@apollon77 said in Test Netatmo 2.0.0 Alpha (GitHub):
@halvar-0 dann stell bitte mal den loglevel der Instanz auf debug (siehe meine signatur) und mache nochmal den „Login mit netatmo“ Prozess via Admin und zeige mal das log davon bitte.
Hallo Apollon,
die Datei finde ich nicht. ioBroker läuft bei mir im Container auf ner QNAP
Ich versteh das aber schon richtig? In der Instanz von netatmo Einstellungen öfffnen und Authent... klicken?
Im Log finde ich das hier. Ist es das was Du meintest?
2022-10-05 20:57:38.764 - info: netatmo.0 (499) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF
2022-10-05 20:57:38.772 - info: netatmo.0 (499) cleaned everything up...
2022-10-05 20:57:38.773 - info: netatmo.0 (499) terminating
2022-10-05 20:57:38.775 - info: netatmo.0 (499) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
2022-10-05 20:57:39.344 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.netatmo.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION)
2022-10-05 20:57:41.842 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.netatmo.0 started with pid 9156
2022-10-05 20:57:44.596 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection:
2022-10-05 20:57:44.653 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) Objects client ready ... initialize now
2022-10-05 20:57:44.656 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) Objects create System PubSub Client
2022-10-05 20:57:44.658 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) Objects create User PubSub Client
2022-10-05 20:57:44.717 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) Objects client initialize lua scripts
2022-10-05 20:57:44.727 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) Objects connected to redis:
2022-10-05 20:57:44.762 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) Redis States: Use Redis connection:
2022-10-05 20:57:44.782 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) States create System PubSub Client
2022-10-05 20:57:44.784 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) States create User PubSub Client
2022-10-05 20:57:44.809 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) States connected to redis:
2022-10-05 20:57:44.896 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) Plugin sentry Initialize Plugin (enabled=true)
2022-10-05 20:57:45.297 - info: netatmo.0 (9156) starting. Version 2.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.netatmo, node: v16.17.1, js-controller: 4.0.23
2022-10-05 20:57:45.339 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) Use individual ID/Secret
2022-10-05 20:57:45.351 - info: netatmo.0 (9156) Authenticating with Netatmo using individual client-ID 63277e36fa4aad82d40efabb
2022-10-05 20:57:45.353 - warn: netatmo.0 (9156) API Error: Please Authenticate manually once using the Admin UI of this instance.
2022-10-05 21:03:46.165 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) Received OAuth start message: {"client_id":"63277e36fa4aad82d40efabb","client_secret":"uRnbsiu2OGJpnSPcTl3GKqLrytFOteSBZBi","redirect_uri_base":"","scopes":{"netatmoCoach":false,"netatmoWeather":true,"netatmoWelcome":false,"netatmoSmokedetector":false,"netatmoCOSensor":false,"netatmoDoorBell":false}}
2022-10-05 21:03:46.166 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) Get OAuth start link data: {"client_id":"63277e36fa4aad82d40efabb","client_secret":"uRnbsiu2OGJpnSPcTl3GKqLrytFOteSBZBi","scopes":{"netatmoCoach":false,"netatmoWeather":true,"netatmoWelcome":false,"netatmoSmokedetector":false,"netatmoCOSensor":false,"netatmoDoorBell":false},"scope":"read_station","redirect_uri":""}
2022-10-05 21:03:46.167 - debug: netatmo.0 (9156) Get OAuth start link: https://api.netatmo.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=63277e36fa4aad82d40efabb&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.178.150%3A8081%2Foauth2_callbacks%2Fnetatmo.0%2F&scope=read_station&state=81pZhVdbx301XhnytWl8ni40kWAa9dauBlAFA7Yb
2022-10-05 21:04:24.784 - info: web.0 (555) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff: