Adapter: iobroker.backitup (stable Release)
Hmmm die Methode kommt mir etwas fragwürdig vor.
ich denke nicht, dass du damit deine Probleme beheben kannst.
Ich würde vorher iob richtig deinstallieren und dann mit folgender Methode neu aufsetzen.
sudo mkdir /opt/iobroker sudo chmod 777 /opt/iobroker cd /opt/iobroker sudo npm install iobroker --unsafe-perm
backitup 0.4.4
Test Vollsicherung ohne NAS, ohne Stopp ioBroker …
Gestartet... [DEBUG] [total] start with {"type":"creator","time":"03:00","debugging":true,"everyXDays":"1","nameSuffix":"XOU4","deleteBackupAfter":0,"history":{"enabled":true,"type":"message","entriesNumber":"25","systemLang":"de"},"telegram":{"enabled":true,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"telegram.2","SilentNotice":true,"NoticeType":"longTelegramNotice","User":"allTelegramUsers","systemLang":"de"},"email":{"enabled":true,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"email.0","NoticeType":"longEmailNotice","emailReceiver":"","emailSender":"","systemLang":"de"},"pushover":{"enabled":true,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","SilentNotice":false,"NoticeType":"longPushoverNotice","deviceID":"","systemLang":"de"},"dir":"/opt/iobroker","redis":{"enabled":true,"ftp":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","host":"","deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total","user":"iobroker","pass":"iobroker.Pty92","port":"21"},"cifs":{"enabled":false,"mountType":"CIFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=2.0","sudo":true,"deleteOldBackup":true,"ownDir":true,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"bu/iobroker/Odroid_XU4/complete","dirMinimal":"bu/iobroker/Odroid_XU4/Standard","dirTotal":"bu/iobroker/Odroid_XU4/complete","user":"iobroker","pass":"iobroker.Pty92"},"dropbox":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":false,"accessToken":"","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"","dirMinimal":"","dirTotal":""},"path":"/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/states.rdb"},"stopIoB":false,"backupDir":"/opt/iobroker/backups"} [DEBUG] [total] - TAR started... [DEBUG] [total] - Ignore dir: /opt/iobroker/backups [DEBUG] [total] - Packed 7MB so far... [DEBUG] [total] - Packed 9MB so far...
Test Vollsicherung ohne NAS, mit Stopp ioBroker
hängt ebenso wieder bei 9 MB, gleiches "Bild" wie heute morgen
Hmmm die Methode kommt mir etwas fragwürdig vor.
ich denke nicht, dass du damit deine Probleme beheben kannst.
Ich würde vorher iob richtig deinstallieren und dann mit folgender Methode neu aufsetzen.
sudo mkdir /opt/iobroker sudo chmod 777 /opt/iobroker cd /opt/iobroker sudo npm install iobroker --unsafe-perm ```` `
ioBroker selbst läuft, meine Skripte laufen, die Views Funktionieren. Historie, etc.
Ich werde noch einen Test direkt auf node mit node execute.js machen
$ iobroker stop````
Stopping iobroker controller daemon...
iobroker controller daemon stopped.
Exit code for "": 0$ cd node_modules/iobroker.backitup/lib/ $ node execute.js
[DEBUG] [total/total] TAR started...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Ignore dir: /opt/iobroker/backups
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 7MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 15MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 19MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 24MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 29MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 33MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 37MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 42MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 46MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 52MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 57MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 62MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 90MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 97MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 104MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 111MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 121MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 130MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 138MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 153MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 176MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 201MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 216MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 227MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 235MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 237MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 245MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 254MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 263MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 271MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 287MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 297MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 321MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 344MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 371MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 396MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 412MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 422MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 433MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 443MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 448MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] Packed 454MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total/total] done
[DEBUG] [total/redis] done
[DEBUG] [total/clean] done
[DEBUG] [total/start] done
[DEBUG] [total/telegram] done
iobroker@O-XU4-ioB-M1:~/node_modules/iobroker.backitup/lib$Das funktioniert! Warum?
