[Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox
@opaw Was möchtest Du mit dem Post gestern und heute sagen? Soll der 2. Post mich animieren, schneller zu antworten? Oder war der nur ein Versehen?
Keba hat die Funktion
Dieser Satz istn icht sehr aussagekräftig, ich muss nun viel hineininterpretieren.
Keba ist kein Modell, nur ein Hersteller. Willst Du damit sagen, dass die PV-Edition auch eine Einstellung hat, um eine Batterie ins PV-Überschussladen einzubeziehen?
Wenn ich Dich richtig verstanden habe, dann funktioniert die Berücksichtigung der Batterie bei Dir aber nicht. Oder heißt Den Satz, dass Du nun auch die korrekte Einstellung kennst und das Laden nun auch unter Berücksichtigung der Batterie korrekt funktioniert? Dann freut mich das.
Aber die Nachricht ist ja auch an mich gerichtet: was ist denn dann Dein Anliegen mit der Nachricht?Fazit: etwas ausführlichere Texte in den Posts helfen, dass man nicht spekulieren muss...
@sneak-l8 Entschuldigung, der unvollständige Post sollte überhaupt nicht versendet werden. Ein Versehen!
Hallo, ich habe die KEBA KeContact P30 Deutschland-Edition in Betrieb und habe dazu die Phasenumschaltung mit einer "S10 Selbstbau" Box im Betrieb genommen. Die Phasenumschaltung hat auch gut funktioniert von 1 auf 3 und von 3 auf 1, doch lässt sich über den Pause Status das Laden aktuell nicht anhalten wenn man sich im PV Automatik Modus befindet..
Heute 17:45 info kecontact.0 change pause status of wallbox from false to true Heute 17:43 info kecontact.0 change pause status of wallbox from true to false
Der state bleich unbeeindruckt und ändert sich nicht von 3 auf 5, was er bisher ohne die X2 Umschaltung immer gut gemacht hat. Ist das evtl. ein Bug, oder mache ich was falsch? Gerne kann ich Dir noch mehr INFO's geben, wenn nötig.
Weitere Auffälligkeit, die Wallbox schaltet bei Unterschreitung der Verfügbaren Leistung und der damit verbundenen Timeouts im PV Automatik Modus auch nicht ab.
kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.822 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.821 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 41, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691167339, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-04 16:42:19.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5445 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.820 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.531 debug not enough power for charging ... kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.531 debug power: -1573 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 1 * delta = -6750 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.531 debug check with additional power of: 200 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.531 debug power: -1773 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 1 * delta = -7750 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.531 debug power: -1773 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 0 * delta = -Infinity kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.531 debug Available surplus: -1773 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.521 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5445 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.520 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.222 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5445 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:59.220 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:44.821 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:44.821 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 41, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691167339, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-04 16:42:19.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5430 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:44.820 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:44.530 debug Available surplus: -1753 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:44.521 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5430 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:44.520 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:44.221 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5430 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:35:44.219 debug Sent 'report 2' to
Wenn ich dann wieder auf den Manuellen Modus umschalte, dann kann ich den Ladevorgang wieder Manuel unterbrechen.
Beim Umschalten von PV Automatik auf Manuel schaltet er wohl Automatisch immer die 3 Phasen Ladung ein, selbst wenn er zuvor durch die PV Automatik gerade im einphasigen Modus war. Und dann schaltet er komischerweise wieder nach gewisser Zeit auf einphasig zurück, warum auch immer. Ich würde es schön finden wenn man das noch definieren könnte in welchem Modus er startet, also z.B. immer einphasig starten.
kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:38:12.505 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:38:12.504 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:38:12.214 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:38:12.214 info stop charging kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:38:12.214 debug not enough power for charging ... kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:38:12.214 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:38:12.214 debug Available surplus: -3136 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:38:12.204 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5578 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:38:12.203 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:38:11.904 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5577 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:38:11.903 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:38:11.902 info change pause status of wallbox from false to true javascript.0 2023-08-04 19:38:00.947 info script.js.common.PvOptimierung.Heizung_WWSolltemperatur: In Zeit kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:59.827 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:59.826 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 41, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691167339, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-04 16:42:19.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5565 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:59.825 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:59.537 debug Available surplus: -2024 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:59.526 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5565 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:59.525 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:59.225 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5565 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:59.224 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:47.698 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"State": 3}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:47.697 debug UDP datagram from '{"State": 3}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:44.825 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:44.825 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 41, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691167339, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-04 16:42:19.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5550 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:44.824 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:44.533 debug Available surplus: -1841 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:44.525 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5550 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:44.523 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:44.225 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 2, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5550 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:44.223 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:44.093 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"State": 2}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:44.092 debug UDP datagram from '{"State": 2}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:40.860 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Max curr": 16000}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:40.860 debug UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 16000}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:39.247 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:39.247 debug UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.773 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.773 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 41, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691167339, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-04 16:42:19.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5542 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.771 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.605 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Max curr": 0}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.604 debug UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 0}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.524 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"State": 5}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.524 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Enable sys": 0}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.523 debug UDP datagram from '{"State": 5}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.522 debug UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 0}' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.473 debug Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.473 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.471 debug Sent 'x2 1' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.172 debug Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.172 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:36.171 debug Sent 'currtime 16000 1' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:35.887 info (re)start charging kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:35.887 debug wallbox set to charging maximum of 16000 mA kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:35.887 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:35.887 debug Available surplus: -1774 kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:35.871 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5541 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:35.870 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:35.577 debug Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:35.577 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:35.570 debug Sent 'display 0 0 0 0 volle$Ladeleistung' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:35.270 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 5541 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:35.269 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-04 19:37:35.269 info change of photovoltaics automatic from true to false
Beim Umschalten zwischen 1phasig und 3 phasig ist mir noch aufgefallen, dass er beim runterschalten eine Timer hat der zuerst abgelaufen sein muss, aber beim hochschalten auf 3 phasig dies unmittelbar passiert.
Ich habe eine auf 16A limitierte KEBA, somit schaltet er aktuell bei ca. 4kw verfügbar immer zwischen 1 und 3 phasig hin und her. Wäre also geschickt, wenn man das auch irgendwie mit eine Art Totband o.ä. verhindern könnte. Hier das Log dazukecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:59:14.178 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:59:13.886 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:58:44.181 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:58:43.890 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:58:14.177 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:58:13.887 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:57:44.176 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:57:43.885 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:57:14.476 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:57:13.883 info regulate wallbox from 6250 to 16000mA kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:57:13.883 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:56:43.886 info regulate wallbox from 6000 to 6250mA kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:56:13.882 info minimum charge time of 120sec not reached, continuing charging session kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:55:43.887 info regulate wallbox from 13750 to 6000mA kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:55:13.881 info regulate wallbox from 16000 to 13750mA kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:54:58.880 info vehicle (re)starts to charge kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:54:44.468 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:54:43.877 info (re)start charging kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:54:43.877 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-05 10:54:13.875 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0...
Sorry für die vielen Punkte, aber ich hoffe das ich damit zur Verbesserung beitragen kann.
@christian-kohlöffel Das Verhalten kann ich so nicht ganz nachvollziehen. Hast Du die aktuelle Firmware der Keba installiert?
Kannst Du mal beim Setzen von Pause das debug log einschalten um zu sehen ob ein Kommando an die Keba gesandt wird?
Und was meinst Du mit Eigenbau? Dein Installationsschütz reagiert auf den X2?
Zeig mal Deine Einstellungen. Denn das Laden sollte auch korrekt beendet werden bei zu geringen Überschuss. Das passiert aber auch nicht sofort, je nachdem was eingestellt ist. Auch hier dann bitte etwas mehr debug log.
Hi sneak. Ich hatte ja schon zu anderem Thema im Github einen request geschrieben: hängt es ja mit der nicht korrekt erkannten ID zusammen, wie dort von Dir vermutet.
Meine Version ist die 2.01.
@sneak-l8 said in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Kannst Du mal beim Setzen von Pause das debug log einschalten um zu sehen ob ein Kommando an die Keba gesandt wird?
Ich habe auf manuelles Laden (keine PV Automatik) geschalten und dann die Phasen von Hand umgeschalten. Dannach hat er von selbst das Laden wieder angefangen (obwohl Pause gesetzt blieb). Nachdem wieder neu pausiert wurde hat er wieder aufgehört und dann wieder angefangen. Aus meiner Sicht hängt das mit der unten mehrmal auftauchenden Fehlermeldung TCH-ERR:X2 zusammen. die dazu führt dass er ein Eigenleben bei Phasenschalten entwickelt :
2023-08-06 13:15:02.257 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:15:02.257 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:14:24.513 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:14:23.913 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:14:23.631 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:14:23.631 info stop charging kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:14:23.631 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:14:23.311 info change pause status of wallbox from false to true kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:14:17.247 info vehicle (re)starts to charge kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:14:14.414 info (re)start charging kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:14:14.100 info change pause status of wallbox from true to false kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:13:47.833 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:13:47.532 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:13:47.251 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:13:47.251 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:13:17.833 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:13:17.532 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:13:17.242 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:13:17.242 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:12:47.829 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:12:47.529 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:12:47.250 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:12:47.249 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:12:27.571 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:12:17.828 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:12:17.528 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:12:17.241 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:12:17.241 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:11:47.826 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:11:47.526 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:11:47.239 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:11:47.239 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:11:17.826 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:11:17.526 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:11:17.238 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:11:17.238 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:10:47.828 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:10:47.527 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:10:47.240 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:10:47.240 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:10:17.825 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:10:17.525 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:10:17.235 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:10:17.235 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:09:47.827 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:09:47.525 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:09:47.238 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:09:47.238 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:08:45.243 info stop charging kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:08:44.928 info change pause status of wallbox from false to true kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:08:17.523 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:08:17.234 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:07:47.523 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:07:47.232 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:07:17.524 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:07:17.232 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:06:47.522 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:06:47.231 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:06:17.821 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:06:17.230 info regulate wallbox from 8000 to 6000mA (maxPower) kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:06:17.230 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:05:47.520 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:05:47.230 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:05:17.818 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:05:17.230 info regulate wallbox from 6000 to 8000mA (maxPower) kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:05:17.230 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:04:47.518 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:04:47.226 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:04:17.517 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:04:17.225 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:03:47.518 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:03:47.229 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:02:47.227 info regulate wallbox from 16000 to 6000mA (maxPower) kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:02:17.226 info regulate wallbox from 6000 to 16000mA (maxPower) kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:01:47.231 info regulate wallbox from 16000 to 6000mA (maxPower) kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:01:10.454 info regulate wallbox from 6000 to 16000mA (maxPower) kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:01:09.837 info change of photovoltaics automatic from true to false kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:01:02.227 info minimum charge time of 120sec not reached, continuing charging session kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:00:32.228 info minimum charge time of 120sec not reached, continuing charging session kecontact.0 2023-08-06 13:00:02.228 info minimum charge time of 120sec not reached, continuing charging session kecontact.0 2023-08-06 12:59:32.229 info regulate wallbox from 10500 to 6000mA kecontact.0 2023-08-06 12:59:32.229 info minimum charge time of 120sec not reached, continuing charging session kecontact.0 2023-08-06 12:59:17.223 info vehicle (re)starts to charge kecontact.0 2023-08-06 12:59:02.812 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-06 12:59:02.224 info regulate wallbox from 16000 to 10500mA kecontact.0 2023-08-06 12:59:02.224 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 12:58:23.182 info (re)start charging kecontact.0 2023-08-06 12:58:23.182 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 12:58:22.563 info vehicle plugged to wallbox
@sneak-l8 said in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Und was meinst Du mit Eigenbau? Dein Installationsschütz reagiert auf den X2?
Nicht wichtig. Wollte nur sagen, dass es nicht die Original KEBA S10 ist sondern Nachbau mit selber funktionsweise.
@sneak-l8 said in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Zeig mal Deine Einstellungen. Denn das Laden sollte auch korrekt beendet werden bei zu geringen Überschuss. Das passiert aber auch nicht sofort, je nachdem was eingestellt ist. Auch hier dann bitte etwas mehr debug log.
Im Log ist zu sehen wie die Box zwischen 1 zu dreiphasig schaltet, Zeilen 236 und 317, Grund dafür scheint das Teilen durch 0 zu sein.
(Der errechnete Überschuss kommt mir da in 2 Zeilen auch suspekt vor, sollte aber keine Einfluss haben, außer dass er vielleicht Zuviel lädt. siehe Zeile 146 und 122)kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:02.053 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 43, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691308020, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-06 07:47:00.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 744 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:02.052 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.753 debug Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.753 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.752 debug Sent 'currtime 6000 1' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.464 info regulate wallbox from 10750 to 6000mA kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.464 debug wallbox set to charging maximum of 6000 mA kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.464 info minimum regard time of 60sec not reached, continuing charging session kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.464 debug power: 1422.5 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 3 * delta = 2000 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.464 debug check with additional power of: 200 and underUsage: 500 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.464 debug power: 922.5 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 3 * delta = 1250 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.464 debug check with additional power of: 200 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.464 debug no switching to 1 phase because of minimum regard time kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.464 debug power: 722.5 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 1 * delta = 3250 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.463 debug power: 722.5 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 3 * delta = 1000 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.463 debug Available surplus: 722.5 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.453 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 743 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.451 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.152 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 10750, "Max curr %": 179, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 10750, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 10750, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 743 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:59:01.151 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:46.751 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:46.751 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 43, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691308020, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-06 07:47:00.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 728 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:46.750 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:46.464 debug Available surplus: 790.5 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:46.452 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 728 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:46.451 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:46.152 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 10750, "Max curr %": 179, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 10750, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 10750, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 728 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:46.151 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:38.125 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Max curr": 10750}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:38.124 debug UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 10750}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:32.052 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:32.052 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 43, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691308020, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-06 07:47:00.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 714 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:32.051 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:31.754 debug Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:31.753 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:31.752 debug Sent 'currtime 10750 1' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:31.462 info regulate wallbox from 16000 to 10750mA kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:31.462 debug wallbox set to charging maximum of 10750 mA kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:31.462 debug power: 7345 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 1 * delta = 32000 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:31.462 debug power: 7345 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 3 * delta = 10750 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:31.462 debug Available surplus: 7345 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:31.452 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 713 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:31.451 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:31.151 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 713 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:31.150 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:16.752 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:16.751 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 43, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691308020, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-06 07:47:00.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 698 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:16.750 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:16.461 debug Available surplus: 10483 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:16.451 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 698 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:16.450 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:16.151 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 698 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:16.149 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:13.355 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"State": 3}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:13.354 debug UDP datagram from '{"State": 3}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:09.750 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"State": 2}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:09.749 debug UDP datagram from '{"State": 2}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:06.376 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Max curr": 16000}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:06.375 debug UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 16000}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:04.942 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:04.941 debug UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:02.351 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:02.351 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 43, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691308020, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-06 07:47:00.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 684 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:02.349 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:02.120 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Max curr": 0}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:02.119 debug UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 0}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:02.081 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"State": 5}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:02.081 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Enable sys": 0}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:02.080 debug UDP datagram from '{"State": 5}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:02.079 debug UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 0}' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:02.050 debug Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:02.050 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:02.049 debug Sent 'x2 1' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.750 debug Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.750 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.749 debug Sent 'currtime 16000 1' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.460 info regulate wallbox from 6000 to 16000mA kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.460 debug wallbox set to charging maximum of 16000 mA kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.460 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.460 debug power: 670 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 1 * delta = 3000 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.460 debug power: 670 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 0 * delta = Infinity kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.460 debug Available surplus: 670 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.450 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 683 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.449 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.150 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 683 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:58:01.149 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:46.750 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:46.750 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 43, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691308020, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-06 07:47:00.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 668 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:46.749 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:46.458 debug Available surplus: 524 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:46.450 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 668 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:46.448 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:46.150 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 668 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:46.149 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.749 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.749 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 43, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691308020, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-06 07:47:00.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 653 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.748 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.459 debug wallbox set to charging maximum of 6000 mA kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.459 info minimum charge time of 120sec not reached, continuing charging session kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.459 debug power: 1184 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 1 * delta = 5250 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.459 debug check with additional power of: 200 and underUsage: 500 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.459 debug power: 684 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 1 * delta = 3000 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.459 debug check with additional power of: 200 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.459 debug no switching to 0 phases because of minimum charging time Sun Aug 06 2023 09:55:46 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.459 debug power: 484 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 1 * delta = 2000 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.459 debug power: 484 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 0 * delta = Infinity kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.459 debug Available surplus: 484 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.449 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 653 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.447 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.149 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 653 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:31.147 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:16.749 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:16.749 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 43, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691308020, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-06 07:47:00.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 638 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:16.748 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:16.458 debug Available surplus: 450 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:16.449 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 638 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:16.448 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:16.149 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 638 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:16.147 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.749 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.749 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 43, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691308020, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-06 07:47:00.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 623 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.747 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.459 debug wallbox set to charging maximum of 6000 mA kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.459 info minimum charge time of 120sec not reached, continuing charging session kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.459 debug power: 1033 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 1 * delta = 4500 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.459 debug check with additional power of: 200 and underUsage: 500 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.459 debug power: 533 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 1 * delta = 2250 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.459 debug check with additional power of: 200 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.458 debug no switching to 0 phases because of minimum charging time Sun Aug 06 2023 09:55:46 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.458 debug power: 333 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 1 * delta = 1500 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.458 debug power: 333 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 0 * delta = Infinity kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.458 debug Available surplus: 333 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.447 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 623 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.447 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.148 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 623 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:57:01.146 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:46.749 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:46.749 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 43, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691308020, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-06 07:47:00.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 608 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:46.747 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:46.458 debug Available surplus: 287 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:46.448 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 608 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:46.446 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:46.147 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 608 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:46.145 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:31.746 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:31.746 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 43, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691308020, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-06 07:47:00.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 593 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:31.745 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:31.455 debug wallbox set to charging maximum of 6000 mA kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:31.455 info minimum charge time of 120sec not reached, continuing charging session kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:31.455 debug power: 1036 / voltage: 230 * 1000 / delta: 250 / phases: 1 * delta = 4500 kecontact.0 2023-08-06 09:56:31.455 debug check with additional power of: 200 and underUsage: 500
@christian-kohlöffel Ja, es handelt sich bei Dir um eine Deutschland-Edition.
Das mit dem "Infinite" ist tatsächlich noch ein Unschärfe im Adapter. Den habe ich geradem al gefixt.
Dadurch berechnet er immer eine maximale Ladestromstärke.Wegen Zeile 146/122: was war denn der tatsächliche Überschuss? War er wirlich bei > 7kW?
Und bei der Einstellung "minimaler SoC des Batteriespeichers" meint, bis zu welchem SoC der Speicher seine (volle) Leistung abgibt. Müsste eher 5% oder 10% sein.
die Fehlermeldungen bem Umschalten der Phasen könnten kommen, weil KeBa hier ein Zeitlimit vorgibt, wann umgeschaltet werden darf. Findet sich im Handbuch. Daher hat er dann evtl. geprüft und die Umschaltung nicht zugelassen.
Und pauseWallbox wird nicht unterstützt, wenn der Passiv-Modus aktiviertist. Es ist ja ein Schalter für die Automatik. Wenn Du den Adapter im Passiv-Modus betreibst, dann kannst du die Wallbox auch nur über die Stte der Keba (also nicht im channel Automatics) steuern.
Wegen falscher Kalkulation des Überschusses bitte mal die neuste Version von github installieren und prüfen, ob der Fehler jetzt weg ist.
@sneak-l8 said in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Und pauseWallbox wird nicht unterstützt, wenn der Passiv-Modus aktiviertist. Es ist ja ein Schalter für die Automatik. Wenn Du den Adapter im Passiv-Modus betreibst, dann kannst du die Wallbox auch nur über die Stte der Keba (also nicht im channel Automatics) steuern.
Soweit ich das beurteilen kann betreibe ich die Wallbox im Aktiv-Modus, siehe Bild:
@sneak-l8 said in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Wegen Zeile 146/122: was war denn der tatsächliche Überschuss? War er wirlich bei > 7kW?
Kommt mir auch komisch vor. woher das kommt kann ich nicht nachvollziehen.
@sneak-l8 said in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Wegen falscher Kalkulation des Überschusses bitte mal die neuste Version von github installieren und prüfen, ob der Fehler jetzt weg ist.
Ich habe die Version aus github installiert, schon mal Danke für das Update. Funktioniert auf jeden Fall viel besser. Aber es gibt aus meiner Sicht noch 1-2 Punkte die nochmals genauer angeschaut werden sollten, siehe meine kurze Auswertung des logs mit Hinweis auf die Interessanten Zeilen
Zeile 771: Laden wird gestartet 1 phasig
Zeile 763: 2023-08-07 13:41:39.173 debug no switching to 3 phases because amperage 18500 < 19800 --> Wäre interessant zu wissen woher kommen die 19800?
