Backitup Instalieren Hilfe
Hallo ich bekomme Backitup nicht installiert. ich möchte vom Raspberry 2 zu einem Windows umziehen.
hier die Meldung
$ ./iobroker add backitup --host raspberrypi Cannot read system.config: undefined (OK when migrating or restoring) NPM version: 6.4.1 npm install iobroker.backitup@2.1.6 --loglevel error --prefix "/opt/iobroker" (System call) npm ERR! code Z_BUF_ERRORnpm ERR! errno -5 npm ERR! zlib: unexpected end of file npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:npm ERR! /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2021-05-30T12_41_54_713Z-debug.log ERROR: host.raspberrypi Cannot install iobroker.backitup@2.1.6: 251 ERROR: process exited with code 25
cd /opt/iobroker npm cache clear --force
Jetzt komme ich auf dem windows Rechner nicht weiter.
Backup wurde durchgeführt aber jetzt komme ich nicht mehr auf den io über localhost:8081C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHome3>iobroker status [all] iobroker is running on this host. At least one iobroker host is running. SYSTEM/memoryLimitMB: 0 SYSTEM/hostname: SYSTEM/statisticsInterval: 15000 SYSTEM/checkDiskInterval: 300000 SYSTEM/noChmod: false SYSTEM/instanceStartInterval: 2000 SYSTEM/compact: false SYSTEM/allowShellCommands: false SYSTEM/memLimitWarn: 100 SYSTEM/memLimitError: 50 MULTIHOSTSERVICE/enabled: false MULTIHOSTSERVICE/secure: true NETWORK/IPv4: true NETWORK/IPv6: true OBJECTS/type: file OBJECTS/host: OBJECTS/port: 9001 OBJECTS/user: OBJECTS/pass: OBJECTS/noFileCache: false OBJECTS/connectTimeout: 2000 OBJECTS/writeFileInterval: 5000 OBJECTS/OPTIONS/retryStrategy: (reconnectCount) => { if (!ready && initError && ignoreErrors) return new Error('No more tries'); if (this.stop) return new Error('Client has stopped ... no retries anymore'); if (ready && reconnectCount >=retry_max_count) return new Error('Stop trying to reconnect'); // A function that receives an options object as parameter including the retry attempt, // the total_retry_time indicating how much time passed since the last time connected, // the error why the connection was lost and the number of times_connected in total. // If you return a number from this function, the retry will happen exactly after that // time in milliseconds. If you return a non-number, no further retry will happen and // all offline commands are flushed with errors. Return an error to return that // specific error to all offline commands. if (!ready) return 300; return retry_max_delay; /*if (options.error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') { // End reconnecting on a specific error and flush all commands with a individual error return new Error('The server refused the connection'); } if (options.total_retry_time > 1000 * 60 * 60) { // End reconnecting after a specific timeout and flush all commands with a individual error return new Error('Retry time exhausted'); } if (options.times_connected > 10) { // End reconnecting with built in error return undefined; } // reconnect after return Math.max(options.attempt * 100, 3000);*/ } OBJECTS/OPTIONS/enableReadyCheck: true OBJECTS/OPTIONS/host: OBJECTS/OPTIONS/port: 9001 OBJECTS/OPTIONS/db: 0 OBJECTS/OPTIONS/family: 0 OBJECTS/BACKUP/disabled: false OBJECTS/BACKUP/files: 24 OBJECTS/BACKUP/hours: 48 OBJECTS/BACKUP/period: 120 OBJECTS/BACKUP/path: OBJECTS/maxQueue: 1000 STATES/type: file STATES/host: STATES/port: 9000 STATES/maxQueue: 1000 STATES/user: STATES/pass: STATES/connectTimeout: 2000 STATES/writeFileInterval: 30000 STATES/OPTIONS/retryStrategy: (reconnectCount) => { if (!ready && initError && ignoreErrors) return new Error('No more tries'); if (this.stop) return new Error('Client has stopped ... no retries anymore'); if (ready && reconnectCount >=retry_max_count) return new Error('Stop trying to reconnect'); // A function that receives an options object as parameter including the retry attempt, // the total_retry_time indicating how much time passed since the last time connected, // the error why the connection was lost and the number of times_connected in total. // If you return a number from this function, the retry will happen exactly after that // time in milliseconds. If you return a non-number, no further retry will happen and // all offline commands are flushed with errors. Return an error to return that // specific error to all offline commands. if (!ready) return 300; return retry_max_delay; /*if (options.error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') { // End reconnecting on a specific error and flush all commands with a individual error return new Error('The server refused the connection'); } if (options.total_retry_time > 1000 * 60 * 60) { // End reconnecting after a specific timeout and flush all commands with a individual error return new Error('Retry time exhausted'); } if (options.times_connected > 10) { // End reconnecting with built in error return undefined; } // reconnect after return Math.max(options.attempt * 100, 3000);*/ } STATES/OPTIONS/enableReadyCheck: true STATES/OPTIONS/host: STATES/OPTIONS/port: 9000 STATES/OPTIONS/db: 0 STATES/OPTIONS/family: 0 STATES/BACKUP/disabled: false STATES/BACKUP/files: 24 STATES/BACKUP/hours: 48 STATES/BACKUP/period: 120 STATES/BACKUP/path: LOG/level: info LOG/maxDays: 7 LOG/noStdout: true LOG/TRANSPORT/FILE1/type: file LOG/TRANSPORT/FILE1/enabled: true LOG/TRANSPORT/FILE1/filename: log/iobroker LOG/TRANSPORT/FILE1/fileext: .log LOG/TRANSPORT/SYSLOG1/type: syslog LOG/TRANSPORT/SYSLOG1/enabled: false LOG/TRANSPORT/SYSLOG1/host: localhost LOG/TRANSPORT/SYSLOG1/protocol: udp4 LOG/TRANSPORT/SYSLOG1/localhost: iobroker dataDir: ../../iobroker-data/ C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHome3>iobroker start 2021-06-01 23:30:37,286 INFO - Starting the service with id 'iobroker(SmartHome3)' 2021-06-01 23:30:37,369 FATAL - WMI Operation failure: ServiceAlreadyRunning WMI.WmiException: ServiceAlreadyRunning bei WMI.WmiRoot.BaseHandler.CheckError(ManagementBaseObject result) bei WMI.WmiRoot.InstanceHandler.Invoke(Object proxy, MethodInfo method, Object[] args) bei winsw.WrapperService.Run(String[] _args, ServiceDescriptor descriptor) bei winsw.WrapperService.Main(String[] args) WMI.WmiException: ServiceAlreadyRunning bei WMI.WmiRoot.BaseHandler.CheckError(ManagementBaseObject result) bei WMI.WmiRoot.InstanceHandler.Invoke(Object proxy, MethodInfo method, Object[] args) bei winsw.WrapperService.Run(String[] _args, ServiceDescriptor descriptor) bei winsw.WrapperService.Main(String[] args)
hoffe ihr könnt mir wieder helfen