Frage von Noob:
nach js-controller update funkt backitup nicht mehr.
kann mir bitte jemand sagen was hier schief gelaufen ist?
Danke im Voraus.
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:19.026 info Update repository "latest" under "http://download.iobroker.net/sources-dist-latest.json"
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.650 info Restart adapter system.adapter.backitup.0 because enabled
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.649 info instance system.adapter.backitup.0 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR)
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.649 error Caught by controller[1]: at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup/main.js:840:9
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.648 error Caught by controller[1]: at detectLatestBackupFile (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup/main.js:699:33)
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.648 error Caught by controller[1]: at Array.map (<anonymous>)
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.648 error Caught by controller[1]: at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup/main.js:699:48
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.648 error Caught by controller[1]: at new Promise (<anonymous>)
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.647 error Caught by controller[1]: at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup/main.js:700:13
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.647 error Caught by controller[1]: at module.exports (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup/lib/list.js:72:36)
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.647 error Caught by controller[1]: at Object.list (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup/lib/list/googledrive.js:6:24)
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.647 error Caught by controller[1]: at new GoogleDrive (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup/lib/googleDriveLib.js:15:31)
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.646 error Caught by controller[1]: at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.646 error Caught by controller[1]: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ' in JSON at position 1
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:07.645 error Caught by controller[0]: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected
backitup.0 2020-05-01 12:56:07.108 info (20766) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason
backitup.0 2020-05-01 12:56:07.106 info (20766) terminating
backitup.0 2020-05-01 12:56:07.057 info (20766) cleaned everything up...
backitup.0 2020-05-01 12:56:07.055 error (20766) SyntaxError: Unexpected token ' in JSON at position 1 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at new GoogleDrive (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup/lib/googleDriveLib.js:15:31) at O
backitup.0 2020-05-01 12:56:07.049 error (20766) uncaught exception: Unexpected token ' in JSON at position 1
backitup.0 2020-05-01 12:56:06.962 info (20766) [iobroker] backup was activated at 02:00 every 3 day(s)
backitup.0 2020-05-01 12:56:06.903 info (20766) starting. Version 1.5.4 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup, node: v12.16.3, js-controller: 3.0.20
host.raspberrypi 2020-05-01 12:56:02.989 info instance system.adapter.backitup.0 started with pid 20766
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ node -v
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ iobroker status
iobroker is running on this host.
At least one iobroker host is running.
Objects type: file
States type: file
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ npm -v
3.81 GB
System Betriebszeit
14 T. 01:25:12
Festplatte Größe
28.98 GB
Festplatte frei
22.98 GB
Anzahl der Adapter
Aktive Instanzen
Typ: js-controller
Titel: JS controller
OS: linux
Verfügbar: 3.0.20
Installiert: 3.0.20
Ereignisse: ⇥26 / ↦15