[Vorlage] Spotify Skript
Hi zusammen,
Adapter läuft super bis auf folgende sporadische Log Einträge:
spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 12:24:26.445 error erron in Request
spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:37:27.637 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:37:22.521 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:37:17.358 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:37:12.205 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:46.325 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:41.161 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:36.019 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:30.861 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:25.699 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:20.483 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:15.303 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:09.638 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:04.428 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:59.247 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:54.064 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:48.825 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:43.636 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:38.480 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:33.308 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:28.144 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:22.973 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:17.767 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:12.592 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:07.418 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:02.269 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:57.102 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:51.952 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:46.815 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:41.671 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:36.063 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:30.908 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:25.764 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:20.620 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:15.471 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:10.340 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:05.176 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:00.031 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:54.846 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:49.699 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:44.550 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:39.422 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:34.244 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:29.082 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:23.948 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:18.820 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:13.659 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:03.491 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:58.333 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:53.190 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:48.040 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:42.881 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:37.726 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable
Danke und Grüße
Servus Mikiline
kannst du das noch etwas erklären, ich versuche mich gerade an spotify per iobroker, klappt auch bis jetzt. nur mit der Visualisierung ist noch etwas schwer.
dein script mit der Playlist versuche ich gerade zu verwenden, Bitte erkläre doch etwas genauer was du mit " erstelle 4 neue States" meinst und wo und wie,
gruss und Danke
Hallo nochmals,
Hab zwar schon das ein oder andere gefunden, jedoch war mir das zu "unflexibel". Bei den meisten Skripten muss man die Liste selbst pflegen oder Eintragungen vornehmen.
Deshalb hab ich mir mittlerweile ein Skript gebastelt, das die aktuelle Playlist, die gespielt wird in eine Value List einliest, den ich dann im Widget ValueList String anzeigen und auswählen kann.
Die Liste wird bei jedem Wechsel der Playlist automatisch eingelesen!
Kurz und knapp:
Erstellung 4 neuer States unter Javascript.0.Spotify
der State "javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayList" wird im Skript nicht direkt verwendet (sollte sein um zu verhindern das nach Track-Auswahl der Player aufhört die Playlist zu spielen (klappt aber momentan nicht)
Bitte schön
! ```
`createState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackList", function () {
createState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackTitle", function () {
createState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID", function () {
createState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayThis", function () {
createState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayList", function () {
! on({id: 'spotify-premium.0.PlaybackInfo.Playlist', change: "ne"}, function (obj) {
! var AktuellePlaylist = getState('spotify-premium.0.PlaybackInfo.Playlist').val;
setState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayList"/javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID/, AktuellePlaylist);
str_AktuellePlaylist = AktuellePlaylist.replace(/ /g, '');
! str_AktuellePlaylist = 'spotify-premium.0.Playlists.' + str_AktuellePlaylist + '.Track_List'
setState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackList"/javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID/, str_AktuellePlaylist);
! var json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(getState(str_AktuellePlaylist).val));
! var PlayListid ;
var PlayListTitle ;
! for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {PlayListid += json[i].id + ';'; PlayListTitle += json[i].title + ';';
PlayListid = PlayListid.slice(9,-1);
PlayListTitle = PlayListTitle.slice(9,-1);! setState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID"/javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID/, PlayListid);
setState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackTitle"/javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID/, PlayListTitle);
! });
! on({id: 'javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayThis', change: "ne"}, function (obj) {
setState("spotify-premium.0.Player.TrackId"/track idto play/, getState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayThis").val);
});! Falls der ein oder andere scripcrack noch einen Fehler findet oder eine Verbesserung des Codes liefern kann, gerne her damit. ! Hier noch mein Widget zur Auswahl der Tracks aus der Liste ! >! ~~[spoiler]~~
[code][{"tpl":"tplJquiSelectList","data":{"oid":"javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayThis","g_fixed":false,"g_visibility":true,"g_css_font_text":true,"g_css_background":false,"g_css_shadow_padding":false,"g_css_border":false,"g_gestures":false,"g_signals":false,"visibility-cond":"==","visibility-val":"","visibility-groups-action":"hide","values":"{javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID}","texts":"{javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackTitle}","height":"120","signals-cond-0":"==","signals-val-0":true,"signals-icon-0":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-0":0,"signals-blink-0":false,"signals-horz-0":0,"signals-vert-0":0,"signals-hide-edit-0":false,"signals-cond-1":"==","signals-val-1":true,"signals-icon-1":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-1":0,"signals-blink-1":false,"signals-horz-1":0,"signals-vert-1":0,"signals-hide-edit-1":false,"signals-cond-2":"==","signals-val-2":true,"signals-icon-2":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-2":0,"signals-blink-2":false,"signals-horz-2":0,"signals-vert-2":0,"signals-hide-edit-2":false,"visibility-oid":"","lc-type":"last-change","lc-is-interval":true,"lc-is-moment":false,"lc-format":"","lc-position-vert":"top","lc-position-horz":"right","lc-offset-vert":0,"lc-offset-horz":0,"lc-font-size":"12px","lc-font-family":"","lc-font-style":"","lc-bkg-color":"","lc-color":"","lc-border-width":"0","lc-border-style":"","lc-border-color":"","lc-border-radius":10,"lc-zindex":0,"no_style":true,"open":false},"style":{"left":"264px","top":"376px","width":"258px","height":"247px"},"widgetSet":"jqui"}][/code][/spoiler] ! viel Spass damit ! @twonky ! es wäre wie gest schön, wenn die aktuelle Playlist (Track_List) unter PlaybackInfo zu finden wäre, so erspart man sich das Suchen. ! Es ist mir noch aufgefallen, jetzt wenn ich ein Lied auswähle ändert sich der Wert Device.type von playlist in Track. ! Wähle ich jedoch in der Spotify App einen Track aus der aktuellen Playliste, bleibt "playlist" erhalten. ! Die Wiedergabe stoppt natürlich wenn auf "track" geändert wird, was unschön ist. ! Vielleicht wird das ja dann verhindert, wenn die aktuelle playlist auch unter den PlaybackInfo zu finden ist, dann weiss Spotify das ich "nur" einen anderen Track aus der bereits vorhandenen Playlist auswähle und führt mit dem nächsten Track fort.[/i][/i] ```
Das Skript selbst erstellt 4 neue States unter javascript.0.spotify
Dann liest es die aktuell gespielte Playlist ein und gibt die Ausgabe in den erstellten States wieder.
Dann kann man damit weiter arbeiten…...hoffe ich habe geholfen
habe es verstanden dank dir…
Vielen Dank!
Funktioniert super
Wird nämlich jetzt dann nicht schön im Widget angezeit, …..
<link_text text=" ... &mode=view"></link_text>" />` ~~Hey xmace, der view für Spotify gefällt mir. Könntest Du den mit mir teilen?Gruß
Hi zusammen,
Adapter läuft super bis auf folgende sporadische Log Einträge:
spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 12:24:26.445 error erron in Request
spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:37:27.637 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:37:22.521 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:37:17.358 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:37:12.205 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:46.325 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:41.161 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:36.019 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:30.861 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:25.699 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:20.483 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:15.303 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:09.638 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:04.428 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:59.247 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:54.064 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:48.825 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:43.636 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:38.480 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:33.308 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:28.144 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:22.973 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:17.767 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:12.592 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:07.418 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:02.269 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:57.102 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:51.952 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:46.815 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:41.671 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:36.063 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:30.908 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:25.764 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:20.620 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:15.471 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:10.340 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:05.176 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:00.031 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:54.846 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:49.699 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:44.550 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:39.422 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:34.244 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:29.082 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:23.948 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:18.820 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:13.659 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:03.491 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:58.333 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:53.190 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:48.040 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:42.881 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:37.726 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable
Danke und Grüße
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, diese Log Einträge zu deaktivieren?
bekomme vom Adapter keine Werte mehr und im Log ist nur
"Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable"
zu sehen. Woran kann das liegen?
gleiches Problem bei mir.
Ich erhalten leider ein "null" als Werte Ausgabe bei der "PlayList" Object Anzeige.
Kannst evtl. sagen, woran es liegt?
Vielen Dank im voraus.
Hallo nochmals,
Hab zwar schon das ein oder andere gefunden, jedoch war mir das zu "unflexibel". Bei den meisten Skripten muss man die Liste selbst pflegen oder Eintragungen vornehmen.
Deshalb hab ich mir mittlerweile ein Skript gebastelt, das die aktuelle Playlist, die gespielt wird in eine Value List einliest, den ich dann im Widget ValueList String anzeigen und auswählen kann.
Die Liste wird bei jedem Wechsel der Playlist automatisch eingelesen!
