Zeigt her eure Lovelace-Visualisierung
Dann mache ich mal den Anfang
Habe bisher noch ein recht kleines Smarthome.
Zeige trotzdem mal, was ich so habe.
Ich habe meine darstellung aufs Smartphone optimiert.Einmal eine Seite wo ich sehe, ob alle Fesnter und Türen geschlossen sind.
Über die slideshow-card kann man zwischen der Ansicht "alles offene" und "alle offenen und geschlossenen" Sensoren wechseln.
Hier würde ich gerne noch eine Transparenz um die Karten unten bauen, schaffe ich aber nicht ^^.Dann eine Seite mit einem Garagenöffner. Das Bild oben zeigt, ob die Garage auf oder zu ist.
Als nächstes meine Heizungssteuerung. Oben mit der Wetterkarte zum Wechseln zwischen 2 Orten (Mittlerweile ist die blaue Schrift aud den beiden Karten auch orange).
Das Thermostat habe ich ergänzt um die Heizung in den Urlaubs- oder Partymodus zu seten.
Am ende der Seite nochmal Tabellen mit Slider von allen Räumen.
(Habe erst in einem Raum smarte Heizungen, nachschub kommt wenn es wieder kalt wird, also nicht irritieren lassen, wenn im Code überall nur eine Heizung steht.)Als nächsten eine Steuerung für unsere Bose Box.
Es kann der Audioeingang oder ein Radiopreset gewählt werden.
Die Bilder erscheinen leider was verzögert (Evtl. hat da ja jemand einen Tip.).......
Dadurch dauert das GIF recht lange ^^.Zum Schluss noch eine simple Seite mit der Anwesenheit und allen wichtigen Infos was meine Hardware angeht.
Abwesende Personen grauen aus.Mein YAML-Code
title: Home views: - title: Garage path: garage icon: 'mdi:garage' panel: false badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:stack-in-card' mode: vertical keep: box_shadow: false margin: false border_radius: true outer_padding: true cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: picture-entity entity: binary_sensor.Sensor_Garage show_name: false show_state: false state_image: 'on': /cards/garage_auf.png 'off': /cards/garage_zu.png - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: markdown content: '---' - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entity-button entity: switch.Antrieb_Garage tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: more-info show_icon: false show_name: true name: Garage betätigen - title: Sicherheit path: sicherheit icon: 'mdi:home-lock-open' panel: false badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:stack-in-card' mode: vertical keep: box_shadow: false margin: false border_radius: true outer_padding: true cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: picture image: /cards/security.png - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: markdown content: '---' title: Offene Fenster und Türen - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: 'custom:slideshow-card' fill: false arrow_color: White arrow_opacity: 1 auto_play: false auto_delay: 4 style: border-radius: 25px cards: - type: entity-filter entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Sensor_Garage name: Garagentor icon: 'mdi:garage' - entity: binary_sensor.Schloss_Haustuere name: Haustürschloss icon: 'mdi:door' state_filter: - 'on' - type: entities title: Alles entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Schloss_Haustuere name: Haustüre - entity: binary_sensor.Sensor_Garage name: Garage - title: Heizung path: heizung icon: 'mdi:thermometer' badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:slideshow-card' fill: true arrow_color: White arrow_opacity: 0.5 auto_play: false auto_delay: 4 style: null border-radius: 25px cards: - type: weather-forecast entity: weather.Hilchenbach__Hilchenbach_Deutschland_ name: Hilchenbach show_forecast: true - type: weather-forecast entity: weather.Haiger__Haiger_Deutschland_ name: Haiger show_forecast: true - type: 'custom:stack-in-card' mode: vertical keep: box_shadow: false margin: false border_radius: true outer_padding: true cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: thermostat entity: climate.Heizung_KZ_2 name: 'Wohnzimmer ' style: | ha-card { --heat-color: #f59042 !important; } round-slider { --round-slider-bar-color: #f59042 !important; } - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: markdown content: '---' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: picture-elements image: /cards/bg_thermo_settings.png elements: - type: image image: /cards/boost_active.png entity: switch.Kinderzimmer_2_Heizung_KZ_2_BOOST state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) 'false': brightness(100%) saturate tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 20px left: 28% width: 10% - type: image image: /cards/urlaub_active.png entity: switch.Kinderzimmer_2_Heizung_KZ_2_PARTY state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) 'false': brightness(100%) saturate tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 20px left: 72% width: 10% - type: image image: /cards/linie_senkrecht.png entity: binary_sensor.Schloss_Haustuere state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) 'false': brightness(100%) saturate tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 20px left: 50% - type: 'custom:stack-in-card' mode: vertical keep: box_shadow: false margin: false border_radius: true outer_padding: true cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Heizung_KZ_2 step_layout: row name: Ben-Henri - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: markdown content: '---' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: picture-elements image: /cards/bg_thermo_settings.png elements: - type: image image: /cards/boost_active.png entity: switch.Kinderzimmer_2_Heizung_KZ_2_BOOST state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) 'false': brightness(100%) saturate tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 20px left: 28% width: 10% - type: image image: /cards/urlaub_active.png entity: switch.Kinderzimmer_2_Heizung_KZ_2_PARTY state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) 'false': brightness(100%) saturate tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 20px left: 72% width: 10% - type: image image: /cards/linie_senkrecht.png entity: binary_sensor.Schloss_Haustuere state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) 'false': brightness(100%) saturate tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 20px left: 50% - type: 'custom:stack-in-card' mode: vertical keep: box_shadow: false margin: false border_radius: true outer_padding: true cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Heizung_KZ_2 step_layout: row name: coming soon - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: markdown content: '---' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: picture-elements image: /cards/bg_thermo_settings.png elements: - type: image image: /cards/boost_active.png entity: switch.Kinderzimmer_2_Heizung_KZ_2_BOOST state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) 'false': brightness(100%) saturate tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 20px left: 28% width: 10% - type: image image: /cards/urlaub_active.png entity: switch.Kinderzimmer_2_Heizung_KZ_2_PARTY state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) 'false': brightness(100%) saturate tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 20px left: 72% width: 10% - type: image image: /cards/linie_senkrecht.png entity: binary_sensor.Schloss_Haustuere state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) 'false': brightness(100%) saturate tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 20px left: 50% - type: 'custom:slideshow-card' fill: false arrow_color: White arrow_opacity: 0.5 auto_play: false auto_delay: 4 style: null border-radius: 25px cards: - type: iframe url: >- title: Wohnzimmer - type: iframe url: >- title: Ben-Henri - type: iframe url: >- title: Coming Soon - title: Multimedia path: multimedia icon: 'mdi:music' badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:stack-in-card' mode: vertical keep: box_shadow: false margin: false border_radius: true outer_padding: true cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: picture-elements image: /cards/bg_tr_bose_klein.png elements: - type: image image: /cards/1.png entity: switch.BOSE_PRESET_1 state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate 'false': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 50% left: 10% width: 8% - type: image image: /cards/2.png state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate 'false': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) entity: switch.BOSE_PRESET_2 tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 50% left: 26% width: 8% - type: image image: /cards/3.png entity: switch.BOSE_PRESET_3 state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate 'false': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 50% left: 42% width: 8% - type: image image: /cards/4.png entity: switch.BOSE_PRESET_4 state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate 'false': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 50% left: 58% width: 8% - type: image image: /cards/5.png entity: switch.BOSE_PRESET_5 state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate 'false': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 50% left: 74% width: 8% - type: image image: /cards/6.png entity: switch.BOSE_PRESET_6 state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate 'false': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 50% left: 90% width: 8% - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: picture-entity entity: camera.Soundlink_1_Cover camera_image: camera.Soundlink_1_Cover show_state: false show_name: false aspect_ratio: 100% - type: picture-elements image: /cards/bg_1px_tr.png elements: - style: top: 40% left: 50% type: state-label entity: input_text.Bose_1_Sender - style: top: 50% left: 50% type: state-label entity: input_text.Bose_1_Titel - style: top: 20% left: 50% type: state-label entity: input_text.Bose_1_Source - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - type: 'custom:slider-entity-row' entity: input_number.Bose_1_Volume full_row: true show_header_toggle: null - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: picture-elements image: /cards/bg_tr_bose_klein.png elements: - type: image image: /cards/power.png entity: switch.bose_1_an_aus state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate 'false': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 17px left: 10% width: 7% - type: image image: /cards/usb.png entity: switch.Bose_1_Source state_filter: 'true': brightness(100%) saturate(0.0) 'false': brightness(100%) saturate tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none style: top: 15px left: 90% width: 7% - title: Licht path: '' icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-on-outline' badges: [] cards: [] - title: Anwesend path: fertig icon: 'mdi:account-multiple' badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:stack-in-card' mode: vertical keep: box_shadow: false margin: true border_radius: true outer_padding: true cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: picture-entity image: /cards/david.jpg entity: switch.David show_name: false show_state: false - type: picture-entity image: /cards/tin.jpg entity: switch.Tin show_name: false show_state: false - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: markdown content: '---' title: Anwesend - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: history-graph entities: - entity: switch.Tin - entity: switch.David refresh_interval: 0 hours_to_show: 24 - title: System path: system icon: 'mdi:cpu-32-bit' badges: [] cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: sensor.CPU_Auslastung min: 0 max: 100 name: CPU - type: gauge entity: sensor.RAM min: 0 max: 100 - type: gauge entity: sensor.Duty_Cycle min: 0 max: 100 name: Duty Cycle - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: sensor.CPU_Temp min: 0 max: 100 name: CPU Temp - type: gauge entity: sensor.SD_Karte min: 0 max: 100 name: Speicher hideToolbar: false resources: - type: module url: /cards/accuweather-card.js - type: module url: /cards/button-card.js - type: module url: /cards/card-mod.js - type: jpg url: /cards/david.jpg - type: jpg url: /cards/diebstahl.jpg - type: png url: /cards/door-closed-lock.png - type: svg url: /cards/door-closed-lock.svg - type: png url: /cards/door-open.png - type: svg url: /cards/door-open.svg - type: jpg url: /cards/garage_auf.jpg - type: png url: /cards/garage_auf.png - type: jpg url: /cards/garage_zu.jpg - type: png url: /cards/garage_zu.png - type: jpg url: /cards/pi.jpg - type: module url: /cards/stack-in-card.js - type: svg url: /cards/test.svg - type: module url: /cards/theme-maker.js - type: jpg url: /cards/tin.jpg - type: module url: /cards/vertical-stack-in-card.js
Und noch das Theme:
transparent: #Background image lovelace-background: center / cover no-repeat url("/cards/background.jpg") fixed mdc-theme-surface: var(--primary-background-color) # more lovelace background # Main colors primary-color: '##363941' # Header accent-color: '#E45E65' # Accent color dark-primary-color: 'var(--accent-color)' # Hyperlinks light-primary-color: 'var(--accent-color)' # Horizontal line in about ha-card-border-radius: '20px' ha-card-background: 'rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.1)' # Text colors primary-text-color: '#FFFFFF' # Primary text colour, here is referencing dark-primary-color text-primary-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)' # Primary text colour secondary-text-color: '#5294E2' # For secondary titles in more info boxes etc. disabled-text-color: '#7F848E' # Disabled text colour label-badge-border-color: 'green' # Label badge border, just a reference value # Background colors primary-background-color: '#383C45' # Settings background secondary-background-color: '#383C45' # Main card UI background divider-color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .12)' # Divider # Table rows table-row-background-color: '#353840' # Table row table-row-alternative-background-color: '#3E424B' # Table row alternative # Nav Menu paper-listbox-color: 'var(--primary-color)' # Navigation menu selection hoover paper-listbox-background-color: '#2E333A' # Navigation menu background paper-grey-50: 'var(--primary-text-color)' paper-grey-200: '#414A59' # Navigation menu selection # Paper card paper-card-header-color: 'var(--accent-color)' # Card header text colour paper-card-background-color: 'rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.1)' # Card background colour paper-dialog-background-color: '#434954' # Card dialog background colour paper-item-icon-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)' # Icon color paper-item-icon-active-color: '#F9C536' # Icon color active paper-item-icon_-_color: 'green' paper-item-selected_-_background-color: '#434954' # Popup item select paper-tabs-selection-bar-color: 'green' # Labels label-badge-red: 'var(--accent-color)' # References the brand colour label badge border label-badge-text-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)' # Now same as label badge border but that's a matter of taste label-badge-background-color: '#2E333A' # Same, but can also be set to transparent here label-badge-background: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)' # Switches paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-toggle-button-checked-ink-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-toggle-button-unchecked-button-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' paper-toggle-button-unchecked-ink-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' # Sliders paper-slider-knob-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-knob-start-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-pin-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-active-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-container-color: 'linear-gradient(var(--primary-background-color), var(--secondary-background-color)) no-repeat' paper-slider-secondary-color: 'var(--secondary-background-color)' paper-slider-disabled-active-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' paper-slider-disabled-secondary-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' # Google colors google-red-500: '#E45E65' google-green-500: '#39E949'
@David-G kannst du bitte auch dein Lovelace Theme teilen?
Das alte schwarze funktioniert nicht mehr mit 1.2.6.
Hier ist mein Theme. Ist aber transparent, nicht schwarz.
transparent: #Background image lovelace-background: center / cover no-repeat url("/cards/background.jpg") fixed mdc-theme-surface: var(--primary-background-color) # more lovelace background # Main colors primary-color: '##363941' # Header accent-color: '#E45E65' # Accent color dark-primary-color: 'var(--accent-color)' # Hyperlinks light-primary-color: 'var(--accent-color)' # Horizontal line in about ha-card-border-radius: '20px' ha-card-background: 'rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.1)' # Text colors primary-text-color: '#FFFFFF' # Primary text colour, here is referencing dark-primary-color text-primary-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)' # Primary text colour secondary-text-color: '#5294E2' # For secondary titles in more info boxes etc. disabled-text-color: '#7F848E' # Disabled text colour label-badge-border-color: 'green' # Label badge border, just a reference value # Background colors primary-background-color: '#383C45' # Settings background secondary-background-color: '#383C45' # Main card UI background divider-color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .12)' # Divider # Table rows table-row-background-color: '#353840' # Table row table-row-alternative-background-color: '#3E424B' # Table row alternative # Nav Menu paper-listbox-color: 'var(--primary-color)' # Navigation menu selection hoover paper-listbox-background-color: '#2E333A' # Navigation menu background paper-grey-50: 'var(--primary-text-color)' paper-grey-200: '#414A59' # Navigation menu selection # Paper card paper-card-header-color: 'var(--accent-color)' # Card header text colour paper-card-background-color: 'rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.1)' # Card background colour paper-dialog-background-color: '#434954' # Card dialog background colour paper-item-icon-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)' # Icon color paper-item-icon-active-color: '#F9C536' # Icon color active paper-item-icon_-_color: 'green' paper-item-selected_-_background-color: '#434954' # Popup item select paper-tabs-selection-bar-color: 'green' # Labels label-badge-red: 'var(--accent-color)' # References the brand colour label badge border label-badge-text-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)' # Now same as label badge border but that's a matter of taste label-badge-background-color: '#2E333A' # Same, but can also be set to transparent here label-badge-background: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)' # Switches paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-toggle-button-checked-ink-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-toggle-button-unchecked-button-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' paper-toggle-button-unchecked-ink-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' # Sliders paper-slider-knob-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-knob-start-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-pin-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-active-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-container-color: 'linear-gradient(var(--primary-background-color), var(--secondary-background-color)) no-repeat' paper-slider-secondary-color: 'var(--secondary-background-color)' paper-slider-disabled-active-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' paper-slider-disabled-secondary-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' # Google colors google-red-500: '#E45E65' google-green-500: '#39E949'
Was geht bei dir denn nicht?
Ich vermute mal, dass es nur der Hintergrund ist, wenn du von einem schwarzem Theme ausgehst.
Hab gesehen, dass du die Frage in 3 Threads gestellt hast. Kannst in den anderen ja ggf. in den anderen beiden deinen Beitrag anpassen. -
@David-G funktioniert mittlerweile nach einem reboot.
Dann poste ich hier auch mal meine aktuelle Konfiguration.
Den Anfang macht meine Startseite. Ich denke die einzelnen Karten sind auf dem Bild selbsterklärend. Die Karten "Batteriestatus" und "Geräte Online" werden nur angezeigt, wenn ein Gerät sich im WLan befindet bzw. ein Geräte BatLow meldet.
Auf der zweiten Seite befindet sich alles, was mit Beleuchtung zu tun hat. Zur Karte Außenbeleuchtung sei gesagt, dass ich mit dieser die Außenbeleuchtung (rund ums Haus) per Hand schalten kann oder mit einer parametrierbaren Automatik geschaltet wird.
Auf der dritten Seite geht es um die Rollladensteuerung. Ich habe die Logik dahinter selber programmiert und lasse die Rollläden im Automatik Modus bei den eingestellten Sonnenwinkeln auf bzw. zu fahren. Dabei ist es mir jederzeit möglich die Rollläden von Hand am Schalter oder hier in der UI zu verfahren.
Auf der vierten Seite geht es um die Heizungssteuerung. Ihr seht auf dem Screenshot nur einen Teil der Thermostat Karten. Ich denke aber, dass dies ausreicht. Bei der Betriebsart wird zwischen Sommer- und Winterbetrieb umgeschaltet. Der Urlaubsmodus schaltet die Homematic Thermostate in ein anderes Profil um. Des Weiteren überwache ich die Luftfeuchtigkeit in allen Räumen. Dabei schaue ich auf die absolute Luftfeuchte, nicht auf die rel. Luftfeuchte. Damit die Alarmmeldungen (die im Lovelace und Telegram aufschlagen) nicht zu häufig werden, habe ich die Schwellen die zur Meldung führen ebenfalls parametrierbar ins Lovelace integriert.
Nun zur letzten Seite. Hier lasse ich das Wetter anzeigen und wie es beim Pollenflug aussieht. Letzteres kommt daher, weil meine Frau und ich leider damit zu tun haben. Somit sparen wir uns eine App auf dem Handy.EDIT:
Hier die Config:title: Smart Home views: - cards: - type: entities title: Steckdosen show_header_toggle: false entities: - entity: input_boolean.Steckdose_Computer name: Computer icon: 'mdi:power-socket-eu' - entity: input_boolean.Steckdose_Fernseher name: Fernseher icon: 'mdi:power-socket-eu' - entity: input_boolean.Steckdose_Ladestation name: Ladestation icon: 'mdi:power-socket-eu' - entity: input_boolean.Steckdose_Sonos_Wohnzimmer name: Sonos Wohnzimmer icon: 'mdi:power-socket-eu' - entity: input_boolean.Steckdose_Sonos_Buero name: Sonos Büro icon: 'mdi:power-socket-eu' - entity: input_boolean.Steckdose_Sonoff name: Sonoff S20 icon: 'mdi:power-socket-eu' - type: entities title: Sonstiges show_header_toggle: false entities: - entity: input_boolean.Funktion_Anwesenheitssteuerung name: Anwesenheitssteuerung icon: 'mdi:home-account' - entity: input_boolean.Funktion_AutoAbschaltung name: Automatische Abschaltung icon: 'mdi:power' - entity: input_boolean.Funktion_Alarmanlage name: Alarmanlage icon: 'mdi:alarm-light-outline' - entity: input_boolean.Funktion_GaesteWLAN name: Gäste WLAN icon: 'mdi:router-wireless' - type: glance title: Funktionen entities: - entity: switch.Funktion_Ausschalten name: Alle Geräte Aus icon: 'mdi:power' tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none - entity: switch.Funktion_Fernsehen name: Fernsehen icon: 'mdi:television-classic' tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none show_name: true show_icon: true show_state: false clums: 4 - type: entity-filter entities: - entity: input_boolean.Device_XiaomiMi10 name: Tobias icon: 'mdi:cellphone-android' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: input_boolean.Device_PocoF2Pro name: Jeanette icon: 'mdi:cellphone-android' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: input_boolean.Device_XiaomiMiPad name: Tablet icon: 'mdi:tablet-android' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: input_boolean.Device_Notebook name: Notebook icon: 'mdi:laptop-windows' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: input_boolean.Device_SamsungTV name: Samsung TV icon: 'mdi:television' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: input_boolean.Device_XiaomiMiBox name: Xiaomi MiBox icon: 'mdi:android' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none state_filter: - 'on' card: type: glance title: Geräte Online show_state: false show_header_toggle: false clums: 5 show_empty: false - type: entity-filter entities: - entity: sensor.Rauchmelder_Buero name: Büro icon: 'mdi:smoke-detector' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.Rauchmelder_Elternschlafzimmer name: Elternschlafzimmer icon: 'mdi:smoke-detector' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.Rauchmelder_Flur name: Flur icon: 'mdi:smoke-detector' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.Rauchmelder_Keller name: Keller icon: 'mdi:smoke-detector' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.Rauchmelder_Kinderzimmer name: Kinderzimmer icon: 'mdi:smoke-detector' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.Rauchmelder_Wohnzimmer name: Wohnzimmer icon: 'mdi:smoke-detector' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none state_filter: - true card: type: entities title: Rauchmelder show_state: false show_header_toggle: false show_empty: false - type: entity-filter entities: - entity: sensor.LowBat_Rauchmelder_Buero name: Rauchmelder Büro icon: 'mdi:smoke-detector' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Rauchmelder_Elternschlafzimmer name: Rauchmelder Elternschlafzimmer icon: 'mdi:smoke-detector' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Rauchmelder_FlurOG name: Rauchmelder Flur OG icon: 'mdi:smoke-detector' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Rauchmelder_Keller name: Rauchmelder Keller icon: 'mdi:smoke-detector' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Rauchmelder_Kinderzimmer name: Rauchmelder Kinderzimmer icon: 'mdi:smoke-detector' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Rauchmelder_Wohnzimmer name: Rauchmelder Wohnzimmer icon: 'mdi:smoke-detector' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Thermostat_Ankleidezimmer name: Thermostat Ankleidezimmer icon: 'mdi:thermostat' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Thermostat_Buero name: Thermostat Büro icon: 'mdi:thermostat' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Thermostat_Elternbad name: Thermostat Elternbad icon: 'mdi:thermostat' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Thermostat_Elternschlafzimmer name: Thermostat Elternschlafzimmer icon: 'mdi:thermostat' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Thermostat_Esszimmer name: Thermostat Esszimmer icon: 'mdi:thermostat' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Thermostat_FlurEG name: Thermostat Flur EG icon: 'mdi:thermostat' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Thermostat_FlurOG name: Thermostat Fliur OG icon: 'mdi:thermostat' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Thermostat_GaesteWC name: Thermostat Gäste WC icon: 'mdi:thermostat' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Thermostat_HWR name: Thermostat HWR icon: 'mdi:thermostat' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Thermostat_Kaminzimmer name: Thermostat Kaminzimmer icon: 'mdi:thermostat' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Thermostat_Kueche name: Thermostat Küche icon: 'mdi:thermostat' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none - entity: sensor.LowBat_Thermostat_Wohnzimmer name: Thermostat Wohnzimmer icon: 'mdi:thermostat' tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none state_filter: - true card: type: entities title: Batteriestatus show_state: false show_header_toggle: false show_empty: false badges: [] path: default_view title: Home icon: 'mdi:home-variant-outline' - title: Licht path: licht icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-on-outline' badges: [] cards: - type: entities title: Innenbeleuchtung show_header_toggle: false entities: - entity: input_number.Licht_Wohnzimmer_1 name: Wohnzimmer 1 icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-on-outline' - entity: input_number.Licht_Wohnzimmer_2 name: Wohnzimmer 2 icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-on-outline' - entity: input_boolean.Licht_Flur_Links name: Flur OG Links icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-on-outline' - entity: input_boolean.Licht_Flur_Rechts name: Flur OG Rechts icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-on-outline' - type: entities title: Außenbeleuchtung show_header_toggle: false entities: - entity: input_boolean.Aussenbeleuchtung_Betriebsart name: Betriebsart icon: 'mdi:power' - entity: input_boolean.Licht_Garten name: Gartenbeleuchtung icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-on-outline' - entity: input_number.Aussenbeleuchtung_Beginn name: Beginn icon: 'mdi:clock-start' - entity: input_number.Aussenbeleuchtung_Time name: Einschaltdauer icon: 'mdi:clock-outline' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: light entity: light.Deckenleuchte_Zimmer name: Badezimmer - type: light entity: light.Deckenleuchte_Dusche name: Dusche - type: light entity: light.Nachtlicht name: Nachtlicht - title: Rollläden icon: 'mdi:blinds' path: rollladen badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities title: Automatik entities: - entity: input_boolean.Rollladen_Betriebsart name: Betriebsart icon: 'mdi:power' - entity: input_boolean.Rollladen_Schlafzimmer name: Ausschlafen icon: 'mdi:hotel' - entity: sensor.Sonnenstand_Azimut name: Sonnenstand Azimut icon: 'mdi:weather-sunny' - entity: sensor.Sonnenstand_Elevation name: Sonnenstand Elevation icon: 'mdi:weather-sunny' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_Sonnenaufgang name: Sollwert Sonnenaufgang icon: 'mdi:weather-sunset-up' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_Sonnenuntergang name: Sollwert Sonnenuntergang icon: 'mdi:weather-sunset-down' show_header_toggle: false - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: glance title: Funktionen entities: - entity: switch.Funktion_Hand_EG_auf name: EG auf icon: 'mdi:transfer-up' tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none - entity: switch.Funktion_Hand_EG_zu name: EG zu icon: 'mdi:transfer-down' tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none - entity: switch.Funktion_Hand_OG_auf name: OG auf icon: 'mdi:transfer-up' tap_action: action: toggle - entity: switch.Funktion_Hand_OG_zu name: OG zu icon: 'mdi:transfer-down' tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none - entity: switch.Funktion_Schlafz_Auf name: Schlafz. auf icon: 'mdi:transfer-up' tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none - entity: switch.Funktion_Schlafz_Zu name: Schlafz. zu icon: 'mdi:transfer-down' tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none - entity: switch.Funktion_Beschattung name: Beschattung icon: 'mdi:thermometer-alert' tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: none show_name: true show_icon: true show_state: false columns: 4 - type: entities entities: - entity: input_number.Rollladen_EG_GaesteWC name: Gäste WC icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_EG_HWR name: Hauswirtschaftsraum icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_EG_Kueche name: Küche icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_EG_Gartentuer name: Gartentür icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_EG_Wohnzimmer name: Wohnzimmer icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_EG_Balkon1 name: Balkon 1 icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_EG_Balkon2 name: Balkon 2 icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_EG_Kaminzimmer name: Kaminzimmer icon: 'mdi:blinds' title: Rollläden Erdgeschoss show_header_toggle: false - type: entities entities: - entity: input_number.Rollladen_OG_Kinderzimmer name: Kinderzimmer icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_OG_Kinderbad name: Kinderbad icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_OG_Buero name: Büro icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_OG_Flur name: Flur icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_OG_Terrasse1 name: Terrasse 1 icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_OG_Terrasse2 name: Terrasse 2 icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_OG_Rheinsicht name: Rheinsicht icon: 'mdi:blinds' - entity: input_number.Rollladen_OG_Ankleidezimmer name: Ankleidezinmer icon: 'mdi:blinds' title: Rollläden Obergeschoss show_header_toggle: false - title: Heizung icon: 'mdi:radiator' path: heizung badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities title: Automatik show_header_toggle: false entities: - entity: input_boolean.Heizung_Betriebsart name: Betriebsart icon: 'mdi:power' - entity: input_boolean.Heizung_Urlaubsmodus name: Urlaubsmodus icon: 'mdi:radiator' - type: entities title: Luftfeuchtigkeit show_header_toggle: false entities: - entity: sensor.Luftfeuchtigkeit_AbsoluteHumidity name: Abs. Luftf. Außen icon: 'mdi:water-percent' - entity: input_number.Luftfeuchtigkeit_HumidityMin name: Minimalwert icon: 'mdi:arrow-expand-right' - entity: input_number.Luftfeuchtigkeit_HumidityThreshold name: Schwellwert icon: 'mdi:arrow-expand-horizontal' - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Gaeste_WC name: Gäste WC step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_GaesteWC_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A225E9_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_GaesteWC_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Flur_EG name: Flur EG step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_FlurEG_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A225AD_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_FlurEG_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___HWR name: Hauswirtschaftsraum step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_HWR_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A225D0_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_HWR_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Kueche name: Küche step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Kueche_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A225EA_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Kueche_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Esszimmer name: Esszimmer step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Esszimmer_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A22938_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Esszimmer_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Wohnzimmer name: Wohnzimmer step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Wohnzimmer_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A225DE_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Wohnzimmer_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Kaminzimmer name: Kaminzimmer step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Kaminzimmer_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A225F5_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Kaminzimmer_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Kinderzimmer name: Kinderzimmer step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Kinderzimmer_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A22DA2_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Kinderzimmer_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Kinderbad name: Kinderbad step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Kinderbad_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A22CD5_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Kinderbad_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Buero name: Büro step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Buero_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A22E81_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Buero_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Flur_OG name: Flur OG step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_FlurOG_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A23357_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_FlurOG_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Elternbad name: Elternbad step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Elternbad_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A22E6A_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Elternbad_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Elternschlafzimmer name: Elternschlafzimmer step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Schlafzimmer_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A22E16_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Schlafzimmer_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.Thermostat___Ankleidezimmer name: Ankleidezimmer step_size: 0.5 step_layout: row sensors: - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Ankleidezimmer_Temp name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.HmIP_WTH_2_000A98A9A23341_1_HUMIDITY name: Rel. Luftf. - entity: sensor.Thermostat_Ankleidezimmer_Luftf_Abs name: Abs. Luftf. hide: temperature: true state: true icon: 'mdi:thermostat' - title: Wetter path: wetter icon: 'mdi:weather-partly-cloudy' badges: [] cards: - type: weather-forecast entity: weather.Weissenthurm__Weissenthurm_Deutschland_ name: Weißenthurm show_forecast: true - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entity-filter entities: - entity: sensor.Pollen_Today_Index0 name: Keine icon: 'mdi:sprout' - entity: sensor.Pollen_Today_Index1 name: Keine bis Gering icon: 'mdi:sprout' - entity: sensor.Pollen_Today_Index2 name: Gering icon: 'mdi:sprout' - entity: sensor.Pollen_Today_Index3 name: Gering bis Mittel icon: 'mdi:sprout' - entity: sensor.Pollen_Today_Index4 name: Mittel icon: 'mdi:sprout' - entity: sensor.Pollen_Today_Index5 name: Mittel bis Hoch icon: 'mdi:sprout' - entity: sensor.Pollen_Today_Index6 name: Hoch icon: 'mdi:sprout' state_filter: - operator: regex value: .+ card: type: glance title: Pollenflug - Heute show_state: false show_header_toggle: false clums: 6 show_empty: false - type: entity-filter entities: - entity: sensor.Pollen_Tomorrow_Index0 name: Keine icon: 'mdi:sprout' - entity: sensor.Pollen_Tomorrow_Index1 name: Keine bis Gering icon: 'mdi:sprout' - entity: sensor.Pollen_Tomorrow_Index2 name: Gering icon: 'mdi:sprout' - entity: sensor.Pollen_Tomorrow_Index3 name: Gering bis Mittel icon: 'mdi:sprout' - entity: sensor.Pollen_Tomorrow_Index4 name: Mittel icon: 'mdi:sprout' - entity: sensor.Pollen_Tomorrow_Index5 name: Mittel bis Hoch icon: 'mdi:sprout' - entity: sensor.Pollen_Tomorrow_Index6 name: Hoch icon: 'mdi:sprout' state_filter: - operator: regex value: .+ card: type: glance title: Pollenflug - Morgen show_state: false show_header_toggle: false clums: 6 show_empty: false hideToolbar: false resources: - type: module url: /cards/accuweather-card.js - type: module url: /cards/multiple-entity-row.js - type: module url: /cards/simple-thermostat.js
Und hier meine Themes (ich verwende Slate):
midnight: # Main colors primary-color: '#2196f3' accent-color: '#2196f3' dark-primary-color: 'var(--accent-color)' light-primary-color: 'var(--accent-color)' # Text colors primary-text-color: '#FFFFFF' text-primary-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)' secondary-text-color: '#2196f3' disabled-text-color: '#7F848E' label-badge-border-color: 'blue' # Background colors primary-background-color: '#383C45' secondary-background-color: '#383C45' divider-color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .12)' # Table rows table-row-background-color: '#353840' table-row-alternative-background-color: '#3E424B' # Nav Menu paper-listbox-color: 'var(--primary-color)' paper-listbox-background-color: '#2E333A' paper-grey-50: 'var(--primary-text-color)' paper-grey-200: '#414A59' # Paper card paper-card-header-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-card-background-color: '#434954' paper-dialog-background-color: '#434954' paper-item-icon-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)' paper-item-icon-active-color: '#2196f3' paper-item-icon_-_color: 'blue' paper-item-selected_-_background-color: '#434954' paper-tabs-selection-bar-color: 'blue' # Labels label-badge-red: 'var(--accent-color)' label-badge-text-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)' label-badge-background-color: '#2E333A' # Switches paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-toggle-button-checked-ink-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-toggle-button-unchecked-button-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' paper-toggle-button-unchecked-ink-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' # Sliders paper-slider-knob-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-knob-start-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-pin-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-active-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-container-color: 'linear-gradient(var(--primary-background-color), var(--secondary-background-color)) no-repeat' paper-slider-secondary-color: 'var(--secondary-background-color)' paper-slider-disabled-active-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' paper-slider-disabled-secondary-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' # Google colors google-red-500: '#E45E65' google-green-500: '#39E949' slate: # Main colors primary-color: '#2196f3' accent-color: '#E45E65' dark-primary-color: '#2196f3' light-primary-color: '#2196f3' # Text colors primary-text-color: '#FFFFFF' text-primary-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)' secondary-text-color: '#2196f3' disabled-text-color: '#777777' label-badge-border-color: 'green' # Sidebar sidebar-icon-color: '#777777' # Background colors primary-background-color: '#222222' secondary-background-color: '#222222' divider-color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .12)' table-row-background-color: '#292929' table-row-alternative-background-color: '#292929' # Nav Menu paper-listbox-color: '#777777' paper-listbox-background-color: '#141414' paper-grey-50: 'var(--primary-text-color)' paper-grey-200: '#222222' # Paper card paper-card-header-color: '#2196f3' paper-card-background-color: '#292929' paper-dialog-background-color: '#292929' paper-item-icon-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)' paper-item-icon-active-color: '#2196f3' paper-item-icon_-_color: 'green' paper-item-selected_-_background-color: '#292929' paper-tabs-selection-bar-color: 'green' # Labels label-badge-red: 'var(--primary-color)' label-badge-text-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)' label-badge-background-color: '#222222' # Switches paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: '#2196f3' paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: '#2196f3' paper-toggle-button-checked-ink-color: '#2196f3' paper-toggle-button-unchecked-button-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' paper-toggle-button-unchecked-ink-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' switch-checked-color: 'var(--paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color)' switch-unchecked-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' switch-unchecked-button-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' switch-unchecked-track-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' # Sliders paper-slider-knob-color: '#2196f3' paper-slider-knob-start-color: '#2196f3' paper-slider-pin-color: '#2196f3' paper-slider-active-color: '#2196f3' paper-slider-container-color: 'linear-gradient(var(--primary-background-color), var(--secondary-background-color)) no-repeat' paper-slider-secondary-color: 'var(--secondary-background-color)' paper-slider-disabled-active-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' paper-slider-disabled-secondary-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)' # Google colors google-red-500: '#b93829' google-green-500: '#2196f3' # Changes to fix history/logbook menus lumo-primary-text-color: '#2196f3' lumo-secondary-text-color: '#2196f3' lumo-primary-color: '#2196f3' # Calendar day numbers lumo-body-text-color: '#2196f3' # Calendar/Date-Picker Background lumo-base-color: '#222222' # Month/Year header lumo-header-text-color: 'var(--lumo-body-text-color)' # DayOfWeek Header lumo-tertiary-text-color: 'var(--lumo-body-text-color)' lumo-shade: '#222222' lumo-shade-90pct: 'rgba(34, 34, 34, .9)' lumo-shade-80pct: 'rgba(34, 34, 34, .8)' lumo-shade-70pct: 'rgba(34, 34, 34, .7)' lumo-shade-60pct: 'rgba(34, 34, 34, .6)' lumo-shade-50pct: 'rgba(34, 34, 34, .5)' lumo-shade-40pct: 'rgba(34, 34, 34, .4)' lumo-shade-30pct: 'rgba(34, 34, 34, .3)' lumo-shade-20pct: 'rgba(34, 34, 34, .2)' lumo-shade-10pct: 'rgba(34, 34, 34, .1)' lumo-shade-5pct: 'rgba(34, 34, 34, .05)' lumo-tint-5pct: '#222222' # fix for device configuration screen card-background-color: "var(--paper-card-background-color)" # Fix for Person Device Chooser - thanks to vajonam! material-background-color: "var(--paper-listbox-background-color)" material-secondary-background-color: '#222222' material-body-text-color: '#FFFFFF' # simple-thermostat buttons st-mode-background: 'var(--primary-background-color)' dark: # Background image lovelace-background: 'center / cover no-repeat url("/local/night.jpg") fixed' # Colors text-color: '#DADADB' text-medium-light-color: '#A0A2A8' text-medium-color: '#80828A' text-dark-color: '#6A6B74' accent-color: '#008bef' accent-medium-color: '#2484C9' background-color: '#3b4049' background-color-2: '#484E59' background-card-color: '#434952' border-color: '#383C46' # Header app-header-background-color: '#363941' # Text primary-color: 'var(--text-color)' text-primary-color: 'var(--text-color)' # Left Menu paper-listbox-background-color: 'var(--background-color)' sidebar-icon-color: 'var(--text-medium-color)' sidebar-selected-icon-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' sidebar-selected-text-color: 'var(--text-color)' # UI paper-card-header-color: 'var(--text-color)' primary-background-color: 'var(--background-color)' mdc-theme-primary: 'var(--accent-medium-color)' card-background-color: 'var(--background-card-color)' # Card paper-card-background-color: 'var(--background-card-color)' dark-primary-color: 'var(--text-color)' primary-text-color: 'var(--text-color)' paper-listbox-color: 'var(--text-color)' light-primary-color: 'var(--text-dark-color)' secondary-text-color: 'var(--text-medium-color)' disabled-text-color: 'var(--text-dark-color)' paper-dialog-button-color: 'var(--text-color)' secondary-background-color: 'var(--background-color-2)' # Icons paper-item-icon-color: 'var(--text-dark-color)' paper-item-icon-active-color: 'var(--accent-color)' # Switches switch-checked-button-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' switch-unchecked-button-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' switch-checked-track-color: '#009FFF' switch-unchecked-track-color: '#767682' # Slider paper-slider-active-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-knob-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' paper-slider-container-color: 'var(--text-dark-color)' paper-slider-knob-start-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' # Badges label-badge-text-color: 'var(--text-color)' label-badge-background-color: 'rgba(54, 57, 65, 0.6)' # Shadows ha-card-box-shadow: 'inset 0px 0px 0px 1px var(--border-color)' # HACS hacs-badge-color: 'var(--accent-color)' hacs-status-installed: 'var(--text-color)' hacs-status-pending-restart: 'var(--text-dark-color)' hacs-status-pending-update: 'var(--accent-color)'
@dontobi Hallo dontobi, danke für deine Beispiele. Könntest du einen Export deiner gesamten yaml Konfiguration bitte noch Posten.
@Tirador Ist nachgetragen.
Hallo Leute,
Auch wenn meine Visu längst noch nicht fertig ist, möchte ich euch einen Einblick geben was ich bis dato gebastelt habe. D.h. einiges ist noch nicht fertig und in "Testphase" bzw. fehlt der Feinschliff.
Ggf. ist aber ja für den einen etwas dabei was er noch nicht kennt. Ich habe mich zahlreichen Forum Posts bedient & Zeilen kopiert, somit ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass das eine oder andere jemandem bekannt vor kommt ;).
Ein Ziel von mir ist es mich auf 3 Spalten zu beschränken, da ich seit kurzem einen Echo Show 8 zur Visualisierung nutze. Habe die Wetterseite am Echo dzt. als Startseite im Firefox gespeichert. Wenn ich sage "Echo, öffne Firefox" hab ich dann die Visu vor mir und kann mich durchklicken.Abgesehen von den Standard cards nutze ich:
- battery-entity-card
- mini-media-player-card
- mini-graph-card
- button-card
Folgend ein paar Screenshots:
folgend mein yaml code:
title: Smarthome Control views: - title: Wetter path: wetter icon: 'hass:weather-partly-cloudy' badges: [] cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.Minimal_day_temperature name: min. Temperatur icon: 'hass:thermometer-low' - entity: sensor.Maximal_day_temperature name: max. Temperatur icon: 'hass:thermometer-high' - entity: sensor.rain name: Niederschlag icon: 'hass:water-outline' - entity: sensor.snowline icon: 'hass:snowflake' name: Schneefallgrenze show_header_toggle: false title: Prognose - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.Wind_direction name: Wind Richtung icon: 'hass:compass-outline' - entity: sensor.UV_Index icon: 'hass:sine-wave' - entity: sensor.Solar_radiation icon: 'hass:weather-sunny' name: Strahlung state_color: false show_header_toggle: false - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Luftdruck entities: - entity: sensor.Air_pressure__mbar__PKG name: Pucking color: blue - entity: sensor.Air_pressure__mbar__wdg name: Windischgarsten color: green hours_to_show: 72 hour24: true decimals: 0 icon: 'hass:gauge' unit: bar show: labels: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Temperatur entities: - entity: sensor.Temperature_PKG name: Pucking color: blue - entity: sensor.Temperature_wdg name: Windischgarsten color: green hours_to_show: 72 points_per_hour: 1 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:thermometer' unit: °C show: labels: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Windgeschwindigkeit entities: - entity: sensor.Wind_gust_PKG name: Pucking color: blue - entity: sensor.Wind_gust_wdg name: Windischgarsten color: green hours_to_show: 72 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:weather-windy' unit: km/h show: labels: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' entities: - entity: sensor.Precipitation__today_ name: Pucking color: blue - entity: sensor.Precipitation__today__wdg name: Windischgarsten color: green name: Niederschlag pro Tag unit: mm icon: 'hass:water-outline' hours_to_show: 192 group_by: date hour24: true labels: true update_interval: 60 smoothing: true aggregate_func: max show_line: true show_points: true show_legend: true show: graph: bar labels: true - type: iframe url: >- aspect_ratio: 50% - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: relative Luftfeuchtigkeit entities: - entity: sensor.Relative_humidity_PKG name: Pucking color: blue - entity: sensor.Relative_humidity_wdg name: Windischgarsten color: green hours_to_show: 72 hour24: true decimals: 0 icon: 'hass:water-percent' unit: null show: labels: true - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: iframe url: '' aspect_ratio: 75% - type: iframe aspect_ratio: 75% url: '' - title: Sicherheit path: sicherheit icon: 'hass:security' badges: [] cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.SZ_FK_N_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schlafzimmer Nord - entity: binary_sensor.SZ_FK_O_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schlafzimmer Ost - entity: binary_sensor.SR_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schrankraum links - entity: binary_sensor.SR_MR_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schrankraum rechts - entity: binary_sensor.B_FK_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Bad links - entity: binary_sensor.B_FK_R_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Bad rechts - entity: binary_sensor.EVA_FK_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Eva - entity: binary_sensor.EVA_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Eva - entity: binary_sensor.EZ_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Esszimmer - entity: binary_sensor.WC_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: WC - entity: binary_sensor.WZ_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Wohnzimmer title: Erdgeschoss state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.M_FK_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Matthias links - entity: binary_sensor.M_FK_R_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Matthias rechts - entity: binary_sensor.Balkon_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Balkon - entity: binary_sensor.T_FK_W_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Toni West links - entity: binary_sensor.T_FK_W_R_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Toni West rechts - entity: binary_sensor.T_FK_N_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Toni Nord title: Obergeschoss state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Keller_TKS_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Keller - entity: binary_sensor.GH_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Gartenhütte - entity: binary_sensor.G_TK_Open name: Garage icon: 'hass:garage-variant' secondary_info: last-changed title: Garten / Keller state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - icon: 'mdi:transition-masked' title: Astro path: astro badges: [] cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.sun_raise name: Aufgang icon: 'hass:arrow-up-circle-outline' - entity: sensor.sun_set icon: 'hass:arrow-down-circle-outline' name: Untergang - entity: sensor.sun_mid icon: 'hass:weather-sunny' name: Höchststand state_color: false show_header_toggle: false title: Sonne - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.moon_raise icon: 'hass:arrow-up-circle-outline' name: Aufgang - entity: sensor.moon_set icon: 'hass:arrow-down-circle-outline' name: Untergang - entity: sensor.moon_description icon: 'hass:moon-waning-crescent' name: Phase show_header_toggle: false title: Mond - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Ausleuchtung entities: - entity: sensor.moon_lumi decimals: 0 hours_to_show: 720 color_thresholds: - value: 40 color: grey - value: 0 color: black - value: 95 color: '#ffee00' smoothing: true group_by: date icon: 'hass:moon-waning-crescent' unit: '%' show: labels: true hour24: true - title: Tankstellen path: tankstelle icon: 'hass:gas-station' badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: glance entities: - entity: sensor.genol_wk_station_price name: Lagerhaus icon: 'hass:gas-station' - entity: sensor.turm_all_station_price name: Fazeni icon: 'hass:gas-station' - entity: sensor.iq_all_station_price name: IQ Post icon: 'hass:gas-station' title: Dieselpreis Allhaming/Weißkirchen - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: 2 Wochen Entwicklung entities: - entity: sensor.genol_wk_station_price name: Lagerhaus color: green - entity: sensor.turm_all_station_price name: Fazeni color: orange - entity: sensor.iq_all_station_price name: IQ Post color: yellow hours_to_show: 336 hour24: true decimals: 3 icon: 'hass:gas-station' unit: € show: labels: true extrema: true - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: glance entities: - entity: sensor.hofer_ansfelden_station_price name: Hofer icon: 'hass:gas-station' - entity: sensor.jet_ansfelden_nord_station_price name: Jet Nord icon: 'hass:gas-station' - entity: sensor.jet_ansfelden_sued_station_price name: Jet Süd icon: 'hass:gas-station' title: Dieselpreis Ansfelden - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: 2 Wochen Entwicklung entities: - entity: sensor.hofer_ansfelden_station_price name: Hofer color: orange - entity: sensor.jet_ansfelden_nord_station_price name: Jet Nord color: red - entity: sensor.jet_ansfelden_sued_station_price name: Jet Süd color: blue hours_to_show: 336 hour24: true decimals: 3 icon: 'hass:gas-station' unit: € show: labels: true extrema: true - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: glance entities: - entity: sensor.avanti_mt_station_price name: Avanti Marchtrenk icon: 'hass:gas-station' - entity: sensor.hofer_traun_station_price name: Hofer Traun icon: 'hass:gas-station' title: Dieselpreis Marchtrenk/Traun - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: 2 Wochen Entwicklung entities: - entity: sensor.avanti_mt_station_price name: Avanti Marchtrenk color: yellow - entity: sensor.hofer_traun_station_price name: Hofer Traun color: orange hours_to_show: 336 hour24: true decimals: 3 icon: 'hass:gas-station' unit: € show: labels: true extrema: true - icon: 'hass:shield-lock' title: Alarmanlage path: alarmanlage badges: [] cards: - type: alarm-panel states: - arm_home - arm_away entity: alarm_control_panel.defaultAlarm name: Alarmanlage - type: button tap_action: action: none entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Kamera_Einfahrt icon_height: 50px show_state: false icon: 'hass:cctv' name: Kamera Einfahrt hold_action: action: none - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.On_garderobe icon_height: 50px show_state: false icon: 'hass:cctv' name: Kamera Garderobe hold_action: action: none - title: Musik path: musik icon: 'hass:music' badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack title: Denon Wohnzimmer cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Main_Zone_Power_State icon: 'hass:power' show_name: false icon_height: 120px - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: button entity: input_select.Select_input show_state: false icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none name: Eingang icon: 'hass:import' show_name: false - type: button entity: input_select.Surround_mode show_state: false icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none show_icon: true name: Surround Modus show_name: false icon: 'hass:surround-sound' - type: gauge entity: sensor.Main_Volume min: 0 max: 100 severity: green: 0 yellow: 65 red: 70 unit: '%' name: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Previous icon: 'hass:skip-previous' show_name: false state_color: false icon_height: 60px - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Play_Pause icon: 'hass:play-pause' show_name: false state_color: false - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Next icon: 'hass:skip-next' show_name: false state_color: false - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Volume_Down icon: 'hass:volume-minus' show_name: false state_color: false - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Muted icon: 'hass:volume-mute' show_name: false state_color: false - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Volume_Up icon: 'hass:volume-plus' show_name: false state_color: false - type: vertical-stack title: Zone 2 - Küche cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Zone_2_Power_State icon: 'hass:power' show_name: false icon_height: 120px name: Küche - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: button entity: input_select.Zone_2_Select_input show_state: false icon_height: 120px tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none name: Eingang icon: 'hass:import' show_name: false - type: gauge entity: sensor.Zone_2_Volume min: 0 max: 100 severity: green: 0 yellow: 65 red: 70 unit: '%' name: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Zone_2_Volume_Down icon: 'hass:volume-minus' show_name: false state_color: false icon_height: 55px - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Zone_2_Muted icon: 'hass:volume-mute' show_name: false state_color: false icon_height: 55px - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Zone_2_Volume_Up icon: 'hass:volume-plus' show_name: false state_color: false icon_height: 55px - type: 'custom:mini-media-player' entity: media_player.Echo_Keller artwork: full-cover hide: icon: true power_state: true - type: 'custom:mini-media-player' entity: media_player.Echo_Dot artwork: full-cover info: scroll hide: icon: true - icon: 'hass:home-automation' title: Unifi path: unifi badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Internetgeschwindigkeit entities: - entity: sensor.Download name: Download color: green - entity: sensor.Upload name: Upload color: red hours_to_show: 24 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:speedometer' unit: null show: labels: true extrema: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' entities: - entity: sensor.Speedtest_ping name: Ping color: blue hour24: true hours_to_show: 24 labels: true update_interval: 60 smoothing: true aggregate_func: max show_line: true show_points: true show_legend: true decimals: 0 icon: 'hass:clock-time-two-outline' show: labels: true extrema: true graph: line - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Unifi_Security_Gateway name: Security Gateway icon: 'hass:security-network' - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Unifi_16Port_Switch name: 16 Port Switch icon: 'hass:switch' - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Unifi_AP_Wohnzimmer name: Accesspoint Wohnzimmer icon: 'hass:access-point' - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Unifi_AP_Keller name: Accesspoint Kellerabgang icon: 'hass:access-point' - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Unifi_AP_Eva name: Accesspoint Eva Zimmer icon: 'hass:access-point' state_color: true show_header_toggle: false title: Unifi - type: horizontal-stack title: Zugangsdaten für Gäste WLAN cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: markdown content: | WLAN: **Name** PWD: **Passwort** - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: binary_sensor.Enabled icon_height: 50px show_state: true icon: 'hass:wifi' hold_action: action: none show_name: false name: Status - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.Number_of_guests name: Gäste Online icon: 'hass:account-outline' show_header_toggle: true state_color: true - type: markdown content: |  - icon: 'hass:alpha-e-circle' title: Eva path: eva badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Temperatur entities: - entity: sensor.Eva_MS_Temperature name: Eva color_thresholds: - value: 18 color: '#41b6e6' - value: 19 color: '#ffad60' - value: 20 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 22 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 23 color: '#ffad60' - value: 24 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:thermometer' unit: °C show: labels: true extrema: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: relative Luftfeuchtigkeit entities: - entity: sensor.Eva_MS_Relative_humidity name: Eva color_thresholds: - value: 35 color: '#d9534f' - value: 39 color: '#ffad60' - value: 40 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 58 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 60 color: '#ffad60' - value: 65 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:water-percent' unit: null show: labels: true extrema: true - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.EVA_FK_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Eva - entity: binary_sensor.EVA_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Eva title: Fenster- & Türkontakte state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: button tap_action: action: more-info entity: binary_sensor.Is_online_handy_eva icon_height: 50px show_state: true icon: 'hass:account-outline' hold_action: action: none name: Eva - type: entities entities: - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_Eva icon: 'hass:thermometer' name: Außentemperatur - Fenster state_color: true title: Skripte - title: Matthias path: matthias icon: 'hass:alpha-m-circle' badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Temperatur entities: - entity: sensor.Matt_MS_Temperature name: Matthias color_thresholds: - value: 18 color: '#41b6e6' - value: 19 color: '#ffad60' - value: 20 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 22 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 23 color: '#ffad60' - value: 24 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:thermometer' unit: °C show: labels: true extrema: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: relative Luftfeuchtigkeit entities: - entity: sensor.Matt_MS_Relative_humidity name: Matthias color_thresholds: - value: 35 color: '#d9534f' - value: 39 color: '#ffad60' - value: 40 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 58 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 60 color: '#ffad60' - value: 65 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:water-percent' unit: null show: labels: true extrema: true - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.M_FK_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Matthias links - entity: binary_sensor.M_FK_R_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Matthias rechts title: Fensterkontakte state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Is_online_handy_matthias icon: 'hass:account-outline' name: Handy Online secondary_info: last-changed state_color: true - type: entities entities: - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_Matthias icon: 'hass:thermometer' name: Außentemperatur - Fenster state_color: true title: Skripte - icon: 'hass:alpha-t-circle' title: Toni path: toni badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Temperatur entities: - entity: sensor.Toni_MS_Temperature name: Toni color_thresholds: - value: 18 color: '#41b6e6' - value: 19 color: '#ffad60' - value: 20 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 22 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 23 color: '#ffad60' - value: 24 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:thermometer' unit: °C show: labels: true extrema: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: relative Luftfeuchtigkeit entities: - entity: sensor.Toni_MS_Relative_humidity name: Luftfeuchtigkeit color_thresholds: - value: 35 color: '#d9534f' - value: 39 color: '#ffad60' - value: 40 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 58 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 60 color: '#ffad60' - value: 65 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:water-percent' unit: null show: labels: true extrema: true - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.T_FK_W_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Toni West links - entity: binary_sensor.T_FK_W_R_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Toni West rechts - entity: binary_sensor.T_FK_N_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Toni Nord title: Fensterkontakte state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: button tap_action: action: more-info entity: binary_sensor.Is_online_handy_toni icon_height: 50px show_state: true icon: 'hass:account-outline' hold_action: action: none name: Toni - type: entities entities: - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_Toni icon: 'hass:thermometer' name: Außentemperatur - Fenster state_color: true title: Skripte - icon: 'hass:food-variant' title: Esszimmer path: esszimmer badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Temperatur entities: - entity: sensor.EZ_MS_Temperature name: Esszimmer Temperatur color_thresholds: - value: 18 color: '#41b6e6' - value: 19 color: '#ffad60' - value: 21 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 23 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 24 color: '#ffad60' - value: 25 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:thermometer' unit: °C show: labels: true extrema: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: relative Luftfeuchtigkeit entities: - entity: sensor.EZ_MS_Relative_humidity name: Esszimmer Luftfeuchtigkeit color_thresholds: - value: 35 color: '#d9534f' - value: 39 color: '#ffad60' - value: 40 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 58 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 60 color: '#ffad60' - value: 65 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:water-percent' unit: null show: labels: true extrema: true - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.EZ_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Esszimmer - entity: binary_sensor.WZ_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Wohnzimmer title: Fensterkontakte state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: 'custom:stack-in-card' mode: vertical cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: markdown content: |- Connected: {} Akkustand: {}% Total: {mihome-vacuum.0.history.total_area}m² Reinigungen: {mihome-vacuum.0.history.total_cleanups} - type: 'custom:button-card' color_type: null color: grey icon: 'mdi:robot-vacuum' name: Susi styles: card: - width: 150px - height: 100% - type: markdown content: |- Filter: {mihome-vacuum.0.consumable.filter}% Sensoren: {mihome-vacuum.0.consumable.sensors}% Hauptbürste: {mihome-vacuum.0.consumable.main_brush}% Seitenbürste: {mihome-vacuum.0.consumable.side_brush}% - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: 'custom:button-card' icon: 'mdi:play' color: var(--accent-color) tap_action: action: call-service service: switch.turn_on service_data: entity_id: switch.control_start - type: 'custom:button-card' icon: 'mdi:pause' color: var(--accent-color) tap_action: action: call-service service: switch.turn_on service_data: entity_id: switch.control_pause - type: button - type: 'custom:button-card' icon: 'mdi:home' color: var(--accent-color) tap_action: action: call-service service: switch.turn_on service_data: entity_id: switch.control_home - type: 'custom:button-card' icon: 'mdi:crosshairs-gps' color: var(--accent-color) tap_action: action: call-service service: switch.turn_on service_data: entity_id: switch.control_find - icon: 'hass:shower' title: Bad path: bad badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Temperatur entities: - entity: sensor.Bad_MS_Temperature name: Badezimmer Temperatur color_thresholds: - value: 21 color: '#41b6e6' - value: 22 color: '#ffad60' - value: 22.5 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 23.5 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 24 color: '#ffad60' - value: 25 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:thermometer' unit: °C show: labels: true extrema: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: relative Luftfeuchtigkeit entities: - entity: sensor.Bad_MS_Relative_humidity name: Badezimmer Luftfeuchtigkeit color_thresholds: - value: 35 color: '#d9534f' - value: 39 color: '#ffad60' - value: 40 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 65 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 66 color: '#ffad60' - value: 70 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:water-percent' unit: null show: labels: true extrema: true - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.B_FK_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Bad links - entity: binary_sensor.B_FK_R_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Bad rechts - entity: binary_sensor.WC_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: WC title: Fensterkontakte state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: entities entities: - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_Bad icon: 'hass:thermometer' name: Außentemperatur - Fenster Bad - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_WCFenster icon: 'hass:thermometer' name: Außentemperatur - Fenster WC state_color: true title: Skripte - icon: 'hass:bed' title: Schlafzimmer path: schlafzimmer badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Temperatur entities: - entity: sensor.SZ_MS_Temperature name: Schlafzimmer color_thresholds: - value: 15 color: '#41b6e6' - value: 16 color: '#ffad60' - value: 17 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 18 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 20 color: '#ffad60' - value: 21 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:thermometer' unit: °C show: labels: true extrema: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: relative Luftfeuchtigkeit entities: - entity: sensor.SZ_MS_Relative_humidity name: Schlafzimmer color_thresholds: - value: 35 color: '#d9534f' - value: 39 color: '#ffad60' - value: 40 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 58 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 60 color: '#ffad60' - value: 65 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:water-percent' unit: null show: labels: true extrema: true - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.SZ_FK_N_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schlafzimmer Nord - entity: binary_sensor.SZ_FK_O_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schlafzimmer Ost - entity: binary_sensor.SR_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schrankraum links - entity: binary_sensor.SR_MR_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schrankraum rechts title: Fensterkontakte state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: entities entities: - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_Schlafzimmer icon: 'hass:thermometer' name: Außentemperatur - Fenster SZ - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_Schrankraum name: Außentemperatur - Fenster SR icon: 'hass:thermometer' state_color: true title: Skripte - icon: 'hass:home-floor-negative-1' title: Keller path: keller badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Temperatur entities: - entity: sensor.K_MS_Temperature name: Keller Temperatur color_thresholds: - value: 8 color: '#41b6e6' - value: 9 color: '#ffad60' - value: 10 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 15 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 16 color: '#ffad60' - value: 17 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:thermometer' unit: °C show: labels: true extrema: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: relative Luftfeuchtigkeit entities: - entity: sensor.K_MS_Relative_humidity name: Keller Luftfeuchtigkeit color_thresholds: - value: 48 color: '#d9534f' - value: 49 color: '#ffad60' - value: 50 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 65 color: '#8bc24c' - value: 66 color: '#ffad60' - value: 67 color: '#d9534f' hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:water-percent' unit: null show: labels: true extrema: true - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Keller_TKS_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Keller - entity: binary_sensor.GH_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Gartenhütte - entity: binary_sensor.G_TK_Open name: Garage icon: 'hass:garage-variant' secondary_info: last-changed title: Türkontakte state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Stromaufnahme Waschmaschine entities: - entity: sensor.WM_Strom name: Stromaufnahme color: var(--accent-color) hours_to_show: 12 hour24: true decimals: 0 points_per_hour: 20 smoothing: true icon: 'hass:lightning-bolt' unit: mA show: labels: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Stromaufnahme Wäschetrockner entities: - entity: sensor.WT_Current name: Stromaufnahme color: var(--accent-color) hours_to_show: 12 hour24: true decimals: 0 points_per_hour: 20 smoothing: true icon: 'hass:lightning-bolt' unit: mA show: labels: true - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.GWP_WS_Water_detected icon: 'hass:water' name: Grundwasserpumpe - entity: binary_sensor.PP_WS_Water_detected icon: 'hass:water' name: Poolpumpe - entity: binary_sensor.HR_WS_Water_detected icon: 'hass:water' name: Heizraum - entity: binary_sensor.WR_WS_Water_detected icon: 'hass:water' name: Waschraum title: Wasser Leckage state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: horizontal-stack title: Waschmaschine cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: binary_sensor.Waschmaschine_aktiv show_state: false name: aktiv - type: button tap_action: action: none entity: binary_sensor.Waschmaschine_Status_fertig name: fertig show_state: false show_name: true - type: horizontal-stack title: Wäschetrockner cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: binary_sensor.Waeschetrockner_aktiv show_state: false name: aktiv - type: button tap_action: action: none entity: binary_sensor.Waeschetrockner_Status_fertig name: fertig show_state: false show_name: true - icon: 'hass:iobroker' title: IObroker path: iobroker badges: [] cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Last_iobroker_backup_Success name: letztes iobroker Backup erfolgreich icon: 'hass:cloud-upload' - entity: sensor.Last_iobroker_backup name: letztes Backup icon: 'hass:calendar-range' - entity: binary_sensor.Indicator_if_new_adapter_updates_are_available name: Updates verfügbar - entity: sensor.Number_of_adapters_to_update name: Anzahl Updates icon: 'hass:update' - entity: sensor.List_of_adapters_to_update name: Adapter icon: 'hass:update' show_header_toggle: false state_color: true title: Iobroker - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Raspberry Pi CPU Temperatur entities: - entity: sensor.rpi2_0_temperature_soc_temp color: green name: Raspberry Pi CPU Temperatur hours_to_show: 48 hour24: true decimals: 0 icon: 'hass:thermometer' unit: °C show: labels: true extrema: true color_thresholds: - value: 50 color: orange - value: 65 color: red - icon: 'hass:server' title: server path: server badges: [] cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: sensor.Cpu_load min: 0 max: 100 severity: green: 0 yellow: 70 red: 85 name: CPU - type: gauge min: 0 max: 100 severity: green: 0 yellow: 70 red: 85 entity: sensor.Memory_usage name: Ram - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: sensor.Used min: 0 max: 100 severity: green: 0 yellow: 70 red: 85 name: ' Volume 1' - type: button tap_action: action: none entity: sensor.DiskStationManager_vol_info_volume_1_status icon: 'mdi:list-status' show_state: true name: Volume 1 hold_action: action: none show_name: false show_icon: false icon_height: 50px - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: sensor.Used_volume2 min: 0 max: 100 severity: green: 0 yellow: 70 red: 85 name: ' Volume 2' - type: button tap_action: action: none entity: sensor.DiskStationManager_vol_info_volume_2_status icon: 'mdi:list-status' show_state: true name: Volume 2 hold_action: action: none show_name: false show_icon: false - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Server CPU Auslastung entities: - entity: sensor.Cpu_load color: green hour24: true decimals: 0 icon: 'hass:cpu-64-bit' unit: null show: labels: true extrema: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Server Ram Auslastung entities: - entity: sensor.Memory_usage color: green hours_to_show: 48 hour24: true decimals: 0 icon: 'hass:memory' unit: null show: labels: true extrema: true - type: button tap_action: action: more-info entity: sensor.DiskStationManager_info_temperature_warn icon_height: 50px show_state: true icon: 'hass:thermometer-alert' name: Temperaturwarnung hold_action: action: none - icon: 'hass:network' title: Netzwerk path: netzwerk panel: false badges: [] cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Stefan_Handy name: Stefan icon: 'hass:cellphone-android' secondary_info: last-changed - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Julia_Handy name: Julia icon: 'hass:cellphone-android' secondary_info: last-changed - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Galaxy_A5_2017_localdomain name: Matthias icon: 'hass:cellphone-android' secondary_info: last-changed - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Galaxy_J7_localdomain name: Toni icon: 'hass:cellphone-android' secondary_info: last-changed - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Greti_Handy name: Karl icon: 'hass:cellphone-android' secondary_info: last-changed - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Greti_Galaxy_J7_localdomain name: Greti icon: 'hass:cellphone-android' secondary_info: last-changed state_color: true show_header_toggle: false title: Handys - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Synology_DS918 name: Synology DS918 icon: 'hass:server' secondary_info: last-changed - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Kamera_Einfahrt name: Überwachungskamera icon: 'hass:cctv' secondary_info: last-changed - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Samsung_Drucker_Karl name: Samsung Drucker OG icon: 'hass:printer' secondary_info: last-changed state_color: true show_header_toggle: false title: Netzwerk - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Galaxy_Tab_S5e name: Galaxy Tab 5se icon: 'hass:tablet' secondary_info: last-changed - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Denon_AVR_X2400H name: Denon AVR X2400H icon: 'hass:amplifier' secondary_info: last-changed - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_ESP_07B3D4_localdomain name: Wetterstation icon: 'hass:card-bulleted-outline' secondary_info: last-changed - entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Samsung_TV_Wohnzimmer name: Samsung TV icon: 'hass:television' secondary_info: last-changed state_color: true show_header_toggle: false title: Geräte - title: Batterie Status path: batterie_status icon: 'hass:battery-charging-medium' badges: [] cards: - type: entities title: Bewegungsmelder entities: - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.EZ_BM_Battery_state_in_percent name: Esszimmer - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.VR_BM_Battery_state_in_percent name: Vorraum - type: entities title: Multisensoren entities: - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.EZ_MS_Battery_state_in_percent name: Esszimmer - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.G_MS_Battery_state_in_percent name: Haustüre - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.K_MS_Battery_state_in_percent name: Keller - type: entities title: Fenster-/ Türkontakte entities: - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.B_FK_R_Battery_state_in_percent name: Bad Fenster rechts - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.EVA_FK_Battery_state_in_percent name: Eva Fenster - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.EVA_TK_Battery_state_in_percent name: Eva Tür - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.EZ_TK_Battery_state_in_percent name: Esszimmer Tür - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.GH_TK_Battery_state_in_percent name: Gartenhütte Tür - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.Keller_TKS_Battery_state_in_percent name: Keller Tür - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.SZ_FK_N_Battery_state_in_percent name: Schlafzimmer Fenster Nord - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.WC_Battery_state_in_percent name: WC Fenster - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.WZ_TK_Battery_state_in_percent name: Wohnzimmer Tür - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.G_TK_Battery_state_in_percent name: Garagentor - type: entities title: Wasserleckage entities: - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.GWP_WS_Battery_state_in_percent name: Grundwasserpumpe - type: 'custom:battery-entity' entity: sensor.PP_WS_Battery_state_in_percent name: Poolpompe - path: default_view title: Home icon: 'hass:home-assistant' badges: [] cards: [] - title: Skripte path: skripte icon: 'hass:application-cog' badges: [] cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_Bad icon: 'hass:shower' name: Bad - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_Eva icon: 'hass:alpha-e-circle' name: Eva - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_Matthias icon: 'hass:alpha-m-circle' name: Matthias - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_Schlafzimmer icon: 'hass:bed' name: Schlafzimmer - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_Schrankraum icon: 'hass:file-cabinet' name: Schrankraum - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_Toni icon: 'hass:alpha-t-circle' name: Toni - entity: light.scriptEnabled_Aussentemp_WCFenster icon: 'hass:toilet' name: WC state_color: true title: Fenster -Außentemperatur Skripte - title: Kalender path: kalender icon: 'hass:calendar-clock' panel: false badges: [] cards: - type: iframe url: >-" style="border: 0" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> aspect_ratio: 100% title: Familienkalender - icon: 'hass:chart-line' title: Messdaten path: messdaten badges: [] cards: - type: history-graph entities: - entity: sensor.EZ_MS_Temperature name: Esszimmer - entity: sensor.K_MS_Temperature name: Keller - entity: sensor.Temperature name: Außen Wetterstation hours_to_show: 72 refresh_interval: 0 title: Temperatur - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Temperatur Entwicklung entities: - entity: sensor.Temperature name: Außen Wetterstation color: blue - entity: sensor.EZ_MS_Temperature name: Esszimmer color: green hours_to_show: 72 hour24: true decimals: 0 icon: 'hass:thermometer' unit: °C show: labels: true extrema: true - type: history-graph entities: - entity: sensor.EZ_MS_Relative_humidity name: Esszimmer - entity: sensor.K_MS_Relative_humidity name: Keller - entity: sensor.Relative_humidity name: Außen Wetterstation hours_to_show: 72 refresh_interval: 0 title: relative Luftfeuchtigkeit - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: relative Luftfeuchtigkeit entities: - entity: sensor.Relative_humidity name: Außen Wetterstation color: blue - entity: sensor.EZ_MS_Relative_humidity name: Esszimmer color: green - entity: sensor.K_MS_Relative_humidity name: Keller color: red hours_to_show: 72 hour24: true decimals: 0 icon: 'hass:water-percent' unit: null show: labels: true extrema: true - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.EZ_MS_Temperature name: Esszimmer - entity: sensor.K_MS_Temperature name: Keller - entity: sensor.Temperature name: Wetterstation show_header_toggle: false - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.EZ_MS_Relative_humidity icon: 'hass:water-percent' name: Esszimmer - entity: sensor.K_MS_Relative_humidity icon: 'hass:water-percent' name: Keller - entity: sensor.Relative_humidity icon: 'hass:water-percent' name: Wetterstation - entity: sensor.Air_pressure__mbar_ - entity: sensor.Wind_gust show_header_toggle: false - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Temperatur entities: - entity: sensor.Matt_MS_Temperature name: Matthias color: blue - entity: sensor.Toni_MS_Temperature name: Toni color: green - entity: sensor.Eva_MS_Temperature name: Eva color: pink - entity: sensor.SZ_MS_Temperature name: Schlafzimmer color: red - entity: sensor.EZ_MS_Temperature name: Esszimmer color: yellow - entity: sensor.K_MS_Temperature name: Keller color: grey hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:thermometer' unit: °C show: labels: true extrema: true - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: relative Luftfeuchtigkeit entities: - entity: sensor.Matt_MS_Relative_humidity name: Matthias color: blue - entity: sensor.Toni_MS_Relative_humidity name: Toni color: green - entity: sensor.Eva_MS_Relative_humidity name: Eva color: pink - entity: sensor.SZ_MS_Relative_humidity name: Schlafzimmer color: red - entity: sensor.EZ_MS_Relative_humidity name: Esszimmer color: yellow - entity: sensor.K_MS_Relative_humidity name: Keller color: grey hours_to_show: 48 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true decimals: 1 icon: 'hass:water-percent' unit: null show: labels: true extrema: true - icon: 'hass:home-account' title: User Online path: user-online badges: [] cards: - type: button tap_action: action: more-info entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Stefan_Handy icon_height: 50px show_state: false icon: 'hass:account-outline' name: Stefan hold_action: action: none - type: button tap_action: action: more-info entity: binary_sensor.Alive_Stefan_Handy icon_height: 50px show_state: false icon: 'hass:account-outline' name: Stefan hold_action: action: none - type: button tap_action: action: more-info entity: binary_sensor.Waschmaschine_Status_fertig icon_height: 50px show_state: false icon: 'hass:washing-machine' name: Waschmaschine hold_action: action: none - type: button tap_action: action: more-info entity: binary_sensor.Waeschetrockner_Status_fertig icon_height: 50px show_state: false icon: 'hass:tumble-dryer' name: Wäschetrockner aktiv hold_action: action: none - title: Test path: test badges: [] cards: - type: history-graph entities: - entity: sensor.WM_Strom name: Waschmaschine - entity: sensor.WT_Current name: Wäschetrockner refresh_interval: 0 title: Stromaufnahme hours_to_show: 6 - type: iframe url: '' aspect_ratio: 60% - type: media-control entity: media_player.Echo_Keller - type: media-control entity: media_player.Denon_AVR_X2400H__HEOS_Player_ - type: media-control entity: media_player.UEberall - type: iframe url: >- aspect_ratio: 78% - type: weather-forecast entity: weather.Pucking__Oberoesterreich_OEsterreich_ show_forecast: true name: Pucking - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' entities: - sensor.Temperature name: Außentemperatur unit: °C hours_to_show: 72 points_per_hour: 6 hour24: true labels: true update_interval: 60 smoothing: true aggregate_func: max show_line: true show_points: true show_legend: true line_color: blue show: graph: line labels: true color_thresholds: - value: 30 color: green - value: 38 color: '#00f0b8' - value: 40 color: '#34c6eb' - value: 42 color: orange - value: 44 color: red - value: 46 color: '#d335db' - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' entities: - sensor.Precipitation__today_ name: Niederschlag pro Tag unit: mm icon: 'hass:water' hours_to_show: 192 group_by: date hour24: true labels: true update_interval: 60 smoothing: false aggregate_func: max show_line: true show_points: true show_legend: true line_color: '#0080ff' show: graph: line labels: true - type: 'custom:mini-media-player' entity: media_player.UEberall artwork: full-cover info: scroll hide: icon: true - type: 'custom:mini-media-player' entity: media_player.Echo_Show artwork: full-cover info: scroll hide: icon: true - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Waschmaschine_Status_fertig name: Waschmaschine state_color: true - title: Archiv path: archiv badges: [] cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.M_FK_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Matthias links - entity: binary_sensor.M_FK_R_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Matthias rechts - entity: binary_sensor.Balkon_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Balkon - entity: binary_sensor.T_FK_W_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Toni West links - entity: binary_sensor.T_FK_W_R_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Toni West rechts - entity: binary_sensor.T_FK_N_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Toni Nord title: Obergeschoss state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.SZ_FK_N_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schlafzimmer Nord - entity: binary_sensor.SZ_FK_O_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schlafzimmer Ost - entity: binary_sensor.SR_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schrankraum links - entity: binary_sensor.SR_MR_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schrankraum rechts - entity: binary_sensor.B_FK_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Bad links - entity: binary_sensor.B_FK_R_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Bad rechts - entity: binary_sensor.EVA_FK_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Eva - entity: binary_sensor.EVA_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Eva - entity: binary_sensor.EZ_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Esszimmer - entity: binary_sensor.WC_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: WC - entity: binary_sensor.WZ_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Wohnzimmer title: Erdgeschoss state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Keller_TKS_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Keller - entity: binary_sensor.GH_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Gartenhütte - entity: binary_sensor.G_TK_Open name: Garage icon: 'hass:garage-variant' secondary_info: last-changed title: Garten / Keller state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: vertical-stack title: Denon Küche cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Zone_2_Power_State icon: 'hass:power' show_name: false icon_height: 120px name: Küche - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: button entity: input_select.Zone_2_Select_input show_state: false icon_height: 120px tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none name: Eingang icon: 'hass:import' show_name: false - type: gauge entity: sensor.Zone_2_Volume min: 0 max: 100 severity: green: 0 yellow: 65 red: 70 unit: '%' name: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Zone_2_Volume_Down icon: 'hass:volume-minus' show_name: false state_color: false icon_height: 55px - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Zone_2_Muted icon: 'hass:volume-mute' show_name: false state_color: false icon_height: 55px - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Zone_2_Volume_Up icon: 'hass:volume-plus' show_name: false state_color: false icon_height: 55px - type: vertical-stack title: Denon Wohnzimmer cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Main_Zone_Power_State icon: 'hass:power' show_name: false icon_height: 120px - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: button entity: input_select.Select_input show_state: false icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none name: Eingang icon: 'hass:import' show_name: false - type: button entity: input_select.Surround_mode show_state: false icon_height: 50px tap_action: action: more-info hold_action: action: none show_icon: true name: Surround Modus show_name: false icon: 'hass:surround-sound' - type: gauge entity: sensor.Main_Volume min: 0 max: 100 severity: green: 0 yellow: 65 red: 70 unit: '%' name: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Previous icon: 'hass:skip-previous' show_name: false state_color: false icon_height: 60px - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Play_Pause icon: 'hass:play-pause' show_name: false state_color: false - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Next icon: 'hass:skip-next' show_name: false state_color: false - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Volume_Down icon: 'hass:volume-minus' show_name: false state_color: false - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Muted icon: 'hass:volume-mute' show_name: false state_color: false - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Volume_Up icon: 'hass:volume-plus' show_name: false state_color: false - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.Minimal_day_temperature name: min. Temperatur icon: 'hass:thermometer-low' - entity: sensor.Maximal_day_temperature name: max. Temperatur icon: 'hass:thermometer-high' - entity: sensor.rain name: Niederschlag icon: 'hass:water-outline' - entity: sensor.snowline icon: 'hass:snowflake' name: Schneefallgrenze show_header_toggle: false title: Prognose - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.Wind_direction name: Wind Richtung icon: 'hass:compass-outline' - entity: sensor.UV_Index icon: 'hass:sine-wave' - entity: sensor.Solar_radiation icon: 'hass:weather-sunny' name: Strahlung state_color: false show_header_toggle: false title: Aktuell - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.Temperature name: Aktuell - entity: sensor.Minimal_day_temperature name: min. Prognose icon: 'hass:thermometer-low' - entity: sensor.Maximal_day_temperature name: max. Prognose icon: 'hass:thermometer-high' state_color: false show_header_toggle: false title: Außentemperatur - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.Precipitation__today_ icon: 'hass:water-outline' name: Aktuell - entity: sensor.rain name: Prognose icon: 'hass:water-outline' - entity: sensor.snowline icon: 'hass:snowflake' name: Prognose show_header_toggle: false title: Niederschlag - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.UV_Index icon: 'hass:sine-wave' - entity: sensor.Solar_radiation icon: 'hass:weather-sunny' name: Strahlung - entity: sensor.Visibility icon: 'hass:eye-outline' name: Sicht show_header_toggle: false title: Licht & Sicht state_color: false - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.Wind_direction name: Richtung icon: 'hass:compass-outline' - entity: sensor.Wind_speed name: Aktuell icon: 'hass:weather-windy' - entity: sensor.Wind_gust icon: 'hass:weather-windy' name: Böe show_header_toggle: false title: Wind - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.Minimal_day_temperature name: min. Temperatur icon: 'hass:thermometer-low' - entity: sensor.Maximal_day_temperature name: max. Temperatur icon: 'hass:thermometer-high' - entity: sensor.rain name: Niederschlag icon: 'hass:water-outline' - entity: sensor.snowline icon: 'hass:snowflake' name: Schneefallgrenze show_header_toggle: false title: Prognose - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.Wind_direction name: Wind Richtung icon: 'hass:compass-outline' - entity: sensor.UV_Index icon: 'hass:sine-wave' - entity: sensor.Solar_radiation icon: 'hass:weather-sunny' name: Strahlung state_color: false show_header_toggle: false - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card' name: Luftdruck entities: - entity: sensor.Air_pressure__mbar_ name: Pucking color: blue - entity: sensor.Air_pressure__mbar__wdg name: Windischgarsten color: green hours_to_show: 72 hour24: true decimals: 0 icon: 'hass:gauge' unit: bar show: labels: true - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.SZ_FK_N_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schlafzimmer Nord - entity: binary_sensor.SZ_FK_O_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schlafzimmer Ost - entity: binary_sensor.SR_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schrankraum links - entity: binary_sensor.SR_MR_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Schrankraum rechts - entity: binary_sensor.B_FK_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Bad links - entity: binary_sensor.B_FK_R_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Bad rechts - entity: binary_sensor.EVA_FK_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Eva - entity: binary_sensor.EVA_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Eva - entity: binary_sensor.EZ_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Esszimmer - entity: binary_sensor.WC_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: WC - entity: binary_sensor.WZ_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Wohnzimmer title: Erdgeschoss state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.M_FK_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Matthias links - entity: binary_sensor.M_FK_R_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Matthias rechts - entity: binary_sensor.Balkon_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Balkon - entity: binary_sensor.T_FK_W_L_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Toni West li. - entity: binary_sensor.T_FK_W_R_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Toni West re. - entity: binary_sensor.T_FK_N_Open icon: 'hass:window-closed-variant' secondary_info: last-changed name: Toni Nord title: Obergeschoss state_color: true show_header_toggle: false - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Keller_TKS_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Keller - entity: binary_sensor.GH_TK_Open icon: 'hass:door' secondary_info: last-changed name: Gartenhütte - entity: binary_sensor.G_TK_Open name: Garage icon: 'hass:garage-variant' secondary_info: last-changed title: Garten / Keller state_color: true show_header_toggle: false hideToolbar: false
Vielen Danke für Eure Beispiele. Ich bastele auch noch. Was mir bei @philo686 auffällt ist der "verschwendete" Platz links und rechts. Und genau das ist auch mein Problem. Wie könnte man das lösen? Ich würde gerne lovelace kleiner skalieren, aber trotzdem noch die gesamte breite des Bildschirms nutzen. Geht das?
Ich stelle dann hier auch meine Visualisierung vor, die mit Hilfe von @David-G und dem Raspberry-Forum hingebastelt habe. Es ist noch nicht fertig, insbesondere die Unterseiten befinden sich noch im Aufbau.
Optisch ist es an das transparent-Theme angelehnt, ich habe es nur ein wenig abgeändert, da ich es nicht so bunt mag und es auf dem Touchscreen mMn so besser aussieht. Der Screen schaltet sich automatisch ab und, wenn der Motion-Sensor eine Bewegung erkennt, wieder an.Die Vis dient zur Steuerung meines wachsenden Smarthomes.
Aufbaut sieht das ganze so aus:
Und noch der Code:
title: Home views: - path: home title: Home panel: false badges: [] cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.AwayLL name: ALL OFF icon: 'mdi:power' - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Alles name: ALL NIGHT icon: 'mdi:sleep' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.JalousAufLL name: EG OPEN icon: 'mdi:window-shutter-open' - type: button tap_action: action: toggle name: OG OPEN icon: 'mdi:window-shutter-open' entity: switch.AlleAufOG - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: light entity: light.Esszimmerlicht name: Esszimmerlicht icon: 'mdi:vanity-light' - type: light entity: light.Philips_hue_Wohnzimmerlicht icon: 'mdi:ceiling-light' name: Wonzimmerlicht - type: weather-forecast entity: weather.Luenen__Luenen_Deutschland_ name: Wetter in Lünen - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.JalousZuLL name: EG CLOSE icon: 'mdi:window-shutter' - type: button tap_action: action: toggle name: OG CLOSE icon: 'mdi:window-shutter' entity: switch.AlleZuOG - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: light entity: light.Philips_hue_Flurlicht name: Flurlicht icon: 'mdi:outdoor-lamp' - type: light entity: light.Lightstrip name: Lightstrip icon: 'mdi:led-strip-variant' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: sensor graph: line entity: sensor.Wohnzimmertemperatur name: Wohnzimmertemperatur - type: sensor graph: line entity: sensor.Luftfeuchtigkeit name: Luftfeuchtigkeit icon: 'mdi:water-percent' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Jalous30LL name: EG DAY icon: 'mdi:window-shutter-alert' - type: button tap_action: action: toggle name: OG DAY icon: 'mdi:window-shutter-alert' entity: switch.AlleSonneOG - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.PS4HelpLL name: PS4 HELP icon: 'mdi:sony-playstation' - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.FernsehenLL name: FERNSEHEN icon: 'mdi:remote-tv' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.TVLL name: TV icon: 'mdi:television' - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.DenonToggleLL name: AVR icon: 'mdi:audio-video' - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.Sensor_F3 name: Fenster 3 - entity: binary_sensor.Sensor_F4 name: Fenster 4 - entity: binary_sensor.Sensor_F7 name: Fenster 7 - entity: binary_sensor.Sensor_F9 name: Fenster 9 - type: markdown content: '{}' - title: Licht path: licht icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-on' panel: false badges: [] cards: - type: light entity: light.Esszimmer name: Esszimmerlicht icon: 'mdi:vanity-light' - type: light entity: light.Lightstrip name: Lightstrip icon: 'mdi:led-strip-variant' - type: light entity: light.Philips_hue_Flurlicht name: Flurlicht icon: 'mdi:outdoor-lamp' - type: light entity: light.Philips_hue_Wohnzimmerlicht icon: 'mdi:ceiling-light' name: Wonzimmerlicht - type: light entity: light.Aussenlicht icon: 'mdi:coach-lamp' - type: light entity: light.Terrassenlicht icon: 'mdi:wall-sconce-flat' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: light entity: light.Aussenlicht icon: 'mdi:coach-lamp' - type: light entity: light.Terrassenlicht icon: 'mdi:wall-sconce-flat' - title: Temperatur path: temperatur icon: 'mdi:thermometer' badges: [] cards: - type: sensor entity: sensor.Wohnzimmertemperatur name: Wohnzimmertemperatur graph: line hours_to_show: 12 detail: 1 icon: 'mdi:thermometer' - type: vertical-stack title: Klima cards: - type: gauge entity: sensor.Luftfeuchtigkeit min: 0 max: 100 - type: gauge entity: sensor.Wohnzimmertemperatur min: 0 max: 100 - type: sensor entity: sensor.Luftfeuchtigkeit name: Luftfeuchtigkeit graph: line hours_to_show: 12 detail: 1 icon: 'mdi:water-percent' - type: horizontal-stack title: Klima cards: - type: gauge entity: sensor.Wohnzimmertemperatur min: 0 max: 100 - type: gauge entity: sensor.Luftfeuchtigkeit min: 0 max: 100 - title: Fenster path: jalousien icon: 'mdi:window-open-variant' badges: [] cards: - type: entity entity: lock.HaustuersperrstatusLL name: Haustürschloss - type: entities entities: - entity: cover.Fenster1 - entity: cover.Fenster2 - entity: cover.Fenster3 - entity: cover.Fenster4 - entity: cover.Fenster5 - entity: cover.Fenster6 - entity: cover.Fenster7 - entity: cover.Fenster8 - entity: cover.Fenster9 - entity: cover.Fenster10 title: Jalousien - type: entity entity: binary_sensor.HaustuerLL name: Haustür - type: 'custom:button-card' entity: binary_sensor.HaustuerLL name: Haustür map_state: '3': geöffnet offen: geschlossen - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.JalousAufLL name: EG OPEN icon: 'mdi:window-shutter-open' - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Jalous30LL name: EG DAY icon: 'mdi:window-shutter-alert' - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.JalousZuLL name: EG CLOSE icon: 'mdi:window-shutter' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle name: OG OPEN icon: 'mdi:window-shutter-open' entity: switch.AlleAufOG - type: button tap_action: action: toggle name: OG DAY icon: 'mdi:window-shutter-alert' entity: switch.AlleSonneOG - type: button tap_action: action: toggle name: OG CLOSE icon: 'mdi:window-shutter' entity: switch.AlleZuOG - title: Wetter path: wetter icon: 'mdi:weather-partly-snowy-rainy' badges: [] cards: - type: 'custom:clockwork-card' locale: de-DE other_time: - America/New_York - Australia/Sydney - America/Los_Angeles style: | .other_time { display: none; } - title: Media path: media badges: [] cards: - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.Alles name: ALLES icon: 'mdi:power' resource: null - type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.DenonToggleLL name: AVR icon: 'mdi:audio-video' hideToolbar: true
Vielen Dank an alle Helfer und die Inspirationen die ich bisher erhalten habe.
@dan11hh Die Screenshots habe ich auf meinem 24" Bildschirm gemacht. Nur da habe ich links und rechts einen breiten ungenutzten Bereich. Auf meinem Laptop 15", sowie am Echo Show 8, habe ich ebenso die 3 Spalten, jedoch seitlich keinen oder nur kaum ungenutzten Bereich.
Hi @m1r0o dein Thema sieht toll aus!
Können Sie mir sagen, wie ich es importieren kann?
Vielen Dank -
Du musst die den Code in Lovelace > oben rechts Benutzeroberfläche konfigurieren > oben rechts RAW-Konfigurationseditor einfügen und anpassen.
Ich denke es geht um das Theme.
Das muss in der Konfiguration des Adapters eingefügt werden. Da gibt es einen extra Reiter für.
Einfügen und dann oben links im Dropdown auswählen.
Und natürlich speichern nicht vergessen.Allerdings hat @M1R0O das Theme nicht mit gepostet.
Oh sorry, gar nicht bemerkt: Es sind 2 aus denen du wählen kannst: "dark" und "darkOWN":dark: # Background image lovelace-background: 'center / cover no-repeat url("/local/night.jpg") fixed' # Colors text-color: '#DADADB' text-medium-light-color: '#A0A2A8' text-medium-color: '#80828A' text-dark-color: '#6A6B74' accent-color: '#008bef' accent-medium-color: '#2484C9' background-color: '#3b4049' background-color-2: '#484E59' background-card-color: '#434952' border-color: '#383C46' # Header app-header-background-color: '#363941' # Text primary-color: 'var(--text-color)' text-primary-color: 'var(--text-color)' # Left Menu paper-listbox-background-color: 'var(--background-color)' sidebar-icon-color: 'var(--text-medium-color)' sidebar-selected-icon-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' sidebar-selected-text-color: 'var(--text-color)' # UI paper-card-header-color: 'var(--text-color)' primary-background-color: 'var(--background-color)' mdc-theme-primary: 'var(--accent-medium-color)' card-background-color: 'var(--background-card-color)' # Card paper-card-background-color: 'var(--background-card-color)' dark-primary-color: 'var(--text-color)' primary-text-color: 'var(--text-color)' paper-listbox-color: 'var(--text-color)' light-primary-color: 'var(--text-dark-color)' secondary-text-color: 'var(--text-medium-color)' disabled-text-color: 'var(--text-dark-color)' paper-dialog-button-color: 'var(--text-color)' secondary-background-color: 'var(--background-color-2)' # Icons paper-item-icon-color: 'var(--text-dark-color)' paper-item-icon-active-color: 'var(--accent-color)' # Switches switch-checked-button-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' switch-unchecked-button-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' switch-checked-track-color: '#009FFF' switch-unchecked-track-color: '#767682' # Slider paper-slider-active-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-knob-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' paper-slider-container-color: 'var(--text-dark-color)' paper-slider-knob-start-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' # Badges label-badge-text-color: 'var(--text-color)' label-badge-background-color: 'rgba(54, 57, 65, 0.6)' # Shadows ha-card-box-shadow: 'inset 0px 0px 0px 1px var(--border-color)' # HACS hacs-badge-color: 'var(--accent-color)' hacs-status-installed: 'var(--text-color)' hacs-status-pending-restart: 'var(--text-dark-color)' hacs-status-pending-update: 'var(--accent-color)' darkOWN: #Background image lovelace-background: center / cover no-repeat url("/cards/background.jpg") fixed mdc-theme-surface: var(--primary-background-color) # Colors text-color: '#DADADB' text-medium-light-color: '#A0A2A8' text-medium-color: '#80828A' text-dark-color: '#6A6B74' accent-color: 'rgba(236, 237, 238)' accent-medium-color: 'rgba(236, 237, 238)' background-color: '#3b4049' background-color-2: 'rgba(72, 78, 89, 0.1)' background-card-color: 'rgba(67, 73, 82, 0.1)' #border-color: '#383C46' # Header app-header-background-color: '#363941' # Text primary-color: 'var(--text-color)' text-primary-color: 'var(--text-color)' # Left Menu paper-listbox-background-color: 'var(--background-color)' sidebar-icon-color: 'var(--text-medium-color)' sidebar-selected-icon-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' sidebar-selected-text-color: 'var(--text-color)' # UI paper-card-header-color: 'var(--text-color)' primary-background-color: 'var(--background-color)' mdc-theme-primary: 'var(--accent-medium-color)' card-background-color: 'var(--background-card-color)' # Card paper-card-background-color: 'var(--background-card-color)' dark-primary-color: 'var(--text-color)' primary-text-color: 'var(--text-color)' paper-listbox-color: 'var(--text-color)' light-primary-color: 'var(--text-dark-color)' secondary-text-color: 'var(--text-medium-color)' disabled-text-color: 'var(--text-dark-color)' paper-dialog-button-color: 'var(--text-color)' secondary-background-color: 'var(--background-color-2)' # Icons paper-item-icon-color: 'var(--text-dark-color)' paper-item-icon-active-color: 'var(--accent-color)' # Switches switch-checked-button-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' switch-unchecked-button-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' switch-checked-track-color: 'rgba(236, 237, 238)' switch-unchecked-track-color: 'rgba(236, 237, 238)' # Slider paper-slider-active-color: 'var(--accent-color)' paper-slider-knob-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' paper-slider-container-color: 'var(--text-dark-color)' paper-slider-knob-start-color: 'var(--text-medium-light-color)' # Badges label-badge-text-color: 'var(--text-color)' label-badge-background-color: 'rgba(54, 57, 65, 0.6)' # Shadows ha-card-box-shadow: 'inset 1px 1px 1px 2px var(--border-color)' # HACS hacs-badge-color: 'var(--accent-color)' hacs-status-installed: 'var(--text-color)' hacs-status-pending-restart: 'var(--text-dark-color)' hacs-status-pending-update: 'var(--accent-color)'
Hi @m1r0o,
Vielen Dank
Ich bin neu bei ioBroker und lovelace. Kann ich Sie fragen, ob Sie eine Anleitung zur Anwendung dieses Themas geben können? Was sind die Schritte, die ich tun muss?
Danke für deine Hilfe. -
Habe ich 2-3 Posts weiter oben geschrieben.
Ist eigentlich ganz leicht.
Wenn es nicht hinhaut, nochmal fragen. -
Hallo an alle,
mittlerweile hat sich einiges an meiner oben geposteten Visu geändert.
Einiges ist geblieben, einiges ist neu. Da habe ich gedacht, dass ich es nochmal poste.
Nach wie vor ist die Darstellung fürs Smartphone optimiert.Garagenöffner
Eigentlich wie gehabt, je nachdem ob das Tor offen ist oder nicht ändert sich das Bild.Sicherheit
Hier sieht man im oberen Bereich, welche Fenster alle offen sind, man kann aber auch weiter klicken und sieht eine Übersicht aller Sensoren.
Im mittleren Bereich schalte ich die Alarmanlage.
Man sieht, welcher Aktivierungsmodus und welcher Schutzmodus aktiv ist.
Wenn man die PIN eingibt, erscheinen alle nötigen Einstellungen. Nach 5sek schließen sich die Einstellungen automatisch (Da werkelt Blockly im Hintergrund).Ganz unten noch ein paar Kamerabilder (schaut grad gegen die Decke ^^.)
Hier sollte sich alles selber erklären.
Hier steuere ich meine Bose-Box. Im Hintergrund werkelt einiges mit Blockly.
Denke so weit selbsterklärend. Oben kann ich meine Einstellungen zur Anwesenheitssimulation steuern.
System (Musste die Screenshots im Querformat machen, hab anders nicht alles in ein Bild bekommen.)
Hier sieht man so ziemlich alles zu meiner Hardware.
Die Charts habe ich mit eCharts erstellt.Die HmIP und Sonoff Tabellen generiere ich komplett in Blockly.
Oben den Bereich habe ich zusammengebastelt. Als Grundlage dient der TrashSchedule Adapter. Bereite den Text aber noch mit Blockly auf.
Den Kalender habe ich so aus dem iCal-Adapter eingebunden.
Die Daten ziehe ich aus dem Tvspielfilm-Adapter. Lasse aber mit Blockly die Tabellen erzeugen.
Im oberen Bereich kann ich die Lautstärke vom TV steuern und mir die gewünschten Uhrzeiten fürs TV-Programm auswählen.Anwesenheit
Hier gibts eine Karte aller georteten Handys mit Verlauf und Adresse.
Alles rund ums Netzwerk.
Mein YAML-Code
Und mein Theme
Meine Custom-Cards
Die Blocklys kann ich leider nicht Posten. Dann bekomme ich die Meldung, dass die maximale länge des Posts überschritten wird....
kannst du mir sagen, welche "battery-entity" du genau genommen hast? Ich bekomme die, die ich von GitHub bezogen habe, nicht in Lovelace eingebunden. Egal was ich auch mache, es gibt folgende Fehlermeldung:
Custom element doesn't exist: battery-entity.
Ich kann mich erinnern, dass es auf GitHub mal eine "button-card" gab, die schlichtweg kaputt war.Vielen Dank