Probleme mit Yahka, instanz startet nicht mehr
Hallo zusammen,
von nichts auf jetzt, startet mein Yahka Adapter nicht mehr. Der lief jetzt 5 Jahre ohne Probleme.
Habe bereits versucht es mit Backups wieder zum laufen zu bringen, ohne Erfolg. Wenn ich den Adapter über den io Slave laufen lasse startet er ohne Probleme. Aber im Container will er nicht mehr.anbei mal die Logś vom npm, bei den ich denke das hier der Wurm drin ist.
0 verbose cli /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/npm 1 info using npm@10.8.0 2 info using node@v21.2.0 3 silly config load:file:/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/npmrc 4 silly config load:file:/opt/iobroker/.npmrc 5 silly config load:file:/home/iobroker/.npmrc 6 silly config load:file:/usr/local/etc/npmrc 7 verbose title npm install iobroker.yahka@1.0.3 8 verbose argv "install" "--save-exact" "--loglevel" "error" "iobroker.yahka@1.0.3" 9 verbose logfile logs-max:10 dir:/home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2024-05-18T07_00_58_126Z- 10 verbose logfile /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2024-05-18T07_00_58_126Z-debug-0.log 11 silly packumentCache heap:2197815296 maxSize:549453824 maxEntrySize:274726912 12 silly logfile start cleaning logs, removing 1 files 13 silly logfile done cleaning log files 14 silly idealTree buildDeps 15 silly fetch manifest iobroker.yahka@1.0.3 16 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 17 verbose shrinkwrap failed to load node_modules/.package-lock.json out of date, updated: node_modules/iobroker.js-controller 18 http fetch GET 200 364ms (cache hit) 19 silly packumentCache full: set size:114606 disposed:false 20 silly placeDep ROOT iobroker.yahka@1.0.3 OK for: iobroker.inst@3.0.0 want: 1.0.3 21 silly fetch manifest @iobroker/adapter-core@^2.6.7 22 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 23 silly fetch manifest debug@^4.3.4 24 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 25 silly fetch manifest dev-null@^0.1.1 26 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 27 http fetch GET 200 25ms (cache hit) 28 silly packumentCache full: set size:126169 disposed:false 29 silly fetch manifest hap-nodejs@^0.11.0 30 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 31 http fetch GET 200 36ms (cache hit) 32 silly packumentCache full: set size:271091 disposed:false 33 silly fetch manifest ip@^1.1.8 34 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 35 http fetch GET 200 51ms (cache hit) 36 silly packumentCache full: set size:5996 disposed:false 37 silly fetch manifest macaddress@0.5.3 38 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 39 http fetch GET 200 18ms (cache hit) 40 silly packumentCache full: set size:45299 disposed:false 41 silly fetch manifest util@^0.12.5 42 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 43 http fetch GET 200 55ms (cache hit) 44 silly packumentCache full: set size:2966729 disposed:false 45 http fetch GET 200 81ms (cache hit) 46 silly packumentCache full: set size:34890 disposed:false 47 http fetch GET 200 1494ms (cache hit) 48 silly packumentCache full: set size:40411 disposed:false 49 silly placeDep node_modules/iobroker.yahka @iobroker/adapter-core@2.6.9 OK for: iobroker.yahka@1.0.3 want: ^2.6.7 50 silly placeDep node_modules/iobroker.yahka debug@4.3.4 OK for: iobroker.yahka@1.0.3 want: ^4.3.4 51 silly placeDep ROOT dev-null@0.1.1 OK for: iobroker.yahka@1.0.3 want: ^0.1.1 52 silly placeDep ROOT hap-nodejs@0.11.2 OK for: iobroker.yahka@1.0.3 want: ^0.11.0 53 silly placeDep node_modules/iobroker.yahka ip@1.1.9 OK for: iobroker.yahka@1.0.3 want: ^1.1.8 54 silly placeDep ROOT macaddress@0.5.3 OK for: iobroker.yahka@1.0.3 want: 0.5.3 55 silly placeDep ROOT util@0.12.5 OK for: iobroker.yahka@1.0.3 want: ^0.12.5 56 silly fetch manifest ms@2.1.2 57 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 58 silly fetch manifest @homebridge/ciao@^1.1.5 59 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 60 silly fetch manifest @homebridge/dbus-native@^0.5.1 61 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 62 http fetch GET 200 529ms (cache hit) 63 silly packumentCache full: set size:84885 disposed:false 64 silly fetch manifest bonjour-hap@~3.6.4 65 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 66 http fetch GET 200 533ms (cache hit) 67 silly packumentCache full: set size:29141 disposed:false 68 silly fetch manifest fast-srp-hap@~2.0.4 69 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 70 http fetch GET 200 540ms (cache hit) 71 silly packumentCache full: set size:980455 disposed:false 72 silly fetch manifest futoin-hkdf@~1.4.3 73 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 74 http fetch GET 200 108ms (cache hit) 75 silly packumentCache full: set size:29795 disposed:false 76 silly fetch manifest node-persist@^0.0.11 77 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 78 http fetch GET 200 99ms (cache hit) 79 silly packumentCache full: set size:61772 disposed:false 80 silly fetch manifest tweetnacl@^1.0.3 81 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 82 http fetch GET 200 120ms (cache hit) 83 silly packumentCache full: set size:141294 disposed:false 84 silly fetch manifest is-generator-function@^1.0.7 85 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 86 http fetch GET 200 21ms (cache hit) 87 silly packumentCache full: set size:87838 disposed:false 88 http fetch GET 200 20ms (cache hit) 89 silly packumentCache full: set size:79790 disposed:false 90 http fetch GET 200 18ms (cache hit) 91 silly packumentCache full: set size:33609 disposed:false 92 silly placeDep ROOT @homebridge/ciao@1.2.0 OK for: hap-nodejs@0.11.2 want: ^1.1.5 93 silly placeDep ROOT @homebridge/dbus-native@0.5.1 OK for: hap-nodejs@0.11.2 want: ^0.5.1 94 silly placeDep ROOT bonjour-hap@3.6.5 OK for: hap-nodejs@0.11.2 want: ~3.6.4 95 silly placeDep node_modules/hap-nodejs debug@4.3.4 OK for: hap-nodejs@0.11.2 want: ^4.3.4 96 silly placeDep ROOT fast-srp-hap@2.0.4 OK for: hap-nodejs@0.11.2 want: ~2.0.4 97 silly placeDep ROOT futoin-hkdf@1.4.3 OK for: hap-nodejs@0.11.2 want: ~1.4.3 98 silly placeDep ROOT node-persist@0.0.11 OK for: hap-nodejs@0.11.2 want: ^0.0.11 99 silly placeDep node_modules/hap-nodejs tweetnacl@1.0.3 OK for: hap-nodejs@0.11.2 want: ^1.0.3 100 silly fetch manifest @homebridge/long@^5.2.1 101 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 102 silly fetch manifest hexy@^0.2.10 103 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 104 silly fetch manifest @homebridge/put@~0.0.8 105 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 106 http fetch GET 200 8ms (cache hit) 107 silly packumentCache full: set size:39118 disposed:false 108 silly fetch manifest xml2js@^0.5.0 109 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 110 http fetch GET 200 13ms (cache hit) 111 silly packumentCache full: set size:15452 disposed:false 112 silly fetch manifest array-flatten@^2.1.2 113 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 114 http fetch GET 200 13ms (cache hit) 115 silly packumentCache full: set size:7821 disposed:false 116 silly fetch manifest deep-equal@^2.2.3 117 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 118 http fetch GET 200 36ms (cache hit) 119 silly packumentCache full: set size:24005 disposed:false 120 silly fetch manifest mkdirp@~0.5.1 121 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 122 http fetch GET 200 42ms (cache hit) 123 silly packumentCache full: set size:198036 disposed:false 124 silly fetch manifest q@~1.1.1 125 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 126 http fetch GET 200 43ms (cache hit) 127 silly packumentCache full: set size:70554 disposed:false 128 http fetch GET 200 14ms (cache hit) 129 silly packumentCache full: set size:116455 disposed:false 130 http fetch GET 200 13ms (cache hit) 131 silly packumentCache full: set size:172536 disposed:false 132 silly placeDep node_modules/@homebridge/ciao debug@4.3.4 OK for: @homebridge/ciao@1.2.0 want: ^4.3.4 133 silly placeDep ROOT @homebridge/long@5.2.1 OK for: @homebridge/dbus-native@0.5.1 want: ^5.2.1 134 silly placeDep ROOT @homebridge/put@0.0.8 OK for: @homebridge/dbus-native@0.5.1 want: ~0.0.8 135 silly placeDep ROOT hexy@0.2.11 OK for: @homebridge/dbus-native@0.5.1 want: ^0.2.10 136 silly placeDep node_modules/@homebridge/dbus-native xml2js@0.5.0 OK for: @homebridge/dbus-native@0.5.1 want: ^0.5.0 137 silly fetch manifest xmlbuilder@~11.0.0 138 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 139 http fetch GET 200 4ms (cache hit) 140 silly packumentCache full: set size:158707 disposed:false 141 silly placeDep node_modules/bonjour-hap array-flatten@2.1.2 OK for: bonjour-hap@3.6.5 want: ^2.1.2 142 silly placeDep node_modules/bonjour-hap deep-equal@2.2.3 OK for: bonjour-hap@3.6.5 want: ^2.2.3 143 silly fetch manifest es-get-iterator@^1.1.3 144 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 145 silly fetch manifest isarray@^2.0.5 146 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 147 silly fetch manifest which-collection@^1.0.1 148 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 149 http fetch GET 200 20ms (cache hit) 150 silly packumentCache full: set size:31765 disposed:false 151 http fetch GET 200 21ms (cache hit) 152 silly packumentCache full: set size:13607 disposed:false 153 http fetch GET 200 23ms (cache hit) 154 silly packumentCache full: set size:17392 disposed:false 155 silly placeDep node_modules/node-persist mkdirp@0.5.6 OK for: node-persist@0.0.11 want: ~0.5.1 156 silly placeDep ROOT q@1.1.2 OK for: node-persist@0.0.11 want: ~1.1.1 157 silly placeDep ROOT is-generator-function@1.0.10 OK for: util@0.12.5 want: ^1.0.7 158 silly placeDep node_modules/@homebridge/ciao ms@2.1.2 OK for: debug@4.3.4 want: 2.1.2 159 silly placeDep node_modules/@homebridge/dbus-native xmlbuilder@11.0.1 OK for: xml2js@0.5.0 want: ~11.0.0 160 silly placeDep ROOT es-get-iterator@1.1.3 OK for: deep-equal@2.2.3 want: ^1.1.3 161 silly placeDep node_modules/bonjour-hap isarray@2.0.5 OK for: deep-equal@2.2.3 want: ^2.0.5 162 silly placeDep ROOT which-collection@1.0.2 OK for: deep-equal@2.2.3 want: ^1.0.1 163 silly fetch manifest is-map@^2.0.2 164 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 165 silly fetch manifest is-set@^2.0.2 166 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 167 silly fetch manifest stop-iteration-iterator@^1.0.0 168 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 169 http fetch GET 200 8ms (cache hit) 170 silly packumentCache full: set size:18079 disposed:false 171 silly fetch manifest is-map@^2.0.3 172 silly packumentCache full: cache-hit 173 silly fetch manifest is-set@^2.0.3 174 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 175 http fetch GET 200 12ms (cache hit) 176 silly packumentCache full: set size:16614 disposed:false 177 silly fetch manifest is-weakmap@^2.0.2 178 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 179 http fetch GET 200 14ms (cache hit) 180 silly packumentCache full: set size:6237 disposed:false 181 silly fetch manifest is-weakset@^2.0.3 182 silly packumentCache full: cache-miss 183 http fetch GET 200 9ms (cache hit) 184 silly packumentCache full: set size:15163 disposed:false 185 http fetch GET 200 8ms (cache hit) 186 silly packumentCache full: set size:18811 disposed:false 187 http fetch GET 200 15ms (cache hit) 188 silly packumentCache full: set size:16614 disposed:false 189 silly packumentCache full: dispose 190 silly placeDep ROOT is-map@2.0.3 OK for: es-get-iterator@1.1.3 want: ^2.0.2 191 silly placeDep ROOT is-set@2.0.3 OK for: es-get-iterator@1.1.3 want: ^2.0.2 192 silly placeDep node_modules/es-get-iterator isarray@2.0.5 OK for: es-get-iterator@1.1.3 want: ^2.0.5 193 silly placeDep ROOT stop-iteration-iterator@1.0.0 OK for: es-get-iterator@1.1.3 want: ^1.0.0 194 silly placeDep ROOT is-weakmap@2.0.2 OK for: which-collection@1.0.2 want: ^2.0.2 195 silly placeDep ROOT is-weakset@2.0.3 OK for: which-collection@1.0.2 want: ^2.0.3 196 silly placeDep node_modules/hap-nodejs ms@2.1.2 OK for: debug@4.3.4 want: 2.1.2 197 silly placeDep node_modules/iobroker.yahka ms@2.1.2 OK for: debug@4.3.4 want: 2.1.2 198 verbose stack Error: Unsupported engine 198 verbose stack at checkEngine (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-install-checks/lib/index.js:14:25) 198 verbose stack at #checkEngineAndPlatform (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/build-ideal-tree.js:198:11) 198 verbose stack at Arborist.buildIdealTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/build-ideal-tree.js:184:41) 198 verbose stack at async Promise.all (index 1) 198 verbose stack at async Arborist.reify (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/reify.js:131:5) 198 verbose stack at async Install.exec (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/commands/install.js:150:5) 198 verbose stack at async Npm.exec (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/npm.js:207:9) 198 verbose stack at async module.exports (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/cli/entry.js:74:5) 199 verbose pkgid @homebridge/ciao@1.2.0 200 error code EBADENGINE 201 error engine Unsupported engine 202 error engine Not compatible with your version of node/npm: @homebridge/ciao@1.2.0 203 error notsup Not compatible with your version of node/npm: @homebridge/ciao@1.2.0 203 error notsup Required: {"node":"^18 || ^20"} 203 error notsup Actual: {"npm":"10.8.0","node":"v21.2.0"} 204 silly unfinished npm timer reify 1716015658735 205 silly unfinished npm timer reify:loadTrees 1716015658764 206 verbose cwd /opt/iobroker 207 verbose os Linux 5.15.131-1-pve 208 verbose node v21.2.0 209 verbose npm v10.8.0 210 verbose exit 1 211 verbose code 1 212 error A complete log of this run can be found in: /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2024-05-18T07_00_58_126Z-debug-0.log
Vielleicht kann mir hier einer auf die Sprünge helfen, wo ich ansetzen muss.
Georg -
@georgl76 sagte in Probleme mit Yahka, instanz startet nicht mehr:
203 error notsup Actual: {"npm":"10.8.0","node":"v21.2.0"}
Etwas übereifrig beim Upgrade gewesen
@georgl76 sagte in Probleme mit Yahka, instanz startet nicht mehr:
1 info using npm@10.8.0
2 info using node@v21.2.0 -
@djmarc75 scheint so, hab einfach mal update automatisch im container eingestellt werde ich wohl mal ändern.
Kannst Du mir evtl helfen wie ich die wieder downgrade? -
@georgl76 sagte in Probleme mit Yahka, instanz startet nicht mehr:
wie ich die wieder downgrade?
iob nodejs-update 18
@georgl76 sagte in Probleme mit Yahka, instanz startet nicht mehr:
203 error notsup Required: {"node":"^18 || ^20"} 203 error notsup Actual: {"npm":"10.8.0","node":"v21.2.0"}
Stell das auf die derzeitige Empfehlung node@18 inkl. der dazu passenden npm-Version um.
Jungs, ich danke euch, läuft wieder
@thomas-braun said in Probleme mit Yahka, instanz startet nicht mehr:
Zeig mal die Langfassung von
iob diag
Copy text starting here:
======================= SUMMARY =======================
v.2024-04-21Static hostname: iobrokerII
Icon name: computer-container
Chassis: container
Virtualization: lxc
Operating System: Ubuntu 21.04
Kernel: Linux 5.15.131-1-pve
Architecture: x86-64Installation: lxc
Kernel: x86_64
Userland: 64 bit
Timezone: Europe/Berlin (CEST, +0200)
User-ID: 0
Display-Server: false
Boot Target: graphical.targetPending OS-Updates: 1
Pending iob updates: 9Nodejs-Installation:
/usr/bin/nodejs v16.15.1
/usr/local/bin/node v18.20.2
/usr/local/bin/npm 10.5.0
/usr/local/bin/npx 10.5.0
/usr/local/bin/corepack 0.25.2Recommended versions are nodejs 18.20.2 and npm 10.5.0
*** nodejs is NOT correctly installed ***
Wrong installation path detected. This needs to be fixed.Please execute
iobroker nodejs-update
to fix these errors.MEMORY:
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 7.9G 5.9G 1.5G 0.0K 408M 1.9G
Swap: 4.0G 2.4G 1.6G
Total: 11G 8.3G 3.1GActive iob-Instances: 52
Active repo(s): Stable (default)ioBroker Core: js-controller 5.0.19
admin 6.13.16ioBroker Status: iobroker is running on this host.
Objects type: jsonl
States type: jsonlStatus admin and web instance:
- system.adapter.admin.0 : admin : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8081, bind:, run as: admin
- system.adapter.admin.1 : admin : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8081, bind:, run as: admin
- system.adapter.web.0 : web : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8084, bind:, run as: admin
Objects: 46126
States: 39044Size of iob-Database:
65M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/objects.jsonl
56M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/states.jsonl=================== END OF SUMMARY ====================
=== Mark text until here for copying ===
@georgl76 sagte in Probleme mit Yahka, instanz startet nicht mehr:
Das ist nicht die Langfassung sondern die Zusammenfassung.
Aber dein nodejs ist noch schief:
*** nodejs is NOT correctly installed ***
iob nodejs-update
ausführen. Wie machst du bislang da bei nodejs herum?
Bis jetzt eigtlich gar nicht, hat auf Proxmox immer automatisch die Updates gemacht -
Skript v.2024-04-21 *** BASE SYSTEM *** Static hostname: iobrokerII Icon name: computer-container Chassis: container Virtualization: lxc Operating System: Ubuntu 21.04 Kernel: Linux 5.15.131-1-pve Architecture: x86-64 model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4010U CPU @ 1.70GHz Docker : false Virtualization : lxc Kernel : x86_64 Userland : 64 bit Systemuptime and Load: 11:09:11 up 2:20, 1 user, load average: 0.66, 1.09, 1.84 CPU threads: 4 *** Time and Time Zones *** Local time: Sat 2024-05-18 11:09:12 CEST Universal time: Sat 2024-05-18 09:09:12 UTC RTC time: n/a Time zone: Europe/Berlin (CEST, +0200) System clock synchronized: yes NTP service: inactive RTC in local TZ: no *** Users and Groups *** User that called 'iob diag': root HOME=/root GROUPS=root User that is running 'js-controller': js-controller is not running *** Display-Server-Setup *** Display-Server: false Desktop: Terminal: Boot Target: *** MEMORY *** total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 7.9G 154M 6.8G 0.0K 899M 7.7G Swap: 4.0G 14M 4.0G Total: 11G 169M 10G Active iob-Instances: 6 7866 M total memory 154 M used memory 591 M active memory 325 M inactive memory 6811 M free memory 0 M buffer memory 899 M swap cache 4000 M total swap 14 M used swap 3985 M free swap *** top - Table Of Processes *** top - 11:09:12 up 2:20, 1 user, load average: 0.66, 1.09, 1.84 Tasks: 26 total, 1 running, 25 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie %Cpu(s): 0.0 us, 0.0 sy, 0.0 ni,100.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 7866.1 total, 6811.5 free, 155.1 used, 899.5 buff/cache MiB Swap: 4000.0 total, 3985.4 free, 14.6 used. 7711.0 avail Mem *** FAILED SERVICES *** UNIT LOAD ACTIVE SUB DESCRIPTION * run-rpc_pipefs.mount loaded failed failed RPC Pipe File System * iobroker.service loaded failed failed ioBroker Server * systemd-networkd-wait-online.service loaded failed failed Wait for Network to be Configured LOAD = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded. ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB. SUB = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type. 3 loaded units listed. *** FILESYSTEM *** Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/pve-vm--300--disk--0 ext4 20G 14G 4.6G 76% / none tmpfs 492K 4.0K 488K 1% /dev tmpfs tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /dev/shm tmpfs tmpfs 1.6G 96K 1.6G 1% /run tmpfs tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock Messages concerning ext4 filesystem in dmesg: dmesg: read kernel buffer failed: Operation not permitted Show mounted filesystems: TARGET SOURCE FSTYPE OPTIONS / /dev/mapper/pve-vm--300--disk--0 ext4 rw,relatime,stripe=16 |-/run tmpfs tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,size=1610984k,nr_inodes=819200,mode=755,uid=100000,gid=100000,inode64 | `-/run/lock tmpfs tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=5120k,uid=100000,gid=100000,inode64 |-/dev none tmpfs rw,relatime,size=492k,mode=755,uid=100000,gid=100000,inode64 | |-/dev/shm tmpfs tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=100000,gid=100000,inode64 | |-/dev/mqueue mqueue mqueue rw,relatime | |-/dev/bus/usb/002/002 udev[/bus/usb/002/002] devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=3992680k,nr_inodes=998170,mode=755,inode64 | | `-/dev/bus/usb/002/002 udev[/bus/usb/002/002] devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=3992680k,nr_inodes=998170,mode=755,inode64 | |-/dev/ttyUSB0 udev[/ttyUSB0] devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=3992680k,nr_inodes=998170,mode=755,inode64 | |-/dev/.lxc/proc proc proc rw,relatime | |-/dev/.lxc/sys sys sysfs rw,relatime | |-/dev/full udev[/full] devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=3992680k,nr_inodes=998170,mode=755,inode64 | |-/dev/null udev[/null] devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=3992680k,nr_inodes=998170,mode=755,inode64 | |-/dev/random udev[/random] devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=3992680k,nr_inodes=998170,mode=755,inode64 | |-/dev/tty udev[/tty] devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=3992680k,nr_inodes=998170,mode=755,inode64 | |-/dev/urandom udev[/urandom] devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=3992680k,nr_inodes=998170,mode=755,inode64 | |-/dev/zero udev[/zero] devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=3992680k,nr_inodes=998170,mode=755,inode64 | |-/dev/pts devpts devpts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=100005,mode=620,ptmxmode=666,max=1026 | |-/dev/ptmx devpts[/ptmx] devpts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=100005,mode=620,ptmxmode=666,max=1026 | |-/dev/console devpts[/0] devpts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=100005,mode=620,ptmxmode=666,max=1026 | |-/dev/tty1 devpts[/1] devpts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=100005,mode=620,ptmxmode=666,max=1026 | `-/dev/tty2 devpts[/2] devpts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=100005,mode=620,ptmxmode=666,max=1026 |-/proc proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime | |-/proc/sys proc[/sys] proc ro,relatime | | |-/proc/sys/net proc[/sys/net] proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime | | |-/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc binfmt_misc binfmt_misc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime | | `-/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id none[/.lxc-boot-id] tmpfs ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=492k,mode=755,uid=100000,gid=100000,inode64 | |-/proc/sysrq-trigger proc[/sysrq-trigger] proc ro,relatime | |-/proc/cpuinfo lxcfs[/proc/cpuinfo] fuse.lxcfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other | |-/proc/diskstats lxcfs[/proc/diskstats] fuse.lxcfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other | |-/proc/loadavg lxcfs[/proc/loadavg] fuse.lxcfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other | |-/proc/meminfo lxcfs[/proc/meminfo] fuse.lxcfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other | |-/proc/slabinfo lxcfs[/proc/slabinfo] fuse.lxcfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other | |-/proc/stat lxcfs[/proc/stat] fuse.lxcfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other | |-/proc/swaps lxcfs[/proc/swaps] fuse.lxcfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other | `-/proc/uptime lxcfs[/proc/uptime] fuse.lxcfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other `-/sys sysfs sysfs ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime |-/sys/fs/fuse/connections fusectl fusectl rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime |-/sys/devices/virtual/net sysfs[/devices/virtual/net] sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime |-/sys/kernel/debug debugfs debugfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime |-/sys/kernel/security securityfs securityfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime |-/sys/fs/pstore pstore pstore rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime |-/sys/firmware/efi/efivars efivarfs efivarfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime |-/sys/fs/cgroup none cgroup2 rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime `-/sys/devices/system/cpu lxcfs[/sys/devices/system/cpu] fuse.lxcfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other Files in neuralgic directories: /var: 2.5G /var/ 2.1G /var/log 1.9G /var/log/journal/78c46abcf3e1481c8c223f71b827ea39 1.9G /var/log/journal 207M /var/cache Archived and active journals take up 1.8G in the file system. /opt/iobroker/backups: 303M /opt/iobroker/backups/ /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data: 4.2G /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/ 3.0G /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/3EM 972M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files 589M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/vis-2-beta 545M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/vis-2-beta/static The five largest files in iobroker-data are: 66M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/states.jsonl 65M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/objects.jsonl 35M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/devices.admin/static/js/ 33M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/iot.admin/static/js/ 24M /opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/files/web.admin/static/js/ USB-Devices by-id: USB-Sticks - Avoid direct links to /dev/tty* in your adapter setups, please always prefer the links 'by-id': No Devices found 'by-id' HINT: Your zigbee.0 COM-Port is NOT matching 'by-id'. Please check your setting: /dev/ttyUSB0 HINT: Your zigbee.1 COM-Port is NOT matching 'by-id'. Please check your setting: /dev/ttyACM0 HINT: Your zigbee.2 COM-Port is NOT matching 'by-id'. Please check your setting: tcp *** NodeJS-Installation *** /usr/bin/nodejs v18.20.2 /usr/bin/node v18.20.2 /usr/bin/npm 10.5.0 /usr/bin/npx 10.5.0 /usr/bin/corepack 0.25.2 nodejs: Installed: 18.20.2-1nodesource1 Candidate: 18.20.2-1nodesource1 Version table: *** 18.20.2-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 18.20.1-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.20.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.19.1-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.19.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.18.2-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.18.1-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.18.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.17.1-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.17.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.16.1-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.16.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.15.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.14.2-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.14.1-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.14.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.13.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.12.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.11.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.10.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.9.1-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.9.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.8.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.7.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.6.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.5.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.4.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.3.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.2.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.1.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 18.0.0-1nodesource1 1001 500 nodistro/main amd64 Packages 12.21.0~dfsg-3ubuntu1 500 500 hirsute/universe amd64 Packages Temp directories causing npm8 problem: 0 No problems detected Errors in npm tree: *** ioBroker-Installation *** ioBroker Status Server Configured backup period 7200000 is larger than the supported maximum of 35791 minutes. Defaulting to 120 minutes. Server Configured backup period 7200000 is larger than the supported maximum of 35791 minutes. Defaulting to 120 minutes. iobroker is not running on this host. Objects type: jsonl States type: jsonl Core adapters versions js-controller: 5.0.19 admin: 6.13.16 javascript: 7.8.0 nodejs modules from github: 2 +-- iobroker.sourceanalytix@0.4.15-alpha.1 (git+ssh:// | +-- syno@3.0.0 (git+ Adapter State Server Configured backup period 7200000 is larger than the supported maximum of 35791 minutes. Defaulting to 120 minutes. Server Configured backup period 7200000 is larger than the supported maximum of 35791 minutes. Defaulting to 120 minutes. system.adapter.admin.0 : admin : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8081, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.admin.1 : admin : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8081, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.alexa2.0 : alexa2 : iobrokerII - disabled system.adapter.backitup.1 : backitup : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.birthdays.0 : birthdays : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.daswetter.0 : daswetter : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.denon.0 : denon : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.device-reminder.0 : device-reminder : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.devices.0 : devices : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.discovery.0 : discovery : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.dwd.0 : dwd : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.energiefluss.0 : energiefluss : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.eusec.0 : eusec : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.fb-checkpresence.0 : fb-checkpresence : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.flot.0 : flot : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.fritzdect.0 : fritzdect : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.fullybrowser.0 : fullybrowser : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.growatt.0 : growatt : iobroker-slave - enabled system.adapter.harmony.0 : harmony : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 : heatingcontrol : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.heos.0 : heos : iobroker-slave - disabled system.adapter.history.0 : history : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.homeconnect.0 : homeconnect : iobrokerII - enabled + system.adapter.hue-extended.0 : hue-extended : iobrokerII - disabled system.adapter.hue.0 : hue : iobroker-slave - disabled, port: 443 system.adapter.ical.0 : ical : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.ical.1 : ical : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.ical.2 : ical : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.icons-material-png.0 : icons-material-png : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.icons-mfd-png.0 : icons-mfd-png : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.icons-mfd-svg.0 : icons-mfd-svg : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.icons-ultimate-png.0 : icons-ultimate-png : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.influxdb.0 : influxdb : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8086 + : info : iobrokerII - disabled system.adapter.iot.0 : iot : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.jarvis.0 : jarvis : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8084, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.javascript.0 : javascript : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.mqtt.0 : mqtt : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 1888, bind: :: system.adapter.nanoleaf-lightpanels.0 : nanoleaf-lightpanels : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 16021 system.adapter.netatmo-crawler.0 : netatmo-crawler : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.netatmo.0 : netatmo : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.nuki-extended.0 : nuki-extended : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.openweathermap.0 : openweathermap : iobrokerII - enabled + system.adapter.parcel.0 : parcel : iobrokerII - disabled system.adapter.parser.0 : parser : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.proxmox.0 : proxmox : iobrokerII - disabled, port: 8006 system.adapter.pushover.0 : pushover : iobrokerII - disabled system.adapter.pvforecast.0 : pvforecast : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.shelly.0 : shelly : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 1883, bind: system.adapter.shelly.1 : shelly : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 1883, bind: system.adapter.simple-api.0 : simple-api : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8087, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.sonoff.0 : sonoff : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 1884, bind: system.adapter.sourceanalytix.1 : sourceanalytix : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.spotify-premium.0 : spotify-premium : iobrokerII - disabled system.adapter.spotify-premium.1 : spotify-premium : iobrokerII - disabled system.adapter.sql.0 : sql : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.statistics.0 : statistics : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.synology.0 : synology : iobrokerII - disabled, port: 5000 system.adapter.synology.1 : synology : iobrokerII - disabled, port: 5000 system.adapter.telegram.0 : telegram : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8443, bind: system.adapter.terminal.0 : terminal : iobroker-slave - disabled, port: 8088, bind:, run as: admin : tr-064 : iobrokerII - enabled : tr-064 : iobrokerII - disabled system.adapter.trashschedule.0 : trashschedule : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.tuya.0 : tuya : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.upnp.0 : upnp : iobrokerII - enabled + system.adapter.vis-2-beta.0 : vis-2-beta : iobrokerII - disabled system.adapter.vis-2-widgets-energy.0 : vis-2-widgets-energy : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-2-widgets-gauges.0 : vis-2-widgets-gauges : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-2-widgets-material.0 : vis-2-widgets-material: iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-bars.0 : vis-bars : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-canvas-gauges.0 : vis-canvas-gauges : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-history.0 : vis-history : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-hqwidgets.0 : vis-hqwidgets : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-icontwo.0 : vis-icontwo : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-inventwo.0 : vis-inventwo : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-jqui-mfd.0 : vis-jqui-mfd : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-justgage.0 : vis-justgage : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-lcars.0 : vis-lcars : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-map.0 : vis-map : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-material-webfont.0 : vis-material-webfont : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-metro.0 : vis-metro : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-players.0 : vis-players : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-timeandweather.0 : vis-timeandweather : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis-weather.0 : vis-weather : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.vis.0 : vis : iobrokerII - disabled system.adapter.vr200.0 : vr200 : iobrokerII - disabled + system.adapter.vw-connect.0 : vw-connect : iobrokerII - disabled system.adapter.weatherunderground.0 : weatherunderground : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.web.0 : web : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8084, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.wled.0 : wled : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.worx.0 : worx : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.yahka.0 : yahka : iobrokerII - enabled system.adapter.zigbee.0 : zigbee : iobrokerII - enabled, port: /dev/ttyUSB0 system.adapter.zigbee.1 : zigbee : iobroker-slave - enabled, port: /dev/ttyACM0 system.adapter.zigbee.2 : zigbee : iobrokerII - enabled, port: tcp:// + instance is alive Enabled adapters with bindings system.adapter.admin.0 : admin : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8081, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.admin.1 : admin : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8081, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.influxdb.0 : influxdb : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8086 system.adapter.jarvis.0 : jarvis : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8084, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.mqtt.0 : mqtt : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 1888, bind: :: system.adapter.nanoleaf-lightpanels.0 : nanoleaf-lightpanels : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 16021 system.adapter.shelly.0 : shelly : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 1883, bind: system.adapter.shelly.1 : shelly : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 1883, bind: system.adapter.simple-api.0 : simple-api : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8087, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.sonoff.0 : sonoff : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 1884, bind: system.adapter.telegram.0 : telegram : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8443, bind: system.adapter.web.0 : web : iobrokerII - enabled, port: 8084, bind:, run as: admin system.adapter.zigbee.0 : zigbee : iobrokerII - enabled, port: /dev/ttyUSB0 system.adapter.zigbee.1 : zigbee : iobroker-slave - enabled, port: /dev/ttyACM0 system.adapter.zigbee.2 : zigbee : iobrokerII - enabled, port: tcp:// ioBroker-Repositories Server Configured backup period 7200000 is larger than the supported maximum of 35791 minutes. Defaulting to 120 minutes. Server Configured backup period 7200000 is larger than the supported maximum of 35791 minutes. Defaulting to 120 minutes. Stable (default): Beta (latest) : Active repo(s): Stable (default) Installed ioBroker-Instances Server Configured backup period 7200000 is larger than the supported maximum of 35791 minutes. Defaulting to 120 minutes. Server Configured backup period 7200000 is larger than the supported maximum of 35791 minutes. Defaulting to 120 minutes. Used repository: Stable (default) Adapter "admin" : 6.13.16 , installed 6.13.16 Adapter "alexa2" : 3.26.5 , installed 3.26.5 Adapter "backitup" : 2.11.0 , installed 2.11.0 Adapter "birthdays" : 2.4.1 , installed 2.4.1 Adapter "daswetter" : 3.1.13 , installed 3.1.13 Adapter "denon" : 1.15.5 , installed 1.15.5 Adapter "device-reminder": 3.1.2 , installed 3.1.2 Adapter "devices" : 1.1.5 , installed 1.1.5 Adapter "discovery" : 4.4.0 , installed 4.4.0 Adapter "dwd" : 2.8.5 , installed 2.8.5 Adapter "energiefluss" : 3.6.0 , installed 3.6.0 Adapter "eusec" : 1.2.1 , installed 1.2.1 Adapter "fb-checkpresence": 1.2.4 , installed 1.2.4 Adapter "flot" : 1.12.0 , installed 1.12.0 Adapter "fritzdect" : 2.5.9 , installed 2.5.9 Adapter "fullybrowser" : 3.0.12 , installed 3.0.12 Adapter "harmony" : 1.4.0 , installed 1.4.0 Adapter "heatingcontrol": 2.12.5 , installed 2.12.5 Adapter "history" : 3.0.1 , installed 3.0.1 Adapter "homeconnect" : 1.4.0 , installed 1.3.0 [Updatable] Adapter "ical" : 1.15.0 , installed 1.14.3 [Updatable] Adapter "icons-material-png": 0.1.0, installed 0.1.0 Adapter "icons-mfd-png": 1.2.1 , installed 1.2.1 Adapter "icons-mfd-svg": 1.2.0 , installed 1.2.0 Adapter "icons-ultimate-png": 1.0.1, installed 1.0.1 Adapter "influxdb" : 4.0.2 , installed 4.0.2 Adapter "iot" : 2.0.11 , installed 2.0.11 Adapter "jarvis" : 3.1.8 , installed 3.1.8 Adapter "javascript" : 7.8.0 , installed 7.8.0 Controller "js-controller": 5.0.19 , installed 5.0.19 Adapter "mqtt" : 5.2.0 , installed 5.2.0 Adapter "nanoleaf-lightpanels": 1.4.0, installed 1.4.0 Adapter "netatmo" : 3.1.0 , installed 3.1.0 Adapter "netatmo-crawler": 0.8.1 , installed 0.8.1 Adapter "nuki-extended": 2.7.0 , installed 2.6.5 [Updatable] Adapter "openweathermap": 1.0.4 , installed 1.0.4 Adapter "parser" : 2.1.0 , installed 2.1.0 Adapter "proxmox" : 2.3.0 , installed 2.2.3 [Updatable] Adapter "pushover" : 3.0.6 , installed 3.0.6 Adapter "pvforecast" : 2.9.1 , installed 2.9.1 Adapter "shelly" : 6.9.0 , installed 6.9.0 Adapter "simple-api" : 2.7.2 , installed 2.7.2 Adapter "socketio" : 6.7.0 , installed 6.6.1 [Updatable] Adapter "sonoff" : 3.0.3 , installed 3.0.3 Adapter "spotify-premium": 1.4.0 , installed 1.4.0 Adapter "sql" : 2.2.0 , installed 2.2.0 Adapter "statistics" : 2.4.0 , installed 2.4.0 Adapter "synology" : 3.1.0 , installed 3.1.0 Adapter "telegram" : 3.2.1 , installed 3.2.1 Adapter "tr-064" : 4.3.0 , installed 4.2.18 [Updatable] Adapter "trashschedule": 3.2.0 , installed 3.2.0 Adapter "tuya" : 3.15.0 , installed 3.15.0 Adapter "upnp" : 1.0.21 , installed 1.0.21 Adapter "vis" : 1.5.4 , installed 1.5.4 Adapter "vis-2-widgets-energy": 0.3.11, installed 0.3.11 Adapter "vis-2-widgets-gauges": 1.0.3, installed 1.0.3 Adapter "vis-2-widgets-material": 1.3.25, installed 1.3.25 Adapter "vis-bars" : 0.1.4 , installed 0.1.4 Adapter "vis-canvas-gauges": 1.0.1, installed 1.0.1 Adapter "vis-history" : 1.0.0 , installed 1.0.0 Adapter "vis-hqwidgets": 1.5.1 , installed 1.5.1 Adapter "vis-icontwo" : 1.5.0 , installed 1.5.0 Adapter "vis-inventwo" : 3.3.4 , installed 3.3.3 [Updatable] Adapter "vis-jqui-mfd" : 1.1.1 , installed 1.1.1 Adapter "vis-justgage" : 2.1.7 , installed 2.1.7 Adapter "vis-lcars" : 1.1.1 , installed 1.1.1 Adapter "vis-map" : 1.0.5 , installed 1.0.5 Adapter "vis-metro" : 1.2.0 , installed 1.2.0 Adapter "vis-players" : 0.1.6 , installed 0.1.6 Adapter "vis-timeandweather": 1.2.2, installed 1.2.2 Adapter "vis-weather" : 2.5.9 , installed 2.5.9 Adapter "vr200" : 1.0.0 , installed 1.0.0 Adapter "weatherunderground": 3.7.0, installed 3.6.0 [Updatable] Adapter "web" : 6.2.5 , installed 6.2.5 Adapter "wled" : 0.7.2 , installed 0.7.2 Adapter "worx" : 2.3.4 , installed 2.3.4 Adapter "ws" : 2.6.1 , installed 2.5.11 [Updatable] Adapter "yahka" : 1.0.3 , installed 1.0.3 Adapter "zigbee" : 1.10.3 , installed 1.10.3 Objects and States Please stand by - This may take a while Objects: 46128 States: 38627 *** OS-Repositories and Updates *** E: The repository ' hirsute Release' no longer has a Release file. E: The repository ' hirsute-updates Release' no longer has a Release file. E: The repository ' hirsute-security Release' no longer has a Release file. Pending Updates: 0 *** Listening Ports *** Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State User Inode PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 6634397 1/init tcp 0 0* LISTEN 106 6638710 96/systemd-resolved tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 6653376 837/master tcp6 0 0 :::111 :::* LISTEN 0 6634399 1/init tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 0 6637643 1/init tcp6 0 0 ::1:25 :::* LISTEN 0 6653377 837/master udp 0 0* 106 6638709 96/systemd-resolved udp 0 0* 0 6634398 1/init udp6 0 0 :::111 :::* 0 6634400 1/init *** Log File - Last 25 Lines *** 2024-05-18 11:04:35.468 - warn: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.jarvis.0 terminated due to SIGTERM 2024-05-18 11:04:35.468 - info: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.jarvis.0 terminated with code null () 2024-05-18 11:04:35.522 - warn: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.parser.0 terminated due to SIGTERM 2024-05-18 11:04:35.522 - info: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.parser.0 terminated with code null () 2024-05-18 11:04:35.523 - warn: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.parser.0 terminated due to SIGTERM 2024-05-18 11:04:35.523 - info: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.parser.0 terminated with code null () 2024-05-18 11:04:35.557 - warn: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.statistics.0 terminated due to SIGTERM 2024-05-18 11:04:35.565 - info: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.statistics.0 terminated with code null () 2024-05-18 11:04:35.612 - warn: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.statistics.0 terminated due to SIGTERM 2024-05-18 11:04:35.612 - info: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.statistics.0 terminated with code null () 2024-05-18 11:04:35.612 - warn: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.web.0 terminated due to SIGTERM 2024-05-18 11:04:35.612 - info: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.web.0 terminated with code null () 2024-05-18 11:04:35.643 - warn: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.worx.0 terminated due to SIGTERM 2024-05-18 11:04:35.643 - info: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.worx.0 terminated with code null () 2024-05-18 11:04:35.676 - warn: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.fullybrowser.0 terminated due to SIGTERM 2024-05-18 11:04:35.676 - info: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.fullybrowser.0 terminated with code null () 2024-05-18 11:04:36.143 - info: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.history.0 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-05-18 11:04:36.170 - info: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.influxdb.0 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2024-05-18 11:04:36.203 - warn: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.tuya.0 terminated due to SIGTERM 2024-05-18 11:04:36.204 - info: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.tuya.0 terminated with code null () 2024-05-18 11:04:36.636 - info: host.iobrokerII stopInstance timeout 10000 system.adapter.sql.0 killing pid 6083 2024-05-18 11:04:36.799 - warn: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.sql.0 terminated due to SIGTERM 2024-05-18 11:04:36.799 - info: host.iobrokerII instance system.adapter.sql.0 terminated with code null () 2024-05-18 11:04:36.799 - info: host.iobrokerII All instances are stopped. 2024-05-18 11:04:37.024 - info: host.iobrokerII terminated
============ Mark until here for C&P =============
iob diag has finished.
@georgl76 sagte in Probleme mit Yahka, instanz startet nicht mehr:
Bis jetzt eigtlich gar nicht, hat auf Proxmox immer automatisch die Updates gemacht
Keine Ahnung was du da eingestellt hast, aber schalt so einen Automatismus AUS. Du willst nicht irgendwas von irgendwoher von irgendwem auf die Kiste gedrückt bekommen. Insbesondere nicht, wenn der Kram von irgendwoher dein Setup killt.
Und du willst auch NICHT als root herumhampeln.
Leg dir einen user an.
Dannsudo systemctl set-default
Dein Operating System: Ubuntu 21.04 ist auch mehr als tot:
Ubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) End of Life reached on January 20 2022Installier da was lebendes. Ich würde statt Schnubbibuntu zu einem Debian 12 'Bookworm' raten.
ioBroker auf einen aktuellen Stand patchen und mit einem Backup davon auff eine aktuelle Basis umziehen.
Danke dir, dann hab ich was für die Feirertage zu tun -
Mach es danach, wenn es denn wieder ein Container werden muss: