I have been tinkering with iobroker for several months using it with some MySensors boards I have built.
Currently I have ioBroker running on a Windows PC, but I would like to move it to a Raspberry Pi to reduce the need to have a big power hungry PC running all the time.
I don't use Vis that much, but do use a Node-red to chart some temperatures to a dashboard, and to do some logic processing and act as a TCP server to another web based system I use for lighting control.
Does a rasPi 3 have enough power to be able to run this config - I am concerned about the database writes on the SD card and the processing power. Should I be looking to find a cheap windows NUC instead ?
Currently my setup has 12 sensors on a serial gateway, 3 javascripts and some Nodered processing. I also keep history of Temperatures for a year.