@ullij Danke, aber das habe ich vorher natürlich schon versucht.
Die Änderung stammt von @JackGruber [https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/12482/frage-migrate-mysql-nach-influxdb/36]
Thomas Herrmann
@Thomas Herrmann
Latest posts made by Thomas Herrmann
RE: Frage : Migrate MySQL nach Influxdb
RE: Frage : Migrate MySQL nach Influxdb
Wünsch dir ebenso ein frohes Neues.
Es bezieht sich auf das Skript in deinem Post vom 14. Apr. 2020, 20:42: [https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/12482/frage-migrate-mysql-nach-influxdb/26](Link Adresse)Aber vielleicht hat ja noch jemand eine Idee, woran es liegen kann.
RE: Frage : Migrate MySQL nach Influxdb
@ullij Erstmal vielen Dank..
Ich musste das Skript leicht anpassen auf sqlite, hab jetzt aber einen Fehler, der mit der Anpassung selbst eigentlich nichts zu tun hat:
### MySQL DB info ### #import MySQLdb #conn = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", # your host, usually localhost # user="john", # your username # passwd="megajonhy", # your password # db="jonhydb") # name of the data base ### PostgreSQL DB info ### #import psycopg2 #import psycopg2.extras import sqlite3 ##### # connection data for PostgreSQL #conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=xxx user=xxx password=xxx host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port =5432") ##### conn = sqlite3.connect('/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/sqlite/sqlite.db') # InfluxDB info # from influxdb import InfluxDBClient # #####connection data for InfluxDB##### influxClient = InfluxDBClient(host='localhost', port=8086, username='xxxx', password='xxxx!', database='xxxx') ##### #influxClient.delete_database(influx_db_name) #influxClient.create_database(influx_db_name) # dictates how columns will be mapped to key/fields in InfluxDB schema = { "time_column": "time", # the column that will be used as the time stamp in influx "columns_to_fields" : ["ack","q", "from","value"], # columns that will map to fields # "columns_to_tags" : ["",...], # columns that will map to tags "table_name_to_measurement" : "name", # table name that will be mapped to measurement } ''' Generates an collection of influxdb points from the given SQL records ''' def generate_influx_points(records): influx_points = [] for record in records: #tags = {}, fields = {} #for tag_label in schema['columns_to_tags']: # tags[tag_label] = record[tag_label] for field_label in schema['columns_to_fields']: if field_label == "ack": record[field_label] = bool(record[field_label]) fields[field_label] = record[field_label] influx_points.append({ "measurement": record[schema['table_name_to_measurement']], #"tags": tags, "time": record[schema['time_column']], "fields": fields }) return influx_points # query relational DB for all records curr = conn.cursor() # curr = conn.cursor(dictionary=True) ##### # SQL query for PostgreSQL, syntax for MySQL differs # query provide desired columns as a view on the sql server # request data from SQL, adjust ...from <view name> curr.execute("Select * from xxx;") ##### row_count = 0 # process 1000 records at a time while True: print("Processing row #" + str(row_count + 1)) selected_rows = curr.fetchmany(1000) influxClient.write_points(generate_influx_points(selected_rows)) row_count += 1000 if len(selected_rows) < 1000: break conn.close()
user@UbuntuHomeAutomation2:~$ python3 sql2influx3.py Processing row #1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "sql2influx3.py", line 75, in <module> influxClient.write_points(generate_influx_points(selected_rows)) File "sql2influx3.py", line 50, in generate_influx_points record[field_label] = bool(record[field_label]) TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not str user@UbuntuHomeAutomation2:~$
Vielleicht hat ja jemand ne Lösung.