2025-02-24 20:31:33.757 - info: kecontact.1 (64499) change pause status of wallbox from true to false 2025-02-24 20:31:34.118 - info: kecontact.1 (64499) (re)start charging with 16000mA (maxPower) 2025-02-24 20:32:00.569 - info: javascript.0 (59211) script.js.common.SolarWeb: Solarweb Token erstellt 2025-02-24 20:32:04.318 - info: host.raspberrypi "system.adapter.kecontact.0" enabled 2025-02-24 20:32:04.920 - info: host.raspberrypi instance system.adapter.kecontact.0 in version "2.3.0" (non-npm: iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.kecontact) started with pid 64647 2025-02-24 20:32:05.476 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2025-02-24 20:32:05.494 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2025-02-24 20:32:05.495 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Objects create System PubSub Client 2025-02-24 20:32:05.496 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Objects create User PubSub Client 2025-02-24 20:32:05.528 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2025-02-24 20:32:05.532 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Objects connected to redis: 2025-02-24 20:32:05.550 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2025-02-24 20:32:05.560 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) States create System PubSub Client 2025-02-24 20:32:05.561 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) States create User PubSub Client 2025-02-24 20:32:05.621 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) States connected to redis: 2025-02-24 20:32:05.657 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Plugin sentry Initialize Plugin (enabled=true) 2025-02-24 20:32:05.944 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) starting. Version 2.3.0 (non-npm: iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.kecontact) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.kecontact, node: v20.18.3, js-controller: 7.0.6 2025-02-24 20:32:05.953 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) starting charging station in active mode 2025-02-24 20:32:05.954 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) Using min time between phase switching of: 305 sec 2025-02-24 20:32:05.954 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config host: 2025-02-24 20:32:05.955 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config passiveMode: false 2025-02-24 20:32:05.955 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config pollInterval: 15 2025-02-24 20:32:05.955 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config loadChargingSessions: false 2025-02-24 20:32:05.955 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config useX1forAutomatic: false 2025-02-24 20:32:05.955 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config stateRegard: fronius.1.site.P_Grid 2025-02-24 20:32:05.955 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config stateSurplus: 2025-02-24 20:32:05.956 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config stateBatteryCharging: 2025-02-24 20:32:05.956 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config stateBatteryDischarging: fronius.1.site.P_Akku 2025-02-24 20:32:05.956 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config stateBatterySoC: fronius.1.storage.0.StateOfCharge_Relative 2025-02-24 20:32:05.956 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config batteryPower: 8750 2025-02-24 20:32:05.956 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config batteryMinSoC: 30 2025-02-24 20:32:05.956 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config batteryStorageStrategy: 2 2025-02-24 20:32:05.956 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config statesIncludeWallbox: true 2025-02-24 20:32:05.956 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config.state1p3pSwitch: 2025-02-24 20:32:05.956 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config.1p3pViax2: true 2025-02-24 20:32:05.956 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config.1p3pSwitchIsNO: true, 1p = 0, 3p = 1, off = 0 2025-02-24 20:32:05.957 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config minAmperage: 6000 2025-02-24 20:32:05.957 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config addPower: 0 2025-02-24 20:32:05.957 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config delta: 500 2025-02-24 20:32:05.957 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config underusage: 0 2025-02-24 20:32:05.957 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config minTime: 300 2025-02-24 20:32:05.957 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config regardTime: 30 2025-02-24 20:32:05.957 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config stateEnWG: 2025-02-24 20:32:05.957 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config dynamicEnWG: false 2025-02-24 20:32:05.957 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config maxPower: 0 2025-02-24 20:32:05.957 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config stateEnergyMeter1: 2025-02-24 20:32:05.957 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config stateEnergyMeter2: 2025-02-24 20:32:05.957 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config stateEnergyMeter3: 2025-02-24 20:32:05.958 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config wallboxNotIncluded: false 2025-02-24 20:32:05.958 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config maxAmperage: 32000 2025-02-24 20:32:05.958 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config stateAmperagePhase1: fronius.1.meter.0.Current_AC_Phase_1 2025-02-24 20:32:05.958 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config stateAmperagePhase2: fronius.1.meter.0.Current_AC_Phase_2 2025-02-24 20:32:05.958 - info: kecontact.0 (64647) config stateAmperagePhase3: fronius.1.meter.0.Current_AC_Phase_3 2025-02-24 20:32:05.960 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP server listening on 2025-02-24 20:32:05.960 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP broadcast server listening on 2025-02-24 20:32:05.974 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) subscribe state fronius.1.site.P_Grid - current value: 8901.6 2025-02-24 20:32:05.975 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) subscribe state fronius.1.site.P_Akku - current value: 0.85 2025-02-24 20:32:05.976 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) subscribe state fronius.1.storage.0.StateOfCharge_Relative - current value: 61.3 2025-02-24 20:32:05.978 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) subscribe state fronius.1.meter.0.Current_AC_Phase_1 - current value: 26.78 2025-02-24 20:32:05.979 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) subscribe state fronius.1.meter.0.Current_AC_Phase_2 - current value: 11.28 2025-02-24 20:32:05.979 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) subscribe state fronius.1.meter.0.Current_AC_Phase_3 - current value: 2.13 2025-02-24 20:32:06.071 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 1" to 2025-02-24 20:32:06.073 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "1", "Product": "KC-P30-EC2404B2-L0A-GE", "Serial": "28345628", "Firmware":"P30 v 3.10.61 (241209-090525)", "COM-module": 1, "Backend": 0, "timeQ": 3, "setBoot": 0, "DIP-Sw1": "0xa2", "DIP-Sw2": "0x00", "Sec": 873576 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:06.370 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 2" to 2025-02-24 20:32:06.371 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 1, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 3, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 1, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873576 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:06.670 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 3" to 2025-02-24 20:32:06.671 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 344, "E total": 235075, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873577 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:06.740 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) current max current is 16000 2025-02-24 20:32:06.740 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) amperage of mains: 26.78/11.28/2.13, amperage of charging station: 0/0/0 => available: 31973.22/31988.72/31997.87 2025-02-24 20:32:06.741 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available max amperage: 31973.22 2025-02-24 20:32:06.741 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available surplus: -8902.45 2025-02-24 20:32:06.741 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) pvAutomaticsActive: false, vehicleIsPlugged: false 2025-02-24 20:32:06.741 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) new current due to vehicle not plugged or pv automatics not active is 16000 2025-02-24 20:32:06.742 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) wallbox set to charging maximum of 16000 mA 2025-02-24 20:32:06.970 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 100" to 2025-02-24 20:32:06.973 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 16, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 234731, "E pres": 344, "started[s]": 1739637416, "ended[s]": 1739637466, "started": "2025-02-15 16:36:56.000", "ended": "2025-02-15 16:37:46.000", "reason": 1, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "02b5e3ab00000000", "RFID class": "8618780a000000000000", "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873577 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:06.973 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) History ID received: 00 2025-02-24 20:32:08.887 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 3, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020282 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:08.889 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:08.957 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:32:09.188 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 227, "U2": 227, "U3": 230, "I1": 472, "I2": 6, "I3": 4, "P": 903, "PF": 8, "E pres": 28721, "E total": 76240196, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020283 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:09.189 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:09.257 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:32:09.488 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 2644, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 76211475, "E pres": 28721, "started[s]": 1740414712, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2025-02-24 16:31:52.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020283 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:09.490 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:09.565 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:32:21.071 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 2" to 2025-02-24 20:32:21.072 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 1, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 3, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 1, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873591 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:21.371 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 3" to 2025-02-24 20:32:21.373 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 344, "E total": 235075, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873591 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:21.446 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) current max current is 16000 2025-02-24 20:32:21.446 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) amperage of mains: 11.56/11.35/2.38, amperage of charging station: 0/0/0 => available: 31988.44/31988.65/31997.62 2025-02-24 20:32:21.446 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available max amperage: 31988.44 2025-02-24 20:32:21.446 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available surplus: -5631.05 2025-02-24 20:32:21.671 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 100" to 2025-02-24 20:32:21.673 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 16, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 234731, "E pres": 344, "started[s]": 1739637416, "ended[s]": 1739637466, "started": "2025-02-15 16:36:56.000", "ended": "2025-02-15 16:37:46.000", "reason": 1, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "02b5e3ab00000000", "RFID class": "8618780a000000000000", "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873592 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:21.673 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) History ID received: 00 2025-02-24 20:32:22.295 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{"State": 2}" 2025-02-24 20:32:22.296 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:22.298 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP broadcast datagram from "{"State": 2}" 2025-02-24 20:32:22.361 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP broadcast datagram from "{"State": 2}" 2025-02-24 20:32:22.369 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:32:23.887 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 2, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020297 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:23.889 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:23.961 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:32:24.187 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 227, "U2": 226, "U3": 231, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 28721, "E total": 76240196, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020298 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:24.188 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:24.257 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:32:24.489 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 2644, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 76211475, "E pres": 28721, "started[s]": 1740414712, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2025-02-24 16:31:52.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020298 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:24.490 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:24.561 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:32:36.071 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 2" to 2025-02-24 20:32:36.072 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 1, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 3, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 1, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873606 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:36.371 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 3" to 2025-02-24 20:32:36.372 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 344, "E total": 235075, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873606 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:36.447 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) current max current is 16000 2025-02-24 20:32:36.447 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) amperage of mains: 13.02/13.14/3.79, amperage of charging station: 0/0/0 => available: 31986.98/31986.86/31996.21 2025-02-24 20:32:36.447 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available max amperage: 31986.86 2025-02-24 20:32:36.447 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available surplus: -6711.96 2025-02-24 20:32:36.447 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) pvAutomaticsActive: false, vehicleIsPlugged: false 2025-02-24 20:32:36.447 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) new current due to vehicle not plugged or pv automatics not active is 16000 2025-02-24 20:32:36.448 