Okay, I just found the history adapter writes null at start and stop. I deactivated that.
I still had all those null entries though, which messed up with certain plotting routines.
I also wrote a script which goes through all objects (incl. 3 level of nesting according to the doc) and removes items in a certain timeframe of 1 minute.
Here's the code:
// 21-10-2024. Works perfectly!!
// To see log entries, set log level of javascript instance to silly
var startTimestamp = new Date('2023-12-14T09:40:00.000');
var endTimestamp = new Date(startTimestamp.getTime() + 1*60000);
$('0_userdata.0.Haus.*').each(function(id) {
//var currentElement = $(this);
sendTo('history.0', 'deleteRange', [{ id: id.toString(), start: startTimestamp, end: endTimestamp }]);