Zeile 548 -529 : Er schaltet von 1 phasig auf 3 phasig mit Sequenz (Disable; current =0; .... )
Zeile 456 - 375 : Surplus ca. 1 Minute, er versucht abzuschalten, scheint aber im State 3 zu verbleiben, lädt also weiter?
Zeile 397: Pause wird aufgehoben? warum ist mir unklar
Zeile 305: ich hab von außen gesagt er soll pausieren.
Zeile 299: Er schaltet von 3 Phasen auf 1 Phase
Zeile 296: Er schaltet nochmal von 3 Phasen auf 1 Phase (hier liegt wahrscheinlich der Fehler)
Zeile 294: Es gibt den bekannten Fehler wegen 2 mal nacheinader schalten im Zeitlimit
Zeile 148: Der Timer scheint abgelaufen er schaltet nochmals die Phasen um und fängt wieder an zu laden
Zeilen darüber: Ich versuche das Ding wieder auszuschalten mit Pause setzen etc.2 x schalten vielleicht von hier kommend?: im Anhang, da zu langer Post ...
@sneak-l8 Hallo ich möchte hier an meinen verunglückten Beitrag vom 29.06.23 ansetzen.
Ich betreibe ein P30 PV Edition. Ist eine P30x mit Phasenschalter und Smartester inklusive (Ein Marketingprojekt von Keba). Ich möchte die Wallbox mit dem iobroker in meine Hausautomation einbinden.
Die P30x hat in dieser Version einen Softwarestand der das PV optimierte Laden von Hause aus steuert. Den Adapter betreibe ich im passiven Modus um die Werte in der Visualisierung "ViS" darzustellen. Eine Möglichkeit den interne Steuerungsablauf in der Wallbox abzustellen habe ich nicht gefunden. Das Ausschalten der Funktionalität Pv optimiertes Laden in der WebUi führte dazu, das im Adapter der im State surplus auf max. Ladeleistung springt (11KW). Damit gibt es nicht wirklich eine Möglichkeit der Abschaltung der internen Steuerung der P30x. Ein Umstieg auf die Automatik des Adapters sehe ich daher nicht ohne Konflikte.
Im normalen Betrieb der P30x wird die tatsächliche Ladeleistung offenbar exakt durch den Wert des State surplus gesteuert.
Meine Frage:
Ist das so, wie kommt dieser Wert zustande. Oder ist das eine Frage an Keba? In der UDP Beschreibung von Keba taucht er nicht auf! -
@opaw ich gehe davon aus, dass das eine Steuerung ist, die direkt in der Firmware der Keba sitzt. Den Überschuss muss sie irgendwie selbst berechnen. Das kann Die vermutlich nur Keba sagen.
Und kein Ding wegen deines Doppelposts. Kann ja mal vorkommen. Es gibt leider User, bei denen solche Posts kein Versehen sind...
Ich habe heute nochmals PV abhängig mit der neuesten Version von Github geladen. Soweit funktioniert das Umschalten von 1 auf 3 Phasig, von 3 auf 1 Phasig, das Pausieren und stoppen da zu wenig Leistung.
Einziges Problem welches ich nochmals erzeugen konnte war, dass bei Pausieren nach einem 3 Phasigen Ladevorgang ein Fehler auftritt und daraufhin das Laden wieder gestartet wird, siehe Log. Dies kann entweder durch den von Dir genannten Timer (wie hier der Fall) passieren, der wohl ca. 5min oder 5:30 für Umschalten der Phasen ist ? (Im gestrigen Log ebenfalls zwischen 5 und 5:30 bis er das neue Kommando angenommen hat). Oder möglicher Auslöser wie schon zuvor gesehen durch die 2 aufeinander folgenden Schaltvorgänge, die zu ähnlichem Problem führen könnten (TBC).
Zeile 60: 2023-08-08 21:06:35.456 debug Sent 'x2 0' to
..... Viele Versuche dazwischen um X2 zu schalten ....
Zeile 699: 2023-08-08 21:02:38.255 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now
Zeile 705: 2023-08-08 21:02:37.971 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0...
Zeile 714: 2023-08-08 21:02:37.970 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0...
Zeile 732: 2023-08-08 21:02:37.653 info change pause status of wallbox from false to true
Zeile 945: 2023-08-08 21:01:05.759 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1...
Zeile 975: 2023-08-08 21:01:05.018 info change pause status of wallbox from true to falseWie gesagt meine Vermutung nachdem ich versucht habe den Code nachzuvollziehen, dass 2 x schalten beim pausieren kommt von folgenden Zeilen: 2023-08-08 21:06:50.157 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:50.157 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 196044 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:50.155 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:49.868 debug Available surplus: -624 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:49.857 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 196044 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:49.856 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:49.556 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 196044 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:49.555 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:42.957 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"State": 3}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:42.957 debug UDP datagram from '{"State": 3}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:39.353 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"State": 2}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:39.352 debug UDP datagram from '{"State": 2}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:36.098 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Max curr": 6000}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:36.098 debug UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 6000}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:35.758 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:35.757 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 196030 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:35.756 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:35.457 debug Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:35.457 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:35.456 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:35.252 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:35.251 debug UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:35.157 debug Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:35.157 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:35.155 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:34.869 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:34.869 debug not enough power for charging ... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:34.869 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:34.869 debug Available surplus: -634 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:34.856 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 196029 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:34.855 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:34.555 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 196029 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:34.554 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:20.156 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:20.156 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 196014 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:20.155 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:19.868 debug Available surplus: -616 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:19.856 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 196014 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:19.854 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:19.555 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 196014 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:19.553 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:05.756 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:05.756 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 196000 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:05.755 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:05.456 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:05.455 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:05.454 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:05.155 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:05.155 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:05.154 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:04.869 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:04.869 debug not enough power for charging ... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:04.869 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:04.868 debug Available surplus: -569 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:04.855 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195999 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:04.853 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:04.555 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195999 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:06:04.553 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:50.157 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:50.156 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195984 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:50.154 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:49.866 debug Available surplus: -624 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:49.855 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195984 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:49.854 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:49.555 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195984 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:49.553 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:35.757 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:35.757 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195970 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:35.756 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:35.457 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:35.456 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:35.455 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:35.155 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:35.155 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:35.154 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:34.867 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:34.867 debug not enough power for charging ... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:34.867 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:34.867 debug Available surplus: -591 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:34.855 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195969 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:34.854 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:34.555 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195969 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:34.554 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:20.156 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:20.156 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195954 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:20.155 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:19.869 debug Available surplus: -602 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:19.855 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195954 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:19.854 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:19.555 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195954 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:19.553 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:05.756 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:05.756 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195940 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:05.754 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:05.455 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:05.455 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:05.454 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:05.155 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:05.155 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:05.154 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:04.865 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:04.865 debug not enough power for charging ... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:04.865 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:04.865 debug Available surplus: -610 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:04.854 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195939 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:04.854 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:04.555 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195939 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:05:04.553 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:50.156 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:50.156 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195924 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:50.154 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:49.864 debug Available surplus: -598 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:49.854 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195924 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:49.853 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:49.554 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195924 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:49.552 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:35.756 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:35.755 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195910 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:35.754 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:35.454 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:35.454 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:35.453 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:35.153 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:35.153 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:35.152 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:34.864 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:34.864 debug not enough power for charging ... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:34.864 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:34.864 debug Available surplus: -570 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:34.853 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195909 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:34.852 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:34.553 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195909 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:34.552 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:20.155 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:20.155 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195894 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:20.154 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:19.865 debug Available surplus: -621 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:19.854 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195894 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:19.853 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:19.554 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195894 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:19.552 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:05.753 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:05.753 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195880 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:05.752 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:05.453 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:05.453 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:05.452 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:05.153 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:05.153 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:05.152 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:04.865 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:04.865 debug not enough power for charging ... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:04.865 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:04.864 debug Available surplus: -604 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:04.853 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195879 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:04.852 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:04.552 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195879 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:04:04.551 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:50.152 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:50.152 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195864 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:50.151 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:49.862 debug Available surplus: -616 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:49.852 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195864 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:49.851 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:49.552 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195864 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:49.550 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:35.753 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:35.753 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195850 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:35.751 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:35.453 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:35.453 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:35.452 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:35.152 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:35.152 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:35.151 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:34.864 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:34.864 debug not enough power for charging ... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:34.864 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:34.863 debug Available surplus: -625 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:34.852 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195849 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:34.850 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:34.551 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195849 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:34.550 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:20.152 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:20.152 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195834 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:20.151 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:19.865 debug Available surplus: -610 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:19.852 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195834 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:19.850 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:19.551 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195834 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:19.550 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:05.753 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:05.753 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195820 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:05.752 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:05.452 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:05.452 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:05.452 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:05.152 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:05.152 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:05.151 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:04.863 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:04.863 debug not enough power for charging ... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:04.863 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:04.862 debug Available surplus: -556 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:04.852 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195819 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:04.850 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:04.551 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195819 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:03:04.549 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:50.150 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:50.150 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195804 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:50.149 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:49.861 debug Available surplus: -4810 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:49.849 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195804 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:49.848 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:49.550 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195804 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:49.548 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:39.743 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Max curr": 0}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:39.742 debug UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 0}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:39.625 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"State": 5}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:39.625 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Enable sys": 0}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:39.625 debug UDP datagram from '{"State": 5}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:39.624 debug UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 0}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:39.158 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:39.158 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195793 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:39.156 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:38.856 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:38.856 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:38.855 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:38.556 debug Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:38.556 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:38.555 debug Sent 'currtime 0 1' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:38.255 error Error received from wallbox: TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:38.255 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-ERR:X2 : not allowed now ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:38.254 debug Sent 'x2 0' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:37.971 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:37.971 info stop charging kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:37.971 debug not enough power for charging ... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:37.970 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 1 to 0... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:37.970 debug Available surplus: -515 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:37.954 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195792 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:37.953 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:37.659 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195792 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:37.653 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:37.653 info change pause status of wallbox from false to true kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:35.150 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:35.150 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195789 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:35.148 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:34.861 debug wallbox set to charging maximum of 6000 mA kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:34.861 debug Available surplus: -522 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:34.849 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195789 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:34.848 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:34.549 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195789 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:34.548 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:20.149 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:20.149 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195774 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:20.147 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:19.862 debug Available surplus: -519 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:19.849 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195774 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:19.848 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:19.550 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195774 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:19.548 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:05.150 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:05.150 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195759 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:05.148 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:04.862 debug wallbox set to charging maximum of 6000 mA kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:04.862 debug Available surplus: -509 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:04.849 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195759 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:04.848 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:04.548 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195759 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:02:04.547 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:50.148 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:50.147 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195744 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:50.146 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:49.863 debug Available surplus: -327 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:49.848 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195744 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:49.847 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:49.547 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195744 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:49.546 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:35.148 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:35.148 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195729 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:35.147 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:34.858 debug wallbox set to charging maximum of 6000 mA kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:34.858 debug Available surplus: -363 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:34.847 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195729 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:34.846 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:34.547 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195729 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:34.545 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:20.149 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:20.148 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195714 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:20.146 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:19.859 debug Available surplus: 3488 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:19.858 info vehicle (re)starts to charge kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:19.847 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 230, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195714 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:19.845 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:19.545 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 6000, "Max curr %": 100, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 6000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 1, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 1, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195714 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:19.544 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:14.124 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"State": 3}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:14.124 debug UDP datagram from '{"State": 3}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:10.520 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"State": 2}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:10.519 debug UDP datagram from '{"State": 2}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:07.271 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Max curr": 6000}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:07.271 debug UDP datagram from '{"Max curr": 6000}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:06.646 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:06.646 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195701 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:06.644 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:06.355 debug UDP broadcast datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:06.354 debug UDP datagram from '{"Enable sys": 1}' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:06.345 debug Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:06.344 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:06.344 debug Sent 'x2 1' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:06.045 debug Received TCH-OK :done kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:06.045 debug UDP datagram from 'TCH-OK :done ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:06.044 debug Sent 'currtime 6000 1' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:05.759 info (re)start charging kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:05.759 debug wallbox set to charging maximum of 6000 mA kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:05.759 info updating X2 for switch of phases from 0 to 1... kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:05.759 debug Available surplus: -612 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:05.745 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 0, "E total": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195700 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:05.744 debug Sent 'report 3' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:05.445 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "2", "State": 5, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 0, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 6000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 0, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195700 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:05.444 debug Sent 'report 2' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:05.145 debug History ID received: 00 kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:05.145 debug UDP datagram from '{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 49, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 0, "E pres": 0, "started[s]": 1691519327, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2023-08-08 18:28:47.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "23272616", "Sec": 195699 } ' kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:05.144 debug Sent 'report 100' to kecontact.0 2023-08-08 21:01:05.018 info change pause status of wallbox from true to false
@christian-kohlöffel Hm, also "pause" wird nicht genutzt, um den Ladevorgang bei der Phasenumschaltung zu stoppen. Das ist etwas, das Du manuell über den State anstößt und dann vom Adapter interpretiert und mit currtime 0 1 an die Wallox gesendet wird.
Warum das X2-Kommando nicht akzeptiert wird, müsstest Du vielleicht mal bei Keba anfragen.
Mir ist auch nicht klar, warum die Box anfängt zu laden, wenn der Überschuss nur -612W sein soll. Später ist er dann aber plötzlich +3.488W.
Hast Du "Schließer (is normally open/NO)" eingestellt und hast vielleicht einen Öffner?
Oder wird die Leistung der Wallbox im Überschuss mit einberechnet?So ganz komme ich gerade leider nicht mit, was da genau passiert...
@sneak-l8 Damit bei mir der Umschaltbefehl für X2 akzeptiert wird, muss ich in der WebUi der Wallbox den Kommunikationskanal für den X2 auf "UDP" stellen!
@opaw das sollte der Adapter beim Start automatisch machen
@sneak-l8 Ok, Der Adapter ist bei mir im Passiv Modus, das wäre eine Erklärung das der State X2 nicht über den Adapter umschaltbar ist.
Ich habe nun passiv abgewählt. Trotzdem ist der State vom Adapter aus nicht zu verändern. Nach kurzer Zeit springt der Wert wieder von 4 für UDP wieder auf 1. Bei mir eingestellter Wert für Steuerung durch Wallbox im der WebUi. Auch ein Neustart des Adapters brachte keine Veränderung.
Zusätzlicher Hinweis: Unter Modbus verhält sich die P30X auch so.
@opaw Die X-series hat ja ihre eigene Steuerung. Der Adapter stellt den Modus zwar um, die Keba ist aber wohl so konfiguriert, dass sie weiter auf den anderen Modus umstellt. Vermutlich weil sie selbst aktiv steuern will.
Es können aber nicht zwei Systeme aktiv steuern wollen.
Da musst Du wohl in der Konfiguration für die Keba nachlesen und Dich für eine Seite entscheiden, die aktiv sein soll -
@sneak-l8 Das ist mir zwischenzeitlich klar, ich kann die P30X so über die WebUi einstellen um entweder über die eingebaute Software, oder Deinem Adapter, oder Modbus zu steuern. Mein Favorit ist zur Zeit Dein UDP Adapter im passiven Modus. Auf diesen greife ich mit einem eigenen Steuerprogramm bezüglich "PV optimiertem Laden mit Hausbatterie" zu. Die Modbus Schnittstelle von Keba ist schlecht gemacht. Die notwendigen beschreibbaren Register liefern keine Statusmeldungen.
