// Configuration of the web GUI
var confMode = true; // true = with config button
// false = without config button
var docReady = false;
var monthNameList = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ];
var dayNameMinList = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ];
var nennleistung = '';
var unbekannt = '';
var heute = '';
var dieserMonat = '';
var diesesJahr = '';
var uhrzeit = '';
var tag = '';
var monat = '';
var jahr = '';
var keineDaten = '';
var pvsp1 = '';
var pvsp2 = '';
var pvsp3 = '';
var pvst1 = '';
var pvst2 = '';
var pvst3 = '';
var nsp1 = '';
var nsp2 = '';
var nsp3 = '';
var nst1 = '';
var nst2 = '';
var nst3 = '';
var pvl1 = '';
var pvl2 = '';
var pvl3 = '';
var temperatur = '';
var nl = '';
var gesamtUebersicht = '';
var gesamtAnsicht = '';
var jahresAnsicht = '';
var monatsAnsicht = '';
var tagesAnsicht = '';
var toolAnsicht = '';
var einPhasig = '';
var dreiPhasig = '';
var datumsFormat = 'd.m.y, h:i:s'; // d = day, m = month, y = year, h = hours (24h), H = hours (12h), i = minutes, s = seconds, n = AM/PM
var containerOn = false; // Is webpage shown?
var startCount = 1;
var secCnt = 29;
var pauseRealtime = false;
var loadingTxt = 'Loading...';
var realTimeReq = false;
var realTimeReqCnt = 0;
var totalYieldFromCsvHeader = 0;
var firstLoadData = true;
if (!String.pad)
String.prototype.pad = function(l, s, t)
return s || (s = " "), (l -= this.length) > 0 ? (s = new Array(Math.ceil(l / s.length) + 1).join(s)).substr(0, t = !t ? l : t == 1 ? 0 : Math.ceil(l / 2)) + this + s.substr(0, l - t) : this;
if (!String.trim)
String.prototype.trim = function()
return this.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
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// ----------- disable href ---------------
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function str_replace(find, replace, src)
return src.split(find).join(replace);
function getFloatVal(str)
return str_replace(",", ".", str);
function createVersionNumber(number)
var n = number.toString();
n = "V" + n.substring(0,n.length-2) + "." + n.substring(n.length-2,n.length);
return n;
function roundCommaSeparated(x, n)
var k = (Math.round(x * 100) / 100).toString();
var p = 0;
if (n == 2)
k += (k.indexOf('.') == -1)? '.00' : '00';
var p = k.indexOf('.');
return k.substring(0, p) + ',' + k.substring(p+1, p+3);
else if (n = 1)
k += (k.indexOf('.') == -1)? '.0' : '0';
var p = k.indexOf('.');
return k.substring(0, p) + ',' + k.substring(p+1, p+2);
function num_format(num, prec)
var n = num.toString();
var nums = n.split('.');
var newNum = "";
if (nums.length > 1)
var dec = nums[1].substring(0, prec);
newNum = nums[0] + "," + dec + (nums[1].length < prec ? "0" : "");
newNum = num;
return newNum;
function inList(psString, psList)
var laList = psList.split(',');
var i = laList.length;
while (i--) {
if (laList[i] === psString) return true;
return false;
$( document ).ready(function() {
docReady = true;
var kaco = {
csv : '',
initCount : 0,
mode : '',
view : null,
tstamp : null,
dcCount : 0,
acCount : 0,
acVoltPhaseMon : 0,
acCurrPhaseMon : 0,
showAcPhaseMonMode : 0,
initDate : new Date(2011, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0),
langId : '',
pktVer : '',
armVersion : '',
armChecksum : '',
cfgVersion : '',
cfgChecksum : '',
dspVersion : '',
dspChecksum : '',
picVersion : '',
picChecksum : '',
vendorName : '',
override : false,
dataIndex : null,
data : {},
state : {},
langText : {},
noDataMode : false,
switchConfMode : function(confMd)
if (confMd == true)
{ // Navigation bar with "Config" button
"left" : 30 + "px"
$("ul#navi li.naviSpacer").css({
"line-height" : 10 + "px",
"margin" : 0 + " " + 35 + "px"
{ // Navigation bar without "Config" button
"left" : 50 + "px"
$("ul#navi li.naviSpacer").css({
"line-height" : 15 + "px",
"margin" : 0 + " " + 50 + "px"
start : function()
// Disbable cache for all jQuery AJAX requests
//$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
/* Errorhandler
$(document).ajaxError(function(e, xhr, opts, err){
var status = (xhr || {}).status;
xhr = null;
throw(e.type +' | '+ status +' | '+ opts.url);
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if ($('#extendTable').css('display')=='none')
if ($(this).attr('checked'))
if ($(this).attr('checked'))
if (kaco.dcCount == 2)
if (kaco.dcCount == 3)
$('#pvl2, #pvl3').attr('checked','checked');
if ($(this).attr('checked'))
if(kaco.dcCount == 2)
if(kaco.dcCount == 3)
$('#pvsp2, #pvsp3').attr('checked','checked');
cache: false,
url : this.csv + '/initlog.txt',
//async : false,
context : this,
success : kaco.parseInitlog
cache: false,
url : this.csv + '/meta.csv',
//async : false,
context : this,
success : kaco.parseMeta
this.tstamp = new Date();
$("#chartContainer").bind("plotclick", function(event, pos, item){
if (item)
var val = item.datapoint[0];
switch (kaco.mode)
case 'ETERNAL':
case 'YEAR':
kaco.tstamp.setMonth(val - 1);
case 'MONTH':
$("#chartContainer").bind("plothover", function(event, pos, item){
if (item)
kaco.dataIndex = null;
// Start updater thread
//setInterval(function() { kaco.triggerRealtimeUpdate(); }, 30000);
setInterval(function() { kaco.triggerRealtimeUpdate(); }, 1000);
// Timer for web config 500ms
setInterval(function() { kaco.triggerWebConfig(); }, 500);
// Timer for web config 1 Min
setInterval(function() { kaco.trigger1MinTimerWebConfig(); }, 60000);
// Init graph without loading of data
paraData[paraIndexWebgui][PARA_OFFS] = DEBUG;
showHover : function(item)
var x = item.pageX + 10;
var y = item.pageY + 10;
var contents = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
if (this.dataIndex != item.dataIndex)
this.dataIndex = item.dataIndex;
$('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css({
position : 'absolute',
display : 'none',
top : y,
left : x,
border : '1px solid #fdd',
padding : '2px',
'background-color' : '#ccc',
opacity : 0.9
parseInitlog: function(data)
var fields = data.split(';');
parseStatus : function(data)
var lines = data.split('\r');
for (var x = 0; x < lines.length; x++)
var entry = lines[x].split(' ');
this.state[entry[0].trim()] = entry[1].trim();
if (kaco.initCount < 4)
parseLangText : function(data)
var lines = data.split('\r');
for (var x = 0; x < lines.length; x++)
var entry = lines[x].split(' ');
this.langText[entry[0].trim()] = entry[1].trim();
for (var i=0; i<12; i++)
monthNameList[i] = this.langText[i];
unbekannt = this.langText[13];
heute = this.langText[14];
dieserMonat = this.langText[15];
diesesJahr = this.langText[16];
uhrzeit = this.langText[17];
tag = this.langText[18];
monat = this.langText[19];
jahr = this.langText[20];
keineDaten = this.langText[21];
pvsp1 = this.langText[22];
pvsp2 = this.langText[23];
pvsp3 = this.langText[24];
pvst1 = this.langText[25];
pvst2 = this.langText[26];
pvst3 = this.langText[27];
nsp1 = this.langText[28];
nsp2 = this.langText[29];
nsp3 = this.langText[30];
nst1 = this.langText[31];
nst2 = this.langText[32];
nst3 = this.langText[33];
pvl1 = this.langText[34];
pvl2 = this.langText[35];
pvl3 = this.langText[36];
temperatur = this.langText[37];
nl = this.langText[38];
parameter = this.langText[39];
gesamtAnsicht = this.langText[41];
jahresAnsicht = this.langText[42];
monatsAnsicht = this.langText[43];
tagesAnsicht = this.langText[44];
toolAnsicht = this.langText[39];
nennleistung = this.langText[12];
dreiPhasig = this.langText[46];
einPhasig = this.langText[45];
var type = roundCommaSeparated((this.acPower / 1000), 2) + ' kW ' + nennleistung + ', ';
if (this.acCount == 3)
type += dreiPhasig;
$("input.a3").css( {
display : 'block'
type += einPhasig;
var mon;
if (this.acVoltPhaseMon == 3)
mon = dreiPhasig;
mon = einPhasig;
loadingTxt = this.langText[94];
for (var i=0; i<7; i++)
dayNameMinList[i] = this.langText[95+i];
if ((this.mode != 'TOOL') && (this.mode != 'PARAINPUT'))
// Refresh date and time
url : this.csv + '/realtime.csv',
context : this,
success : kaco.refreshStatus
logAddMsg('<-: # URL: /realtime.csv');
// Show webpage
if (containerOn == false)
containerOn = true;
// refresh the chart with loading of the data
buttonImage : 'btn_cal.gif',
buttonImageOnly : true,
gotoCurrent : true,
showOn : 'button',
changeYear : true,
maxDate : new Date(),
minDate : this.initDate,
monthNames: monthNameList,
dayNamesMin: dayNameMinList,
beforeShow : function(input, inst)
$("#calendar").datepicker("setDate", kaco.tstamp);
onSelect : function()
var tmpDate = new Date();
var pickedDate = $('#calendar').attr('value');
kaco.tstamp = tmpDate;
if (kaco.initCount < 4)
loadLang : function(langName)
url : kaco.csv + 'psta' + langName + '.txt',
context : kaco,
success : kaco.parseStatus
url : kaco.csv + 'lang' + langName + '.txt',
context : kaco,
success : kaco.parseLangText
changeLangTo : function(langName)
var tmpLangName = langName.toUpperCase();
if (inList(tmpLangName,langList) == false)
langName = "enUS";
if (langName != lang.gui1)
lang.gui1 = langName;
kaco.langId = langName;
parseMeta : function(data)
0.) Serial
1.) Device type
2.) MAC address
3.) IP address (IPv4)
4.) Inverter RS485 address (Range 1-31)
5.) Anzahl AC-Phasen (Range 1-3)
6.) DC entries (Range 1-3)
7.) AC nominal power [W]
8.) AC voltage phases monitoring (1: Show 1 phase voltage; 3: Show 3 phase voltages)
9.) AC current phases monitoring (1: Show 1 phase current; 3: Show 3 phase currents)
10.) Show AC phases monitoring mode (0: Hide; 1: Show)
11.) Language ID (ISO 639)
12.) SW packet version (for example 101 for 1.01)
13.) ARM SW-Version (for example 101 for 1.01)
14.) ARM SW-Version checksum
15.) CFG SW-Version (for example 10001 for 1.0001)
16.) CFG SW-Version checksum
17.) DSP SW-Version (for example 123 for 1.23)
18.) DSP SW-Version checksum
19.) PIC SW-Version (for example 123 for 1.23)
20.) PIC SW-Version checksum
21.) Vendor name (for example 'KACO', 'SCHUECO', ...)
22.) WebConfig active/inactive
var fields = data.split(';');
this.acCount = parseInt(fields[5]);
this.dcCount = parseInt(fields[6]);
this.acPower = parseInt(fields[7]);
this.acVoltPhaseMon = parseInt(fields[8]);
this.acCurrPhaseMon = parseInt(fields[9]);
this.showAcPhaseMonMode = parseInt(fields[10]);
if (this.showAcPhaseMonMode == 1)
this.langId = fields[11];
lang.inverterOrg = this.langId;
this.armVersion = parseInt(fields[13]);
this.armChecksum = parseInt(fields[14]);
this.cfgVersion = parseInt(fields[15]);
this.cfgChecksum = parseInt(fields[16]);
this.dspVersion = parseInt(fields[17]);
this.dspChecksum = parseInt(fields[18]);
this.picVersion = parseInt(fields[19]);
this.picChecksum = parseInt(fields[20]);
this.vendorName = fields[21].toUpperCase();
confMode = (Number(fields[22]) == 0) ? false : true;
var type = roundCommaSeparated((this.acPower / 1000), 2) + ' kW ' + nennleistung + ', ';
if (this.acVoltPhaseMon == 3)
$("input.aVolt2, input.aVolt3").css({
display : 'inline'
if (this.acCurrPhaseMon == 3)
$("input.aCurr2, input.aCurr3").css({
display : 'inline'
if (this.dcCount == 2)
display : 'inline'
if (this.dcCount == 3)
$("input.d2, input.d3").css({
display : 'inline'
// Set Vendor specific display
if ((this.vendorName == 'KACO') || (this.vendorName == 'SUNPOWER') || (this.vendorName == 'BLUEPLANET'))
document.getElementById("logo").src = 'kacologo.gif';
document.getElementById("logo").alt = 'KACO new energy Logo';
document.title = 'KACO new energy';
document.getElementById("hr1").style.background = '#D0D6D8';
document.getElementById("hr1").style.color = '#D0D6D8';
document.getElementById("hr2").style.background = '#D0D6D8';
document.getElementById("hr2").style.color = '#D0D6D8';
document.getElementById("headerBox").style.background = "#e9eaec url(kacobggr.gif) bottom left repeat-x";
document.getElementById("logoBox").style.background = '#ffffff';
document.getElementsByClassName("greyBox")[0].style.background = "#e9eaec url(kacobggr.gif) bottom left repeat-x";
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document.getElementById("chartContainer").style.background = '#f9f9f9 url(kacobgch.jpg) no-repeat center center';
else if (this.vendorName == 'SCHUECO')
document.getElementById("logo").src = 'schulogo.gif';
document.getElementById("logo").alt = 'Schüco International Logo';
document.title = 'Schüco International';
document.getElementById('hr1').style.background = '#40464b';
document.getElementById('hr1').style.color = '#40464b';
document.getElementById('hr2').style.background = '#40464b';
document.getElementById('hr2').style.color = '#40464b';
document.getElementById("headerBox").style.background = '#cccccc';
document.getElementById("logoBox").style.background = '#40464b';
document.getElementsByClassName("greyBox")[0].style.background = "#cccccc";
document.getElementsByClassName("greyBox")[1].style.background = "#cccccc";
document.getElementById("chartContainer").style.background = '#f9f9f9 url(schubgch.jpg) no-repeat center center';
else if (this.vendorName == 'INVENTUX')
document.getElementById("logo").src = 'invelogo.gif';
document.getElementById("logo").alt = 'Inventux Technologies AG Logo';
document.title = 'Inventux Technologies AG';
document.getElementById("hr1").style.background = '#D0D6D8';
document.getElementById("hr1").style.color = '#D0D6D8';
document.getElementById("hr2").style.background = '#D0D6D8';
document.getElementById("hr2").style.color = '#D0D6D8';
document.getElementById("headerBox").style.background = "#e9eaec url(kacobggr.gif) bottom left repeat-x";
document.getElementById("logoBox").style.background = '#ffffff';
document.getElementsByClassName("greyBox")[0].style.background = "#e9eaec url(invebggr.gif) bottom left repeat-x";
document.getElementsByClassName("greyBox")[1].style.background = "#e9eaec url(invebggr.gif) bottom left repeat-x";
document.getElementById("chartContainer").style.background = '#f9f9f9 url(invebgch.jpg) no-repeat center center';
else if (this.vendorName == 'WUERTH')
document.getElementById("logo").src = 'wuerlogo.gif';
document.getElementById("logo").alt = 'Würth Solar Logo';
document.title = 'Würth Solar';
document.getElementById("hr1").style.background = '#b9b9a0';
document.getElementById("hr1").style.color = '#b9b9a0';
document.getElementById("hr2").style.background = '#b9b9a0';
document.getElementById("hr2").style.color = '#b9b9a0';
document.getElementById("headerBox").style.background = "#d8d7cc";
document.getElementById("logoBox").style.background = '#ffffff';
document.getElementsByClassName("greyBox")[0].style.background = "#d8d7cc";
document.getElementsByClassName("greyBox")[1].style.background = "#d8d7cc";
document.getElementById("chartContainer").style.background = '#f9f9f9 url(wuerbgch.jpg) no-repeat center center';
if ((this.dcCount > 2) || (this.acVoltPhaseMon > 2))
else if (this.dcCount > 1 || this.acVoltPhaseMon > 1)
// Initialization of the language for webConfig here already necessary
// for correct display of the time-out dialog box
if (confMode)
if (firstLoadData == true)
cache: false,
url : kaco.csv + '/realtime.csv',
//async : false,
context : kaco,
}, 500);
firstLoadData = false;
parseMetaLang : function(data)
11.) Language ID (ISO 639)
var fields = data.split(';');
this.langId = fields[11];
triggerRealtimeUpdate : function()
if ((this.initCount < 4) || (docReady == false))
if (pauseRealtime == false)
if (secCnt > 0)
if ((autoRefresh == true) && ((secCnt == 4) || (secCnt == 14) || (secCnt == 24)) && (quitCfg == false))
secCnt = 29;
if (startCount > 0)
cache: false,
url : this.csv + '/realtime.csv',
context : this,
success : kaco.refreshStatus
if ($('#rtDbgMsg').attr('checked'))
logAddMsg('<-: # URL: /realtime.csv');
realTimeReq = true;
/* Debug
if ($('#rtDbgMsg').attr('checked'))
logAddMsg('+++ Realtime Pause');
triggerWebConfig : function()
if ((this.initCount < 4) || (docReady == false))
trigger1MinTimerWebConfig : function()
if ((this.initCount < 4) || (docReady == false))
refreshStatus : function(data)
var fields = data.split(';');
var tDate = new Date(fields[0]*1000);
var tmpMonth = (tDate.getUTCMonth() + 1);
var tmpAMPM = 'AM';
var tmpHours24 = (tDate.getUTCHours());
var tmpHours12 = tmpHours24;
if ($('#rtDbgMsg').attr('checked'))
logAddMsg("->: " + data);
if (tmpHours12>12)
tmpHours12 = tmpHours12-12;
tmpAMPM = 'PM';
var dateString = datumsFormat.replace('d', String(tDate.getUTCDate()).pad(2,'0'))
.replace('m', String(tmpMonth).pad(2,'0'))
.replace('y', tDate.getUTCFullYear())
.replace('h', String(tmpHours24).pad(2,'0'))
.replace('H', String(tmpHours12).pad(2,'0'))
.replace('i', String(tDate.getUTCMinutes()).pad(2,'0'))
.replace('s', String(tDate.getUTCSeconds()).pad(2,'0'))
.replace('n', tmpAMPM);
var gen = [];
for (var t = 1; t <= this.dcCount; t++)
gen.push(roundCommaSeparated(((fields[t] / (65535.0 / 1600.0)) * ((fields[t + this.dcCount + this.acCount]) / (65535.0 / 200.0)) / 1000.0), 2));
$('#nowValueGen').html(gen.join(' kW<br/>') + ' kW');
$('#nowValueIn').html(roundCommaSeparated((fields[fields.length - 3] / (65535.0 / 100000.0) / 1000.0), 2) + ' kW');
var st = fields[fields.length - 1].trim();
if (this.state[st])
// Show webpage
if (containerOn == false)
containerOn = true;
if (realTimeReq == true)
realTimeReq = false;
if (realTimeReqCnt > 0)
if ((timeoutDlgActive) && (activeMaskIndex != 0))
goToToday : function()
goBack : function()
goForward : function()
goFastForward : function()
goFastBack : function()
updateCurrentLabel : function(dataViewMode)
var label;
switch (dataViewMode)
case 'DAY':
label = heute;
if ((new Date).getMonth() != this.tstamp.getMonth() || (new Date).getFullYear() != this.tstamp.getFullYear() || (new Date).getDate() != this.tstamp.getDate())
label = this.tstamp.getDate() + '. ' + monthNameList[this.tstamp.getMonth()] + ' ' + this.tstamp.getFullYear();
case 'MONTH':
label = dieserMonat;
if ((new Date).getMonth() != this.tstamp.getMonth() || (new Date).getFullYear() != this.tstamp.getFullYear())
label = monthNameList[this.tstamp.getMonth()] + ' ' + this.tstamp.getFullYear();
case 'YEAR':
label = diesesJahr;
if ((new Date).getFullYear() != this.tstamp.getFullYear())
label = this.tstamp.getFullYear();
switchToDayView : function(with_load)
pauseRealtime = false;
if (this.mode == 'TOOL')
this.mode = 'DAY';
this.view = dayView;
this.view.range.min = (this.initDate);
if (with_load == true)
disableAnchor('viewConfig', false);
switchToMonthView : function()
pauseRealtime = false;
if (this.mode == 'TOOL')
this.mode = 'MONTH';
this.view = monthView;
this.view.range.min = (this.initDate);
disableAnchor('viewConfig', false);
switchToYearView : function()
pauseRealtime = false;
if (this.mode == 'TOOL')
this.mode = 'YEAR';
this.view = yearView;
this.view.range.min = (this.initDate);
disableAnchor('viewConfig', false);
switchToEternalView : function()
pauseRealtime = false;
if (this.mode == 'TOOL')
this.mode = 'ETERNAL';
this.view = eternalView;
this.view.range.min = (this.initDate);
disableAnchor('viewConfig', false);
switchToToolView : function()
if (this.mode != 'TOOL')
this.mode = 'TOOL';
rect = getRect (document.getElementById('chart'));
retval = moveDivTo (document.getElementById('tool'), rect.left + 20, rect.top + 10);
this.view = toolView;
if (dataViewDisabled == false)
disableAnchor('viewDay', true);
disableAnchor('viewMonth', true);
disableAnchor('viewYear', true);
disableAnchor('viewEternal', true);
disableAnchor('viewConfig', true);
dataViewDisabled = true;
waitMsgStat = 0;
testCnt = 0;
treeActive = false;
$("#result-text").css({'background-color' : 'white'});
if (paraData[paraIndexWebgui][PARA_OFFS] == true)
updateVisibleDayGraphs : function()
if ((this.mode != 'TOOL') && (this.mode != 'PARAINPUT'))
loadData : function(src)
pauseRealtime = true;
openThrobberBox(); // load data in standard data view
var path = this.csv + '/' + src + '.CSV';
$.ajax( {
cache: false,
url : path,
context : this,
/*success : kaco.parseData,
error : kaco.noData*/
timeout: 120000, /* 120 s = 2 Min */
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
//do something on timeout
return false;
return false;
$('#downloadLink').attr('href', this.csv + '/' + src + '.CSV');
return true;
catch (e)
return false;
noData : function()
kaco.noDataMode = true;
$('#downloadLink').attr('href', 'javascript:alert("'+keineDaten+'");');
$('#chartContainer').html('<p class="nodata">'+keineDaten+'</p>');
pauseRealtime = false;
dataTimeOut : function()
kaco.noDataMode = true;
$('#downloadLink').attr('href', 'javascript:alert("load data timeout");');
$('#chartContainer').html('<p class="nodata">load data timeout</p>');
pauseRealtime = false;
showLoading : function()
$('#downloadLink').attr('href', 'javascript:alert(" '+loadingTxt+' ");');
$('#chartContainer').html('<p class="loading">'+loadingTxt+' </p>');
parseData : function(res)
var lines = res.split('\r');
var values = [];
// Read the total yield value from the CSV header
totalYieldFromCsvHeader = getFloatVal(lines[1].split(';')[4]);
// Skip the first 3 lines (contain meta data and column headers)
for (var t = 3; t < lines.length; t++)
values[t - 3] = lines[t].split(';');
if ((values.length == 0) ||
((values.length == 1) && (values[0] == "")))
switch (this.mode)
case 'ETERNAL':
case 'MONTH':
case 'YEAR':
this.data = this.parseGrouped(values);
case 'DAY':
this.data = this.parseDay(values);
if (this.noDataMode)
this.noDataMode = false;
switch (this.mode)
case 'ETERNAL':
case 'YEAR':
case 'MONTH':
case 'DAY':
pauseRealtime = false;
parseGrouped : function(values)
var curValue = 0;
var flag = false;
var tmp = [];
for (var x = 0; x < values.length - 1; x++)
var data = values[x];
var time = data[0].split("/");
var day = 1, month = 0, year = 0;
if (time.length == 3)
day = time[0];
month = time[1] - 1;
year = time[2];
else if (time.length == 2)
month = time[0] - 1;
year = time[1];
year = data[0];
var d = new Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0);
curValue += parseInt(data[1]);
var tick;
switch (this.mode)
case 'YEAR':
tick = d.getMonth() + 1;
case 'MONTH':
tick = d.getDate();
case 'ETERNAL':
tick = d.getFullYear();
tick = d;
tmp.push([tick, (data[1]/1000)]);
if (flag)
var curValueCalculated = 0
if (parseInt(curValue) > 0)
curValueCalculated = curValue / 1000;
//$('#dayValue').html(roundCommaSeparated(curValueCalculated, 1) + ' kWh');
// use the total yield value from the CSV header not the calculated value fron this JS-Script
$('#dayValue').html(roundCommaSeparated(totalYieldFromCsvHeader, 1) + ' kWh');
return tmp;
parseDay : function(values)
var tmp = {
'pvsp1' : {
label : pvsp1,
data : [],
yaxis : 1,
color : 'rgb(255,0,0)'
'pvsp2' : {
label : pvsp2,
data : [],
yaxis : 1,
color : 'rgb(255,128,128)'
'pvsp3' : {
label : pvsp3,
data : [],
yaxis : 1,
color : 'rgb(255,192,192)'
'pvst1' : {
label: pvst1,
data : [],
yaxis : 2,
color : 'rgb(0,255,0)'
'pvst2' : {
label: pvst2,
data : [],
yaxis : 2,
color : 'rgb(128,255,128)'
'pvst3' : {
label: pvst3,
data : [],
yaxis : 2,
color : 'rgb(192,255,192)'
'nsp1' : {
label : nsp1,
data : [],
yaxis : 3,
color : 'rgb(0,0,255)'
'nsp2' : {
label : nsp2,
data : [],
yaxis : 3,
color : 'rgb(128,128,255)'
'nsp3' : {
label : nsp3,
data : [],
yaxis : 3,
color : 'rgb(192,192,255)'
'nst1' : {
label : nst1,
data : [],
yaxis : 9,
color: 'rgb(255,255,0)'
'nst2' : {
label : nst2,
data : [],
yaxis : 9,
color: 'rgb(255,255,128)'
'nst3' : {
label : nst3,
data : [],
yaxis : 9,
color: 'rgb(255,255,192)'
'pvl1' : {
label : pvl1,
data : [],
yaxis : 5,
color : 'rgb(255,128,0)'
'pvl2' : {
label : pvl2,
data : [],
yaxis : 5,
color : 'rgb(255,192,64)'
'pvl3' : {
label : pvl3,
data : [],
yaxis : 5,
color : 'rgb(255,255,0)'
'temp' : {
label : temperatur,
data : [],
yaxis : 6,
color : 'rgb(0,0,0)'
'nl' : {
label : nl,
data : [],
yaxis : 7,
color : 'rgb(0,255,255)'
for (var x = 0; x < values.length - 1; x++)
var data = values[x];
if (data[0] == 0)
// Zeitstempel
var time = data[0].split(":"); // data[0] Time (07:31:13)
var tstamp = new Date(this.tstamp.getFullYear(),this.tstamp.getMonth(),this.tstamp.getDate(),time[0],time[1],time[2]);
tstamp.setHours(tstamp.getHours() - (tstamp.getTimezoneOffset() / 60));
if ((this.dcCount == 1) && (this.acVoltPhaseMon == 3))
data[1] UDC1 (12345.6) - DC-Voltage 1, MPPT1 [V]
data[2] IDC1 (123.45) - DC-Current 1, MPPT1 [A]
data[3] PDC1 (123456) - DC-Power 1, MPPT1 [W]
data[4] UAC1 (12345.6) - AC-Voltage 1, Phase 1 [V]
data[5] IAC1 (123.45) - AC-Current 1, Phase 1 [A]
data[6] UAC2 (12345.6) - AC-Voltage 2, Phase 2 [V]
data[7] IAC2 (123.45) - AC-Current 2, Phase 2 [A]
data[8] UAC3 (12345.6) - AC-Voltage 3, Phase 3 [V]
data[9] IAC3 (123.45) - AC-Current 3, Phase 3 [A]
data[10] PDC (12345) - DC-Power total [W]
data[11] PAC (12345) - AC-Power total [W]
data[12] T (123.45) - Circuit board temperatur
// DC Spannung
tmp.pvsp1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[1])]);
// DC Strom
tmp.pvst1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[2])]);
// AC Spannung
tmp.nsp1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[4])]);
tmp.nsp2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[6])]);
tmp.nsp3.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[8])]);
// AC Strom
