Danke für deine schnelle Antwort, das verstehe ich allerdings ehrlicherweise nicht ganz. Heisst das ich muss beim Punkt "Keine Benachrichtigung senden, wenn die Zonenliste des Events für diese Kameras leer ist" den Kameranamen eintragen und dafür die Snapshot vom Update (bzw Snapshot von Update, wenn kein Start Snapshot) Funktion aktivieren?
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RE: Frigate Adapter für ioBroker
RE: Frigate Adapter für ioBroker
Ich habe ein Problem mit den Notifications des Adapters, vielleicht weiß jemand von euch woran es liegt.
In Frigate habe ich zwei Zonen definiert, "innen" und "aussen", diese werden auch korrekt erkannt und bei den Events verknüpft.
Im ioBroker Adapter habe ich "aussen" bei den den Exclusions eingetragen:
Jedoch bekomme ich trotzdem Telegram Notifications, wenn ein Event nur die Zone aussen betrifft. Auch in den Adapter Logs sehe ich, dass bei "entered_zones" bzw "current_zones" "aussen" angeführt wird (der Übersichtlichkeit halber habe ich die JFIF Teile entfernt)
2024-07-22 16:04:06.647 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) fetchEventHistory succesfull 2024-07-22 16:04:06.648 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/Vorgarten/person 1 2024-07-22 16:04:06.648 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/Vorgarten/all 1 2024-07-22 16:04:06.662 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) new writer for /tmp/9ce0ea94-412a-4e37-ac58-2ebe729d4c21.jpg 2024-07-22 16:04:06.664 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) prepareEventNotification saved image to /tmp/9ce0ea94-412a-4e37-ac58-2ebe729d4c21.jpg 2024-07-22 16:04:06.670 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) fetchEventHistory succesfull Vorgarten 2024-07-22 16:04:06.675 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Notification score 0.7724742889404297 type person state Event After new image/clip file: /tmp/9ce0ea94-412a-4e37-ac58-2ebe729d4c21.jpg format photo 2024-07-22 16:04:06.689 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Notification score 0.7724742889404297 is higher than 0 type person 2024-07-22 16:04:06.691 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Notification message Vorgarten person erkannt new file /tmp/9ce0ea94-412a-4e37-ac58-2ebe729d4c21.jpg type photo 2024-07-22 16:04:06.692 - [35msilly[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) sendTo "send" to system.adapter.telegram.0 from system.adapter.frigate.0 2024-07-22 16:04:06.718 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for events.history.01.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:06.722 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for Vorgarten.history.01.end_time from number to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:06.769 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for events.after.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:07.115 - [35msilly[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) States system redis pmessage io.messagebox.system.adapter.frigate.0/io.messagebox.system.adapter.frigate.0:{"command":"send","message":["{\"5054570927\":2379}"],"from":"system.adapter.telegram.0","callback":{"message":{"message":"/tmp/9ce0ea94-412a-4e37-ac58-2ebe729d4c21.jpg","text":"/tmp/9ce0ea94-412a-4e37-ac58-2ebe729d4c21.jpg","type":"photo","caption":"Vorgarten person erkannt new","title":"Vorgarten person erkannt new"},"id":1,"ack":true,"time":1721657046692},"_id":75008405} 2024-07-22 16:04:07.116 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Try to delete /tmp/9ce0ea94-412a-4e37-ac58-2ebe729d4c21.jpg 2024-07-22 16:04:07.117 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Deleted /tmp/9ce0ea94-412a-4e37-ac58-2ebe729d4c21.jpg 2024-07-22 16:04:07.258 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/events {"before": {"id": "1721657046.232116-3f0koz", "camera": "Vorgarten", "frame_time": 1721657046.431797, "snapshot": {"frame_time": 1721657046.431797, "box": [545, 1, 608, 109], "area": 6804, "region": [388, 0, 688, 300], "score": 0.6830997467041016, "attributes": []}, "label": "person", "sub_label": null, "top_score": 0.7724742889404297, "false_positive": false, "start_time": 1721657046.232116, "end_time": null, "score": 0.6830997467041016, "box": [545, 1, 608, 109], "area": 6804, "ratio": 0.5833333333333334, "region": [388, 0, 688, 300], "stationary": false, "motionless_count": 0, "position_changes": 1, "current_zones": [], "entered_zones": [], "has_clip": true, "has_snapshot": true, "attributes": {}, "current_attributes": []}, "after": {"id": "1721657046.232116-3f0koz", "camera": "Vorgarten", "frame_time": 