/** * Object DB in memory - Server * * Copyright 2013-2018 bluefox * * MIT License * */ /* jshint -W097 */ /* jshint strict: false */ /* jslint node: true */ /* jshint -W061 */ 'use strict'; const extend = require('node.extend'); const fs = require('fs'); const socketio = require('socket.io'); const tools = require(__dirname + '/../tools'); const getDefaultDataDir = tools.getDefaultDataDir; const stream = require('stream'); const util = require('util'); const Writable = stream.Writable; let memStore = {}; /* Writable memory stream */ function WMStrm(key, options) { // allow use without new operator if (!(this instanceof WMStrm)) return new WMStrm(key, options); Writable.call(this, options); // init super this.key = key; // save key memStore[key] = new Buffer(''); // empty } util.inherits(WMStrm, Writable); WMStrm.prototype._write = function (chunk, enc, cb) { if (chunk) { // our memory store stores things in buffers let buffer = (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) ? chunk : // already is Buffer use it new Buffer(chunk, enc); // string, convert // concatenate to the buffer already there if (!memStore[this.key]) { memStore[this.key] = new Buffer(''); console.log('memstore for ' + this.key + ' is null'); } memStore[this.key] = Buffer.concat([memStore[this.key], buffer]); } if (!cb) throw 'Callback is empty'; cb(); }; function ObjectsInMemServer(settings) { if (!(this instanceof ObjectsInMemServer)) return new ObjectsInMemServer(settings); settings = settings || {}; let change; let zlib; let that = this; let objects = {}; let fileOptions = {}; let files = {}; let configTimer = null; let writeTimer = null; let writeIds = []; let users = {}; let groups = {}; let preserveSettings = []; let regUser = /^system\.user/; let regGroup = /^system\.group/; let defaultAcl = { groups: [], acl: { file: { list: false, read: false, write: false, create: false, 'delete': false }, object: { list: false, read: false, write: false, 'delete': false } } }; let defaultNewAcl = settings.defaultNewAcl || null; let namespace = settings.namespace || settings.hostname || ''; let lastSave = null; let dataDir = (settings.connection.dataDir || getDefaultDataDir()); if (dataDir) { if (dataDir[0] === '.' && dataDir[1] === '.') { dataDir = __dirname + '/../../' + dataDir; } else if (dataDir[0] === '.' && dataDir[1] === '/') { dataDir = __dirname + '/../../' + dataDir.substring(2); } } dataDir = dataDir.replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (dataDir[dataDir.length - 1] !== '/') dataDir += '/'; // Create data directory if (!fs.existsSync(dataDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(dataDir); } let objectsName = dataDir + 'objects.json'; const objectsDir = dataDir + 'files/'; settings.backup = settings.backup || { disabled: false, // deactivates files: 24, // minimum number of files hours: 48, // hours period: 120, // minutes path: '' // absolute path }; const backupDir = settings.backup.path || (dataDir + 'backup-objects/'); if (!settings.backup.disabled) { zlib = zlib || require('zlib'); // Interval in minutes => to milliseconds settings.backup.period = settings.backup.period === undefined ? 120 : parseInt(settings.backup.period); if (isNaN(settings.backup.period)) { settings.backup.period = 120; } settings.backup.period *= 60000; settings.backup.files = settings.backup.files === undefined ? 24 : parseInt(settings.backup.files); if (isNaN(settings.backup.files)) { settings.backup.files = 24; } settings.backup.hours = settings.backup.hours === undefined ? 48 : parseInt(settings.backup.hours); if (isNaN(settings.backup.hours)) { settings.backup.hours = 48; } // Create backup directory if (!fs.existsSync(backupDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(backupDir); } } let log = settings.logger; if (!log) { log = { silly: function (msg) {/*console.log(msg);*/}, debug: function (msg) {/*console.log(msg);*/}, info: function (msg) {/*console.log(msg);*/}, warn: function (msg) { console.log(msg); }, error: function (msg) { console.log(msg); } }; } else if (!log.silly) { log.silly = log.debug; } let server = { app: null, server: null, io: null, settings: settings }; /*function prepareRights(options) { let fOptions = {}; options = options || {}; if (!options.user) { options = { user: 'system.user.admin', params: options }; } // acl.owner = user that creates or owns the file // acl.group = group, that assigned to file // acl.permissions = '0777' - default 1 (execute, 2 write, 4 read if (!options.user) { fOptions.acl = { owner: 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: 'system.group.administrator', permissions: 0x644 // '0777' }; } else { fOptions.acl = { owner: options.user }; fOptions.acl.ownerGroup = options.group; fOptions.acl.permissions = 0x644; } fOptions.acl.ownerGroup = fOptions.acl.ownerGroup || 'system.group.administrator'; return fOptions; }*/ // -------------- FILE FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------- // memServer specific function function mkpathSync(rootpath, dirpath) { // Remove filename dirpath = dirpath.split('/'); dirpath.pop(); if (!dirpath.length) return; for (let i = 0; i < dirpath.length; i++) { rootpath += dirpath[i] + '/'; if (!fs.existsSync(rootpath)) { fs.mkdirSync(rootpath); } } } function saveFileSettings(id, force) { if (typeof id === 'boolean') { force = id; id = undefined; } if (id !== undefined && writeIds.indexOf(id) === -1) writeIds.push(id); if (writeTimer) clearTimeout(writeTimer); // if store immediately if (force) { writeTimer = null; // Store dirs description for (let _id = 0; _id < writeIds.length; _id++) { try { fs.writeFileSync(objectsDir + writeIds[_id] + '/_data.json', JSON.stringify(fileOptions[writeIds[_id]])); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot write files: ' + objectsDir + writeIds[_id] + '/_data.json: ' + e.message); } } writeIds = []; } else { writeTimer = setTimeout(function () { // Store dirs description for (let id = 0; id < writeIds.length; id++) { try { fs.writeFileSync(objectsDir + writeIds[id] + '/_data.json', JSON.stringify(fileOptions[writeIds[id]])); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot write files: ' + objectsDir + writeIds[id] + '/_data.json: ' + e.message); } } writeIds = []; }, 1000); } } function checkFile(id, name, options, flag) { if (typeof fileOptions[id][name].acl !== 'object') { fileOptions[id][name] = { mimeType: fileOptions[id][name], acl: { owner: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.owner) || 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator', permissions: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.file) || 0x644 // '0644' } }; } // Set default owner group fileOptions[id][name].acl.ownerGroup = fileOptions[id][name].acl.ownerGroup || (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator'; fileOptions[id][name].acl.owner = fileOptions[id][name].acl.owner || (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.owner) || 'system.user.admin'; fileOptions[id][name].acl.permissions = fileOptions[id][name].acl.permissions || (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.file) || 0x644; // '0644' if (options.user !== 'system.user.admin' && options.groups.indexOf('system.group.administrator') === -1 && fileOptions[id][name].acl) { if (fileOptions[id][name].acl.owner !== options.user) { // Check if the user is in the group if (options.groups.indexOf(fileOptions[id][name].acl.ownerGroup) !== -1) { // Check group rights if (!(fileOptions[id][name].acl.permissions & (flag << 4))) { return false; } } else { // everybody if (!(fileOptions[id][name].acl.permissions & flag)) { return false; } } } else { // Check user rights if (!(fileOptions[id][name].acl.permissions & (flag << 8))) { return false; } } } return true; } function checkFileRights(id, name, options, flag, callback) { options = options || {}; if (!options.user) { // Before files converted, lets think: if no options it is admin options = { user: 'system.user.admin', params: options, group: 'system.group.administrator' }; } if (options.checked) { return callback(null, options); } if (!options.acl) { that.getUserGroup(options.user, function (user, groups, acl) { options.acl = acl || {}; options.groups = groups; options.group = groups ? groups[0] : null; checkFileRights(id, name, options, flag, callback); }); return; } // If user may write if (flag === 2 && !options.acl.file.write) {// write return callback('permissionError', options); } // If user may read if (flag === 4 && !options.acl.file.read) {// read return callback('permissionError', options); } // read rights of file if (!fileOptions[id]) { if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json')) { try { fileOptions[id] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', 'utf8')); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot parse ' + objectsDir + id + '/_data.json: ' + e); } } else { fileOptions[id] = {}; } } options.checked = true; if (!name || !fileOptions[id] || !fileOptions[id][name]) { return callback(null, options); } if (checkFile(id, name, options,flag)) { return callback(null, options); } else { return callback('permissionError', options); } /*if (typeof fileOptions[id][name].acl !== 'object') { fileOptions[id][name] = { mimeType: fileOptions[id][name], acl: { owner: 'system.user.admin', permissions: 0x644, ownerGroup: 'system.group.administrator' } }; } // Set default onwer group fileOptions[id][name].acl.ownerGroup = fileOptions[id][name].acl.ownerGroup || 'system.group.administrator'; if (options.user !== 'system.user.admin' && options.groups.indexOf('system.group.administrator') === -1 && fileOptions[id][name].acl) { if (fileOptions[id][name].acl.owner !== options.user) { // Check if the user is in the group if (options.groups.indexOf(fileOptions[id][name].acl.ownerGroup) !== -1) { // Check group rights if (!(fileOptions[id][name].acl.permissions & (flag << 4))) { return callback('permissionError', options); } } else { // everybody if (!