Adapter "iobroker.nut" - UPS Daten im iobroker
Ich danke auch sehr für diesen Adapter! Tolle Arbeit!
Es wäre cool, wenn es noch ein Feld "Restlaufzeit" gäbe. In PowerChute gibt es sowas, aber ob nut das übermittelt, weiß ich nicht..
Das sollte battery.runtime sein und ist in Sekunden
Perfekt, danke! Jetzt muss ich nur noch rauskriegen, wie ich das für die Vis in Minuten umrechnen kann:)
Bei via kannst du Rechnen. Heißt "bindings " und geht mit geschweiften Klammern. Schau mal auf der github Seite vom iobroker.vis.
Mehr falls nötig wenn ich wieder aus dem Urlaub zurück bin.
der Nut Adapter müllt mir das Log zu, da er bei jedem Aufruf da rein schreibt.
Ich habe schon versucht den Log Level auf warn und error zu setzten, hilft nix, er scheint trotzdem im log auf.
Ist das ein Bug oder habe ich was übersehen?
also er schreibt aktuell bei "info" nur rein das er startet und das er fertig ist. Meinst Du das? Oder "müllt" er noch mehr zu?
ja, das meine ich, da ich alle paar Sekunden abfrage, sind es doch einige Einträge die da zusammenkommen.
Aaaahh … das ist wahr. Meines Wissens nach Fragt übrigens nur das nur alle 3 Minuten oder so ab ... also musst mal schauen wie sich da wirklich was ändert falls was ist ...
Ich plane eh gerade Umbau als Deamon das man noch die NUT-Notifies auch dahin melden kann und der Adapter darauf reagieren kann. Dann ändert sich das eh .
So, jetzt bin ich soweit.
Es gibt eine neue Version des NUT Adapters auf Github. Die News sind:
Adapter läuft jetzt als Deamon. Das Anfrageintervall kann in der Adapter-Konfiguration in Sekunden eingestellt werden. Üblicherweise aktualisiert NUT z.B. bei APC alle 3 Minuten.
Ich habe das "status.severity" so gelassen wie oben im Thread beschrieben
Adapter kann nun Messages für Notifies empfangen und ein Beispielscript für upsmon ist mit dabei. Mehr Infos auf der Github-Seite.
Bevor ich es offiziell veröffentliche wäre es super wenn Ihr es ausprobieren würdet/könntet.
Ingo F
blöde Frage: Wie?
im iobroker scheint der bei "Installieren aus eigenem URL" nicht auf, und mit "" bricht er mit der Fehlermeldung ab:
$ ./iobroker url "" install npm install --production --prefix "/opt/iobroker" (System call) npm ERR! fetch failed npm WARN retry will retry, error on last attempt: Error: fetch failed with status code 404
blöde Frage: Wie? `
Pfad für Installation aus eigenem Repo über den admin wäre IMHO:
ich dachte, man muss das Intervall nun in den Adaptereinstellungen angeben, aber er fragt nach wie vor nach dem schedule:
system-adapter-nut-0 2016-10-03 15:02:35.012 error schedule attribute missing host-Mastermind 2016-10-03 15:02:32.510 warn stopInstance system.adapter.nut.0 not scheduled host-Mastermind 2016-10-03 15:02:32.509 info stopInstance system.adapter.nut.0
der Adapter funktioniert nur, wenn man im Schedule die Werte eingibt, mit dem Wert im Adapter setup fängter er nichts an.