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) wallbox set to charging maximum of 16000 mA 2025-02-24 20:32:36.671 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 100" to 2025-02-24 20:32:36.673 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 16, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 234731, "E pres": 344, "started[s]": 1739637416, "ended[s]": 1739637466, "started": "2025-02-15 16:36:56.000", "ended": "2025-02-15 16:37:46.000", "reason": 1, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "02b5e3ab00000000", "RFID class": "8618780a000000000000", "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873607 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:36.673 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) History ID received: 00 2025-02-24 20:32:38.888 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 2, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020312 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:38.889 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:38.957 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:32:39.188 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 226, "U2": 226, "U3": 230, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 28721, "E total": 76240196, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020313 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:39.189 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:39.257 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:32:39.489 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 2644, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 76211475, "E pres": 28721, "started[s]": 1740414712, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2025-02-24 16:31:52.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020313 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:39.490 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:39.557 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:32:51.071 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 2" to 2025-02-24 20:32:51.072 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 1, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 3, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 1, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873621 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:51.371 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 3" to 2025-02-24 20:32:51.372 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 344, "E total": 235075, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873621 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:51.457 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) current max current is 16000 2025-02-24 20:32:51.458 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) amperage of mains: 14.06/14.31/5.3, amperage of charging station: 0/0/0 => available: 31985.94/31985.69/31994.7 2025-02-24 20:32:51.458 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available max amperage: 31985.69 2025-02-24 20:32:51.458 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available surplus: -7555.52 2025-02-24 20:32:51.671 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 100" to 2025-02-24 20:32:51.673 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 16, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 234731, "E pres": 344, "started[s]": 1739637416, "ended[s]": 1739637466, "started": "2025-02-15 16:36:56.000", "ended": "2025-02-15 16:37:46.000", "reason": 1, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "02b5e3ab00000000", "RFID class": "8618780a000000000000", "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873622 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:51.673 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) History ID received: 00 2025-02-24 20:32:53.888 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 2, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020327 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:53.889 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:53.924 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:32:54.188 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 225, "U2": 227, "U3": 230, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 28721, "E total": 76240196, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020328 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:54.190 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:54.265 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:32:54.489 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 2644, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 76211475, "E pres": 28721, "started[s]": 1740414712, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2025-02-24 16:31:52.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020328 } " 2025-02-24 20:32:54.490 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:32:54.573 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:33:06.071 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 2" to 2025-02-24 20:33:06.072 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 1, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 3, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 1, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873636 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:06.371 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 3" to 2025-02-24 20:33:06.373 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 344, "E total": 235075, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873636 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:06.444 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) current max current is 16000 2025-02-24 20:33:06.444 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) amperage of mains: 13.97/14.47/5.16, amperage of charging station: 0/0/0 => available: 31986.03/31985.53/31994.84 2025-02-24 20:33:06.445 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available max amperage: 31985.53 2025-02-24 20:33:06.445 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available surplus: -7531.6 2025-02-24 20:33:06.445 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) pvAutomaticsActive: false, vehicleIsPlugged: false 2025-02-24 20:33:06.445 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) new current due to vehicle not plugged or pv automatics not active is 16000 2025-02-24 20:33:06.445 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) wallbox set to charging maximum of 16000 mA 2025-02-24 20:33:06.672 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 100" to 2025-02-24 20:33:06.675 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 16, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 234731, "E pres": 344, "started[s]": 1739637416, "ended[s]": 1739637466, "started": "2025-02-15 16:36:56.000", "ended": "2025-02-15 16:37:46.000", "reason": 1, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "02b5e3ab00000000", "RFID class": "8618780a000000000000", "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873637 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:06.675 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) History ID received: 00 2025-02-24 20:33:08.888 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 2, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020342 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:08.889 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:33:08.969 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:33:09.188 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 226, "U2": 228, "U3": 231, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 28721, "E total": 76240196, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020343 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:09.189 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:33:09.253 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:33:09.489 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 2644, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 76211475, "E pres": 28721, "started[s]": 1740414712, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2025-02-24 16:31:52.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020343 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:09.490 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:33:09.557 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:33:21.071 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 2" to 2025-02-24 20:33:21.072 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 1, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 3, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 1, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873651 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:21.370 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 3" to 2025-02-24 20:33:21.372 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 344, "E total": 235075, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873651 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:21.436 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) current max current is 16000 2025-02-24 20:33:21.436 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) amperage of mains: 13.78/14.61/4.57, amperage of charging station: 0/0/0 => available: 31986.22/31985.39/31995.43 2025-02-24 20:33:21.436 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available max amperage: 31985.39 2025-02-24 20:33:21.437 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available surplus: -7400.4 2025-02-24 20:33:21.671 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 100" to 2025-02-24 20:33:21.673 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 16, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 234731, "E pres": 344, "started[s]": 1739637416, "ended[s]": 1739637466, "started": "2025-02-15 16:36:56.000", "ended": "2025-02-15 16:37:46.000", "reason": 1, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "02b5e3ab00000000", "RFID class": "8618780a000000000000", "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873652 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:21.673 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) History ID received: 00 2025-02-24 20:33:23.888 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 2, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020357 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:23.889 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:33:23.957 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:33:24.188 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 225, "U2": 228, "U3": 229, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 28721, "E total": 76240196, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020358 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:24.189 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:33:24.257 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:33:24.489 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 2644, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 76211475, "E pres": 28721, "started[s]": 1740414712, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2025-02-24 16:31:52.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020358 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:24.492 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:33:24.589 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:33:36.070 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 2" to 2025-02-24 20:33:36.072 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 1, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 3, "AuthON": 1, "Authreq": 1, "Enable sys": 0, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 0, "Max curr %": 1000, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 1, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 4, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873666 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:36.371 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 3" to 2025-02-24 20:33:36.372 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 0, "U2": 0, "U3": 0, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 344, "E total": 235075, "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873666 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:36.438 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) current max current is 16000 2025-02-24 20:33:36.438 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) amperage of mains: 14/14.39/4.44, amperage of charging station: 0/0/0 => available: 31986/31985.61/31995.56 2025-02-24 20:33:36.439 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available max amperage: 31985.61 2025-02-24 20:33:36.439 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Available surplus: -7362.97 2025-02-24 20:33:36.439 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) pvAutomaticsActive: false, vehicleIsPlugged: false 2025-02-24 20:33:36.439 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) new current due to vehicle not plugged or pv automatics not active is 16000 2025-02-24 20:33:36.439 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) wallbox set to charging maximum of 16000 mA 2025-02-24 20:33:36.671 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Sent "report 100" to 2025-02-24 20:33:36.673 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 16, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 234731, "E pres": 344, "started[s]": 1739637416, "ended[s]": 1739637466, "started": "2025-02-15 16:36:56.000", "ended": "2025-02-15 16:37:46.000", "reason": 1, "timeQ": 3, "RFID tag": "02b5e3ab00000000", "RFID class": "8618780a000000000000", "Serial": "28345628", "Sec": 873667 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:36.673 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) History ID received: 00 2025-02-24 20:33:38.888 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "2", "State": 2, "Error1": 0, "Error2": 0, "Plug": 7, "AuthON": 0, "Authreq": 0, "Enable sys": 1, "Enable user": 1, "Max curr": 16000, "Max curr %": 266, "Curr HW": 16000, "Curr user": 16000, "Curr FS": 0, "Tmo FS": 0, "Curr timer": 16000, "Tmo CT": 0, "Setenergy": 0, "Output": 0, "Input": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch source": 0, "X2 phaseSwitch": 0, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020372 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:38.889 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:33:38.957 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:33:39.188 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "3", "U1": 225, "U2": 227, "U3": 228, "I1": 0, "I2": 0, "I3": 0, "P": 0, "PF": 0, "E pres": 28721, "E total": 76240196, "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020373 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:39.189 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:33:39.257 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1 2025-02-24 20:33:39.489 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) UDP datagram from "{ "ID": "100", "Session ID": 2644, "Curr HW": 16000, "E start": 76211475, "E pres": 28721, "started[s]": 1740414712, "ended[s]": 0, "started": "2025-02-24 16:31:52.000", "ended": "0", "reason": 5, "timeQ": 0, "RFID tag": "0000000000000000", "RFID class": "00000000000000000000", "Serial": "17405468", "Sec": 2020373 } " 2025-02-24 20:33:39.490 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Search can't be optimized because wildcard not at the end, fallback to keys!: function(doc) { if (doc.type === 'state') emit(doc._id, doc) } 2025-02-24 20:33:39.557 - debug: kecontact.0 (64647) Message from send to kecontact.1