"Filming" vis-views?
One question:
I have succeeded in displaying values of some sensors/adapters overlain ove a picture:
Now I would like to have a kind "video" of it.
Is there any possibility to have some adapter call the views regularly from (1) a specified start date/time for (2) a specified amount of time and (3) in a specified interval, and "capture" the visual output, adding these pictures to a kind of "video" (mp4?), if possible, (4) adding date and time to each frame?One could then view the development in a kind of time lapse
Thanks in advance
With the following library you can convert a html element
To a picture.
But due to security reasons the browser is inside a sandbox and cannot save without user interaction files to disk but you can send data to server
You additional need an Iobroker Skript that receives the data and save it as picture to disk
With several tools you can convert a series of pictures to a video -
@wrod Ergänzung:
Vielleicht lässt sich das auch anders lösen. Dann bräuchte es einen Adapter o.ä., der nicht "Live" aufzeichnetn, sondern die entsprechenden Werte der gewünschten Zeitpunkte nacheinander aus der influxdb (oder einer anderen Datenbank) Datenbank holt, mit dem View visualisiert, und dann abspeichert.