Bis ich alles durchgetestet habe, lasse ich die Wallbox im normalen Betrieb mit der internen Software agieren. Ist offenbar z.Z die PV optimierteste Lösung. Meine Frau, Kinder stecken den Stecker ins Auto, und alles läuft. Ich muß dann nur manuell hinschauen, dass die für die Nacht vorgesehene Hausbatterie nicht Zweckentfremdet wird.
Ich habe parallel nach einer Lösung über Keba (Kontaktformular) gesucht. Ich komme dabei aber nicht an eine Fachkraft und werde mit technisch unsinnigen Antworten abgespeist.
@sneak-l8 , ich hab mir das alles nochmals genauer angeschaut und habe versucht das schalten des X2 Ausgangs mittels einen neu eingeführten Timers umzusetzen und somit den mindest Zeitabstand einzuhalten. Hierzu habe ich dein aktuelles Repository geforked, einen dev-server aufgesetzt und im programmieren versucht. Wäre schön wenn du Dir das mal anschauen könntest und wenn es für Dich auch einen Sinn ergibt bei Dir integriert werden könnte. In meinen ersten Test heute hat es schon mal einige Fehlermeldungen beheben können. Inputs Deiner Seite sind auch gerne wilkommen
@sneak-l8 sagte in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Warum das X2-Kommando nicht akzeptiert wird, müsstest Du vielleicht mal bei Keba anfragen.
Ich habe dazu einen Thread bei einem der anderen Adapter zur KEBA gefunden, schein am implementierten Verhalten in der KEBA zu legen. Nachdem ich ein wenig an den Bedingungen rum gebastelt habe, wie im Log nachzulesen habe ich es geschafft, dass die Box wieder das laden selbständig beendet, wenn das der Fall ist.
Hier der Link zum Post:ör-sensorik/77402-keba-wallbox?p=398742#post398742In der Anleitung hab ich zufällig gefunden dass es tatsächlich die 300s sind welche implementiert sind.
Hallo ich bin an der gleichen Baustelle. Dar x2 Schaltbefehl funktionier bei mir in dem Moment wenn ich in der Webui (P30X) auf UDP umgestaltet hab. Ein Umschalten des State X2phaseSource über den Adapter funktioniert nicht. Der Adapter springt nach kurzer Zeit wieder auf den alten Wert zurück.Ich habe Keba angeschrieben und bezüglich der Beeinflussung interne und externer Steuerungslogik folgende Antwort erhalten:
vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage bezüglich des PV-optimierten Ladevorgangs Ihrer KEBA P30 PV Edition.
Wenn Sie die PV-optimierte Ladesteuerung über eine externe Steuerung realisieren möchten und die interne Steuerung der KEBA P30 deaktivieren wollen, müssen Sie dies nicht explizit abschalten. Die externe Steuerung hat Vorrang und überschreibt die internen Einstellungen der Ladestation.
Sie können die externe Steuerung, sei es über ein Energiemanagementsystem oder eine andere Lösung, so konfigurieren, dass sie den Ladeprozess basierend auf dem PV-Überschuss optimiert. Die KEBA P30 Wallbox wird dann entsprechend gesteuert, ohne dass Sie manuelle Einstellungen an der internen Steuerung vornehmen müssen.
Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die externe Steuerung korrekt eingerichtet ist, um den gewünschten PV-optimierten Ladevorgang zu ermöglichen.
Die Aussage hört sich erstmal sehr gut an. Überschreiben ist simpelster kämpfen hier nicht zwei Regelsysteme gegeneinander? Auch meine zwischenzeitlichen Erfahrungen können diese Aussage nicht bestätigen. Ich hab die interne Steuerung für die PV optimierte Steuerung abgeschaltet und experimentiere weiter..
@opaw , leider hab ich nur die DE Edition, welche keine internen Features wie Strom und Spannungsmessungen hat. Aber ich muss sagen, der Adapter von sneak funktioniert bei der PV Regelung und der Schaltung meist wie er soll, also wenn Du es schaffst das Eigenverhalten der Box abzustellen, dann hast du gute Chancen damit eine gute PV Abhängige Regelung hin zu bekommen.
@opaw sagte in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Dar x2 Schaltbefehl funktionier bei mir in dem Moment wenn ich in der Webui (P30X) auf UDP umgestaltet hab
Ohne UDP kanns ja nicht funktionieren, da der Adapter zur Kommunikation UDP verwendet, oder?
@opaw sagte in [Frage] Realisierung Adapter UDP Keba Wallbox:
Ein Umschalten des State X2phaseSource über den Adapter funktioniert nicht. Der Adapter springt nach kurzer Zeit wieder auf den alten Wert zurück.
Bist du schon im Active Mode im Adapter, normal dürfte er für min. 300s nicht zurückschalten können wenn er mal gesetzt ist. Was sagt er im Log dazu?
@christian-kohlöffel Danke für den Fork.
Ich hätte jetzt keine Config-Option für den Timeout zum Umschalten 1p/3p gemacht, da der wohl für alle Boxen gleich sein dürfte. Und wenn nicht, dann könnte man das auch je Modell einstellen, die Erkennung ist ja schon da.
Gnauer habe ich es noch nicht angeschaut, bin noch eine Weile unterwegs ...