hat funktioniert
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RE: Fehler beim js-conroller Update von 3.1.6 auf 6.0.11
Muss ich den iobroker vorher stoppen ?
RE: Fehler beim js-conroller Update von 3.1.6 auf 6.0.11
hat soweit erstmal funktioniert.
jetzt kommt nur noch:
admin.0 2024-11-11 20:25:38.033 warn Cannot read file ("admin.admin"/"admin.svg"): Not exists
als Fehlermeldung -
RE: Fehler beim js-conroller Update von 3.1.6 auf 6.0.11
hier die Langfassung:C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHomeNEU>iob diag Commands: iobroker setup [--objects <host>] [--states <host>] [custom] iobroker start - starts the js-controller iobroker stop - stops the js-controller iobroker start <adapter>[.instance] - starts a specified adapter instance iobroker stop <adapter>.[instance] - stops a specified adapter instance iobroker start all - starts js-controller and all adapters iobroker restart - restarts the js-controller iobroker restart <adapter>[.instance] - restarts a specified adapter iobroker debug <adapter> [--ip=<ip>] [--port=<port>] [--wait] - Starts a Node.js debugging session for the adapter --wait stops the execution until the debugger is attached. --ip and --port can be used to change the listen IP and port. Use IP for remote debugging. iobroker info - shows the host info iobroker logs [adapter] [--watch] [--lines=1000] iobroker add <adapter> [desiredNumber] [--enabled] [--host <host>] [--port <port>] iobroker install <adapter> - installs a specified adapter iobroker rebuild <adapter>|self [--install] iobroker url <url> [<name>] - install adapter from specified url, e.g. GitHub iobroker del <adapter> - remove adapter from system iobroker del <adapter>.<instance> - remove adapter instance iobroker update [repository url] [--updatable/--u] [--installed/--i] [--force/--f] - update repository and optionally filter installed/updateable adapters, use --force to bypass hash check iobroker upgrade [repository url] iobroker upgrade self [repository url] - upgrade js-controller and all adapters, optionally you can specify the repository url iobroker upgrade <adapter> [repository url] - upgrade specified adapter, optionally you can specify the repository url iobroker upload <pathToLocalFile> <pathIniobroker> iobroker upload all - upload all adapter files to make them available for instances iobroker upload <adapter> - upload specified adapter files to make them available for instances iobroker object get <id> - get object specified by id iobroker object set <id> <json-value> - set object with the given id by providing a new json object iobroker object set <id> propertyname=<value or json-value> - update part of the object by providing a new value or partial object iobroker object extend <id> <json-value> - extend object with the given id by providing a new json object iobroker object del <id|pattern> [--yes] iobroker object chmod <object-mode> [state-mode] <id> iobroker object chown <user> <group> <id> iobroker object list <id> iobroker state get <id> - get state, specified by id iobroker state getplain <id> [--pretty] iobroker state getvalue <id> iobroker state set <id> <value> [ack] iobroker state del <id> iobroker message <adapter>[.instance] <command> [<message>] iobroker list <type> [filter] iobroker chmod <mode> <file> iobroker chown <user> <group> <file> iobroker touch <file> iobroker rm <file> iobroker file read <iobroker-path-to-read> [<filesystem-path-to-write>] iobroker file write <filesystem-path-to-read> <iobroker-path-to-write> iobroker file rm <iobroker-path-to-delete> iobroker file sync iobroker user add <user> [--ingroup group] [--password pass] iobroker user del <user> iobroker user passwd <user> [--password pass] iobroker user enable <user> iobroker user disable <user> iobroker user get <user> iobroker user check <user> [--password pass] iobroker group add <group> iobroker group del <group> iobroker group list <group> iobroker group enable <group> iobroker group disable <group> iobroker group get <group> iobroker group adduser <group> <user> iobroker group deluser <group> <user> iobroker host this iobroker host <hostname> iobroker host set <hostname> iobroker host remove <hostname> iobroker set <adapter>.<instance> [--port port] [--ip address] [--ssl true|false] iobroker license <license.file or license.text> iobroker cert create iobroker cert view [<certificate name>] iobroker clean iobroker backup iobroker restore <backup name or path> - restore a specified backup iobroker validate <backup name or path> - validate a specified backup iobroker <command> --timeout 5000 iobroker status [all|<adapter>.<instance>] iobroker repo [name] iobroker repo add <name> <path or url> iobroker repo set <name> iobroker repo del <name> iobroker uuid iobroker unsetup iobroker fix - execute the installation fixer script, this updates your ioBroker installation iobroker multihost <enable|disable> [--secure true|false] iobroker multihost browse iobroker multihost connect iobroker compact status - show if compact mode is enabled in general iobroker compact <enable|on|disable|off> - enable or disable compact mode in general iobroker compact <adapter>.<instance> status - show if compact mode is enabled for a specific instance iobroker compact <adapter>.<instance> group <group-id> - define compact group of a specific adapter iobroker compact <adapter>.<instance> <disable|off> - enable or disable compact mode for specified adapter instance iobroker compact <adapter>.<instance> <enable|on> [group-id] - enable or disable compact mode for specified adapter instance and set comapct group optionally iobroker plugin enable <pluginname> [--host <hostname>] - enables a plugin for the specified host. If no host is specified, the current one is used iobroker plugin disable <pluginname> [--host <hostname>] - disables a plugin for the specified host. If no host is specified, the current one is used iobroker plugin status <pluginname> [--host <hostname>] - checks if a plugin is enabled for the specified host. If no host is specified, the current one is used iobroker plugin enable <pluginname> --instance <adapter>[.<nr>] - enables a plugin for the specified adapter instance (defaults to instance 0) iobroker plugin disable <pluginname> --instance <adapter>[.<nr>] - disables a plugin for the specified adapter instance (defaults to instance 0) iobroker plugin status <pluginname> --instance <adapter>[.<nr>] - checks if a plugin is enabled for the specified adapter instance (defaults to instance 0) iobroker version [adapter] - show version of js-controller or specified adapter iobroker [adapter] -v - show version of js-controller or specified adapter Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean]
MOD-EDIT: Code in code-tags gesetzt!
Fehler beim js-conroller Update von 3.1.6 auf 6.0.11
ich habe heute nach langer Zeit versucht meinen iobroker zu aktualisieren. Node.js auf 18.20.4 hat funktioniert
aber das mit Befehl upgrade self funktioniert irgendwie überhaupt nicht.
Ich kann mit den hier folgenden Fehlermeldungen leider überhaupt nichts anfangen und hoffe mir kann hier jemand helfen.C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHomeNEU>iobroker upgrade self Update js-controller from @3.1.6 to @6.0.11 NPM version: 10.9.0 npm install iobroker.js-controller@6.0.11 --loglevel error --unsafe-perm (System call) Objects Error from InMemDB: Error: CONFIG-UNSUPPORTED for ["SET","lua-time-limit","10000"] States Error from InMemDB: Error: CONFIG-UNSUPPORTED for ["SET","notify-keyspace-events","Exe"] Objects Error from InMemDB: Error: GET-UNSUPPORTED for namespace cfg.: Data=["meta.objects.features.useSets"] States Error from InMemDB: Error: GET-UNSUPPORTED for namespace meta.: Data=["meta.states.protocolVersion"] Objects Error from InMemDB: Error: GET-UNSUPPORTED for namespace cfg.: Data=["meta.objects.protocolVersion"] Objects Error from InMemDB: Error: scan NOT SUPPORTED States Error from InMemDB: Error: PSUBSCRIBE-UNSUPPORTED for namespace meta.: Data=["meta.*"] npm error code 1 npm error path C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHomeNEU\node_modules\iobroker.js-controller npm error command failed npm error command C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c node iobroker.js setup first npm error Unable to increase LUA script timeout: Error CONFIG-UNSUPPORTED for ["SET","lua-time-limit","10000"] npm error Unable to enable Expiry Keyspace events from Redis Server: Error CONFIG-UNSUPPORTED for ["SET","notify-keyspace-events","Exe"] npm error C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHomeNEU\node_modules\standard-as-callback\built\index.js:6 npm error throw e; npm error ^ npm error npm error ReplyError: Error scan NOT SUPPORTED npm error at parseError (C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHomeNEU\node_modules\redis-parser\lib\parser.js:179:12) npm error at parseType (C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHomeNEU\node_modules\redis-parser\lib\parser.js:302:14) npm error Emitted 'error' event on ScanStream instance at: npm error at C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHomeNEU\node_modules\ioredis\built\ScanStream.js:38:22 npm error at tryCatcher (C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHomeNEU\node_modules\standard-as-callback\built\utils.js:12:23) npm error at C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHomeNEU\node_modules\standard-as-callback\built\index.js:33:51 npm error at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) { npm error command: { npm error name: 'scan', npm error args: [ '0', 'MATCH', 'cfg.o.system.host.*', 'COUNT', '250' ] npm error } npm error } npm error npm error Node.js v18.20.4 npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: C:\Users\ctc-w\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2024-11-11T16_26_33_030Z-debug-0.log Starting node restart.js