Was anderes macht backitup ja bei einem stop auch nicht …
Hast du die Rechte vom iob-dir auf 0777?
Irgendwo ist dein System bugi ...
Probiere mal ein reinstall vom kompletten iob ... Du hast irgendwo ein Fehler im System drin.
Die Backups passen - nur die letzten 3 Versionen werden behalten (jeweils minimal und total - so wie im Adapter eingestellt). Das mysql Backup, das mit jedem total-Backup angelegt wird, wird allerdings nicht auf 3 limtiert. Ist das so gewollt? Das würde nämlich langsam die lokale Festplatte abfüllen…
Hey Leute ich habe da ein Problem.
Habe mir den Adapter installiert, eine dropbox eingerichtet alles prima.
So Wenn ich ein minimales Backup ausführe, läd er es in die Dropbox hoch.
Bei einem kompletten Backup passiert dies nicht. Ich hab alles mögliche probiert bis zu einem 2. Dropbox Konto und der Neuinstallation des Adapters. Leider ohne Erfolg.
hier der Log:
! ````
[DEBUG] [total] start with {"type":"creator","time":"03:00","debugging":false,"everyXDays":"3","deleteBackupAfter":0,"dropbox":{"enabled":true,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":true,"accessToken":"","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/Broker","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total"},"history":{"enabled":true,"type":"message","entriesNumber":"25","systemLang":"de"},"email":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","NoticeType":"longEmailNotice","emailReceiver":"","emailSender":"","systemLang":"de"},"pushover":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","SilentNotice":false,"NoticeType":"longPushoverNotice","deviceID":"","systemLang":"de"},"dir":"/opt/iobroker","redis":{"enabled":false,"ftp":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","host":"","deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":true,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/backupDir/total","dirMinimal":"","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total","user":"","pass":"","port":"21"},"cifs":{"enabled":false,"mountType":"NFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=1.0","sudo":true,"deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"\ftp_broker","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"","pass":""},"dropbox":{"enabled":true,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":true,"accessToken":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/Broker","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total"},"path":"/var/lib/redis"},"stopIoB":false,"backupDir":"/opt/iobroker/backups"}
[DEBUG] [total] - TAR started...
[DEBUG] [total] - Ignore dir: /opt/iobroker/backups
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 18MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 40MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 54MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 78MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 94MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 115MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 137MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 159MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 181MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 200MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 225MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 246MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 267MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 279MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 281MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 285MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 290MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 294MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 304MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 310MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 315MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 321MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 327MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 333MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 347MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 359MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 368MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 377MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 380MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 389MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 391MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 396MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 401MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 413MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 426MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 442MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 447MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 451MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 458MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 470MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 474MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 477MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 483MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 495MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 500MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 507MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 513MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 516MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 521MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 525MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 530MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - done
[DEBUG] [dropbox] start with {"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":true,"accessToken":"","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/Broker","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total","deleteBackupAfter":0}
[DEBUG] [dropbox] - Copy total_2018_12_22-15_55_49_backupiobroker.tar.gz...
[ERROR] [dropbox] - [object Object]
[DEBUG] [dropbox] - done
[DEBUG] [clean] start with {"deleteBackupAfter":0}
[DEBUG] [clean] - done
[DEBUG] [history] start with {"type":"creator","time":"03:00","debugging":false,"everyXDays":"3","deleteBackupAfter":0,"dropbox":{"enabled":true,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":true,"accessToken":"****","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/Broker","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total"},"history":{"enabled":true,"type":"message","entriesNumber":"25","systemLang":"de","time":"22. Dezember 2018 um 16:09 Uhr"},"email":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","NoticeType":"longEmailNotice","emailReceiver":"","emailSender":"","systemLang":"de"},"pushover":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","SilentNotice":false,"NoticeType":"longPushoverNotice","deviceID":"","systemLang":"de"},"dir":"/opt/iobroker","redis":{"enabled":false,"ftp":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","host":"","deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":true,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/backupDir/total","dirMinimal":"","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total","user":"","pass":"","port":"21"},"cifs":{"enabled":false,"mountType":"NFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=1.0","sudo":true,"deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"\ftp_broker","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"","pass":""},"dropbox":{"enabled":true,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":true,"accessToken":"qaPFmYU7N2AAAAAAAAAAIhuBZu3iCm9mWmn5cGEMGQFjgotTuBt8dVnFe9C9Mfg4","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/Broker","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total"},"path":"/var/lib/redis"},"stopIoB":false,"backupDir":"/opt/iobroker/backups"}
[DEBUG] [history] - backitup.0.history.html
[EXIT] 0edit: Ich habe grad beides Logs mal verglichen. im Total Backup taucht eine Zeile mehr auf.. [Error] object object … kann damit jemand was anfangen? Für eure Hilfe wäre ich dankbar ;-)
Warte mal eine weile … die 450MB brauchen ne Weile, bis sie in der Dropbox sind.