(fileOptions[id][name].acl.permissions & flag)) { return callback('permissionError', options); } } } else { // Check user rights if (!(fileOptions[id][name].acl.permissions & (flag << 8))) { return callback('permissionError', options); } } } return callback(null, options);*/ } function setDefaultAcl(callback) { try { defaultNewAcl = Object.assign({}, objects['system.config'].common.defaultNewAcl); } catch (e) { defaultNewAcl = { owner: 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: 'system.group.administrator', object: 0x664, state: 0x664, file: 0x664 }; objects['system.config'].common.defaultNewAcl = Object.assign({}, defaultNewAcl); } let count = 0; // Set all objects without ACL to this one for (let id in objects) { if (objects.hasOwnProperty(id) && objects[id] && !objects[id].acl) { objects[id].acl = Object.assign({}, defaultNewAcl); delete objects[id].acl.file; if (objects[id].type !== 'state') { delete objects[id].acl.state; } count++; } } callback && callback(null, count); } this.getUserGroup = function (user, callback) { if (!user || typeof user !== 'string' || !user.match(/^system\.user\./)) { console.log('invalid user name: ' + user); user = JSON.stringify(user); return callback.call(that, user, [], Object.assign({}, defaultAcl.acl)); } if (users[user]) { return callback.call(that, user, users[user].groups, users[user].acl); } // Read all groups this.getObjectList({startkey: 'system.group.', endkey: 'system.group.\u9999'}, {checked: true}, function (err, arr) { if (err) log.error(namespace + ' ' + err); groups = []; if (arr) { // Read all groups for (let g = 0; g < arr.rows.length; g++) { groups[g] = arr.rows[g].value; if (groups[g]._id === 'system.group.administrator') { groups[g].common.acl = { file: { list: true, read: true, write: true, create: true, 'delete': true }, object: { list: true, read: true, write: true, create: true, 'delete': true }, users: { list: true, read: true, write: true, create: true, 'delete': true } }; } } } that.getObjectList({startkey: 'system.user.', endkey: 'system.user.\u9999'}, {checked: true}, function (err, arr) { if (err) log.error(namespace + ' ' + err); users = {}; if (arr) { for (let i = 0; i < arr.rows.length; i++) { users[arr.rows[i].value._id] = Object.assign({}, defaultAcl); if (arr.rows[i].value._id === 'system.user.admin') { users['system.user.admin'].acl.file = { list: true, read: true, write: true, create: true, 'delete': true }; users['system.user.admin'].acl.object = { create: true, list: true, read: true, write: true, 'delete': true }; users['system.user.admin'].acl.users = { create: true, list: true, read: true, write: true, 'delete': true }; } } } for (let g = 0; g < groups.length; g++) { if (!groups[g].common.members) continue; for (let m = 0; m < groups[g].common.members.length; m++) { let u = groups[g].common.members[m]; if (!users[u]) { log.warn('Unknown user in group "' + g + '": ' + u); continue; } users[u].groups.push(groups[g]._id); if (groups[g].common.acl && groups[g].common.acl.file) { if (!users[u].acl || !users[u].acl.file) { users[u].acl = users[u].acl || {}; users[u].acl.file = users[u].acl.file || {}; users[u].acl.file.create = groups[g].common.acl.file.create; users[u].acl.file.read = groups[g].common.acl.file.read; users[u].acl.file.write = groups[g].common.acl.file.write; users[u].acl.file['delete'] = groups[g].common.acl.file['delete']; users[u].acl.file.list = groups[g].common.acl.file.list; } else { users[u].acl.file.create = users[u].acl.file.create || groups[g].common.acl.file.create; users[u].acl.file.read = users[u].acl.file.read || groups[g].common.acl.file.read; users[u].acl.file.write = users[u].acl.file.write || groups[g].common.acl.file.write; users[u].acl.file['delete'] = users[u].acl.file['delete'] || groups[g].common.acl.file['delete']; users[u].acl.file.list = users[u].acl.file.list || groups[g].common.acl.file.list; } } if (groups[g].common.acl && groups[g].common.acl.object) { if (!users[u].acl || !users[u].acl.object) { users[u].acl = users[u].acl || {}; users[u].acl.object = users[u].acl.object || {}; users[u].acl.object.create = groups[g].common.acl.object.create; users[u].acl.object.read = groups[g].common.acl.object.read; users[u].acl.object.write = groups[g].common.acl.object.write; users[u].acl.object['delete'] = groups[g].common.acl.object['delete']; users[u].acl.object.list = groups[g].common.acl.object.list; } else { users[u].acl.object.create = users[u].acl.object.create || groups[g].common.acl.object.create; users[u].acl.object.read = users[u].acl.object.read || groups[g].common.acl.object.read; users[u].acl.object.write = users[u].acl.object.write || groups[g].common.acl.object.write; users[u].acl.object['delete'] = users[u].acl.object['delete'] || groups[g].common.acl.object['delete']; users[u].acl.object.list = users[u].acl.object.list || groups[g].common.acl.object.list; } } if (groups[g].common.acl && groups[g].common.acl.users) { if (!users[u].acl || !users[u].acl.users) { users[u].acl = users[u].acl || {}; users[u].acl.users = users[u].acl.users || {}; users[u].acl.users.create = groups[g].common.acl.users.create; users[u].acl.users.read = groups[g].common.acl.users.read; users[u].acl.users.write = groups[g].common.acl.users.write; users[u].acl.users['delete'] = groups[g].common.acl.users['delete']; users[u].acl.users.list = groups[g].common.acl.users.list; } else { users[u].acl.users.create = users[u].acl.users.create || groups[g].common.acl.users.create; users[u].acl.users.read = users[u].acl.users.read || groups[g].common.acl.users.read; users[u].acl.users.write = users[u].acl.users.write || groups[g].common.acl.users.write; users[u].acl.users['delete'] = users[u].acl.users['delete'] || groups[g].common.acl.users['delete']; users[u].acl.users.list = users[u].acl.users.list || groups[g].common.acl.users.list; } } } } callback.call(that, user, users[user] ? users[user].groups : [], users[user] ? users[user].acl : Object.assign({}, defaultAcl.acl)); }); }); }; this.getMimeType = function (ext) { if (ext instanceof Array) ext = ext[0]; let _mimeType = 'text/javascript'; let isBinary = false; if (ext === '.css') { _mimeType = 'text/css'; } else if (ext === '.ico') { _mimeType = 'image/x-icon'; isBinary = true; } else if (ext === '.bmp') { _mimeType = 'image/bmp'; isBinary = true; } else if (ext === '.png') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'image/png'; } else if (ext === '.jpg') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; } else if (ext === '.jpeg') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; } else if (ext === '.gif') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'image/gif'; } else if (ext === '.tif') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'image/tiff'; } else if (ext === '.js') { _mimeType = 'application/javascript'; } else if (ext === '.html') { _mimeType = 'text/html'; } else if (ext === '.htm') { _mimeType = 'text/html'; } else if (ext === '.json') { _mimeType = 'application/json'; } else if (ext === '.xml') { _mimeType = 'text/xml'; } else if (ext === '.svg') { _mimeType = 'image/svg+xml'; } else if (ext === '.eot') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'application/vnd.ms-fontobject'; } else if (ext === '.ttf') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'application/font-sfnt'; } else if (ext === '.cur') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'application/x-win-bitmap'; } else if (ext === '.woff') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'application/font-woff'; } else if (ext === '.wav') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'audio/wav'; } else if (ext === '.mp3') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'audio/mpeg3'; } else if (ext === '.avi') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'video/avi'; } else if (ext === '.mp4') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'video/mp4'; } else if (ext === '.mkv') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'video/mkv'; } else if (ext === '.zip') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'application/zip'; } else if (ext === '.ogg') { isBinary = true; _mimeType = 'audio/ogg'; } else if (ext === '.manifest') { _mimeType = 'text/cache-manifest'; } else { _mimeType = 'text/javascript'; } return {mimeType: _mimeType, isBinary: isBinary}; }; this.insert = function (id, attName, ignore, options, obj, callback) { if (typeof options === 'string') { options = {mimeType: options}; } //return pipe for write into redis let strm = new WMStrm(id + '/' + attName); strm.on('finish', function () { if (!memStore[id + '/' + attName]) log.error(namespace + ' File ' + id + ' / ' + attName + ' is empty'); that.writeFile(id, attName, memStore[id + '/' + attName] || '', options, function () { if (memStore[id + '/' + attName] !== undefined) delete memStore[id + '/' + attName]; if (callback) setImmediate(callback, null, null); }); }); return strm; }; this.writeFile = function (id, name, data, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (typeof options === 'string') { options = {mimeType: options}; } if (name[0] === '/') name = name.substring(1); try { if (!fileOptions[id]) { if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json')) { try { fileOptions[id] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', 'utf8')); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot parse ' + objectsDir + id + '/_data.json: ' + e); } } else { fileOptions[id] = {}; } } files[id] = files[id] || {}; // If file yet exists => check the permissions if (!options || !options.checked) { return checkFileRights(id, name, options, 0x2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(err); } } else { return that.writeFile(id, name, data, options, callback); } }); } try { if (!fs.existsSync(objectsDir)) fs.mkdirSync(objectsDir); if (!fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id)) fs.mkdirSync(objectsDir + id); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot create directories: ' + objectsDir + id + ': ' + e.message); log.error(namespace + ' Check the permissions! Or call "sudo chmod -R 777 *" in ' + tools.appName +' dir'); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(e.message); return; } let isBinary; let ext = name.match(/\.[^.]+$/); let mime = that.getMimeType(ext); let _mimeType = mime.mimeType; isBinary = mime.isBinary; if (!fileOptions[id][name]) { fileOptions[id][name] = {createdAt: (new Date()).getTime()}; } if (!fileOptions[id][name].acl) { fileOptions[id][name].acl = { owner: options.user || (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.owner) || 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: options.group || (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator', permissions: options.mode || (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.file) || 0x644 }; } fileOptions[id][name].mimeType = options.mimeType || _mimeType; fileOptions[id][name].binary = isBinary; fileOptions[id][name].acl.ownerGroup = fileOptions[id][name].acl.ownerGroup || (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator'; fileOptions[id][name].modifiedAt = (new Date()).getTime(); if (isBinary) { // Reload by read delete files[id][name]; } else { files[id][name] = data; } try { // Create directories if complex structure mkpathSync(objectsDir + id + '/', name); // Store file fs.writeFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name, data, {'flag': 'w', 'encoding': isBinary ? 'binary' : 'utf8'}); // Store dir description saveFileSettings(id); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot write files: ' + objectsDir + id + '/' + name + ': ' + e.message); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(e.message); return; } if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(); } catch (e) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(e.message); } }; this.readFile = function (id, name, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (name[0] === '/') name = name.substring(1); if (!options || !options.checked) { checkFileRights(id, name, options, 0x4/*read*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return that.readFile(id, name, options, callback); } }); return; } try { if (!fileOptions[id]) { if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json')) { try { fileOptions[id] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', 'binary')); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot parse ' + objectsDir + id + '/_data.json: ' + e); fileOptions[id] = {}; } } else { fileOptions[id] = {}; } } if (!files[id]) files[id] = {}; if (!files[id][name] || settings.connection.noFileCache || options.noFileCache) { if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name)) { // Create description object if not exists if (!fileOptions[id][name]) { fileOptions[id][name] = { acl: { owner: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.owner) || 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator', permissions: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.file.permissions) || 0x777 } }; } if (typeof fileOptions[id][name] !== 'object') { fileOptions[id][name] = { mimeType: fileOptions[id][name], acl: { owner: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.owner) || 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator', permissions: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.file.permissions) || 0x777 } }; } files[id][name] = fs.readFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name); if (fileOptions[id][name].binary === undefined) { let pos = name.lastIndexOf('.'); let ext = ''; if (pos !== -1) ext = name.substring(pos); let mimeType = that.getMimeType(ext); fileOptions[id][name].binary = mimeType.isBinary; fileOptions[id][name].mimeType = mimeType.mimeType; } if (!fileOptions[id][name].binary) { if (files[id][name]) files[id][name] = files[id][name].toString(); } } else { if (fileOptions[id][name] !== undefined) delete fileOptions[id][name]; if (files[id][name] !== undefined) delete files[id][name]; } } if (fileOptions[id][name] && !fileOptions[id][name].acl) { // all files belongs to admin by default, but everyone can edit it fileOptions[id][name].acl = { owner: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.owner) || 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator', permissions: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.file.permissions) || 0x677 }; } if (typeof callback === 'function') { if (fileOptions[id][name] !== null && fileOptions[id][name] !== undefined) { if (!fileOptions[id][name].mimeType) { let _pos = name.lastIndexOf('.'); let _ext = ''; if (_pos !== -1) _ext = name.substring(_pos); let _mimeType = that.getMimeType(_ext); fileOptions[id][name].mimeType = _mimeType.mimeType; } callback(null, files[id][name], fileOptions[id][name].mimeType); } else { callback('Not exists'); } } } catch (e) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(e.message); } } }; this.unlink = function (id, name, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (name[0] === '/') name = name.substring(1); if (!options || !options.checked) { checkFileRights(id, name, options, 0x2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { if (!options.acl.file['delete']) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('permissionError'); } else { return that.unlink(id, name, options, callback); } } }); return; } try { let changed = false; if (!fileOptions[id]) { if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json')) { fileOptions[id] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', 'utf8')); } else { fileOptions[id] = {}; } } if (fileOptions[id][name]) { changed = true; delete fileOptions[id][name]; } if (files[id] && files[id][name]) { delete files[id][name]; } if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name)) { let stat = fs.statSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name); if (stat.isDirectory()) { // read all entries and delete every one let fdir = fs.readdirSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name); let cnt = 0; for (let f = 0; f < fdir.length; f++) { cnt++; that.unlink(id, name + '/' + fdir[f], options, function (err) { if (!--cnt) { log.debug('Delete directory ' + id + '/' + name); try { fs.rmdirSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name); } catch (e) { log.error('Cannot delete directory "' + id + '/' + name + '": ' + e); } if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(err); }); } } }); } if (!cnt) { log.debug('Delete directory ' + id + '/' + name); try { fs.rmdirSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name); } catch (e) { log.error('Cannot delete directory "' + id + '/' + name + '": ' + e); } if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(); }); } } } else { log.debug('Delete file ' + id + '/' + name); try { fs.unlinkSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name); } catch (e) { log.error('Cannot delete file "' + id + '/' + name + '": ' + e); } if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(); }); } } } else { if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback('Not exists'); }); } } // Store dir description if (changed) saveFileSettings(id); } catch (e) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(e.message); }); } } }; this.delFile = this.unlink; this.readDir = function (id, name, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkFileRights(id, name, options, 0x4/*read*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { if (!options.acl.file.list) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('permissionError'); } else { return that.readDir(id, name, options, callback); } } }); return; } if (!fileOptions[id]) { if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json')) { try { fileOptions[id] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', 'binary')); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot parse ' + objectsDir + id + '/_data.json: ' + e); } } else { fileOptions[id] = {}; } } // Find all files and directories starts with name let _files = []; if (name[0] === '/') name = name.substring(1); if (name && name[name.length - 1] !== '/') name += '/'; let len = (name) ? name.length : 0; for (let f in fileOptions[id]) { if (fileOptions[id].hasOwnProperty(f) && (!name || f.substring(0, len) === name)) { /** @type {string|string[]} */ let rest = f.substring(len); rest = rest.split('/', 2); if (rest[0] && _files.indexOf(rest[0]) === -1) { _files.push(rest[0]); } } } if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name)) { try { let dirFiles = fs.readdirSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name); for (let i = 0; i < dirFiles.length; i++) { if (dirFiles[i] === '..' || dirFiles[i] === '.') continue; if (dirFiles[i] !== '_data.json' && _files.indexOf(dirFiles[i]) === -1) { _files.push(dirFiles[i]); } } } catch (e) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(e, []); }); } return; } } else { if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback('Not exists', []); }); } return; } _files.sort(); let res = []; for (let j = 0; j < _files.length; j++) { if (_files[j] === '..' || _files[j] === '.') continue; if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name + _files[j])) { let stats = fs.statSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + name + _files[j]); let acl = (fileOptions[id][name + _files[j]] && fileOptions[id][name + _files[j]].acl) ? Object.assign({}, fileOptions[id][name + _files[j]].acl) : // copy settings { read: true, write : true, owner: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.owner) || 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator', permissions: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.file.permissions) || 0x644 }; try { // if filter for user if (options.filter && acl) { // If user may not write if (!options.acl.file.write) {// write acl.permissions &= ~0x222; } // If user may not read if (!options.acl.file.read) {// read acl.permissions &= ~0x444; } if (options.user !== 'system.user.admin' && options.groups.indexOf('system.group.administrator') === -1) { if (acl.owner !== options.user) { // Check if the user is in the group if (options.groups.indexOf(acl.ownerGroup) !== -1) { // Check group rights if (!(acl.permissions & (0x6 << 4))) { continue; } acl.read = !!(acl.permissions & 0x40); acl.write = !!(acl.permissions & 0x20); } else { // everybody if (!(acl.permissions & 0x6)) { continue; } acl.read = !!(acl.permissions & 0x4); acl.write = !!(acl.permissions & 0x2); } } else { // Check user rights if (!(acl.permissions & (0x6 << 8))) { continue; } acl.read = !!(acl.permissions & 0x400); acl.write = !!(acl.permissions & 0x200); } } else { acl.read = true; acl.write = true; } } } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot read permssions of ' + objectsDir + id + '/' + name + _files[j] + ': ' + e); } res.push({ file: _files[j], stats: stats, isDir: stats.isDirectory(), acl: acl, modifiedAt: fileOptions[id][name + _files[j]] ? fileOptions[id][name + _files[j]].modifiedAt : undefined, createdAt: fileOptions[id][name + _files[j]] ? fileOptions[id][name + _files[j]].createdAt : undefined }); } } if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(null, res); }); } }; this.rename = function (id, oldName, newName, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (oldName[0] === '/') oldName = oldName.substring(1); if (newName[0] === '/') newName = newName.substring(1); if (!options || !options.checked) { checkFileRights(id, oldName, options, 0x2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { if (!options.acl.file.write) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('permissionError'); } else { return that.rename(id, oldName, newName, options, callback); } } }); return; } try { if (!fileOptions[id]) { if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json')) { fileOptions[id] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', 'utf8')); } else { fileOptions[id] = {}; } } if (fileOptions[id][oldName]) { let type = fileOptions[id][oldName]; delete fileOptions[id][oldName]; fileOptions[id][newName] = type; fs.writeFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', JSON.stringify(fileOptions[id])); } if (files[id] && files[id][oldName]) { let data = files[id][oldName]; delete files[id][oldName]; files[id][newName] = data; } if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + oldName)) { fs.renameSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + oldName, objectsDir + id + '/' + newName); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(); } else { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('Not exists'); } } catch (e) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(e.message); } }; this.touch = function (id, name, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkFileRights(id, null, options, 0x2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return that.touch(id, name, options, callback); } }); return; } try { if (!fileOptions[id]) { if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json')) { fileOptions[id] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', 'utf8')); } else { fileOptions[id] = {}; } } let regEx = new RegExp(pattern2RegEx(name)); let processed = []; let now = (new Date()).getTime(); let changed = false; for (let f in fileOptions[id]) { if (!fileOptions[id].hasOwnProperty(f)) continue; if (regEx.test(f) && checkFile(id, f, options, 2/*write*/)) { changed = true; // Check if file exists if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + f)) { if (!fileOptions[id][f]) { fileOptions[id][f] = {}; fileOptions[id][f].createdAt = now; } if (typeof fileOptions[id][f] !== 'object') { fileOptions[id][f] = { mimeType: fileOptions[id][f] }; } if (!fileOptions[id][f].mimeType) { let pos = f.lastIndexOf('.'); let ext = ''; if (pos !== -1) ext = f.substring(pos); let mimeType = that.getMimeType(ext); fileOptions[id][f].binary = mimeType.isBinary; fileOptions[id][f].mimeType = mimeType.mimeType; } if (!fileOptions[id][f].acl) { fileOptions[id][f].acl = { owner: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.owner) || 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator', permissions: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.file) || 0x644 // '0644' }; } let fOp = fileOptions[id][f]; fOp.modifiedAt = now; let stats = fs.statSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + f); let parts = f.split('/'); let fileName = parts.pop(); processed.push({ path: parts.join('/'), file: fileName, stats: stats, isDir: stats.isDirectory(), acl: fOp.acl || {}, modifiedAt: fOp.modifiedAt, createdAt: fOp.createdAt }); } else { delete fileOptions[id][f]; } } } // Store dir description if (changed) fs.writeFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', JSON.stringify(fileOptions[id])); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(null, processed); } catch (e) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(e.message); } }; this.rm = function (id, name, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkFileRights(id, null, options, 0x2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { if (!options.acl.file['delete']) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('permissionError'); } else { return that.rm(id, name, options, callback); } } }); return; } try { if (!fileOptions[id]) { if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json')) { fileOptions[id] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', 'utf8')); } else { fileOptions[id] = {}; } } let regEx = new RegExp(pattern2RegEx(name)); let processed = []; let changed = false; let dirs = []; for (let f in fileOptions[id]) { if (!fileOptions[id].hasOwnProperty(f)) continue; if (regEx.test(f) && checkFile(id, f, options, 2/*write*/)) { let stat; if (fileOptions[id][f]) { changed = true; delete fileOptions[id][f]; } if (files && files[id] && files[id][f]) { delete files[id][f]; } if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + f)) { stat = fs.statSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + f); if (stat.isDirectory()) { if (dirs.indexOf(f) === -1) dirs.push(f); } else { fs.unlinkSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + f); } } let parts = f.split('/'); let fileName = parts.pop(); let path = parts.join('/'); if (dirs.indexOf(path) === -1) dirs.push(path); processed.push({ path: path, file: fileName, isDir: stat && stat.isDirectory() }); } } // try to delete directories for (let d = 0; d < dirs.length; d++) { try { let _files = fs.readdirSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + dirs[d]); if (_files.length) { console.log('Directory ' + id + '/' + dirs[d] + ' is not empty'); } else { fs.rmdirSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + dirs[d]); } } catch (e) { console.error('Cannot delete ' + id + '/' + dirs[d] + ': ' + e); } } // Store dir description if (changed) fs.writeFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', JSON.stringify(fileOptions[id])); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(null, processed); } catch (e) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(e.message); } }; this.mkdir = function (id, dirname, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (dirname[0] === '/') dirname = dirname.substring(1); if (!options || !options.checked) { checkFileRights(id, dirname, options, 0x2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { if (!options.acl.file.write) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('permissionError'); } else { return that.mkdir(id, dirname, options, callback); } } }); return; } try { if (!fileOptions[id]) { if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json')) { fileOptions[id] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', 'utf8')); } else { fileOptions[id] = {}; } } if (!fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + dirname)) { fs.mkdirSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + dirname); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(); } else { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('Yet exists'); } } catch (e) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(e.message); } }; this.chownFile = function (id, name, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } options = options || {}; if (typeof options !== 'object') { options = {owner: options}; } if (name[0] === '/') name = name.substring(1); if (!options.ownerGroup && options.group) options.ownerGroup = options.group; if (!options.owner && options.user) options.owner = options.user; if (!options.owner) { log.error(namespace + ' user is not defined'); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('invalid parameter'); return; } if (!options.ownerGroup) { // get user group this.getUserGroup(options.owner, function (user, groups /* , permissions */) { if (!groups || !groups[0]) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('user "' + options.owner + '" belongs to no group'); return; } else { options.ownerGroup = groups[0]; } that.chownFile(id, name, options, callback); }); return; } if (!options.checked) { checkFileRights(id, null, options, 0x2/* write */, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { if (!options.acl.file.write) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('permissionError'); } else { return that.chownFile(id, name, options, callback); } } }); return; } try { if (!fileOptions[id]) { if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json')) { try { fileOptions[id] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', 'binary')); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot parse ' + objectsDir + id + '/_data.json: ' + e); } } else { fileOptions[id] = {}; } } let regEx = new RegExp(pattern2RegEx(name)); let processed = []; let changed = false; for (let f in fileOptions[id]) { if (!fileOptions[id].hasOwnProperty(f)) continue; if (regEx.test(f) && checkFile(id, f, options, 2/*write*/)) { changed = true; if (typeof fileOptions[id][f] !