Telegram SOLVED
I use telegram to send notifications in case of any issues in the house, but telegram has very annoying feature - every morning at 5.04 am it sends notifications: Restarting and then Started! Is there a way to disable it?
SOLVED thanks to community. To get rid of starting messages go to telegram instance properties, then go to messages tab and delete "-" in the message body. Apparently, "-" means default message instead of expected no message. -
No problem, here you can turn off....
@Michaelnorge In my system schedule for telegram is disabled
Goto Telegramm Options, Messages, Delete Start and Stop Messages ->as in German PIC above
I suggest to get that Schedule on, to avoid Problems with Adapter...
@Adnim I don't have start/stop messages configured within telegram adapter configuration
But, when I switch to Expert mode, I started to see scheduler setting for telegram as suggested by Michaelnorge. I reset the setting, hopefully it will work.
@Adnim I don't have start and stop messages setup, so why I am receiving them?
@ap2017 the "-" does not mean no message but default message. If you completely empty out the input fields you won't get any messages.
@ap2017 But your expert-mode is turned on?
@Xyolyp Thank you!