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Das schon, aber hab das Problem seit gestern
Da wurde nix geändert…
Prüfe mal deinen freien Speicher in der Dropbox
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Ich habe ihn gestern zum ersten Mal installiert. Ist also ein Neulingsproblem:-)
Also die Dropbox hab ich extra dafür laut Anleitung eingerichtet.
Was mich halt verwundert, das minimalbackup läuft ohne Probleme, das komplette geht nicht.
Lg Torti
Ich habe ihn gestern zum ersten Mal installiert. Ist also ein Neulingsproblem:-)
Also die Dropbox hab ich extra dafür laut Anleitung eingerichtet.
Was mich halt verwundert, das minimalbackup läuft ohne Probleme, das komplette geht nicht.
Lg Torti `
Du glücklichen…
Können wir tauschen.
Hast du mal die Pfade angeschaut? Gibt es für minimal u d total unterschiedliche Pfade?
Falls ja, hast du die Ordner in der Dropbox auch angelegt?
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Habe beides probiert, sowohl mit Häkchen bei unterschiedlichen Pfaden, als auch ohne Häkchen… gleiches ergebnis.
Ich vermute es hat mit dem error zu tun, aber kann mir keinen Reim darauf bilden.
Habe beides probiert, sowohl mit Häkchen bei unterschiedlichen Pfaden, als auch ohne Häkchen… gleiches ergebnis.
Ich vermute es hat mit dem error zu tun, aber kann mir keinen Reim darauf bilden. `
Poste mal bitte den Log mit error und auch deine Config für die Dropbox.
Hey Leute ich habe da ein Problem.
Habe mir den Adapter installiert, eine dropbox eingerichtet alles prima.
So Wenn ich ein minimales Backup ausführe, läd er es in die Dropbox hoch.
Bei einem kompletten Backup passiert dies nicht. Ich hab alles mögliche probiert bis zu einem 2. Dropbox Konto und der Neuinstallation des Adapters. Leider ohne Erfolg.
hier der Log:
! ````
[DEBUG] [total] start with {"type":"creator","time":"03:00","debugging":false,"everyXDays":"3","deleteBackupAfter":0,"dropbox":{"enabled":true,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":true,"accessToken":"","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/Broker","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total"},"history":{"enabled":true,"type":"message","entriesNumber":"25","systemLang":"de"},"email":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","NoticeType":"longEmailNotice","emailReceiver":"","emailSender":"","systemLang":"de"},"pushover":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","SilentNotice":false,"NoticeType":"longPushoverNotice","deviceID":"","systemLang":"de"},"dir":"/opt/iobroker","redis":{"enabled":false,"ftp":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","host":"","deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":true,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/backupDir/total","dirMinimal":"","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total","user":"","pass":"","port":"21"},"cifs":{"enabled":false,"mountType":"NFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=1.0","sudo":true,"deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"\ftp_broker","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"","pass":""},"dropbox":{"enabled":true,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":true,"accessToken":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/Broker","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total"},"path":"/var/lib/redis"},"stopIoB":false,"backupDir":"/opt/iobroker/backups"}
[DEBUG] [total] - TAR started...
