web.0 Keine Verbindung
@wendy2702 Ja das funktioniert alles. Also die Demo Seite. Mehr habe ich da nicht drin.
Hier noch mal das Log dazu:
web.0 2022-02-22 18:59:49.947 warn State "" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions web.0 2022-02-22 18:59:48.945 info <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: vis.0 web.0 2022-02-22 18:59:48.669 warn State "" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions web.0 2022-02-22 18:59:47.666 info <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: vis.0 web.0 2022-02-22 18:57:54.120 warn State "" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions web.0 2022-02-22 18:57:53.281 debug Subscribes: vis.0.control.instance,, vis.0.control.command, dev1, dev2, dev3, dev4, demoTemperature, demoHumidity web.0 2022-02-22 18:57:53.241 debug Subscribes: vis.0.control.instance,, vis.0.control.command web.0 2022-02-22 18:57:53.230 debug 2022-02-22T17:57:53.230Z Request authenticate [system.user.admin] web.0 2022-02-22 18:57:53.121 debug Connection from vis.0 web.0 2022-02-22 18:57:53.118 info ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff: web.0 2022-02-22 18:57:47.945 warn State "" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions web.0 2022-02-22 18:57:47.099 debug Subscribes: *, vis.0.control.instance,, vis.0.control.command web.0 2022-02-22 18:57:47.084 debug Subscribes: * web.0 2022-02-22 18:57:47.083 debug 2022-02-22T17:57:47.082Z Request authenticate [system.user.admin] web.0 2022-02-22 18:57:46.969 debug Connection from vis.0 web.0 2022-02-22 18:57:46.943 info ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff: web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:29.772 warn State "" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.773 info http server listening on port 8082 web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.770 debug Activating web files from objectDB web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.770 debug Activating extensions web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.770 info server listening on port 8082 web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.749 debug Activating IOSocket web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.748 debug Using http createServer web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.747 debug Activating states & socket info web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.686 info starting. Version 3.4.16 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.web, node: v14.19.0, js-controller: 3.3.22 web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.638 debug Plugin sentry Initialize Plugin (enabled=true) web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.618 debug statesDB connected web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.618 debug States connected to redis: web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.616 debug States create User PubSub Client web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.616 debug States create System PubSub Client web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.614 debug Redis States: Use Redis connection: web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.614 debug objectDB connected web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.612 debug Objects connected to redis: web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.609 debug Objects client initialize lua scripts web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.609 debug Objects create User PubSub Client web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.609 debug Objects create System PubSub Client web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.608 debug Objects client ready ... initialize now web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:28.596 debug Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: host.ioBroker 2022-02-22 18:44:28.376 info instance system.adapter.web.0 started with pid 2149 host.ioBroker 2022-02-22 18:44:25.876 info instance system.adapter.web.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:25.367 info Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:25.367 debug Plugin sentry destroyed web.0 2022-02-22 18:44:25.366 info terminating
@atomicix Hast du diese Objekte:
Zeig mal wie es bei dir aussieht.
Ich würde folgendes probieren:
Web stoppen
Alle Web Objekte löschen
Web startenWenn ok dann gut, sonst
Server neu starten
iob upload all
EDIT: Tippfehler beseitigt
@thomas-braun sagte in web.0 Keine Verbindung:
@wendy2702 sagte in web.0 Keine Verbindung:
iob Upload all
iob upload all
Habe den Typo korrigiert
Hat sich nichts geändert
4.1.4 Die ist im latest, da kommt man nicht einfach so dran.
@atomicix sagte in web.0 Keine Verbindung:Es läuft. Der Web Adapter ist GRÜN. lief in der Version 4.1.4 , die aktuelle ist ja aber 3.1.5. Keine Ahnung wo die her kommt. Ich habe nie installiert.
@atomicix @wendy2702
Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, wird dieses Problem in späteren Versionen gefixt.
Auch wenn bei mir diese Fehlemeldung kommt, bleibe aber auf stable... es funktioniert ja sonst alles.