Kurz und knapp:
Erstellung 4 neuer States unter Javascript.0.Spotify
der State "javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayList" wird im Skript nicht direkt verwendet (sollte sein um zu verhindern das nach Track-Auswahl der Player aufhört die Playlist zu spielen (klappt aber momentan nicht)
Bitte schön
! ```
`createState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackList", function () {
createState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackTitle", function () {
createState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID", function () {
createState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayThis", function () {
createState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayList", function () {
! on({id: 'spotify-premium.0.PlaybackInfo.Playlist', change: "ne"}, function (obj) {
! var AktuellePlaylist = getState('spotify-premium.0.PlaybackInfo.Playlist').val;
setState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayList"/javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID/, AktuellePlaylist);
str_AktuellePlaylist = AktuellePlaylist.replace(/ /g, '');
! str_AktuellePlaylist = 'spotify-premium.0.Playlists.' + str_AktuellePlaylist + '.Track_List'
setState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackList"/javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID/, str_AktuellePlaylist);
! var json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(getState(str_AktuellePlaylist).val));
! var PlayListid ;
var PlayListTitle ;
! for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {PlayListid += json[i].id + ';'; PlayListTitle += json[i].title + ';';
PlayListid = PlayListid.slice(9,-1);
PlayListTitle = PlayListTitle.slice(9,-1);! setState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID"/javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID/, PlayListid);
setState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackTitle"/javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID/, PlayListTitle);
! });
! on({id: 'javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayThis', change: "ne"}, function (obj) {
setState("spotify-premium.0.Player.TrackId"/track idto play/, getState("javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayThis").val);
});! Falls der ein oder andere scripcrack noch einen Fehler findet oder eine Verbesserung des Codes liefern kann, gerne her damit. ! Hier noch mein Widget zur Auswahl der Tracks aus der Liste ! >! ~~[spoiler]~~
[code][{"tpl":"tplJquiSelectList","data":{"oid":"javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.PlayThis","g_fixed":false,"g_visibility":true,"g_css_font_text":true,"g_css_background":false,"g_css_shadow_padding":false,"g_css_border":false,"g_gestures":false,"g_signals":false,"visibility-cond":"==","visibility-val":"","visibility-groups-action":"hide","values":"{javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID}","texts":"{javascript.0.Spotify.PlayList.TrackTitle}","height":"120","signals-cond-0":"==","signals-val-0":true,"signals-icon-0":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-0":0,"signals-blink-0":false,"signals-horz-0":0,"signals-vert-0":0,"signals-hide-edit-0":false,"signals-cond-1":"==","signals-val-1":true,"signals-icon-1":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-1":0,"signals-blink-1":false,"signals-horz-1":0,"signals-vert-1":0,"signals-hide-edit-1":false,"signals-cond-2":"==","signals-val-2":true,"signals-icon-2":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-2":0,"signals-blink-2":false,"signals-horz-2":0,"signals-vert-2":0,"signals-hide-edit-2":false,"visibility-oid":"","lc-type":"last-change","lc-is-interval":true,"lc-is-moment":false,"lc-format":"","lc-position-vert":"top","lc-position-horz":"right","lc-offset-vert":0,"lc-offset-horz":0,"lc-font-size":"12px","lc-font-family":"","lc-font-style":"","lc-bkg-color":"","lc-color":"","lc-border-width":"0","lc-border-style":"","lc-border-color":"","lc-border-radius":10,"lc-zindex":0,"no_style":true,"open":false},"style":{"left":"264px","top":"376px","width":"258px","height":"247px"},"widgetSet":"jqui"}][/code][/spoiler] ! viel Spass damit ! @twonky ! es wäre wie gest schön, wenn die aktuelle Playlist (Track_List) unter PlaybackInfo zu finden wäre, so erspart man sich das Suchen. ! Es ist mir noch aufgefallen, jetzt wenn ich ein Lied auswähle ändert sich der Wert Device.type von playlist in Track. ! Wähle ich jedoch in der Spotify App einen Track aus der aktuellen Playliste, bleibt "playlist" erhalten. ! Die Wiedergabe stoppt natürlich wenn auf "track" geändert wird, was unschön ist. ! Vielleicht wird das ja dann verhindert, wenn die aktuelle playlist auch unter den PlaybackInfo zu finden ist, dann weiss Spotify das ich "nur" einen anderen Track aus der bereits vorhandenen Playlist auswähle und führt mit dem nächsten Track fort. [/i][/i] ```
Die Playlist muss Laufen
Die Playlist muss im Spotify-Adapter bekannt sein
Ansonsten kann ich Dir ohne Weitere Infos keine Angaben machen.
Die Playlist muss Laufen
Die Playlist muss im Spotify-Adapter bekannt sein
Ansonsten kann ich Dir ohne Weitere Infos keine Angaben machen. `
Habe ich geprüft. Jetzt zeigt er mehr an, aber nicht die Liste. Folgend mein Script.