== 'object') { fileOptions[id][f] = { mimeType: fileOptions[id][f] }; } if (!fileOptions[id][f].acl) { fileOptions[id][f].acl = { owner: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.owner) || 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator', permissions: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.file) || 0x644 // '0644' }; } fileOptions[id][f].acl.owner = options.owner; fileOptions[id][f].acl.ownerGroup = options.ownerGroup; if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + f)) { let stats = fs.statSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + f); let acl = fileOptions[id][f]; let parts = f.split('/'); let fileName = parts.pop(); processed.push({ path: parts.join('/'), file: fileName, stats: stats, isDir: stats.isDirectory(), acl: acl.acl || {}, modifiedAt: fileOptions[id][f].modifiedAt, createdAt: fileOptions[id][f].createdAt }); } } } // Store dir description if (changed) fs.writeFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', JSON.stringify(fileOptions[id])); if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(null, processed, id); }); } } catch (e) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(e.message); }); } } }; this.chmodFile = function (id, name, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } options = options || {}; if (name[0] === '/') name = name.substring(1); if (typeof options !== 'object') { options = {mode: options}; } if (options.mode === undefined) { log.error(namespace + ' mode is not defined'); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('invalid parameter'); return; } else if (typeof options.mode === 'string') { options.mode = parseInt(options.mode, 16); } if (!options.checked) { checkFileRights(id, null, options, 0x2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { if (!options.acl.file.write) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('permissionError'); } else { return that.chmodFile(id, name, options, callback); } } }); return; } try { if (!fileOptions[id]) { if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json')) { try { fileOptions[id] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', 'binary')); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot parse ' + objectsDir + id + '/_data.json: ' + e); } } else { fileOptions[id] = {}; } } let regEx = new RegExp(pattern2RegEx(name)); let processed = []; let changed = false; for (let f in fileOptions[id]) { if (!fileOptions[id].hasOwnProperty(f)) continue; if (regEx.test(f) && checkFile(id, f, options, 2/*write*/)) { changed = true; if (typeof fileOptions[id][f] !== 'object') { fileOptions[id][f] = { mimeType: fileOptions[id][f] }; } if (!fileOptions[id][f].acl) { fileOptions[id][f].acl = { owner: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.owner) || 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator', permissions: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.file) || 0x644 // '0644' }; } fileOptions[id][f].acl.permissions = options.mode; if (fs.existsSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + f)) { let stats = fs.statSync(objectsDir + id + '/' + f); let acl = fileOptions[id][f]; let parts = f.split('/'); let fileName = parts.pop(); processed.push({ path: parts.join('/'), file: fileName, stats: stats, isDir: stats.isDirectory(), acl: acl.acl || {}, modifiedAt: acl.modifiedAt, createdAt: acl.createdAt }); } } } // Store dir description if (changed) fs.writeFileSync(objectsDir + id + '/_data.json', JSON.stringify(fileOptions[id])); if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(null, processed, id); }); } } catch (e) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(e.message); }); } } }; this.enableFileCache = function (enabled, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkObjectRights(null, options, 0x2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return this.enableFileCache(enabled, options, callback); } }.bind(this)); return; } if (settings.connection.noFileCache !== enabled) { settings.connection.noFileCache = !!enabled; if (!settings.connection.noFileCache) { // clear cache files = {}; } } if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(null, settings.connection.noFileCache); }); } }; // -------------- OBJECT FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------- function checkObject(id, options, flag) { // read rights of object if (!objects[id] || !objects[id].common || !objects[id].acl || flag === 'list') { return true; } if (options.user !== 'system.user.admin' && options.groups && options.groups.indexOf('system.group.administrator') === -1) { if (objects[id].acl.owner !== options.user) { // Check if the user is in the group if (options.groups.indexOf(objects[id].acl.ownerGroup) !== -1) { // Check group rights if (!(objects[id].acl.object & (flag << 4))) { return false; } } else { // everybody if (!(objects[id].acl.object & flag)) { return false; } } } else { // Check group rights if (!(objects[id].acl.object & (flag << 8))) { return false; } } } return true; } function checkObjectRights(id, options, flag, callback) { options = options || {}; if (!options.user) { // Before files converted, lets think: if no options it is admin options = { user: 'system.user.admin', params: options, group: 'system.group.administrator', acl: { object: { read: true, write: true, 'delete': true, create: true, list: true }, file: { read: true, write: true, 'delete': true, create: true, list: true }, /* state: { read: true, write: true, 'delete': true, create: true, list: true },*/ users: { read: true, write: true, create: true, 'delete': true, list: true } } }; } if (options.checked) { return callback(null, options); } if (!options.acl) { that.getUserGroup(options.user, function (user, groups, acl) { options.acl = acl || {}; options.groups = groups; options.group = groups ? groups[0] : null; checkObjectRights(id, options, flag, callback); }); return; } // if user or group objects if (regUser.test(id) || regGroup.test(id)) { // If user may write if (flag === 2 && !options.acl.users.write) {// write return callback('permissionError', options); } // If user may read if (flag === 4 && !options.acl.users.read) {// read return callback('permissionError', options); } // If user may delete if (flag === 'delete' && !options.acl.users.delete) {// delete return callback('permissionError', options); } // If user may list if (flag === 'list' && !options.acl.users.list) {// list return callback('permissionError', options); } // If user may create if (flag === 'create' && !options.acl.users.create) {// create return callback('permissionError', options); } if (flag === 'delete') flag = 2; // write } // If user may write if (flag === 2 && !options.acl.object.write) {// write return callback('permissionError', options); } // If user may read if (flag === 4 && !options.acl.object.read) {// read return callback('permissionError', options); } // If user may delete if (flag === 'delete' && !options.acl.object.delete) {// delete return callback('permissionError', options); } // If user may list if (flag === 'list' && !options.acl.object.list) {// list return callback('permissionError', options); } if (flag === 'delete') flag = 2; // write options.checked = true; if (id && !checkObject(id, options, flag)) { return callback('permissionError', options); } return callback(null, options); } function clone(obj) { if (obj === null || obj === undefined || typeof obj !== 'object') { return obj; } let temp = obj.constructor(); // changed for (let key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { temp[key] = clone(obj[key]); } } return temp; } function pattern2RegEx(pattern) { if (pattern !== '*') { if (pattern[0] === '*' && pattern[pattern.length - 1] !== '*') pattern += '$'; if (pattern[0] !== '*' && pattern[pattern.length - 1] === '*') pattern = '^' + pattern; } pattern = pattern.replace(/\./g, '\\.'); pattern = pattern.replace(/\*/g, '.*'); return pattern; } function deleteOldBackupFiles() { // delete files only if settings.backupNumber is not 0 let files = fs.readdirSync(backupDir); files.sort(); const limit = Date.now() - settings.backup.hours * 3600000; for (let f = files.length - 1; f >= 0; f--) { if (!files[f].match(/_objects.json.gz$/)) { files.splice(f, 1); } } while (files.length > settings.backup.files) { let file = files.shift(); // extract time const ms = new Date(file.substring(0, 10) + ' ' + file.substring(11, 16).replace('-', ':') + ':00').getTime(); if (limit > ms) { try { fs.unlink(backupDir + file); } catch (e) { log.error(`Cannot delete file "${backupDir + file}: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); } } } } function getTimeStr(date) { let dateObj = new Date(date); let text = dateObj.getFullYear().toString() + '-'; let v = dateObj.getMonth() + 1; if (v < 10) text += '0'; text += v.toString() + '-'; v = dateObj.getDate(); if (v < 10) text += '0'; text += v.toString() + '_'; v = dateObj.getHours(); if (v < 10) text += '0'; text += v.toString() + '-'; v = dateObj.getMinutes(); if (v < 10) text += '0'; text += v.toString(); return text; } function saveConfig() { if (fs.existsSync(objectsName)) { let old = fs.readFileSync(objectsName); fs.writeFileSync(objectsName + '.bak', old); } try { const actual = JSON.stringify(objects); fs.writeFileSync(objectsName, actual); if (!settings.backup.disabled) { // save files for the last x hours const now = Date.now(); // makes backups only if settings.backupInterval is not 0 if (settings.backup.period && (!lastSave || now - lastSave > settings.backup.period)) { lastSave = now; let backFileName = backupDir + getTimeStr(now) + '_objects.json.gz'; if (!fs.existsSync(backFileName)) { zlib = zlib || require('zlib'); let output = fs.createWriteStream(backFileName); let compress = zlib.createGzip(); /* The following line will pipe everything written into compress to the file stream */ compress.pipe(output); /* Since we're piped through the file stream, the following line will do: 'Hello World!'