tmp.nst1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[5])]);
if (this.acCount != 1)
tmp.nst2.data.push([ tstamp, getFloatVal(data[7])]);
tmp.nst3.data.push([ tstamp, getFloatVal(data[9])]);
// DC Leistung
tmp.pvl1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[3]) / 1000]);
// AC Leistung
tmp.nl.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[11]) / 1000]);
// Gerätetemperatur
tmp.temp.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[12])]);
else if ((this.dcCount == 2) && (this.acVoltPhaseMon == 3))
data[1] UDC1 (12345.6) - DC-Voltage 1, MPPT1 [V]
data[2] IDC1 (123.45) - DC-Current 1, MPPT1 [A]
data[3] PDC1 (123456) - DC-Power 1, MPPT1 [W]
data[4] UDC2 (12345.6) - DC-Voltage 2, MPPT2 [V]
data[5] IDC2 (123.45) - DC-Current 2, MPPT2 [A]
data[6] PDC2 (123456) - DC-Power 2, MPPT2 [W]
data[7] UAC1 (12345.6) - AC-Voltage 1, Phase 1 [V]
data[8] IAC1 (123.45) - AC-Current 1, Phase 1 [A]
data[9] UAC2 (12345.6) - AC-Voltage 2, Phase 2 [V]
data[10] IAC2 (123.45) - AC-Current 2, Phase 2 [A]
data[11] UAC3 (12345.6) - AC-Voltage 3, Phase 3 [V]
data[12] IAC3 (123.45) - AC-Current 3, Phase 3 [A]
data[13] PDC (12345) - DC-Power total [W]
data[14] PAC (12345) - AC-Power total [W]
data[15] T (123.45) - Circuit board temperatur
// DC Spannung
tmp.pvsp1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[1])]);
tmp.pvsp2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[4])]);
// DC Strom
tmp.pvst1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[2])] );
tmp.pvst2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[5])] );
// AC Spannung
tmp.nsp1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[7])]);
tmp.nsp2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[9])]);
tmp.nsp3.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[11])]);
// AC Strom
tmp.nst1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[8])]);
if (this.acCount != 1)
tmp.nst2.data.push( [ tstamp, getFloatVal(data[10]) ]);
tmp.nst3.data.push( [ tstamp, getFloatVal(data[12]) ]);
// DC Leistung
tmp.pvl1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[3]) / 1000]);
tmp.pvl2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[6]) / 1000]);
// AC Leistung
tmp.nl.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[14]) / 1000]);
// Gerätetemperatur
tmp.temp.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[15])]);
else if ((this.dcCount == 3) && (this.acVoltPhaseMon == 3))
data[0] Time (07:31:13)
data[1] UDC1 (12345.6) - DC-Voltage 1, MPPT1 [V]
data[2] IDC1 (123.45) - DC-Current 1, MPPT1 [A]
data[3] PDC1 (123456) - DC-Power 1, MPPT1 [W]
data[4] UDC2 (12345.6) - DC-Voltage 2, MPPT2 [V]
data[5] IDC2 (123.45) - DC-Current 2, MPPT2 [A]
data[6] PDC2 (123456) - DC-Power 2, MPPT2 [W]
data[7] UDC3 (12345.6) - DC-Voltage 3, MPPT3 [V]
data[8] IDC3 (123.45) - DC-Current 3, MPPT3 [A]
data[9] PDC3 (123456) - DC-Power 3, MPPT3 [W]
data[10] UAC1 (12345.6) - AC-Voltage 1, Phase 1 [V]
data[11] IAC1 (123.45) - AC-Current 1, Phase 1 [A]
data[12] UAC2 (12345.6) - AC-Voltage 2, Phase 2 [V]
data[13] IAC2 (123.45) - AC-Current 2, Phase 2 [A]
data[14] UAC3 (12345.6) - AC-Voltage 3, Phase 3 [V]
data[15] IAC3 (123.45) - AC-Current 3, Phase 3 [A]
data[16] PDC (12345) - DC-Power total [W]
data[17] PAC (12345) - AC-Power total [W]
data[18] T (123.45) - Circuit board temperatur
// DC Spannung
tmp.pvsp1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[1])]);
tmp.pvsp2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[4])]);
tmp.pvsp3.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[7])]);
// DC Strom
tmp.pvst1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[2])]);
tmp.pvst2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[5])]);
tmp.pvst3.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[8])]);
// AC Spannung
tmp.nsp1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[10])]);
tmp.nsp2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[12])]);
tmp.nsp3.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[14])]);
// AC Strom
tmp.nst1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[11])]);
tmp.nst2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[13])]);
tmp.nst3.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[15])]);
// DC Leistung
tmp.pvl1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[3]) / 1000]);
tmp.pvl2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[6]) / 1000]);
tmp.pvl3.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[9]) / 1000]);
// AC Leistung
tmp.nl.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[17]) / 1000]);
// Gerätetemperatur
tmp.temp.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[18])]);
else if ((this.dcCount == 1) && (this.acVoltPhaseMon == 1))
data[0] Time (07:31:13)
data[1] UDC1 (12345.6) - DC-Voltage 1, MPPT1 [V]
data[2] IDC1 (123.45) - DC-Current 1, MPPT1 [A]
data[3] PDC1 (123456) - DC-Power 1, MPPT1 [W]
data[4] UAC1 (12345.6) - AC-Voltage 1, Phase 1 [V]
data[5] IAC1 (123.45) - AC-Current 1, Phase 1 [A]
data[6] PDC (12345) - DC-Power total [W]
data[7] PAC (12345) - AC-Power total [W]
data[8] T (123.45) - Circuit board temperatur
// DC Spannung
tmp.pvsp1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[1])]);
// DC Strom
tmp.pvst1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[2])]);
// AC Spannung
tmp.nsp1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[4])]);
// AC Strom
tmp.nst1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[5])]);
// DC Leistung
tmp.pvl1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[3]) / 1000]);
// AC Leistung
tmp.nl.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[7]) / 1000]);
// Gerätetemperatur
tmp.temp.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[8])]);
else if ((this.dcCount == 2) && (this.acVoltPhaseMon == 1))
data[0] Time (07:31:13)
data[1] UDC1 (12345.6) - DC-Voltage 1, MPPT1 [V]
data[2] IDC1 (123.45) - DC-Current 1, MPPT1 [A]
data[3] PDC1 (123456) - DC-Power 1, MPPT1 [W]
data[4] UDC2 (12345.6) - DC-Voltage 2, MPPT2 [V]
data[5] IDC2 (123.45) - DC-Current 2, MPPT2 [A]
data[6] PDC2 (123456) - DC-Power 2, MPPT2 [W]
data[7] UAC1 (12345.6) - AC-Voltage 1, Phase 1 [V]
data[8] IAC1 (123.45) - AC-Current 1, Phase 1 [A]
data[9] PDC (12345) - DC-Power total [W]
data[10] PAC (12345) - AC-Power total [W]
data[11] T (123.45) - Circuit board temperatur
// DC Spannung
tmp.pvsp1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[1])]);
tmp.pvsp2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[4])]);
// DC Strom
tmp.pvst1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[2])]);
tmp.pvst2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[5])]);
// AC Spannung
tmp.nsp1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[7])]);
// AC Strom
tmp.nst1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[8])]);
// DC Leistung
tmp.pvl1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[3]) / 1000]);
tmp.pvl2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[6]) / 1000]);
// AC Leistung
tmp.nl.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[10]) / 1000]);
// Gerätetemperatur
tmp.temp.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[11])]);
else if ((this.dcCount == 3) && (this.acVoltPhaseMon == 1))
data[0] Time (07:31:13)
data[1] UDC1 (12345.6) - DC-Voltage 1, MPPT1 [V]
data[2] IDC1 (123.45) - DC-Current 1, MPPT1 [A]
data[3] PDC1 (123456) - DC-Power 1, MPPT1 [W]
data[4] UDC2 (12345.6) - DC-Voltage 2, MPPT2 [V]
data[5] IDC2 (123.45) - DC-Current 2, MPPT2 [A]
data[6] PDC2 (123456) - DC-Power 2, MPPT2 [W]
data[7] UDC3 (12345.6) - DC-Voltage 3, MPPT3 [V]
data[8] IDC3 (123.45) - DC-Current 3, MPPT3 [A]
data[9] PDC3 (123456) - DC-Power 3, MPPT3 [W]
data[10] UAC1 (12345.6) - AC-Voltage 1, Phase 1 [V]
data[11] IAC1 (123.45) - AC-Current 1, Phase 1 [A]
data[12] PDC (12345) - DC-Power total [W]
data[13] PAC (12345) - AC-Power total [W]
data[14] T (123.45) - Circuit board temperatur
// DC Spannung
tmp.pvsp1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[1])]);
tmp.pvsp2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[4])]);
tmp.pvsp3.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[7])]);
// DC Strom
tmp.pvst1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[2])]);
tmp.pvst2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[5])]);
tmp.pvst3.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[8])]);
// AC Spannung
tmp.nsp1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[10])]);
// AC Strom
tmp.nst1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[11])]);
// DC Leistung
tmp.pvl1.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[3]) / 1000]);
tmp.pvl2.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[6]) / 1000]);
tmp.pvl3.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[9]) / 1000]);
// AC Leistung
tmp.nl.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[13]) / 1000]);
// Gerätetemperatur
tmp.temp.data.push([tstamp, getFloatVal(data[14])]);
var curValue = 0;
var diff = 5;
for (var xx = 0; xx < tmp.nl.data.length; xx++)
if (xx > 0)
diff = ((tmp.nl.data[xx][0].getTime() - tmp.nl.data[xx-1][0].getTime())/60000);
curValue += tmp.nl.data[xx][1] * diff;
var curValueCalculated = 0;
if (parseInt(curValue) > 0)
curValueCalculated = curValue / 60.0;
//$('#dayValue').html(roundCommaSeparated(curValueCalculated, 1) + ' kWh');
// use the total yield value from the CSV header not the calculated value fron this JS-Script
$('#dayValue').html(roundCommaSeparated(totalYieldFromCsvHeader, 1) + ' kWh');
return tmp;
drawGraph : function(data)
if (this.override)
this.override = false;
var config = this.view.getChartConfig(data);
if (config != undefined)
$.plot($("#chartContainer"), config.chart, config.options);
var toolView =
getTitle : function(tstamp)
return toolAnsicht;
var eternalView = {
range : {
min : (new Date(2006, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)).getTime(),
max : (new Date()).getTime()
getTitle : function(tstamp)
return gesamtAnsicht;
getChartConfig : function(data)
var ticks = [];
var min = 0;
var max = 25000;
if (data.length > 0)
for(var xyz = 0; xyz < data.length; ++xyz)
return {
chart : [ {
label : 'E [kWh]',
data : data,
bars : {
show : true,
barWidth : 0.5,
align : 'center'
