Словил проблему с отправкой сообщений с приоритетом 2, остальные отправляются исправно.
! host-SmartHome 2015-07-17 11:50:06 error instance system.adapter.pushover.0 terminated with code 6 (uncaught exception)
! Error: 2015-07-17 11:50:05 error at process._tickCallback (node.js:419:13)
! Error: 2015-07-17 11:50:05 error at _stream_readable.js:929:16
! Error: 2015-07-17 11:50:05 error at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:117:20)
! Error: 2015-07-17 11:50:05 error at IncomingMessage. (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.pushover/node_modules/pushover-notifications/lib/pushover.js:152:9)
! Error: 2015-07-17 11:50:05 error at Pushover.errors (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.pushover/node_modules/pushover-notifications/lib/pushover.js:82:10)
! Error: 2015-07-17 11:50:05 error expire must be supplied with priority=2
! uncaught 2015-07-17 11:50:05 error exception: expire must be supplied with priority=2
! pushover-0 2015-07-17 11:50:04 info Send pushover notification: {"message":"test!","title":"SmartHome","sound":"pianobar","priority":2} -
Отправь на гитхаб в раздел issue. Так хоть ошибки будут в одном месте собираться будут. Если не умеем давайте учится. А то потом по всему форуму искать, да еще помнить.
error exception: expire must be supplied with priority=2
! ` > Emergency Priority (2)
Emergency-priority notifications are similar to high-priority notifications, but they are repeated until the notification is acknowledged by the user. These are designed for dispatching and on-call situations where it is critical that a notification be repeatedly shown to the user (or all users of the group that the message was sent to) until it is acknowledged. Applications sending emergency notifications are issued a receipt that can be used to get the status of a notification and find out whether it was acknowledged, or automatically receive a callback when the user has acknowledged the notification.
To send an emergency-priority notification, the priority parameter must be set to 2 and the retry and expire parameters must be supplied.
The retry parameter specifies how often (in seconds) the Pushover servers will send the same notification to the user. In a situation where your user might be in a noisy environment or sleeping, retrying the notification (with sound and vibration) will help get his or her attention. This parameter must have a value of at least 30 seconds between retries.
The expire parameter specifies how many seconds your notification will continue to be retried for (every retry seconds). If the notification has not been acknowledged in expire seconds, it will be marked as expired and will stop being sent to the user. Note that the notification is still shown to the user after it is expired, but it will not prompt the user for acknowledgement. This parameter must have a maximum value of at most 86400 seconds (24 hours).
For example, sending a retry parameter of 60 and an expire parameter of 3600 will cause your notification to be retried every 60 seconds for 1 hour.
The optional callback parameter may be supplied with a publicly-accessible URL that our servers will send a request to when the user has acknowledged your notification.
When your application sends an emergency-priority notification, our API will respond with a receipt value that can be used to get information about whether the notification has been acknowledged. See our receipts and callbacks section for more information. `
То есть:
{"message":"test!","title":"SmartHome","sound":"pianobar","priority":2,"expire":30, "retry": 15}
Bluefox, спасибо за пинок в нужном направлении. Заработало так:
sendTo("pushover.0", {message:'test!',title:'SmartHome',sound:'pianobar',priority:2,retry:30,expire:30})
Отвалился инет сегодня, pushover выдал такую ошибку в лог
pushover-0 2015-11-18 19:27:10 error Cannot send notification: {"code":"EAGAIN","errno":"EAGAIN","syscall":"getaddrinfo"}
появилась ошибка:
! pushover-0 2015-12-26 23:50:07 error Cannot send notification: {"code":"ENOTFOUND","errno":"ENOTFOUND","syscall":"getaddrinfo"}
что означает я не понял, последующий сообщения приходят. -
появилась ошибка:
! pushover-0 2015-12-26 23:50:07 error Cannot send notification: {"code":"ENOTFOUND","errno":"ENOTFOUND","syscall":"getaddrinfo"}
что означает я не понял, последующий сообщения приходят. `
У меня пока работает, ошибок нет
2858_12_iobroker.2018-11-23.log -
появилась ошибка:
! pushover-0 2015-12-26 23:50:07 error Cannot send notification: {"code":"ENOTFOUND","errno":"ENOTFOUND","syscall":"getaddrinfo"}
что означает я не понял, последующий сообщения приходят. `
Может интернет или ДНС отвалился, данное словосочетание getaddrinfo смущает.