->gzip compression->file which is the desired effect */ compress.write(actual); compress.end(); // analyse older files deleteOldBackupFiles(); } } } } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot save file ' + objectsName + ': ' + e); } if (configTimer) { clearTimeout(configTimer); configTimer = null; } } function subscribe(socket, type, pattern, options) { socket._subscribe = socket._subscribe || {}; let s = socket._subscribe[type] = socket._subscribe[type] || []; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (s[i].pattern === pattern) return; } s.push({pattern: pattern, regex: new RegExp(pattern2RegEx(pattern)), options: options}); } function unsubscribe(socket, type, pattern /*, options */) { if (!socket._subscribe || !socket._subscribe[type]) return; let s = socket._subscribe[type]; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (s[i].pattern === pattern) { s.splice(i, 1); return; } } } function publish(socket, type, id, obj) { if (!socket._subscribe || !socket._subscribe[type]) return; let s = socket._subscribe[type]; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (s[i].regex.test(id)) { socket.emit('message', s[i].pattern, id, obj); return; } } } function publishAll(type, id, obj) { if (id === undefined) { console.log('Problem'); } let clients = server.io.sockets.connected; for (let i in clients) { if (clients.hasOwnProperty(i)) { publish(clients[i], type, id, obj); } } if (change && that._subscribe && that._subscribe[type]) { for (let j = 0; j < that._subscribe[type].length; j++) { if (that._subscribe[type][j].regex.test(id)) { setImmediate(change, id, obj); break; } } } } /* function storeHistory(id, obj) { let parts = id.split('.'); let date = parts.pop(); let file = historyName + date + '/' + parts.join('.') + '.json'; if (!fs.existsSync(historyName + date)) fs.mkdirSync(historyName + date); fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(obj.common.data, null, 2)); delete obj.common.data; } function today() { let dateObj = new Date(); let text = dateObj.getFullYear().toString(); let v = dateObj.getMonth() + 1; if (v < 10) text += '0'; text += v.toString(); v = dateObj.getDate(); if (v < 10) text += '0'; text += v.toString(); return text; } function loadHistory(id, obj) { let parts = id.split('.'); let date = parts.pop(); let file = historyName + date + '/' + parts.join('.') + '.json'; if (fs.existsSync(file)) { if (!obj || !obj.common) { obj = { type: 'history', common: { source: id, day: date, data: [] }, native: {} }; } try { obj.common.data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(file)); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot parse file ' + file + ': ' + e.message); obj.common.data = []; } } }*/ this.subscribeConfig = function (pattern, options, callback) { if (!options || !options.checked) { let socket = this; checkObjectRights(null, options, 'list', function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return that.subscribeConfig.call(socket, pattern, options, callback); } }.bind(this)); return; } subscribe(this, 'objects', pattern, options); if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(); }) } }; this.subscribe = this.subscribeConfig; this.unsubscribeConfig = function (pattern, options, callback) { if (!options || !options.checked) { let socket = this; checkObjectRights(null, options, 'list', function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function')callback(err); } else { return that.unsubscribeConfig.call(socket, pattern, options, callback); } }.bind(this)); return; } unsubscribe(this, 'objects', pattern); if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(); }); } }; this.unsubscribe = this.unsubscribeConfig; this.chownObject = function (pattern, options, callback) { options = options || {}; if (typeof options !== 'object') { options = {owner: options}; } if (!options.ownerGroup && options.group) options.ownerGroup = options.group; if (!options.owner && options.user) options.owner = options.user; if (!options.owner) { log.error(namespace + ' user is not defined'); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('invalid parameter'); return; } if (!options.ownerGroup) { // get user group this.getUserGroup(options.owner, function (user, groups /* , permissions*/) { if (!groups || !groups[0]) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('user "' + options.owner + '" belongs to no group'); return; } else { options.ownerGroup = groups[0]; } that.chownObject(pattern, options, callback); }); return; } if (!options.checked) { checkObjectRights(null, options, 0x2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { if (!options.acl.object || !options.acl.object.write) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('permissionError'); } else { return that.chownObject(pattern, options, callback); } } }); return; } this.getConfigKeys(pattern, options, function (err, keys) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); return; } let list = []; for (let k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) { if (!checkObject(keys[k], options, 2/*write*/)) continue; if (!objects[keys[k]].acl) { objects[keys[k]].acl = { owner: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.owner) || 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator', object: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.object) || 0x644 // '0644' }; if (objects[keys[k]].type === 'state') { objects[keys[k]].acl.state = (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.state) || 0x644; // '0644' } } objects[keys[k]].acl.owner = options.owner; objects[keys[k]].acl.ownerGroup = options.ownerGroup; list.push(Object.assign({}, objects[keys[k]])); } if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(null, list); if (!configTimer) configTimer = setTimeout(saveConfig, 5000); }); }; this.chmodObject = function (pattern, options, callback) { options = options || {}; if (typeof options !== 'object') { options = {object: options}; } if (options.mode && !options.object) options.object = options.mode; if (options.object === undefined) { log.error(namespace + ' mode is not defined'); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('invalid parameter'); return; } else if (typeof options.mode === 'string') { options.mode = parseInt(options.mode, 16); } if (!options.checked) { checkObjectRights(null, options, 0x2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { if (!options.acl.file.write) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('permissionError'); } else { return that.chmodObject(pattern, options, callback); } } }); return; } this.getConfigKeys(pattern, options, function (err, keys) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); return; } let list = []; for (let k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) { if (!checkObject(keys[k], options, 2/*write*/)) continue; if (!objects[keys[k]].acl) { objects[keys[k]].acl = { owner: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.owner) || 'system.user.admin', ownerGroup: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator', object: (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.object) || 0x644 // '0644' }; if (objects[keys[k]].type === 'state') { objects[keys[k]].acl.state = (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.state) || 0x644; // '0644' } } if (options.object !== undefined) objects[keys[k]].acl.object = options.object; if (options.state !== undefined) objects[keys[k]].acl.state = options.state; list.push(Object.assign({}, objects[keys[k]])); } if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(null, list); if (!configTimer) configTimer = setTimeout(saveConfig, 5000); }); }; this.getObject = function (id, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkObjectRights(id, options, 0x4/*read*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return this.getObject(id, options, callback); } }.bind(this)); return; } if (typeof callback === 'function') { let obj = clone(objects[id]); // Read history from file /*if (regHistory.test(id)) { if (!obj) obj = {}; if (!obj.common || !obj.common.data) loadHistory(id, obj); if (obj.common && (!objects[id] || !objects[id].common)) objects[id] = obj; // store the history for today in cache if (obj.common && obj.common.day) { if (today() === obj.common.day) { objects[id].common.data = obj.common.data; } else if (objects[id].common.data) { delete objects[id].common.data; } } }*/ if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(callback, null, obj); } } }; this.getObjectAsync = function (id, options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.getObject(id, options, (err, obj) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(obj); } }); }); }; this.getKeys = function (pattern, options, callback, dontModify) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkObjectRights(null, options, 'list', function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return this.getConfigKeys(pattern, options, callback, dontModify); } }.bind(this)); return; } let r = new RegExp(pattern2RegEx(pattern)); let result = []; for (let id in objects) { if (!objects.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; if (r.test(id) && checkObject(id, options, 'list')) { result.push(id); } } result.sort(); if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(null, result); }); } }; this.getConfigKeys = this.getKeys; this.getObjects = function (keys, options, callback, dontModify) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkObjectRights(null, options, 0x4/*read*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return this.getObjects(keys, options, callback, dontModify); } }.bind(this)); return; } if (!keys) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('no keys', null); return; } if (!keys.length) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(null, []); return; } let result = []; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (checkObject(keys[i], options, 4/*read*/)) { result.push(clone(objects[keys[i]])); } else { result.push({error: 'permissionError'}); } } if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(null, result); }); } }; this.getObjectsByPattern = (pattern, options, callback) => { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkObjectRights(null, options, 0x4/*read*/, (err, options) => { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return this.getObjectsByPattern(pattern, options, callback); } }); return; } let r = new RegExp(pattern2RegEx(pattern)); let keys = []; for (let id in objects) { if (!objects.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; if (r.test(id) && checkObject(id, options, 0x4/*read*/)) { keys.push(id); } } keys.sort(); let result = []; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { result.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objects[keys[i]]))); } if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(null, result); }); } }; this.getObjectsByPatternAsync = (pattern, options) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.getObjectsByPattern(pattern, options, (err, objs) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(objs); } }) }); }; /** * set anew or update object * * This function writes the object into DB * * @alias setObject * @memberof objectsInMemServer * @param {string} id ID of the object * @param {object} obj * @param {object} options options for access control are optional * @param {function} callback return function */ this.setObject = function (id, obj, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkObjectRights(id, options, 0x2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(err); } } else { return this.setObject(id, obj, options, callback); } }.bind(this)); return; } if (!id || id.indexOf('*') !== -1) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(`Invalid ID: ${id}`); } return; } if (!obj) { log.error(namespace + ' setObject: Argument object is null'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback('obj is null'); } return; } obj._id = id; if (id === 'system.config' && obj && obj.common && objects[id] && objects[id].common && JSON.stringify(obj.common.defaultNewAcl) !== JSON.stringify(objects[id].common.defaultNewAcl)) { objects[id] = obj; return setDefaultAcl(function () { that.setObject(id, obj, options, callback); }); } if (!tools.checkNonEditable(objects[id], obj)) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback('Invalid password for update of vendor information'); } return; } // do not delete common settings, like "history" or "mobile". It can be erased only with "null" if (objects[id] && objects[id].common) { for (let i = 0; i < preserveSettings.length; i++) { // remove settings if desired if (obj.common && obj.common[preserveSettings[i]] === null) { delete obj.common[preserveSettings[i]]; continue; } if (objects[id].common[preserveSettings[i]] !== undefined && (!obj.common || obj.common[preserveSettings[i]] === undefined)) { if (!obj.common) obj.common = {}; obj.common[preserveSettings[i]] = objects[id].common[preserveSettings[i]]; } } } if (objects[id] && objects[id].acl && !obj.acl) { obj.acl = objects[id].acl; } // add user default rights if (defaultNewAcl && !obj.acl) { obj.acl = Object.assign({}, defaultNewAcl); delete obj.acl.file; if (obj.type !== 'state') { delete obj.acl.state; } if (options.owner) { obj.acl.owner = options.owner; if (!options.ownerGroup) { obj.acl.ownerGroup = null; this.getUserGroup(options.owner, function (user, groups /* , permissions */) { if (!groups || !groups[0]) { options.ownerGroup = (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator'; } else { options.ownerGroup = groups[0]; } that.setObject(id, obj, options, callback); }); return; } } } if (defaultNewAcl && obj.acl && !obj.acl.ownerGroup && options.ownerGroup) { obj.acl.ownerGroup = options.ownerGroup; } objects[id] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); publishAll('objects', id, obj); if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(null, {id: id}); }); } if (!configTimer) { configTimer = setTimeout(saveConfig, 5000); } }; this.setObjectAsync = (id, obj, options) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.setObject(id, obj, options, err => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }) }); }; this.delObject = function (id, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkObjectRights(id, options, 'delete', function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return this.delObject(id, options, callback); } }.bind(this)); return; } if (objects[id]) { if (objects[id].common && objects[id].common.dontDelete) { return setImmediate(function () { callback('Object is marked as non deletable'); }); } delete objects[id]; publishAll('objects', id, null); if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(null); }); } if (!configTimer) { configTimer = setTimeout(saveConfig, 5000); } } else { if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback('Not exists'); }); } } }; this.delObjectAsync = function (id, options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.delObject(id, options, err => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); }; this._applyView = function (func, params, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkObjectRights(null, options, 'list', function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return this._applyView(func, params, options, callback); } }.bind(this)); return; } let result = { rows: [] }; function _emit_(id, obj) { result.rows.push({id: id, value: obj}); } let f = eval('(' + func.map.replace(/emit/g, '_emit_') + ')'); for (let id in objects) { if (!objects.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; if (params) { if (params.startkey && id < params.startkey) continue; if (params.endkey && id > params.endkey) continue; } if (objects[id]) { try { f(objects[id]); } catch (e) { console.log('Cannot execute map: ' + e.message); } } } // Calculate max if (func.reduce === '_stats') { let max = null; for (let i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) { if (max === null || result.rows[i].value > max) { max = result.rows[i].value; } } if (max !== null) { result.rows = [{id: '_stats', value: {max: max}}]; } else { result.rows = []; } } if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(null, result); }; this.getObjectView = function (design, search, params, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkObjectRights(null, options, 'list', function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return this.getObjectView(design, search, params, options, callback); } }.bind(this)); return; } if (objects['_design/' + design]) { if (objects['_design/' + design].views && objects['_design/' + design].views[search]) { that._applyView(objects['_design/' + design].views[search], params, options, callback); } else { console.log('Cannot find search "' + search + '" in "' + design + '"'); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback({status_code: 404, status_text: 'Cannot find search "' + search + '" in "' + design + '"'}); } } else { console.log('Cannot find view "' + design + '"'); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback({status_code: 404, status_text: 'Cannot find view "' + design + '"'}); } }; this.getObjectList = function (params, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkObjectRights(null, options, 'list', function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return this.getObjectList(params, options, callback); } }.bind(this)); return; } // return rows with id and doc let result = { rows: [] }; for (let id in objects) { if (!checkObject(id, options, 'read')) continue; if (params) { if (params.startkey && id < params.startkey) continue; if (params.endkey && id > params.endkey) continue; if (!params.include_docs && id[0] === '_') continue; } let obj = {id: id, value: clone(objects[id])}; obj.doc = obj.value; if (options.sorted) { // insert sorted if (!result.rows.length) { result.rows.push(obj); } else if (obj.id <= result.rows[0].id) { result.rows.unshift(obj); } else if (obj.id >= result.rows[result.rows.length - 1].id) { result.rows.push(obj); } else { for (let t = 1; t < result.rows.length; t++) { if (obj.id > result.rows[t - 1].id && obj.id <= result.rows[t].id) { result.rows.splice(t, 0, obj); break; } } } } else { result.rows.push(obj); } } if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(null, result); }; this.getObjectListAsync = (params, options) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.getObjectList(params, options, (err, arr) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(arr); } }) }); }; this.extendObject = function (id, obj, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkObjectRights(id, options, 2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return this.extendObject(id, obj, options, callback); } }.bind(this)); return; } if (!id || id.indexOf('*') !== -1) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(`Invalid ID: ${id}`); } return; } if (id === 'system.config' && obj && obj.common && objects[id] && objects[id].common && JSON.stringify(obj.common.defaultNewAcl) !== JSON.stringify(objects[id].common.defaultNewAcl)) { objects[id] = obj; return setDefaultAcl(function () { that.extendObject(id, obj, options, callback); }); } let oldObj; if (objects[id] && objects[id].nonEdit) { oldObj = Object.assign({}, objects[id]) } objects[id] = objects[id] || {}; objects[id] = extend(true, objects[id], obj); objects[id]._id = id; // add user default rights if (defaultNewAcl && !objects[id].acl) { objects[id].acl = Object.assign({}, defaultNewAcl); delete objects[id].acl.file; if (objects[id].type !