RFlink (LOS GEHT ES ) Bestellung d.Hardware (20€) + 5€ Spende an Forum f.d. Adapter (crowdfunding like :-)
Hallo Kollegen,
aus diesen Beiden Foren kommt raus, dass manche Leute hardwaremäßig unterstützt werden wollen.
Modul kann LESEN und SENDEN
Aus diesem Grund hier das Angebot an Euch.
- 20€ für die Hardware gebaut und getestet (ohne Garantie und ohne Gewährleistung. Rückgabe ausgeschlossen) incl. Unversicherten Versand! (Vers. versand möglich gegen Aufpreis)
- min. 5€ Spende an Forum INCL. ADAPTER FÜR ioBroker!
Wenn min. 5 Bestellungen da sind (bitte per PN), dann starte ich Einkauf und Produktion.
Ich möchte noch mal klarstellen, ALLE GEWINNE AUS DER HARDWARE(wenn vorhanden) WERDEN AN FORUM GESPENDET! Dafür werde ich Rechnungen für Komponenten und Verbrauchsmaterial dem bluefox zur Verfügung stellen
Adapter Starten wir mit 100€ (?-20 Spenden). dann ist zumindest 1 Monat Server bezahlt
Habe gestern einen Ultimaker 2 (3D drucker) extra bestellt um das Gehäuse dafür später anbieten zu können!!!!
BITTE um euer Verständnis, es wird oft etwas "gefordert" oder um Unterstützung gebeten, und dann kommt nach der Analyse der Installationen, dass die Adapter nur 2 Mal installiert worden sind. Dafür müssen andere Monate auf Unterstützung warten!
Damit wollen wir feststellen wie dringend /tatsächlich dieser Adapter gebraucht wird.
Bitte startet weitere Aufrufe für die Adapter, damit wir sehen was "wirklich" von der Community gewünscht ist.
Hier alles was z.Z. unterstütz wird:
! 433 and/or 315 Mhz devices:
! Note that various devices are available in a 433 or 315 mhz version. RFlink can handle the protocols but obviously the used transceiver (or seperate transmitter and receiver) are important factors to actually make use of a specific frequency. Technically, RFLink is capable of using 315, 433, 868 and 915 mhz frequencies with the protocols and devices listed below. It is up to you to make sure that you are allowed to use that frequency in your country before you use a frequency for any special projects.
! Remote Controls and Electrical Switches / Dimmers etc.:
! ARC Protocol: (Send + Receive)
! Klik Aan Klik Uit (Code Wheel) (All products)
! Princeton PT2262
! Domia Lite
! Intertechno
! CoCo Technologies
! Cogex
! D-IO (Chacon)
! Nexa (All products, among others: WST-512)
! Düwi Terminal
! Promax RSL366T
! Conrad 640472, 640473, 640475, 640476
! ME FLS 100
! Profile PR-44N, PR-47N
! Sartano 2606
! Impuls
! Elro AB400
! SelectRemote
! Everflourish (All products, among others: EMW200, EMW203)
! Waveman
! Elro Home Comfort AB600
! (Elro) Home Control
! Smarthome YC-4000B
! Phenix YC-4000S
! Pollin Funk-Dimmer HouseLight FD-UP001
! Pollin Funk-Steckdosen-Set 2605
! Conrad 646443 outlet sockets / RSL366R
! Proteam HO1853
! Velleman WRS3B
! "Emil Lux"/LUX-Tools ( Art.Nr. 2087971)
! Znane-01 switch set sold at Biedronka (Impuls clone)
! Renkforce
! Etekcity ZAP
! Automatic Code Learning Protocols: (Send + Receive)
! Klik Aan Klik Uit (All products, among others: ACm-1000, AWMR210, AWMT230, AWMD250, AWST8800)
! CoCo Technologies
! Trust SmartHome (All products, among others: AMST-606)
! Nexa Jula Anslut (All products, among others: 408-063, 408-064, LWST-605)
! Home Easy EU (All products, among others: HE100, HE200, HE300, AB600/HE600, HE800)
! Smartwares (All products, among others: SH5-TDR-K 10.037.17)
! Maclean Energy MCE04 & 07 remote control and switches
! Proove switch sets (All products, among others: TSP 800)
! Hama SD-UN5-RF
! Elimex (All products, among others: LYCT505 - 24.132, 24.130, 24.131, 24.134, 24.138, 24.139)
! SelectPower
! Others: (Send + Receive)
! Home Easy (Code Wheel)
! Unitec 48110 EIM 826 / 48111 EIM 821 (Beware: 48111 Model 50028 does not work yet! -> work in progress)
! Quigg GT-1000 RC / Quigg GT-FSI-08
! Intertek Eurodomest 972080 (Protocol revision 1 & 2 - full autodetection)
! Intertek Eurodomest 972086 (Protocol revision 1 & 2 - full autodetection)
! ProMax 75.0006.14 (Sold at Action)
! Blyss
! Conrad RSL2, Conrad RSL88R/B
! Maplin RSL3660R
! Kambrook RF3399/RF3405/RF3672/RF3689/RF4471R
! X10 RF switches
! Home Confort Smart Home - Among others: TEL-010, PRF-100, SRF-E27
! Quigg GT-7008BS, Quigg GT-FSI-04
! DMV-7008S
! Mandolyn RC-710
! Powerfix RCB-I 3600
! Quigg GT-8000
! Chacon (TR-502MSV, NR.RC402, 54655)
! Rev Ritter REV 8342L
! Ikea Koppla
! TRC02 RGB Controller
! Aster / GEMINI EMC/99/STI/037
! Silvercrest l36-001
! Silvercrest IAN7443 type 10164 R RC202
! SilverCrest 91210/60494 RCS AAA3680
! R546 wireless switch set
! Everflourish EMW100 / Cotech EMW100R
! Novatys wall switches
! Flamingo FA500R/S/DSS/WD
! Tec Star 2335191R
! Mumbi M-FS300
! Toom 1919384
! Solight switch set
! Livolo
! FunkBus remote control (Insta / Berker / Gira / Jung) (receive only)
! Mercury 350.115UK
! X'Dom (among others KR22)
! Master Electrician RC-012-1-TR-009
! Weather Sensors:
! Alecto V1:
! Alecto WS3500, Alecto WS1500, SilverCrest, Otio SH-10, Otio SH-20,
! Auriol H13726, Ventus WS155, Hama EWS 1500, Meteoscan W155/W160,
! Alecto WS4500, Ventus W044, Balance RF-WS105
! Alecto V2:
! Alecto ACH2010 (868 Mhz!), DKW2012 (868 Mhz!),
! Maplin Weather Station N96GY, Fine Offset WH1080, Fine Offset WH1081, Watson W-8681,
! Digitech XC0348 Weather Station, PCE-FWS 20, Elecsa AstroTouch 6975, Froggit WH1080,
! Maxon WS1081, Maplin Weather Station N25FR
! Alecto V3:
! WS1100, WS1150, WS1200
! Alecto V4:
! Banggood SKU174397, Sako CH113, Homemart/Onemall FD030 and Blokker (Dake) 1730796 outdoor temperature sensor
! Alecto1300: Alecto1300 (Wireless plan monitor) Air and Soil sensor temperature and humidity sensor, Unitec W235 Climate sensor
! GlobalTronics:
! GT-WT-01, GT-WT-02
! Acurite:
! Acurite Tower sensor, 609TXC, 592TXR, 5in1 6004RM, 5in1 pro 6014RM, 896, 986
! Acurite V3:
! Acurite 609TXC (alternative version)
! Pollin:
! Pollin PFR-130 Temperature & Rain meter
! Cresta/Hideki:
! Hideki, TFA Nexus, Mebus, Irox, Irox-Pro X, Honeywell, Cresta TE923, TE923W, TE821W,
! WXR810, DV928, Ventus W906, HomeWizard Rain meter
! Mebus:
! Mebus Outdoor Sensor
! Stacja Pogody WS-9941-M
! UPM/Esic:
! UPM, Esic, Emos, DVM, Clas Ohlson, Dickson
! WT260,WT260H,WT440H,WT450,WT450H,WDS500,RG700
! LaCrosse:
! Lacrosse TX3-TH Thermo/Humidity, Lacrosse TX4
! LaCrosseV2:
! WS2300 (Temperature/Humidity/Wind/Rain), WS2310, WS2355, WS3600
! LaCrosseV3:
! WS7000-15: Anemometer, WS7000-16: Rain precipitation, WS7000-19: Brightness Luxmeter, WS2500-19: Brightness Luxmeter,
! WS7000-27: Thermometer, WS7000-28: Thermometer, WS7000-25 Thermo/Humidity, WS7000-22 Thermo/Humidity
! WS7000-20: Thermo/Humidity/Barometer, TFA 30.3125 (temperature + humidity), TFA 30.3120.30, TFA 30.3120.90 (temperature)
! LaCrosseV4:
! TXT141-BV2
! Baldr:
! B0317
! Auriol:
! Z31743, Rubicson
! Auriol V2:
! Z31055A-TX, Z31055B-TX version 09/2012, Xiron, Watshome YT6018-2, Technoline,
! AOK-2026, AOK-2011, Tunex MF-0211, Jula / Marquant 943134
! Auriol V3:
! Z32171A, XT200, Fine Offset, Hadex T093, WH5029, Excelvan
! FineOffset:
! Fine Offset Electronics WH2, Agimex Rosenborg 66796, ClimeMET CM9088, Tesa WH1150,
! Loh Electronics 02812 Temperature and Humidity sensor
! Eurochron:
! EAS 301Z / EAS 302 / Tchibo
! Prologue:
! Clas Ohlson 36-4741, Clas Ohlson 36-5087
! Krippl:
! Krippl temperature/humidity sensor
! InoValley:
! SM200, SM302 Temperature&Humidity sensor
! Oregon V1/2/3:
! THC238, THC268, THN132N, THWR288A, THRN122N, THN122N, AW129, AW131, THGR268, THGR122X, THGR122N,
! THGN122N, THGN123N, THGR122NX, THGR228N, THGR238, WTGR800, THGR918, THGRN228NX, THGN500, RTGN318,
! THGR810, RTGR328N, THGR328N, Huger BTHR918, BTHR918N, BTHR968, RGR126, RGR682, RGR918, PCR122,
! THWR800, THR128, THR138, THC138, RGR928, THGR968, THR228N, RGR968, WGR968,
! UVN128, UV138, UVN800, Huger-STR918, WGR918, WGR800, PCR800, WGTR800, BTHG968, BTHGN129
! Biltema:
! Biltema 84056
! Fine Offset:
! Fine Offset / Viking / WMS Mk3 / Proove TSS320
! Home Confort:
! STHI 100 temperature/humidity sensor
! F007: Ambient Weather / Frogit F007TH, Ambient Weather / Frogit F007T, Ambient Weather / Frogit F007PF
! Pool/Water Thermometer:
! Conrad 9771 Pool Thermometer
! WT0122 Pool Thermometer
! Soil : Temperature & Moisture/Humidity Sensors
! Imagintronix XH300 sensor
! Opus XT300
! Alecto 1300
! Electricity Monitoring
! OWL CM113
! OWL CM119
! OWL CM130
! OWL CM160
! OWL CM180
! OWL Micro
! cent-a-meter
! Electrisave
! Revolt NC-5461 Energy Meter (See Note)
! Otio Energy Meter (See Note)
! Profitec Funk Energiekosten Messgeraet (See Note)
! Note:
! These devices send a large RF burst every 10 seconds.
! This means that they could fill a lot of the available 433mhz bandwidth and you should use these devices with care because the reception of other sensors could become problematic when using these devices.
! Dusk Sensors (Light On/Off detection):
! Kaku ABST-604
! Home Easy HE863
! Intertechno ITDS-5
! Relay controllers:
! 1Key 315/433MHZ Wireless Module Receiver Controller For Relay Remote SwitchBA
! AK-RK01S-220-A AC 220 V 1CH 433 MHz
! Window blinds/shutters/sun screens:
! Kaku ASUN650
! Intertechno CMR-500, ITL-500, ITL-1000
! Bofu motor controller (Rollertrol?)
