Adapter updaten nicht mehr nach Update auf Node.js 16.17.0
@canim sagte in Adapter updaten nicht mehr nach Update auf Node.js 16.17.0:
lässt sich trotzdem kein upgrade der adapter durchführen
Das war auch nicht zu erwarten oder gar das Ziel der Aktion.
iobroker upgrade backitup@2.5.4 --debug
passiert was?
@thomas-braun said in Adapter updaten nicht mehr nach Update auf Node.js 16.17.0:
iobroker upgrade backitup@2.5.4 --debug
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/iobroker $ iobroker upgrade backitup@2.5.4 --debug Cannot upgrade: /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.backitup/io-package.json: Unexpected end of JSON input
uname -m && test -f /opt/scripts/.docker_config/.thisisdocker && echo "Docker-Installation" || echo "Kein Docker" && type -P nodejs node npm && nodejs -v && node -v && npm -v && iob -v && whoami && groups && echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE && echo $DESKTOP_SESSION && pwd && sudo apt update &> /dev/null && sudo apt update && apt policy nodejs
sagt nun?
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -m && test -f /opt/scripts/.docker_config/.thisisdocker && echo "Docker-Installation" || echo "Kein Docker" && type -P nodejs node npm && nodejs -v && node -v && npm -v && iob -v && whoami && groups && echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE && echo $DESKTOP_SESSION && pwd && sudo apt update &> /dev/null && sudo apt update && apt policy nodejs armv7l Kein Docker /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node /usr/bin/npm v16.18.1 v16.18.1 8.19.2 4.0.23 pi pi adm dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users input netdev gpio i2c spi iobroker tty /home/pi OK:1 buster InRelease OK:2 buster InRelease OK:3 buster InRelease OK:4 buster InRelease OK:5 buster InRelease OK:6 buster InRelease Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut. Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig Alle Pakete sind aktuell. nodejs: Installiert: 16.18.1-deb-1nodesource1 Installationskandidat: 16.18.1-deb-1nodesource1 Versionstabelle: *** 16.18.1-deb-1nodesource1 500 500 buster/main armhf Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 10.24.0~dfsg-1~deb10u2 500 500 buster/main armhf Packages 500 buster/main armhf Packages pi@raspberrypi:~ $
Da ist die Datei
wohl kaputt.
Ersetz die mal dadurch:{ "common": { "name": "backitup", "version": "2.5.4", "news": { "2.5.4": { "en": "Fix maxBuffer for DB-Backups\nDocu updated\nFix Dropbox error messages\nGrafana self signed Certificates added", "de": "MaxBuffer für DB-Backups\nDocu aktualisiert\nFehlermeldungen von Dropbox\nGrafana selbst signiert Zertifikate hinzugefügt", "ru": "Fix maxBuffer для DB-Backups\nDocu обновление\nИсправление сообщений об ошибках Dropbox\nGrafana self подписал сертификаты добавлены", "pt": "Fix maxBuffer para DB-Backups\nDocu atualizado\nCorrigir mensagens de erro do Dropbox\nCertificados auto assinados Grafana adicionados", "nl": "Vertaling:\nDocu update\nVertaling:\nGrafana zelf ondertekende certificaten", "fr": "Fix maxBuffer for DB-Backups\nDocu updated\nCorrection des messages d'erreur Dropbox\nGrafana auto signé Certificats ajoutés", "it": "Fix maxBuffer per DB-Backup\nDocu aggiornato\nRisolvi i messaggi di errore di Dropbox\nGrafana auto firmato Certificati aggiunti", "es": "Fijar maxBuffer para DB-Backups\nDocu actualizado\nCorregir mensajes de error de Dropbox\nGrafana autofirmado Certificados añadidos", "pl": "Fix-maxBuffer for DB-Backups (ang.)\nDocu zaktualizował\nFix Dropbox error message\nStatystyki Grafana podpisywały certyfikaty", "uk": "Кріплення maxBuffer для DB-Backups\nDocu оновлений\nВиправлення помилок Dropbox\nДодані сертифікати Grafana", "zh-cn": "银-Backments\n附录\nFix Drop箱错误信息\n黑塞纳自签名的证书" }, "2.5.3": { "en": "dependencies updated", "de": "aktualisierte abhängigkeiten", "ru": "зависимости обновлены", "pt": "dependências atualizadas", "nl": "afhankelijkheid geüpdateerd", "fr": "dépendances mises à jour", "it": "dipendenze aggiornate", "es": "dependencias actualizadas", "pl": "aktualizacja", "uk": "оновлені залежності", "zh-cn": "b. 更新的依赖" }, "2.5.2": { "en": "Bugfix Google Drive", "de": "Bugfix Google Drive", "ru": "Bugfix Google Drive", "pt": "Bugfix Google Drive", "nl": "Bugfix Google Drive", "fr": "Bugfix Google Drive", "it": "Bugfix Google Drive", "es": "Bugfix Google Drive", "pl": "Google Drive", "uk": "English, Українська, Français..", "zh-cn": "Bugfix 谷歌博士" }, "2.5.1": { "en": "Bugfix Google Drive", "de": "Bugfix Google Drive", "ru": "Bugfix Google Drive", "pt": "Bugfix Google Drive", "nl": "Bugfix Google Drive", "fr": "Bugfix Google Drive", "it": "Bugfix Google Drive", "es": "Bugfix Google Drive", "pl": "Google Drive", "uk": "English, Українська, Français..", "zh-cn": "Bugfix 谷歌博士" }, "2.5.0": { "en": "Google Drive authentication was fixed\nsmall Bugfix", "de": "Google Drive Authentifizierung wurde behoben\nkleiner Bugfix", "ru": "Google Drive аутентификация была исправлена\nнебольшой Bugfix", "pt": "A autenticação do Google Drive foi corrigida\npequeno Bugfix", "nl": "Google Drive authenticatie werd opgelost\nkleine Bugfix", "fr": "L'authentification Google Drive a été corrigée\npetit Bugfix", "it": "L'autenticazione di Google Drive è stata fissata\npiccolo Bugfix", "es": "Autenticación de Google Drive fue fijo\npequeño Bugfix", "pl": "Uwierzytelnianie Google Drive zostało ustalone\nmały Bug fix", "uk": "Виправлено автентичність Google Диска\nмали", "zh-cn": "谷歌博士核证是固定的。\nbugfix" }, "2.4.16": { "en": "small Bugfix", "de": "kleiner Bugfix", "ru": "небольшой Bugfix", "pt": "pequeno Bugfix", "nl": "kleine Bugfix", "fr": "petit Bugfix", "it": "piccolo Bugfix", "es": "pequeño Bugfix", "pl": "mały Bug fix", "zh-cn": "bugfix" }, "2.4.15": { "en": "adapter-core updated\npath fix", "de": "adapter-kern aktualisiert\npfad fix", "ru": "адаптер-коробка обновлена\nпуть исправить", "pt": "adaptador-core atualizado\ncorreção do caminho", "nl": "adapter-core update\nvertaling:", "fr": "adaptateur-core mis à jour\nchemin fixe", "it": "adattatore-core aggiornato\npercorso corretto", "es": "adaptador-core actualizado\ncamino fijo", "pl": "adapter-core updated\npróba", "zh-cn": "b. 订正后的适应核心\n道路" } }, "title": "BackItUp", "titleLang": { "en": "BackItUp", "de": "BackItUp", "ru": "BackItUp - Резервное копирование", "pt": "BackItUp", "nl": "BackItUp", "fr": "BackItUp", "it": "BackItUp", "es": "BackItUp", "pl": "Kopia zapasowa" }, "desc": { "en": "This adapter enables the cyclical creation of backups of an IoBroker / Homematic installation", "de": "Dieser Adapter ermöglicht das zyklische Erstellen von Backups einer IoBroker / Homematic-Installation", "ru": "Этот адаптер обеспечивает циклическое создание резервных копий установки IoBroker / Homematic", "pt": "Este adaptador permite a criação cíclica de backups de uma instalação do IoBroker / Homematic", "nl": "Deze adapter maakt het cyclisch maken van back-ups van een IoBroker / Homematic-installatie mogelijk", "fr": "Cet adaptateur permet la création cyclique de sauvegardes d'une installation IoBroker / Homematic", "it": "Questo adattatore consente la creazione ciclica di backup di un'installazione IoBroker / Homematic", "es": "Este adaptador permite la creación cíclica de copias de seguridad de una instalación de IoBroker / Homematic", "pl": "Ten adapter umożliwia cykliczne tworzenie kopii zapasowych instalacji IoBroker / Homematic" }, "authors": [ "simatec <>", "peoples0815 <>", "bluefox <>" ], "osDependencies": { "linux": [ "cifs-utils", "nfs-common" ] }, "docs": { "en": "docs/en/", "de": "docs/de/" }, "platform": "Javascript/Node.js", "mode": "daemon", "compact": true, "icon": "backitup.png", "materialize": true, "messagebox": true, "stopBeforeUpdate": true, "connectionType": "local", "dataSource": "assumption", "materializeTab": true, "adminTab": { "name": { "en": "Backup", "de": "Backup", "ru": "Резервное копирование", "pt": "Cópia de segurança", "nl": "Back-up", "fr": "Sauvegarde", "it": "Backup", "es": "Respaldo", "pl": "Utworzyć kopię zapasową" }, "ignoreConfigUpdate": true, "singleton": false, "fa-icon": "</i><img style='width:24px;margin-bottom:-6px;' src='/adapter/backitup/backitup.svg'><i>" }, "dependencies": [ { "js-controller": ">=3.3.0" } ], "globalDependencies": [ { "admin": ">=5.2.0" } ], "adminUI": { "config": "materialize", "tab": "materialize" }, "enabled": true, "extIcon": "", "keywords": [ "Backup", "IoBroker", "Homematic" ], "readme": "", "loglevel": "info", "type": "general", "license": "MIT", "plugins": { "sentry": { "dsn": "" } }, "messages": [ { "condition": { "operand": "and", "rules": [ "oldVersion<2.5.0", "newVersion>=2.5.0" ] }, "title": { "en": "Re-authenticate Google Drive after Update!", "de": "Re-authenticate Google Drive nach Update!", "ru": "Re-аутентификация Google Drive после обновления!", "pt": "Re-autenticação Google Drive após atualização!", "nl": "Re-authentic Google Drive na Update!", "fr": "Re-authenticate Google Drive après mise à jour!", "it": "Rinforzo Google Drive dopo Aggiornamento!", "es": "Reauthenticate Google Drive after Update!", "pl": "Ponowny autentyczny Google Drive (ang.)!", "uk": "Реабілітація Google Диск після оновлення!", "zh-cn": "逮捕 谷歌博士在最新情况之后!" }, "text": { "en": "After installing this update the google drive access token needs to be re-authenticated in the Instance-Settings! Of course, only if google drive is used.", "de": "Nach der Installation dieses Updates muss der google drive access token in den Instanz-Settings neu authentifiziert werden! Natürlich nur, wenn Google-Drive verwendet wird.", "ru": "После установки этого обновления токен доступа Google для доступа должен быть повторно авторизован в Instance-Settings! Конечно, только если Google Drive используется.", "pt": "Depois de instalar esta atualização o token de acesso de unidade do google precisa ser re-autenticado nas configurações de instância! Claro, só se o Google Drive é usado.", "nl": "Na het installeren van deze update moet de Google drive toegang tot token opnieuw geauthenticeerd worden in de Instance-Settings! Natuurlijk, alleen als Google Drive gebruikt wordt.", "fr": "Après l'installation de cette mise à jour, le jeton d'accès au lecteur google doit être réauthentifié dans le cas-Settings! Bien sûr, seulement si le lecteur de google est utilisé.", "it": "Dopo l'installazione di questo aggiornamento l'accesso a Google Drive token ha bisogno di essere ri-authenticated nelle Impostazioni di istanza! Naturalmente, solo se Google Drive viene utilizzato.", "es": "Después de instalar esta actualización, el acceso de la unidad de Google token tiene que ser re-authenticated en la Instance-Settings! Por supuesto, sólo si se utiliza la unidad de Google.", "pl": "Po zainstalowaniu tej aktualizacji znak dostępu do google musi zostać przywrócony w Instance-Settings! Z biegiem tylko wtedy, gdy używa się google.", "uk": "Після встановлення цього оновлення токени доступу Google повинні бути переоцінені в Instance-Settings! Звичайно, тільки якщо використовується Google Drive.", "zh-cn": "在安装这一最新消息之后,在Setting-Settings需要重新得到治疗。 