1721657047.197051, "snapshot": {"frame_time": 1721657047.197051, "box": [599, 2, 667, 131], "area": 8772, "region": [439, 0, 739, 300], "score": 0.862883985042572, "attributes": []}, "label": "person", "sub_label": null, "top_score": 0.8338006138801575, "false_positive": false, "start_time": 1721657046.232116, "end_time": null, "score": 0.862883985042572, "box": [599, 2, 667, 131], "area": 8772, "ratio": 0.5271317829457365, "region": [439, 0, 739, 300], "stationary": false, "motionless_count": 0, "position_changes": 1, "current_zones": ["aussen"], "entered_zones": ["aussen"], "has_clip": true, "has_snapshot": true, "attributes": {}, "current_attributes": []}, "type": "update"} 2024-07-22 16:04:07.262 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) fetchEventHistory succesfull 2024-07-22 16:04:07.264 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/aussen/person 1 2024-07-22 16:04:07.265 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/aussen/all 1 2024-07-22 16:04:07.266 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) fetchEventHistory succesfull Vorgarten 2024-07-22 16:04:07.317 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for events.history.01.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:07.318 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for Vorgarten.history.01.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:07.380 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for events.after.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:09.850 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/events {"before": {"id": "1721657046.232116-3f0koz", "camera": "Vorgarten", "frame_time": 1721657047.197051, "snapshot": {"frame_time": 1721657047.197051, "box": [599, 2, 667, 131], "area": 8772, "region": [439, 0, 739, 300], "score": 0.862883985042572, "attributes": []}, "label": "person", "sub_label": null, "top_score": 0.8338006138801575, "false_positive": false, "start_time": 1721657046.232116, "end_time": null, "score": 0.862883985042572, "box": [599, 2, 667, 131], "area": 8772, "ratio": 0.5271317829457365, "region": [439, 0, 739, 300], "stationary": false, "motionless_count": 0, "position_changes": 1, "current_zones": ["aussen"], "entered_zones": ["aussen"], "has_clip": true, "has_snapshot": true, "attributes": {}, "current_attributes": []}, "after": {"id": "1721657046.232116-3f0koz", "camera": "Vorgarten", "frame_time": 1721657049.619589, "snapshot": {"frame_time": 1721657049.619589, "box": [972, 42, 1032, 209], "area": 10020, "region": [819, 0, 1119, 300], "score": 0.5479520559310913, "attributes": []}, "label": "person", "sub_label": null, "top_score": 0.8657687306404114, "false_positive": false, "start_time": 1721657046.232116, "end_time": null, "score": 0.5479520559310913, "box": [972, 42, 1032, 209], "area": 10020, "ratio": 0.3592814371257485, "region": [819, 0, 1119, 300], "stationary": false, "motionless_count": 0, "position_changes": 1, "current_zones": [], "entered_zones": ["aussen"], "has_clip": true, "has_snapshot": true, "attributes": {}, "current_attributes": []}, "type": "update"} 2024-07-22 16:04:09.854 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) fetchEventHistory succesfull 2024-07-22 16:04:09.856 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/aussen/person 0 2024-07-22 16:04:09.857 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/aussen/all 0 2024-07-22 16:04:09.858 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) fetchEventHistory succesfull Vorgarten 2024-07-22 16:04:09.890 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for events.history.01.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:09.890 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for Vorgarten.history.01.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:09.963 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for events.after.