Wenn ich das richtig sehe, sind das ja nur komplette Widgets und nicht nur einfach Buttons, oder?
Gibt es da nichts simpleres?
Wenn ich das richtig sehe, sind das ja nur komplette Widgets und nicht nur einfach Buttons, oder?
Gibt es da nichts simpleres?
Hi zusammen,
Adapter läuft super bis auf folgende sporadische Log Einträge:
spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 12:24:26.445 error erron in Request
spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:37:27.637 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:37:22.521 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:37:17.358 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:37:12.205 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:46.325 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:41.161 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:36.019 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:30.861 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:25.699 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:20.483 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:15.303 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:09.638 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:36:04.428 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:59.247 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:54.064 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:48.825 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:43.636 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:38.480 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:33.308 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:28.144 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:22.973 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:17.767 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:12.592 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:07.418 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:35:02.269 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:57.102 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:51.952 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:46.815 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:41.671 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:36.063 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:30.908 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:25.764 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:20.620 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:15.471 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:10.340 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:05.176 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:34:00.031 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:54.846 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:49.699 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:44.550 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:39.422 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:34.244 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:29.082 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:23.948 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:18.820 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:13.659 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:33:03.491 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:58.333 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:53.190 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:48.040 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:42.881 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable spotify-premium.0 2018-03-17 10:32:37.726 warn Unexpected api response http 202; continue polling; You will see a 202 response the first time a user connects to the Spotify Connect API or when the device is temporarily unavailable
Danke und Grüße
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, diese Log Einträge zu deaktivieren?
Hat das zufällig mittlerweile jemand hinbekommen?
Wenn ich das richtig sehe, sind das ja nur komplette Widgets und nicht nur einfach Buttons, oder?
Gibt es da nichts simpleres?
in dem hier im Forum geposteten Spotify Script werden "Buttons" als Objekte angelegt.
Z.B. dieser hier:
"from": "system.adapter.javascript.0",
"ts": 1522438771419,
"common": {
"name": "javascript.0.Spotify.Player.Pause",
"type": "boolean",
"role": "button"
"native": {
"type": "boolean",
"role": "button",
"name": "javascript.0.Spotify.Player.Pause"
"acl": {
"object": 1636,
"owner": "system.user.admin",
"ownerGroup": "system.group.administrator",
"state": 1636
"_id": "javascript.0.Spotify.Player.Pause",
"type": "state"
Mit welchem Widget kann ich diesen ansteuern?
Mit einem normalen Button ändere ich den Zustand, so dass ich immer zwei Mal drücken muss.
Im Endeffekt brauche ich wohl einen Taster, kann aber nichts dergleichen finden.
Hast Recht.
Aber wie muss denn ein Objekt oder Datenpunkt aussehen, dass Alexa an diesen absolute Werte und nicht Prozent übermittelt?
Ich verändere die Werte nach Ankunft durch Alexa ja nicht mehr, sondern gebe diese eins zu eins durch, insofern dürfte diese Unterscheidung keinen Unterschied machen.
Oder meinst du, dass Alexa aus "stelle auf 30" dann 30% des Maximalwertes macht?
ich steuere die Lautstärke meines AVR mit Alexa und JS.
"_id": "javascript.0.avr.set_volume",
"type": "state",
"common": {
"name": "set_volume",
"role": "",
"type": "number",
"read": true,
"write": true,
"desc": "Manuell erzeugt",
"min": 0,
"max": 60,
"def": 30,
"unit": "",
"smartName": {
"de": "AVR"
"native": {},
"from": "system.adapter.admin.0",
"ts": 1521143094206,
"acl": {
"object": 1638,
"state": 1638
var http = "http://avr.lan/goform/formiPhoneAppDirect.xml?";
on({id: "javascript.0.avr.set_volume", change: "any"}, function (obj) {
var x = obj.state.val;
if (x === 0) {
require("request")(http + 'MUON');
else if (x > 60) {
require("request")(http + 'MV' + 60);
else {
require("request")(http + 'MV' + x);
Wenn ich Alexa sage, dass sie auf zB 30 stellen soll, kommt bei ioBroker 18 an.
Hier mal ein paar Werte:
30 -> 18
35 -> 21
40 -> 24
45 -> 27
50 -> 30
Laut Alexa Historie versteht sie mich korrekt, aber irgendwo wird er Wert verändert.
Manuelles setzen des Wertes funktioniert.
ich glaube ich bin zu blöd…
Finde zum verrecken nicht die Möglichkeit mich bei https://creativecommons.tankerkoenig.de/ anzumelden, um einen API Key zu erhalten.
Kann mir jemand helfen?