== 'state') { delete objects[id].acl.state; } if (options.owner) { objects[id].acl.owner = options.owner; if (!options.ownerGroup) { objects[id].acl.ownerGroup = null; this.getUserGroup(options.owner, function (user, groups /*, permissions */) { if (!groups || !groups[0]) { options.ownerGroup = (defaultNewAcl && defaultNewAcl.ownerGroup) || 'system.group.administrator'; } else { options.ownerGroup = groups[0]; } that.extendObject(id, obj, options, callback); }); return; } } } if (defaultNewAcl && options.ownerGroup && objects[id].acl && !objects[id].acl.ownerGroup) { objects[id].acl.ownerGroup = options.ownerGroup; } if (oldObj && !tools.checkNonEditable(oldObj, objects[id])) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback('Invalid password for update of vendor information'); } return; } publishAll('objects', id, objects[id]); if (typeof callback === 'function') { setImmediate(function () { callback(null, {id: id, value: objects[id]}, id); }); } if (!configTimer) configTimer = setTimeout(saveConfig, 5000); }; this.extendObjectAsync = function (id, obj, options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.extendObject(id, obj, options, err => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); }; this.setConfig = this.setObject; this.delConfig = this.delObject; this.getConfig = this.getObject; this.getConfigs = this.getObjects; this.findObject = function (idOrName, type, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (!options || !options.checked) { checkObjectRights(null, options, 'list', function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { return this.findObject(idOrName, type, options, callback); } }.bind(this)); return; } if (!objects) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('Not implemented'); return; } // Assume it is ID if (objects[idOrName] && (!type || (objects[idOrName].common && objects[idOrName].common.type === type))) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(null, idOrName, objects[idOrName].common.name); } else { // Assume it is name for (let id in objects) { if (!checkObject(id, options, 4/*read*/)) continue; if (objects[id].common && objects[id].common.name === idOrName && (!type || (objects[id].common && objects[id].common.type === type))) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(null, id, idOrName); return; } } if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(null, null, idOrName); } }; // can be called only from js-controller this.addPreserveSettings = function (settings) { if (typeof settings !== 'object') settings = [settings]; for (let s = 0; s < settings.length; s++) { if (preserveSettings.indexOf(settings[s]) === -1) preserveSettings.push(settings[s]); } }; this.destroyDB = function (options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } options = options || {}; if (!options.checked) { checkObjectRights(null, options, 0x2/*write*/, function (err, options) { if (err) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(err); } else { if (!options.acl.file.write) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback('permissionError'); } else { return that.destroyDB(options, callback); } } }); return; } if (fs.existsSync(objectsName)) { fs.unlinkSync(objectsName); } if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(); }; function socketEvents(socket /*, user*/) { socket.on('writeFile', function (id, name, data, options, callback) { that.writeFile.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('destroy', function (callback) { // client may not close DB if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(); //that.destroy.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('enableFileCache', function (enabled, options, callback) { that.enableFileCache.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('readFile', function (id, name, params, options, callback) { that.readFile.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('readDir', function (id, path, options, callback) { that.readDir.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('unlink', function (id, name, options, callback) { that.unlink.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('rename', function (id, oldName, newName, options, callback) { that.rename.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('mkdir', function (id, dirname, callback) { that.mkdir.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('chownFile', function (id, path, options, callback) { that.chownFile.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('chmodFile', function (id, path, options, callback) { that.chmodFile.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('rm', function (id, path, options, callback) { that.rm.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('touch', function (id, path, options, callback) { that.touch.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('subscribe', function (pattern, options) { // it must be "this" and not "that" that.subscribe.apply(this, arguments); }); socket.on('unsubscribe', function (pattern, options) { // it must be "this" and not "that" that.unsubscribe.apply(this, arguments); }); socket.on('getObjectView', function (design, search, params, options, callback) { that.getObjectView.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('getObjectList', function (params, options, callback) { that.getObjectList.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('extendObject', function (id, obj, options, callback) { that.extendObject.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('setObject', function (id, obj, options, callback) { that.setObject.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('delObject', function (id, options, callback) { that.delObject.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('findObject', function (idOrName, type, options, callback) { that.findObject.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('destroyDB', function (options, callback) { that.destroyDB.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('getObject', function (id, options, callback) { that.getObject.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('chownObject', function (pattern, options, callback) { that.chownObject.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('chmodObject', function (pattern, options, callback) { that.chmodObject.apply(that, arguments); }); socket.on('error', function (err) { log.error(namespace + ' ' + err); }); } function initSocket(socket) { if (settings.auth) { let user = null; socketEvents(socket /*, user*/); } else { socketEvents(socket); } } function _initWebServer(settings, server) { try { if (settings.secure) { if (!settings.certificates) return; server.server = require('https').createServer(settings.certificates, function (req, res) { res.writeHead(501); res.end('Not Implemented'); }); } else { server.server = require('http').createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(501); res.end('Not Implemented'); }); } server.server.listen(settings.port || 9001, (settings.host && settings.host !== 'localhost') ? settings.host : ((settings.host === 'localhost') ? '' : undefined)); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot start inMem-objects on port ' + (settings.port || 9001) + ': ' + e.message); console.log('Cannot start inMem-objects on port ' + (settings.port || 9001) + ': ' + e.message); process.exit(24); } server.io = socketio.listen(server.server); if (settings.auth) { server.io.use(function (socket, next) { if (!socket.request._query.user || !socket.request._query.pass) { console.log('No password or username!'); next(new Error('Authentication error')); } else { next(new Error('Authentication error')); // TODO /*adapter.checkPassword(socket.request._query.user, socket.request._query.pass, function (res) { if (res) { console.log("Logged in: " + socket.request._query.user + ', ' + socket.request._query.pass); return next(); } else { console.log("Invalid password or user name: " + socket.request._query.user + ', ' + socket.request._query.pass); next(new Error('Invalid password or user name')); } });*/ } }); } server.io.set('origins', '*:*'); server.io.on('connection', initSocket); log.info(namespace + ' ' + (settings.secure ? 'Secure ' : '') + ' inMem-objects listening on port ' + (settings.port || 9001)); } // Destructor of the class. Called by shutting down. this.destroy = function () { if (configTimer) saveConfig(); saveFileSettings(true); if (server.io) { if (server.io.sockets && server.io.sockets.connected) { for (let s in server.io.sockets.connected) { if (server.io.sockets.connected.hasOwnProperty(s)) { delete server.io.sockets.connected[s]; } } } try { server.io.close(); } catch (e) { console.log(e.message); } } }; let __construct = (function () { if (fs.existsSync(objectsName)) { try { objects = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsName).toString()); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot parse ' + objectsName + ': ' + e); if (fs.existsSync(objectsName + '.bak')) { try { objects = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsName + '.bak').toString()); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot parse ' + objectsName + '.bak: ' + e); objects = {}; } } else { objects = {}; } } } else if (fs.existsSync(objectsName + '.bak')) { try { objects = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(objectsName + '.bak').toString()); } catch (e) { log.error(namespace + ' Cannot parse ' + objectsName + '.bak: ' + e); objects = {}; } } else { objects = {}; } // init default new acl if (objects['system.config'] && objects['system.config'].common && objects['system.config'].common.defaultNewAcl) { defaultNewAcl = Object.assign({}, objects['system.config'].common.defaultNewAcl); } // Create history directory // (!fs.existsSync(historyName)) fs.mkdirSync(historyName); change = settings.change || function (id /*, obj */) { log.silly(namespace + ' objects change: ' + id + ' ' + JSON.stringify(change)); }; // Check if directory exists objectsName = objectsName.replace(/\\/g, '/'); /** @type {string|string[]} */ let parts = objectsName.split('/'); parts.pop(); parts = parts.join('/'); if (!fs.existsSync(parts)) fs.mkdirSync(parts); _initWebServer(settings.connection, server); if (settings.connected) { setImmediate(function () { settings.connected('InMemoryDB'); }); } })(); } module.exports = ObjectsInMemServer;