[Aufruf] Adapter: Snips - Offline Speak2Text
Kannst du das nicht mit falls/sonst abfangen? Würde mir aber wirklich überlegen mit text2command zu arbeiten. Da hast du genau zwei Regeln (ohne etwas konfigurieren zu müssen) für Rollladen und Licht. Der Rest sind dann eigene Regeln. -
@unltdnetworx muss ich mir dann wohl mal anschauen. Habe mit text2command noch nie gearbeitet.
Ist weiter oben erklärt mit Screenshots, etc. -
Hallo Zusammen,
muss leider nochmal was fragen. Und zwar läuft alles soweit auch mit eigenem Hotword.
Jetzt habe ich das Problem das Snips ständig reagiert ohne das jemand das Hotword sagt.
Ich weiß einfach nicht woran das liegen kann. -
die Snips Hardware hast du vermutlich schon neugestartet? Das war bei mir schon teilweise die Lösung.
Außerdem kannst du bei Sensitivity im Bereich hotword einen geringeren Wert einstellen.
Da es aber ständig auszulösen scheint, könnte ich mir auch vorstellen, dass es an deinem hotword liegt. Hattest du es dir bei der Einrichtung auch angehört. Reine Vermutung, aber vllt. ist ein Hintergrundgeräusch mit drauf das jetzt auslöst. -
@unltdnetworx hallo, wie kann ich das anhören? Sowas vermute ich auch. Das unser Babys rotznase mit drauf ist. Weil ich habe das Gefühl das es hauptsächlich auslöst wenn er mit im Raum ist. Werde es bei meinem Bekannten sowieso neu auf nehmen, da es auf seine stimme laufen muss.
Bin mir gerade nicht sicher und habe keine Möglichkeit das gerade nachzusehen. Aber die Aufnahme sollte in möglichst ruhiger Umgebung erfolgen. -
snips gibt mir seit einem Tag Sprachmeldungen 3-5x aus, anstatt nur ein mal.Ich habe mittlerweile alles neu gestartet, Snips + assistant upgedatet, den Iobroker Adapter neu installiert.
Auch wenn ich in den \send\text direkt reinschreibe, sagt er es öfter.
Im "sam watch" zeigt er mir die mehrfache Ausgabe auch an.Ich weis nicht was ich noch ausprobieren kann - Hat jemand eine Idee?
Kannst du die Sam watch Ausgabe mal posten? -
1x Eingabe beim Snips Object \devices\default\send\text "Test neu"
[16:34:36] Watching on localhost:1883 (MQTT) [16:35:09] [Dialogue] was asked to start a session on site default [16:35:09] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [16:35:09] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [16:35:09] [Hotword] was asked to toggle itself 'off' on site default [16:35:09] [Hotword] was asked to toggle itself 'off' on site default [16:35:09] [Dialogue] session with id 'c2bb9c6a-c03e-4634-adb7-2db26d6f4e47' was queued on site default [16:35:09] [Dialogue] session with id '9b964493-e6a8-408d-81c6-f4f48834d488' was queued on site default [16:35:09] [Dialogue] session with id 'c2bb9c6a-c03e-4634-adb7-2db26d6f4e47' was started on site default [16:35:09] [Dialogue] session with id '9b964493-e6a8-408d-81c6-f4f48834d488' was started on site default [16:35:09] [Tts] was asked to say "test neu" [16:35:09] [Tts] was asked to say "test neu" [16:35:09] [AudioServer] was asked to play a wav of 28.0 kB with id 'c1eb5403-7c1f-4c9a-bf99-0b49cd91fbe9' on site default [16:35:09] [AudioServer] was asked to play a wav of 28.0 kB with id 'b991e91c-5e92-4929-8d8b-419255d4fdb1' on site default [16:35:09] [AudioServer] was asked to play a wav of 28.0 kB with id '660fa648-a7dd-4b3d-a4b8-9a66430708ee' on site default [16:35:09] [AudioServer] was asked to play a wav of 