当然,只使用了防污。." }, "level": "warn", "buttons": [ "agree", "cancel" ] } ], "installedFrom": "iobroker.backitup@2.5.4" }, "native": { "minimalEnabled": true, "minimalTime": "02:40", "minimalEveryXDays": 1, "minimalDeleteAfter": 10, "minimalNameSuffix": "", "redisMinimalEnabled": false, "mysqlMinimalEnabled": false, "mysqlQuick": false, "mysqlSingleTransaction": false, "ccuEnabled": false, "ccuTime": "01:30", "ccuEveryXDays": 3, "ccuDeleteAfter": 10, "ccuNameSuffix": "", "ccuHost": "", "ccuUser": "Admin", "ccuPassword": "", "ccuMulti": false, "ccuEvents": [], "ccuUsehttps": false, "ccuSignedCertificates": true, "webdavEnabled": false, "webdavUsername": "username", "webdavPassword": "", "webdavURL": "", "webdavDeleteOldBackup": false, "webdavOwnDir": false, "webdavMinimalDir": "/backupDir/iobroker", "webdavCcuDir": "/backupDir/ccu", "webdavDir": "/backupDir", "webdavSignedCertificates": true, "dropboxEnabled": false, "dropboxAccessToken": "", "dropboxAccessJson": "", "dropboxTokenType": "custom", "dropboxCodeChallenge": "", "dropboxDeleteOldBackup": false, "dropboxOwnDir": false, "dropboxMinimalDir": "/backupDir/iobroker", "dropboxCcuDir": "/backupDir/ccu", "dropboxDir": "/backupDir", "googledriveEnabled": false, "googledriveAccessTokens": "", "googledriveDeleteOldBackup": false, "googledriveOwnDir": false, "googledriveMinimalDir": "/backupDir/iobroker", "googledriveCcuDir": "/backupDir/ccu", "googledriveDir": "/backupDir", "mySqlEnabled": false, "mySqlHost": "localhost", "mySqlPort": "3306", "mySqlName": "iobroker", "mySqlUser": "", "mySqlPassword": "", "mySqlDeleteAfter": 5, "mySqlDumpExe": "", "mySqlMulti": false, "mySqlEvents": [], "influxDBEnabled": false, "influxDBHost": "localhost", "influxDBPort": "8088", "influxDBName": "iobroker", "influxDBDumpExe": "", "influxDBDeleteAfter": 5, "influxDBType": "local", "influxDBToken": "", "influxDBVersion": "1.x", "influxDBProtocol": "http", "influxDBMulti": false, "influxDBEvents": [], "deleteOldDataBase": false, "grafanaEnabled": false, "grafanaHost": "", "grafanaPort": "3000", "grafanaUsername": "admin", "grafanaPassword": "", "grafanaApiKey": "", "grafanaProtocol": "http", "grafanaSignedCertificates": true, "pgSqlHost": "", "pgSqlPort": "5432", "pgSqlName": "", "pgSqlUser": "", "pgSqlPassword": "", "pgSqlDeleteAfter": 5, "pgSqlDumpExe": "", "pgSqlEnabled": false, "pgSqlMulti": false, "pgSqlEvents": [], "cifsEnabled": false, "cifsMount": "", "cifsUser": "", "cifsPassword": "", "cifsOwnDir": false, "cifsDomain": "", "cifsDir": "sharename/backupDir", "cifsCcuDir": "sharename/backupDir", "cifsMinimalDir": "sharename/backupDir", "cifsDeleteOldBackup": false, "connectType": "NFS", "smbType": "vers=3.1.1", "sudoMount": true, "noserverino": false, "wakeOnLAN": false, "macAd": "20:DE:20:DE:20:DE", "wolWait": 25, "ftpEnabled": false, "ftpHost": "", "ftpPort": 21, "ftpDir": "/backupDir", "ftpUser": "", "ftpPassword": "", "ftpOwnDir": false, "ftpCcuDir": "/backupDir/ccu", "ftpMinimalDir": "/backupDir/iobroker", "ftpDeleteOldBackup": false, "redisEnabled": false, "redisPath": "/var/lib/redis", "redisType": "local", "redisHost": "", "redisPort": 6379, "redisUser": "", "redisPassword": "", "redisAOFactive": false, "historyEnabled": false, "historyPath": "media/usb/history", "javascriptsEnabled": false, "zigbeeEnabled": false, "yahkaEnabled": false, "jarvisEnabled": false, "notificationEnabled": false, "notificationsType": "Telegram", "telegramInstance": "telegram.0", "telegramNoticeType": "longTelegramNotice", "telegramUser": "All Receiver", "telegramSilentNotice": false, "telegramOnlyError": false, "telegramWaitToSend": 0, "whatsappInstance": "whatsapp-cmb.0", "whatsappNoticeType": "longWhatsappNotice", "whatsappOnlyError": false, "whatsappWaitToSend": 0, "signalInstance": "signal-cmb.0", "signalNoticeType": "longSignalNotice", "signalOnlyError": false, "signalWaitToSend": 0, "pushoverInstance": "pushover.0", "pushoverNoticeType": "longPushoverNotice", "pushoverSilentNotice": false, "pushoverDeviceID": "", "pushoverOnlyError": false, "pushoverWaitToSend": 0, "emailReceiver": "", "emailSender": "", "emailInstance": "email.0", "emailNoticeType": "longEmailNotice", "emailOnlyError": false, "emailWaitToSend": 0, "debugLevel": false, "sentry_enable": true, "historyEntriesNumber": 25, "restoreSource": "local", "startAllRestore": false, "hostType": "Single", "slaveInstance": "backitup.1", "slaveNameSuffix": "", "stopSlaveAfter": false, "ignoreErrors": false }, "instanceObjects": [ { "_id": "info", "type": "channel", "common": { "name": "Information" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.latestBackup", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Latest backup found by start", "type": "json", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.ccuNextTime", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "indicator", "name": "Next CCU backup", "type": "string", "read": true, "write": false, "def": "none" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.iobrokerNextTime", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "indicator", "name": "Next iobroker backup", "type": "string", "read": true, "write": false, "def": "none" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "history", "type": "channel", "common": { "name": "History Logs" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "history.html", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "html", "name": "History-Log of executed backups", "type": "string", "read": true, "write": false, "def": "No backups yet" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "history.json", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "History-Log of executed backups", "type": "json", "read": true, "write": false, "def": "[]" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "history.ccuLastTime", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "indicator", "name": "Last CCU backup", "type": "string", "read": true, "write": false, "def": "No backups yet" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "history.iobrokerLastTime", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "indicator", "name": "Last iobroker backup", "type": "string", "read": true, "write": false, "def": "No backups yet" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "history.ccuSuccess", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "switch", "name": "Last ccu backup Success", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": true, "def": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "history.iobrokerSuccess", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "switch", "name": "Last iobroker backup Success", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": true, "def": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "oneClick", "type": "channel", "common": { "name": "OneClick Buttons" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "oneClick.ccu", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "switch", "name": "Execute CCU backup", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": true, "def": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "oneClick.iobroker", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "switch", "name": "Execute iobroker backup", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": true, "def": false }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "output", "type": "channel", "common": { "name": "Output states" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "output.line", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "state", "name": "Used for debug outputs", "type": "string", "read": true, "write": false, "def": "" }, "native": {} } ], "objects": [] }
Dann den
iob fix
ausführen. -
ehm die war einfach leer?, habs jetzt mal kopiert und führe eben den fix aus -
Das sieht soweit gut aus, keine Fehlermeldungen mehr, aber lässt sich trotzdem keine Adapter upgraden, kommt auch kein fehler. Läuft durch aber die Version bleibt die selbe... -
iobroker update iobroker upgrade alexa2 --debug
@thomas-braun said in Adapter updaten nicht mehr nach Update auf Node.js 16.17.0:
iobroker upgrade alexa2 --debug
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ iobroker update Used repository: Beta (latest) Adapter "admin" : 6.2.23 , installed 6.2.23 Adapter "alexa2" : 3.21.0 , installed 3.20.1 [Updatable] Adapter "alias-manager": 1.2.6 , installed 1.2.6 Adapter "backitup" : 2.5.4 , installed 2.5.4 Adapter "birthdays" : 2.1.0 , installed 2.1.0 Adapter "ble" : 0.13.0 , installed 0.13.0 Adapter "daswetter" : 3.1.4 , installed 3.1.4 Adapter "deconz" : 1.3.21 , installed 1.3.21 Adapter "device-reminder": 1.2.9 , installed 1.2.9 Adapter "discovery" : 3.1.0 , installed 3.1.0 Adapter "ical" : 1.13.2 , installed 1.13.2 Adapter "icons-mfd-png": 1.1.0 , installed 1.1.0 Adapter "influxdb" : 3.2.0 , installed 3.2.0 Adapter "info" : 1.9.21 , installed 1.9.21 Adapter "iot" : 1.12.5 , installed 1.12.2 [Updatable] Adapter "javascript" : 6.1.3 , installed 6.0.3 [Updatable] Controller "js-controller": 4.0.23 , installed 4.0.23 Adapter "mihome-vacuum": 3.8.6 , installed 3.8.3 [Updatable] Adapter "mobile" : 1.0.1 , installed 1.0.1 Adapter "mqtt" : 4.0.7 , installed 4.0.7 Adapter "pi-hole" : 1.3.4 , installed 1.3.4 Adapter "shelly" : 6.2.4 , installed 6.2.4 Adapter "simple-api" : 2.7.2 , installed 2.7.2 Adapter "socketio" : 6.2.0 , installed 6.1.10 [Updatable] Adapter "sonoff" : 2.5.1 , installed 2.5.1 Adapter "sourceanalytix": 0.4.14 , installed 0.4.14 Adapter "spotify-premium": 1.2.2 , installed 1.2.2 Adapter "tado" : 0.4.0 , installed 0.4.0 Adapter "telegram" : 1.15.2 , installed 1.14.1 [Updatable] Adapter "text2command" : 2.3.0 , installed 2.3.0 Adapter "vis" : 1.4.15 , installed 1.4.15 Adapter "vis-colorpicker": 1.2.0 , installed 1.2.0 Adapter "vis-hqwidgets": 1.3.0 , installed 1.3.0 Adapter "vis-justgage" : 1.0.2 , installed 1.0.2 Adapter "vis-materialdesign": 0.5.9, installed 0.5.9 Adapter "vis-plumb" : 1.0.2 , installed 1.0.2 Adapter "vis-timeandweather": 1.2.2, installed 1.2.2 Adapter "vofo-speedtest": 0.0.13 , installed 0.0.13 Adapter "web" : 5.2.10 , installed 5.2.10 Adapter "whatsapp-cmb" : 0.2.3 , installed 0.2.3 Adapter "yahka" : 0.17.0 , installed 0.17.0 Adapter "yeelight-2" : 1.2.1 , installed 1.2.1 Adapter "yr" : 5.3.0 , installed 5.3.0 Adapter "zigbee" : 1.7.6 , installed 1.7.6 pi@raspberrypi:~ $ iobroker upgrade alexa2 --debug This upgrade of "alexa2" will introduce the following changes: ========================================================================== -> 3.21.0: IMPORTANT: Because of rate limits by Amazon I decided to remove the update of smart home device values in intervals because it seems to produce too much load in Skills and Amazon systems. Optimizes loading of smart home device states Fixed issue with enabling/disabling of Alarms in combination with non-default music for the alarm Prevented that Timers or Alarms that are long in the future to trigger their trigger state too early Fixed deleting own user Messages state Already request Notification updates when history registered a Notification action and do not wait for Push info to come in ========================================================================== Would you like to upgrade alexa2 from @3.20.1 to @3.21.0 now? [(y)es, (n)o]: y Update alexa2 from @3.20.1 to @3.21.0 NPM version: 8.19.2 Installing iobroker.alexa2@3.21.0... (System call) npm WARN old lockfile npm WARN old lockfile The package-lock.json file was created with an old version of npm, npm WARN old lockfile so supplemental metadata must be fetched from the registry. npm WARN old lockfile npm WARN old lockfile This is a one-time fix-up, please be patient... npm WARN old lockfile npm ERR! code EBADENGINE npm ERR! engine Unsupported engine npm ERR! engine Not compatible with your version of node/npm: zigbee2mqtt@1.16.2 npm ERR! notsup Not compatible with your version of node/npm: zigbee2mqtt@1.16.2 npm ERR! notsup Required: {"node":"^10 || ^12 || ^14 || ^15"} npm ERR! notsup Actual: {"npm":"8.19.2","node":"v16.18.1"} npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2022-11-13T22_33_23_795Z-debug-0.log upload [28] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/alexa.png alexa.png image/png upload [20] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_dot3.png icons/echo_dot3.png image/png upload [19] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_dot4.png icons/echo_dot4.png image/png upload [18] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_flex.png icons/echo_flex.png image/png upload [17] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_plus2.png icons/echo_plus2.png image/png upload [16] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_show.png icons/echo_show.png image/png upload [15] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_show2.png icons/echo_show2.png image/png upload [14] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_show5.png icons/echo_show5.png image/png upload [13] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_studio.png icons/echo_studio.png image/png upload [12] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/echo_sub.png icons/echo_sub.png image/png upload [11] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/firetab.png icons/firetab.png image/png upload [10] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/firetv.png icons/firetv.png image/png upload [9] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/microphone.png icons/microphone.png image/png upload [8] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/multiroom.png icons/multiroom.png image/png upload [7] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/raspi.png icons/raspi.png image/png upload [6] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/reverb.png icons/reverb.png image/png upload [5] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/sonos.png icons/sonos.png image/png upload [4] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/icons/spot.png icons/spot.png image/png upload [3] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/index_m.html index_m.html text/html upload [2] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/info.png info.png image/png upload [1] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/warning.png warning.png image/png upload [0] alexa2.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.alexa2/admin/words.js words.js application/javascript pi@raspberrypi:~ $
@canim sagte in Adapter updaten nicht mehr nach Update auf Node.js 16.17.0:
Wo haste das denn hergezaubert?
cd /opt/iobroker npm ls zigbee2mqtt
keine ahnung? :D, ich poste nur was rauskommt
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/iobroker $ npm ls zigbee2mqtt iobroker.inst@2.0.3 /opt/iobroker └── zigbee2mqtt@1.16.2
Das ist überhaupt kein iobroker-Adapter.
Ich weiß ja nicht warum du den da reingekloppt hast, ich würd's wieder rausnehmen. Zumal in so einer steinalten /opt/iobroker npm uninstall zigbee2mqtt
@canim sagte in Adapter updaten nicht mehr nach Update auf Node.js 16.17.0:
keine ahnung? :D, ich poste nur was rauskommt
Übrigens bezweifle ich stark, dass du damit im Beta-Zweig gut aufgehoben bist. Stell das Repo auf 'Stable' ein.
das sieht doch sehr gut aus, deinstalliert alle instanzen lassen sich updaten :)!!!,
Vielen Dank!
Ein Problem habe ich noch seit dem Node16 upgrade. Mein Ble macht problem, hab es versucht zu rebuilden ohne erfolg
cd /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ble/ sudo -H -u iobroker npm install --omit=dev
du bist mega :), läuft alles wieder perfekt!
vielen dank!