UNSOLVED Alexa Commands werden nicht ausgeführt
ich habe den Alexa Adapter 3.0.7 installiert. Die Instanz läuft und es wird ein grüner Punkt angezeigt. Wenn ich nun aber unter Objekte => alexa2.0 => Echo-Devices => jeweiliges Echo Gerät =>Commands
einen Wert hinter "speak" schreibe oder aber eine Funktion über den "simuliere Tastendruck" ausführen möchte, passiert nichts.
Im Log steht nur:
alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:31:44.853 info (1256) Alexa-Push-Connection established. Disable Polling alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:31:38.968 info (1256) Alexa-Push-Connection disconnected - retry: Retry Connection in 5s
Der Eintrag war aber auch 5 Minuten bevor ich die Aktionen überhaupt ausgelöst habe.
Infos ?
Nodejs ?
Js controller?
Adapter Einstellungen ?
Cookie vorhanden? -
Node.js: v10.17.0
Admin: 3.7.8
js-controller: 2.10 -
Hi, hast du mal versucht den Adapter neu zu starten? Browserseite mal neu geladen?
Ja, Adapter neugestartet. Browser auch neugeladen und Cache gelöscht.
Folgende Meldungen sind nun doch noch im Log aufgetaucht:host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.682 info instance system.adapter.alexa2.0 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.682 error Caught by controller[1]: at TLSSocket.socketOnData (_http_client.js:442:20) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.682 error Caught by controller[1]: at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (_http_common.js:109:17) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.682 error Caught by controller[1]: at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient [as onIncoming] (_http_client.js:556:21) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.682 error Caught by controller[1]: at ClientRequest.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:448:20) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.682 error Caught by controller[1]: at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:203:15) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.682 error Caught by controller[1]: at ClientRequest.req.on (E:\ioBroker\SmartHome\node_modules\iobroker.alexa2\node_modules\ws\lib\websocket.js:579:27) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.682 error Caught by controller[1]: at WebSocket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:448:20) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.682 error Caught by controller[1]: at WebSocket.emit (events.js:198:13) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.682 error Caught by controller[1]: at WebSocket.websocket.on (E:\ioBroker\SmartHome\node_modules\iobroker.alexa2\node_modules\alexa-remote2\alexa-wsmqtt.js:127:111) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.681 error Caught by controller[1]: at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.681 error Caught by controller[1]: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.681 error Caught by controller[0]: at TLSSocket.socketOnData (_http_client.js:442:20) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.681 error Caught by controller[0]: at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (_http_common.js:109:17) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.681 error Caught by controller[0]: at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient [as onIncoming] (_http_client.js:556:21) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.681 error Caught by controller[0]: at ClientRequest.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:448:20) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.681 error Caught by controller[0]: at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:203:15) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.681 error Caught by controller[0]: at ClientRequest.req.on (E:\ioBroker\SmartHome\node_modules\iobroker.alexa2\node_modules\ws\lib\websocket.js:579:27) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.681 error Caught by controller[0]: at WebSocket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:448:20) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.681 error Caught by controller[0]: at WebSocket.emit (events.js:198:13) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.681 error Caught by controller[0]: at WebSocket.websocket.on (E:\ioBroker\SmartHome\node_modules\iobroker.alexa2\node_modules\alexa-remote2\alexa-wsmqtt.js:127:111) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.681 error Caught by controller[0]: at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>) host.HomeServer(SmartHome) 2020-03-13 19:50:55.680 error Caught by controller[0]: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
Glaub, amazon hat im Moment Probleme, hier seit etwa 90 Minuten...alexa2.0 2020-03-13 20:12:02.142 info Alexa-Push-Connection Error: Error: read ECONNRESET alexa2.0 2020-03-13 20:11:56.876 info Alexa-Push-Connection disconnected - retry: Retry Connection in 5s alexa2.0 2020-03-13 20:10:46.331 info Alexa-Push-Connection disconnected - retry: Retry Connection in 5s alexa2.0 2020-03-13 20:07:47.492 info Alexa-Push-Connection established. Disable Polling alexa2.0 2020-03-13 20:02:06.863 info Alexa-Push-Connection disconnected - retry: Retry Connection in 5s alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:59:07.606 info Alexa-Push-Connection established. Disable Polling alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:53:28.385 info Alexa-Push-Connection disconnected - retry: Retry Connection in 5s alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:53:28.384 info Alexa-Push-Connection Error: Error: read ECONNRESET alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:53:23.129 info Alexa-Push-Connection disconnected - retry: Retry Connection in 5s alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:52:33.507 info Alexa-Push-Connection disconnected - retry: Retry Connection in 5s alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:52:33.507 info Alexa-Push-Connection Error: Error: read ECONNRESET alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:52:28.269 info Alexa-Push-Connection disconnected - retry: Retry Connection in 5s alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:52:28.268 info Alexa-Push-Connection Error: Error: read ECONNRESET alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:52:23.030 info Alexa-Push-Connection disconnected - retry: Retry Connection in 5s alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:52:23.029 info Alexa-Push-Connection Error: Error: read ECONNRESET alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:52:17.789 info Alexa-Push-Connection disconnected - retry: Retry Connection in 5s alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:52:17.788 info Alexa-Push-Connection Error: Error: read ECONNRESET alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:52:12.511 info Alexa-Push-Connection disconnected - retry: Retry Connection in 5s alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:30:43.702 info Alexa-Push-Connection established. Disable Polling alexa2.0 2020-03-13 19:30:34.524 info Alexa-Push-Connection disconnected - retry: Retry Connection in 5s
bei mir geht aktuell kein speak und auch kein ssml....
Anscheinend schraubt amazon wieder was -
Kann ich bestätigen. Den 5s Reconnect Fehler habe ich auch.
Der Fehler bei @chhe scheint aber anderer Natur. -
bei mir geht es jetzt wieder -
THX für die Info .
Dann kann ich ja die Alarmanlage wieder einschalten -
hm...Kommando zurück, geht nur an manchen ECHOS, an manchen aber nicht🤪 -
amazon bastelt noch immer
siehste auch schön im log vom alexa adapter.