28.0 kB with id 'ced29b8e-0eeb-4fb9-95c5-b1bb59d9fb20' on site default [16:35:10] [AudioServer] finished playing wav with id 'c1eb5403-7c1f-4c9a-bf99-0b49cd91fbe9' [16:35:10] [Tts] finished speaking with id '3e779b27-d656-4ebf-a068-504e193c1485' [16:35:10] [Dialogue] session with id 'c2bb9c6a-c03e-4634-adb7-2db26d6f4e47' was ended on site default. The session ended as expected [16:35:10] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [16:35:10] [Hotword] was asked to toggle itself 'on' on site default [16:35:11] [AudioServer] finished playing wav with id 'b991e91c-5e92-4929-8d8b-419255d4fdb1' [16:35:11] [Tts] finished speaking with id 'e3c2410e-a1ea-42e2-9557-08deea238e2d' [16:35:11] [Dialogue] session with id '9b964493-e6a8-408d-81c6-f4f48834d488' was ended on site default. The session ended as expected [16:35:11] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [16:35:11] [Hotword] was asked to toggle itself 'on' on site default [16:35:13] [AudioServer] finished playing wav with id '660fa648-a7dd-4b3d-a4b8-9a66430708ee' [16:35:13] [Tts] finished speaking with id '3e779b27-d656-4ebf-a068-504e193c1485' [16:35:14] [AudioServer] finished playing wav with id 'ced29b8e-0eeb-4fb9-95c5-b1bb59d9fb20' [16:35:14] [Tts] finished speaking with id 'e3c2410e-a1ea-42e2-9557-08deea238e2d'
Was mir noch aufgefallen ist: Nach "Hey Snips" piepst er 2x
[16:38:26] Watching on localhost:1883 (MQTT) [16:38:28] [Hotword] detected on site default, for model hey_snips [16:38:28] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [16:38:28] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [16:38:28] [Hotword] was asked to toggle itself 'off' on site default [16:38:28] [Dialogue] session with id 'fe1deb90-e468-4596-b45d-91242c3b5a05' was started on site default [16:38:28] [AudioServer] was asked to play a wav of 41.1 kB with id 'e64d7d0b-5d8e-4208-bca7-fc48e0254a2e' on site default [16:38:28] [Hotword] was asked to toggle itself 'off' on site default [16:38:28] [Dialogue] session with id '5a356b31-6fd6-4d3a-b17c-59d9fe8cca6d' was started on site default [16:38:28] [AudioServer] was asked to play a wav of 41.1 kB with id 'a9142a80-e274-4377-99e4-854a3c58e8a2' on site default [16:38:28] [AudioServer] finished playing wav with id 'e64d7d0b-5d8e-4208-bca7-fc48e0254a2e' [16:38:28] [Asr] was asked to listen on site default [16:38:29] [AudioServer] finished playing wav with id 'a9142a80-e274-4377-99e4-854a3c58e8a2' [16:38:29] [Asr] was asked to listen on site default
Ich habe eine Theorie. Es liegt zumindest nicht am Adapter.
Wieviele Geräte hast du am laufen? Das dürfte ein Satellit sein, oder? -
das war der Main, ich habe auch noch einen Satelliten laufen. -
Kannst du mal schauen, ob am Satelliten TTS läuft und dort ausschalten.sudo systemctl stop snips-tts sudo systemctl disable snips-tts
@unltdnetworx sagte in [Aufruf] Adapter: Snips - Offline Speak2Text:
sudo systemctl disable snips-tts
ja ist gelaufen. Ich habe ihn jetzt gestoppt.
Jetzt gibt er mir die Ausgabe "nur" mehr 2x (Auch das "Ping" nach "Hey snips" ist noch 2x) -
Stoppe mal den ganzen Satelliten und starte den Main neu. Evtl. liegt es an der Konfiguration.Welche Variante der Satelliten-Anbindung hast du verwendet? Anleitung A oder B?
Bei Sprachbefehlen reagiert er ganz komisch, auch erkennt er sie im Moment überhaupt nicht.
Hey snips -> 2x ping -> 1x "nicht erkannt Ping" -> 2-5x ! ping
watch am Main:[12:38:33] Watching on localhost:1883 (MQTT) [12:38:35] [Hotword] detected on site default, for model hey_snips [12:38:35] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [12:38:35] [Hotword] was asked to toggle itself 'off' on site default [12:38:35] [Dialogue] session with id '92a8dce2-d34c-4793-a2ed-33799610d394' was started on site default [12:38:35] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [12:38:35] [AudioServer] was asked to play a wav of 41.1 kB with id 'e18b94f7-9a33-4a2f-a466-2f418c171eee' on site default [12:38:35] [Hotword] was asked to toggle itself 'off' on site default [12:38:35] [Dialogue] session with id 'b4dc7a3c-4bc0-4e79-924d-9bd2ac2cea49' was started on site default [12:38:35] [AudioServer] was asked to play a wav of 41.1 kB with id '1bb16720-fbef-482c-ba12-cc1a1fad21c9' on site default [12:38:36] [AudioServer] finished playing wav with id 'e18b94f7-9a33-4a2f-a466-2f418c171eee' [12:38:36] [Asr] was asked to listen on site default [12:38:36] [AudioServer] finished playing wav with id '1bb16720-fbef-482c-ba12-cc1a1fad21c9' [12:38:36] [Asr] was asked to listen on site default [12:38:39] [Asr] captured text "an" in 3.0s [12:38:39] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [12:38:39] [AudioServer] was asked to play a wav of 93.1 kB with id 'f2bab4c5-6adf-4dc8-be6a-e7b65d941635' on site default [12:38:40] [Asr] captured text "licht an" in 3.0s [12:38:40] [AudioServer] was asked to play a wav of 61.1 kB with id 'a37913d8-7489-48d1-a902-730c26d28fbe' on site default [12:38:41] [AudioServer] finished playing wav with id 'f2bab4c5-6adf-4dc8-be6a-e7b65d941635' [12:38:41] [AudioServer] finished playing wav with id 'a37913d8-7489-48d1-a902-730c26d28fbe' [12:38:41] [Dialogue] session with id '92a8dce2-d34c-4793-a2ed-33799610d394' was ended on site default. The session was ended because an error happened: Event not supported: Response { waiting: AudioFinishedPayload }, with response: AsrCapture(AsrPayload { text: "licht an", tokens: Some([AsrTokenPayload { value: "licht", confidence: 0.7844479, range_start: 0, range_end: 5, time: AsrDecodingDurationPayload { start: 0.0, end: 1.57888 } }, AsrTokenPayload { value: "an", confidence: 0.8506282, range_start: 6, range_end: 8, time: AsrDecodingDurationPayload { start: 1.57888, end: 3.1499999 } }]), likelihood: 0.8168681, seconds: 3.0 }) [12:38:41] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [12:38:41] [Hotword] was asked to toggle itself 'on' on site default [12:38:52] [Dialogue] session with id 'b4dc7a3c-4bc0-4e79-924d-9bd2ac2cea49' was ended on site default. The session was ended because one of the component didn't respond in a timely manner [12:38:52] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [12:38:52] [Hotword] was asked to toggle itself 'on' on site default
[12:41:12] [Asr] captured text "schalte das nicht an" in 4.0s [12:41:12] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [12:41:12] [AudioServer] was asked to play a wav of 93.1 kB with id 'abc3e691-c4bb-44a2-b8e7-276380be0d83' on site default [12:41:12] [Asr] captured text "schalte das licht an" in 4.0s [12:41:12] [AudioServer] was asked to play a wav of 61.1 kB with id 'fe6cd879-5366-464d-94e5-4dca113be55c' on site default [12:41:13] [AudioServer] finished playing wav with id 'abc3e691-c4bb-44a2-b8e7-276380be0d83' [12:41:14] [AudioServer] finished playing wav with id 'fe6cd879-5366-464d-94e5-4dca113be55c' [12:41:14] [Dialogue] session with id '1b1cbd31-6f78-4691-a257-1f86dadd3719' was ended on site default. The session was ended because an error happened: Event not supported: Response { waiting: AudioFinishedPayload }, with response: AsrCapture(AsrPayload { text: "schalte das licht an", tokens: Some([AsrTokenPayload { value: "schalte", confidence: 1.0, range_start: 0, range_end: 7, time: AsrDecodingDurationPayload { start: 0.0, end: 2.34 } }, AsrTokenPayload { value: "das", confidence: 1.0, range_start: 8, range_end: 11, time: AsrDecodingDurationPayload { start: 2.34, end: 2.79 } }, AsrTokenPayload { value: "licht", confidence: 1.0, range_start: 12, range_end: 17, time: AsrDecodingDurationPayload { start: 2.79, end: 2.97 } }, AsrTokenPayload { value: "an", confidence: 1.0, range_start: 18, range_end: 20, time: AsrDecodingDurationPayload { start: 2.97, end: 3.99 } }]), likelihood: 1.0, seconds: 4.0 }) [12:41:14] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default [12:41:14] [Hotword] was asked to toggle itself 'on' on site default
@unltdnetworx sagte in [Aufruf] Adapter: Snips - Offline Speak2Text:
A oder B
Ich habe das Script verwendet und bis vor 2 Tagen hat auch alles ganz gut funktioniert: -
Okay, dazu kann ich persönlich nichts sagen. Evtl. schilderst du dein Problem mal im Snips-Forum.
Einen eigenen Namen (nicht default) hat der Satellit aber schon? -
dein letzter Tipp hat geholfen: snips über sam am Satelliten ausgeschaltet, Main neu gestartet und siehe da, der Main funkt ganz normal
Dann passt die Konfiguration nicht. Schau dir mal die Anleitung zum Satellitenbetrieb oder die Posts dazu weiter oben an. Evtl. kannst du was nachbessern. Es brauchen auf dem Satelliten nur wenige Dienste von Snips laufen.