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:10.429 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/events {"before": {"id": "1721657046.232116-3f0koz", "camera": "Vorgarten", "frame_time": 1721657049.619589, "snapshot": {"frame_time": 1721657049.619589, "box": [972, 42, 1032, 209], "area": 10020, "region": [819, 0, 1119, 300], "score": 0.5479520559310913, "attributes": []}, "label": "person", "sub_label": null, "top_score": 0.8657687306404114, "false_positive": false, "start_time": 1721657046.232116, "end_time": null, "score": 0.5479520559310913, "box": [972, 42, 1032, 209], "area": 10020, "ratio": 0.3592814371257485, "region": [819, 0, 1119, 300], "stationary": false, "motionless_count": 0, "position_changes": 1, "current_zones": [], "entered_zones": ["aussen"], "has_clip": true, "has_snapshot": true, "attributes": {}, "current_attributes": []}, "after": {"id": "1721657046.232116-3f0koz", "camera": "Vorgarten", "frame_time": 1721657050.232929, "snapshot": {"frame_time": 1721657049.839023, "box": [988, 49, 1043, 197], "area": 8140, "region": [848, 0, 1148, 300], "score": 0.828855037689209, "attributes": []}, "label": "person", "sub_label": null, "top_score": 0.8657687306404114, "false_positive": false, "start_time": 1721657046.232116, "end_time": null, "score": 0.7812522053718567, "box": [1039, 62, 1089, 126], "area": 3200, "ratio": 0.78125, "region": [892, 0, 1192, 300], "stationary": false, "motionless_count": 0, "position_changes": 1, "current_zones": ["aussen"], "entered_zones": ["aussen"], "has_clip": true, "has_snapshot": true, "attributes": {}, "current_attributes": []}, "type": "update"} 2024-07-22 16:04:10.432 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/aussen/person 1 2024-07-22 16:04:10.433 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/aussen/all 1 2024-07-22 16:04:10.434 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) fetchEventHistory succesfull 2024-07-22 16:04:10.438 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) fetchEventHistory succesfull Vorgarten 2024-07-22 16:04:10.487 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for events.history.01.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:10.488 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for Vorgarten.history.01.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:10.655 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for events.after.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:15.374 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/events {"before": {"id": "1721657046.232116-3f0koz", "camera": "Vorgarten", "frame_time": 1721657050.232929, "snapshot": {"frame_time": 1721657049.839023, "box": [988, 49, 1043, 197], "area": 8140, "region": [848, 0, 1148, 300], "score": 0.828855037689209, "attributes": []}, "label": "person", "sub_label": null, "top_score": 0.8657687306404114, "false_positive": false, "start_time": 1721657046.232116, "end_time": null, "score": 0.7812522053718567, "box": [1039, 62, 1089, 126], "area": 3200, "ratio": 0.78125, "region": [892, 0, 1192, 300], "stationary": false, "motionless_count": 0, "position_changes": 1, "current_zones": ["aussen"], "entered_zones": ["aussen"], "has_clip": true, "has_snapshot": true, "attributes": {}, "current_attributes": []}, "after": {"id": "1721657046.232116-3f0koz", "camera": "Vorgarten", "frame_time": 1721657051.279365, "snapshot": {"frame_time": 1721657049.839023, "box": [988, 49, 1043, 197], "area": 8140, "region": [848, 0, 1148, 300], "score": 0.828855037689209, "attributes": []}, "label": "person", "sub_label": null, "top_score": 0.8657687306404114, "false_positive": false, "start_time": 1721657046.232116, "end_time": 1721657054.631806, "score": 0.6486384272575378, "box": [1124, 95, 1176, 158], "area": 3276, "ratio": 0.8253968253968254, "region": [980, 0, 1280, 300], "stationary": false, "motionless_count": 0, "position_changes": 1, "current_zones": ["aussen"], "entered_zones": ["aussen"], "has_clip": true, "has_snapshot": true, "attributes": {}, "current_attributes": []}, "type": "end"} 2024-07-22 16:04:15.374 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Wait 5 seconds for clip 2024-07-22 16:04:15.385 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) fetchEventHistory succesfull 2024-07-22 16:04:15.403 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) fetchEventHistory succesfull Vorgarten 2024-07-22 16:04:15.427 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for events.history.01.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:15.435 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for Vorgarten.history.01.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:15.544 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for events.after.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:15.614 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/Vorgarten/all 0 2024-07-22 16:04:15.615 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/Vorgarten/person 0 2024-07-22 16:04:15.622 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/aussen/all 0 2024-07-22 16:04:20.836 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) prepareEventNotification saved clip to /tmp/2bee407c-c8e9-4e8d-ac87-c76bf6ba5d80.mp4 2024-07-22 16:04:20.846 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Check if all zones are excluded aussen from aussen 2024-07-22 16:04:20.846 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Notification for Vorgarten is excluded because all zones are excluded 2024-07-22 16:04:20.846 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Try to delete /tmp/2bee407c-c8e9-4e8d-ac87-c76bf6ba5d80.mp4 2024-07-22 16:04:20.847 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Deleted /tmp/2bee407c-c8e9-4e8d-ac87-c76bf6ba5d80.mp4 2024-07-22 16:04:21.085 - [32minfo[39m: admin.0 (1415) <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: admin 2024-07-22 16:04:21.219 - [32minfo[39m: admin.0 (1415) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2024-07-22 16:04:27.508 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish $SYS/ce47e2b9-0af1-46b8-80d4-d395cd0606e2/heartbeat ce47e2b9-0af1-46b8-80d4-d395cd0606e2 2024-07-22 16:04:35.239 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/events {"before": {"id": "1721657074.213598-mlyx25", "camera": "Vorgarten", "frame_time": 1721657074.213598, "snapshot": null, "label": "person", "sub_label": null, "top_score": 0.0, "false_positive": true, "start_time": 1721657074.213598, "end_time": null, "score": 0.6430938243865967, "box": [808, 13, 869, 136], "area": 7503, "ratio": 0.4959349593495935, "region": [699, 0, 999, 300], "stationary": false, "motionless_count": 0, "position_changes": 0, "current_zones": [], "entered_zones": [], "has_clip": false, "has_snapshot": false, "attributes": {}, "current_attributes": []}, "after": {"id": "1721657074.213598-mlyx25", "camera": "Vorgarten", "frame_time": 1721657075.11212, "snapshot": {"frame_time": 1721657075.11212, "box": [805, 10, 871, 119], "area": 7194, "region": [677, 0, 977, 300], "score": 0.942320704460144, "attributes": []}, "label": "person", "sub_label": null, "top_score": 0.8090616464614868, "false_positive": false, "start_time": 1721657074.213598, "end_time": null, "score": 0.942320704460144, "box": [805, 10, 871, 119], "area": 7194, "ratio": 0.6055045871559633, "region": [677, 0, 977, 300], "stationary": false, "motionless_count": 3, "position_changes": 1, "current_zones": ["aussen"], "entered_zones": ["aussen"], "has_clip": true, "has_snapshot": true, "attributes": {}, "current_attributes": []}, "type": "new"} 2024-07-22 16:04:35.239 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) create uuid image to /tmp/dc9e899f-f110-4c6e-a42e-4c0c4dd20b64.jpg 2024-07-22 16:04:35.252 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/Vorgarten/person 1 2024-07-22 16:04:35.253 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/Vorgarten/all 1 2024-07-22 16:04:35.253 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/aussen/person 1 2024-07-22 16:04:35.253 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) publish frigate/aussen/all 1 2024-07-22 16:04:35.255 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) fetchEventHistory succesfull 2024-07-22 16:04:35.270 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) new writer for /tmp/dc9e899f-f110-4c6e-a42e-4c0c4dd20b64.jpg 2024-07-22 16:04:35.272 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) prepareEventNotification saved image to /tmp/dc9e899f-f110-4c6e-a42e-4c0c4dd20b64.jpg 2024-07-22 16:04:35.288 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) fetchEventHistory succesfull Vorgarten 2024-07-22 16:04:35.339 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Check if all zones are excluded aussen from aussen 2024-07-22 16:04:35.339 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Notification for Vorgarten is excluded because all zones are excluded 2024-07-22 16:04:35.339 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Try to delete /tmp/dc9e899f-f110-4c6e-a42e-4c0c4dd20b64.jpg 2024-07-22 16:04:35.339 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Deleted /tmp/dc9e899f-f110-4c6e-a42e-4c0c4dd20b64.jpg 2024-07-22 16:04:35.362 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for events.history.01.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:35.366 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for Vorgarten.history.01.end_time from mixed to mixed 2024-07-22 16:04:35.437 - [34mdebug[39m: frigate.0 (3803286) Type changed for events.after.end_time from mixed to mixed
Unter History wird zu jedem Event auch ein Unterordner + Datenpunkt für jeweils beide Zonen angelegt, auch wenn nur die Zone "aussen" angeführt wurde:
Ich habe zwischenzeitlich alle Datenpunkte entfernt und auf 1.2.1 aktualisiert, der Fehler besteht leider immer noch