! createState("javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.TrackList", function () {
! });
! createState("javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.TrackTitle", function () {
! });
! createState("javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID", function () {
! });
! createState("javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.PlayThis", function () {
! });
! createState("javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.PlayList", function () {
! });
! on({id: 'javascript.2.Spotify.PlaybackInfo.Playlist', change: "ne"}, function (obj) {
! var AktuellePlaylist = getState('javascript.2.Spotify.PlaybackInfo.Playlist').val;
! setState("javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.PlayList"/javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID/, AktuellePlaylist);
! str_AktuellePlaylist = AktuellePlaylist.replace(/ /g, '');
! str_AktuellePlaylist = 'javascript.2.Spotify.Playlists.' + str_AktuellePlaylist + '.Track_List';
! setState("javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.TrackList"/javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID/, str_AktuellePlaylist);
! var json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(getState(str_AktuellePlaylist).val));
! var PlayListid ;
! var PlayListTitle ;
! for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
! PlayListid += + ';';
! PlayListTitle += json__.title + ';';
! }
! PlayListid = PlayListid.slice(9,-1);
! PlayListTitle = PlayListTitle.slice(9,-1);
! setState("javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID"/javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID/, PlayListid);
! setState("javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.TrackTitle"/javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.TrackID/, PlayListTitle);
! });
! on({id: 'javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.PlayThis', change: "ne"}, function (obj) {
! setState("javascript.2.Spotify.Player.TrackId"/track idto play/, getState("javascript.2.Spotify.PlayList.PlayThis").val);
! });____ ____
die Variablen aus meinem Skript "spotify-premium.0." darfst du nicht ändern…..denn das ist der Spotify Adapter aus dem die Werte für das Skript geholt werden
Du darfst wenn schon nur die "javascript.0." in Deine ändern.
Wenn du mein Skript 1:1 übernimmst sollte es gehen.....denk du hast auch einen Javascript.0 Object
die Variablen aus meinem Skript "spotify-premium.0." darfst du nicht ändern…..denn das ist der Spotify Adapter aus dem die Werte für das Skript geholt werden
Du darfst wenn schon nur die "javascript.0." in Deine ändern.
Wenn du mein Skript 1:1 übernimmst sollte es gehen.....denk du hast auch einen Javascript.0 Object `
Verstanden. Habe tatsächlich .2. da sich die erste Instanz verabschiedet hat… wenn ich neu installiere, da erstellt er automatisch die nächste Instanz...
Muss ich dann auch "spotify-premium.0." auch auf "spotify-premium.2." ändern?
das änderst du in die instanz in der spotify-adapter läuft…....
Nach einem Monat gibt es mal wieder eine neue Version vom Adapter:
automatisches Aktualisieren der Geräte und Playlisten (im Adapter konfigurierbar)
neuer State Devices.GERÄTNAME.is_available zeigt an ob ein Gerät verfügbar ist
zeigt Warnmeldung http 202 nur noch als debug und nur noch einmal an
die States Player.Shuffle, Player.Playlist_ID, Player.TrackId und Player.Volume zeigen ebenfalls den aktuellen Wert an
neue States Playlists.PLAYLISTNAME.image_url, PlaybackInfo.Playlist_image_url, PlaybackInfo.Album_image_url
den State PlaybackInfo.image_url als deprecated markiert. Wird bei Neuinstallation nicht mehr mit angelegt und in zukünftigen Versionen nicht mehr aktualisiert
das Ändern des State Playlists.PLAYLISTNAME.Track_List funktioniert nun wie in Luckys Skript. Man kann direkt einen Titel aus einer Playlist abspielen, wenn der State mit dessen Positionsnummer befüllt wird.
Super und herzlichen Dank für die Mühe!
Der State "Playlists.PLAYLISTNAME.Track_ID" wird bei mir nicht erstellt…...muss ich etwas zusätzliches tun?
Löschen und neu Anlegen oder sowas?
2678_spotify.png -
So….hab mal alle Playlists gelöscht und neu einlesen lassen.
nur werden die States image_url erstellt, jedoch der State Track_ID immer noch nicht. Des Weiteren ist mir aufgefallen, das unter der Track_List nur noch ein Liedname steht. Das war vorher anders, oder ? stand da nicht [Object][object] ?
Anbei noch ein Bild der Objecte einer Playlist nach dem Adapter Update (über Github, keine Neuinstallation)
2678_spotify.png -
Sorry habe mich verschrieben. Ich meinte nicht Playlists.PLAYLISTNAME.Track_ID sondern Playlists.PLAYLISTNAME.Track_List.
Ich bin durcheinander gekommen, weil Track_ID ein common-part von Track_List ist.
das Ändern des State Playlists.PLAYLISTNAME.Track_List funktioniert nun wie in Luckys Skript. Man kann direkt einen Titel aus einer Playlist abspielen, wenn der State mit dessen Positionsnummer befüllt wird.
Dann hört die Playlist aber auf zu spielen und der Player befindet sich im "Track" Modus. Heisst: die Playlist wird nicht weiter abgespielt sobald der ausgwählte Track abgespielt wurde.
Ist das korrekt? `