@JackGruber said in Frage : Migrate MySQL nach Influxdb:
@MezzoDO ok, das ack feld ist bereits als boolen angelegt, kommt nun aber als int.
Ihc könnte es anpassen, dass dies beim import convertiert wird.
Das wäre grandios 
Mein Script, was ich einsetze:
### MySQL DB info ###
#import MySQLdb
import pymysql
conn = pymysql.connect(host="localhost", # your host, usually localhost
user="xxx", # your username
passwd="xxx", # your password
db="iobroker") # name of the data base
### PostgreSQL DB info ###
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
# connection data for PostgreSQL
#conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=xxx user=xxx password=xxx host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port =5432")
# InfluxDB info #
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
#####connection data for InfluxDB#####
influxClient = InfluxDBClient(host='localhost', port=8086, username='xxx', password='xxx', database='iobroker')
# dictates how columns will be mapped to key/fields in InfluxDB
schema = {
"time_column": "time", # the column that will be used as the time stamp in influx
"columns_to_fields" : ["ack","q", "from","value"], # columns that will map to fields
# "columns_to_tags" : ["",...], # columns that will map to tags
"table_name_to_measurement" : "name", # table name that will be mapped to measurement
Generates an collection of influxdb points from the given SQL records
def generate_influx_points(records):
influx_points = []
for record in records:
#tags = {},
fields = {}
#for tag_label in schema['columns_to_tags']:
# tags[tag_label] = record[tag_label]
for field_label in schema['columns_to_fields']:
fields[field_label] = record[field_label]
"measurement": record[schema['table_name_to_measurement']],
#"tags": tags,
"time": record[schema['time_column']],
"fields": fields
return influx_points
# query relational DB for all records
#curr = conn.cursor('cursor', cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor)
curr = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
# curr = conn.cursor(dictionary=True)
# SQL query for PostgreSQL, syntax for MySQL differs
# query provide desired columns as a view on the sql server
# request data from SQL, adjust ...from <view name>
curr.execute("Select * from InfluxData;")
row_count = 0
# process 1000 records at a time
while True:
print("Processing row #" + str(row_count + 1))
selected_rows = curr.fetchmany(1000)
row_count += 1000
if len(selected_rows) < 1000: