Publish mqtt topics with workx.0 values
I'm using IoBroker from 2 days... so please excuse me if I ask something obvious...
I'm trying to pubblish mqtt topic of workx landroid adapter's values so I can catch them in home assistant.
I installed Broker/Client MQTT and I configurated it as a client following official instructions.
I created a new channel inside the mqtt.0 object (in order to create topics that take value from worx.0 )
I created new objects inside the channel where to "store" the topic by editing the raw code inside them. The main edit is about the "from" tag: I put there the id of the worx.0 value i am interested.
Then in home assistant a created several sensor that call that topic.
I succeded in pubblishing the Battery charge state and for landroi battery state (I can see them on Home assistant frontend) but not for others value.
This is the code that works:
{ "common": { "name": "iobroker/Giardiniere/Stato_carica_batteria", "write": true, "read": true, "role": "variable", "desc": "mqtt client variable", "type": "boolean" }, "native": { "topic": "iobroker/Giardiniere/Stato_carica_batteria" }, "type": "state", "from": "system.adapter.mqtt.0", "user": "system.user.admin", "ts": 1561710295987, "_id": "mqtt.0.iobroker.Giardiniere.Stato_carica_batteria", "acl": { "object": 1636, "state": 1636, "owner": "system.user.admin", "ownerGroup": "" } }
This is the code that doesn't work
{ "_id": "mqtt.0.iobroker.Giardiniere.livello_carica", "type": "state", "common": { "name": "Landroid battery state", "role": "value.battery", "type": "number", "desc": "Landroid battery state in %", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": { "topic": "iobroker/Giardiniere/livello_carica_batteria" }, "from": "system.adapter.worx.0", "user": "system.user.admin", "ts": 1561664923591, "acl": { "object": 1636, "owner": "system.user.admin", "ownerGroup": "", "state": 1636 } }
Any advice?
Thanks for your attention
IoBroker and Home Assistant are working on the same LAN but on 2 different machines