! Brel motor controller (DC90, DC306, DC115, DC229, DC230 and others)
! Faher motor controller (DC305, DC307 and others)
! Forest "Touch Sense Motors" Curtain control
! Rohrmotor24
! Romotec
! A-OK Blind controller (AC114-01B and others)
! Dooya RF Roller blinds (AC123-16 and others)
! RTS Soliris
! Koch (receive only)
! Kingpin motor controls
! Condrad RSL blind controller 640579
! Gaposa Blind/Shutter controller (model QCT3S and others)
! Warema EWFS
! Motion Detectors:
! Low Budget Chinese PIR (only signals motion detection)
! based on EV1527 & HX2262 (If timing resistor present, any resistor value will work)
! Aritech PIR (only signals motion detection)
! Ajax Chub Varel PIR (only signals motion detection)
! Chuango: among others PIR-900 and PIR-910 PIR sensor
! Oregon Scientific NR868 PIR/night light
! Oregon Scientific MSR939 PIR
! X10 security sensors (Haibrain MS13 and others)
! Meiantech/Atlantic security sensors (MC335, MD326,FT89R and others)
! MC145026
! Honeywell / Friedland DC4 PIR
! Honeywell / Friedland DC44 PIR
! Starlux ST101 PIR
! Holtek HT6P20 based PIR (both receive and transmit)
! Door/Window sensors:
! Low Budget Chinese Door/Window detectors
! based on EV1527 & HX2262 (If timing resistor present, any resistor value will work)
! Holtek HT6P20 based door & window sensors (both receive and transmit)
! Oudi AD-87
! Intertechno ITM-100
! KAKU AMST-606 door/window sensor (seperate signals for open and close)
! Home Easy HE852
! CHACON DIO 54781 (seperate signals for open and close)
! COCO (separate signals for open and close)
! Evology door/window contact sensor
! Chuango: among others DWC-100 Door sensor, DWC-102 Door sensor
! Avidsen Door contact 102359
! X10 security sensors
! Meiantech/Atlantic security sensors
! Sigmatek door contact
! MC145026
! Lobeco NX-450N-I
! LightwaveRF Contact Switch
! KERUI D026 Door Window Sensor
! Visionic MCT-100
! Sirene:
! X10 security sensors (Send + Receive)
! KD101 (Send + Receive)
! Flamingo FA20RF (Send + Receive)
! Flamingo FA21RF (Send + Receive)
! Diamant Smoke alarm (Send + Receive)
! Chacon 34126 (Send + Receive)
! Altantic's security sensors
! Gate openers (Send + Receive)
! Alarm systems, secure gate openers, garage doors (Receive of sensors and remotes ONLY!!!)
! Visonic Powermax (Keeloq) (Receive only!)
! Nice Smilo (Keeloq) (Receive only!)
! FAAC (Receive only!)
! Logipark (Receive only!)
! Ditec (Receive only!)
! Heating / Fireplace / Thermostats:
! Mertik G6R H4T1 / Dru (Send + Receive)
! Smartwares SH5-TDR-A / SHS 5300 Heating Controller / Radiator Valve (Send + Receive)
! Lafayette Air Thermostat (Send + Receive)
! Smoke Detectors:
! Alecto SA30/SA33 (Send + Receive)
! Flamingo FA20RF (Send + Receive)
! Flamingo FA21RF (Send + Receive)
! Diamant Smoke alarm (Send + Receive)
! Chacon 34126 KD134A (Send + Receive)
! Chacon LM-101LG (Send + Receive)
! Jucon LM-101LG (Send + Receive)
! KD101 (Send + Receive)
! Nexa 101LC (Send + Receive)
! FUJI ONKYO 480 500 smoke detector (Receive)
! Low Budget Chinese Smoke Detector (Receive)
! based on EV1527 & HX2262 (If timing resistor present, any resistor value will work)
! Doorbells:
! SelectPlus (200689103 - Black - Datecode:0614), 1 by One, Delta (O00 QH-0031) (Send + Receive)
! SelectPlus (200689101 - White - Datecode:0914) (Send + Receive)
! SelectPlus (5251178 - Black - (Send + Receive)
! Deltronic Wireless Doorbell (Send + Receive)
! RL-02 Wireless Doorbell (Send + Receive)
! Byron SX (among others SX21) (Send + Receive)
! Siemens DCBP5 Doorbell converter (wireless + wired) (Send + Receive)
! KAKU ACDB 6500BC (Send + Receive)
! Heidemann HX Silverline 70290 (Send + Receive)
! Elro (DB270 and others) (Send + Receive)
! NEXA LML-710 (Send + Receive)
! Profile led dasegno (Send + Receive)
! Forrinx (Receive)
! L^Home model 32311T (Receive)
! SilverCrest Z31370-TX (Receive)
! Medion MD 16179 (Receive)
! Envivo PO-1413 (Receive)
! Synapse SN-1613 (Receive)
! Friedland EVO Decor ED1, EVO Decor ED3 (Receive)
! Plieger York (Receive)
! Note that when the Plieger button is detected as Conrad RSL2, you need to use the button on the inside of the Plieger doorbell to change the address code of the Plieger.
! Nodo Slave Sensors:
! Various Nodo sensor types are supported.
! Both the regular 433mhz sensors (3.7 and 3.8) as well as NodoNRF sensors (3.7 only). Make sure you use Nodo Slave ID 1,2, 4 till 9 to make the sensor a separate sensor.
! If you want to have combined sensors (eg temperature + humidity in one device) make sure
! you use Nodo Slave ID 10 till 16
! The following variable / sensor types are currently supported
! Variable 1,2,3,4,5 : Temperature
! Variable 6 : Humidity
! Variable 7 : Rain
! Variable 8 : Wind speed
! Variable 9 : Wind direction
! Variable 10 : Wind gust
! Variable 11, 12 en 13 : Temperature
! Variable 14 : Humidity
! Variable 15 : UV
! Variable 16 : Barometric pressure
! Electricity/Water/Gas pulse meters are supported when using the following Nodo variable numbers:
! Make sure the slave devices are using Nodo Slave ID 3 !!!
! Variable 1 : Pulse value 1
! Variable 2 : Pulse value 2
! Variable 3 : Pulse value 3
! Including variable 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 Variable 16: Pulse value 16
! 868 Mhz devices:
! Weather Sensors:
! Alecto V2: Alecto ACH2010 (868 Mhz!), DKW2012 (868 Mhz!),
! 2.4 Ghz devices:
! NodoNRF
! MiLight / LimitlessLED / Applamp / EasyBulb / etc. devices.
! RFlink supports NodoNRF devices and/or MiLight devices.
! You can use two NRF24L01 modules at the same time as the wiring of both systems is different.
! See below for some details.
! NodoNRF:
! NodoNRF devices are sensors based on the Nodo project.
! Data is transferred via 2.4Ghz.
! You will need to use a NRF24L01 wired specifically for NodoNRF use.
! MiLight:
! The Milight devices are also sold under the names:
! LimitlessLED, Applamp, EasyBulb, Rocket LED, s`luce, iLight, iBulb, LinkUP, SuperBrightLeds, Kepsun and Kreuzer.
! There are probably other names used as well.
! MiLight is using the 2.4Ghz frequency to control light bulbs and led strips. These devices are originally controlled with a remote or a wifi bridge.
! RFlink has the ability to transmit to these devices directly like the remote control and the wifi bridge are doing.
! However, RFLink has an unique feature, it can also receive the Milight signals coming from the remote or the bridge.
! Up to 262140 unique lamps can be controlled.
! You will need to use a NRF24L01 wired specifically for Milight use.
! Philips Living Colors:
! Philips Living Colors is using the 2.4Ghz frequency to control a dedicated RGB led bulb. These devices are originally controlled with a remote control.
! RFlink has the ability to transmit to the Philips Living Colors Genration 1 lamps like the original remote control is doing.
! However, RFLink has an unique feature, it can also receive the Living Color commands send by the original remote control.
! You will need to use a CC2500 transceiver.
! Ikea Ansluta / Utrusta:
! Ikea Ansluta / Utrusta is using the 2.4Ghz frequency to control dedicated UTRUSTA en OMLOPP led lights. These devices are originally controlled with a single button remote control.
! RFlink has the ability to transmit to the Ikea Ansluta receiver to control the lamps like the original remote control is doing.
! However, RFLink has an unique feature, it can also receive the commands send by the original Ansluta remote control.
! Unlike the original remote control that needs to cycle through dim values, RFLink can directly control the dim level. You will need to use a CC2500 transceiver. -
Bis jetzt Spenden / Bestellungen:
! INGO - 20 € DANKE!!!!
! eric2905 - 10 € DANKE!!!!
! lobomau - 10 € DANKE!!!!
! starfish - 10 € DANKE!!!!
! robsdobs - 5 € DANKE!!!!
! Heinzelmaennchen - 5 € DANKE!!!!
! Homoran - 10 € DANKE!!!!
! - 20 € DANKE!!!!
! leo013 - 10 € DANKE!!!!
! Lenny.CB - 10 € DANKE!!!!
! Stephan61 - 20 € DANKE!!!!
! Elektroman - 10 € DANKE!!!
! knopers1 - 5 € DANKE!!!
! NetFritz - 5 € DANKE!!!
! charlyphyro - 10 € DANKE!!!
! pepp86 - 5 € DANKE!!!
! bulli - 20 € DANKE!!!
! a200 - 5 € DANKE!!!
! Abry88 - 5 € DANKE!!!
! Marcolotti - 10 € DANKE!!!Bestellung:
! Homoran 2x 433+866 Modul DANKE!!!!
! eric2905 2x 433+866 Modul DANKE!!!!
! lobomau 433Modul DANKE!!!!
! starfish 433Modul DANKE!!!!
! robsdobs 433Modul DANKE!!!!
! Heinzelmaennchen 433Modul DANKE!!!!
! INGO 433+866 Modul DANKE!!!!
! 433Modul DANKE!!!!
! leo013 433+866 Modul DANKE!!!!
! Stephan61 433Modul DANKE!!!!
! NetFritz 433Modul DANKE!!!!
! knopers1 433Modul DANKE!!!!
! charlyphyro 433Modul DANKE!!!!
! pepp86 433Modul DANKE!!!!
! bulli 4x 433+866 Modul DANKE!!!!
! a200 4x 433+866 Modul DANKE!!!!
! Abry88 433+866 Modul DANKE!!!!
! Marcolotti 433+866 Modul DANKE!!!! -
Ich hab da mal ne frage, lässt sich dafür auch ein vorhandener CUL v3 433 MHz verwenden oder brauch ich da extra wieder was neues?
Gruß Johnny
Du brauchst was "neues", da Empfänger/Sender ein anderer ist…
Schade, dann bin ich raus! Da bekomme ich haue von Frauchen wenn ich mit was neuem ankomme dass das gleiche macht wie der CUL
Danke für die Info
Wenn du für den Adapter spendest und bissl wartest wird es nach rflink, jeelink und CUL bestimmt "drangeschraubt", da es was ähnliches ist.
Also unterstützen kannst du uns trotzdem
Danke im Vorraus!
Fehlen die 15€ immer noch (siehe Threadtitel)?
Wie ich bereits geschrieben habe, nein… Habe nur keine zeit gehabt es upzudaten...
Wie ich bereits geschrieben habe, nein… `
Oh, wo hab ich das denn überlesen?Aber egal, ansonsten hätte ich die noch mit in den Topf reingetan.
Hi Eric..
VIELEN DANK, das habe ich mir schon gedacht, dass du und andere schon brennen den Adapter zu testen.
Hardware ist bereits bestellt… Nachbestellung kommt morgen raus!
Bei mir steht immer noch ein? Bei Spende,obwohl Paypal das abgezogen hat. [emoji45]
Bei mir steht immer noch ein? Bei Spende,obwohl Paypal das abgezogen hat. [emoji45] `
Sorry, hatte keine Zeit gehabt die liste upzudaten.
jetzt muss es stimmen
Habe auch 10 € gespendet [emoji857][emoji851]
was denkt ihr was im spoiler ist
hier bitte abonieren:
Ich denke mann muß 2.4 Ghz aus der Liste rausnehmen.
was denkt ihr was im spoiler ist
hier bitte abonieren: … 2kZGan3396 `
Das ging ja schnellInstallieren funktioniert, zum Testen brauche ich nur noch die hardware
die Hardware ist schon bestellt…
ist im Flieger zu mir!
Moin Jungs,
freue mich sehr, das es gut voran geht. Meinen Respekt !
Ich kriege den RFlink-Adapter nicht installiert. Muß dazu erst die Hardware angeschlossen sein ???
Habe mal einen Screenshot ser Kommando-Ausführung drangehängt.
Grüße Ingo
Es kann sein, dass man nodejs 4.x braucht und npm 2.x