator redis-errors file-type redis-parser file-uri-to-path regexp.prototype.flags fill-keys reinterval fill-range remove-trailing-separator finalhandler request find-up request-promise request-promise-core follow-redirects request-promise-native for-each require-directory forever-agent require-main-filename form-data requires-port form-data-encoder resolve formdata-polyfill resolve-alpn forwarded respjs fresh responselike from retry fs-constants revalidator fs-extra rfdc fs-minipass rimraf fs.realpath @root ftp rrule function-bind rrweb-cssom rsa-compat functions-have-names safe-array-concat futoin-hkdf safe-buffer gauge safer-buffer gaxios safe-regex-test gcp-metadata safe-replace get-caller-file safe-stable-stringify get-intrinsic sax getpass saxes get-ssl-certificate semaphore get-stream semver get-symbol-description send github-from-package @sentry glob @sentry-internal globalthis seq-logging globalyzer @serialport glob-parent serialport globrex serve-static glossy set-blocking @googleapis set-function-length googleapis-common set-function-name google-auth-library setimmediate gopd setprototypeof got set-value graceful-fs sharp @greenlock shebang-command greenlock shebang-regex greenlock-express shelly-iot greenlock-manager-fs side-channel greenlock-store-fs @sideway gtoken signal-exit @hapi simple-concat @harmonyhub simple-get harmonyhubws simple-oauth2 har-schema simple-swizzle har-validator simple-xmpp has-bigints @sindresorhus has-binary2 has-cors has-flag hash-base hasown socksv5 has-property-descriptors sorted-array-functions has-proto source-map has-symbols source-map-support has-tostringtag split has-unicode split2 he sshpk help-me stack-trace hexy standard-as-callback homebridge-plugin-wrapper statuses hot-patcher stealthy-require html-encoding-sniffer stream-combiner htmlparser2 streamsearch http2-wrapper stream-shift http-cache-semantics streamx http-errors string-argv http-mitm-proxy string_decoder http-proxy string.prototype.trim http-proxy-agent string.prototype.trimend http-proxy-middleware string.prototype.trimstart http-proxy-response-rewrite string-width https strip-ansi http-signature strip-final-newline https-proxy-agent strip-json-comments @httptoolkit strnum hue-push-client suncalc2 human-signals supports-color iconv-lite supports-preserve-symlinks-flag ieee754 symbol-tree immediate systeminformation indexof @szmarczak inflight tar influx tar-fs @influxdata tar-stream inherits tcp-ping ini text-hex internal-slot through @iobroker through2 iobroker.admin tibber-api iobroker.alarm tiny-glob iobroker.alexa2 to-array iobroker.backitup toidentifier iobroker.daikin-cloud @tootallnate iobroker.daswetter to-regex-range iobroker.deconz tough-cookie iobroker.device-reminder tr46 iobroker.discovery treemap-js iobroker.ecovacs-deebot triple-beam iobroker.fb-checkpresence tslib tunnel-agent iobroker.flot tweetnacl iobroker.fullybrowser typedarray iobroker.go-e typed-array-buffer iobroker.ham typed-array-byte-length iobroker.harmony typed-array-byte-offset iobroker.hue typed-array-length iobroker.hue-extended type-is iobroker.icons-mfd-svg @types iobroker.influxdb typescript uid-safe iobroker.iot ultron iobroker.javascript unbox-primitive iobroker.js-controller undici-types iobroker-jsonexplorer uniqid iobroker.meross universalify iobroker.mihome-vacuum unix-dgram unpipe iobroker.openweathermap uri-js iobroker.pi-hole url-join iobroker.pushover url-parse iobroker.pvforecast url-template iobroker.radar2 ursa-optional iobroker.shelly usb iobroker.simple-api util-deprecate iobroker.smartcontrol utils-merge iobroker.socketio uuid iobroker.sonoff vary iobroker.tado verror iobroker.telegram virtual-tsc iobroker.tibberlink w3c-xmlserializer iobroker.type-detector wake_on_lan iobroker.vis-hqwidgets weak-daemon iobroker.vis-jqui-mfd webdav iobroker.vis-material-advanced webidl-conversions iobroker.vis-metro websocket-stream iobroker.vis-timeandweather web-streams-polyfill iobroker.weatherunderground whatwg-encoding iobroker.web whatwg-mimetype iobroker.worx whatwg-url which which-boxed-primitive ioredis which-module ip which-typed-array ipaddr.js wide-align ip-regex winston is winston-daily-rotate-file isarray winston-seq-updated is-array-buffer winston-syslog is-arrayish winston-transport is-bigint wrap-ansi is-binary-path wrappy is-boolean-object ws is-buffer xml2js is-callable xml2json-light is-core-module xmlbuilder is-date-object xmlchars is-empty-object @xmldom isexe xmlhttprequest-ssl is-extglob xml-name-validator is-fullwidth-code-point @xmpp is-glob xregexp is-ip xtend is-negative-zero y18n is-number yallist is-number-object yargs is-object yargs-parser isobject yeast isomorphic-ws zip-stream is-plain-obj zlib is-plain-object zrender idash@ioBrokerVM:/opt/iobroker/node_modules$
@gismoh sagte in ioBroker auf neuer Maschine aufgesetzt und Adapter Probleme:
sudo nano
Du sollst nicht ohne Not jetzt vor jeden Befehl sudo setzen. Das wird nur unter besonderen Umständen benötigt. Für Aktionen in /opt/iobroker werden keine root-Rechte benötigt (in einer gesunden Installation).
Das Verzeichnis gibt es auf meiner Machine auch nicht.
sudo nano /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/
ja, dies funktioniert -
Dann schau da mal nach dem Eintrag, den crunchip oben genannt hat.
Ich vermute aber, der ist da so gar nicht mehr drin.
In meiner Version steht da nämlich:
if os.path.exists(build_file_path): build_file_contents = open(build_file_path, encoding='utf-8').read() else: raise GypError(f"{build_file_path} not found (cwd: {os.getcwd()})") build_file_data = None
kann man auch den inhalt der Datei in die Zwischenablage holen, um besser danach suchen zu können? -
@gismoh sagte in ioBroker auf neuer Maschine aufgesetzt und Adapter Probleme:
um besser danach suchen zu können?
sucht man in nano -
denke, das ist es?def LoadOneBuildFile(build_file_path, data, aux_data, includes, is_target, chec> if build_file_path in data: return data[build_file_path] if os.path.exists(build_file_path): build_file_contents = open(build_file_path, encoding='utf-8').read() else: raise GypError(f"{build_file_path} not found (cwd: {os.getcwd()})") build_file_data = None try: if check: build_file_data = CheckedEval(build_file_contents)
Zeile 228 müsste das sein.
Zeilennummern sehe ich nicht, aber ist es nicht das, was ich oben gepostet habe? -
zeigt die aktuelle Zeile.
Aber das passt wohl bei dir dann. -
Merci - ist dann aber wohl kein gutes Zeichen, weil ich immer noch nicht den ble zum laufen bekomme nach Backitup rückspielung. -
iob stop iob fix cd /home/iobroker sudo -u iobroker npm cache clear --force cd iobroker upgrade ble@0.13.4
@thomas-braun sagte in ioBroker auf neuer Maschine aufgesetzt und Adapter Probleme:
In meiner Version steht da nämlich:
in der einen ja, ich hab da beide
und die Fehlermeldung spuckt ja auch aus
npm ERR! File "/opt/iobroker/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/", line 239, in LoadOneBuildFile npm ERR! build_file_contents = open(build_file_path, "rU").read() npm ERR! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ npm ERR! ValueError: invalid mode: 'rU' while trying to load binding.gyp
idash@ioBrokerVM:/home/iobroker$ sudo -u iobroker npm cache clear --force npm WARN using --force Recommended protections disabled. npm ERR! code ENOTEMPTY npm ERR! syscall rmdir npm ERR! path /home/iobroker/.npm/_cacache npm ERR! errno -39 npm ERR! ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rmdir '/home/iobroker/.npm/_cacache' npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2023-11-08T22_45_40_333Z-debug-0.log
denke, es sollte anders aussehen?
Ja, das sollte so aussehen:
echad@chet:/home/iobroker $ sudo -u iobroker npm cache clear --force npm WARN using --force Recommended protections disabled. echad@chet:/home/iobroker $
ls -lah /home/iobroker/.npm/_cacache