Ebenfalls schreibt er nun einiges mehr in das Log:
nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.561 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.bypass {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011533,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201460} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.561 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.discharging {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011533,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475167426054} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.charging {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011533,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475169226032} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.replacebattery {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011532,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201459} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.highbattery {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011532,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201459} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.lowbattery {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011532,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1474118700977} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.onbattery {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011531,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475167426048} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011531,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475167426048} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish {"val":"051d","ack":true,"ts":1475500011530,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201458} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish {"val":"-1","ack":true,"ts":1475500011530,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201458} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish {"val":"0","ack":true,"ts":1475500011530,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201457} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish {"val":"OL","ack":true,"ts":1475500011529,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475169226029} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish {"val":"5B1349T03604 ","ack":true,"ts":1475500011529,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201456} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish {"val":"0002","ack":true,"ts":1475500011529,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201455} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish {"val":"Back-UPS ES 700G","ack":true,"ts":1475500011528,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201455} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish {"val":"2013/12/04","ack":true,"ts":1475500011528,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201455} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.560 debug host. redis publish {"val":"APC","ack":true,"ts":1475500011527,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201454} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish {"val":"28","ack":true,"ts":1475500011527,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475167411043} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish {"val":"O3 ","ack":true,"ts":1475500011527,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201454} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish {"val":"871.O3 .I","ack":true,"ts":1475500011526,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201453} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish {"val":"20","ack":true,"ts":1475500011526,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201452} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish {"val":"enabled","ack":true,"ts":1475500011525,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201452} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.input.voltage-nominal {"val":"230","ack":true,"ts":1475500011525,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201448} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.input.voltage {"val":"232.0","ack":true,"ts":1475500011525,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475499511669} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.input.transfer-low {"val":"180","ack":true,"ts":1475500011524,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201447} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.input.transfer-high {"val":"266","ack":true,"ts":1475500011524,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201447} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.input.sensitivity {"val":"medium","ack":true,"ts":1475500011523,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201447} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.driver.version-internal {"val":"0.38","ack":true,"ts":1475500011523,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201447} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.driver.version-data {"val":"APC HID 0.95","ack":true,"ts":1475500011523,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201446} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.driver.version {"val":"2.7.2","ack":true,"ts":1475500011522,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201446} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.559 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.driver.parameter-port {"val":"auto","ack":true,"ts":1475500011522,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201445} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.driver.parameter-pollinterval {"val":"2","ack":true,"ts":1475500011522,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201445} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.driver.parameter-pollfreq {"val":"30","ack":true,"ts":1475500011521,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201445} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish {"val":"usbhid-ups","ack":true,"ts":1475500011521,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201444} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.device.type {"val":"ups","ack":true,"ts":1475500011520,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201444} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.device.serial {"val":"5B1349T03604 ","ack":true,"ts":1475500011520,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201443} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.device.model {"val":"Back-UPS ES 700G","ack":true,"ts":1475500011520,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201443} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.device.mfr {"val":"APC","ack":true,"ts":1475500011519,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201442} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.voltage-nominal {"val":"12.0","ack":true,"ts":1475500011519,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201442} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.voltage {"val":"13.7","ack":true,"ts":1475500011518,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475499511664} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.type {"val":"PbAc","ack":true,"ts":1475500011518,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201441} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.runtime-low {"val":"120","ack":true,"ts":1475500011518,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201441} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.runtime {"val":"1672","ack":true,"ts":1475500011517,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475169241007} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.mfr-date {"val":"2013/12/04","ack":true,"ts":1475500011517,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201440} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish {"val":"not set","ack":true,"ts":1475500011516,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201440} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.558 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.charge-warning {"val":"50","ack":true,"ts":1475500011516,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201440} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.charge-low {"val":"10","ack":true,"ts":1475500011516,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201440} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.charge {"val":"100","ack":true,"ts":1475500011515,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475169241004} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 info nut.0 All Nut values set nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug nut.0 Set State status.severity = 0 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug nut.0 Set State status.shutdown = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug nut.0 Create State status.shutdown nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug nut.0 Set State status.boosting = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug nut.0 Create State status.boosting nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug nut.0 Set State status.trimming = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug nut.0 Create State status.trimming nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug nut.0 Set State status.overload = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug nut.0 Create State status.overload nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug nut.0 Set State status.offline = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.557 debug nut.0 Create State status.offline nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Set State status.calibration = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Create State status.calibration nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Set State status.bypass = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Create State status.bypass nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Set State status.discharging = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Create State status.discharging nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Set State status.charging = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Create State status.charging nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Set State status.replacebattery = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Create State status.replacebattery nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Set State status.highbattery = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Create State status.highbattery nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Set State status.lowbattery = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.556 debug nut.0 Create State status.lowbattery nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Set State status.onbattery = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Create State status.onbattery nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Severity Flag idle=true nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Set State = true nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Create State nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Create Channel status nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Set State ups.vendorid = 051d nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Create State ups.vendorid nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Set State ups.timer-shutdown = -1 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Create State ups.timer-shutdown nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Set State ups.timer-reboot = 0 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Create State ups.timer-reboot nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Set State ups.status = OL nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.555 debug nut.0 Create State ups.status nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Set State ups.serial = 5B1349T03604 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Create State ups.serial nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Set State ups.productid = 0002 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Create State ups.productid nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Set State ups.model = Back-UPS ES 700G nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Create State ups.model nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Set State ups.mfr-date = 2013/12/04 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Create State ups.mfr-date nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Set State ups.mfr = APC nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Create State ups.mfr nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Set State ups.load = 28 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Create State ups.load nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Set State ups.firmware-aux = O3 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.554 debug nut.0 Create State ups.firmware-aux nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Set State ups.firmware = 871.O3 .I nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Create State ups.firmware nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Set State ups.delay-shutdown = 20 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Create State ups.delay-shutdown nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Set State ups.beeper-status = enabled nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Create State ups.beeper-status nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Create Channel ups nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Set State input.voltage-nominal = 230 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Create State input.voltage-nominal nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Set State input.voltage = 232.0 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Create State input.voltage nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Set State input.transfer-low = 180 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Create State input.transfer-low nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.553 debug nut.0 Set State input.transfer-high = 266 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.552 debug nut.0 Create State input.transfer-high nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.552 debug nut.0 Set State input.sensitivity = medium nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.552 debug nut.0 Create State input.sensitivity nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.552 debug nut.0 Create Channel input nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.552 debug nut.0 Set State driver.version-internal = 0.38 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.552 debug nut.0 Create State driver.version-internal nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.552 debug nut.0 Set State driver.version-data = APC HID 0.95 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.552 debug nut.0 Create State driver.version-data nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.552 debug nut.0 Set State driver.version = 2.7.2 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.552 debug nut.0 Create State driver.version nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.552 debug nut.0 Set State driver.parameter-port = auto nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.552 debug nut.0 Create State driver.parameter-port nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.551 debug nut.0 Set State driver.parameter-pollinterval = 2 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.551 debug nut.0 Create State driver.parameter-pollinterval nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.551 debug nut.0 Set State driver.parameter-pollfreq = 30 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.551 debug nut.0 Create State driver.parameter-pollfreq nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.551 debug nut.0 Set State = usbhid-ups nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.551 debug nut.0 Create State nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.551 debug nut.0 Create Channel driver nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.551 debug nut.0 Set State device.type = ups nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.551 debug nut.0 Create State device.type nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.551 debug nut.0 Set State device.serial = 5B1349T03604 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.551 debug nut.0 Create State device.serial nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.551 debug nut.0 Set State device.model = Back-UPS ES 700G nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.550 debug nut.0 Create State device.model nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.550 debug nut.0 Set State device.mfr = APC nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.550 debug nut.0 Create State device.mfr nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.550 debug nut.0 Create Channel device nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.550 debug nut.0 Set State battery.voltage-nominal = 12.0 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.550 debug nut.0 Create State battery.voltage-nominal nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.550 debug nut.0 Set State battery.voltage = 13.7 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.550 debug nut.0 Create State battery.voltage nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.550 debug nut.0 Set State battery.type = PbAc nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.550 debug nut.0 Create State battery.type nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.550 debug nut.0 Set State battery.runtime-low = 120 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.549 debug nut.0 Create State battery.runtime-low nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.549 debug nut.0 Set State battery.runtime = 1672 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.549 debug nut.0 Create State battery.runtime nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.549 debug nut.0 Set State battery.mfr-date = 2013/12/04 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.549 debug nut.0 Create State battery.mfr-date nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.549 debug nut.0 Set State = not set nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.549 debug nut.0 Create State nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.549 debug nut.0 Set State battery.charge-warning = 50 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.549 debug nut.0 Create State battery.charge-warning nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.547 debug nut.0 Set State battery.charge-low = 10 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.547 debug nut.0 Create State battery.charge-low nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.547 debug nut.0 Set State battery.charge = 100 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.547 debug nut.0 Create State battery.charge nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.547 debug nut.0 Create Channel battery nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.547 debug nut.0 Got values, start setting them nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.542 debug nut.0 NUT Connection ready nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.541 info nut.0 Start NUT update nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.385 debug host. redis publish io.system.adapter.nut.0.uptime {"val":196,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011384,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475500011384} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.385 debug host. redis publish io.system.adapter.nut.0.memHeapUsed {"val":17.8,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011384,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475500011384} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.385 debug host. redis publish io.system.adapter.nut.0.memHeapTotal {"val":20.82,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011384,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475500011384} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.385 debug host. redis publish io.system.adapter.nut.0.memRss {"val":41.21,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011383,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475500011383} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.385 debug host. redis publish io.system.adapter.nut.0.connected {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011383,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475499816328} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:51.385 debug host. redis publish io.system.adapter.nut.0.alive {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1475500011383,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475499816327} Mastermind 2016-10-03 15:06:50.533 warn host.Mastermind instance system.adapter.nut.0 already running with pid 14081 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.578 debug nut.0 NUT Connection closed. Done. nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.severity {"val":0,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006547,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475498551530} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.shutdown {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006547,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201462} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.boosting {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006546,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201461} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.trimming {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006546,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201461} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.overload {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006546,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201461} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.offline {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006545,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201461} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.calibration {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006545,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201460} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.bypass {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006545,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201460} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.discharging {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006544,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475167426054} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.charging {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006544,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475169226032} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.replacebattery {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006543,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201459} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.highbattery {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006543,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201459} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.lowbattery {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006542,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1474118700977} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.status.onbattery {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006542,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475167426048} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.577 debug host. redis publish {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1475500006541,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475167426048} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"051d","ack":true,"ts":1475500006540,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201458} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"-1","ack":true,"ts":1475500006538,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201458} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"0","ack":true,"ts":1475500006537,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201457} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"OL","ack":true,"ts":1475500006536,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475169226029} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"5B1349T03604 ","ack":true,"ts":1475500006535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201456} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"0002","ack":true,"ts":1475500006535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201455} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"Back-UPS ES 700G","ack":true,"ts":1475500006534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201455} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"2013/12/04","ack":true,"ts":1475500006533,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201455} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"APC","ack":true,"ts":1475500006532,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201454} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"28","ack":true,"ts":1475500006531,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475167411043} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"O3 ","ack":true,"ts":1475500006531,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201454} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"871.O3 .I","ack":true,"ts":1475500006530,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201453} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"20","ack":true,"ts":1475500006529,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201452} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.576 debug host. redis publish {"val":"enabled","ack":true,"ts":1475500006528,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201452} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.input.voltage-nominal {"val":"230","ack":true,"ts":1475500006528,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201448} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.input.voltage {"val":"232.0","ack":true,"ts":1475500006527,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475499511669} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.input.transfer-low {"val":"180","ack":true,"ts":1475500006526,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201447} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.input.transfer-high {"val":"266","ack":true,"ts":1475500006525,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201447} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.input.sensitivity {"val":"medium","ack":true,"ts":1475500006525,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201447} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.driver.version-internal {"val":"0.38","ack":true,"ts":1475500006523,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201447} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.driver.version-data {"val":"APC HID 0.95","ack":true,"ts":1475500006523,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201446} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.driver.version {"val":"2.7.2","ack":true,"ts":1475500006523,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201446} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.driver.parameter-port {"val":"auto","ack":true,"ts":1475500006522,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201445} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.driver.parameter-pollinterval {"val":"2","ack":true,"ts":1475500006522,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201445} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.driver.parameter-pollfreq {"val":"30","ack":true,"ts":1475500006522,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201445} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish {"val":"usbhid-ups","ack":true,"ts":1475500006521,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201444} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.device.type {"val":"ups","ack":true,"ts":1475500006521,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201444} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.575 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.device.serial {"val":"5B1349T03604 ","ack":true,"ts":1475500006520,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201443} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.574 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.device.model {"val":"Back-UPS ES 700G","ack":true,"ts":1475500006520,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201443} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.574 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.device.mfr {"val":"APC","ack":true,"ts":1475500006520,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201442} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.574 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.voltage-nominal {"val":"12.0","ack":true,"ts":1475500006519,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201442} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.574 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.voltage {"val":"13.7","ack":true,"ts":1475500006518,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475499511664} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.574 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.type {"val":"PbAc","ack":true,"ts":1475500006517,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201441} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.574 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.runtime-low {"val":"120","ack":true,"ts":1475500006517,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201441} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.574 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.runtime {"val":"1672","ack":true,"ts":1475500006516,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475169241007} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.574 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.mfr-date {"val":"2013/12/04","ack":true,"ts":1475500006515,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201440} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.574 debug host. redis publish {"val":"not set","ack":true,"ts":1475500006515,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201440} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.574 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.charge-warning {"val":"50","ack":true,"ts":1475500006514,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201440} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.574 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.charge-low {"val":"10","ack":true,"ts":1475500006514,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1472998201440} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.574 debug host. redis publish io.nut.0.battery.charge {"val":"100","ack":true,"ts":1475500006513,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.nut.0","lc":1475169241004} nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 info nut.0 All Nut values set nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 debug nut.0 Set State status.severity = 0 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 debug nut.0 Set State status.shutdown = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 debug nut.0 Create State status.shutdown nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 debug nut.0 Set State status.boosting = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 debug nut.0 Create State status.boosting nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 debug nut.0 Set State status.trimming = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 debug nut.0 Create State status.trimming nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 debug nut.0 Set State status.overload = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 debug nut.0 Create State status.overload nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 debug nut.0 Set State status.offline = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 debug nut.0 Create State status.offline nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.573 debug nut.0 Set State status.calibration = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Create State status.calibration nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Set State status.bypass = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Create State status.bypass nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Set State status.discharging = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Create State status.discharging nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Set State status.charging = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Create State status.charging nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Set State status.replacebattery = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Create State status.replacebattery nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Set State status.highbattery = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Create State status.highbattery nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Set State status.lowbattery = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.572 debug nut.0 Create State status.lowbattery nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Set State status.onbattery = false nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Create State status.onbattery nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Severity Flag idle=true nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Set State = true nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Create State nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Create Channel status nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Set State ups.vendorid = 051d nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Create State ups.vendorid nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Set State ups.timer-shutdown = -1 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Create State ups.timer-shutdown nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Set State ups.timer-reboot = 0 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Create State ups.timer-reboot nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Set State ups.status = OL nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.571 debug nut.0 Create State ups.status nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Set State ups.serial = 5B1349T03604 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Create State ups.serial nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Set State ups.productid = 0002 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Create State ups.productid nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Set State ups.model = Back-UPS ES 700G nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Create State ups.model nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Set State ups.mfr-date = 2013/12/04 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Create State ups.mfr-date nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Set State ups.mfr = APC nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Create State ups.mfr nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Set State ups.load = 28 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Create State ups.load nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Set State ups.firmware-aux = O3 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.570 debug nut.0 Create State ups.firmware-aux nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.569 debug nut.0 Set State ups.firmware = 871.O3 .I nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.569 debug nut.0 Create State ups.firmware nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.569 debug nut.0 Set State ups.delay-shutdown = 20 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.569 debug nut.0 Create State ups.delay-shutdown nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.569 debug nut.0 Set State ups.beeper-status = enabled nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.569 debug nut.0 Create State ups.beeper-status nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.569 debug nut.0 Create Channel ups nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.569 debug nut.0 Set State input.voltage-nominal = 230 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.569 debug nut.0 Create State input.voltage-nominal nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.569 debug nut.0 Set State input.voltage = 232.0 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.569 debug nut.0 Create State input.voltage nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.568 debug nut.0 Set State input.transfer-low = 180 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Create State input.transfer-low nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Set State input.transfer-high = 266 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Create State input.transfer-high nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Set State input.sensitivity = medium nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Create State input.sensitivity nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Create Channel input nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Set State driver.version-internal = 0.38 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Create State driver.version-internal nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Set State driver.version-data = APC HID 0.95 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Create State driver.version-data nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Set State driver.version = 2.7.2 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Create State driver.version nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.567 debug nut.0 Set State driver.parameter-port = auto nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Create State driver.parameter-port nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Set State driver.parameter-pollinterval = 2 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Create State driver.parameter-pollinterval nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Set State driver.parameter-pollfreq = 30 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Create State driver.parameter-pollfreq nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Set State = usbhid-ups nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Create State nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Create Channel driver nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Set State device.type = ups nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Create State device.type nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Set State device.serial = 5B1349T03604 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Create State device.serial nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Set State device.model = Back-UPS ES 700G nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.566 debug nut.0 Create State device.model nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Set State device.mfr = APC nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Create State device.mfr nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Create Channel device nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Set State battery.voltage-nominal = 12.0 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Create State battery.voltage-nominal nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Set State battery.voltage = 13.7 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Create State battery.voltage nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Set State battery.type = PbAc nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Create State battery.type nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Set State battery.runtime-low = 120 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Create State battery.runtime-low nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Set State battery.runtime = 1672 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Create State battery.runtime nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Set State battery.mfr-date = 2013/12/04 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.565 debug nut.0 Create State battery.mfr-date nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.564 debug nut.0 Set State = not set nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.564 debug nut.0 Create State nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.564 debug nut.0 Set State battery.charge-warning = 50 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.564 debug nut.0 Create State battery.charge-warning nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.564 debug nut.0 Set State battery.charge-low = 10 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.564 debug nut.0 Create State battery.charge-low nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.564 debug nut.0 Set State battery.charge = 100 nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.564 debug nut.0 Create State battery.charge nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.564 debug nut.0 Create Channel battery nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.564 debug nut.0 Got values, start setting them nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.564 debug nut.0 NUT Connection ready nut.0 2016-10-03 15:06:46.564 info nut.0 Start NUT update Mastermind 2016-10-03 15:06:45.531 warn host.Mastermind instance system.adapter.nut.0 already running with pid 14081
obwohl der Adapter auf log Level "info" steht
Korrekt Homoran … sorry hab den Pfad vergessen anzugeben.
hast du nach dem download ein
iobroker upload nut
sonst ist ggf. noch die alte Version aktiv, obwohl im admin schon die neue angezeigt wird.
Ja, habe ich
Gesendet von meinem HUAWEI CRR-L09 mit Tapatalk
Habe iobroker auch neu gestartet
Gesendet von meinem HUAWEI CRR-L09 mit Tapatalk
ich dachte, man muss das Intervall nun in den Adaptereinstellungen angeben, aber er fragt nach wie vor nach dem schedule: `
Bitte versuche mal wie von Homoran gesagt das upload.
AN sich ist im Adapter ein Stück Code drin der den "Tausch" machen sollte …
Wenn es dann immer noch nicht tut dann geh mal zu "Objekte".
Dort dann bei Type auf "instance" und auf den "Nut.0" (o.ä.) hinten auf edit klicken. Dann bekommst Du das Konfigobjekt angezeigt. poste das mal bitte.
Falls dort bei "mode" noch "schedule" steht dann schreib einfach "daemon" rein ... aber eigentlich sollte das der Adapter selbst machen ...den Tip dazu hatte mit Bluefox gegeben. Wenn nicht muss ich da nochmal ran
Zum Logging: Häää ... komisch. Er gibt bei Dir "debug" Meldungen aus. ALs ob der Adapter auf Debug stehen würde. AUch das Loglevel findest Du in diesem Konfigobjekt von oben.
das "raw" Feld des system.adapter.nut.0
{ "common": { "name": "nut", "version": "1.0.0", "title": "Network UPS Adapter", "desc": "Read all data from your UPS/USV via nut protocol", "platform": "Javascript/Node.js", "mode": "schedule", "schedule": "*/5 * * * * *", "icon": "nut.png", "extIcon": "", "readme": "", "license": "MIT", "type": "hardware", "loglevel": "info", "installedVersion": "1.0.0", "host": "Mastermind", "subscribe": "messagebox", "enabled": true, "messagebox": true, "news": { "0.3.0": { "en": "add better usable status states under 'status channel", "de": "Besser nutzbare Stati States unter 'status' eingefügt", "ru": "add better usable status states under 'status channel" }, "1.0.0": { "en": "change mode from schedule to deamon, implement message support to receive messages from upsmon, add status.severity", "de": "Adapter arbeitet nun als Deamon, Notify-Support per upsmon hinzugefügt, status.severity hinzugefügt", "ru": "change mode from schedule to deamon, implement message support to receive messages from upsmon, add status.severity" } }, "npmLibs": [], "keywords": [ "iobroker", "nut", "ups", "usv" ] }, "native": { "host_ip": "", "host_port": "3493", "ups_name": "Powerplant", "update_interval": "5" }, "acl": { "object": 1638, "owner": "system.user.admin", "ownerGroup": "" }, "_id": "system.adapter.nut.0", "type": "instance" }
421_unbenannt.jpg -
Schreib bei mode mal "daemon" rein und starte neu. was passiert dann?
… und du willst wirklich alle 5 Sekunden neu lesen?
ja, es läuft.
einziger Schönheitsfehler ist wieder das Log:
host-Mastermind 2016-10-03 17:37:10.012 warn instance system.adapter.nut.0 already running with pid 21959 nut-0 2016-10-03 17:37:08.906 info All Nut values set nut-0 2016-10-03 17:37:08.886 info Start NUT update
nachdem ich iobroker neu gestartet habe, scheint es auch mit dem Log zu funktionieren
Danke für die Hilfe, falls mir was auffällt, melde ich mich wieder.