Grafana Backup wie in neues System importieren?
@bobber69 Wenn die Datenbanken vorhanden sind, dann ist das auch ok und er muss sie nicht wiederherstellen.
Ansonsten lösche die Datenbanken.Zeige doch mal, wie du den Servicetoken in deinem neuen Grafana erzeugt hast
@simatec ich bin über: Grafana -> Administration -> Users and Access -> Service Accounts.
Dort habe ich einen neuen Service Account über "Add service account" erstellt und ihn so genannt wie im er im alten System per default erzeugt wurde:
Dann habe ich die 1 von Tokens angeklickt und dort bin ich auf "Add service account token":
und den erzeugten Hashcode habe ich dann in iOBroker als Token kopiert:
Und das jeweils im alten und neuen System.
@bobber69 Du musst das nur in deinem neuen Grafana und in deinem neuen iobroker (Backitup) machen.
Lass mal das alte System komplett unberührt.Hast du so einen Token bekommen?
Prüfe das nochmal und lösche vorher mal in der Config den Token. Lass ihn dir vorm speichern anzeigen. Dafür solltest du aber mal Updates fahren und in Backitup auf v3.0.16 wechseln.
Des Weiteren auch nochmal das Passwort in Backitup löschen und manuell eintragen und im Anschluss prüfen -
@simatec Backitup kann ich auf meinem alten System leider nicht mehr updaten da mein Nodejs veraltet ist (node (>=18.0.0): 16.17.0) und das Update von Nodejs nicht funktioniert. Deswegen hatte ich mich entschieden mein System komplett neu aufzusetzen. Auf dem neuen System habe ich den Adapter jetzt auf die V3.0.16 gezogen.
Ich habe so einen Token bekommen und ihn in die Backitup Instanz als API Key eingetragen.
Kannst du mir bitte sagen wie ich den Token in der Config löschen kann? oder meinst du damit ich soll ihn in der Grafana Token Übersicht löschen?
@bobber69 Bitte ignoriere das alte System... Das ist absolut egal.
Kannst du mir bitte sagen wie ich den Token in der Config löschen kann?
Einfach in dem Config Menü von Backitup löschen. Will damit nur vermeiden, dass du hier noch etwas vom alten Token drin hast
@simatec ich habe den Token nochmal in der iOBroker entfernt, gespeichert und habe einen neuen Token erzeugt und diesen eingefügt. Wieder gespeichert und dann nochmal versucht das Backup einzuspielen. Der Fehler ist weiterhin "invalid api key"
Liegt es eventuell an dem Backup vom alten System? dort ist ja ein anderer Token hinterlegt.
11:04:30.072 INFO gui starting Restore... 11:04:30.105 DEBUG grafana Start Grafana Restore ... 11:04:30.107 DEBUG grafana filename for restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_2024_08_07-15_03_07_iOBroker_Backup_backupiobroker.tar.gz 11:04:30.157 DEBUG grafana start decompress 11:04:31.528 DEBUG grafana Grafana request started 11:04:31.572 DEBUG grafana Grafana is available ... Status: 200 11:04:31.577 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/datasource/InfluxDB.json 11:04:31.588 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/datasource/Sun and Moon.json 11:04:31.659 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/datasource/Steuerung.json 11:04:31.906 DEBUG grafana cannot restore datasource "Solaranzeige": "data source with the same name already exists" 11:04:31.906 DEBUG grafana cannot restore datasource "InfluxDB": "data source with the same name already exists" 11:04:31.915 DEBUG grafana cannot restore datasource "Steuerung": "data source with the same name already exists" 11:04:32.179 DEBUG grafana cannot restore datasource "Sun and Moon": "data source with the same name already exists" 11:04:32.278 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/alpha-ess-t10.json 11:04:32.280 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/cfos-wallbox-mit-steuerung.json 11:04:32.282 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/fronius-symo.json 11:04:32.285 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/go-e-charger-mit-steuerung.json 11:04:32.360 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/go-e-charger.json 11:04:32.362 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/growatt-spf-modelle.json 11:04:32.364 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/huawei-smartlogger.json 11:04:32.366 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/openwb-mit-steuerung.json 11:04:32.379 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/phoenix-contact-ohne-zahler-mit-steuerung.json 11:04:32.395 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/shelly-3em.json 11:04:32.401 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/shelly.json 11:04:32.405 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/sma-energy-meter.json 11:04:32.406 DEBUG grafana Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/sonoff-pow.json 11:04:32.411 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "cfos-wallbox-mit-steuerung": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:33.345 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "esmart3-laderegler": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:33.351 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "go-e-charger": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:33.578 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "daly-bms": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:33.770 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "sungrow-wechselrichter-pk-handy-redmi-8": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:33.855 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "inv-wechselrichter": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:33.909 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "growatt-spf-modelle": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:33.952 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "kaco-wechselrichter-tl3-serie": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.022 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "hoymiles-port-1": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.039 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "heizkoerperventil": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.070 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "shelly-3em": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.088 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "huawei_ck_1": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.117 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "vestel-wallbox": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.135 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "sungrow-wechselrichter-tablet-8-zoll": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.150 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "sma-sunny-island": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.152 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "wechselrichter-ax-serie-und-baugleiche-steuerung": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.165 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "hardy-barth-wallbox": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.167 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "wechselrichter-hybrid-1-phase": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.211 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "growatt-wechselrichter": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.273 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "sungrow-wechselrichter-pc-desktop": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.296 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "phocos-any-grid": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.298 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "sonstige": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.367 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "kostal-plenticore": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.380 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "fronius-symo": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.383 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "keba-wallbox": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.398 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "s10e-von-e3-dc": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.402 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "goodwe-wechselrichter": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.408 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "us2000b-3-packs-bms": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.417 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "rct-wechselrichter": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.442 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "sonnen-batterie": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.458 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "iammeter-wem3080t": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.473 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "varta-storage": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.489 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "mppsolar-5048mk-gk": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.505 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "strompreise": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.535 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "personlich": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.552 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "go-e-charger-mit-steuerung": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.567 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "sma-energy-meter": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.640 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "keba-wallbox-mit-steuerung": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.661 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "delta-si-2500-wechselrichter-3": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.677 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "phoenix-wechselrichter": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.692 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "phocos-ph1800-wechselrichter": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.713 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "sungrow-wechselrichter": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.716 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "senec-speicher": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.733 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "solaredge": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.736 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "sungrow-wechselrichter-pk": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.755 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "simple-evse-wallbox": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.773 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "victron-smartshunt": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.777 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "huawei-wechselrichter": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.816 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "victron-bmv-7xx-batteriewachter": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.836 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "mys10e-von-e3-dc-copy": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.837 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "kostal": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.847 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "laderegler": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.862 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "phoenix-contact-ohne-zahler-mit-steuerung": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.863 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "wallboxen": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.877 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "sonoff-pow": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.879 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "webasto-wallbox": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.883 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "openwb-mit-steuerung": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.888 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "shelly": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.890 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "solaredge-ubersicht": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.893 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "joulie-16-bms": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.906 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "huawei-smartlogger": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.937 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "wallbe-wallbox-ohne-zahler-mit-steuerung": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.976 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "sungrow-wechselrichter-tablet-6-zoll": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.977 DEBUG grafana cannot restore dashboard "sungrow-wechselrichter-pk-handy": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":"00000000000000000000000000000000"} 11:04:34.979 DEBUG grafana Grafana request ended 11:04:35.016 DEBUG grafana Try deleting the Grafana tmp directory 11:04:35.030 DEBUG grafana Grafana tmp directory was successfully deleted 11:04:36.982 DEBUG grafana Grafana Restore completed successfully
@bobber69 Poste bitte deine Config von Backitup als JSON
Den google Drive Token habe ich mit "XXX" geschwärzt.
"minimalEnabled": true, "minimalTime": "00:00", "minimalEveryXDays": "1", "minimalDeleteAfter": "3", "minimalNameSuffix": "iOBroker_Backup", "redisMinimalEnabled": false, "mysqlMinimalEnabled": false, "mysqlQuick": false, "mysqlSingleTransaction": false, "ccuEnabled": false, "ccuTime": "01:30", "ccuEveryXDays": "3", "ccuDeleteAfter": "10", "ccuNameSuffix": "", "ccuHost": "", "ccuUser": "Admin", "ccuPassword": "", "ccuMulti": false, "ccuEvents": [], "ccuUsehttps": false, "ccuSignedCertificates": true, "webdavEnabled": false, "webdavUsername": "username", "webdavPassword": "", "webdavURL": "", "webdavDeleteOldBackup": false, "webdavOwnDir": false, "webdavMinimalDir": "/backupDir/iobroker", "webdavCcuDir": "/backupDir/ccu", "webdavDir": "/backupDir", "webdavSignedCertificates": true, "dropboxEnabled": false, "dropboxAccessToken": "", "dropboxAccessJson": "", "dropboxTokenType": "custom", "dropboxCodeChallenge": "", "dropboxDeleteOldBackup": false, "dropboxOwnDir": false, "dropboxMinimalDir": "/backupDir/iobroker", "dropboxCcuDir": "/backupDir/ccu", "dropboxDir": "/backupDir", "googledriveEnabled": true, "googledriveAccessJson": "", "googledriveDeleteOldBackup": true, "googledriveOwnDir": false, "googledriveMinimalDir": "/backupDir/iobroker", "googledriveCcuDir": "/backupDir/ccu", "googledriveDir": "/backupDir", "mySqlEnabled": false, "mySqlHost": "localhost", "mySqlPort": "3306", "mySqlName": "iobroker", "mySqlUser": "", "mySqlPassword": "", "mySqlDeleteAfter": 5, "mySqlDumpExe": "", "mySqlMulti": false, "mySqlEvents": [], "influxDBEnabled": true, "influxDBHost": "", "influxDBPort": "8088", "influxDBName": "iobroker", "influxDBDumpExe": "", "influxDBDeleteAfter": 5, "influxDBType": "local", "influxDBToken": "", "influxDBVersion": "1.x", "influxDBProtocol": "http", "influxDBMulti": false, "influxDBEvents": [], "deleteOldDataBase": false, "grafanaEnabled": true, "grafanaHost": "solaranzeige.local", "grafanaPort": "3000", "grafanaUsername": "admin", "grafanaPassword": "solaranzeige", "grafanaApiKey": "glsa_oAnSY1MvMrflvmquXvRNQwJ3chT3R2e6_b9eafe19", "grafanaProtocol": "http", "pgSqlHost": "", "pgSqlPort": "5432", "pgSqlName": "", "pgSqlUser": "", "pgSqlPassword": "", "pgSqlDeleteAfter": 5, "pgSqlDumpExe": "", "pgSqlEnabled": false, "pgSqlMulti": false, "pgSqlEvents": [], "cifsEnabled": false, "cifsMount": "", "cifsUser": "", "cifsPassword": "", "cifsOwnDir": false, "cifsDomain": "", "cifsDir": "sharename/backupDir", "cifsCcuDir": "sharename/backupDir", "cifsMinimalDir": "sharename/backupDir", "cifsDeleteOldBackup": false, "connectType": "NFS", "smbType": "vers=3.1.1", "sudoMount": true, "noserverino": false, "wakeOnLAN": false, "macAd": "20:DE:20:DE:20:DE", "wolWait": "25", "ftpEnabled": false, "ftpHost": "", "ftpPort": "21", "ftpDir": "/backupDir", "ftpUser": "", "ftpPassword": "", "ftpOwnDir": false, "ftpCcuDir": "/backupDir/ccu", "ftpMinimalDir": "/backupDir/iobroker", "ftpDeleteOldBackup": false, "redisEnabled": false, "redisPath": "/var/lib/redis", "redisType": "local", "redisHost": "", "redisPort": "6379", "redisUser": "", "redisPassword": "", "redisAOFactive": false, "historyEnabled": false, "historyPath": "media/usb/history", "javascriptsEnabled": true, "zigbeeEnabled": false, "yahkaEnabled": false, "jarvisEnabled": false, "notificationEnabled": false, "notificationsType": "WhatsApp", "telegramInstance": "", "telegramNoticeType": "longTelegramNotice", "telegramUser": "none", "telegramSilentNotice": false, "telegramOnlyError": false, "telegramWaitToSend": "0", "whatsappInstance": "", "whatsappNoticeType": "longWhatsappNotice", "whatsappOnlyError": false, "whatsappWaitToSend": "0", "signalInstance": "", "signalNoticeType": "longSignalNotice", "signalOnlyError": false, "signalWaitToSend": "0", "pushoverInstance": "", "pushoverNoticeType": "longPushoverNotice", "pushoverSilentNotice": false, "pushoverDeviceID": "", "pushoverOnlyError": false, "pushoverWaitToSend": "0", "emailReceiver": "", "emailSender": "", "emailInstance": "", "emailNoticeType": "longEmailNotice", "emailOnlyError": false, "emailWaitToSend": "0", "debugLevel": false, "sentry_enable": true, "historyEntriesNumber": "25", "restoreSource": "local", "startAllRestore": false, "hostType": "Single", "slaveInstance": [], "slaveNameSuffix": "", "stopSlaveAfter": false, "ignoreErrors": false, "googledriveAccessTokens": "XXX", "grafanaSignedCertificates": true, "onedriveEnabled": false, "onedriveAccessJson": "", "onedriveDeleteOldBackup": false, "onedriveOwnDir": false, "onedriveMinimalDir": "backupDir/iobroker", "onedriveCcuDir": "backupDir/ccu", "onedriveDir": "backupDir", "ftpSecure": false, "matrixInstance": "", "matrixNoticeType": "longMatrixNotice", "matrixOnlyError": false, "matrixWaitToSend": "0", "restoreTab": false, "noderedEnabled": false, "sqliteEnabled": false, "sqlitePath": "/opt/sqlite/data.db", "sqliteDumpExe": "", "zigbee2mqttPath": "/opt/zigbee2mqtt/data", "zigbee2mqttEnabled": false, "fileSizeError": "512", "fileSizeWarning": "1024", "onedriveLastTokenRenew": "", "ftpSignedCertificates": true, "wolPort": "9", "discordInstance": "", "discordOnlyError": false, "discordWaitToSend": "0", "discordTarget": "", "wolExtra": false, "cacheLoose": false, "esphomeEnabled": false, "gotifyInstance": "", "gotifyNoticeType": "longGotifyNotice", "gotifyOnlyError": false, "gotifyWaitToSend": "0", "ccuCron": false, "ccuCronJob": "00 36 01 */3 * *", "expertMount": "sudo mount -t cifs -o username=<username>,password=\"<password>\",noserverino,cache=loose,rw,uid=iobroker,gid=iobroker,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,vers=3.1.1 // /opt/iobroker/backups", "iobrokerCron": false, "iobrokerCronJob": "00 48 02 */1 * *", "advancedDelete": false, "dropboxDeleteAfter": 10, "ftpDeleteAfter": 10, "googledriveDeleteAfter": 10, "onedriveDeleteAfter": 10, "webdavDeleteAfter": 10, "_nonSupportDockerDB": false
Stimmen Token und passwort aus der json? -
@simatec ja das passt, deswegen kann ich mir keinen Reim daraus bilden was nun noch falsch sein könnte. Mit dem ursprünglichen Backup auf dem alten System und dessen Token kann es nichts zutun haben?
@bobber69 Nein damit kann es nichts zu tun haben. Der Token des neuen Systems ist wichtig
@simatec hast du noch eine andere Idee woran es liegen kann oder was ich tun kann?
@bobber69 Ich habe gerade mal meine Testumgebung von Grafana auf 11.1.3 gebracht und einige Dashboards gelöscht.
Danach einen Restore angestoßen und es lief ohne Probleme durch.
Das ganze habe ich mit Backitup v3.0.16 gemacht.Das einzige, was bei meiner Config anders ist, dass ich statt eine Domain eine IP verwende:
"grafanaEnabled": true, "grafanaHost": "", "grafanaPort": "3000", "grafanaUsername": "admin", "grafanaPassword": "XXXXXXXXXXXX", "grafanaApiKey": "glsa_tRYiD9LYqvTPB7BXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "grafanaProtocol": "http", "grafanaSignedCertificates": true,
Versuche mal die IP Adresse statt der lokalen Domain zu verwenden. Hast du in Grafana https aktiv?
Ansonsten ist halt die Meldung
"message":"invalid API key"
sehr merkwürdig. Mit welchen User erstellst du den Api-Key (Service-Token)?Und nochmal zur Sicherheit...
- Als Admin in Grafana anmelden
- Add service account
- Display-Name: deine Wahl
- Role "Admin"
- Add service account token
- Display-Name: deine Wahl
- "No expiration"
- Generate token
- angezeigten Token in die Config von Backitup kopieren
@simatec kannst du bitte mal schauen ob deine Grafana Configuration auch so aussieht? Bei der iObroker InfluxDB habe ich eine IP hinterlegt und bei Grafana ist es localhost.
Den Service Token erstelle ich mit dem user "admin"
Ich habe irgendwie immer noch das Gefühl das es an dem Backup auf dem alten System liegt bzw. an dem API Key / Service Account.
@bobber69 sagte in Grafana Backup wie in neues System importieren?:
@simatec kannst du bitte mal schauen ob deine Grafana Configuration auch so aussieht? Bei der iObroker InfluxDB habe ich eine IP hinterlegt und bei Grafana ist es localhost.
Die DB hat nichts damit zu tun... Du hast in der Config von Backitup eine lokale Domain (
) deines Grafana Systems drin. Die würde ich auf eine IP umstellenIch habe irgendwie immer noch das Gefühl das es an dem Backup auf dem alten System liegt bzw. an dem API Key / Service Account.
Nein das hat damit rein garnix zu tun... Im Backup liegen nur json Files mit den Daten der Dashboards. Schaue dir das Backup mal genauer an...