} ],
options : {
grid : {
clickable : true,
hoverable : true,
autoHighlight : true
legend : {
position : 'nw'
xaxis : {
ticks : ticks,
tickDecimals : 0,
max : data[data.length-1][0] + 1,
min : data[0][0] - 1
colors : [ "#003871" ]
getCurrent : function(tstamp)
if (tstamp.getTime() < this.range.min)
kaco.override = true;
if (tstamp.getTime() > this.range.max)
kaco.override = true;
return tstamp.getFullYear();
getPrevious : function(tstamp)
tstamp.setFullYear(tstamp.getFullYear() - 1);
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);
getNext : function(tstamp)
tstamp.setFullYear(tstamp.getFullYear() + 1);
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);
var yearView = {
range : {
min : (new Date(2008, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)).getTime(),
max : (new Date()).getTime()
getTitle : function(tstamp)
return jahresAnsicht + ' ' + tstamp.getFullYear();
getChartConfig : function(data)
return {
chart : [ {
label : 'E [kWh]',
data : data,
bars : {
show : true,
barWidth : 0.5,
align : 'center'
} ],
options : {
grid : {
clickable : true,
hoverable : true,
autoHighlight : true
legend : {
position : 'nw',
opacity : 0.4,
style : 'bar'
xaxis : {
ticks : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ],
tickDecimals : 0,
max : 13,
min : 0
colors : [ "#003871" ]
getCurrent : function(tstamp)
if (tstamp.getTime() < this.range.min)
kaco.override = true;
if (tstamp.getTime() > this.range.max)
kaco.override = true;
return tstamp.getFullYear();
getPrevious : function(tstamp)
tstamp.setFullYear(tstamp.getFullYear() - 1);
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);
getNext : function(tstamp)
tstamp.setFullYear(tstamp.getFullYear() + 1);
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);
var monthView = {
range : {
min : (new Date(2009, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)).getTime(),
max : (new Date()).getTime()
getTitle : function(tstamp)
return monatsAnsicht + ' ' + monthNameList[tstamp.getMonth()] + ' ' + tstamp.getFullYear();
getChartConfig : function(data)
var tmp = yearView.getChartConfig(data);
tmp.options.xaxis = {
ticks : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 ],
tickDecimals : 0,
max : 32,
min : 0
return tmp;
getCurrent : function(tstamp)
if (tstamp.getTime() < this.range.min)
kaco.override = true;
if (tstamp.getTime() > this.range.max)
kaco.override = true;
var m = (tstamp.getMonth() + 1) + '';
return tstamp.getFullYear() + '' + m.pad(2, '0');
getPrevious : function(tstamp)
tstamp.setMonth(tstamp.getMonth() - 1);
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);
getNext : function(tstamp)
tstamp.setMonth(tstamp.getMonth() + 1);
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);
getPreviousFast : function(tstamp)
tstamp.setYear(tstamp.getFullYear() - 1);
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);
getNextFast : function(tstamp)
tstamp.setYear(tstamp.getFullYear() + 1);
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);
var dayView = {
range : {
min : (new Date(2012, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).getTime(),
max : (new Date()).getTime()
getTitle : function(tstamp)
return tagesAnsicht + ' ' + tstamp.getDate() + '. ' + monthNameList[tstamp.getMonth()] + ' ' + tstamp.getFullYear();
getChartConfig : function(data)
* var label; switch (kaco.dayGraph) { case 'pvsp1': case 'pvsp2': case
* 'pvsp3': { label = 'U [V]'; break; }
* case 'pvst1': case 'pvst2': case 'pvst3': { label = 'I [A]'; break; }
* case 'nsp1': case 'nsp2': case 'nsp3': { label = 'U [V]'; break; }
* case 'nst1': case 'nst2': case 'nst3': { label = 'I [A]'; break; }
* case 'nfr': { label = 'F [Hz]'; break; } case 'temp': { label = 'T
* [°C]'; break; } case 'nl': { label = "P [kW]"; break; } }
var showData = [];
$('#graphselector').find("input:checked").each(function() {
var key = $(this).attr("value");
if (key && data[key])
return {
chart : showData,
* { label: label, data: data, lines: { show: true } },
options : {
grid : {
clickable : true,
hoverable : true,
autoHighlight : true
legend : {
position : 'nw'
xaxis : {
mode : 'time',
timeformat : '%h:%M'
yaxis : {
position : "left",
min : 0,
max : null
getCurrent : function(tstamp)
if (tstamp.getTime() < this.range.min)
kaco.override = true;
if (tstamp.getTime() > this.range.max)
kaco.override = true;
var m = (tstamp.getMonth() + 1) + '';
var d = tstamp.getDate() + '';
return tstamp.getFullYear() + '' + m.pad(2, '0') + d.pad(2, '0');
getPrevious : function(tstamp)
tstamp.setDate(tstamp.getDate() - 1);
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);
getNext : function(tstamp)
tstamp.setDate(tstamp.getDate() + 1);
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);
getPreviousFast : function(tstamp)
tstamp.setMonth(tstamp.getMonth() - 1);
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);
getToday : function(tstamp)
tstamp = new Date();
kaco.tstamp = tstamp;
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);
getNextFast : function(tstamp)
tstamp.setMonth(tstamp.getMonth() + 1);
return this.getCurrent(tstamp);