Modbus INVT Wechselrichter
Werde mir mal den Solarlog anschauen, mal sehen ob das was ist für mich.
Bezeichnung habe ich unten angehangen.
Da das Thema ja noch aktuell ist.
Screenshot vom Wifi Stick deutet darauf hin das die Modbus "RTU over TCP" benutzen.
Hast du das mal in den Modbus Settings versucht?
Das mal probiert? :lol:
Wenn das eine APP kann, dann müsste es hier auch funktionieren.
Hi!!Cab you share the modbus address for iMars inverter, please? I'm trying to get them from chinesse manufacturer with no success!
Thank you! -
Thank you very much!!
The last days I was able to decode by myself some of the modbus address of my iMars MG4KTL inverter and I wrote a python script to publish the data in mqtt. Now with this full address data table I will complete the script with all the relevant data. I'll share the script in git hub.
Thank you!! -
If you are ready, you can send me the link for it -
habe auch einen iMars/INVT WR. Würde auch gerne die Daten in meinen ioBroker anzeigen lassen. Das was ich geschafft habe, ist, dass ich über mein Smartphone mit den Stick und "iMars Home" ein bischen was anzeigen lassen kann. Ansonsten muss ich gestehen, habe ich nicht viel Ahnung, und es gibt so gut wie nichts über den WR, zumindest habe ich nichts gefunden. -
I'm a new owner of an iMars MG5KTL-2M since today.
The WiFi200 stick automatically uploads the data to an INVT web server to which the user can connect via Internet. I'm not a fan of the idea of connecting my home system to a cloud service that is probably hosted somewhere in China.
Instead, I'd prefer to connect a PC directly to the RS485 bus using a RS485-to-USB converter. My problem in now that I don't know the type of connector of the inverters communication port. The pin assignment is mentioned in the User Manual but neither the brand nor model nor part number of the mating connector. Does anybody have that information?
I'm very much looking forward to josepro's git hub project!! Good luck with that!
My goal is to connect the iMars inverter via iobroker to my Homematic system and switch devices based on the level of generated solar power. That would be the most cost efficient usage of the precious solar energy.
Hi, have you finished writing the script yet, and could you send it to us? That would be very cool.