As a total beginner in Linux/ioBroker/Influx etc. I can't get the smart meter adapter to work.
I have a "bitshake" wifi smartmeter reader on my “efr SGM-C4-1A600l” electricity meter. The data transfer to the “Trucki-Stick” (a wifi dongle that controls our inverter and collects the data via Json-Keys (StatusSNS,SGM,Power)) works perfectly. And I also receive data from there in ioBroker.
However, if I enter the same URL (“ 10”) in the smartmeter adapter and try to read the data via Json as well, nothing happens. Various other configurations were also unsuccessful. Does anyone know how exactly I have to set this up?
By the way:
In parallel, I try the whole thing via MQTT, where I also get a connection and various objects are created. However, none of them contain individual data such as the current meter reading or the voltage, but only one such (or similar) string:
“ {“StatusSNS”:{“Time”:“2024-08-23T11:44:14”,“SGM”:
MOD-EDIT: Code in code-tags gesetzt!
Everything is in there somehow, but not in such a way that I can use it.
Would be really grateful for help.