[DEBUG] [total] - Ignore dir: /opt/iobroker/backups
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 18MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 40MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 54MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 78MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 94MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 115MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 137MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 159MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 181MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 200MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 225MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 246MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 267MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 279MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 281MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 285MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 290MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 294MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 304MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 310MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 315MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 321MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 327MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 333MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 347MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 359MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 368MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 377MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 380MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 389MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 391MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 396MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 401MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 413MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 426MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 442MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 447MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 451MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 458MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 470MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 474MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 477MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 483MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 495MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 500MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 507MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 513MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 516MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 521MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 525MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - Packed 530MB so far...
[DEBUG] [total] - done
[DEBUG] [dropbox] start with {"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":true,"accessToken":"","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/Broker","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total","deleteBackupAfter":0}
[DEBUG] [dropbox] - Copy total_2018_12_22-15_55_49_backupiobroker.tar.gz...
[ERROR] [dropbox] - [object Object]
[DEBUG] [dropbox] - done
[DEBUG] [clean] start with {"deleteBackupAfter":0}
[DEBUG] [clean] - done
[DEBUG] [history] start with {"type":"creator","time":"03:00","debugging":false,"everyXDays":"3","deleteBackupAfter":0,"dropbox":{"enabled":true,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":true,"accessToken":"****","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/Broker","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total"},"history":{"enabled":true,"type":"message","entriesNumber":"25","systemLang":"de","time":"22. Dezember 2018 um 16:09 Uhr"},"email":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","NoticeType":"longEmailNotice","emailReceiver":"","emailSender":"","systemLang":"de"},"pushover":{"enabled":false,"notificationsType":"Telegram","type":"message","instance":"","SilentNotice":false,"NoticeType":"longPushoverNotice","deviceID":"","systemLang":"de"},"dir":"/opt/iobroker","redis":{"enabled":false,"ftp":{"enabled":false,"type":"storage","source":"Local","host":"","deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":true,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/backupDir/total","dirMinimal":"","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total","user":"","pass":"","port":"21"},"cifs":{"enabled":false,"mountType":"NFS","type":"storage","source":"Local","mount":"","fileDir":"/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup","smb":"vers=1.0","sudo":true,"deleteOldBackup":false,"ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"\ftp_broker","dirMinimal":"sharename/backupDir","dirTotal":"sharename/backupDir","user":"","pass":""},"dropbox":{"enabled":true,"type":"storage","source":"Local","deleteOldBackup":true,"accessToken":"XXXXXXXXXXXXX","ownDir":false,"bkpType":"Minimal","dir":"/Broker","dirMinimal":"/backupDir/minimal","dirTotal":"/backupDir/total"},"path":"/var/lib/redis"},"stopIoB":false,"backupDir":"/opt/iobroker/backups"}
[DEBUG] [history] - backitup.0.history.html
[EXIT] 0edit: Ich habe grad beides Logs mal verglichen. im Total Backup taucht eine Zeile mehr auf.. [Error] object object … kann damit jemand was anfangen? Für eure Hilfe wäre ich dankbar ;-) `
Da habe ich den Log drin. ( falls es das ist was du möchtest
Sry bin echt noch nicht so erfahren was den Broker etc angeht
Wie kann ich dir die Config schicken? xD
hab im Adapter bei den Haupteinstellungen den Haken bei Dropbox gesetzt, in den Dropbox Einstellungen nur den API eingetragen und den Pfad angepasst. ( Der sollte ja passen, da das minimale Backup ja hochgeladen wird.)
Wenn du mit dem Teamviewer oder so mal draufschauen willst, gib Bescheid. Das ist kein Problem
Schicke mal ein Screenshot deiner Dropbox Einstellungen.
Der error bedeutet, dass der Pfad nicht vorhanden ist, wo er das backup hinkopieren soll.
Hier die Bilder, schande über mich, für die Art u Weise der Veröffentlichung, aber ich weiß es nicht besser.
! -
Normalerweise sollte der Ordner in dem Hauptordner App liegen.
Liegt er. Apps>> dann das was im dropbox Bild zu sehen ist.
Hab den Rechner jetzt schon aus, kann dir morgen den genauen Pfad schicken
Dank dir für deine Mühe und Geduld