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Alexander Gabrecht
@Alexander Gabrecht
Best posts made by Alexander Gabrecht
Latest posts made by Alexander Gabrecht
RE: Xiaomi Temp and Humidity Monitor 2 + BLE Adapter
There is another Project which even sends the data via mqtt (as a callback).
It should be noticed, that the Mi Home App connects to the Device and sets it into a "connected sleep mode" after reading the values.
They managed to reverse engineer this power saveing message.
Would be great to build something to the iobroker adapter. But if you have only those BLE Devices or another spare RasPi you could send it to the mqtt server with this project outside the iobroker.
RE: Xiaomi Temp and Humidity Monitor 2 + BLE Adapter
ich habe auch ein 4er Paket der Sensoren mit der App im Einsatz.
Ich habe folgenden Link gefunden, wo einer per bash script und Tools die Daten der Sensoren ausliest: