Webpage not open after update
I just did an updata where I installed nodejs 14.19.1. that was OK
But after I did and iobroker upgrade self my webpage ( localhost:8081) want open !!
Iobroker is running and all seems to be goodsee LOG:
C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHome>iobroker start
2022-05-04 23:54:58,763 INFO - Starting the service with id 'iobroker(SmartHome)'
2022-05-04 23:54:58,826 FATAL - WMI Operation failure: ServiceAlreadyRunning
WMI.WmiException: ServiceAlreadyRunning
at WMI.WmiRoot.BaseHandler.CheckError(ManagementBaseObject result)
at WMI.WmiRoot.InstanceHandler.Invoke(Object proxy, MethodInfo method, Object[] args)
at winsw.WrapperService.Run(String[] _args, ServiceDescriptor descriptor)
at winsw.WrapperService.Main(String[] args)
WMI.WmiException: ServiceAlreadyRunning
at WMI.WmiRoot.BaseHandler.CheckError(ManagementBaseObject result)
at WMI.WmiRoot.InstanceHandler.Invoke(Object proxy, MethodInfo method, Object[] args)
at winsw.WrapperService.Run(String[] _args, ServiceDescriptor descriptor)
at winsw.WrapperService.Main(String[] args)C:\Program Files\iobroker\SmartHome>iobroker isrun
iobroker is running on this host.Any idea what is the problem ?